
Left Behind..AN URGENT MESSAGE...For all!

"Left Behind?" Urgent Message For All!
by brother Larry

This is a message of hope for all who are in despair because of their loved ones who vanished or disappeared. If you ever want to be reunited with those you love then PLEASE read this very carefully!

First of all, please understand that if you take your life, you are guaranteed to never see or be with your loved ones again! The reason you have been separated from them is not because of them being kidnapped by terrorists or abducted by aliens! They have been taken from the earth by Jesus Christ to Heaven by an event prophesied in the event that has been referred to as the Rapture or catching away!

 It is written in the living Bible in 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 verses 15-18: 15 "I can tell you this directly from the Lord: that we who are still living when the Lord returns will not rise to meet Him ahead of those who are in their graves. 16 for the Lord Himself will come down from heaven with a mighty shout and with the soul-stirring cry of the Ark Angel and the great trumpet-call of GOD and the believers who are dead will be the first to rise to meet the Lord. 17 Then we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and remain with Him forever. 18 So comfort and encourage each other with this news."

Did you notice the words "caught up" in verse 17? Those words in the Greek are termed rapturo, or what we call rapture! The reason Paul, the Apostle wrote in verse 18 to comfort and encourage each other with this news is because he new this day was coming and he knew how broken and distraught people would be when their loved ones were taken from them! He was pointing to the fact that the separation did not nee to be permanent! There could be a reunion for you and yours!

In 1 Corinthians 15 verses 51-53 in the Living Bible it is written: 51 "But I am telling you this strange and wonderful secret: we shall not all die, but we shall all be given new bodies! 52 It will all happen in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. For there will be a trumpet blast from the sky and all the Christians who had died will suddenly come alive with new bodies that will never, never die; and then we who are still alive shall suddenly have new bodies too. 53 For our earthly bodies, the ones we have now that can die, must be transformed into heavenly bodies that cannot perish but will live forever."

Friends, I know that this is a lot to accept at one time, but it is nevertheless the truth! I can assure you that anyone you might ever have known that was a faithful Christian and died, their remains "would not" be in their casket...its a "guarantee"! And it is too much to be a coincidence that all the adults who vanished were devout Christians and the children were all young and innocent! You see, when GOD created man and woman, Adam and Eve, He intended them to live forever not just for 70 or 80 years! In fact, mankind really never does die...he or she simply leaves his or her body and goes to their eternal destiny, Heaven or hell! Refusing to believe in either or both of their existences does not prevent their reality! I've never seen a million dollars, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist, right?

Friends, please understand that there is no room for error in the decision you must now make! That's why Jesus Christ died on the give you and I a guaranteed means of going to Heaven! Consider something...if Jesus didn't die to save you and I, He died for nothing...and GOD would not have made such a sacrifice for "nothing"! It doesn't matter what you've done wrong in or with your life, He will still save you! The thief on the cross in the gospel of Luke chapter 23 verses 42-43 never did anything holy in his whole life as far as we know except to ask Jesus to save him and Jesus gave His solemn promise that He would, that very day!

The decision you will have to make in the days to come will determine where you will be FOREVER...PLEASE make the right one...ask Jesus to forgive your sins and save your soul, and He will! Heaven is a very real, very wonderful place where your loved ones anxiously are waiting for you to join them forever! But "please" understand that hell is a very real place too...a place where people will be tortured by satan and his demons "forever"! Read "Twenty Three Minutes in Hell" by Bill Weiss or look it up on Youtube or the internet! GOD had him delivered there for 23 minutes so that he could and would warn people of hell's reality and of the horrible things that are being done to those who go there!

Friends, ask yourself a question: if what you are reading here is a lie and you believe it, what have you lost? But if what you are reading here is the truth and you don't believe it, what have you lost?

In the gospel of Mark chapter 8 in verse 36 in the King James Bible it is written: "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Jesus died to keep you and I out of Him!

It is critically important that once you've repented of all your sins and asked Jesus into your heart to save your soul that you never publically reject Jesus Christ as you will be demanded to do! There will be a powerful leader to come onto the scene just following the Rapture. This person will be able to perform mighty miracles as well as signs and wonders. He will establish a Peace Covenant with Israel and the Palestinians for 7 years and will be accepted as the messiah. But know this...the true Messiah will not surface as a person from another country or city! The real Messiah will come at the end of the 7 year tribulation period! His name is Jesus Christ and His coming is prophesied in the Living Bible in Matthew chapter 24 verses 23-27, and it is written: 23 "Then if anyone tells you, the Messiah has arrived at such and such a place, or has appeared here or there, don't believe it" 24 For false christs shall arise, and false prophets, and will do wonderful miracles, so that if it were possible, even GOD's chosen ones would be deceived. 25 See, I have warned you. 26 So if someone tells you the Messiah has returned and is out in the desert, don't bother to go and look. or that He is hiding at a certain place, don't believe it! 27 For as the lightning flashes across the sky from East to West, so shall my coming be, when I the Messiah, return.

Please understand that anyone who claims to be the Messiah or GOD who does not appear to the world in the following manner is a liar and deceiver!

 In the Living Bible chapter 24 verse 30 it is written: 30 "And then at last the signal of my coming will appear in the heavens and there will be deep mourning all around the earth and the nations of the world will see Me arrive in the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory.

So you see friends, if "everyone" on earth doesn't see the Messiah coming in the sky at the "same time"', it isn't the Messiah it is a false messiah sent by satan called the antichrist! This antichrist will immediately begin to persecute Christians and will label them as haters and deceive the world by killing and burning innocent people and property and frame Christians for it! He will say that these Christians are standing in the way of people reaching their full potential as gods and should be killed. He will have them beheaded as the Bible points out.

Ask yourself a question: why would Christians be willing to die for a false religion or a false god? They wouldn't! And why would the people of the earth not be willing to die for one who claims to be GOD? Because he isn't!

This antichrist is also referred to in the Bible as the beast because he will live up to that reputation! The trials that will be held for Christians won't be trials at all! They will be used to exploit hatred with the people by fanning the flames of hate by the author of hate himself...satan! He will soon after the Rapture of Christians world wide begin requiring all people of the earth to receive a micro chip, tattoo, or implant in order to buy or sell. DO NOT ACCEPT IT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! Anyone who does will damned is the mark of the beast and portrays eternal commitment to satan and the selling of one's soul to him! In the book of Revelation chapter 14 verses 9-12 in the Living Bible it is written: 9 "Then a third angel followed them shouting, anyone worshiping the creature from the sea and his statue and accepting his mark on the forehead or the hand, 10 must drink the wine of the anger of GOD; it is poured out undiluted into GOD's cup of wrath. And they will be tormented with fire and burning sulphur in the presence of the Holy angels and the Lamb. 11 The smoke of their torture rises forever and ever, and they will have no relief day or night, for they have worshipped the creature and his statue, and have been tattooed with the code of his name. 12 Let this encourage GOD's people to endure patiently every trial and persecution, for they are His saints who remain firm to the end in obedience to His commands and trust in Jesus."

Please understand that remaining faithful to the end for Jesus could, and likely will cost you your life. But if you aren't faithful to the Lord, if you deny Jesus as your Savior publically in order to save your life, you will be lost forever and condemned to hell forever as well! And what satan and his demons do to the people there every day, every night forever, will make what's done on the earth look like a spank on the hand!

Make the right choice friends, choose Jesus! No other name or person can save you! He died for you and I! If it is required, die for will forever be thankful you did! Please repeat the following prayer with a sincere heart and contrite spirit and remain true to the Lord Jesus by not denying Him under any and all circumstances, and you too will be saved! In Matthew chapter 24 verse 13 it is written 13 "But those enduring to the end shall be saved.

Dear Jesus, I know I am a sinner. I pray that you will forgive me for all of my sins, that you will come into my heart and be my Lord, the savior of my life. I confess that you died on the cross to save me from my sins and I am committed to turning away from those sins. I ask that you give me the strength, abundant faith and perseverance to overcome and endure any and all attacks by the enemy, including my desire to sin, or deny you, so that I may serve you completely even until the end. I pray that you will give me discernment so that I may know all things that are truth, and the knowledge acquired from reading your Word. Use me this day as I am a willing vessel Lord, in leading others to your kingdom. Wash me as white as snow. Put a hedge of protection around me as I go forth in doing your will. Thank you Jesus for saving me, as I know that only through my faith in you that all this is possible. Amen! Father God, may these words fall on those who will accept them and give their hearts, lives and souls to Jesus Christ and receive the salvation Jesus died Jesus name I pray, Amen!

By Brother Larry

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