A Dream from the Lord Yeshua
Sheryl (5/30/18)
Dream started I could see the two women at walmart, the same two I saw in reality last night! I thought I was behind 2 witches. Little did I know one was saved or will be saved! This dream was about the white light shaped like a cross. It was either turned upside down or it was right side up! Amazing to see each one done that way.
I was already changed. The power to see each person was so great. I went up to each one with a cross (right side up) and witnessed to them. I had a sense to stay away from the upside down crosses! Dream over.
Another dream started immediately. It was after the people escaped, but before the rapture occurred. It was awful.
It started as a bunch of people were in my home. They were hungry and needed clothes and drink. We had a fireplace with a lot of logs. We had beds and clothes, lots of them. We had even dehydrated food and canned vegetables in the pantry. We had bottled up the water, so they could live on that a little while, if they weren't so greedy. We had plenty of Christian material, including six to seven Bibles and my print out of Dreams from Yeshua!
I was gone. I was an observer in a dream that seemed so real. There were the people who were staying at my home. Then, all of a sudden, there was airplanes that were shooting people and then the paratroopers began to come. Everyone got real quiet. Then, we saw the soldier. He had seen the woman going to stand behind the door. He shot at her. She fell down. He left to move on to kill others. He didn't look foreign at all!
The woman came back to life. Then, she went to another woman who was shot. It happened exactly the same. Both of the women were not hurt. They either had been saved and was protected by Jesus OR it was about to be or being the 5 months with locusts flying about stinging men. Could the locusts had been the helicopters and planes? Could it just have been the guns on the soldiers and the machines? They wouldn't sting the people that were marked by the Lord God! But, they were knocked out, only to revive once again - the Christians. The bad people had to be stung over and over again, but they would want to be knocked out or even die, but couldn't. The only thing was the Christians never felt the sting! They had the blood on them, I saw it!
A very moving and real dream by the Lord Yeshua! This means that we aren't going until I buy the dehydrator and can stuff. I need to pick the vegetables, but they are just growing the leaves real good. No flowers yet. We are going to be ready by July to September time frame to have everything finished in the garden.
Revelation 9:2-11
2And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.
3And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.
4And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.
5And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.
6And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.
7¶And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men.
8And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions.
9And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle.
10And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months.
11And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.
Revelation 22:12-13
12¶And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.
13I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
John 3:15-21
15That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
17For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
18¶He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
19And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
20For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
21But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
Romans 3:23
23For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
Are you ready to be saved, to be held in His warm embrace no matter come what may? Then, say a prayer that is somewhat like this:
Lord Yeshua/Jesus you are good and the light of the world! Everything you do is in your control! I realize you are the only way, truth, and the life; and that no man cometh to the Father but by you! I want you to enter my heart and scan it real good. I want you to bring things about which I need to work on.
You died for me and all the rest that lived and died and many more will do the same! I believe in you, Lord! You were crucified, resurrected, and ascended into Heaven! I believe that your strong words are true, that you are preparing a place for me!
I must learn how to die each day for you! I must pick up the cross and walk with you! I love you! Please, come into my heart and save me, Lord Yeshua/Jesus!
Be ready, steady, and prepared for our Lord Yeshua/Jesus to come! Remember, we must experience the shaking, breaking, quaking, and taking before He comes! Amen! Amen! Amen!
"So will I" by Hillsong United was playing in my mind.
To God be the glory!
Amen! Amen! Amen!
As with everything you read, take it to the Lord Yeshua/Jesus!
A Vision During Prayer from Yeshua
Sheryl (5/28/18)
During prayer time: I told the Lord Yeshua that I wanted to tell you all that the months 6, 7, 8, and 9 could have been in days, instead. He told me to close my eyes. So, I did. Then, he said, "What do you see?" I said, "Lord, I don't see anything." Then, he said, "What do you see?" I said that I could see the 13th, July 4th fireworks, eagles, and mountains (Mt. Zion).
He gave me time to think about each one. The number 13 is a date. It is often the sign of the new moon, as people know it. So, that would be in June our time.
Moving on, we have the 4th of July fireworks. People celebrate the 4th of July with some sort of fireworks. Many people have dreams of the fireworks turning into bombs! And, that is North Korea. So, that is July.
In August, I saw a bunch of eagles that were getting prepared to come and take us home. So, that's August.
In September, I saw the mountain: Mount Zion! So, the eagles come and takes us up to the mountain of God!
I say to the Lord Yeshua, I understand it isn't about the days 6, 7, 8, and 9. It is about the months June through September! It is only October because the 4th of October is actually September 24. Anyway, the stuff that's going to happen to us Christians (true believers) happen in the week of July 4, 2018 throughout October 7-8!
It is so exciting! He is ready right now to come and get us, but he is long-suffering and doesn't want for any to perish. He knows he is going to have many to perish, but he doesn't want it to happen! He loves us all very much!
He says he loves us all very much. And that he is ready to come and get you. But, I need to save more people. And that I won't tarry! I am coming for you, my bride! I need to have more guests join me. Patience, my bride. It will be in God's perfect timing! It will not be much longer. Many will die, but it's to see me in glory! The ones that don't die will be taken up to be with me! You are greatly loved by the 3 in 1! Remember that! - Yeshua Ha'Mashiach
Amen! Amen! Amen!
To God be the glory!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
As with everything you read, take this to the Lord Yeshua/Jesus in prayer!
God’s Final Warning to California/America
Right now California is under the worst drought in 500 years. Starting in December 2012, the rains stopped with no sign of the drought breaking. On December 7, 2012, the US Supreme Court agreed to hear the California homosexual “marriage” case. This coincides exactly with the weather patterns changing to start this record-breaking drought! God set the stage for the final judgment of California.
God is now directly dealing with the sin and rebellion of this state and America. As the drought destroys California, it will bring judgment on America’s food supply. A huge percentage of America’s food comes from this state.
California has enshrined homosexuality and homosexual “marriage” into the fabric of the state and its laws. The US Supreme Court used California’s rebellion to advance homosexual “marriage” throughout America. Nearly the entire government of this state, from the governor down, is in total rebellion against God and supports the entire homosexual agenda.
Starting in 1987, I began to warn America of God’s coming final judgment for several sins, including the homosexual agenda. I felt that legalizing and promoting homosexual “marriage” was the trigger for the final judgment. I still feel this way, and I think the final judgment is now manifesting itself in this horrific California drought. God might use this state as an example for the rest of the nation to the reality of His word.
I do not think the judgment is limited to the drought. What is to follow are massive fires that burn entire towns along with powerful earthquakes destroying the state’s infrastructure. The economy will collapse and millions will flee the state and become like refugees. This will ripple into the destruction of America. This final judgment appears right on top of us.
Leviticus 18:24,25 Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants.
The vast numbers of Christians seem anesthetized to what is happening and are in denial as they have lost the fear of God. The only way to stop this final judgment is for the governor and many other state officials leading the state in repentance before the Lord, and asking Him to heal the land from the sin. The reprobates rather see the state destroyed in judgment than turn to God in repentance; thus, it is now just a matter of time, and not much time, for the final judgment. California, with America following, is in its final death throes.
There is no nation that turns from God as America has and promotes the homosexual agenda with even calling it homosexual “marriage” without judgment. God is holy and He ordained marriage between a man and woman. Since God’s church will not stand up to the reprobate agenda, then He will. This is what is playing out right now before our eyes.
The authority of God’s word is starting to manifest in His judgments against Americans for the mass killing of their children and the militant promoting of the homosexual agenda. God has warned and warned America since 1987, which I have documented in my books and on this blog. If you follow this blog, I document the judgment/warnings as they were happening. Like Sodom, the sin of America has reached heaven and now God is moving in His holiness to judge. All of God’s judgments are righteous and true.
When you read the following articles, I numbered the headings. The numbers represent the chronological order in which the events happened. Numbers one and two are directly from my blog as I posted them. I linked back to the original postings in case you want to read them.
It is all set now. California is hardened in its sin, mocking the Holy God of Israel. The LORD God of Israel is now arising to defend His holiness, which is offended by this mocking. It is as if we are watching this incredible drama playing out before our eyes. The stakes are very high, because in the end America will cease as we know it.
In the end, all the judgments found in the Bible connected with California’s sin and rebellion will overtake this state and destroy it. How sad this is.
Our hope remains in looking for the coming of the Lord Jesus for His bride. This is the anchor of soul and keeps us from the fear which is going to overtake the nation.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you, as His righteous judgments begin to unfold on California, America and the nations.
Psalm 107:33,34 He turneth rivers into a wilderness, and the watersprings into dry ground; A fruitful land into barrenness, for the wickedness of them that dwell therein.
DeAsia's Rapture Dream
I'm only 13 years old, and even I understand the severity and seriousness that most adults don't. I had an idea of what this dream meant, but it was even more clear to me when explained.
The Lord has given me several Rapture dreams since I was a little girl. I remember one where I was sitting in the middle of a road with all of my friends and family. We were all just sitting, talking, and laughing as normal.
In the blink of an eye, everything changed. Crowds of people were rushing out at us. They were spitting, cursing, fighting... it was complete chaos! My friends/family and I became frightened and started to pray. I said, "Lord, please help us! Please stop these people! I know you are able to protect us."
As soon as I finished praying, the ground below us started to crack, crumble, and break apart. My friends/family and I fell through the ground. We landed in darkness, but I felt like I was in an ocean (because I started to swim). I could only see my friends/family.
We swam what seemed like forever, and then I saw a light. We all swam into the light. When we did, we were struck by the most beautiful thing ever in my life... those pearly white & gold gates of heaven.
I started to cry because I had never seen a more beautiful sight. We walked towards the gate, but before we could get there a glittering pedestal, (like pastors use in church), rose before us. A great angel appeared before us and read every name. The only ones there was me, my dad, and my sister, and the angel called my name.
I felt overjoyed to be with my friends, my mom and my other sister. But, when it came to my older sister & my dad, the angel said nothing and pointed to the left. In an instant, two demons came through the floor and threw them both in cages. My mom was in tears and so was my sister. But, that couldn't change the judgment.
The angel opened the gates and said "Welcome to the Kingdom of God." We all filed into the magnificent
scene. Everyone walked around to different areas. As I walked through an area that looked like a parking lot, I felt nothing but peace & happiness.
However, at this time a black mass covered me. I suddenly felt the breath being taken from my body. I could not udder but one word... Jesus. As soon as I said that word, I heard a great voice call out. The voice said, "Depart from this pure and holy place!" the black mass disappeared.
I turned around to see two pure white horses pulling a white and golden carriage. I looked to see who was in the carriage. It was a tall man; he was wearing a bright white robe. I looked to see his face, but it was too bright to see. He came down from the carriage and sat with me.
I asked him who he was and he said, "I Am Who I Am." I thought about it for a moment, then a big smile came across my face.
At that moment, I woke up. Now the first thing I say when I wake up is, "Jesus saved me."
from stevequayle.com
If you know what putschism is you are one up on me. Till a couple dats ago anyway. I awakened from a very short dream Monday morning. I dreamt I was sitting in the front passenger seat of a car when someone in the backseat said "putchism" to me. He then said to me "you don't know what that means do you?". Which neither in my dream nor awake did I know it's meaning. Though I did promptly google it. Steve, I am noone, but I do believe I was just warned we are very close to the sudden attempted coup here in the U.S.. -putschism : a secret, preplanned, sudden, riotous takeover from within.
I know this is not news to anyone who is awake. But, it is I believe a confirmation of coming events. God be with you all.
Rapture Dream Given to Rachael
God hates the appearance of evil....search your hearts! by Rachael Mushala
This morning ( DECEMBER 18) I had a scary supernatural dream (vision of the night) warning from Jesus about His coming. In the dream,I saw a lady who dearly loved the Lord. She walked in holiness in the fear of the Lord and was prayerful. Although she was married, I saw that another man was sent by satan to distract her walk with God. She was unaware of this but suddenly this man would ensure he availed himself at all the places the lady usually went and he made it look like an accident. He then began trying to get close to her,chatting with her whenever he saw her.
The man’s intentions were clear through his actions though he didn’t verbally state them yet,and the lady knew the man was after her. She however remembered the warning of how much God hates adultery and determined within her heart to never give in to what the man wanted. However,the man kept trying to get close to her. Sitting next to her and chatting with her at every opportunity, and despite her knowing the man’s intentions, she tolerated him and thought to herself that she would just ‘be friends’ with the man and that she would never allow it to exceed that. As time went by,I saw that the man kept trying his best to get close to this lady with the intention of having an adulterous relationship with her.
Then I saw a scene were the lady was walking home in the night. It was as if there was a power outage because it was dark everywhere in her neighborhood and a torch was needed to be able to see well. I saw that very man coming from a nearby place coming to join the road she was in but when she saw him,she decided to avoid him and not tolerate him anymore because of the intentions he had. She ran to a nearby building and hid there. She peeped through a space in the wall to check if he was gone and when he was gone she came out of her hiding and proceeded on her way. It was at this point that I noticed she was carrying a torch but she had switched it off.
At the same time,she noticed her torch was off and she switched it on again but immediately she switched it on,she noticed that Jesus had come and she was left behind!! Then I saw how the rapture had happened in the middle of the night when it was dark everywhere. I saw people walking about on the streets but I also remember seeing a few who had lit torches and were using them to see. Although it was night,people were so busy and went about their business in the dark. Then suddenly I saw Jesus in the sky,He stood on a very bright cloud in the sky and people vanished from the earth! It happened so fast.
And all this happened before the lady decided to flee from this man who wanted an adulterous relationship with her. She was shocked and wondered why she was left behind because according to her she thought she was living a holy life and nothing had happened between her and the man! But immediately she said this,I heard Jesus speak from heaven. He told her,”when I came,I found that you had switched off your light therefore you were invisible to me in the dark.” “You knew the intentions of that man was to lead you to commit adultery with him and yet you still tolerated him and you decided to be ‘just friends’ with him instead of fleeing from him.By the time you decided to flee from him it was too late, I had already come,I found your light switched off.”
Then I woke up and I was very surprised and I tried to remember the scenes in the dream to see if the woman had eventually committed adultery but I couldn’t remember any. Immediately God gave me two verses; 1 Thessalonians 5:22 (KJV) “Abstain from ALL APPEARANCE OF EVIL” 1 Corinthians 6:18(KJV) ” Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.” ~ END of the dream~
You Are Running Out of Time Dream
I am a Christian Author, radio host. I saw your video about your moons. I just dreamed a few days ago where I first heard a voice saying "Your running out of time". I asked the holy spirit for what? My son's? Rapture? I then had a dream about first seeing 3 moons, then I was with a group of people surrounded by beautiful lush terrain and clear flowing creeks saying isn't this beautiful? I said Of course, but my home is alot more beautiful. Then I only saw a young woman carrying a child walking around the green Forrest and someone was setting small fires. I would watch her put them out, then I kept telling her to run and leave this area. Then when I finished talking to her I looked up at the Forrest and saw a Hugh fire that was spreading and couldn't be put.out. I felt danger all around, but she didn't acknowledge my words and I couldn't understand why she wasn't listening to my warnings. This was the end of my dream. It's been bothering me ever since. My name is Lorrie L. Timbs and if the Lord tells you anything let me know. I live on the Oregon coast and I have alot of Prophetic dreams. Also, I love guns too..lol.
Blessings, L. Timbs
A Dream from Yeshua
Sheryl (5/19/18)
Dream: Me and a woman I was with were at a airplane. We went to go inside and then it's like the seats were like an old bus. The seat itself was long and old and it seemed like it was uncomfortable. It seemed like we had to sit on it so it could go down. Also, there was no WiFi access at all.
The pilot asked why we don't sit at the front of the plane. We said it was okay in the middle back of the bus instead. Weird dream!
We were on the airplane - going on a trip to Heaven! There was no WIFI because there was an EMP that had happened. This tells me that we are going to have the EMP when we're boarding the plane. The plane is just symbolic for the trip home. But, the communication being wiped out when we go, that's real! Okay, so there is an EMP!
The seats that seemed like they were uncomfortable were there to remind us that we didn't need anything except the Lord Yeshua/Jesus! Both myself and the lady I was with said that we were okay in the middle back of the bus instead. Meaning, we were okay just knowing that we were gonna see the Lord Yeshua/Jesus! The reference to the bus versus the plane, meant that we wanted to have the "bus" transport us. In the end, it doesn't matter what type of transportation we use, what matters is the destination! Praise be to God!
Are you saved? Do you know you are saved? Do you know that the Lord Yeshua/Jesus already saved us from sin, but he wants for us to invite him in to your heart and make him the Lord of all?
Romans 10:9 says that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Are you ready? Tell Him you want to have him to come into your heart. Tell him how you've sinned and that you repent against everything. That means that you are going to leave it with him and try not to do the same sin! Tell him that you know he was crucified, resurrected, and ascended into Heaven for you and the whole world past, present, and future! You want him to make a home inside of you, and the Holy Spirit will do just that! Amen! Amen! Amen!
To God be the glory! Amen! Amen! Amen!
As with everything you read, take it to the Lord Yeshua in prayer!
Very soon, we go to our eternal home! Amen! Amen! Amen!
A Dream from Yeshua
Sheryl (5/14/18)
I was in a movie theater, but I wasn't seeing something happening to my joyous part - my heart. I think I was watching a person being raped. I didn't see the person, just the aftermath. What I saw was just the proof that leaked out on the body, and I knew it was a horror movie. There were two people that came up and said they wanted to see the movie, even though it is a horror movie. I told them I didn't mind seeing it with them. Then, I woke up!
The first thing I did was rebuked the dream. But, I could still see the image. I had to have seen the movie for a reason. Then, Yeshua gave me a song! I didn't feel like a song was the right thing to listen to. Still, He had a portion of the song and I heard it and wrote it down.
The Lord Yeshua played "You lift me up when I can't see. Your heart's all that I need. Your love carries me. So I'm letting go." which is called Lift Me Up by the Afters.
I absolutely hate horror movies. I especially hate movies with rape in them - period. Rape is a sin, and I wouldn't watch it happen to anyone! There had to be rape in the movie or else there was a scene where there had been intercourse. I am very disturbed!
I asked the Lord Yeshua whether or not I have to do this, and He said Yes, and I would have it done correctly. Then, I could send it to the blogspot. I, believe it or not, think that it's for someone who needs this information. It may not be you, but it might be you or someone in your family! Ok, here goes!
Being in a movie theater puts all of us at a chance for good or bad. Let me explain. Okay, you can watch a movie, a PG-13 movie, and everything is great. But, we see something that doesn't make our hearts sing with joy (Just like the dream). We are not going to leave the theater, because the majority of the movie is actually good. But, what about the snippet of horror? What does it do for the Holy Spirit?
The rape scene or intercourse was maybe a part of a good movie, but had that one little problem that I saw clearly, but did not want to leave. The one thing about rape was like a horror movie, to me! But, I didn't leave!
To make matters even worse, I told the other 2 women that I would go again. I could have closed my eyes during the bad parts, but it would still affect the Holy Spirit! It's like you are a child at home, and you cover your face when the awful stuff is happening. The Holy Spirit doesn't want you to conceal anything - ever! But, he tries to get us to change our badness and make them good!
I also have the situation with the 2 women. I dive right back under the influence of the movie. They want to watch it, so I give in. Let me ask you to think about this. Do you think that the Holy Spirit is comfortable in that situation? Here are some verses!
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.
John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship must worship him in spirit and in truth.
John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.
A negative influence in 1523 Strong's Concordance means to spin around (in a violent emotion). That's what you are doing when you either close your eyes or you choose to ignore the movie. The Holy Spirit just told me to say that having a negative influence can be a hurtful thing for many Christians. In fact, it is sin, that we must repent from doing it altogether! We need to have a joyous heart when these things get worse, and they will become worse!
Joy! Joy! Joy! We need our hearts to lift up and allow the Lord Yeshua to carry us home! That's all He wants to do - just carry us all home! Won't you let Him in your heart? It will be the greatest thing to happen! In these final days, everything is going to get worse, but at least you will have the freedom to say You are a child of God!
Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.
1 John 2:1 My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.
I hope this touches the people who are meant to be touched! Like I said before, it isn't for everyone! But, for those who are touched if you would like to pray to become as clean as our Lord Yeshua makes us in His sight, then pray something like this:
Tell Him you want to have him to come into your heart. Tell him how you've sinned and that you repent against everything. That means that you are going to leave it with him and try not to do the same sin! Tell him that you know he was crucified, resurrected, and ascended into Heaven for you and the whole world past, present, and future! You want him to make a home inside of you, and the Holy Spirit will do just that! Amen! Amen! Amen!
To God be the glory! Amen! Amen! Amen!
As with everything you read, take it to the Lord Yeshua in prayer!
Very soon, we go to our eternal home! Amen! Amen! Amen!
A Word Of The Lord 2018 by Deborah Waldron Fry
“Beloved. From the Mountain of the Lord, The Light from on High is shining.
You have come beyond the Veil. You have come into My courts with thanksgiving and praise. How honorable and pure you are by the Blood of the Lamb, My Warrior Bride.
I AM swinging wide the Gates, opening the Doors that no man can shut.
Do not fear. I hold the keys, My Child. These are no ordinary doors. You have dug into My Word to find them.
You have followed Me by faith, and not sight. You have fought the good fight of faith. It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter.
These are double doors of blessing that are being opened. You have knocked and I AM opening.
I AM a Rewarder of those who diligently seek Me.
I withhold NO GOOD THING from you, Dear One. You are My Child. You are a joint heir with Christ Jesus.
The time of the end has come, My Faithful One. You have allowed My Spirit to transform you from glory to glory.
Did I not say that you would reign in this life, that nothing shall be impossible to you?
Will you choose to believe?
Will you allow Me to bless you, exceedingly, abundantly beyond what you could ask or only imagine?
Do not cast away your confidence, My Love.
It’s a NEW Day, it’s a NEW Day. Look up. Double for your trouble. The Son is shining gloriously.”
“And the key of the house of David will I lay upon His shoulder; so He shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open,” Isaiah 22:22.
“It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter,” Proverbs 25:2.
“But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him,” Hebrews 11:6.
“Because of and through the heart of tender mercy and loving-kindness of our God, a Light from on high will dawn upon us and visit us. To shine upon and give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to direct and guide our feet in a straight line into the way of peace,” Luke 1:78-79.
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you,” Matthew 7:7.
“Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours,” Isaiah 61:7.
“And His appearance changed dramatically in their presence; and His face shone [with heavenly glory, clear and bright] like the sun, and His clothing became as white as light,” Matthew 17:2.
Dream is It prophetic or A revelation? by El aine
I thank God and the Holy Spirit for the dreams I do get. I certainly cannot come up with the scenarios that I get in my dreams from my every day situations. I have tried to make all the corrections for this dream in order for you to post I think it's an important dream.
This dream that I had last night was a pure eye opener. It left no shades of gray, no misinterpretations...... just plain out there.
The dream unfolds with me being in my city. My son was very agitated because people did not believe what he was saying. They all had their own opinionated minds about what was happening in the environment. People were running helter skelter, And they were frightened out of their minds, and there was a excessive amount of violence with both a lot of robbing, raping, breaking into occupied and unoccupied homes. Pandaemonium was the same theme for morning and night.
The cause of it all was the appearance of Nibiru. I could see indeed it was a red planet but it was more reddish orange than a true red but it was ugly. It didn't matter whether it was during the day or it was at night you could see it and to most people like it looked like wasn't going anywhere it was here to stay. My son, was trying to settle his friends and people's minds that seeing this planet didn't mean the end of the world. But they were still running helter and skelter still robbing, raping, killing people for their money for food or selling food that they stolen from the wealthy, and the stock market had crashed long ago. The sun shining but it was an ugly atmosphere in my city.
Right now today people are claiming that they see the planet Nibiru. They see a second sun in the sky and feel that it is Nibiru. It is not Nibiru. What they are seeing is Nibiru's moon!!!!!! I heard in my dream that the moon always precedes the planet!!!!!! Also these demons on the planet had a lot of mental influence over the people on the Earth and that was the cause of the instability and violence.
Very Important Message from the Lord Yeshua
Sheryl (5/15 & 5/16)
Dream: A piece of paper fell to the floor and the numbers 6,7,8,9 also was seen. It's the months, they were one passed down after the other. June, July, August, and September. "On the 4th day it is actually the 24th," says Yeshua, and "it is the day" says Yeshua! I told the Lord Yeshua that He would need to give me confirmations. Since, September fell to the floor, then that means October 4th is actually September 24.
Believe me, I didn't want to announce another 4 months and 2 weeks, but it could be happening. I wanted June to be the month, but it isn't. It is in July - October (Gregorian calendar)!
The next day, I was seeing turkeys that were running. I started talking to Kelley and then in an instant He played the song "birds sing hey ding, a ding a ding, sweet lovers love the spring" by Willy Wonka. I immediately knew what He was saying to me! Our spring is not how God views it.
When we are going to have summer, then that is when the Hebrews have spring! So, we have the Hebrew spring that we are concentrating on, not the Gregorian spring. This is where most of the bride is confused! The Hebrew calendar is 2 months behind the Gregorian calendar. In other words, July (Hebrew) is September (Gregorian). And, remember we are 2 months behind because it is related to the Roman calendar wanting to change the months, so we are actually July when it is September on the calendar. So, based on the information in the dream, the escape might either be in July to October!
While praying, the Lord Yeshua said that it isn't going to happen on what we consider "Pentecost." I said Lord Yeshua, it isn't until September, right? You have told me when it is! He said, you are right, man is wrong! Man is getting everything to be false. It was the 3rd and final confirmation! September is correct, but we do not know which one it is, and I am relieved that I won't be doing any more date setting. He says it is spring; therefore, it is spring! We will know when September 24th begins. It will be the 4th day on our calendar - no matter what month. I am told that I will know, and I trust in the Lord Yeshua!
He said that I am to hold back this message until after the "Pentecost" is done. Many will want to give up. That is when I step in and give the message! Don't you dare give up! He is right at the corner! Rejoice, sing for the Lord Yeshua is coming to get us for himself! Everybody needs to have faith in the Lord Yeshua! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Luke 12:40 Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.
Habakkuk 2:3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.
Keep your heads held high to the stars above! Look for anything out of the ordinary! Watch and pray always!
Luke 21:36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Amen! Amen! Amen!
To God be the glory!
With everything you read, take it to the Lord Yeshua!
If you want to become saved, please pray something like this.
Tell Him you want to have him to come into your heart. Tell him how you've sinned and that you repent against everything. That means that you are going to leave it with him and try not to do the same sin! Tell him that you know he was crucified, resurrected, and ascended into Heaven for you and the whole world past, present, and future! You want him to make a home inside of you, and the Holy Spirit will do just that! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Dream From Yeshua
Sheryl 5/20/18)
Dream From Yeshua
Sheryl 5/20/18)
Dream: I was in the house (modern) and 2 guys were angry with each other. Then, a cupid showed up. I looked out the window at the night sky, then I saw a plane crash. It was very vivid! It was old, too. It was like steam punkerish!
The plane crashed before me. It came down like it forgot how to fly or like the EMP had attacked everything. It was chinese. This man had come up to the pilot, and said the Chinese had died. I held my boy and said, "You know it's happening." He said, "Yes, it is." I put my arms around him and started walking down a now entering just about to cook some kind of restaurant, but it seemed old fashioned. I told him, "Let's get some good food." We walked along the wooden planks to get something to eat. Dream ended.
I was praying at work, that the dream I had would make sense. Is it symbolic or literal in terms of understanding how to relay the information? The Holy Spirit told me that it was both. I wanted to know a confirmation for the dream, the information, I was given. Then, he gave it to me.
I was at In2ThinAir (YouTube) to watch weather. Then, at the last part of the weather, the man said that the volcano is "a steam-driven explosion. " I know this, but I did not place it immediately with the dream. I had a feeling of a "steam punk" sort of nature. That didn't make any sense. But, I became real curious, and wanted to know if an EMP is caused by a volcano! So, I did some digging while at work.
I found on the website sourcinginnovation.com what I needed to know. It says "An EMP, or an electromagnetic pulse, is a short, typically intense, burst of electromagnetic energy that is generally disruptive, if not damaging to, electrical and electronic equipment, and high energy EMPS can even damage buildings and aircraft.
"While not likely, an intense earthquake or massive volcanic eruption could (theoretically) cause an EMP similar to that produced by a massive (nuclear) explosion (as electrical discharges have been recorded as a result of earthquakes.)"
So, it was an EMP caused by the volcano that made the Chinese pilot fall from the sky! It never did a nose dive, it just fell. It is like one minute it was flying, and the next time it came crashing down. It was strong and powerful. Just Boom!
It would make perfect sense had the EMP just happened when the Chinese pilot invaded the US. This means that everywhere all over the world the EMP happened! I do not know if the effects from the EMP will be short-lived. I only know what the Holy Spirit told me!
I saw my son after the plane crashed, and his response was just perfect! I was walking on the planks, like it was the old west. I was going to take me and my son to go eat - walking, not driving a car. Now, I am in the woods, not in the old west. It is like everything will change! We knew that our food was going to be the finale. Lord Yeshua was going to come and get us!
It meant an awful lot for an anxiety filled young man to tell me, "Yes, it is." And to just be walking normal after all that had happened. (The Holy Spirit gave me this information just now!) The part about the food that we were going to eat was actually the Holy Spirit! We knew it was time!
By the way, the angered men had to be on television. They also had to be homosexual, because the cupid clued me in on that. It was a good thing that I looked at the window when I did. Something tells me that to continue to watch television is a very bad thing! It could have been a commercial, but it was definitely a distraction. I was able to overcome the distraction, just in time. But, so many will be watching the television when the EMP happens to go off!
Everything must shake, break, quake, and take before we go home (Someone at YouTube is commended for this - not me)! If that is the case, shaking, breaking (volcanoes) would cause global earthquakes to occur and the EMP (No communications). We would have no way to talk to our loved ones. We would have to be changed! Then, we would be taken by the Holy Spirit! Amen! Amen! Amen!
If you want to become saved, please pray something like this.
Tell Him you want to have him to come into your heart. Tell him how you've sinned and that you repent against everything. That means that you are going to leave it with him and try not to do the same sin! Tell him that you know he was crucified, resurrected, and ascended into Heaven for you and the whole world past, present, and future! You want him to make a home inside of you, and the Holy Spirit will do just that! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Later that day, I was watching youtube and listened to Andrew Rich and she was interpreting a lady. Close to the end of the video, is a rabbit that runs so fast. Rabbits are spring. Also, in the I, Pet Goat II there is a rabbit! The exit sign goes in the back by the rabbit.
Then, to make matters more interesting, I saw a bunny rabbit that was at work, it crossed my vehicle. It is spring! I have never before seen a rabbit at work. It was something! The Lord Yeshua needs to tell us that it is spring! We are going home! Amen! Amen! Amen!
By the way, the peace plan is supposed to be in the middle of June! Just saying!
May 20 - Dream, it s tomorrow, meaning this year not next year, wow must watch to understand!!!
Dream from Yvan
I received a picture very briefly before my eyes before waking up this morning. I share it with you, because I have trouble understanding its meaning ... although I have some ideas.
I saw several large round plastic pots, about 1m high, and they were all upside down lying all in the same direction, in the direction that is moving away in front of me. There were 3 front row side by side in a very orderly way, then just behind there were still 4 (but I'm not sure there could be 5, because the picture was very short and n ' I did not focus on absolute counting). They too were very orderly, next to each other. So in all this should make 7 pots (plastic).
A bit of the style below but without the cover ... and lying on the side:
It reminds me of the Word, rather the description of baskets ... and also thinks of the dreams that Joseph has interpreted, and I wonder if it can represent days, weeks or months that have passed. Like a bit of a time count that has passed, or is about to happen, but it seems to me rather than it goes in a past time. Do we come before a deadline or on the one hand a great blessing will happen, and on the other, at the same time
Be blessed.
I saw several large round plastic pots, about 1m high, and they were all upside down lying all in the same direction, in the direction that is moving away in front of me. There were 3 front row side by side in a very orderly way, then just behind there were still 4 (but I'm not sure there could be 5, because the picture was very short and n ' I did not focus on absolute counting). They too were very orderly, next to each other. So in all this should make 7 pots (plastic).
A bit of the style below but without the cover ... and lying on the side:
It reminds me of the Word, rather the description of baskets ... and also thinks of the dreams that Joseph has interpreted, and I wonder if it can represent days, weeks or months that have passed. Like a bit of a time count that has passed, or is about to happen, but it seems to me rather than it goes in a past time. Do we come before a deadline or on the one hand a great blessing will happen, and on the other, at the same time
Be blessed.
My Reply:
Interesting dream and I do believe the meaning is significant. The total number of pots were 7 and 7 in the Bible a lot of time had to do with some kind of warning of judgment. Maybe the two rows represented two weeks. 3 sets of judgments in the first week, then 4 in the next for a total of 7. My guess is when a judgment takes place, the pot will be turned over and filled. They are all upside down right now which means it hasn’t happened yet. It will be interesting to see what is to come in the next couple weeks. I posted this. Thanks for sending. 😊
thank you, yes but the pots are not upside down but lying on their side, as if they were flipped to one side. For my part, I thought about the 7 years of the tribulations that are definitely coming this year, just after the kidnapping.
Indeed, there are the first 3 years of tribulations that will be less difficult (more or less) than the 3.5 years that end the 7 years ...
My Reply:
Thank you for clearing that up. Lying on their side could have the same interpretation about the judgment not being fulfilled. But you may be right it could very well have something to do with the 7 year tribulation. It must be close!
Rapture Dream by Diana Glass
I was just standing up and others and their families started flying. I was being lifted up. I was in the sky and I heard the old fashiniond trumpet, the shofar and I'm telling you sisters and brothers in Christ, we are closer than we know. Because after I woke up, I heard a trumpet being blown. Right after I woke up from my amazing, beautiful, wonderful rapture dream, I heard a trumpet being blown. I honestly thought that was the rapture but it wasn't. I know that God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit has perfect timing and yes he is really ready to lift up his family to lift up his bride. Look at what's going on with Jews…look at what's going on with Isrsel, the signs are here. And I do believe and I have faith that God the Father is pouring out his spirit onto everybody that will honestly tell their rapture dreams and rapture warnings. I believe it will happen any second now, that's why I watch any second of every day because the next second you never know. And I really do know this…when God the Father, his son Jesus and the Holy Spirit but you through the storms no matter what it is. No matter if its real bad problems, no matter if its really bad health problems no matter what it is. His will his planning his timing is so perfect. I do believe he does so absolutely no, absolutely yes, or absolutely wait. He's trying to get you ready for something, he's trying to make you strong and to let you know WE ARE GOING HOME….WE ARE GOING HOME sooner than anybody knows. Look at what is going on in Israel. Look at what is going on in Jerusalem. The signs are here! Keep looking up!
An SQ Alert from Stevequayle.com
IBM has brought out at a trade show for sale a full computer the size of a grain of salt, yes, a grain of Salt, costing only 10 cents each to manufacture
Well, the imbedded chip, the most likely mark of the beast to be, just got a lot smaller and better. IBM has brought out at a trade show for sale a full computer the size of a grain of salt, yes, a grain of salt, costing only 10 cents each to manufacture, that can carry full individual ID info for anything, a product, animal, person, anything. It is called a “ crypto anchor”. This could be embedded in anything,be not visible, make no “lump” or such to be discernible, and thus could very likely be perfect for Identification of anything or anyone for whatever purpose necessary. Of course they do not call it or mention the “mark”, but that is what it could be used for most easily, besides all the others. Just wanted to let you know of the latest advancement in this device that could be used for very evil intention, or be touted as “good” for those who are so gullible to desire it. Take care, God be with you. Jesus is Lord.
A prophetic warning for Hawaii
A prophecy fulfilled...received on 4/22/17...Author Unknown
I submit the following for your testing in God, and with some in-trepidation knowing many may not easily accept or receive such a word. I understand this “word of (message from) God” is about Hawaii, and is one I have prayed over for some time. It came in the form of a dream(s) one night, and I have held before the Lord Jesus Christ for a while. I sensing it is a warning, and knowing God can reveal possible futures to pray against, or actual futures to prepare for, so I pray that as a word of God it would travel to its destiny, and be heard, and if not from Him fall to the ground and do no harm.
Prophetic dreams are not new to many, and the Bible reveals them being used to bring a message to humankind form God in the Old and New Testaments. The books Joel and Acts revealing this to be a ministry of the Holy Spirit. The key seems to be discerning if such messages are from God, and also there meaning. I share both the dream and the interpretation, in the hope they both edify or actually allow better understanding to be received by others.
The dream
On April 3, 2017, I had two dreams in quick succession of each other. Well they seemed like two at first, but in hindsight it would seem that they were the one message.
In the first, I see people on an island (largish) moving towards a port where a large, older style, tall ship is berthed. Initially the people seem to be moving slowly, and even reluctantly. It seems I (and perhaps others) are warning of danger. The people start to realise that they need to react to the warnings, and start to move more quickly. Looking up I see dark clouds, and then three volcanoes. The third, and tallest, is erupting with lots of dark plumes/clouds, heat, etc. coming out of it. People are making there way to the boat in the port – a large ship like a square rigger of old.
Now panning back, I am looking down on the island, where the people are still just visible, and the full scene is revealed with the ship in harbour readying to leave, and the volcano continuing to emit dark clouds. Suddenly the volcano (which is a little out the back) erupts explosively, send massive shockwaves, and then debris and heat, destroying the land and all that is in the harbour…it seems the warnings could have been heeded too late…but it is to hard to see.
In the following dream I receive a package from my grandmother who I think hand delivers it (although it seems to have been in a post bag). It contains a note from her, and (maybe 3) cards we had sent her granddaughter. These are Christmas cards, and showed us that she treasured these cards…causing me to cry. We also receive a letter from the mother of the granddaughter, my grandmother’s daughter, which I started to read. As I do so I am disrupted and awake. The message was thanking us for our help and intervention in relation to an earthquake, or major event, in the United States. Interestingly, the three women in real life have passed on and are, I believe, with our Lord Jesus in heaven.
The interpretation
While I understand such dreams can have more than one meaning, and not just be a result of poor sleep or whatever, this is what I discern heaven was revealing in such a message. The package, cards, note, and letter, speak of messages from God. Probably messages that have taken some time to come, or have been waiting for some time to receive.
The major event in the US spoken of in the letter, and the major eruption are one and the same. Probably pointing to a large earthquake, and volcanic eruption, and it seems on the land. The fact people were being warning in the first part, and the letter containing thanks for intervention, reveals that warning is being issued, and a response can have good results. Perhaps in action and prayer. The Christmas cards, and the mention of the three generations of women, revealing that it is probably the timing being around Christmas time – knowing too that one of the times that we would see three women together was a Christmas gatherings. It also speaks of agreement, and perhaps the time period – three years.
The large volcano, and the fact there are three of them, perhaps revealing the location in the US is Hawaii…noting it is an island, needing ships, and (following research after the dream) has three active volcanoes. Of the three deemed active volcanoes, the tallest is Maunaloa and last erupted in 1983, and apparently scientist believe is due for a major eruption. It is also understood (following more research after the dream) there are tall ships there, including one prominent one now no longer able to sail (Falls of Clyde). This ship may also be a reference to the early famous European explorer Captain Cook (who famously died there).
The warning
In summary, the dream appears to be a warning of a devastating eruption around Christmas time, something seen only once in every three generations or more, and perhaps potentially more destructive than in living memory. However the dream is a warning, allowing us to pray and even act now…perhaps watching for signs and being prepared move quickly. Watch for sudden rises in tremors, or perhaps more prophetic warnings. As for which Christmas, it is not clear, however the number three is witnessed a number of times in the dream, and therefore believe it could be speaking of it occurring this year (as the three fold witness came this year), but perhaps speaking more of an event in three years time. I tend to think it is the latter. I believe a threefold witness may come from others to confirm the meaning of this dream, and also the timing.
If nothing else, should Maunaloa or another volcano on Hawaii start erupting around Christmas time, we have now been warned to get off that island. I guess should there be another island that sees a volcano erupting around Christmas time, do like wise, conscience that “now we only see in part”.
May God bless and keep the people of Hawaii, and new beginning arise as they turn afresh to Him. I trust the dream is from God, and so to its interpretation. If not, I seek your forgiveness, or if there is a better interpretation, then let it be so shared. However, unless otherwise guided by God, I pray that you respond as quickened by the Holy Spirit, knowing in His mercy the Lord God warns for salvation and/or protection.
Warning Word to the United States, from the Heavenly Father: “They Will Not Be Prepared for the DISASTER That’s Coming . . .” (9/4/17)
“They will not be prepared for the disaster that’s coming.
Tell My people to get ready to help the lost.
The birth pains of judgement will intensify, bringing some to their knees in repentance.
Others will curse Me to the very end.
Hell awaits the rebellious with open arms; that grieves Me, yet each must choose My free gift of grace, repent and follow my Son, for only through Him can salvation come.
The turning point for your Nation came when your Nation exceeded Sodom and Gomorrah by taking Holy Matrimony and sanctifying it to Satan.
Never has a Nation been so wicked, since the days of Noah; you are Babylon and destruction has been decreed.
Repent My people, for you will see great destruction in your land.
Be Holy, My people, giving me your life that I may lead you.
Be wise, My people, for great deception comes in your midst bringing false hope, self-service and messages of the flesh that bring death.
Seek Me with all of your heart that you may over come the waves of destruction with My abiding presence.
No one knows the day or the hour of My full wrath, but those who know Me WILL be hidden in Me and protected.
Some I will take Home.
Others will go through major testing of their faith.
MOST will fall away for they truly did not know me and instead relied on religion made by man, with rules that were never from me.
In the midst of destruction, know that I AM.”
Author Unknown
I had a dream in September 2017, seeing in an elevator the number 53 then the 54 on the floor above. I already shared this dream with you ...
Recently a brother made me notice that on January 27, 2018, there would be the 53rd and 54th clock turn that day. Other reflections have added to the 27/1 which is also the 2701, relative to the 666. A new light comes now, to think that we must leave no September 2017, but 27.01.2018 as the beginning of the count to add 53 + 54 (107 days) which brings us to ..... 14.05.2018 !!!!! wow !!! today.
A second supplement comes: the day of the dream in September 2017, we were in the 37th week of the year 2017. So I deducted from a year of 52 weeks less 37 weeks, and so it remains 15 weeks. I have decided to count these 15 weeks since the date of 27.01.2018 (instead of 01.01.2018), which makes us arrive at the week of 12.05.2018 (to 19.05.2018 maximum).
The number 37 mirroring [3773] has a direct relationship with the 2701 (37x73 = 2701)!
We do not know what this really means, but it seems like we have entered a period of time or we will not go back.
Let's keep our eyes fixed on the Lord and his coming return.
Island Reappearing in Rapidly Depleting Sea of Galilee Could Signal Beginning of Messianic Prophecy
An island that has recently appeared in the middle of the Sea of Galilee (Kinneret) is a cause of ecologic alarm, but, more importantly, it is also a sign mentioned explicitly in the Talmud as presaging the coming of the Messiah from the House of David.
The sudden appearance of the island is not entirely unusual or unexpected. It frequently appears in particularly dry seasons when the level of the Sea of Galilee drops significantly, and to be sure, this year is exceptionally arid.
Since summer’s beginning, the water level in the Kinneret has gone down by 40 inches, a worrying 14.76 inches below the lowest red line, the Jewish Press reported.
The drying up of the Kinneret has clear Messianic implications. The Talmud (Sanhedrin 97a) discusses the signs that will appear just prior to the coming of “the Son of David” (the Messiah from the House of King David).
Rabbi Yehuda, a Talmudic sage, states that one of the signs presaging the Messiah will be that the Sea of Galilee and Gablan, the upper Jordan River in the Golan, will become desolate and destroyed (“khorban” in Hebrew).
This Talmudic prophecy is consistent with the verse in Isaiah, which uses the same word, khorban, to describe rivers drying up in the days of the Messiah.
And the waters shall fail from the sea, and the river shall be drained dry. Isaiah 19:5
The year began with the sea at the lowest level since 1926. As it stands today, 38 feet shy of being full, the Sea of Galilee has never before been so close to fulfilling this prophecy.
The Zohar, the foundational work of Jewish mysticism, cites the Galilee as the place in which the beginnings of the Messiah can first be seen.
The Messiah… will arise in the land of Galilee… the Messiah shall reveal himself in the land of Galilee because in this part of the Holy Land the desolation (Babylonian exile) first began, therefore he will manifest himself there first. [Zohar III, Shemoth 7b, 8b, 220a; Otzar Midrashim, 466]
When considered alongside a prophecy in Zechariah which states that in the times of the Messiah water will flow from Jerusalem, it is clear that great changes are coming.
And it shall come to pass in that day that living waters shall go out from Yerushalayim: half of them toward the eastern sea and half of them toward the western sea; in summer and in winter shall it be. Zechariah 14:8
The big picture created by these different prophecies demonstrate how drastically the Messianic process will alter the land. Jerusalem, a dry mountaintop city, will become a source of flowing water while the Galilee and Jordan, perennial sources of Israel’s water, will become desolate and dry. In yet another turnaround, the Dead Sea will fill up with life in the days of the Messiah.
Rabbi Yosef Berger, the rabbi of David’s Tomb in Jerusalem, explained that we should understand the destruction of the Galilee as the drought that is occurring right now.
“That section of the Talmud is full of signs that indicate the coming of the Messiah, and every single one of them is undeniably coming true,” Rabbi Berger explained.
“The simple reading of the prophecy in the Talmud is that the cities in the Galilee will be destroyed, but in trying to understand this particular sign pertaining to the Galilee, it is important to note what the Zohar says about learning such things.”
He referred to a core Jewish tenant: the idea that man can alter decreed Heavenly events with prayer and understanding. “By virtue of interpreting a prophecy a certain way, people can influence the way in which Heaven chooses to bring it into the world,” Rabbi Berger told Breaking Israel News.
The rabbi explained how this applied to the present situation. “By learning that our present drought condition in the Galilee is what the prophecy called ‘destruction’ (khorban), our interpretation of the destruction of the Galilee can influence, even change, what was originally intended,” he said.
“Just like in prayer, which is a dialogue with God, our thoughts are taken into account in Heaven, and can bring the desired prophecy into existence… By people believing that the Galilee drying up is part of the prophecy, it will help the Messiah come.”
Brace yourself for what lies ahead! Brace yourself and seek My face like never before!”
Sandra Hide
On April 24, 2018, I saw a vision of a man who I felt was President Donald Trump.
A large serpent was thrashing around as Trump’s foot was on its’ neck. I believe this serpent was Leviathan, representing twisted and lies, how the enemy twists things, etc. It was wildly squirming and roiling trying to get free, wanting to take over. God, help us.
I had a nano vision. This vision took place either early in the morning or late at night because it was dark outside. I was looking at a city, and I could see only one person, only 1 that was ready for the transformation. I saw this person rise up in the sky in a bright light more like the color of a light yellow moon. The light was not exceeding bright white maybe it was more or opaque or maybe translucent. However the idea was that there was only one person who was ready to be transformed out of the whole city only one person was ready to be transformed before the darkness came.
Vision of New York City Bombed by 10 Russian Nuclear Missiles
Around 1986 God took me up into the heavens and I found myself flying like superman through the air. I was in the clouds and the cover was so thick that I could not see my hands in front of my face. I couldn’t understand why I was flying through the air. As I dropped in altitude and started to get below the clouds, I began looking to my left and to my right. As I was looking, I saw five nuclear missiles, long range intercontinental ballistic missiles to my right and to my left. A total of ten missiles! Each one carried multiple warheads with the red Communist star on the fuselage of the missiles. The five pointed red star is the universal representative symbol for Communism. The star that I saw on the missiles looked like the second red star below. At the time of this vision Russia had a red star on their flag which is the first picture below. I feel in my spirit that these will be Russian missiles.
As I looked down to the ground I saw Staten Island, Manhattan Island and New York City. I could not believe that these missiles were getting ready to hit New York with such a magnitude. They were coming right down onto the state of New York. The next thing I knew, I was standing down on the ground looking at all of the devastation. All the buildings were totally annihilated. The big skyscrapers had fallen over as though a domino effect had happened when they were blown up. When they started falling, these skyscrapers fell one against another knocking each other down. There were dead bodies lying everywhere. Tens of thousands were dead and the air smelled of rotting, burning flesh. Not only did the air smell foul but as I looked everything was dark even though it was midday. I could not believe my eyes!
I then sensed time had passed, weeks and months. God then let me see little children taking instruments like butter knives and scraping the corpses of the people that had died. The children were looking for food by scraping the flesh off the people’s bodies only to cause their own death later of radiation poisoning. The devastation was beyond anything of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The death and the disease that broke out after was beyond imagination. I could not believe what I was seeing. I was overwhelmed and sickened by the devastation. I asked God why He showed me this? He said He is going to judge the United States and He’s going to judge it hard. He said that the enemies of the United States are going to attack.
After having this life-like vision of what is coming, it was quickened to me later that Chicago and a lot of other big cities are also going to take a hit. From what I’m receiving right now, this is going to be worse than anything this nation could ever imagine. The American people will not believe what is happening to them. God is going to execute His judgment on this nation and He is going to pay America back double for the sins that have reached into Heaven.
Read Revelation 18
Foreign Armies WILL Invade and Occupy America – The Enemies of America Will Bomb Our Churches and Synagogues
During the same time as the vision about the state of Florida in July of 1995, God gave me a vision of a massive army coming down on America. He said, “John, I am going to allow the enemies of the United States to judge America. When America’s enemies come they will have no mercy on the men, women and children. I saw troop movement and they appeared to be Communist Chinese and Russian troops coming into the United States. As they came in, America was no match. I saw churches and synagogues were being leveled by heavy artillery. As the churches were being blown up I saw Jews and Christians being herded up and shot like cattle in front of their churches and homes. I saw the troops killing children and infants with their bayonets. I saw the American people tormented beyond imagination. The troops were void of emotions. Their objective is to take the nation and take it hands down. All able bodied working people will be forced into slave labor. Some will be taken to other countries and some left here. The soldier’s main objective was to kill all Jews and Christians. As I am seeing all this horror I asked, “Lord, what is happening?” He said, “Because of the wickedness of the United States of America I am allowing her enemies to invade her lands.” God ended the vision.
The enemies of America are supernaturally being drawn together. When they come, they are going to catch the nation completely by surprise. Great is going to be her destruction and torment. This judgment is coming soon! The American people, Christians and non-Christians do not believe that God has fiery indignation that will be poured out. The great day of darkness is quickly coming upon the whole world, the day of God’s wrath and judgment.
Jeremiah 50:3
For out of the north there cometh up a nation against her, which shall make her land desolate, and none shall dwell therein: they shall remove, they shall depart, both man and beast.
Read Jeremiah 50 and 51
An SQ Alert- from stevequayle.com
6:06 EST--The Syrian Arab Army is now responding to the ongoing Israeli shelling. The Syrians are now shelling an Israeli Defense Force outpost on Al Shayakh mountain, north east of the Golan heights. HEAVY SHELLING.Israeli TANKS have opened fire on Syrian Arab Army positions inside southern Syria! ! ! ! !
They are directly attacking Pro-Assad forces! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
No more pretense about fighting terrorists or bizarre claims of Iranian attack plans; they're attacking the Syria government directly.
Morning dream in the night of May 9 to 10, 2018 - Yvan
I'm in a holiday camp house and there are still a few people who are cleaning up the house and cleaning it up. I understand that it is like the end of a stay (camp) and that we must soon return the keys and the house clean, that the time of the stay is finished.
I go through the different rooms to make sure everything is in order, tidy, cleaned, and I close the last blinds and turn off the last lights. Now there is no one left in this house, and there remains a small group of people outside, and together we start on foot towards the village which must be 20-30 minutes walk. Arrived at the village, we arrive in a kind of hotel, and there, the owner or the manager of this holiday home is there, and we must give him the keys and tell him that everything is stored in the summer camp.
But at that moment, I realize that we forgot to lock the house, so I take the key (which is a big old key) and tell the owner and the group, that I will go to close the lock of the door of the house since we did not do it.
So I leave the village and walk towards this camp house. I come to a place where I see a valley that goes down or must be this house, there is a road going down towards it, and there I wake up.
I believe that we have put our lives in order, and this house represents our world, our life, our occupation. We are tidying up and getting ready for a departure.
The house is ready, but we have forgotten to close the door lock, so I feel that the Lord is warning us that everything is almost ready, and that soon the door will be locked, and that the Lord will come and pick us up for good. . There is very little time left, the catching away is coming very soon.
I note that this is the 3rd dream where I get the big key, it's the same in the 3 dreams.
David's key that opens and closes:
"Write also to the angel of the church of Philadelphia: This is what the Holy One and the true One says, the one who has the key to David, the one who opens and no one will close, the one who closes and no one will open." Revelation 3/7
Recevez, mes salutations distinguées.
Yvan Jaccard
A Dream from Yeshua
Sheryl (5/7/18)
During my time of prayer, I was told by the Lord Yeshua that I would have a dream that I could give to you all. So, I was excited and I thought it was gonna be real nice. It wasn't. But, it was what I needed for someone out there who is needing to be saved! All I know is I had such a feeling as if I was running nonstop. In the dream, I was running. I felt I had to run away for my life. I had a man who I was running with. We were in something that favored a bunch of buildings, like a college. In not too many strides, I would end up in another building. At the end of the dream we were separated. I woke up very bothered.
In my way of seeing things, I would have to say that it was about the Left Behind. I say this because the woman was running from the evil presence. I would never run from anything. It's not in my nature anymore. I don't fear what is definitely going to happen. So, I wouldn't be running for my life! In Luke 21:9 it says But when ye shall hear of wars and commotions, be not terrified: for these things must first come to pass; but the end is not by and by.
Now, for those who are Left Behind, I can see how they would run to get from one place to another...secretly. It will be a very hard life. I prayed before going to bed for the Lord Yeshua to bring the Left Behind strength, water that is drinkable, and Holy Manna! Then I get this running dream. And I mean that female was running very hard and very fast! Oh yeah, there wasn't a suitcase with her. In my dream, there was nothing except the clothes that she wore!
Further Interpretation:
Let's take it to the Strong's. In 4944 it says running is traversing, running to and fro. In 872 a building is an entrance. I would like to say that an entrance could mean exit as well. Running to and fro throughout buildings is what was being done!
Later at work, I noticed a 7:27 that looked like it was italicized. The other numbers were not sticking out to me. So, I looked up Strong's and found an interesting fact. 727 is a box; a coffin, ark, or chest. It comes from 717 which means to pluck, gather. I take it to mean that the dead shall rise first and then they are going to pluck us out of the world!
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 For the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
1 Corinthians 15:52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump; for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the Lord Yeshua was talking about the earthquake when he said three times "I'm going to take a piece." It feels like it's the Hawaii earthquake and the Louisiana earthquake. It just feels like it's an earthquake. They say that the one in Hawaii is not over. Batten down the hatches, we are gonna be in for a bumpy ride!
In case you want to be safe from all dangers coming your way, you need to say a prayer that is somewhat like mine. You need to tell the Lord Yeshua/Jesus that you are a sinner and you need to tell him the sins you recall easily. And you need to repent from those sins. You need to tell Him how much you love Him for being the Lamb that was slain (crucified), the ressurected body (enables us to go to Heaven), and the ascended King of Kings and Lord of Lords (in Heaven with Him).
Read John 3:15-21, Romans 10:9, Ephesians 4:4-7, Ephesians 6:10-18, and all of Revelation!
Congratulations! You are a brother or sister in Christ!
As with everything you read, take it to the Lord Yeshua/Jesus in prayer!
Given To Ms. Sophie on 5/6/2018
Mock, Mock, Scoff, Scoff! Did I not say I would shake everything that can be shaken? I AM is shaking nations to its core like never before. My eyes are full of fire and burning with fury for your refusal to repent to Me. I am about to rattle your cages oh you stubborn people! I will force you to see it has always been Me, the Almighty One, that is in control.
Weeping, wailing, sorrows so great and this is only the beginning of what you will go through.
Did I not say I would do what I said I would do? You ignored the warnings-now you will pay for your ignorance, your mockery. You have not prepared—you shall be overcome.
Anguish, fear, the new way to live as you go into captivity. Those that have not returned to Me will fear the most.
Unbelieving, lukewarm, comatose people, I will wake you up! Dead people in dead churches remain dead—no eyes to see nor ears to hear—they made their decision. Death, Death, Death—none to save you for it was only I, Yahushua HaMasiach, that can save you.
War, disease, pestilence—new way to live coming upon you, oh wicked generation!
Invasion, foreign soldiers in the mix, Martial law, FEMA camps all waiting for your arrival—NO way out, NO escape!!
Will you mock Me now; laugh at those I sent your way to warn? You think you can wallow in your sins and test Me, a Holy God and not pay? I do the testing, I bring the chastisement, I bring the sword against you! No longer will you keep me in your fantasy box of who I am.
I am a CONQUEROR, STRONG AND MIGHTY WARRIOR! Now you shall see the severity of a Mighty King!
Mercy, Mercy, Mercy—NO Mercy on the wicked who deny, reject Me! Pray for Mercy—My judgments fall. Pray for mercy as you watch My Power take hold!
Darkness all around you first, then the light, My Light, all will see. Miracles, healings will then ensue. First—darkness, wailing, lamentation will be heard.
Persecution, Martyrdom, Pale Horse all going forward at My Command!
Repent, Return or Perish! Your days are numbered! You will NOT inherit entry into My Kingdom if you do not repent! DO YOU HEAR ME NOW?
Sound the Alarm, child, sound the alarm! I AM is done with these obstinate people who desire to live as they wish. My eyes will NOT spare, I will NOT relent! The Fear of God about to fall on these wicked nations.
America, I detest you! I look forward to destroying you!
I, saith the Lord, have spoken. All is in motion. Oh, how I LOATHE you America!
Time for all to see I AM THAT I AM will NO longer be mocked. Judgments upon you oh wicked evil generation!
Time to strip you of all your luxuries! I gave you plenty of time—you laughed. Now you shall mourn! Only in your mourning will some of the lost be found. Others will curse Me, deny, reject Me all to be forever sent to the place of torment forevermore. FOOLISH, FOOLISH, FOOLISH people—you choose unwisely!
DONE—ENOUGH–Laughter turned into mourning! Only those who truly repent will I save—rest I will say: Away, away with you, I never knew you!
Are you ready Oh nation of vipers to reap what you have sown? You will mock and test Me no longer!!!
NO Peace ‘til I return. I gave My all—you give Me nothing—NO love for Me. I died for you. My life was precious yet I laid it down for you. My sacrifice means nothing to most of you. No songs of praise, no love for Me.
I cried, interceded for you—still no thankfulness. You want Me to do everything for you but where is the heart that I can rest on? Where is My resting place? How many opened their hearts to Me? TOO FEW. You grieved My Spirit. You live as you wish even though I showed all how you were to walk. NO desire to walk with Me.
Yahushua HaMasiach, the Conquering King!
I had I had a dream early this morning I have been having reoccurring dreams that I am only here for a few days and I keep saying I have to go, I have to go now, with the feeling that I'm going to return, but I do not say that, to whomever I am talking to.
This is my dream. I am a teacher and I am teaching people how to live according to God's laws and not man's. Because the pastor had not bothered to take the time for an example how to observe the Sabbath. I really was not trying to tell them what they could or couldn't do but, I was teaching the Sabbath day was the seventh day of the week and not the 1st day of the week which is Sunday. Very surprised, were the group of people, that I was talking to. The people were very surprised, they were enjoying my teaching on the subject of the Sabbath day. I had told them I couldn't stay because I had to go home like I had to go on the trip.
I went through my regular path from the Throne Room to the vision area. Nothing new to describe.
The vision opened up to a residential area in a town or possibly a city. At first I was slightly in the air, maybe tree height, looking ahead of me down the street. I saw cream/beige coloured hummer/military vehicles coming towards me, approaching the street that I was focused on. I have seen these military vehicles in previous visions. (#3,#7) They reached an intersection. Some turned to my right or their left and disappeared down that street. Others turned to my left or their right and the other 2 came forward towards me. They stopped just after they had passed about 4 homes. Approx 5 or 6 soldiers wearing dark uniforms jumped out of these vehicles. Each was carrying a special weapon. It looked like a regular military type gun but I understood that is it was high tech and had many special functions. I have seen these guns in previous visions. (#53 #61) The soldiers proceeded to each a house, bang on the doors, some broke down the doors and dragged people out to the end of their front yards. One man was on his knees and was shot in the head! I understood that he was asked if he was a Christian and if he didn’t recant his faith he’d be killed. I saw a woman dragged to her front yard.
Then my perspective changed as if I was standing right beside the soldier. She was on her knees. She was quiet. At peace. The soldier specifically asked if she believed in Jesus. She said “yes.” She did not recant her faith and he shot her point blank in the head. One woman came running and screaming out of her home and she was immediately shot and killed. It was so difficult to see. Jesus then said “If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.” He gave me Rev 13:10 “If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity they will go. If anyone is to be killed by the sword, with the sword they will be killed.” This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of God’s people.” Upon looking up the scripture Jesus gave me- Rev 13:10- I also found part of this verse repeated in Rev.14:12 “This calls for patient endurance on the part of the people of God who keep His commands and remain faithful to Jesus.” This is a hard vision. Sigh
Some time ago--in 2008 or 2009, I think--I had a dream about the rapture.
In my dream, I was observing a large group of people at a huge oil drilling operation. I assumed in my dream that I was in Texas, but I really don't know for sure. The people in the dream were Americans. A woman who was a supervisor was giving a speech in front of the workers, and it appeared there was some kind of trouble. A possible disaster might happen there. I knew they were afraid, but some kind of job had to be done to try to thwart a disaster. Despite their fear, the workers were preparing to put their lives on the line to try to stop the disaster from occurring. I was watching them at the sidelines and knew things were not going to turn out good. I began to run away from the site, and as I did, an explosion occurred and flames shot into the air. I was running, and as I ran, I looked up into the sky and saw a huge, brilliantly shining cross with a square, jeweled plaque hanging from it. It was coming closer, flying through the sky, and I knew Jesus was coming to take me and my fellow believers up into the air. I started running toward the cross, and I shouted out Jesus' name, and then I felt my body becoming like liquid, as if I were passing through into a time warp. My shout of Jesus' name started out normal, then ended sounding like a tape on slow motion speed--really drawn out, perhaps even like a voice sounds when under water, distorted. I knew that I had started to be lifted into the heavens. The rapture was happening.
I woke up at that point, quite giddy with joy.
Author Unknown
Good evening,
Just a word ...
When Billy Graham died (February 2018), I was arrested because he died on the 52nd day of 2018.
This made me think of the dream received with the 53 and 54 of September 2017.
I told myself that I will see possible signs on the 53 and then the 54 later ....
I had a problem with my cell phone (a very old ...) and my sister-in-law had a newer one.
This morning, I do not have the right sim card format for the number .... so I have to go to a shop of the supplier.
I go there, and all their computer system is planted. He still gives me the sim card and tell me to activate by phone later.
I leave with the card in question .... and when I install it, I see that the activation code is the .... 5353 !!!!
It is special. The next day after the day we were waiting for the possible departure.
So I think we're getting closer to the start, although there are still days.
Be blessed.
Just a word ...
When Billy Graham died (February 2018), I was arrested because he died on the 52nd day of 2018.
This made me think of the dream received with the 53 and 54 of September 2017.
I told myself that I will see possible signs on the 53 and then the 54 later ....
I had a problem with my cell phone (a very old ...) and my sister-in-law had a newer one.
This morning, I do not have the right sim card format for the number .... so I have to go to a shop of the supplier.
I go there, and all their computer system is planted. He still gives me the sim card and tell me to activate by phone later.
I leave with the card in question .... and when I install it, I see that the activation code is the .... 5353 !!!!
It is special. The next day after the day we were waiting for the possible departure.
So I think we're getting closer to the start, although there are still days.
Be blessed.
A lot of Dreams in One Night from the Lord Yeshua
Sheryl (5/03/18)
1) An adubile was given first thing: I'M GOING TO TAKE A PIECE (OF IT) was whispered in the right side of my ear. He said it three separate times. And the last time he sent an alarm sound. It wasn't the normal sound, but it finally woke me up. Enough to write this down. Then, I would be up and down all night long. Just writing the stuff, so I did not forget!
A piece of what? The earth, an earthquake. A piece of wedding cake?
2) And the moon was white but then it turned blood red. It was like it played white beneath the clouds, then all of a sudden, the clouds moved and the moon was red!
3) I turned the tv channel, because I don't really like the nickelodeon, I prefer boomerang when I sleep...Tom and Jerry! So I turned the channel thinking I found Boomerang and found "life lock" advertising and went to bed. Then, I found "advantage alert" advertising when I woke up the next go round. They were confirmations for my loud noise I heard. I didn't find Boomerang, because I went to sleep. I still don't know what the loud noise was, but it woke me up.
4) Later, I was wearing white, the wedding gown, and doing a dance. I did something under the chuppa. It is a canopy where people get married. It is our Marriage of the Lamb! Amazing! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
5) Then I was practicing angelic moves in warrior bride. I was wearing a kimono and was running toward the wall only to flip myself. That was really cool to watch me doing such an acrobatic thing!
6) Audibly, I heard the name "Jennifer Langston" and "the angels are getting prepared to come." They are "also being prepared to get some people from the ocean to take them home." They played Drift Away "Give me a beat boys to free my soul I wanna get lost in your rock and roll and drift away" by Dobie Gray.
7) Another confirmation song that I heard was You Make Me Brave by Amanda Cook & the Bethel Music. I heard the song part that was wave after wave "crashes over me, crashes over me."
If this is to be taken in a chronological order, then it means that I am going to see earthquake and the blood red moon. But I am not gonna see the tsunami. I will be gone! Amen! Amen! Amen!
If you would like to get saved, then tell the Lord Yeshua/Jesus that you are a sinner and you need for Him to come into your heart! You need to tell him something along the lines that you believe that he was crucified, resurrected, and ascended for the sake of everyone! Tell Him that you need to do everything you can to not repeat the sins you've done! Most of all, you need to tell Him that you love Him!
Enjoy and really get to know Him with what little time there is left! Congratulations! You are a brother/sister in God's kingdom!
Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring.
Revelation 22:12-13 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
Read John 3:15-21.
As with everything you read, take this to the Lord Yeshua/Jesus in prayer!
by Elizabeth Marie
On April 2018, I received a quick dream. In this dream I was in the passenger side of a car that was driven by my husband. I looked out my side window up at the sky. To my horror, I saw high in the sky, missiles flying by. The air was littered with hundreds of them! They were long, skinny looking missiles, that were all heading in the same direction.
Before I could even let out a word or scream, I saw one missile heading directly towards me, and I knew that I was about to die. I then felt the impact of it hitting the car and I closed my eyes knowing that I was dead. I felt absolutely no pain or fear, which, in my dream, I thought was odd.
After a few moments of my eyes being closed, I slowly opened them one at a time. I then realized that I hadn’t died, and instead had been saved and rescued by a miracle of GOD. END OF DREAM
I believe that what the LORD was trying to show me was two-fold:
FIRST, that war is coming and we need to prepare our hearts, minds and spirit by binding them to the FATHER and the LORD JESUS. Spiritual preparation is paramount in these last days, for it is our faith in the power of GOD that will help us through.
This spiritual preparation takes time and effort, as we go into our ‘secret rooms’ with the LORD and build a solid relationship with HIM. A quick prayer here and there WILL NOT SUFFICE! HE needs to be number one in our lives–which means we need to spend the quality time with HIM!
“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalms 91:1
SECONDLY, as the enemy comes against us, if we are suited up in the armor of CHRIST, he will not have the power to harm us! We might think that we are at ‘death’s door,’ but the LORD will rescue us in the day of disaster! HE holds our very lives in HIS hands and we can rest in that fact!
“They confronted me in the day of my disaster, but the LORD was my support.” Psalms 18:18
“The righteous person may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all;” Psalms 34:19
Yes, war is coming. However, as faithful servants of CHRIST, we will rejoice that HE has ALL things under HIS control and have faith that all things work out for HIS purpose!
“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28
May 14th
by John Traczyk
Some amazing things happened on May 14. Israel was reborn on May 14, 1948. Their 70th anniversary is on May 14. The US is moving their embassy to Jerusalem on May 14. May 14, 2018 is on the 2nd month 27th day of the Hebrew calendar this year. This is the same day Noah got off the Ark. May 14, 2017, last year, it fell on the 2nd month 17th day of the Hebrew Calendar. This is the same day that the flood began. As in the days of Noah so shall the coming of the Son of Man be. Coincidences?
Dream of U.S. War with Iran
by Michelle Collier
I dreamed that I was talking to someone who was an authority on the situation with Iran and had apparent inside knowledge. He told me that America would be attacked by Iran. He said it would be the worst catastrophe in Human History. He also told me that the refugees from America would move North in droves up towards Canada. He said they would leave the country.
I began to weep and say this has been prophesied as well that there would be many people fleeing North in America during the Great Tribulation. I began to think on the scripture that says, Flee from the midst of Babylon. I began to think, perhaps we should flee now.
I began to weep and say this has been prophesied as well that there would be many people fleeing North in America during the Great Tribulation. I began to think on the scripture that says, Flee from the midst of Babylon. I began to think, perhaps we should flee now.
Israeli Source: Trump Will Unveil Peace Plan After Embassy Move
President Donald Trump will unveil his long-gestating peace plan after the U.S. opens its new embassy in Jerusalem, an Israeli source stated on Saturday.
Media reports have indicated that Trump’s plan is finished, but until now there have been no indications as to when it might be made public.
Israel’s Channel Two cites a “senior political source” saying that the US will put forward its peace plan after the opening of the new embassy in Jerusalem. The official date for the opening is May 14, to coincide with Israel’s 70th Independence Day.
It was previously believed that President Trump would not attend the opening ceremonies, but he recently indicated that he might do so.
Channel Two’s source also gave vague details of what the new peace plan might involve, indicating that it would contain “concessions” to the Palestinians in hopes of coaxing them back to the bargaining table.
Following Trump’s announcement that the US recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and would be moving its embassy there, the Palestinians announced that they would not be part of any peace process with the US acting as broker.
"Many will be left behind, they will be left behind because they ignored My warning”
By Godshealer7
Tuesday April 25, 2017
Have your garments been washed in the blood of The Lamb? Did you amend your ways and your doing? Have you repented and turned from your sinful ways? You will hear the trumpet and a shout, are you prepared? Many will be left behind, they will be left behind because they ignored My warning. The gate closes at twilight. Once the gate closes, no one will enter. Don’t be left outside. Tribulation will cover the lands like has never been seen before. I have poured out My wisdom, knowledge, and understanding; many have come forward to be accounted worthy. You will be changed in an instant, no more sin and death. My promises will be kept. Are your lamps trimmed? The Bridegroom is ready and will arrive soon!
Godshealer7 (Barbara)
April 26, 2018/Published on Dec 24, 2016
"When you see the DARKNESS approaching, immediately go to your HOME. Tell your children, wherever they are, to return HOME. For you will know I have stretched out My Hand over ALL the nations. LOCK YOUR DOOR. LOCK YOUR WINDOWS. COVER THEM. Let no unfamiliar man enter. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR HOME, until you see the darkness lift. For those belonging to the LIGHT, will SEE. Those who do not, will not see. DARKNESS will cover ALL the lands for 3 DAYS. Then ALL will know I AM the LORD. I have called many. I have chosen FEW. My Spirit has been grieved watching the ABOMINATIONS. I love My children, not wanting any to PERISH. Understand. There is a season for everything. WATCH for the DARKNESS that you and your house may be PREPARED. Consider these Words carefully that you DO NOT SLUMBER. For as it was written, it will be done."
A Clock and the Last Great Day from Lord Yeshua
Sheryl (4/27/18)
Today, I was awoke with a piercing sound. It sounded like a loud whistle. I got up and went to the bathroom and our clock that we just bought yesterday was on the floor. It was 8:00. The battery was out of the clock. Something made that clock bounce and the battery fall out when the clock fell down. Was there a sonic boom? Did I actually sleep through whatever was happening to the clock?
Let's see. The electricity is on. The other clocks in the living room wall survived. The clock in the kitchen is still on the wall. Only the clock that we just purchased from Walmart two days ago, jumped off the bathroom wall and fell apart. Hmm, that is weird!
I was researching and this is what I found: 8 means resurrection and regeneration. From the site biblestudy.org it says, "After the 7 weeks of the spring harvest, the next day, the 50th day, is Pentecost. This day is also the eighth day of the seventh week. This 8th and 50th day combination pictures the first resurrection when the saints will be raised from the dead and made immortal (1Corinthians 15:20 - 23, John 3:3 - 12, Revelation 20:4 - 6). After the 7 days of the Feast of Tabernacles there is an 8th day, called the Last Great Day."
According to the Bible Countdown Calendar, John 7 has to be read for 2017, it talks about the Feast of Tabernacles and there is a last day of the Feast also (unleavened bread)! I believe there are no coincidences! According to the two calendars I have been studying, the Enoch has us on the 8th day! The 17th day of Enoch is on the 6 day of May. The other calendar, the one from indigo (I don't know what it is called, I am writing on the phone - it is on my PC. Just look at archives and you will see it.), well it says that we are about to go through the Ancient Tabernacles with the Southern Hemisphere on the 30th (Gregorian). It's actually the 30-8 of May. The 8th day of the Feast of Tabernacles is on the 8th of May! There is an Ancient Passover Sabbath on the Northern Hemisphere 29-1st of May. There is a sabbath called Ancient Sabbath Omer 7 that is on the 6-8. The Ancient Unleavened Bread (Northern Hemisphere) is from the 29-6 of May.
7-9 of May seems very high watch. On the Torah calendar the 17th day is the 4 of May, which the Lord Yeshua sent 3 confirmations about it being the 24, not the 4th. That would make this May something to watch. "24th is the day!" Everyone should want to watch from the 16-20 Torah and 3rd of May through the 7th of May (Gregorian).
This is exciting! It's going to be rough, but oh how it will be worth it in the end! When we see our Yeshua/Jesus face to face!
Read all of John 7! Amen! Amen! Amen!
If you want to be saved you must bow before our Lord Yeshua/Jesus. You need to tell him of your sins and that you will never have any sin again. But, if you do sin, you have a great one who will stick up for you. Tell him you know that he was crucified, resurrected, and ascended for us all! The important thing is to repent and say you believe in Him! He loves you so much! Congratulations, you have membership in Heaven and you have several brothers and sisters in Christ!
As with everything you read take it to the Lord Yeshua in prayer!
Hope you're doing the right things in life. You want to be counted worthy to escape what all is coming our way! To God be the glory! Amen! Amen! Amen!
A hint & a word from the Lord Yeshua
Sheryl (4/26/18)
We went to Sayuraka for lunch. We get to go out four days a month. Anyway, it was good. It was cheaper than supper would have been. It was $34.34. I thought well that was pretty cool - talk about doubles. Then, walking back to the car at walmart I saw the number 34 and it was on the ground. That is 7-7-7 today! He wants to tell us something. He isn't finished with this year, it is still the 5-7-7-7 until he deems Isreal a nation! Some say that the 14th of May will be it. It is so wild just to know we are at the final lap! He is still coming to get us! In fact, he wants me to tell everybody that it is still 5-7-7-7! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Then later on, he had told me the 3 S's. I'm going to give you the 3 S's. They are sabbath, seven, and synchronicity. The day is going to have something to do with Sabbath and either it is on the 7th (Gregorian) or it is going to be the omer that is the 7th. It is going to be the day of transformation. We are going to be like Yeshua. All of us brides will act as one!
If you want to be saved you must bow before our Lord Yeshua/Jesus. You need to tell him of your sins and that you will never have any sin again. But, if you do sin, you have a great one who will stick up for you. Tell him you know that he was crucified, resurrected, and ascended for us all! He loves you so much! Congratulations, you have membership in Heaven and you have several brothers and sisters in Christ!
written by Jude Sabanal
(After her suicide in 1979, Sarah Hoffman was sent back to Earth with a startling vision of the last days. The following is what she saw in her own words…)
This panoramic view of Earth came into view and then came closer and closer like I had been out into space and was flying toward it.
I knew that this was to help me make my decision to go back to earth, to my terrible life, because part of me wanted to go back to the beautiful spirit world or paradise and part of me felt the need to go back into my body and change my life. It was kind of a tug of war and what I was going to see was to help me understand what I would go through if I went back into my clay body.
It played out again just like a video tape in fast forward motion and yet again I could assimilate and see everything clearly and perfectly. As the world zoomed up to me I saw the whole world and then the various countries.
I don’t know the countries of the world very well, but as I looked at these lands I instinctively knew what countries they were. I was looking at the Middle East and watched as a missile flew from Libya and hit Israel with a big mushroom cloud. I knew that the missile was actually from Iran but people from Iran had been hiding it in Libya and fired it. I knew that it was a nuclear bomb. Almost immediately missiles started flying from one country to another, quickly spreading to all over the world. I also saw that many nuclear explosions did not come from missiles but from ground bombs of some kind. I knew that in the future there would be a nuclear war throughout the world and this is how it would start.
Then, my focus changed from the Middle East to America. I understood that I was about to see some of the things that would lead up to the nuclear holocaust I had just witnessed.
As I looked upon the continent of North America, I zeroed in on the East Coast and then to New York. I saw New York with all of its buildings and people. Then I saw some tall buildings crashing to the earth with tremendous smoke, debris and dust everywhere (World Trade Towers?). I saw a woman holding a little girl’s hand, running from the crashing buildings. The lady had long dark hair past her shoulders, curled inward a little. She had on a beige business suit, heels of a slightly darker color, perhaps a tan color. No glasses. The little girl appeared to be about 6-7 years old with short brown hair, below the chin, in a sort of a pageboy haircut. They were holding hands and running together from the falling buildings in the heavy smoke and dust and they were forced to let go of hands and thereby they got separated. The little girl was terrified and I could hear the little girl screaming “mommy, mommy” over again and again. I don’t know if they lived or died. I can still see the face of the lady clearly and could identify her if I saw a picture…or could describe her to an artist to draw her. I asked if an earthquake caused the buildings to fall down and the impression was ‘no,’ but I don’t know what caused them to fall.
The next thing that I felt more than I saw was that shortly after this there was no commerce, no shopping, buying, and was impressed that there was no economy. The economy had almost failed completely and no one had any money.
The next thing I saw was people being sick and dying. I saw this particularly in four cities: New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Salt Lake. The disease started by having white blisters, some the size of dimes appear on their hands, arms and face. This quickly developed into white puffy sores and blisters. People would stumble about and fall and then many died within a short time, maybe 24 hours. I also saw other people with blood coming from their nose, mouth, eyes and ears. It started like a flu virus and it spread very quickly, faster than the other white blister disease. The people who had this disease died even faster. This was more wide spread across the entire United States. There were hundreds of thousands of people stricken with these two diseases.
I knew that the diseases, and there were several different kinds, but at first primarily these two, came from small containers that had been brought into the United States. These containers were like quart jars and I was impressed that the people carrying them would just drop them on the ground in large crowds of people and the people would become infected without realizing it.
In these cities as the disease spread, the people tried to flee from the cities out to the countryside. There was complete chaos in these cities and a breakdown of normal society. There was no electricity in them either, but I don’t know why or how that came to be. There were cars piled up everywhere, blocking roadways and most people then had to walk out with nothing. The disease started to spread beyond these initial cities.
As these people were fleeing the cities, there were gangs attacking them and killing them. In the cities that were struck with the disease, there was complete chaos, looting, rioting, murdering, a complete breakdown. Many people seemed to go absolutely crazy. I sensed that the electricity had failed everywhere now and that nothing was running, there was no communication or anything anywhere in the country. Nothing worked, no radios or TVs. I watched people throw rocks and break windows to steal TVs which I thought was really crazy because they wouldn’t work.
Immediately, as I watched this happen in the United States, I jumped back to the Middle East and saw the same thing in Israel, the same sores, and I realized that it was the same types of disease or sickness happening there. I knew somehow that whatever diseases had been used in the United States were also being used in Israel.
This lasted for only an instant and I was back in the United States. There was a tremendously long winter that lasted into summer. It caught everyone by surprise and started the full famine. Actually, I realized that the long winter actually just increased the famine greatly to its full measure, because the famine had already been in progress because of the storms, droughts, floods and other plagues that had been happening over the few years leading up to the long winter.
It seemed then that the year following the long winter was when everything started to go down hill very quickly or things piled up one on top of the other without any breaks. The sense of time though was not very clear because I was seeing several things that seemed to happen all at the same time or very close together.
During and after the long winter, the disease spread everywhere and increased in severity. The economy was completely gone and the electricity was also gone. There was complete chaos and anarchy all over the United States. There was no government, just a total breakdown. There was no food at all. I saw people trying to get food and were completely panicked because there was no food. I saw people digging in the ground for worms and eating them because they were so hungry.
Also, during this time I became aware that there was very little water and that almost all of the water had become poisoned so that if a person drank the water they would get the disease and die. Many did even knowing that they would die, because they were so thirsty.
Some of the people seemed to go crazy and went around in gangs killing people just for the sake of killing. Others killed for food or for things but the people who killed just to kill were absolutely terrible. They seemed like beasts, animals completely out of control as they raped, looted, burned and butchered people. I saw them go into people’s homes and drag families out who were hiding there and rape them and butcher them.
There was such a fear and hatred that came upon the people — families, wives, husbands — loving ties no longer mattered; it became survival only. Husbands would kill their wives and children for food or water. Mothers would kill their children. It was absolutely horrible beyond description.
The air seemed to be filled with smoke as many buildings and cities burned and no one put them out. As I looked upon the scene of chaos, destruction and smoke, I noticed that there were these little pockets of light scattered all over the United States. There were, I would guess, about twenty or thirty of them. I noticed that most of these places of light were in the western part of the United States, with only three or four in the East.
These places of light seemed to shine through the darkness and caught my attention and so I concentrated on them, asking, “What are these things?”
I could then see that they were people who had gathered together and they were on their knees and they were praying. The light was coming from rthem and I understood that it represented their goodness and love. I understood that they had gathered together for safety and that they cared more for each other than for themselves. Some of the groups were small, with only a hundred people or so, but in other groups there were what seemed several thousand.
realized that somehow many, if not most of these cities of light had been established just before the disease attack and that they were very organized. It was like they had known what was coming and had prepared for it. I didn’t see who or what had organized them, but I saw many people struggling to get to them with nothing but what they could carry.
These cities of light had food and were sharing their food with those who joined them in their groups. There was peace and safety in the groups. They were living in tents, all kinds of tents, many of which were just blankets covering poles. I noticed that the gangs left these groups alone, choosing to pick on easier targets and unprotected people. They also preyed on the people who were trying to get to the cities of light. Many people in these cities of light had guns to defend themselves with and so the gangs left them alone but it seemed that the gangs just didn’t want to come against them.
I realized that these cities of light, which is what I began to think of them, were only for a short time and then the people in them would go somewhere else; however, I don’t know where they went but I seem to think that they gathered to the mountains, to the high places.
As I was looking at the cities of light, I then saw missiles coming and hitting some cities and mushroom clouds started happening all over the United States. Some were from missiles that I knew came from Russia and others were not from missiles, but were from bombs that were already in the United States. They were hidden in trucks and in cars and were exploded.
I specifically saw Los Angeles, Las Vegas and New York hit with bombs. New York was hit with a missile, but I think that Los Angeles was hit by a truck bomb or actually several, because I didn’t see any missile. I also saw north of Salt Lake City have a mushroom cloud, a small one, but no missile.
In the darkness I also saw little fireballs. I don’t know if this happened just before or during the mushroom clouds, but there were millions falling everywhere. They were very hot, of different sizes with most about the size of golf balls. As they fell from the sky they left a streak of flame and smoke behind them. Whatever they touched they started on fire: people, buildings, trees, grass, it didn’t matter. I didn’t ask what they were or where they came from, because by this time I was getting sick of the whole scene and so I just observed and didn’t ask many questions.
Almost right on top of these mushroom clouds I saw Russian troops invading the United States. I saw them parachuting into a lot of places, primarily from the East Coast. I saw them parachute into Salt Lake City. I also saw Chinese troops invade from the West Coast, near Los Angeles. The people who were still alive started fighting them with their own guns. I didn’t see any military.
This was the nuclear war that I had seen earlier and I knew that it was also happening all over the world like I had seen previously. I did not see much of this war, but I was impressed that it was not very long and the Russians and Chinese lose, but I don’t know how exactly.
Now the smoke turned to a very thick, heavy dark smoke. Just as things appeared to be as bad as it could get, then the earthquakes happened. This happened during a winter. It seemed that this was the winter following the very long one and so the chaos had been almost for a full year. The earthquakes seemed to start in the West, around Idaho and Wyoming, and then quickly spread everywhere.
I saw a huge earthquake strike Utah and then California. There were earthquakes all over California, but were especially devastating in the Los Angeles and San Francisco areas.
These earthquakes triggered volcanoes all over the West. They started spewing a tremendous amount of ash and smoke into the air and the air became very dark and dirty. The sun was darkened even more because of the smoke and the ash that started raining down everywhere.
I also saw huge waves of water sweep over the West Coast and then I realized that it was happening all over the coastal cities of the entire world. Los Angeles was almost swept completely away. The waves were huge.
I saw a big wall of water, taller than many of the buildings, perhaps as high as 20 feet, sweep over Salt Lake City. I thought this was strange because it was so far from the ocean and I wondered how a wave from the ocean could travel all the way to Salt Lake City. I was impressed that it was not from the ocean but from the ground. I quickly saw great cracks in the earth around Salt Lake City open up and water just shoot out of the ground. I felt that under the ground, very deep, there was a tremendous amount of water in the ground and the earthquakes forced it up to the surface. When the water swept over the city, there weren’t very many buildings left, in fact there was a tremendous destruction with hardly anything left at all, just a few buildings. The water went from Idaho down to near Cedar City and was very bad.
In the cities there was great destruction, and most of the buildings had been destroyed and there was a lot of rubble. Though the earthquakes, disease, floods, volcanoes and tidal waves killed a lot of people, most people died because of the gangs and everyone killing each other, not from the terrible devastations.
As I thought a moment about it, it seemed that the earth itself had become sickened at the terrible things that were happening upon it and was finally reacting. I was impressed that the earth wanted to cleanse itself of the terrible chaos and evil that had engulfed the people.
Because of the volcanoes erupting everywhere, there was now ash mixed with the heavy smoke. Ash was falling and it was almost complete darkness everywhere.
The diseases had become very bad. I saw people literally die on their feet. There was another disease I saw. People had these red blotches on them and then they quickly started bleeding everywhere, from every opening. Then, they literally disintegrated or melted into unrecognizable masses of flesh and bone. I cannot even begin to describe what I saw. The dead were everywhere
After this terrible winter, I saw the survivors pile up the dead into huge piles and burn them. The smell was absolutely terrible. I could smell it just a little and the smell itself would make you sick. This burning of bodies had happened a little during the chaos, but not much because people were so worried about surviving that they just ignored the dead.
I then saw four more things.
I saw a huge earthquake in the middle of the United States. It was tremendous and seemed to split the United States in half about where the Mississippi River is. The crack in the earth that resulted was huge and that area totally sank. It was miles wide and it opened up and the earth fell down. It seemed to swallow everything. Then water flowed in from the Gulf of Mexico all the way up to the Great Lakes, only they weren’t lakes anymore, they became all part of a big inland sea.
I then saw a series of tremendous earthquakes all over the world. But it wasn’t lots of separate earthquakes, it was all part of one huge, gigantic earthquake that shook the entire earth. Because of this earthquake, water came upon the land all over the world. Huge walls of water along all of the coasts. This earthquake and the walls of water made the earlier ones seem small by comparison. I don’t know if the earthquake that split the United States into two parts was part of this worldwide quake or not.
I then saw a tremendous wind come upon the earth. As the wind hit I saw people go into caves and into the cracks of rocks to escape it. It was tremendous and it blew trees and everything away. It appeared to be stronger than any hurricane or tornado. It seemed like everything was blown away.
I understood, without asking, that the great worldwide earthquake and the wind were somehow caused by a huge object, like a planet or something, that had come very close by the earth and disrupted everything and that it was near the end that this happened.
I then was back into space viewing the entire earth from a distance. I saw this huge fireball, two or three times bigger than the earth, approach the earth. It was extremely bright red and gold in color and then engulfed the entire earth. When I saw this, because it was so different than everything else, I asked what it was. I was impressed that it was the burning of the earth that is described in the scriptures. I understood that just before it came Jesus had appeared to the earth and the good people that I had seen earlier had left the earth with Him and were no longer on the earth. The only people left were the few wicked who had survived the devastations earlier, but there were not many.
Vision Of Fighter Jets (War) & Dream Of Rapture – Brother Buddy Smith
It was a beautiful day and me and sis Brenda were with some kids. We are out walking near our apartments where we live now ,there is walking paths near the river by us here.
When suddenly the sky was filled with jet fighters and higher bombers over our city. These were not American ones at first .Based what I saw these were Russian and Chinese planes . Our planes came too and the fight was on the bombers trying to drop bombs on our base here. We took the children and ran back to our apartments. Bombs dropping huge noises, the fighters fighting each other. The Russian and Chinese against the Americans. Some planes fallen from the sky. But did crash on us, but some around us .
That was the first part ,then the Lord showed me even more .With this going on then in the spiritual realm there were like brilliant shining white fighters and there were dark black ones. They were far superior to any man-made fighters. The white ones were whipping the black ones . Then as intense as it was, I woke up, asking the Lord what was all this?
He said this it what the number 37 is all about. War my son as I have revealed this to my son Paul ,that you have been seeing this number everywhere .This is what is coming ,like sudden destruction My son . The dream shows you with children ,My children ,you have been called to show and teach them the way to go .You have been called to watch over My children .Your part is to pray for them ,Teach them My Truth and Encourage them to keep going . You are My servants and have matured ,grounded in My Word and led by My Holy Spirit for such a time as this .Yes you stumble and make mistakes ,no one is totally complete in Me until you come home .You are on the right path ,be encouraged .I am with you and will never leave you .You and Paul and My daughters Gail and Brenda are to stand for Christ and let not this world or your flesh keep you from serving Me. Do not let anyone discourage you .We are at the final moments before the sudden destruction comes and you all we be with me .Your Mission will be done and the path I have put you on will be completed .Now share the rest with My son Paul .
This is the real exciting part .As we are with the children of God ,running to the Apartments ,there is a very Loud Trumpet ,Shofar sounding .Not like I have ever heard ,so powerful that it shakes the ground under our feet . A loud Voice saying Come up Hither ! We were looking up ,we could see our Savior and Lord Bright and Shining Brighter than the Sun ,but not hurting our eyes .A pure light ,His Glory ! Amen Then we were changed instantly to a perfect body white robes that shined brightly . We look so young and Glorified and we fly up instantly ,like real fast ,a twinkle of a eye .
It was so real.....,there was such a release knowing no more struggle ,no more dealing with this flesh and failing our Lord in this flesh .No more two natures ,But only a Holy nature only a Holy Spirit .Amen Halleluiah
The last thing was what the Lord showed me about what was going on the world .All these planes and fighters turned on each other .At first the Russian and Chinese were against the Americans ,but then it shifted .they were now fighting each other . Like the Word of God says ,they will turn on themselves and each other . Amen
The other thing the Lord told me is that it will start conventional and then go nuclear .That’s when the church is taken ,all hell will break out .Sudden destruction ! God Have Mercy.
Then the Lord pointed out again about what He revealed to you 37 means war and what He pointed out to me .I Don’t think I have shared this with you ,but I will now .
37 also means 3- Father ,Son and Holy Spirit 7- God’s perfect way and will . Amen
The Last thing The Lord revealed is that ,as the nations turn against Me and against My people Israel and My Land and My city there fate is sealed .You are studying it now .So when you see the number 37 pray for the lost souls who still need Me ,pray for the lukewarm and back-slidden to repent before it is truly to late . It is all about souls now ,by the choices of the nations turning from the True Living God and turn to satan the god of this world ,There fate is sealed ,the Judgment and wrath is coming from My Holy Anger and Righteous indication .Pray for My created children to come home to Me before the gate of Heaven is closed Your Righteous King Jesus Forever Amen
Well brother what can I say .This was the most intense and so real dream .
Then when I woke up a vision of the second Glorious part . Amen
The time for this is very soon ,we need to look to Jesus ,to trust in Jesus like never before .Now as we see this number we are to pray and intercede for the ones around us who need to trust in Jesus as Savior and Lord before it is too late .Amen
When suddenly the sky was filled with jet fighters and higher bombers over our city. These were not American ones at first .Based what I saw these were Russian and Chinese planes . Our planes came too and the fight was on the bombers trying to drop bombs on our base here. We took the children and ran back to our apartments. Bombs dropping huge noises, the fighters fighting each other. The Russian and Chinese against the Americans. Some planes fallen from the sky. But did crash on us, but some around us .
That was the first part ,then the Lord showed me even more .With this going on then in the spiritual realm there were like brilliant shining white fighters and there were dark black ones. They were far superior to any man-made fighters. The white ones were whipping the black ones . Then as intense as it was, I woke up, asking the Lord what was all this?
He said this it what the number 37 is all about. War my son as I have revealed this to my son Paul ,that you have been seeing this number everywhere .This is what is coming ,like sudden destruction My son . The dream shows you with children ,My children ,you have been called to show and teach them the way to go .You have been called to watch over My children .Your part is to pray for them ,Teach them My Truth and Encourage them to keep going . You are My servants and have matured ,grounded in My Word and led by My Holy Spirit for such a time as this .Yes you stumble and make mistakes ,no one is totally complete in Me until you come home .You are on the right path ,be encouraged .I am with you and will never leave you .You and Paul and My daughters Gail and Brenda are to stand for Christ and let not this world or your flesh keep you from serving Me. Do not let anyone discourage you .We are at the final moments before the sudden destruction comes and you all we be with me .Your Mission will be done and the path I have put you on will be completed .Now share the rest with My son Paul .
This is the real exciting part .As we are with the children of God ,running to the Apartments ,there is a very Loud Trumpet ,Shofar sounding .Not like I have ever heard ,so powerful that it shakes the ground under our feet . A loud Voice saying Come up Hither ! We were looking up ,we could see our Savior and Lord Bright and Shining Brighter than the Sun ,but not hurting our eyes .A pure light ,His Glory ! Amen Then we were changed instantly to a perfect body white robes that shined brightly . We look so young and Glorified and we fly up instantly ,like real fast ,a twinkle of a eye .
It was so real.....,there was such a release knowing no more struggle ,no more dealing with this flesh and failing our Lord in this flesh .No more two natures ,But only a Holy nature only a Holy Spirit .Amen Halleluiah
The last thing was what the Lord showed me about what was going on the world .All these planes and fighters turned on each other .At first the Russian and Chinese were against the Americans ,but then it shifted .they were now fighting each other . Like the Word of God says ,they will turn on themselves and each other . Amen
The other thing the Lord told me is that it will start conventional and then go nuclear .That’s when the church is taken ,all hell will break out .Sudden destruction ! God Have Mercy.
Then the Lord pointed out again about what He revealed to you 37 means war and what He pointed out to me .I Don’t think I have shared this with you ,but I will now .
37 also means 3- Father ,Son and Holy Spirit 7- God’s perfect way and will . Amen
The Last thing The Lord revealed is that ,as the nations turn against Me and against My people Israel and My Land and My city there fate is sealed .You are studying it now .So when you see the number 37 pray for the lost souls who still need Me ,pray for the lukewarm and back-slidden to repent before it is truly to late . It is all about souls now ,by the choices of the nations turning from the True Living God and turn to satan the god of this world ,There fate is sealed ,the Judgment and wrath is coming from My Holy Anger and Righteous indication .Pray for My created children to come home to Me before the gate of Heaven is closed Your Righteous King Jesus Forever Amen
Well brother what can I say .This was the most intense and so real dream .
Then when I woke up a vision of the second Glorious part . Amen
The time for this is very soon ,we need to look to Jesus ,to trust in Jesus like never before .Now as we see this number we are to pray and intercede for the ones around us who need to trust in Jesus as Savior and Lord before it is too late .Amen
Word About Date Setters
What to do with date setters, dearest ones? Children, there are many of My holy children who are walking around bringing confusion to the rest of My Bride. They are caught up in a very clever deception of the enemy. There are so few of My servants who have not been affected by this. You see, dearest ones, the enemy wants to discredit each of My end times workers. He wants you to lose credibility and cause others to turn against you. He knows My Word well and is even more versed in it than many of My elect. He uses the Word against My precious children and he arrogantly hisses and snorts in delight when another one of My servants sets a date for My arrival.
Children, please meditate on My Holy Word night and day. Refresh yourself with the verses that state that no one knows the day or the hour when I will arrive in the sky. No one. That means no one. That includes Me! That include the angels. Only My Holy Father knows when He will release Me to go and retrieve My Bride. Keep encouraged, dearest ones. Do not allow anyone to discourage you and confuse you and steal your crowns. Stay focused on occupying and setting a standard of holy living in order that others will see Me in you and in order that when I do come to retrieve you that I will find you faithful til the end. I love you all more than you can imagine.
Matthew 24:36
But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but ONLY THE FATHER.
What to do with date setters? Remember that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Remember that every one will have to give an account of their actions one day and when My servants bring discouragement to the Bride, they are accountable to Me. In the meantime, love them, pray for them, gently rebuke them using My Holy Word. Do not turn your backs on them, but understand the clever ways of the enemy and pray that I will open their eyes to the web of confusion that they are caught in. I will deliver them in My perfect timing and I will teach them each a valuable lesson. My Word does not bring confusion and when you see My children prophesying things that go AGAINST MY WORDS walk in love and keep your guards up at all times. Love, dearest ones. It is necessary in all things. L-O-V-E just like I love you!
Author Unknown
No updates today. Its my birthday!
Dream: Rapture; Warning DON’T LOOK BACK Like Lots Wife – Missy Rabe
I had a rapture dream last night. I dreamed that I was taken. The angels that come to take us are soooo beautiful. They shine with the Father’s glory, gorgeous. They are so big. The amazing peace and joy that came over me was unlike anything I have ever experienced. However, I was warned in the dream to not look back like Lot’s wife. I was told that I must not have any love of this world, or the things in this world. In the dream, I started to look back, and I was set down on the ground, no longer ascending. I awoke realizing that I must repent about anything that would cause me to look back. I was glad for the warning, while there is still time (seconds of time left).
Dream of 4 Cards and Gazebo Vision
by Paula Marie
I had a dream some time ago that it was my birthday and I received 4 cards in the mail. I took this to mean that judgment may be coming some time around my birthday....because throughout the Bible 4 means judgment. What year it will happen....I do not know.
I also had a vision that I was on this beach and Jesus was walking up toward me. So I asked him when the rapture would take place. Instead of answering me....He pointed toward this gazebo up on the hill and motioned so that I would go there.
I headed up to it and looked inside. There was a picnic table made out of stone and on the table was a cake. We both sat down at opposite sides of the table facing each other. Then Jesus cut the cake. He cut two pieces...one for me and one for Him and placed them on these plates and we began to eat it.
Then I grabbed both my hands from across the table and started to pray. As He was praying....the clothes I was wearing turned into a wedding dress.
I asked him why I had on this dress. And he said "It is time"!
Then he went back down to the beach and got on this white horse that was waiting for him and rode away swiftly. I was watching Him down below the whole time from the balcony in the gazebo. End of Vision.
I always thought this could my birthday cake that we were eating, which could mean the rapture could take place shortly after it. Again the year was not given. My birthday is April 24th! Watch and be ready!
Vision received early in the morning of 20.04.2018
by Yvan
I am in a large house with several rooms, I am in one of the largest rooms and full of people are standing there having fun, dancing, entertaining with a world music resonant strongly.
At that moment I decide to leave this room and arrive in a small entry vestibule and there too are all sorts of temptations and seductions, and after a moment of temptation, I finally decide to leave this house and find myself outside outside.
At that moment, I see in my right hand a big key like the one I had already received in another vision to open a door in the sky.
I also see a sort of gorge going up far enough to mountains and know that I have to climb in that direction.
Next to the big house, I notice a large sheepfold with sheep inside, except one that is in front of the building. [... which could represent the false church which is also confined in a building ...].
As I leave the house, a lady who was also in the hallway takes her umbrella as it is raining hard outside and she decides to follow me.
I begin to climb a few steps and find myself running to undertake this climb to escape also this house full of sin and this woman who follows me.
I then notice a small plateau with two big wheels at dawn and as it rains a lot, the two wheels are filled with water that overflows, and I notice that the river flowing in this gorge is filled with a stream of water very important. At this moment I begin to understand that since there is a lot of rain, in this gorge, it could become dangerous and insecure.
I continue the climb and arrive a little higher and stops short at a place because from there I see the end of the valley (gorge) and at the end, up, far enough is a high mountain with like a cliff. At this moment I notice that on the summits of this mountain ridge is like water foam, and I can see waves, and a body of water behind. At this moment I understand that there is a serious problem and before being able to think more of this situation, the water overflows and a gigantic wave begins to descend in all the valley of this gorge.
At this moment, I cry Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, save me, Jesus ...
As I cry to the Lord, the wave comes very close to me, right in front of me, and at that moment a firm hand, that of the Lord Jesus, takes my right hand, grips me firmly on my right wrist and makes me go up to the top just before the wave engulfs me.
As I climb, I see again this woman with her umbrella remain powerless on earth, and without understanding what to do, it is swallowed by the powerful waves that pass.
At that moment I find myself above this big wave that continues to break, and I am still held by the hand of the Lord and fly with him before the wave, which continues to ravage and destroy everything in its path. [... surely the Lord takes others as he did for me, but I have not seen him ...].
At that moment I wake up from this vision.
As I reflect on my bed at this vision, I see in spirit my first two boys standing in our room, as if they were coming for a departure for the kidnapping.
Note: this dream comes at night after a dream received in September 2017, where the Lord showed me the numbers 53 and 54, and by combining these two numbers, it is 107 days.
I was 107 days from the end of 2017, and since 01.01.2018 to 19.04.2018 there were still 107 days of elapsed.
“The Days of Trouble Have Now Started.”
by Brian Searle
During prayer time today, the Lord gave me a vision. I was in the air, about 20 feet or so above the ground and somewhere on the eastern border of Israel. I saw about 30 to 40 Iranian jets flying low and fast into Israel. They were quickly joined by about 20 Syrian jets that came in along side of them.
The Iranian jets were heading towards their target of Haifa (I saw the name Haifa above the city). The Syrian jets were heading towards their target of Tel Aviv (again, I saw the name above the city). I saw that the Iranians were carrying a payload of assorted bombs, and I was shown that some of these were chemical. The Syrian jets were also armed with rockets and bombs.
The planes flew in swiftly and closed in on their targeted cities. I then saw the Israeli Air Force in flight to intercept the enemy planes. However, they had not been alerted soon enough, and the Iranian and Syrian planes managed to reach the targeted cities and drop their payloads before being shot down. I saw tremendous smoke rising up from the cities, and the Israeli jets had shot down all of the enemy planes.
I understood the Lord to say, “This was a planned suicide mission, and Iran and Syria intended to lose their planes and pilots in order to accomplish their mission of killing as many Israeli people as possible in the raid.”
I then heard the Lord say, “Damascus will be a ruinous and burning heap and never inhabited again.” End of vision.
“My son, the days of trouble have now started. Watch and see what will come now. In the days ahead, I will move many into the Fire of My Holy Spirit. I will move on pastors who have been seeking Me. I will move on My People who have had their faces on the ground before Me, crying out for revival in their cities. I will pour out of Myself an anointing so strong people will wonder what has happened. Those in the dead churches will now have their thoughts on how to stop this nonsense, for those walking in the power of My Spirit will show signs and mighty wonders.My son, the days are now here that I have been warning about. The wheels of prophecy will now be completed, and My return is near at hand. Tell My People I am coming soon, BE READY! Be not sleeping, but watch all things and know the time is now.Even though My watchmen and prophets are sounding the alarm and shouting to wake up, the sleeping Church is not responding and will be caught asleep and unaware. My son, time is now of utmost importance, for all things will change in an instant. I love you, keep in My Word, delusion is here.”Messiah Jesus
Scripture Reference:
1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.
2 The cities of Aroer are forsaken: they shall be for flocks, which shall lie down, and none shall make them afraid.
3 The fortress also shall cease from Ephraim, and the kingdom from Damascus, and the remnant of Syria: they shall be as the glory of the children of Israel, saith the Lord of hosts.
4 And in that day it shall come to pass, that the glory of Jacob shall be made thin, and the fatness of his flesh shall wax lean.” (Isaiah 17:1-4)
Dear brethren-in-Christ,
The Lord wants me to warn you that we are moving closer to a full-scale military confrontation between Israel and Iran, and with that, the ushering in of the coming 3 Days of Darkness, because this military conflict between the two nations is a key geopolitical event that will precede the coming supernatural great darkness that will utterly consume the earth.
I do not know exactly how soon after the imminent military conflict between Iran and Israel will the great darkness commence, but I believe it may be as soon as a few days after, or less. For those who have no idea what the 3 Days of Darkness refers to, I shall provide a few weblinks to my older FB posts on this important 6th Seal event at the end of this post.
The main portion of my post will focus on two other key Bible prophecy events in light of the very recent developments in the Middle East situation, namely the Isaiah 17:1 and Ezekiel 38-39 prophecies.
A) Isaiah 17:1 (NKJV)
1 The burden against Damascus.
“Behold, Damascus will cease from being a city,�And it will be a ruinous heap.
Despite what some Christians may claim, I believe that Isaiah 17:1 holds a yet future fulfilment, because the city of Damascus has ostensibly never been completely destroyed (by being turned into a ruinous heap) in its long history. Yes, it may have been attacked and even ransacked or subjugated by other kingdoms historically, but Damascus has never ceased from being a city. Therefore, there remains a future and complete fulfilment of Isaiah 17:1, along with the rest of the chapter (eg. we know that Isaiah 17:7-8 has not yet come to pass, because there has never been a time in Israel's history, since King David, when the people of Israel pledge complete acknowledgement of, and lasting allegiance to, God Almighty).
The present online news article that I am sharing with you here quotes senior Israeli officials as saying that Israel will destroy Syrian President Assad and his regime should his ally, Iran, choose to launch retaliatory attacks on Israel from within Syria itself, because Iran has accused Israel of the recent military strike against their air base in Syria. The seat of Assad's regime and power is in the Syrian capital of Damascus, so any Israeli promise to destroy Assad's regime will very likely also cause the destruction of Damascus as well. This may lead to a further movement towards the fulfilment of Isaiah 17:1, if not a complete fulfilment of it in the near future.
I say this because Iranian leaders have openly and publicly threatened to strike back at Israel for the alleged Israeli attack on their drone base in Syria, and senior Israeli officials have now openly declared that they will hold Assad responsible for such an Iranian retaliation from within his country, by promising to destroy his regime in Syria. We know that Israel does not have a habit of making empty threats, so the scenario of Damascus being turned into a ruinous heap and thus ceasing from being a city as prophesied in Isaiah 17:1 is not only plausible, but likely to happen then.
B) Ezekiel 38-39
The War of Gog Against Israel
How does this tie in with Ezekiel prophecy concerning the War of Gog then? Well, we know from present-day geopolitical developments that Iran, Russia and Turkey have formed an axis of powers in the Middle East. Their overt agenda is to support the Assad regime in Syria, even as they have each claimed to wish to fight against ISIS in Syria. Their less overt agenda (particularly for Russia), however, is their desire to band together against Israel, because the Muslims (and their Russian allies) oppose Israel and everything that they perceive as Zionism.
It is my belief that Ezekiel 38-39 may happen shortly after Assad's regime (along with the capital city of Damascus) is destroyed by Israeli military power, because Assad's key allies, ie. Iran, Russia and Turkey, will not sit idly by and do nothing when Isaiah 17:1 comes to pass. They will launch a joint invasion of Israel as prophesied by Ezekiel long ago, and the LORD God Almighty will manifest His great Power and Might by delivering Israel miraculously from those invaders, and destroying the hordes of Gog, chief prince of Magog.
The biblical connection between the prophecies of Isaiah 17 and Ezekiel 38-39 can be seen in closely-similar Scriptures found in both prophecies, such as Isaiah 17:7-8, 12-14 and Ezekiel 37:21-23, 38:21-24. These passages prophesy that in the light of God's manifestation of His mighty arm of deliverance, the people of Israel will forsake their idolatrous sins and turn to their covenant God, and the whole world will know that the Holy One of Israel is the LORD, the One true God, because He will destroy and silence the rampaging armies of Israel's attackers; though their tumult be great, they will become no more.
Some believers may argue that Isaiah 17 and Ezekiel 38-39 will happen only post-Tribulation, when Christ returns a second time to the earth, but I believe it may very well take place around the time of the commencement of Daniel's 70th Week, ie. the start of the 7-year Great Tribulation. One reason is because it is possible for the people of Israel to turn to God once again, and still be deceived by the appearing of the 'man of lawlessness' just before Daniel's 70th Week as their promised Messiah. I wouldn't be surprised if even a number of presently-secular Jews turn to God (after witnessing His mighty power of deliverance) and unknowingly embrace the false Messiah in the person of the 'son of perdition' at the commencement of Daniel's 70th Week.
Not only so, many have confused the prophesied War of Gog in Ezekiel 38-39 with the war of Armageddon in Revelation 16:12-16, 19:11-21. This conflation of the two separate and distinct end-time events have possibly led some to insist that we will not see the War of Gog or even the destruction of Damascus, until the end of Daniel's 70th Week, or at the end of the 7-year Great Tribulation. I had previously written a post here on FB to explain why the War of Gog and the War of Armageddon are not the same event, due to clear contextual evidence in the relevant Scriptures.
C) Before the war of Ezekiel 38-39 happens, however, I believe that Israel will launch a strong military strike against Iran, particularly Iran's nuclear facilities. This might happen in conjunction with the promised Israeli strike on Assad's regime in Damascus, or possibly shortly after it. The main reasons I say this is as follows:
I) Israel has reiterated many times previously that it will not tolerate the likelihood of Iran obtaining enough enriched uranium to produce nuclear weapons, because it knows that Iran will use them to try and annihilate Israel and its people.
II) America has threatened to scrap the JCPOA nuclear agreement with Iran, and is pushing the European Union to impose stronger sanctions against Iran. In retaliation, Iran has threatened to restart its uranium enrichment activities within a few short days should America withdraw from the nuclear deal.
III) A Kuwaiti news source recently reported that Israel's stealth fighter planes have successfully infiltrated Iranian airspace twice and the Israeli planes were reported to have flown over Iranian cities associated with their nuclear program. If this news report is true, the ramifications will be severe, because that will mean that the Russian air defence system had failed to detect the Israeli stealth planes.
IV) The new head of Trump's National Security, John Bolton, has been known to have previously advocated a military strategy against Iran's nuclear facilities. The fact that Trump has appointed Bolton to be his new national security advisor will very likely give the green light to Israel to launch such an attack on Iran, something which was purportedly denied them by the Obama administration previously.
An Israeli military strike on Iran's nuclear facilities (whether in conjunction with their promised attack on Damascus, or separate from it) will bring about a devastating response from Iran on Israel, in tandem with Iranian military proxies in Lebanon, ie. Hezbollah. There will be many casualties in Israel from this retaliatory response from Iran, because God will allow this to happen in order to shake His people awake. This will usher in the coming 3 Days of Darkness, because the LORD's wrath will consume the world in utter darkness when the 6th Seal is broken by the Lamb (see Revelation 6:12-17).
Be ready, my dear brothers and sisters, because it is during the time of great darkness upon the earth that the Lord will visit each of His saints and reveal to them if they are counted worthy to be among His holy and precious Bride. For those who are unfamiliar with what I am saying here, please refer to the weblinks below to my older explanatory posts on FB.
O Church of Christ, let us arise now, for His Light has come (Isaiah 60:1-3)! Please continue to pray for Israel and the people of Israel, if you are not already doing so. Jacob's trouble (Jeremiah 30:7) is about to begin in earnest, and we, the spiritual descendants of Abraham, need to stand with the true remnant of Israel now, more than ever before!
Isaiah 13:6-13 (NKJV)
Wail, for the day of the Lord is at hand!�It will come as destruction from the Almighty.
Therefore all hands will be limp,�Every man’s heart will melt,
And they will be afraid.�Pangs and sorrows will take hold of them;�They will be in pain as a woman in childbirth;�They will be amazed at one another;�Their faces will be like flames.
Behold, the day of the Lord comes,�Cruel, with both wrath and fierce anger,�To lay the land desolate;�And He will destroy its sinners from it.
For the stars of heaven and their constellations�Will not give their light;�The sun will be darkened in its going forth,�And the moon will not cause its light to shine.
“I will punish the world for its evil,�And the wicked for their iniquity;�I will halt the arrogance of the proud,�And will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.
I will make a mortal more rare than fine gold,�A man more than the golden wedge of Ophir.
Therefore I will shake the heavens,�And the earth will move out of her place,�In the wrath of the Lord of hosts�And in the day of His fierce anger.
Revelation 6:12-17 (NKJV)
12 I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood. 13 And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind. 14 Then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place. 15 And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, 16 and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17 For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”
Luke 21:34-36 (NKJV)
34 “But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. 35 For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. 36 Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”
Mark Chen
A dream from Yeshua
Sheryl (4/17/18)
I was dreaming I was in a type of children's camp. They said to line up. I lined up. The one was male and asked if that's how I line up. Which I responded Yes. I was wearing a long skirt, pair of high red heels, and a sort of tank top. I remember I kept pulling it down in the back to keep myself from showing much. The male assigned me to work with a kind black teacher. I thought this is gonna be fun. Then, a lady came by in a car and the male figure had asked if I am doing right by standing at attention. She said No. The male figure said no to my assignment and that I would have to go with them. I was sad, but I went with them.
The place we got to was a home, a living and dying place. We had to do chores. I had brought 2 things with me - a cheese slicer and something else I don't remember. A little girl told me that the cheese slicer would be very handy. She scraped it on her cheek. Dream over.
The first camp was a school. And I wanted to stay at school, with the teachers - this is where I felt safe. I had to go to a place where I no longer felt safe - a home.
It was like I was the only one who couldn't stand in line the right way. I was digging or playing with the heel of my stilleto. Also, I was the only one who had red heeled shoes. The woman in the car didn't like me. She said No. The man also didn't like me, as he wanted to take me with them. I wasn't with handcuffs or anything that would demonstrate being imprisoned. But, when we got to the place we had the finer things in life. I was scared, very scared. I knew that it wasn't right. Something was really wrong at that place. I saw a little girl, she seemed sweet and kind. But, then she took the slicer and pretended to cut herself on the face. The cheese slicer would be very handy.
It is like they wanted me to be able to cut someone's body with a cheese slicer or else I would be the one they chose to cut. That's exactly why they chose to have me in that place and not the camp. It's like I was leaving the concentration camp and moving to a place of horror!
Being the only one that wore red heeled shoes in the dream, it gives me the feeling of the Savior's blood and how He was crucified, resurrected, and ascended. In reality, I cannot wear stilleto heels. But, it could have been to where I was given shoes to wear when I entered the childrens concentration camp. It might have been the only thing they had to give me.
I had a sense of peace when I was at the children's concentration camp. When they took me away, by saying No to the assignment of being with the black teacher, they were actually telling me that I would torture or be tortured. The man had no feelings whatsoever. The woman driving in the car was like a warden, a ruler. And I was a sheep led to be slaughtered!
This dream tells me two things: Not all concentration camps will lead the people to instant death (gas). Some people will be chosen to join torturous methods (i.e. cheese slicer) on people or have the people be tortured by others.
The second thing was that children of the ages of teenagers will be used for the torture - either way. We aren't going to be here. We are flying, ladies and gentlemen! But, those teenagers are going to be here and they will be made to be numb for what they do to others! The few who decide to follow the Lord Yeshua/Jesus will pay the price!
There will be TORTURE in the days of the Left Behind... that is what the Lord Yeshua has given me to give to you! I am thankful that he didn't show me the types of torture. But, it's going to be worse than anything we can think of.
If you know of a teenager who does not know the Lord Yeshua/Jesus, would you please tell him/her He is Real! And that He was crucified, ressurected, and ascended into the Heavens above for all the people! He loves you so much! Tell him/her all he/she has to do to get saved is forgive, repent, and call on the name of the Lord! Amen! Amen! Amen!
We would much rather see all age groups go to Heaven, but in case they don't make it, we have done the best we can while we are here!
Hallelujah! To God be the glory! Amen! Amen! Amen!
As with everything in life, take this dream to the Lord Yeshua/Jesus!
Bible verses that need to get to you and others are:
Matthew 24:12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
Matthew 24:9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
James 5:7-8 Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husband-man waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain. Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.
Amen! Amen! Amen! We say we want his will to be done. But, we are watching and expecting him at any moment! We say Come, Lord Yeshua/Jesus, Come!
The Pastor's Cat and God's sense of Humor!
Dwight Nelson recently told a true story about the pastor of his church. He had a kitten that climbed up a tree in his backyard and then was afraid to come down. The pastor coaxed, offered warm milk, etc.
The kitty would not come down. The tree was not sturdy enough to climb, so the pastor decided that if he tied a rope to his car and pulled it until the tree bent down, he could then reach up and get the kitten.
That's what he did, all the while checking his progress in the car. He then figured if he went just a little bit further, the tree would be bent sufficiently for him to reach the kitten. But as he moved the car a little further forward, the rope broke.
The tree went 'boing!' and the kitten instantly sailed through the air - out of sight.
The pastor felt terrible. He walked all over the neighbourhood asking people if they'd seen a little kitten. No. Nobody had seen a stray kitten. So he prayed, 'Lord, I just commit this kitten to your keeping,' and went on about his business.
A few days later he was at the grocery store, and met one of his church members. He happened to look into her shopping cart and was amazed to see cat food. This woman was a cat hater and everyone knew it, so he asked her, 'Why are you buying cat food when you hate cats so much?' She replied, 'You won't believe this,' and then told him how her little girl had been begging her for a cat, but she kept refusing. Then a few days before, the child had begged again, so the Mom finally told her little girl, 'Well, if God gives you a cat, I'll let you keep it.' She told the pastor, 'I watched my child go out in the yard, get on her knees, and ask God for a cat. And really, Pastor, you won't believe this, but I saw it with my own eyes. A kitten suddenly came flying out of the blue sky, with its paws outspread, and landed right in front of her.'
Never underestimate the Power of God and His unique sense of humour.
Anyone can count the seeds in an apple; but only God can count the apples in a seed.
"Each Day is God's Gift to you, make it blossom and grow into a Day of Beauty"
Last Day Of School Dream by El aine
I had a dream this morning that even though my son does to worst thing and has light scrapes with the law he's going to make it home.
I have a former roommate who is Jewish. And believe it or not I was SINNING up the creek!!!!! and probably was a biggest hypocrite but I did try to tell my roommate the fact that Jesus Christ died for her sins and of course her being Jewish would not believe that. First she said she understood but she couldn't do anything because of her parents. And her parents would disown her so I'm quite sure now...it would be her husband and what he would do if she became a Christian. So with that in mind I had the following dream about her.
We were living in the dorm and I was packing the last of my boxes as the school was in process of closing down for summer vacation. It was in the middle of the afternoon and I knew it would be the last time I would be here and I didn't know quite how to say goodbye. When I went to her side of the room she was still 'sleeping' and she seemed to have swaddling clothes around her legs for a sheet .
I remember in the dream, I went to her side of the room. I told her "Well, I am all packed and ready to go". Ready to go also met finishing all of my courses, completing all my work, and waiting for graduation day. When do you think you'll be leaving ? She said " later on tonight". I said " We've known each other for such a long time I really don't know how to say goodbye, and I really wasn't going to come in here, but we have been friends for such a long time." Then the dream faded and I turned around to leave. I didn't say goodbye or I'll see you soon I just left.
Most colleges close down in May, I'm taking is that May is going to be our transformation month. Israel has their birthday in May.
El aine J. Hawkins
I have a former roommate who is Jewish. And believe it or not I was SINNING up the creek!!!!! and probably was a biggest hypocrite but I did try to tell my roommate the fact that Jesus Christ died for her sins and of course her being Jewish would not believe that. First she said she understood but she couldn't do anything because of her parents. And her parents would disown her so I'm quite sure now...it would be her husband and what he would do if she became a Christian. So with that in mind I had the following dream about her.
We were living in the dorm and I was packing the last of my boxes as the school was in process of closing down for summer vacation. It was in the middle of the afternoon and I knew it would be the last time I would be here and I didn't know quite how to say goodbye. When I went to her side of the room she was still 'sleeping' and she seemed to have swaddling clothes around her legs for a sheet .
I remember in the dream, I went to her side of the room. I told her "Well, I am all packed and ready to go". Ready to go also met finishing all of my courses, completing all my work, and waiting for graduation day. When do you think you'll be leaving ? She said " later on tonight". I said " We've known each other for such a long time I really don't know how to say goodbye, and I really wasn't going to come in here, but we have been friends for such a long time." Then the dream faded and I turned around to leave. I didn't say goodbye or I'll see you soon I just left.
Most colleges close down in May, I'm taking is that May is going to be our transformation month. Israel has their birthday in May.
El aine J. Hawkins
A Dream from Yeshua
This morning I was sleeping and a dream formed in my head. It is for the Left Behind. Here goes.
There was a gentleman that the dreamer knew very well. You could say that he was an immediate family member. He asked the dreamer if she would be willing to forego all of the Christian nonsense. She said that she wouldn't do it. So, he kicked her out of the home. She went to another family member, like an uncle. He consoled her and said that it would be okay. She was taken back to the first family member, and it wound up where they turned her in. She got decapitated! Dream over.
The verses I want to share with you are:
Matthew 24:9-10 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
Luke 17:33 Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.
Luke 21:15-17 For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist. And ye shall be betrayed both by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolks, and friends; and some of you shall they cause to be put to death. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake.
Luke 15:7 I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.
Revelation 22:12-13 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
The dream was definitely for the Left Behind! It was direct and to the point. They will have no choice but to be killed. But, they will have heaven over hell! And, they will have a King who loves them and cares about them! That is a wonderful thing! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Do not accept the mark! Barter your way and refuse to join with the one world system! If you are left behind, and you want to say a prayer, then say something like this:
I believe in you, Lord Yeshua/Jesus! I know that you were crucified, ressurected, and ascended to save all of us! I believe that you care about the people, and I know that I am going to be killed, but I will be with you! Lord Yeshua/Jesus, I ask you to come into my heart and rule over me!
You have to say you forgive others (your enemies are included) and find forgiveness in yourself! Then, you must repent, and never do the sinful things again! Last, you must believe and call on the name of the Lord Yeshua/Jesus!
Remember, the Lord Yeshua/Jesus is faithful and just to forgive! He wants to know you and wants you to know Him!
Congratulations, you are a child of God! Read the Bible, pray, and stay in a safe place if at all possible!
Love to all!
The Words and a Dream from Yeshua
Sheryl (4/11/18)
I finally got the message from the dream, because I didn't want to tell you the wrong thing! Here goes!
I was praying and the words from Yeshua was "informed" and "fly." I'm going to inform all of you to get water, noncooked food, candles, match sticks, and wipes now! You may or may not need them! But, you know the people that are left behind will need every bit of it!!! It is soon, so soon!
Based on the Damascus firing, we are going to war, but we are going to be flying as they drop - if you are meant to be in the first two escapes! Otherwise, if you are meant to bring in the harvest (40 days), you will fly during the war time.
There isn't much to say about flying, except you do not look back! You focus on the Lord Yeshua/Jesus! If it helps to stay focused, begin saying his name! Just fly beside your angel, he/she will be your guide!
The next thing he gave me was 299 and 499. In the Greek Strong's Concordance 299 "blameless and spot free" and 499 "resembling another or copy" was two more words I had last night. This means that when transformation occurs we are blameless and will be a copy of the Lord Yeshua/Jesus! There will be many saved at that time for the kingdom of Lord God Jehovah Elohim!
Then, I dreamed I was in a hospital to donate frozen eggs, but they couldn't do it. They never tried. I was telling a male figure what I was there to do. Suddenly, I had to leave. I was heavily packed. I must have had about three large bags. There was the small bible I almost forgot! In fact I almost forgot the stuff in the drawer. I grabbed the bible and I headed out. Some of the jewelry costume was there and I left it behind. Way too much stuff was there, to have that procedure.
This dream is of the bible and it was small and maroon just like the one I have as part of my left behind stack. I took that along with the 3 bags.
I wanted to sell my eggs, that means that there is no more funding, and so I agreed to sell my eggs. I told the man what I was doing. The man was Yeshua/Jesus!
This is the left behind also! They will barter for everything - the new Christians and the lukewarm!
Bags in Strong's Concordance means "distress" (Hebrew). It was a very hard situation. It was like I had been carrying the 3 bags around with me everywhere I went. Then, I met the Lord Yeshua! That is when I went for the Bible! I didn't care that the doctors wouldn't take the eggs from me anymore. Nothing mattered, only the Bible!
3 is also the Holy Trinity. I could have been carrying them around with me, figuratively speaking. Maybe, I had them without knowing it. Then, I met the Lord Yeshua. Then, I met his grace and love (the Bible).
The last thing I remembered was the costume jewelry was left behind! I no longer needed it! It was a useless idol.
I never do figure all of the dream until I start typing and praying to the Lord Yeshua! Then, it comes! God is so amazing! Amen! Amen! Amen!
If you would like to be saved, would you please say a prayer on bended knees and a contrite heart! Say something like this: I realize you are my Lord Yeshua/Jesus and I want you to come into my heart and live there! I know that you were crucified, resurrected, and ascended for all of us - the past, present, and future. (You say your faults, the sins you have done and repent from those sins - that means you never go back to your sins. But, if you do, repent again and the Lord Yeshua will forgive you!) Then, you say I believe in you and I love you, Lord Yeshua/Jesus! That's really all you need to do, but please believe! Remember, you can't worship the Lord Yeshua if you have one foot in the world and one foot in Him!
I got a very very short vision just before I woke up this morning.
It was very encouraging, and I knew what this person was. Although everyone else just figured it was an ordinary guy. But it was an angel . He was dressed in blue jeans ,checkered red and black shirt, Brown work boots, brown hair, I think he stood about 6' 5., I don't know whose Angel he was supposed to be guarding or protecting but he was looking through out the supermarket store because that's where I saw him.
He was in the store to make sure no evil spirits attached God's children. I thought he had come to take us home but he was just there making sure well God's children were doing there shopping in the supermarket they would not be under attack.
El aine
Angel Encounter
It's been a while since I wanted to share something with you.
About 3-4 weeks ago, early in the morning, I felt that there was a person, a messenger, an angel in my room.
And I heard (in spirit) that he said to me: Damascus is destroyed (he spoke to me thus, in the present).
Then the messenger is gone.
I do not take my head with that, but also see the events that come with Syria ...
be blessed
About 3-4 weeks ago, early in the morning, I felt that there was a person, a messenger, an angel in my room.
And I heard (in spirit) that he said to me: Damascus is destroyed (he spoke to me thus, in the present).
Then the messenger is gone.
I do not take my head with that, but also see the events that come with Syria ...
be blessed
I had a dream last night that somehow I was in US Military and was ordered to go to Israel. I watched as Ezek. 38-39 played out, watched as ANGELS stood around Israel with flaming swords (kind of like the light sabers on star wars) and protected Israel from any enemies trying to sneak in. I heard the Shofar and then Yeshua's voice shouting, " ' Come up here! Bride, come Home with Me!! ' '' In English-Hebrew. And I could understand both. And in less than a blink of an eye, I was with Yeshua and we were Home!
Church, be READY!!! Repent and get rid of ALL sins. Be ready!!!!
author unknown
author unknown
Two Dreams from the Past
4/12/18 (3/17/18 - both happened)
1st Flash Dream:
The name was Burnt Well. I found there was a Guest Ranch - NM. I do not know why, but I got that name. Burnt in Strong's is 801 and means "offering or sacrifice." The word well on Strong's is 369 and it means "to be gone or past." So, it would appear to mean "sacrifice past" which says to me "Yeshua!" Yeshua was my sacrifice past, He alone is the one who died and rose from the grave. Amen! Amen! Amen!
2nd Dream:
We had a long beautiful wooden desk in back of our sofa on the back wall of an unknown room. There were a few females talking to me. There was enough sitting for 15 people.
5132 in (Hebrew) Strong's, the desk is "a table that is for banqueting." Our desks could have been used as tables. 3427 in (Hebrew) Strong's, chairs mean "to dwell and remain." In (Hebrew) Strong's, the sofa means 4296 "a chamber, a bed for sleeping and eating."
The number 15 means to have a "longing for or to rest."
What I see in the second dream, is a lot of beautiful wood furniture! I ignored the dream, because I felt it was trying to get me into a house. It's been almost one month, and I decided to research it anyway. That and the dream I have been basically bothered by it. I am so sorry for not sending it to the blog! It is for everyone!
The banqueting table, feeling like to dwell and remain, and the chamber being to sleep and eat. This is a dream about the Wedding of the Lamb! Even the number 15, that was to rest. I think we could all use a long rest from the many troubles we are going through right now.
Yeshua said for me to say He is coming now - not soon - but now! So, this means that Damascus is going to happen! It's really strange how air strikes happened in Syria a day after I was told to really read Isaiah 17. I knew that the blog wouldn't be able to see it until Sunday, but I think I sent it on Monday morning. Anyway, it got posted!
I pray for all people around the world, including the lost, lukewarm, and wicked! They know not what they do. If they did know, there wouldn't be mockers and scoffers cutting people down!
3 John 1:11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God.
Jude 1:18-20 Hold that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit. But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost.
As with everything take it to the Lord Yeshua!
Please, if you haven't prayed to the Lord recently or forever, pray now! He said the message to have salvation is now! All you have to do is pray on bended knees! Forgive, repent (don't go back to sinning), and call out to Yeshua/Jesus!
Remember, nobody is to fear mankind - only fear God! Draw close to Him and He will deliver you!
We are going to be flying very soon! I love you all, brothers and sisters, in Yeshua!
An SQ Alert
from stevequayle.com
Reuters reports that Russian envoy just announced that Russia will shoot down any missiles fried by USA into Syria.---- 'I agree with this too. Let us not forget, Russian and Chinese special forces were allowed to stay in our country for a while...many I fear are still here and awaiting orders. I still suspect a massive grid down situation coming with all this. China and Russia will have to move quickly to take out our defenses, this won't be a slow and drawn out attack. It'll be fast, hard hitting and in multiple phases. People have no idea what had hit them, but I assure you, once our satellites start going down, bad sh!t is coming. Russians and Chinese are ruthless when it comes to warfare, they will have no mercy. This won't be a hearts and minds campaign
4/12/18 (3/17/18 - both happened)
1st Flash Dream:
The name was Burnt Well. I found there was a Guest Ranch - NM. I do not know why, but I got that name. Burnt in Strong's is 801 and means "offering or sacrifice." The word well on Strong's is 369 and it means "to be gone or past." So, it would appear to mean "sacrifice past" which says to me "Yeshua!" Yeshua was my sacrifice past, He alone is the one who died and rose from the grave. Amen! Amen! Amen!
2nd Dream:
We had a long beautiful wooden desk in back of our sofa on the back wall of an unknown room. There were a few females talking to me. There was enough sitting for 15 people.
5132 in (Hebrew) Strong's, the desk is "a table that is for banqueting." Our desks could have been used as tables. 3427 in (Hebrew) Strong's, chairs mean "to dwell and remain." In (Hebrew) Strong's, the sofa means 4296 "a chamber, a bed for sleeping and eating."
The number 15 means to have a "longing for or to rest."
What I see in the second dream, is a lot of beautiful wood furniture! I ignored the dream, because I felt it was trying to get me into a house. It's been almost one month, and I decided to research it anyway. That and the dream I have been basically bothered by it. I am so sorry for not sending it to the blog! It is for everyone!
The banqueting table, feeling like to dwell and remain, and the chamber being to sleep and eat. This is a dream about the Wedding of the Lamb! Even the number 15, that was to rest. I think we could all use a long rest from the many troubles we are going through right now.
Yeshua said for me to say He is coming now - not soon - but now! So, this means that Damascus is going to happen! It's really strange how air strikes happened in Syria a day after I was told to really read Isaiah 17. I knew that the blog wouldn't be able to see it until Sunday, but I think I sent it on Monday morning. Anyway, it got posted!
I pray for all people around the world, including the lost, lukewarm, and wicked! They know not what they do. If they did know, there wouldn't be mockers and scoffers cutting people down!
3 John 1:11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God.
Jude 1:18-20 Hold that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit. But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost.
As with everything take it to the Lord Yeshua!
Please, if you haven't prayed to the Lord recently or forever, pray now! He said the message to have salvation is now! All you have to do is pray on bended knees! Forgive, repent (don't go back to sinning), and call out to Yeshua/Jesus!
Remember, nobody is to fear mankind - only fear God! Draw close to Him and He will deliver you!
We are going to be flying very soon! I love you all, brothers and sisters, in Yeshua!
An SQ Alert
from stevequayle.com
Reuters reports that Russian envoy just announced that Russia will shoot down any missiles fried by USA into Syria.---- 'I agree with this too. Let us not forget, Russian and Chinese special forces were allowed to stay in our country for a while...many I fear are still here and awaiting orders. I still suspect a massive grid down situation coming with all this. China and Russia will have to move quickly to take out our defenses, this won't be a slow and drawn out attack. It'll be fast, hard hitting and in multiple phases. People have no idea what had hit them, but I assure you, once our satellites start going down, bad sh!t is coming. Russians and Chinese are ruthless when it comes to warfare, they will have no mercy. This won't be a hearts and minds campaign
Dream of Jesse, received early in the morning during the night of April 9 to 10, 2018I
start my dream with a small letter (normal size), and it was stolen. I can take it back, then I take it back, then I finally manage to take it back. So I get this letter three times, and all three times I get it back.
This part of the dream with this letter repeats itself three times.Then, the dream goes on, it's as if I'm reading a piece of the chapter, and I find myself in a surveillance place, a place where I pass a security zone like in an airport to pass the suitcases to the x-ray.
By the way, there are police officers who look in people's suitcases and I remember being in second position on the waiting girl to pass in my turn. I look and notice that I am inside a building that looks a bit like in airports with stations where planes come to dock, and I am inside this building that has a roof slightly curved with big windows in front of me and I see a blue-white plane outside on my left.But the first person in front of me (a man) waiting in his suitcase full of stuff for his life and no place for God, as if it was a trash (there is anything in his heart).After a little further in the dream, suddenly, I hear the first trumpet that rings and after about 10 seconds, a second trumpet sounds too. And at that moment I ascend to the sky, and I arrive in the clouds, and turn back feeling like my head is down.Then I wake up.
Star/Planet dream by Wendi
Last night i had a dream and i was in it looked to be one of my childhood homes,and 2 of my old Christian friends were there,i hadn't seen them in years,The guy is named Nick(means victory for the people)
He was showing me something on the computer it was a bright shiny object like a planet or star...it was something very important i think and i was aware that many people were in the house with us but there was an emphasis on shutting the door.....maybe the door is about to shut....
I don't know what the planet meaning was,it could have been a full moon or planet,i don't know but feel we are close!
A Taste Of The Walk To Come
Olivia Reitz Long - (2009)
After reading the different messages the people posted on the 16th, all under the title of "The Rapture of the Manchild", I wanted to write and tell you what He did in 2003. My daughter was still living back in PA (my home until 2001 when I came to TX).
Prior to 2003, years before, He had been teaching me about the Manchild, The Sons of Glory. I remember the first night He talked to me about this.... I was sitting on my front deck at dusk, where I would go to meet with the Lord. He began to tell me about this -- prior to that just one week before, a lady said that very soon, Father would tell me something that would blow my mind. And when He began, I would say 'out loud': (wouldn't be able to contain myself) "Oh my God, Oh, my God, Oh my God." (three times) I thought, well almost anyone knows what 'very soon' can mean when He says it -- a month, six months, a year or years down the road. Little did I know that it would occur just one week later. (oh, how He loves to prove us wrong and surprise us.)
When Father began speaking to me about this, I heard myself saying, out loud "Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God." I remember placing my hand over my mouth, remembering what she had said to me one week before. (And it did happen very soon, in our timing) I sat there mesmerized listening to every word intently. I thought to myself,- "I am a part of this?" Of course He knew what I was thinking and He just said "yes, you are."
In Nov. of 2003, my daughter had twin boys. I did not have any money to fly back to see them and I thought I would be ok with that, but found that I wanted to see them so badly and I was having a hard time dealing with it.... I went on the net and e-mailed my mailing list and asked them to pray for me that my mind would be eased. (That was all I asked of them) One couple in KY wrote and said I would have round trip tickets waiting for me at the commuter airport, and then to Houston to fly to Pittsburgh, then to drive to my home town to see the boys. Another dear lady sent me $500 for whatever else I needed (i.e. rental car, food, whatever) - a couple of others sent what they could, $10, etc. Bless God!
I went to the commuter airport and while I was waiting to board the plane, Father said to me "you will have an encounter with me before you arrive back in TX". I was elated, as you can imagine. I flew to PA, was there for five days, nothing happened. No encounter! I checked my e-mail at my daughter's and a person said that I would have an encounter with God sometime during this trip....confirmation! I flew from Pittsburgh, back to Houston and from there back to the commuter airport. Still no encounter!
The plane was the largest of the commuters and it was packed full of passengers. I was sitting in the back seat. As we taxied up to the terminal, I almost cried, feeling I had not gotten the encounter. When the passengers were deplaning, I got up to leave and found my purse strap was caught in the side of the seat, I couldn't get it free. By the time I freed it, all the passengers were off and in the terminal. Finally I was able to leave. Outside, two flight attendants grinned and said here's our lost sheep. I just smiled at them, a little dejected, well maybe more than a little.
I went to the terminal, there were automatic glass sliding doors and the moment the doors opened and I stepped over the threshold, the encounter began. I knew it, something seemed different and it was as though I was walking in two different atmospheres, walking there as an actual person in the natural, but yet walking in another realm as well. Father spoke and said, remember what I told you before? I am giving you a taste of what it will be like when you are walking in this and this "taste" will last for three days. My ride was standing in the lobby talking to someone. (By the way, they were having some kind of problem getting all the luggage off the plane for the passengers, the airport employees said they never experienced anything like this, we know Who arranged the delay.)
I walked around, went over to my ride and it was as though I was not there, I really was but they couldn't see me. I heard them talking, but they did not look my way. I walked round about between passengers, families and friends, but no one seemed to see me. At one point, a man was walking right at me and then he was behind me. Father said to go to the restroom and look in the mirror. I thought I would be invisible or something, but I could see myself, I looked different but yet the same, I looked much better, younger and even stronger, and I could tell the energy was within me, His energy. I noted that at one moment I looked translucent and then would appear just as any other person. I went back to the terminal and the baggage was coming through.
We stopped at a restaurant to get a bite to eat and this couple began talking to us, idle chit chat, as it were, I didn't say much because all I could think of was I just wanted to keep walking in this forever. I did for the three days, just as He said, then it left, just as He said. But before it left, He said "This is how it will happen, I will come and each of you will be transformed just as quickly, as when you stepped through the door, seemingly all was, as normal, the same as my own currently walk in the world, but "in a split nano second, that twinkling of an eye, you were "changed" and that is how it will be when I come upon all of you. You have no idea of exactly when I will do this, but be prepared and never doubt for a moment, no matter what anyone says to you, that it shall happen, because it WILL happen and much sooner than any of you can imagine and just as you went from one moment to the next (with no inkling of what would occur), you shall be changed, it will happen the same way with all of you.. So stay close to Me, don't doubt, don't allow the nay-sayers to dissuade you in any way, trust and have faith in Me that it's DONE and EXPECT!...
I just want to add one of the experiences that He gave me during those three days.
I was going about my life, as usual, in the natural but also being in the other realm. One day I had to go to the store. I was going down this narrow aisle and there were two people standing in the middle of the aisle. I was about to say "excuse me", so I could go past them, when Father said to just walk between them. My thoughts said "but there is no more than two feet between them". He just said "do it". I walked between them and they never knew it happened. Awesome to say the least.
A Chapter from Yeshua
Sheryl 4/6/18)
I was praying to know where I am, because it feels so close! I opened the Bible, and then read according to where I was. I was at the 17th chapter of Isaiah. This is what the Lord Yeshua led me to see and it was not a pretty sight to behold. But, it was necessary.
The Lord led me to the all-important Isaiah 17, the chapter that begins with Damascus. I was told to really look at the chapter. It is a timeline. I used E-Sword and here is what I learned.
Damascus is destroyed - by all accounts!
Then, the time to collect the standing grain (something that rises) and reap a cluster with his strength - begins.
A time to collect a cluster in the valley of giants.
The grapes aren't harvested (collected) at that time. 2 or 3 berries are in the uppermost bough - left for the poor and destitute (salvation). 4 or 5 berries in the outmost fruitful branches - "secret and indescribable signs of grace." (Asweetsavor.info, The uppermost bough and the outmost fruitful branches).
When this happens on that day the Jews will look to his Maker and his eyes will have respect to the Holy One of Israel.
Israel will have desolation, because they forgot God and how He is the rock of thy strength.
They grow the crop, but the time shall be in a wave for the day of weakness and woeful suffering.
Woe to the crowd of nations that make a commotion to rage, that lay waste to powerful waters.
But God rebuke them and they shall flee far off, and be chased as the winnowed of the mountains before the Holy Spirit, like a whirl of dust before the storm-wind.
At the time of sunset a dreadful event comes; and before the end of night He is not. This is the inheritance of them that plunder (destroy) us, and the portion of them that prey upon us.
Destruction of Damascus - We stand and rise with his strength (transformation/escape) - Going to get someone from the valley of giants - Israel (those that do not believe in Jesus) is not allowed to go in the escape - Israel has been previously bombed - People who are left behind are in a sense of rage and a feeling of loss (we are gone) - whirlwind comes - At sunset, there will be a Horrible event, but before the end of the night (6 pm to be midnight, let us just think of the midnight cry), He is not (Holy Spirit is taken away) - Israel, among other nations, are going to be plundered and preyed upon.
Immediately, after writing this, I saw Haggai again! And, now it makes sense.
Haggai 2:19 Is the seed yet in the barn? Yea, as yet the vine, and the fig tree, and the pomegranate, and the olive tree, hath not brought forth: from this day will I bless you.
I used to read the verse like we are all seed. It is not that way. The seed means those that give to the Lord their all and are ready to go with him! The vine, fig tree, pomegranate, and olive tree have not yet given the Lord their all. They will be cursed. For those of the seed, they will be blessed! I know beyond a doubt that the verse is about transformation. We get changed before we go to Heaven. I did receive the 3 confirmations on this.
Then, there is the shaking, breaking, quaking, and taking!
If you want to guarantee your name is written in the Book of Life, then please know all you have to do is Repent/Forgive and Call His name! He was crucified, resurrected, and ascended to gather us and take us to Heaven. It is real! Both Heaven and Hell are real! He wants to have people to join Him in Heaven! He wants you to be there!
Amen! Amen! Amen!
To God be the glory!
Yeshua is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by him.
Post by Barbra Alexandria
This happened to me and my daughters on the last night of Passover.
We were watching a recorded episode of Little House on the Prairie. I fast forwarded through the intro credits and hit play in a random place, just happened to be 1:44
This happened to me and my daughters on the last night of Passover.
We were watching a recorded episode of Little House on the Prairie. I fast forwarded through the intro credits and hit play in a random place, just happened to be 1:44
Ok, "Johnathan Garvey" hands down (with his right hand) to Charles a folded up newspaper (scroll) discussing an upcoming job. Charles looks at the paper for "Springfield", but all that shows is THE SPRING.
Then he flips it over, it reads "Philadelphia", "57 Church St", and "Carriages!"
The Lord said to me "Look up Revelation 5:7", so I did and it is this:
"Then He came and took the scroll out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne." CHARLES INGALLS means STRONG WARRING ANGEL.
Then he flips it over, it reads "Philadelphia", "57 Church St", and "Carriages!"
The Lord said to me "Look up Revelation 5:7", so I did and it is this:
"Then He came and took the scroll out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne." CHARLES INGALLS means STRONG WARRING ANGEL.
Then the Lord said to me "Who wrote Revelation?" and I said JOHN. Then I gasped, because JOHNATHAN Garvey, who was sitting up on what looked like a throne, handed down with his right hand a scroll.....
JOHNATHAN means "Jehovah has given", GARVEY means "rough peace"
JOHNATHAN means "Jehovah has given", GARVEY means "rough peace"
THEN Caroline (same name as "Charles", only feminine version) comes out and says "Supper's ready"......... (Wedding Supper)
Then the Lord said to me "Check what season and episode it is", and I did.........Season 5, Episode 14. 5/14.....May 14th. The day Israel turns 70, the day the embassy gets moved. This day is super super significant. And it's also in the SPRING.
Also, the day before we were at the store, and we saw 2 of these temporary license plates right next to each other, and they both say MAY 14th. You never see these anymore, so this day is huge, this whole message is huge, and I hope you're ready to see the King because we're about out of here and tribulation is about to start and THE KING IS COMING!
Now in the episode after all of this, then a story is read to a little girl about giants in the land who terrorized people, and then she was being persecuted.
The Lord is saying we're going Home this Spring But tribulation is also coming.
Mark of the Beast deam by El aine
All of a sudden the enemy began to lose ground.
I hope I can get this dream condensed in a small segment of information. I have a tendency to be long-winded and sometimes that's just not necessary.
I'm starting out this dream from the way I see it I have been translated but helping people do the 40 days before the rapture. There are many people in many different circumstances developing and you really had to know who side you were going to be on. Either you were on God's side or you were on the satan's side. There was no in between.
In order to be on Satan side you had to make a conscious choice to take the mark of the beast. In other words you were trying to say that satan was god, and you worshipped him as such. We know the lifestyle of those type of people the transgendered, homosexual, pedophile, gangs, adulters, and perversion, abortionists, atheists,
And so forth.
However there were some situations in which people who were not like any of the above were were forced to take the mark of the beast or be placed in prison. If you were forced to take it they were not able to implement it the man in you on you or wherever because your skin will become hard like a diamond and break the needle or whatever instrument was used to administer the mark. That being said, there was a shift in the environment whereas satan's group we're losing ground in that they did not have enough food supply. Their supplies were dwindling at a fast rate. Which in turn caused them to try to break into the establishments of God's people and steal our supplies. In my dream I saw shells from bombs that had tried to penetrate the facilities that we had our food in. The shells were blackened with soot. The Godless people were very frustrated because they could not overpower God's Saints.
The bride of Christ that had the glory of Jesus Christ the Messiah was always protected and the people that walk with them or was in their surrounding will also protect it except for if they were from satan's group.
I'm thinking that this was all happening during the 40 days after a transformation and before the rapture. I'm thinking that this was all happening during the 40 days after I transformation and before the rapture.
Prophetic dream warns of American citizens arrested by UN police.
by Kerry Lebrun
On March 31 2018, I had a dream that was very similar to one I had several years ago. Due to the violent nature of the dream, I debated whether or not to share it. After waiting on God, I feel an urgency to do so.
In the dream, I was walking down the street on a regular sunny day, nothing out of the ordinary. Suddenly, a squad of UN police appeared, flooding the streets and sidewalks on motorcycles, allowing them to easily navigate through the crowds. One of them cut me off and commanded me to come with him.
I was confused because I was a law-abiding American citizen, so I said, “What? You’ve got to be kidding!”
He answered, “If you don’t, you WILL BE SHOT.”
I just stood there, knowing there was no escape. I felt isolated, trapped, and horrendously betrayed by our government. Then I woke up.
I believe this is to be taken literally. In around 2005, I had a similar dream of being taken prisoner by foreign soldiers. The fact that this is my second one of its kind is significant. I believe God is drawing extra emphasis to this scenario and warning of its closeness. This is not to say that everyone will be taken prisoner, but Revelation 13:9 clearly indicates that some will be.
Moreover, for the past few weeks in my spirit, I have been alerted to some kind of pre-planned attack coming upon the American people unawares, which also seems close-at-hand. This feeling continues to grow stronger.
Again, in 2013, God warned me of coming events while in prayer one morning, saying,
“The final showdown between the kingdom of darkness and the Kingdom of Light is being set up right now. Pray for My Church, for much of it is anesthetized by the world, (asleep), and they don’t even know it. Those who are asleep when the dominoes start falling will not make it. I am coming for a pure bride who is spiritually alert and wholeheartedly separated unto Me”.
I knew the “final showdown” meant God was now unleashing the evil world rulers to have their “day”, for the fullness of time has come, and it will culminate in World War 3.
Since having this recent dream, ringing in my spirit like a loud speaker are these following words of Jesus:
“Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close in on you unexpectedly as a trap. For it will come upon all those who live on the face of the whole earth.” (Luke 21:34-35).
As a word of instruction for this hour, I have been hearing the Lord beckoning those with ears to hear to do the following:
“But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened. But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord.” (1 Peter 3:13-15).
God is saying the time is NOW to make a SOLID DECISION to completely submit ourselves, spirit, soul and body, to Christ as LORD. Before these things begin, we must already have made the decision to not compromise, come what may.
God is merciful, not wanting any to perish. For all who sincerely draw near to Him in earnest submission, repentance and humility, He has promised to draw close with His power and grace, to be everything we need for every circumstance. (See James 4:7-10). Again, He promises, “Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” (Ephesians 5:14).
Earthquake Vision by Sharlene
Same as always, I was worshiping in the Throne Room. I went to view with the others right away. The screen was filled with a mountain and then mountain range. Then there was great shaking. Earthquakes! I saw California and the NW coast shaking. Streets were cracking down the middle and one side was rising and the other falling. A satellite view showed part of California fall into the ocean! Then there was the picture of people screaming and running; it was horrendous- utter Chaos. Then I saw the big mountain I saw in the beginning begin to crack and crumble. The entire screen was shaking! Great destruction was happening along the west coast of America and Canada too. I saw buildings collapse, large buildings collapsing. I saw I think was the golden gate bridge- the one in San Fransisco Bay fall apart. I asked Jesus when this will happen and He said “Very soon.” There will a lot of loss of life I said. He said “It has to be. They haven’t repented.” I asked about the righteous- would He destroy the righteous along with the wicked? He replied He would warn the righteous. If they listen to Me, they will hear and they will go.”
At the start of 2013, the Lord spoke to Cathy Lechner from King Jesus Ministries in Miami FL. He warned her about several things that were coming upon America this year. The following is an excerpt from the word of the Lord that she received:
“I have allowed this nation to go into bondage because the sin and the error have become great and you are no longer one nation under God. I have allowed this nation to become a servant to ungodly masters for a season that will require servitude.”
“I am not finished with the United States of America. I am not finished with the purpose of this nation. Just as I turned Israel over to its captors for 400 years until they cried out for deliverance, if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways and pray and cry out and seek my face, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land.”
She did not give a date. Initially I misunderstood what she was saying because she shared the word at the start of 2013 so I wrongly assumed she meant everything would happen in 2013, but if you watch the video she specifically said, “I am not giving a date because God did not give me a date.” It will take some time for all of these things to be fulfilled. Our enemies will first seek to destabilize America economically in order to weaken us prior to an invasion. Following the economic collapse, something else is going to happen this year. Cathy Lechner saw America engaged in war:
“You will be forced to engage in a new war. There is going to be a new war declared that will be costly to lives and financially expensive to this nation. America will be drawn into it.”
Something is going to happen to “force” America to go to war. So this new season begins with economic collapse and war coming at about the same time. It ends with America in captivity to ungodly rulers. The captivity will not be forever, but it will be for a season. Until our country, repents and turns to the Lord the problems will continue getting worse.
A Dream from Yeshua
Sheryl (4/2/18)
There were two people in my dream, a couple, they had been laying on top of a house. There was lots of water - like an ocean. All of a sudden, there were noises made by the airplanes - military! Then, they paratroop and the soldiers were not there to rescue them. They were there to kill. The couple held hands and said Psalms 23:1-6. "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." Then, the soldier shot the couple. Dream ended.
I do not know if the soldiers were of our nation or not. I could not tell. I only know that the soldiers were not sent with orders to save those whom were surviving. They were going to kill. The people alive and surviving were thinking that the soldiers were there to save them, to rescue them. But, they were not!
Also, the people was surviving a flood. It didn't show me a location. It looked like a tsunami! Based on the type of orders given to the soldiers, what they did to the people, it would stand to reason that it will be a tsunami. The couple was laying down on the roof. The roof tells us the house was under water. There was only the roof left with minimum protection from the water.
The tsunami is a big, stupendous flood - there will be many people that are dead in the water, and there will be many people who survive. The only problem is the paratroopers. They can't have a boat in bad situations (it must be a tsunami - because our people can help those who are on roofs of houses.) They must fly!
Since the sound of military airplanes and seeing the soldiers airborne with individual parachutes, it is also assumed that this dream means that the paratroopers are landing close to where the people are located - water near the houses.
This is a very important dream! I was not supposed to send anything to the blog, I was going to have personal dreams. I received the dream because the Lord Yeshua wants me to warn people about this really large tsunami and the paratroopers! I have very real dreams! When I was getting ready for training and working that midnight shift for security officer, I did NOT get anything. The Lord Yeshua said that I had done enough, that it was over with the blog. And, he sent nothing! He said this is a new chapter with a very brief journey. And, I know what that means.
Now, I'm in the work scene full time & wouldn't you all know it that I had a dream for you all. Last night I received the dream! It was not for me to keep! He wants to share the dream, He needs to share the dream! He has kept me well aware of the dream, and I did not have to write it down. It was that real! It is important to know that the Lord Yeshua needs to warn people about the coming paratroopers. If ever a time can be prvoided for any one of you that lives on the coast (Atlantic and Pacific), please move if you have been told to move! If you stay, do not be afraid! Paratroopers are going to come! Either you will die (because of the tsunami) or you will think you are going to be saved by the paratroopers & you will not! Either way, move if you are told to move; stay, and have a spirit without fear!
I have done what He wants me to do! I am warning everyone about the paratroopers that are coming as soon as the tsunami happens! Hopefully, we are gone by that time, in Heaven! Amen! Amen! Amen!
If this gets to most of the people and it means a lot to those people, and if you haven't prayed to the Lord Yeshua (Jesus), say a prayer today PLEASE!
Say something like Lord Yeshua (Jesus), I believe in you! (Forgive and Repent of your sins.) Say, I think that you are the author and finisher of Love ("It is finished, " he cried on the cross!). You gladly accept his free gift - salvation! Let the Lord know that He is the only one for you! And that He was crucified, resurrected, and ascended - for everyone - He sits at the right hand of Lord God.
Romans 6:23 The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
John 14:6 I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Brides, wake up those who have fallen asleep! Wake them up! It is getting so close! Too close, to not have all of the brides ready for the return of Lord Yeshua (Jesus) in the clouds!
And brides, many of you are going to change very soon! Hold the Lord Yeshua (Jesus) in your heart - cling to Him for the very breath that you have everyday! He is coming very, very soon! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Lord Yeshua wants me to tell you all that he loves you and he can't wait to be with you in Heaven! "The Wedding of the Lamb is waiting for my brides! Won't you please join me at the table? We, the 3 in 1, want you to join us! Love to all! Really soon we are leaving, but be aware and prepare for our return." Yeshua Ha'Mashiach
Missile Vision by Sharlene
Back in the Throne Room, same place, I was seeing the first vision where I was looking at North America from space from a satellite point of view. I saw a huge exhaust path from that rocket that was launching from vision #4. The path was from the north and it went over Manitoba (central Canada) and landed in the middle of your nation. I saw a huge explosion and a mushroom cloud. It reminded me of a nuclear explosion. It was day time.
Wal-Mart FEMA camp vision by Sharlene
Again always during my praise, worship and prayer time, I was back at the same place in the Throne Room. I asked if there was more to see. I was immediately shown a dark screen as it was night time. I was viewing what reminded me of a jail or compound. There was a huge spread-out building sitting on a parking lot type place surrounded by high chain-linked fence with curly barbed wire across the top of the fence. The building reminded me of a Walmart. There was a guard tower in the front of the jail with an armed soldier in it. A gate was below to the right next to the tower. A German Shepherd dog was patrolling along the outside of the fence in the foreground. There were hummer type-military vehicles in the parking lot in front of the compound. I recognized them from a vision I had in Dec 2015 where they came down my street in my town. They are grayish in color. The lights were strategically placed around the “jail” as that’s why I could see it. I understood that this was part of the coming persecution of the Believers. It shook me. I was scared but knew I didn’t need to be.
Dream of Jesse (11 years old), March 2018I have a dream during the night during the month of March 2018, I do not remember what day it was.In the vision, I was coming out of school, and I knew that there was the holiday that was coming (which is the case with the Passover holiday that arrives this weekend).In the dream, I was with my other two brothers, and we had the 3 school bags on our backs, and we were going home.
In fact, we were going to get into the taxi that was taking us home, but it was not the usual taxi that I took as usual, as usual, but it was full of long black cars, well a 30th of cars, like cars of the presidents.I saw that with all these black cars, and long, it corked towards the school. With my brothers, we got into one of those long black cars, like the one of the presidents. (I had already seen one like that a few years ago in an open vision, while I was at our table in our apartment).Then, once entered and installed in the car, and tied with the seatbelt, with my brothers, the car suddenly started, and directly we were in another room, and no longer in the car!There, I ended up with my two brothers in a very long corridor, I could not even see the end of the hallway so it was long!
There were full, full, and full of rooms (to infinity perhaps) all along this corridor.Then, at one point, when we walked a good three minutes along this corridor, we arrived at a place, it was one of the rooms that was near room numbers 70-79, so I go into this room with my two other brothers.
In the room is a cupboard, and I will open it.When I opened the wardrobe, I saw very clearly three clothes resembling those of the Narnia film, the clothes looked like that.My little brother was to my left slightly behind me, and my other brother to my right also a little behind me. There was a costume that was a bit like that worn by King Peter in Narnia, some rather red clothes, and it was solid suits, with mesh stitches down to half the belly, and n I did not pay attention to the details of the other clothes, but I remember that there was a knightly armor to my left towards my clothes, where my clothes were. My little brother brother had his clothes in the middle with armor like me in the middle.
And my brother to the right of me, he had his clothes with armor.
There I woke up from this vision.
Be blessed.
Penny Dream by Paula Marie
I had this dream last night and I don’t know if it means anything but I was inside this huge building and was walking up these steps and on the steps was this very shiny, huge oversized penny about the size of a quarter. So I picked it up and looked at the back and it said “One Week”
Could March 26, 27, 28 be THE TIME?
Chris wrote:
"On March 18, 2007, I had a vision of a large ball with the
number 26 on it coming down from heaven and it SUDDENLY
burst into thousands of smaller balls with the number 26 on them."
ALSO...(going only one more day.....)
Jimmy Lishman (12 Jan 2009)
"IT IS 27 ????"
The past weekend on Saturday evening I was in bed at around
23h30 studying the letter from Arlene, on my laptop about the
Samaritan woman at the well, when I was startled out of my mind?
I will graphically in the text show what I “heard”
27 ? 27 ? IT IS 27!
My whole household was asleep and no one heard it ? just me,
3 times the 27 ? man was I AWAKE! ? I have heard the he SPIRIT
speak to me in my mind, as thoughts, on the radio, and out of
scripture ? but NEVER so loud as to startle me and cause me to
sit up straight in bed.
Olivia (22 June)
I waited to share this with all of you as I am not normally a "dreamer
of dreams." However, on Sunday night I had a horrific dream in which
I was driving..... driving...all around the earth was torn up, literally, like a
construction site. The soil appeared to be burgundy and very moist..
Then I realized it Was this color due to being blood soaked.Puddles of
blood were everywhere instead of pools of water...the landscape
stretched on and on and on, and I was trying to find someone. In
short, I had a nightmare.
Then, on Tuesday night, I dreamed about the Lord and He said the
secret to the rapture was in the name of Yahweh (????)...then He
mentioned the number 28***. That was it. Now I am NOT saying the
rapture is on the 28th***
I know Mr. Pres. you feel you had to accept this budget so we can get our
defense strong but GOD has another agenda that He says is vital to our
country being blessed by HIM and that is to STOP ABORTION. This video is a
prophetic word from God and GOD telling the Pres. that the economy is going
to crash because we are killing HIS creation. As the Pres. this is not a
top priority but GOD says it should have been. The message says that
protection for the country includes the unborn too as they are a life
whether in the womb or out of the womb. God will not bless America or make
her great again without correcting this abomination. The military can be as
strong as it can and without GOD'S blessings we can fall so GOD says in the
prophetic word to STOP ABORTION. I am just one crying out in the
wilderness the voice of our FATHER. LOVE is an action word so if you say
you choose life and want to save the unborn than compromise was not an
option. This video is out on my you tube channel so the Christians can
continue to pray. GOD has already shown me that abortions will be deemed
illegal. Just maybe these messages from God will be heard and save lives
and so AMERICA can truly be blessed so she can be great again under the
divine protection of our FATHER. Sincerely Lois Vogel
Visions Concerning Israel by Sharlene
Same routine. I saw President Trump standing behind and beside a seated Prime Minister Netanyahu at a very lovely and large ( meant for a king-type) table who was signing what appeared to be an important document. There were flashes going off and I could hear them as journalists were continuously taking pictures. Then a certain dignitary walked in from my right and proceeded to shake President Trump’s hand. He was Arabic in appearance, wearing a white robe and a checkered type head covering. He had a short dark beard. It was a side profile and I didn’t recognize him. Interestingly, I saw Trump’s son-in-law standing in the corner (my right or their left) from the table. Beside him, stood a man shrouded in darkness; a man of mystery. I knew he was wearing a suit but I couldn’t identify him. I actually asked Jesus about this man and He said: “It’s not the time to know that yet”. I was wondering if the man was the antichrist but I didn’t receive a confirmation of yes or no.
Hope note...have you seen this? Scoop: Trump may present peace plan even if Palestinians won't negotiate
Also....the AC may be the one in the shadows because he has not yet been revealed: " For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming." 2 Thess 2:7-8
Vision #8 Jan 13/18 Morning prayer
Same as all the others in the Throne Room of Jesus. This time I was seeing other people viewing what I was looking at in heaven! I saw them look at that gigantic screen which was several stories high. I didn’t see any faces as I was too far away. It seems I was looking down at the scene from a higher up point of veiw. Then I looked ahead at the screen and saw your President Donald Trump. He was walking down the steps of a parked jet and walked across a tarmac where he met Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and shook his hand. I didn’t hear any talking but I understood that this meeting had something to do in relation to a treaty
Hope note - it appears that Trump will be leaving the WH in order to sign a treaty...this is a new piece of information!
Vision #7 Jan 8/17
Same routine as before with all the other visions. I saw a train moving across the USA from the east to the west carrying military vehicles. In another scene, I saw a semi-trailer truck carrying a load of hummer-type military vehicles on the American highways.
I'm one of your YouTube subscribers and felt the LORD proding me to share my testimony with you. Post it wherever HE leads you to post it.
Here goes my gory story :)
This April 4th I'll be clean, saved and delivered of a 13 year drug addiction 30 years.
I did some really despicable things during those 13 hell-filled years. I feel a kindred spirit with Mary of Magedla except I was far worse than her! She did what she did to survive and I did what I did to feed my addiction. So I feel I was worse than Mary. Not only did Yeshua/Jesus deliver me of that drug addiction, He delivered me of the demons that came with those awful 13 years!
The wonder-filled thing about the date April 4th. It was my mother's birthday! Her prayers got me through those 13 years, and when Yeshua/Jesus saved me it was on my mother's birthday! HE gave her daughter back for her gift!
So I have researched the date 4/4/88 and it was Passover! So The Passover Lamb Himself helped me to Passover death, hell and the grave that was after me!
I'm forever grateful to Him! I try but it always seems like not enough! But I'm one grateful delivered former drug addict!
I don't really care for drug rehab centers, or NA, because deliverance you don't need rehab! Because when you're delivered; you don't relapse.
I've kept myself full of The Word of God, and even when I did pull back away for awhile. He never left me and never let me entertain the idea if getting high!
He has built my testimony stronger over the last 4 years! I was struck with several autoimmune diseases in 2014. And I will not go down without a fight! I've fought and I admit I've asked why! But I hear resonating in my soul " My Grace is Sufficient for you! "
I will continue until He comes or calls me home!
God bless you and keep looking up! Our Redemption is Drawing Near!
Love in Yeshua/Jesus,
Shari Nelson
I'm one of your YouTube subscribers and felt the LORD proding me to share my testimony with you. Post it wherever HE leads you to post it.
Here goes my gory story :)
This April 4th I'll be clean, saved and delivered of a 13 year drug addiction 30 years.
I did some really despicable things during those 13 hell-filled years. I feel a kindred spirit with Mary of Magedla except I was far worse than her! She did what she did to survive and I did what I did to feed my addiction. So I feel I was worse than Mary. Not only did Yeshua/Jesus deliver me of that drug addiction, He delivered me of the demons that came with those awful 13 years!
The wonder-filled thing about the date April 4th. It was my mother's birthday! Her prayers got me through those 13 years, and when Yeshua/Jesus saved me it was on my mother's birthday! HE gave her daughter back for her gift!
So I have researched the date 4/4/88 and it was Passover! So The Passover Lamb Himself helped me to Passover death, hell and the grave that was after me!
I'm forever grateful to Him! I try but it always seems like not enough! But I'm one grateful delivered former drug addict!
I don't really care for drug rehab centers, or NA, because deliverance you don't need rehab! Because when you're delivered; you don't relapse.
I've kept myself full of The Word of God, and even when I did pull back away for awhile. He never left me and never let me entertain the idea if getting high!
He has built my testimony stronger over the last 4 years! I was struck with several autoimmune diseases in 2014. And I will not go down without a fight! I've fought and I admit I've asked why! But I hear resonating in my soul " My Grace is Sufficient for you! "
I will continue until He comes or calls me home!
God bless you and keep looking up! Our Redemption is Drawing Near!
Love in Yeshua/Jesus,
Shari Nelson
Lisa's vision "Bombs"
Lisa sent me a text today as she had a vision. She said she saw "busyness" everywhere, bombs going off. She also saw a huge "jolt"...a big shaking and she asked if that is in the physical realm or is it financial and God says both. The Jolt is so sharp that about everybody falls over from it and she could not tell if it's from an impact but it's almost like something hit the planet and there was a sharp huge jolt. Then all of the sudden she felt this peace and it poured over her and she felt weightless...it was euphoric as she was lifting up. It was crazy to her because it seemed like one thing starts and then it's chaos everywhere.
She could see this happening around the entire world, both to the east and west of the United States....multiple continents She thought the bombs started first but she could not be sure. I asked her if she could see the sky and she said no, it just looks like things are flying everywhere. She had not been looking up, but things were flying that were blocking the sun....or possibly she was seeing shadows from whatever was blocking the sun.
We lost our internet so there will be no updates today
Sharlene's Vision-Explosions
I was worshiping the Lord Jesus seated on His Mercy Seat in His Throne Room. I was to His right side. He walked up to me in regular size and I almost laughed! I said: “What are you doing, Jesus. I am trying to worship you?!” He motioned for me to stand up. I stood up beside Him and he turned and pointed to a wall which turned into a giant screen and said “Look”. I immediately saw a huge orange/black fire ball. I thought it may be a volcanic eruption but Jesus said, “Look closely.” So I took a few steps closer to the gigantic screen and I saw that I was looking at the earth from a satellite view. It was North America and I saw the Atlantic Ocean but it was darkened. I knew it was night time on our side of the world. Then I saw flashes of light and explosions going off all across the land of the USA from the east to the west coast. They must have been big explosions for me to see them from space! I understood this is about the future attack on your nation (USA). I asked Jesus when this was to happen and He said: “Soon”. I asked what is soon? And He didn’t give me an answer.
Giant Dream by Elaine
Of course this is a very interesting article but I did have a dream of seeing one of these Giants. I was driving along a interstate highway, the cars have been backed up for quite some time and as I swerved my way around to the front of the congestion, I saw a giant, must have been at least 20 ft tall and he was running and hopping over a guardrail. People who were driving completely stopped their cars to look at this giant jumping over these guardrails. They were blowing their horns windows were rolled down and I actually saw people gawking at this thing moving down the expressway or Highway. This giant was very skinny and I could see the knees legs arms feet body and it was quite angry because it was trying to get away before catastrophe would happen. It seemed like the people didn't want to move because they were so startled at seeing someone so so very tall. I had this dream about 2 years ago.
This is a really really strange vision. I don't like it at all. It's just so strange and weird. Like a movie.
Vision #44 – Giants will Terrorize the Earth...again by Sharlene
03/18/18 evg
I was spending time with God in worship and prayer. I don’t have a path from this area to the Throne Room. I’m just in the Throne Room after my time with Him. I went my usual path from there, down the stairs and to the vision area. My friend was waiting for me in the back as always. We greeted each other and turned to look at the screen. This is a strange vision. I don’t even know if I want to write about it as it seems so far-fetched and unbelievable.
The scene opened up with people looking up and running trying to flee from something. I felt the ground shake as this thing stepped and came closer. I then saw what appeared to be a giant! It stepped over people and on them! I could hear them screaming! I was looking at a forest or maybe a park? I saw tall green-leaved trees as it was summer. Then I heard a voice clearly saying “As in the days of Noah.” I understood it was Jesus. I looked to my right and saw military vehicles, helicopters and soldiers negotiating with commanders a plan to trap it. The scene changed to a clearing. It definitely looked like a park. I saw the area surrounded with military as if to trap him and take the giant down. He was now walking at the edge of the tree line furthest away from the clearing in the foreground of my view. I figured he may have been 50’ or more, was muscular; having a thick body, thick legs, thick arms and had tight fitted ancient looking armour on. It looked dark brown or black. He reminded me of Goliath from a previous vision but much much bigger. His hair was dark reddish and he had a beard. I could still feel the ground slightly shaking with each of his steps. He wasn’t agile and appeared kind of clumsy. The military then fired on him and I saw him fall in front of me (I was standing on the ground) onto his back with a huge thud. The ground really shook when he landed! His head was close to me at my 7 o’clock with his feet at my 2 o’clock. His head turned to his right side, I saw his tongue stick out of his mouth and I heard his last breath as he died. The whole vision reminded me of the Hulk movie when the army went after him but this giant wasn’t green or as big as the Hulk but the military sure went after it aggressively. It didn’t seem that difficult to shoot him down. I don’t understand why I would see another vision about the giants. I understood that they can be defeated and are related to the nephilim. They are not a conspiracy theory but are actual and real. But it sure was a weird vision.
Hope note – Sharlene and I discussed this vision a little bit. We were both reminded of the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and how the giant wanted to eat Jack….just like nephilim did in the days before the flood. I was also reminded of Gulliver’s Travels and King Kong and the Jolly Green Giant food brand (talk about irony!). We know that the enemy hides things in plain site. Before you roll your eyes at the impossibility of this vision…let’s see what happened in the Bible.
There we saw the giants (the descendants of Anak came from the giants); and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.” Numbers 13:33
It seems that Sharlene did feel as small as a grasshopper in sight of this giant! If you have read or listened to L.A. Marzulli or Steve Quayle then you know that giants do indeed exist, and in fact our military has already encountered them in caves, but those giants were much smaller. It’s very possible that there are bigger giants in stasis under the ground, in the hollow earth. I've learned this through my research...another good Christian viewpoint comes from Justin Faull.
The Book of Enoch speaks of those that are under the earth for 70 generations and we also know that Revelation speaks of those who are released from the pit. Are they 50 feet tall? All we know is what Sharlene has seen and heard…what was in the days of Noah? Who built the pyramids and carved out these steps to the right?
Those who viewed humans like grasshoppers, that’s who!

(notice the tiny human steps to the left of the giant steps!)
Urgent Info from Steve Quayle.com
UN workers have been told (four hours ago) to "leave Syria immediately."
The Brits have put Challenger tanks and 2,300 STAFF at the US base in Al-Tanf, Syria, with more than ten thousand actual troops!
The US has three Amphibious Assault boats full of US Marines in the eastern Mediterranean and the talk I am hearing now is an actual INVASION.
I don't know WHO is controlling our military, but it sure doesn't seem to be our President.
This has disaster written all over it.
Russia will not simply sit-idly-by and let this happen. They've repeatedly stated that publicly.
We could be the bad guys who actually start WW3.
I fear for our nation.
Confirmation Posted on JPost.com
GENEVA - The United Nations appealed on Monday for urgent supplies and funding to help Syrians caught in war zones, saying they were "tired, hungry, traumatized and afraid."
"The UN in Syria is urgently appealing for help to stem the catastrophic situation for tens of thousands of people from east Ghouta and Afrin," the UN humanitarian office in Damascus said in a statement.
Sharlene's Vision- Antichrist
I saw in a birds eye view,(over head looking down point of view) a man with a white and blue prayer shawl with tassels at the ends of the shawl over his head. He was praying in a temple. Then I had a right side profile look at him praying. He turned to his right as if to look at me and just for an instant, his face became hideous then went back to a somewhat veiled good-looking man. I have seen this hideous face before in a different vision. I knew instantly that it was satan. The man then got up, took the prayer shawl off, walked forward and may have gone up a few steps and turned around to face the opposite direction in this temple. His face was still somewhat veiled but I saw enough that I understood he was good looking or pleasant to look at. I actually saw he had short dark hair and was wearing a suit with really expensive shoes. He was very well put together; someone of wealth, a man who could be on a cover for the GQ magazine. Yet, I couldn't see any details of his face. Odd but I this is what knew. When he turned to face the other direction of the temple he had his arms raised and declared himself to be god. "Worship me" he said. I thought this was the end of the vision. So I went back to praying but then I felt I should go back and look one more time. I immediately saw Prime Minister Netanyahu shaking that man's hand. This saddened me and I felt I should pray for him immediately. The Prime Minister will be deceived. Pray for him!!!
A Dream from Yeshua
Sheryl (3/16/18)
I dreamed a lot this morning! The first dream I had was of a tree that has gold leaves, real gold, and it looks like a willow tree.
Then, I dreamed of God being with us. Joshua 1:9 Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.
Zephaniah 3:17 "The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing."
Romans 8:31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?
Then, I had the greatest feeling about getting married to Yeshua/Jesus! Revelation 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
Then, I had the dream that outdoes every dream I’ve had so far! I felt like I was there. We had a builder to come in. I took him to the car, because it had the nail gun and something else to do with carpentry. Next scene is that someone was wading in the car with a note of some type. Next scene, I was looking into the sky and saw thousands of angels. Then, I was kneeling and praying Praise ye oh God, Jehovah Elohim, and praise ye to Yeshua, and praise ye to Ruach Hokadesh. It was a beautiful golden light that came down on me. My whole body felt tingly all over. And in reality, or this physical world, my legs were still tingling when I came out of the dream.
The songs were important, and they were given to me immediately by the Holy Spirit:
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty (Phillips, Craig, & Dean) – Praising the 3 in one! We are praising when we are taken!
Gone, Gone, Gone (Philip Phillips) – Transformation & escape
Let’s Twist Again (Chubby Checker) – After we are in Heaven!
The willow is symbolic for Growing in overflowed places (6851). Golden comes (4062) as an exactness - a golden city. The leaves of the tree are of a hollow hand or palm (3709). Revelation 22:2 Through the middle of the street of the city; also, on either side of the river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.
We were having a builder (carpenter) to come inside, that means my husband and myself had Yeshua/Jesus to come inside the house. I took Yeshua/Jesus to the car (my ministry) and I had the nail gun (I am a sinner saved by grace. I nailed the three nails just as we all have done in the past! And yet, that carpenter (Yeshua/Jesus) allowed the nails to be driven. Because he knew that he was going to save us all. It is up to us, the whole thing is left up to us. Isn’t it beautiful! Even though I am crying, it is tears of Joy! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!).
Someone was wading in the car with a note or a decree (2710). An angel, maybe? The car had been in a flood. The flood says it was a branch or an ear of corn (7641). I didn’t see what the note said, it was given to me. I don’t know how, but the mystery person (angel?) walked right through the flooded (branch) car (ministry) and gave the note to me.
And, immediately, I could see the sky was filled with angels. I could see everything – the veil was gone! My only response was to kneel and praise the 3 in one! I think the golden light was getting me ready to change (transform), I say that because I tingled all over.
The dream ended. My legs were actually tingling! It was not in a dream – not the legs.
We don’t have much time left! We, true believers, are going to be changed and then the escape is going to happen! I have never had a dream that vivid before – ever! I had told the Lord Yeshua if I was supposed to give a dream to you all, then I would remember it. As of that last dream (vision maybe – I don’t know), if it is the last dream to share with you all, it has been a wonderful way of showing what He has given me! I will continue if He tells me to do so. But, we are really close to going home! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Remember it was said, "We are coming very soon. Be ready!" Are you ready? Be steady, ready, and prepared! Do not fear any man, fear only God! He is the only one who can condemn you to Hell! Amen! Amen! Amen!
We are living in the last days! Won’t you please join our Lord Yeshua/Jesus in heaven?
Say a prayer that includes you forgiving yourself, forgiving others, repenting of your sins, and calling his name. Believe in Him! Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. He was crucified for you! He was resurrected for you! He ascended for you! And he is coming back for you! Make no doubt about it – He is coming for his church (we are the church – His temple is inside – in the heart).
Read John 3:15-21, Ephesians 6:10-18, and Romans 8.
As with everything you read, take it to the LORD YESHUA/JESUS! He will lead you!
Revelation 22:12-13 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
To God be the glory! He is holy, true, and righteous! We say with a humble heart Come, Lord Yeshua/Jesus, Come! But, do continue to pray for the lost, lukewarm, and wicked! He wants everyone to be saved, but he knows that it cannot be. So, pray! If we can make one person fall in love with Yeshua/Jesus, it will make him so happy!
Pray! Pray! Pray!
Amen! Amen! Amen!
Steady, Ready, and Prepared!
Sharlene's Vision Fireballs
I was as always in Throne Room P&W Jesus. I went to look at the screen. I had a satellite point of view but closer. I saw fireballs of rock like meteors from space fall onto the earth. They left a smoky path like the rocket or missile vision. They caused a lot of destruction. I understood this was part of the wrath of God. I said to Jesus, “How can anyone survive that?” and He replied “Not many do.” That was the end of the vision.
Sharlene's Vision Mark of the Beast
I was in the Throne Room as always as I was praying and Praise and Worshiping Jesus on His Mercy Seat. I went to the same area to the right of Jesus. I saw a giant hand fill the entire screen. The hand faced palm in towards me and I was drawn to the thumb. I immediately understood that this vision was about the micro chip or the mark of the beast. I then was shown a room with a woman in uniform- someone with authority like a police officer, seated injecting a chip into someone’s hand. Her hair was up in a bun and she was wearing blue gloves. The uniform was not the typical uniform our officers use here in Manitoba. They were dark with minimal markings. I also then was shown law court buildings. I understood that the chip would become imposed by the law. Back at the room with the officer injecting the chip, I saw other stations like the one I saw first, and people in lines who were waiting to receive their chip. I asked Jesus if this was the mark of the beast and He replied “Yes”. I did not ask when this was to happen. But it seems everything is “soon” and we are to be ready spiritually for whenever it happens. Then the next part of the vision was really hard for me to see. I had to leave the vision and go back. In one of the line ups, for the chip injection, I saw someone freak out and go crazy who did not want the chip. An officer pulled out her gun (it happened to be a female officer) and shot him in the head! I was sickened. I understood that there will be consequences for refusing the chip. Not everyone will be necessarily shot but I guess some will be. That was it. Sigh.
A Word from Yeshua
Sheryl (3/14/18)
This morning I awoke with a kind voice that said when the earthquake happens, I will take my true believers. It is going to be like the last dream I gave, it is like the mobile tin building dream. When the earthquake happens, the true believers turn upside down and then vanish! He takes us! Shaking, breaking, quaking, and taking (I want to give credit, but I don’t know his name)! Be watchful and on the alert! He is coming to get us real soon!
Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. 27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. 27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
I went to the place to get a urinalysis done (job requirement) and the woman helping me out said, “It’s pie day.” I did not know what she was talking about. But, she explained, and it is pi day. 3/14th is 3.14 pi. We laughed about it being pi.
I was going to get fast food with the card. I felt for the card and shoved it way (I mean way) down in the bottom of the slat. You see, I have cards and cell phone together. I do not carry a purse. Anyway, so I’m trying to get the card out, and it wasn’t coming out. So, I said to the Lord, I will have the meal at home. It will be okay.
About three to five minutes went by and I noticed my trunk was ajar. I was going to park in a Mexican restaurant, I turned right. But, it was the suburb that I went down. Luckily, no one was around. They were all at work I suppose. I shut the trunk and just as plain as day I read “Cornerstone” the name of the suburb. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Psalms 118:22 The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner. (This is the cornerstone. It is Yeshua/Jesus.) 23 This is the LORD'S doing; it is marvellous in our eyes. 24 This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. 25 Save now, I beseech thee, O LORD: O LORD, I beseech thee, send now prosperity. 26 Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the LORD: we have blessed you out of the house of the LORD. 27 God is the LORD, which hath shewed us light: bind the sacrifice with cords, even unto the horns of the altar. 28 Thou art my God, and I will praise thee: thou art my God, I will exalt thee. 29 O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.
Amen! Amen! Amen!
I had been seeing 16 everywhere: lic plate and addresses of businesses. This day was filled with the number 16. Something is going to give real soon!
St. Patrick’s Day is coming and is celebrated on the 17th. It was on Pearl Kolleri’s YouTube. She had the dream. Yeshua sent her 5 shamrocks. But, the commenter Inner Circle writes:
But St. Patrick was not his real name. He was Welsh and his real name was actually 'Maewyn Succat'. He was a shepherd (like Jesus), he planted churches (like Jesus), he had Disciples (like Jesus) and he cast out serpents from Ireland (like Jesus, who called the Pharisees 'Serpents' and rebuked them, also). He was also 'kidnapped', which is what Harpazo means. 'To Kidnap'. The first part of his name, 'Mae' is a shortened form of the name 'Mary'. The second part, 'Wyn' is the Welsh word for 'White' and his last name, 'Succat' is from the Hebrew feast of Sukkot which is celebrated for the time they left their 'temporary dwellings' called 'Sukkah's' (which is a metaphor for the temporary dwellings of our bodies, which we will soon be leaving, also). Sukkot was also celebrated for the 'harvest'. The name 'Maewyn Succat', therefore, St. Patrick's real name, could be translated literally as 'Mary's White Harvest', which I believe is a reference to the harvest that is said to be 'white' in the book of John. Is this the real reason they celebrate St. Patrick's Day it on 3/17, five days before 3/22, the date of the Skull and Bones society whose clocks are 5 minute off from the regular time? Only time will tell (but the evidence is certainly overwhelming!) Also, I forgot to mention that a few days ago, one of my students told me she had a vision from the Father the night before of a word, 'Burken'. She asked me if I could study it to see if I could decipher her vision. When I went to the Sumerian language (the language from which Aramaic, Hebrew and others were taken), sure enough, what the Father had given her was a reverse of the word 'Henbur' (pronounced 'Kenbur' in Sumerian). Henbur is a direct reference to both 'Harvest' as well as the color 'Green' which is the only color for which St. Patrick's day is known. i took this as yet another confirmation that the Harvest very well could be on or right around St. Patrick's Day. I also forgot to mention (there is just so much information...) that in Proverbs 7, the woman said that her husband went on a long journey and would not return until the 'Day Appointed'. But the word 'Appointed' is 'Kece' which is usually taken to mean 'Full Moon'. So, it makes you wonder why they translated it as 'Appointed' to begin with. 'Kece', however, is from a verb that means 'To Cover' and the Jewish language does not equate 'covering' with light, but rather darkness. (You can read Gesenius' commentary on this in his Lexicon when he disagrees with the meaning of 'Full Moon'.) This word 'Kece', therefore, should more accurately be translated as 'New Moon', which is a moon that is completely 'covered' in darkness; and Nisan 1, the first day of the Hebrew New Year (on which they blow a trumpet), overlapping with the last day of the 120th (Last) 'Jubilee' (which also means 'The Sound Of A Trumpet, meaning this would be the 'Last Trump'), which is also St. Patrick's Day, is the day when we see the New Moon. Just wanted to add that bit also. I hope this helps you on your quest! - Many blessings.
Amen! Amen! Amen!
There is a false flag that I find very interesting. It comes from a fellow watchman at The Watchmans Post at https://youtu.be/A33OQCqrHPE. You should check it out!
I’ve got to go and watch Pastor Sandy!
Battle Over Israel Vision by Sharlene
I was in the area with all the others where I view the visions. I wasn’t sure if there were more to see after the last one seeing Jesus as The King. But the screen opened to the view of a huge Archangel battling a huge demonic principality. Looking beyond them as they were in the front of the scene I saw a huge battle of angels and demons fighting in the heavenlies what looked to be over the land of Israel. I recognized the land. I understood the Archangel to be the angel that guards Israel which is Michael. Then off in the upper left to my 11 o’clock I saw Jesus coming in the clouds riding on a white horse in bright glory with the saints surrounding Him. Jesus was wearing white and His eyes were blazing. I thought they looked like blue fire. There were thousands and thousands of saints- probably more like multitudes- I couldn’t count- all wearing armour with their swords drawn. Looking again at the Archangel, his face was human like but I didn’t see it closely. He was wearing some white with beautiful golden armour. I thought I saw something red- maybe his belt or the gems on his belt? (that area wasn’t so clear) His sword was bright, huge and golden. His wings were large white and bright. The entity he was battling was a large black dragon type- I understood it to be a principality. I also understood that this was the final battle.
Day of the Lord
Received 2/28/18
Amos 5:18-20
18 "Woe unto you that desire the day of the Lord! To what end is it for you? The day of the Lord is darkness, and not light. 19 As if a man did flee from a lion, and a bear met him; or went into the house, and leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him. 20 Shall not the day of the Lord be darkness, and not light? Even very dark, and no brightness in it?"
My son, My remnant are looking for the Day of the Lord. Have they not read what the day will be? It will be darkness, but not just darkness, but gross darkness. My people want Me to return, but I do not think they realize what they are asking. For I am not coming back with flowers in My hair, whispering all is great, come on home. No!!! I am coming back as a conquering King, and My indignation will be on display for all the world to see. I am coming as a judge, dividing the wheat from the tares with My Sword of Truth.
My son, I said things are ramping up. Soon the darkness will come, and men will become animals. Warn My remnant and My body that will hear, DO NOT go out into the darkness, for if you do, you will surely die. This darkness is not the night-time darkness. It is so thick, you can feel it. It is the sins of every person that ever lived. It is when the bottomless pit opens, and all the hordes of demons and all the sins will be released upon an unrepentant man. Whoever goes out into this darkness will feel all the sin, and the demons will feast on that person.
Warn My body and any loved ones - DO NOT go out in the darkness - Not even to see if it's truly what My watchmen said it is. This darkness will last for three days, same as in the days of Jonah or as Moses did unto Pharoah.
Pray not for the Day of the Lord, but pray for repentance of lost man and My blind body.
I love you My remnant, stay strong and in My word.
Messiah Jesus
Author Unknown
A Dream from Yeshua
Sheryl (3/11/18)
In my dream, the principal was saying (in a joking like manner) for the kids to be watching for Miss Sheryl to goof off in halls.
We got to where we were going. The tin building had stopped. I had two kids to hug me and say they liked me a lot. I asked another kid what he was going to draw. It fell on the floor. I leaned over to get it. It was a picture of a beautiful eagle and mountains. We were in a tin building that moved. When the earthquake happened, we all moved. We turned all the way upside down and back to the original. Dream over.
Since I had physical interaction with the children, I knew it was not an observatory dream. The children, my students, were in an elementary grade. They were using a poster to color the items of the poster onto their own paper. The eagle is what I discovered when I picked it up from the floor. The eagle means we are going to fly, to get out of where we are at. The student was going to make his own copy of the eagle and mountains.
When the earthquake happened, it did not scare any of us! They did not ask me what was going on. Although, the actual tin building turned only once. Even when we were upside down, they didn’t ask or say anything. This leads me to wonder about the tin building we were in. Tin is a temporary structure. It will not last forever. We were put into the tin building for a reason. What? We were put upside down, for a little while, and then we were back to the original. It is crazy to think about this earthquake, but I believe we were transformed at that moment. WE WERE CHANGED! For how long, I do not know! That would be the only reason why no one, not one student, screamed or hollered about what was happening. No one was hurt! And, the portrait of the eagle (escape) would be happening very soon!
The tin building was on the “right track.” We were on the right track for the Lord. It stopped for us at the correct moment. The earthquake hit us, after I saw the poster of the eagle.
Here is my rundown on things to come: There will be tornadoes within Skylar (down south) by Chad Crawford (YouTube). Something to happen in the sky, the single constellation or something like that. Yeshua's/Jesus’s doing, not man-made. Then, there will be an earthquake. Last, there will be Israel being bombed. Then, we go up! So, then when does the transformation take place? Well, I would go with the dream, and say that it will be during the earthquake!
Tornadoes, cosmic thing, earthquake, Israel being bombed, and the eagle flying are the things to take place next week. Time keeps on slipping into the future. I want to fly like an eagle...the song was playing in my mind! Yeshua/Jesus is getting very close to getting his true believers! Make no mistake about it! He says that Pastor Sandy (YouTube) is correct! That means that a lot of stuff is going to happen this week! Are you prepared to go home?
This is from Yeshua/Jesus:
Oh, my dear children. Time is going to get you in a snare if you are not watching. Watch and pray for your time is slowly going down. (I see an hour glass with very little sand.) I love you all, but there comes a time when your generation is up. And, it is up!
Yeshua Ha’Mashiach
Very fast and to the point! I could see the hour glass with so very little sand left. It is time to have our things in order: Physically, Spiritually, and Mentally. There isn’t much time left!
Remember it was said, "We are coming very soon. Be ready!" Are you ready? Be steady, ready, and prepared! Do not fear any man, fear only God! He is the only one who can condemn you to Hell! Amen! Amen! Amen!
We are living in the last days! Won’t you please join our Lord Yeshua/Jesus in heaven?
Say a prayer that includes you forgiving yourself, forgiving others, repenting of your sins, and calling his name. Believe in Him! Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. He was crucified for you! He was resurrected for you! He ascended for you! And he is coming back for you! Make no doubt about it – He is coming for his church (we are the church – His temple is inside – in the heart).
Read John 3:15-21, Ephesians 6:10-18, and Romans 8.
As with everything you read, take it to the LORD YESHUA/JESUS! He will lead you!
Revelation 22:12-13 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
To God be the glory! He is holy, true, and righteous! We say with a humble heart Come, Lord Yeshua/Jesus, Come! But, do continue to pray for the lost, lukewarm, and wicked! He wants everyone to be saved, but he knows that it cannot be. So, pray! If we can make one person fall in love with Yeshua/Jesus, it will make him so happy!
Pray! Pray! Pray!
Amen! Amen! Amen!
Steady, Ready, and Prepared!
Jesus came to heal a Muslim man in the hospital...Dr. Saddiki in hospital
He had the worst case of shingles in the history of Toronto General Hospital and doctors prepared him for the worst. Raised a devout Muslim, he was stunned when Jesus appeared in his hospital room and brought the kind of healing only Jesus can bring.
“My skin was burning as if someone had doused it with gasoline and then threw a match on it,” says Dr. Nasir Saddiki, the founder of Wisdom Ministries. “I felt like I was on fire from my inside.”
In a sterile room on the eighth floor of the hospital, his doctor informed him “the blisters are multiplying so fast I can literally watch them grow. Your body has stopped fighting back.”
The next day he contracted chicken pox and doctors placed him in strict isolation. His temperature soared to 107.6 degrees, a life-threatening level high enough to leave his brain permanently damaged.
For days he continued to deteriorate. “My nerve endings became so inflamed that even a single hair drifting across my skin sent shock waves of fire rippling through my body,” he says.
At 34, Dr. Saddiki had already earned his first million dollars, but he wasn’t prepared to handle his own mortality. “In facing death I felt nothing but weakness and outright terror. I didn’t have the slightest idea what might await me on the other side. I had been raised as a devout Moslem and I had been taught that Allah was a god who did not heal sickness. I thought that my only hope was in medicine.”
As Dr. Saddiki slipped close to death, he became listless and unresponsive, yet he could hear his doctors’ conversations. “His immune system has simply shut down,” one of them said.”
“He’s dying,” another doctor stated. “His immune system must be compromised by AIDS.”
I don’t have AIDS, Dr. Saddiki wanted to say, but was unable to speak. The full weight of their remarks hit him like a sledgehammer. If they had given up hope, where did that leave him
, but was unable to speak. The full weight of their remarks hit him like a sledgehammer. If they had given up hope, where did that leave him?
Doctors delivered the bad news to his business partner. “In a few hours he’ll be dead,” they informed him. “If by some miracle he lives he’ll be blind in his right eye, deaf in his right ear, paralyzed on his right side and severely brain damaged.” Then they walked out of the room, leaving him alone.
“I suddenly felt like a drowning man going down for the third time,” Dr. Saddiki says. “Gathering what little strength I still had I was barely able to whisper, ‘God if you are real do not let me die.’”
Miraculous encounter
Then in the middle of the night, something remarkable happened. He awoke suddenly to find a man standing at the foot of his bed. “I was shocked because rays of light emanated from him, which allowed me to see his body in my pitch-black room.
But one part of the man’s body blazed with glory. “Amazingly I was unable to see His face. It was too bright to look at it without hurting my eyes.
Even as a Muslim, he had an “inner knowing” that the one who stood there was Jesus Christ.
Dr. Saddiki felt no fear, only profound serenity in the presence of the one called the Prince of Peace. Although he couldn’t speak, he wondered why Jesus would come to a Muslim when everyone else had left him to die.
He didn’t hear an audible voice from Jesus, but these words came into his mind: I am the God of the Christians. I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
“That is all He told me. As suddenly as He had appeared and woke me up, He disappeared.”
The next morning Dr. Saddiki’s doctors returned to examine him. “The blisters have stopped growing,” they almost shouted with amazement. Since he seemed more alert they said, “we don’t know why but your shingles have gone into remission.
The following day, still in severe pain and covered with blisters, Dr. Saddiki was discharged from the hospital with a suitcase full of drugs. “Don’t leave your home,” they cautioned. “It will be months before your blisters disappear and when they do, you will be left with white patches of skin and severe scarring all over your body. The pain that you are experiencing can last for years.”
“I looked like a cross between a leper and the Elephant Man,” Dr. Saddiki notes. “When people saw me they literally fled to the other side of the street because I scared them so much. However I wasn’t concerned about my appearance because I couldn’t stop thinking about Jesus’ appearance. I was certain that His presence in my hospital room had stopped the shingles virus.”
As a result of his unusual encounter with Jesus, questions swirled through his mind. “I knew very little about Jesus. I still had a consuming question in my mind. Is Jesus the Son of God as Christians claim or is He just a prophet as Muslims are taught?”
His first night home he continued to suffer. “In spite of my medication, the pain and itching was so horrible I almost had to tie my hands to a chair to keep from scratching myself to death.” Mercifully, he drifted into a deep sleep.
The next morning he woke up early and turned on the television. “While flipping through the channels I froze when I saw the following words on the screen: ‘Is Jesus the Son of God’? I watched captivated as two men spent the entire program discussing this topic and in the process, answering all of my questions.”
Before the program ended, one of the men led the television audience in a prayer. “My body was aflame with pain but I knelt on my living floor anyway.” As tears streamed down his face, he repeated the prayer and invited Jesus into his heart.
Immediately, the Holy Spirit brought a voracious spiritual hunger that caused him to want to know more about Jesus. In spite of his doctor’s orders to stay inside, he went out and bought a Bible.
He devoured the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.”I still felt spiritually ravenous so I then started in Genesis and read through the entire Bible during my sleepless nights.”
His business partner, who happened to be a Christian, brought Dr. Saddiki books and teaching tapes, which further explained the gospel to him.
As his faith began grew, his prayers got bolder. “I dug out a picture of how I looked before I was attacked with shingles. I prayed and asked God to make me look that way again.”
A few days later, something amazing happened. Dr. Saddiki awakened to find his pillow covered with blisters that had fallen off his face. “I crawled out of bed and stepped into the shower. What started on my pillow was finished in the shower.

Dr. Saddiki with wife, after healing
“Every blister fell off my body!” he exclaims. “Instead of being covered with patches of white and scar tissue, my skin turned red. It then slowly healed, returning to its pre-shingles condition. When that occurred I not only looked human, I actually looked like I did before I became ill, except for the scars that I still have on my chest.”
Amazingly, none of the doctor’s dire predictions came true. “My eyesight is now 20/20. My hearing is normal. My speech is unimpaired and I suffered absolutely no brain damage at all.”
“My healing was totally miraculous ,swift and complete. I never suffered from lingering pain or in fact any other complication. I had the most miraculous recovery theToronto GeneralHospitalhas ever experienced.”
Jesus showed up in a hospital room of a dying Muslim and brought healing. “But that wasn’t the greatest miracle that He performed,” Dr. Saddiki notes. “The transformation that occurred in my heart was even more dramatic than the one that occurred in my body.”
From that day forward, Dr. Siddiki’s passion has been to know and serve the Lord Jesus Christ.
Message received March 7, 2018
Speak boldly and with great courage daughter of Zion, for the times are crucial and My truth must be shared with all who have ears to hear.
A great and mighty tempest brews as the kings and lords of the world's nations have plotted and conspired behind closed doors, making secret pacts and covenants that come directly from the pit of hell. Hell has enlarged her mouth to receive the untold numbers whose fate is sealed because of their obedience to utter evil, the king of darkness.
Most nations of the earth have been sold out by their leaders and betrayed at the highest levels. The portals to hell all over the earth are opening, as many are working fervently to call upon the enemy's army to gather in great multitudes and prepare for war. Cern leads the charge in initiating and continuing the urgent attempts to reach darker dimensions, dimensions that were never intended to be opened by man. All of the knowledge used to gain access to these realms was given to mankind by the fallen ones, those condemned already, but who shared secrets with man after they rebelled, that I did not wish for man to have.
You will now see more and more of these evil manifestations all around you. Those who have spiritual eyes to see and spiritual ears to hear will understand what it is that I am speaking of. Satan is not a creator; and in order to carry out his plans against the Most High Creator, he must have hosts that he can indwell and operate through to carry out his sinister plans. He is doing this is in a variety of ways, and you will see things now in the natural that are anything but natural, as the offspring of hybrid beings once here long ago, will be permitted to come upon the earth once again, as a form of judgment.
Diabolical beings and creatures are returning, and their intentions are not pure, as they were not created in My image, and therefore, do not possess My Spirit within them. The manipulation of My creation and My intentions is bringing about a most horrific reality for those left here on the earth after I remove My remnant.
Can you not hear what My Spirit is speaking to you in this late hour My people?!
I wish that none would perish, and in My mercy, I warn and I chasten and yearn for you to come to Me and listen to all I have been saying to you, but it appears very few are truly repenting and surrendering their hearts and lives to Me.
Oh, but if you could only see the fate of those whose lives have already been lived here on earth, and who have passed into eternity, refusing to accept Me and the truth of who I am. If you could only hear their cries, their desperation, as they beg for only one moment in My presence, just one precious moment so they could repent and change their destinies. If you could only experience their agony, even for the briefest of seconds, as this is all you could bear, as they dwell in utter darkness, being completely absent from My presence and My sight. Such despair and hopelessness that cannot be described in your terms is what these are experiencing; all because of free will and choice. I have taught you that I will never leave or forsake anyone who desires Me. It is the soul's choice to refuse My free gift and consequently accept this horrendous and unimaginable fate.
I never speak words to you to cause fear, but always to prick your hearts and convict you of how a lifetime of willful sin and unrepentence will ultimately lead to spiritual death. I can't be any more clear about eternity. Just as you could not fathom that I do not have a beginning, you cannot fathom what eternity means in total darkness, away from your Creator, the only One who truly knows you and loves you unconditionally.
The hourglass empties rapidly and you may not have this life by tomorrow.
Come now to Me... quickly My people.
Isaiah 5:14-16 King James Version (KJV)
14 Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it.
15 And the mean man shall be brought down, and the mighty man shall be humbled, and the eyes of the lofty shall be humbled:
16 But the Lord of hosts shall be exalted in judgment, and God that is holy shall be sanctified in righteousness.
Matthew 16:18
18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Genesis 6:1-6
1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
6 And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
2 Thessalonians 1:7-9
7 And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,
Author Unknown
ISIS vision by sharlene
My time in the Throne Room is changing. Jesus is now a King wearing His bright white robe, on His head is His golden crown with gems and this is the first time I noticed His golden scepter in His right hand. On His feet were golden sandals. I also saw some of the 24 Elders bowing low before the King Jesus. I followed their lead and was incredibly humbled. Oh wow! For some reason I understood one of them to be Jeremiah. (I’m studying Jeremiah right now) Then after some time of praise and worship, they got up and sat on their thrones. They were gold. Then I heard a voice saying “Who will go for us?” I said “I will if you prepare me and equip me, knowing You carry my burdens for me and will be with me.” But I noticed a different saint go forward. It wasn’t my time yet. Then I was thinking it was time to see if there were any more visions. So I left the area and went down some stairs to the area where I watch the visions. The screen was filled with an ISIS soldier: he was wearing all black and a black bandana type head covering and was standing inside of a bus by the driver pointing a machine gun at a bus full of children and some adults! I didn’t know if they were missionary or regular school children. But Jesus did confirm they were school children. Then I had a side profile look as if I was in the air and saw the bus surrounded by ISIS soldiers and a couple of military vehicles. I saw the ISIS black flag attached to one of the military vehicles. The road was a sandy dirt road. The land was rocky, dry, sandy and dusty. I did not see any trees. I was thinking maybe it was northern Syria but I didn’t get any confirmation. I understood we need to pray! I do not know if this has happened or will. I don’t even know if the media will pick this up. But God have mercy! We need to pray!!
Damascus Bombed by Israel ....Vision by Sharlene
I was in the Throne Room and Jesus is still the King. He even stood while we were singing to Him. I noticed, although they were very veiled, I saw some of the Elders standing and clapping their hands when I was singing: The Joy of the Lord is my strength. I gave them honor and smiled at them. After I finished praise and worship and praying, I went down to the others where the screen is. They were all murmuring among themselves. One pointed to the screen and was surprised! So I looked and all I saw was a fighter jet close up, but viewing it from behind, maneuvering this way and that way like it was trying to avoid getting shot down. It all went quite quickly. Then I noticed a small force of jet fighters coming in from my right. They were with the jet that I was so closely viewing. At first I didn’t know what was going on. The jet I saw close up started shooting missiles at some kind of target below. The small force of jets were very close by and seem to be engaged in attack as well. I understood now that the fighter jets belonged to the IDF. I asked Jesus what was going on? I was at a loss of what I was observing. Then I understood to look down. I was still up in the air observing this like the jet's point of view. I saw a city in the short distance with a rocky sandy landscape around it. Then I saw a huge explosion!! It was bright! It filled the screen. The jet quickly banked to my left and I heard the pilot was speaking in Hebrew as if to confirm that the target was hit. I asked Jesus what just happened. What was just destroyed? Was that Damascus? He replied “Yes.” Wow.
A Dream from Yeshua
Sheryl (3/6/18)
Here is my dream. You can have the dream vehicle you want. It's only for 430 dollars or 450 dollars. It was in a can. Miss LaContanade cafe was on the coffee can that held the money 430 and 450 for the vehicle. Dream over.
The word "can" is 3276 "to ascend." The word "vehicle" is 7392 “to despatch: to carry.” Carry is 1540 "reveal: bring (carry, lead, go)." The word "430" is 430 "gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used of the supreme God.” The word "450" is 450 "God is knowing. "
Miss LaContanade - do you think that I'm actually Spanish and not Irish and Cherokee? The online dictionary said it doesn't exist. I can only think of it meaning America or South America. Is that my name in heaven? Hoverintha LaContanade? I will have to ask later when I get there! But, a cafe is used to eat and drink, a small restaurant. "To eat" means manifest (5046). Other than "to speak boldly,” it means that you can “explain, praise, profess, and shew (forth) (5046)."
He uses Strong's Concordance a lot with me and others! He uses imagery to help me find information based on the Strong's. In my mind, I thought in my dream I was getting a new vehicle. I told the Lord when I woke up that I would rather fly than drive. He didn't answer me. Which told me right away I was wrong! And boy how wrong I was!
So, based on this dream, I think I've got it. While we are praising Yeshua/Jesus we are led by the angels to go in the escape. We ascend into the heavens. We are all gods in heaven, because we are Lord God's children! Lord God is in total control, He is everything - all knowing! Amen! Amen! Amen!
In a weird way, I had an escape dream! It is a message that gives all of us brides hope! Hold your head high - He is coming for us! Here are the verses:
Psalms 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.
Luke 21:36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always that ye may be accounted worthy (entirely deserving G2661 E-Sword) to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
Remember it was said, "We are coming very soon. Be ready!" Are you ready? Be steady, ready, and prepared! Do not fear any man, fear only God! He is the only one who can condemn you to Hell! Amen! Amen! Amen!
We are living in the last days! Won’t you please join our Lord Yeshua/Jesus in heaven?
Say a prayer that includes you forgiving yourself, forgiving others, repenting of your sins, and calling his name. Believe in Him! He was crucified for you! He was resurrected for you! He ascended for you! And he is coming back for you! Make no doubt about it – He is coming for his church (we are the church – His temple is inside – in the heart).
Read John 3:15-21, Ephesians 6:10-18, and Romans 8.
As with everything you read, take it to the LORD YESHUA/JESUS! He will lead you!
Revelation 22:12-13 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
To God be the glory! He is holy, true, and righteous! We say with a humble heart Come, Lord Yeshua/Jesus, Come! But, do continue to pray for the lost, lukewarm, and wicked! He wants everyone to be saved, but he knows that it cannot be. So, pray! If we can make one person fall in love with Yeshua/Jesus, it will make him so happy! Pray! Pray! Pray!
Amen! Amen! Amen!
Attack on America Vision by Sharlene
After my Throne Room time, I walked to the area where the others were. This time I actually met someone and shook their hand but their face was veiled. No idea if it was a man or woman. I said hello and greeted the saint warmly. I understood they were waiting for me. That made me smile. Looking at the screen, it revealed ½ an aircraft carrier in the ocean. It’s bow was sticking out from beside what looked like possibly an island. The port side was close to the side of the land. My view was that I was somewhat above the water looking towards the land and the carrier on the port side of it. It was a tropical setting. I noticed land on the other side of the ship in the distance as if maybe it was sitting partially in a bay. I understood that the aircraft carrier was an American ship. Then I saw a fighter jet to my left in the air and attacking it with small missiles. Then I saw an exhaust pathway of a larger missile in the sky arch it’s way toward the ship off the starboard side. It landed on the carrier. There was a huge explosion. I understood that there were other ships under attack but I didn’t see them. I mentioned to Jesus that there would be a lot of lives lost. He replied, “Yes.” I asked who is attacking them but He didn’t respond. So I thought to ask more specific questions. Was it North Korea? He replied “No.” I asked if it was Russia and He replied “Yes.” I then understood that it as part of the attack on America. Interesting that I looked at the time when I saw the vision. I don’t always think to look. It was 9:11 pm .Wow
A Dream from Yeshua
Sheryl (3/5/18)
I had a dream, where I was wearing white. I was young, and it looked like I had my perm. It was a beautiful sight. I was with others who wore white, too! It was so bridal looking! Yeshua/Jesus is going to come for us! We wait patiently! We brides (all of the church that believes in Him) it is important to keep our eyes open to Yeshua/Jesus. Whatever you are doing in the daytime, think of Yeshua/Jesus. It will delight Him so much! Come, Lord Yeshua/Jesus, Come!
He gave Psalms 30, the whole thing, for me to read! It mentions for us to extol Him, to tell him He’s the highest majesty that we love. Rising from the grave, I see I’m alive, and no pit is there. Sing and give thanks of remembrance to Him. The way He gets angry at people, but joy comes in the morning. It also says that we are to praise and sing to God. It is a beautiful, but strong chapter! I thank Yeshua for giving the whole chapter (12 verses) to me! Also, He knew that he would want to have people read it afterward. It is good! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Then, I heard what was on Paul Begley’s channel (YouTube), and it was that Israel has allowed the Jews to worship at the temple mount. This is with the Palestinians. Palestinians think of the Dome of the Rock as a personal and private thing! Israel is now allowed into the Dome of the Rock! It is going to be a war! Somebody is going to shoot down the Dome of the Rock! People, it is going to happen!
It is happening very fast! I heard at Israeli Live News (YouTube) that the constitution for taking away guns is going to happen. Israel is going to do the same thing, according to Israeli Live News. I have the livestream address, because I don’t want to lose that channel. It is www.livestream.com/IsraelLiveNews.
This is getting very serious, but we are the bride (male and female) so we watch for Israel, look up, and then our bridegroom comes in the clouds!
We are living in the last days! Won’t you please join our Lord Yeshua/Jesus in heaven?
Say a prayer that includes you forgiving yourself, forgiving others, repenting of your sins, and calling his name. Believe in Him! He was crucified for you! He was resurrected for you! He ascended for you! And he is coming back for you! Make no doubt about it – He is coming for his church (we are the church – His temple is inside – in the heart).
Read John 3:15-21, Ephesians 6:10-18, and Romans 8.
As with everything you read, take it to the LORD YESHUA/JESUS! He will lead you!
Revelation 22:12-13 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
To God be the glory! He is holy, true, and righteous! We say with a humble heart Come, Lord Yeshua/Jesus, Come! But, do continue to pray for the lost, lukewarm, and wicked! He wants everyone to be saved, but he knows that it cannot be. So, pray! If we can make one person fall in love with Yeshua/Jesus, it will make him so happy! Pray! Pray! Pray!
Amen! Amen! Amen!
From the hymn "God Moves in Mysterious Ways" by William Cowper
Deep in unfathomable mines
Of never failing skill
He treasures up his bright designs
And works His sovereign will
Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take;
The clouds ye so much dread
Are big with mercy and shall break
In blessings on your head
Two Dreams from Yeshua
Sheryl (3/4/18)
This was a very short dream. It is two scenarios. The first was a dream that had a star I could see. I was looking at the star, and then it changed. A star was falling down. It looked more like a bomb that was being taken apart in compartments. It was silver in color.
Another scene came about where the Holy Spirit had said that Israel has been bombed. The war has begun.
The verse I am seeing: Luke 21:25 AndG2532 there shall beG2071 signsG4592 inG1722 the sun,G2246 andG2532 in the moon,G4582 andG2532 in the stars;G798 andG2532 uponG1909 theG3588 earthG1093 distressG4928 of nations,G1484 withG1722 perplexity;G640 the seaG2281 andG2532 the wavesG4535 roaring;G2278.
The stars mean a “single constellation” (G798). It fell to earth into pieces. The sky was beautiful. No weather to disrupt its beauty. Then, all of a sudden, it fell apart. I was watching the sky and only one star fell. It was not an airplane. That would have been moving in a horizontal line. It was a vertical line. Beside, if I had a dream about a plane, I would have seen the writing on it. There was no writing on the star.
Could the components of the falling star be like spikes? They were very beautiful as they fell. But, I was far enough away from them. Had I been up close to where it had actually fell, they could have been spikes poking through the ground. Or could it be like the meteor shower? What I saw were like spikes that were falling. It was perfectly done, like you have a sugar crystallized candy (long) and you broke pieces of it. It was that type of breaking.
It was only one star! That could have been the beginning of the stars that were formed into a constellation. I don’t know. But, I know I saw only 1 star that fell down to earth!
The second dream was very true about war. WWW 3 is going to happen. It made me get right up to see if Israel had any thing to happen to her. So far, she is okay. But, we know she is going to get bombed! Many prayers go out to Israel!
We are living in the last days! Won’t you please join our Lord Yeshua/Jesus in heaven?
Say a prayer that includes you forgiving yourself, forgiving others, repenting of your sins, and calling his name. Believe in Him! He was crucified for you! He was resurrected for you! He ascended for you! And he is coming back for you! Make no doubt about it – He is coming for his church (we are the church – His temple is inside – in the heart).
John 3:15-21, Ephesians 6:10-18, and Romans 8.
As with everything you read, take it to the LORD YESHUA/JESUS! He will lead you!
Revelation 22:12-13 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
To God be the glory! He is holy, true, and righteous! We say with a humble heart Come, Lord Yeshua/Jesus, Come! But, do continue to pray for the lost, lukewarm, and wicked! He wants everyone to be saved, but he knows that it cannot be. So, pray! If we can make one person fall in love with Yeshua/Jesus, it will make him so happy! Pray! Pray! Pray!
Amen! Amen! Amen!
A Gratitude, A Dream from Yeshua, An Audible, & A Message with My Eyes
3/3/18 Sheryl
First, I want to express my thanks to the blogspot! This has been a miracle and I want to see you when we are in Heaven! This page that I have written is filled with the Holy Spirit. It is unlike any other I’ve done. It is simply amazing to watch Yeshua do as he needs to do to reach people who need to be reached! And, boy let me tell you, he reaches people! I am a humble servant that he uses to reach the people. But, without you, there is nothing! So, thank you, for letting my weird and strange things that happen to me, get taught, and read, and even saved. To God be the Glory! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Okay! Here we go! In my dream, I was in a classroom and the subject was math and the concept was rounding. I had two worksheets. I taught the big dog means 5 to 9, you go up by one. Little dog means 0 to 4, you stay the same. (This is how I actually taught rounding. It’s funny that Yeshua would put it in a dream.)
They were catching on – totally getting it. It was wonderful. Then, the principal came in and looked at the worksheets. I said, “Yes they're finished.” But, she was unhappy. They needed more. Why did they need more? They caught on to the concept. It was time for me to teach something new the next day. She wanted me to teach the same thing again.
Undoubtedly, this was middle school and they had already been taught the concept the previous years. It was crazy to go about teaching the same thing the next day. In the dream, as in real life, I wasn’t about to do it!
I know now why Yeshua put rounding into my dream. To round means “to enclose, to crown” (Strong’s 3803). That means it is to give a crown to another. The principal was not happy. In Strong’s it says for a person to be unhappy is “to be dark or a wretch” (2489). The following are verses for this whole dream.
Revelation 3:11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
Revelation 4:10-11 The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying, 11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.
Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
So, the whole dream was to hold onto Yeshua/Jesus! Regardless of what anyone says, stay in his presence. I want to be like the 24 elders, I want to give him the crown that he gives me! I am tickled just seeing him. He is all I need!
Round and Round by Ratt was playing in my mind. “Round and round, what comes around goes around” was playing. That is all, just that verse. It makes sense. The evil we see today will eventually arrive at a lake with fire and brimstone! Unless, they get saved!
Later on the same day, I was seeing 4:44 on the clock and 444 for a license on a vehicle. Something is going to happen!
Then, when I was typing this dream to all of you, I had the urge to look up at my window. There I saw two birds flying together and immediately the song Close to You was singing “Why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near? Just like me, they want to be close to you.” I was thanking Lord Yeshua, because he knows it is getting close! Close to You is by Carpenters.
I wasn’t going to tell you, but I feel that the need is now! The other night I was walking by the computer and it made me look. I looked, and I saw with my own eyes, a message. Okay, it was really weird. I’m not discounting it! But, he made my eyes go to the keys and receive the message. I never did touch the keys! I’ve never done that before in my life! Here’s the message: “We are coming very soon! Be ready!”
The “we” part of the message is all 3. This is God, Yeshua/Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. They are going to come very soon! Be steady, ready, and prepared! It is going to happen in a twinkling of an eye!
I might as well reveal this to you too. I received an audible that said “Looking for escape, as you know it.” I received the 24th before I started writing to you all. “24th is the day” and “the 24th goes on the 4th (Gregorian calendar).” And, the 24th is on the 15th of the Torah calendar, which I have said many times that I believe Israel is going to get bombed. It all happens on the 24th on the 4th which is tomorrow. They say that the Jubilee runs out of time on 3/16/18 (Pastor Sandy among a few others, YouTube). There isn’t another 24 until April. I’m just saying to please know that you are saved! If you don’t know, then do the prayer or something like it immediately! You do not have any time to waste! Salvation is NOW! Pray! Pray! Pray!
Say a prayer that includes you forgiving yourself, forgiving others, repenting of your sins, and calling his name. Believe in Him! He was crucified for you! He was resurrected for you! He ascended for you! And he is coming back for you! Make no doubt about it – He is coming for his church (we are the church – His temple is inside – in the heart).
John 3:15-21, Ephesians 6:10-18, and Romans 8.
As with everything you read, take it to the LORD YESHUA/JESUS! He will lead you!
Revelation 22:12-13 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
To God be the glory! He is holy, true, and righteous! We say with a humble heart Come, Lord Yeshua/Jesus, Come! But, do continue to pray for the lost, lukewarm, and wicked! He wants everyone to be saved, but he knows that it cannot be. So, pray! If we can make one person fall in love with Yeshua/Jesus, it will make him so happy! Pray! Pray! Pray!
Amen! Amen! Amen!
A Dream from Yeshua
Sheryl (3/2/18)
I dreamed I was in a restaurant with my mom and dad. Another couple was with us, too. I left the table and started to play a video game. I looked up, and they were gone. I asked the waitress about where they were, and she said they had to leave.
The next thing I knew, I was about to take a shower in the restaurant. An older gentleman came into the restaurant door and I quickly pulled the see-through shower curtain closed. Dream ended.
I used to go to the restaurant with my mom and dad a lot before he passed. I do not like video games! Further, there is no chance a video game would be in the restaurant. I never would have wanted to take a shower in a restaurant much less with the front door facing me!
Further Interpretation:
The restaurant was “to eat” and I looked that up in Strong’s Concordance. I found that “manifest” was a word that my eyes went to (1262). “To stand boldly out opposite” (5046) is the meaning of manifest. The video game was a distraction. The shower is a place to get clean. The shower curtain provides a sense of privacy. But with a see-through curtain it provided a sense of false-privacy. I wanted to pull that curtain to get away from everyone.
We were there to stand boldly. It was their decision to leave without telling me. I must have been distracted with the video game. I needed to clean myself again. So, I had the shower to do it. Even though I had to do it with a see-through curtain. Then, I was cleaned!
Standing Strong
I Thessalonians 3:3 That no man should be moved by these afflictions: for yourselves know that we are appointed thereunto.
Psalms 62:6 He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defence; I shall not be moved.
Psalm 16:8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
Psalm 62:2 He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence; I shall not be greatly moved.
Luke 10:39 And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his word. 40 But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me. 41 And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: 42 But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.
To Clean-Up Our Sins
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 2:2 And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.
John 15:3 Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.
Well, I have told you all that I have the craziest dreams, but they are all from Yeshua/Jesus. My husband says that I need to quit eating so late! LOL! But, by using the Strong’s Concordance among other resources, I have been able to figure it out. And then there is me and Yeshua! When I tell him the dream doesn’t make sense, like I did today, he said It’s going to be fine. And, look, he is right! Always! He is the I AM! He is truth! He is holy!
Say a prayer that includes you forgiving yourself, forgiving others, repenting of your sins, and calling his name. Believe in Him! He was crucified for you! He was resurrected for you! He ascended for you! And he is coming back for you! Make no doubt about it – He is coming for his church (we are the church – His temple is inside – in the heart).
John 3:15-21, Ephesians 6:10-18, and Romans 8.
As with everything you read, take it to the LORD YESHUA/JESUS! He will lead you!
Revelation 22:12-13 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
To God be the glory! He is holy, true, and righteous! We say with a humble heart Come Lord Yeshua/Jesus, Come! But, do continue to pray for the lost, lukewarm, and wicked! He wants everyone to be saved, but he knows that it cannot be. So, pray! If we can make one person fall in love with Yeshua/Jesus, it will make him so happy! Pray! Pray! Pray!
Amen! Amen! Amen!
Here is a dream received early this morning just before waking on March 2, 2018.
Someone gave me a key in my hand, and as I take that key, I find myself in front of a door that I did not see before, and take the key and open that door, and pull the door against me and opens. I enter directly into another world. It is as if I come out of the world of the earth, and in front of me, just from this door, I see another creation, like a very large garden. I see a great river flowing and forests, palm trees, fruit trees extend to infinity, it looks very large.
I stay with the door open and contemplate this beautiful landscape, being myself just inside this other place.
While sleeping I listen and think what the Lord would like to say to me, I hear this word of the Lord, who tells me that he created this other place, and since he created the earth in 7 days, regularly it arranges such places for these children, for me, for all those who walk with him to the end. I say to myself, wow it's strong. And there I wake up from this dream.
Since this morning, I feel like between two worlds, this place was not just a vision, but seemed to me really as real as our world on earth.
I also feel that Jesus is coming to pick us up to take us with him, and what he is preparing for us for the lamb wedding, for the millennium, and for the new Jerusalem are really so extraordinary, peaceful and blessing for us .
It touches me because recently (30.11.2017) the Lord showed me that he gave me and my wife a crown, and now he gives me a key that opens a door ...
Here is a dream received early this morning just before waking on March 2, 2018.
Someone gave me a key in my hand, and as I take that key, I find myself in front of a door that I did not see before, and take the key and open that door, and pull the door against me and opens. I enter directly into another world. It is as if I come out of the world of the earth, and in front of me, just from this door, I see another creation, like a very large garden. I see a great river flowing and forests, palm trees, fruit trees extend to infinity, it looks very large.
I stay with the door open and contemplate this beautiful landscape, being myself just inside this other place.
While sleeping I listen and think what the Lord would like to say to me, I hear this word of the Lord, who tells me that he created this other place, and since he created the earth in 7 days, regularly it arranges such places for these children, for me, for all those who walk with him to the end. I say to myself, wow it's strong. And there I wake up from this dream.
Since this morning, I feel like between two worlds, this place was not just a vision, but seemed to me really as real as our world on earth.
I also feel that Jesus is coming to pick us up to take us with him, and what he is preparing for us for the lamb wedding, for the millennium, and for the new Jerusalem are really so extraordinary, peaceful and blessing for us .
It touches me because recently (30.11.2017) the Lord showed me that he gave me and my wife a crown, and now he gives me a key that opens a door ...
DESTINATION HEAVEN Vision by Paula Marie
When I went to the room that was destroyed in my previous vision, I realized I couldn't go there anymore because I already boarded the plane and the room was demolished. So I had another vision but this time I was getting off an airplane and I was in this new destination airport waiting area. I was dressed in a white robe and so were the others who were with me. I saw huge windows where you can look out and see the city of destination. There were attendants there waiting to greet us. They were men dressed in white suits. They offered to answer any question or assist us in any way we needed it. There were other attendants men and women, walking around as well. There was this long red carpet that we were walking on to get through this waiting area. Everything in the room was white with gold trim, including the rows of pillars on either side of the walkway. Also these huge windows allowed you to look out and see the city. I went to the window and looked out and saw a city made of gold, a sparkling skyline as far as the eye could see. I couldn't wait to get to the city and start exploring.....
Next stop...Destination heaven! See ya soon!
A Message and a Dream from Holy Spirit
A Message and a Dream from Holy Spirit
Sheryl (2/28/18)
The U2 video with NYC about to be drowning was with the full moon. That is Friday night. It is March 2, 2018. It feels like the 21st for the Full Moon (night of March 2). If that feeling is correct, then we are very close! “The 24th is the day ("24 is on the 4th"),” Yeshua told me so. The thing I feel is the bombing of the dome of the rock. It feels so real. It feels like it is going to happen. But, we are to be shaking first. I don’t know for sure, but I feel it is about to happen! The Holy Spirit says, “It is going to happen.”
In the Behold Israel (YouTube), Amir states Israel is going to strike Syria (Middle East Current Events Update, Feb, 28, 2018.). Syria is getting shipments of Chemical warfare through North Korea. A chemical weapon factory will be built by getting the shipments. Russia has about 200 types of weapons in Syria being experimented with to see what works and what doesn’t.
Today, the Israeli News Live (YouTube) spokesperson, Steven Ben-nun, said that he was worried about something unfortunate happening to the YouTube. He said he is doing the email to keep our listeners in the know. He feels that he is telling too much of the truth, and the YouTube will get rid of them. Without watching Israeli News Live, I would only be watching the one of Amir.
They both do an excellent job at telling what is going on in the Middle East.
3/1/18 Dream from The Holy Spirit:
I had a dream, and I do not know what it means. It said that I had the number 195. The 10 was where I got a mosquito bite on the leg. It caused me to itch. The number 5 was grace.
The Holy Spirit was playing 500 Miles by The Proclaimers when I woke up.
The number 10 means complete and perfect number in BibleStudy.org. The number 5 was God’s grace, goodness, and favor. The number 90 means church is sifted, 100 is holy flock, and the number 195 means “city burns: new covenant” by BibleNumbers.files.wordpress.com. I also got the mosquito, so, the mosquito is a swarm (6157).
Here is what I figured out. 100+90+5 = A holy flock that comes from the church being sifted and it is good and pleasing to the Lord. The Bride is going to have to come out of her. They are going to be sifted or “be gone away” (5128). And, of course, most everything will burn, making a new covenant to be formed: New World Order. That’s what I have! We brides with our hearts of humility humbly say to the sky Come, Lord Yeshua/Jesus, Come! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Say a prayer that includes you forgiving yourself, forgiving others, repenting of your sins, and calling his name. Believe in Him! He was crucified for you! He was resurrected for you! He ascended for you! And he is coming back for you! Make no doubt about it – He is coming for his church (we are the church – His temple is inside – in the heart).
John 3:15-21, Ephesians 6:10-18, and Romans 8.
As with everything you read, take it to the LORD YESHUA/JESUS! He will lead you!
Revelation 22:12-13 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
To God be the glory! He is holy, true, and righteous! We say with a humble heart Come Lord Yeshua/Jesus, Come!
Amen! Amen! Amen!
Vision of Rapture by Paula Marie
In this vision, I was in this usual room that looks a lot like a waiting room and for years and years, all I did was go there and wait. Once in a while I would be shown a vision of what we were to expect to happen next. I kept seeing an explosion taking place. But this last time it was very different.
I went into this waiting room area but instead of seeing my usual angel behind the desk....I saw what looked like an airline attendant stamping boarding passes at a super fast rate. And there were stacks and stacks of these passes. The speed at which they were getting stamped seemed urgent. I had always seen this light coming down from the ceiling in this room and I knew it had something to do with the rapture, but all I could do was look up into the light and wait...there was no way to go up. So I would end up walking around again waiting for what ever was going to happen to happen.
But this time as the attendant was stamping all these boarding passes, and for the first time, a rope came down out of the light and was hanging down to the floor. There was a helicopter waiting to take me (us) up.
Next the room started shaking and pieces of the room were falling in. The room was being destroyed by a very large earthquake and I knew that's why the helicopter was there to help me (us) escape from this disaster. I also knew that it symbolized the rapture of the church escaping....going in the rapture.
I know we must be very close. I had been going to this room for years, but I had never seen attendants stamping boarding passes a rope coming down to pick me (us) up and the room being completely destroyed, which means I can't go there anymore as there is no room left. It also means there must be a BIG earthquake coming and soon which happens during the time of the rapture. Get ready because all of this is leading to one thing! WE ARE LEAVING SOON!
2/28/18VISION OF HEAVEN BY Paula Marie
I had this vision of heaven...I was inside of this small house. There were flowers everywhere inside. It may be a vacation home. Everything was real, not artificial. There was no plastic or man-made materials so naturally the decorations would include real flowers and lots of them. What was so unusual is that the flowers where piled up and layered on the walls, from the floor to the ceiling, many different colors and kinds. I saw what looked like a typical living room except that the farthest wall away from me was all glass from floor to ceiling, so I could see outside. And when I looked outside I noticed that the house was on a beach. I could see the almost white colored sand and beautiful shoreline with blue waves right out side the window. In front of the glass against the wall was a sofa and a small coffee table with large pillows on the floor. I saw myself and another person dressed in very loose fitting silk/cotton white robes and slippers sitting down on these huge white pillows on the floor. We were getting ready to dine on this little dark colored coffee table. There was a chef about to fix our meal. The chef was also dressed in a silk robe and slippers and this person had the appearance of being oriental. Soft music was playing in the background. The whole atmosphere was very calm and relaxing and peaceful! What a wonderful place it will be!
It was late and I sensed I needed to ask Jesus if there was another vision. I went to the place where I always see my visions. The other saints/Believers were there too. They are always veiled so I don’t know who they are. I turned to look at the screen and immediately I saw a volcanic eruption from a single mountain. My view was seeing the volcano in the background of the screen to the left. The huge pyroclastic grey cloud was very evident as it blew high into the air. I saw an orange/black explosion after that of lava pouring out of the mountain top. In the foreground of the scene, Asian looking children and adults were screaming and running towards me. I saw a face of a young person- maybe a teenager- with a look of terror. It was like a 3-D picture as the face stood out. I saw the lava river destroy the vegetation and homes. The landscape was tropical. I wasn’t sure if it was a densely populated area as I saw only a few homes destroyed by the lava. I asked Jesus why this had to happen. He replied: “My people need to pray, pray for their nation, repent and return to Me.” I didn’t have any clarity where this is to occur or when.
A Dream from Yeshua
I came to a wharf and got what looked like a float. Then, I looked at it more and it was a Buckingham Guard. But it was the colors of white and a little bit of blue. I left it there on the dock and went home, because I knew that if I wore it, I would become it.
When I got home Brian and Blake were there. They wanted me to leave, said it was my duty. But I said no, I would never return if I left.
On the wharf there's a place to go to change – the float that becomes Yeshua. And allows me to then float somewhere else. Dream ended.
The song was “Different drum” by Stone Poneys and “Fly Robin Fly” by the Silver Convention.
The 2 friends were wanting to get me to be the soldier, but I wanted to hear from God. He is who tells me what to do (obey). So, I did the right thing by waiting for him to tell me. It will be a quick thing to put the uniform on and then fly to Heaven.
Buckingham Palace is in London, England. It is war! God didn't want me to go to war. But, he knows it is going to happen. In Israeli News Live (YouTube) he says that Great Britain is going to go to war with Russia, China, and North Korea (Is Great Britain Preparing for War Against Russia, China, and North Korea). I advise you to read Daniel 11 for further information. Also, Minister Paul (YouTube) has seen the Buckingham Palace and Buckinghamshire involving the Queen or King of England (The Season of Final Revelations – How Space Agencies Will Explain Our Disappearance Soon!) This is the first time for me to dream anything outside the United States.
In projectbritain.com it states the reason for the foot soldiers is to protect the queen and her residence, Buckingham Palace. The usual type of dress are black bearskin hats, uniforms of red tunics and white belts and white cuffs. I had something totally different in the dream. The white and blue uniform was significant. The white stands for pure (purity) (2715) and it is the bearskin hat and the white tunic and the blue stands for stripes from a wound (2250) and it is a belt. That means it was Yeshua – the whole uniform! He was waiting to tell us when we can go. We have the uniform waiting. We put the uniform on when he says to leave. We become like him! When Yeshua changes (transform) us, we are being patient and waiting for orders from him, nobody else.
We wait patiently! We are right now in a very weird moment in time! TimFoster405 (YouTube) had a prophetic message that said, “I am coming for My Bride to take her home! AND I AM COMING WITH MY HOLY FIRE AND MY GLORY TO JUDGE THE EARTH FOR HER EVIL AND WICKEDNESS BEFORE ME” (Maurice Sklar, 2/23/18). You are to fear the Lord God, and not fear man! You are to not be afraid of anything that is going to take place, because the Lord God is in total control! Things are going to happen! Everything must take place before we go: "shaking, breaking, quaking, and taking!" Amen! Amen! Amen!
Say a prayer that includes you forgiving yourself, forgiving others, repenting of your sins, and calling his name. Believe in Him! He was crucified for you! He was resurrected for you! He ascended for you! And he is coming back for you! Make no doubt about it – He is coming for his church (we are the church – His temple is inside – in the heart).
John 3:15-21, Ephesians 6:10-18, and Romans 8.
As with everything you read, take it to the LORD YESHUA/JESUS! He will lead you!
Revelation 22:12-13 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
To God be the glory! He is holy, true, and righteous! We say with a humble heart Come Lord Yeshua/Jesus, Come!
Amen! Amen! Amen!
A Dream and A Message from Yeshua
Sheryl (2/26/18)
We were in a classroom. I was an assistant teacher. I was with my middle school students (that I actually taught), but we were at a different school. The teacher was a teacher in real life who taught the really little ones...like the kindergarten grades and first grade.
Everyone was doing school, and I looked out the window and saw the city sky was dark except there was one funnel like structure. I could feel it was bad. I must have stared at it for too long, because the other kids started to look. We all screamed, “tornado!”
We were never told about the tornado and to seek shelter, as if the putting our hands over our heads will protect anyone being thrown around from a tornado. So, we didn't do like all schools did, we went down to the basement which was a changing locker room. There were high school boys getting a shower. It must have been the PE taking a shower. They were told quickly about the tornado.
We were all huddled in a room for what seemed like hours. Other teachers were there, also. The whole area began to move. It moved back and forth. It repeated itself about 3 times. And all we could do was allow it to happen. It would literally move their bodies.
Then, all of a sudden, it stopped. We were so glad. They hugged each other. We were in a safe place. We went out the way we came. Dream ended.
The students were my real middle school students in the past at a private school. I don’t understand the teacher of the students, because she didn’t like teaching the middle school. It was in a city. Skyscrapers were there around us. The white tornado looked like a cloud and a little bit of a funnel. It was traveling toward us.
To my knowledge, I was observing. I say that because I didn’t have one thing to do with talking with the students. Just looking out the window, someone would have asked me a question like, “Hey, what cha lookin’ at?” Even traveling down to the basement, I didn’t have not one student to come to me and say, “I’m scared.” I would have been holding as many hands as possible and they know it! I would have them calm and we would be walking together. I think I was an observer!
The movement happened when the whirlwind crossed through the school. I felt it as if it is happening now! It looked like some of the students grabbed the stalls when the movement started. Maybe they thought they had time to reach the bulk of everyone else. I don’t know, but I had a dream in the past where I held the foot of the stalls when a tornado crossed over. So, this is my second dream of holding on to the stall during a tornado. The tornado didn’t look like a tornado in the students dream. It looked like a white cloud, it was almost shaped like a triangle. It was like a cloud that had a small funnel. Maybe that is why I was staring at it. Other students started to stare at it too. They told their teacher about it. She is the one who agreed to start walking down the basement. Not me. I just went along for the ride!
Schools do not normally allow the students to walk down to a basement. Schools don’t refuse to say that there is “tornado” happening. No sirens were heard. Nothing. It is like it was just too late to warn anyone about the “cloud” that was directly headed for the school.
I don’t know what the rest of the school or even city looked like. I saw the students going back the same way they came. Not one student or teacher was severely damaged. They were protected by Yeshua! Are you protected like the students and the teachers?
Here are some of the Bible verses for you:
Genesis 50:20 But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.
Psalms 23:4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Psalms 77:18 The voice of thy thunder was in the heaven: the lightnings lightened the world: the earth trembled and shook.
Nahum 1:3 The LORD is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked: the LORD hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.
Proverbs 1:27 When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.
(YESHUA wanted to speak!) The Great and Terrible Day is fast approaching! It will happen in a twinkling of an eye. You don't want to be here. It's bad, far worst than you have ever experienced before. Yes, the brides are all released, then it happens. Some people are our guests, too. But, the release of all the brides will send the horrible stuff to earth.
Answer the call to get saved NOW! It is too late to do it when the last group of brides leave! You (will) have no time!
They are going to nuke people and geo engineer the weather. It is coming. Everything is moving faster now. We want to have everyone saved! We know it won't happen. Still, we strive to make it so. You will be the last generation this earth has seen. It is important that you go to heaven!
We want you to come and sup with me. It will make you so happy. I will reveal things to you that are going to come. I will also reveal heavenly things. It's your choice, do you want a lifetime of eternity in heaven or hell? It is your choice, dear ones, but make it quick, because your nation is going to do awful things they've never done before.
I love you all! Be kind and be loving to one another. Remember, you are children of God - now act like it! Yeshua Ha’Mashiach
(My thoughts were typed in parenthesis!)
Zephaniah 1:14-18 The great day of the LORD is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly, even the voice of the day of the LORD: the mighty man shall cry there bitterly. 15 That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, 16 A day of the trumpet and alarm against the fenced cities, and against the high towers. 17 And I will bring distress upon men, that they shall walk like blind men, because they have sinned against the LORD: and their blood shall be poured out as dust, and their flesh as the dung. 18 Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the LORD'S wrath; but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of his jealousy: for he shall make even a speedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land.
Joel 2:31 the sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.
Say a prayer that includes you forgiving yourself, forgiving others, repenting of your sins, and calling his name. Believe in Him! He was crucified for you! He was resurrected for you! He ascended for you! And he is coming back for you! Make no doubt about it – He is coming for his church (we are the church – His temple is inside – in the heart).
John 3:15-21, Ephesians 6:10-18, and Romans 8.
As with everything you read, take it to the LORD YESHUA/JESUS! He will lead you!
Revelation 22:12-13 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
To God be the glory! He is holy, true, and righteous!
Amen! Amen! Amen!
Here is bible prophecy describing this event BEFORE THE SUMMER..which means it is a SPRING TIME EVENT...
Isaiah 28:1 Ah, the proud crown of the drunkards of Ephraim [USA]
and the fading flower of its glorious beauty,
which is on the head of the rich valley of those overcome with wine!
2 Behold, the Lord has one [ASTEROID] who is mighty and strong
like a storm of hail, a destroying tempest,
like a storm of mighty, overflowing waters, [Tsunami]
he casts down to the earth with his hand. [from outer space]
3 The proud crown of the drunkards of Ephraim [USA]
will be trodden underfoot;
4 and the fading flower of its glorious beauty,
which is on the head of the rich valley,
will be like a first-fruit before the summer [in the Spring-time]
Author Unknown
An Important Bible Verse from Yeshua
Sheryl (2/24/18)
Today, Yeshua has given me a verse from my King James and it is I Corinthians 4:16. It says, “Wherefore I beseech you, be ye followers of me.” This was penned by Paul, but Yeshua/Jesus wanted me to expand on it. So, I wonder what it meant to be a follower of Paul versus being a true believer today?
The Basics
A true believer (a true Christian) is one who believes in the gospel, that Yeshua/Jesus was crucified, resurrected, and ascended to the right hand of God. In Romans 10:9, we believe “that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” We must also believe that he is coming back in the clouds to get us. That is bare bones! Here is only some of what Paul says about us!
You try to get people to like you, because they will know that you are different (peculiar). They will need to know you! And, you know what, you are witnessing to people. Or you can be like me and several other writers, write messages, Bible verses, dreams, audibles, and real things that happen personally to us. Singing and getting in a Christian band is also witnessing. Anyone will be witnessing to the people – sometimes even when you don’t know where they live. It’s very nice to give the listener something they need! I have one message and that is to spread the news that Yeshua/Jesus is coming back on the clouds to get his true believers! I have no need of proving myself on the YouTube. He has been a very powerful witness to some of you! I have been told by the Lord Yeshua/Jesus that his words are getting out and being well received. I tell him that I will continue to send the stuff he gives me daily!
Please know, that I am like you, I sin. Even if the sin isn’t coming from me, it can attach to me if I am not careful. As true believers, you strive to do everything that is right, not wrong! Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;” And if you do something wrong, you are quick to ask forgiveness and repentance from the Lord Yeshua/Jesus. He is just to forgive! He loves us so much!
Division of the Church
Paul says that all true believers should not have other doctrines! We have so many arguments over different doctrines. When, in reality, there should be only one – Yeshua/Jesus! Also, 1 Corinthians 1:10 it says, “Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.” The truth is that grace is a gift from Yeshua/Jesus! He wants to give it to everyone. When you are saved you naturally want to do works. It doesn’t matter who or what as long as you are told to do it (obedience). If you are led to do something, you had better find a way to do it!
You are not doing the Lord’s work by saying that so and so is wrong. It is not correct to say that so and so is not right, because he/she has grace or works doctrine. It is wrong! I had someone to tell me the right way that so and so was wrong. This person told me (via email) that she had noticed that I used so and so on the YouTube. She said that so and so was into witchcraft. It could be proven! I immediately said that I would take the YouTuber off my list. I did just that! Because I trust this person, whole heartedly, I knew she was telling the truth!
But, people think that they can act high and mighty when they get on YouTube (mockers and scoffers). If we want to warn people, we must pray first and then send email to them. We true believers know that the scoffers and mockers are in for a rude awakening - unfortunately! In 1 Corinthians 4:6, Paul says 1Co 4:6 “that no one of you be puffed up for one against another.” In Romans 12:19 “Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.”
To the Brethren (or Bride)
In 2 Corinthians 8:7 “Therefore, as ye abound in every thing, in faith, and utterance, and knowledge, and in all diligence, and in your love to us, see that ye abound in this grace also.” Faith is the utmost important thing we can have, that no one can take away. Faith is a deep belief that Yeshua/Jesus was once on earth and is in heaven above waiting to come in the clouds to take us home! Without faith, we are stumbling around with the lost, wicked, and the lukewarm. With faith, we have everything! If you have faith, then you will have the best heart in Yeshua’s/Jesus’s eyes!
Talking with Yeshua/Jesus
Psalms 37:5 “Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.” You must have communication with your Lord. If you feel that you don’t have enough communication, you can pray to Yeshua/Jesus to have more communication with Him! It is vital that you have intimate time with the Lord Yeshua/Jesus! He will tell you all you need to know!
Say a prayer that includes you forgiving yourself, forgiving others, repenting of your sins, and calling his name. Believe in Him! He was crucified for you! He was resurrected for you! He ascended for you! And he is coming back for you! Make no doubt about it – He is coming for his church (we are the church – His temple is inside – in the heart).
John 3:15-21, Ephesians 6:10-18, and Romans 8.
As with everything you read, take it to the LORD YESHUA/JESUS! He will lead you!
Revelation 22:12-13 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
To God be the glory! He is holy, true, and righteous!
Amen! Amen! Amen!
A Vision by Sharlene
This morning I had a beautiful vision of encouragement to all the Believers. As I was standing by a lake and forest and i looked up into the sky and I saw it full of giant eagles and we were riding on their backs as they were flying!! It was a beautiful sight. Earlier, in my devotions and time in my garden where I often sit on a bench with Jesus by a stream that runs in my garden, a bald eagle that I have seen recently was suddenly huge. Before, he was my height when I was sitting on the bench. Now he was a giant eagle, dwarfing me. I was then sitting on his back and we soared over a forest and an ocean! I was so encouraged. The song "They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength" came into my head. Jesus gave me Isaiah 40:31 "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." I heard Jesus say to all the Believers "For all who's hope is in ME, you will fly and soar like the eagles." I understood that this is to be a reminder for us to trust Him for what is to come.
A Dream from Yeshua
Sheryl (2/22/18)
Me and Shawn were driving through an unknown town. He wanted to stop at a neighborhood to get something. So, he stopped at Septiembre and parked in the driveway. Then, we walked to the backyard and was met by a young boy who did not want us to enter. So, I was telling him I needed to get to the other trailer. Shawn after a while pushed the gate which knocked the boy down. We got to the trailer and successfully got the most adorable puppy at Octubre. It looked like it was a Pekapoo. When both the boy and the owner showed up, we had to pay for them both. We had 855 on what?
Dream ended.
Shawn means “God is gracious; a gift from God.” I did not know what I wanted to stop and get. What is very interesting to me is I parked the car in Septiembre and had to get to Octubre’s house where I received the puppy. The young boy keeping watch over the yard, I believe it was a demon. It wanted to keep me from making the crossing over from September to October. Shawn (a gift from God) insisted on making the gate open. “Puppy” being dreamed about means to have “strong feelings toward a new area of your life.” That may be true, because we were at Octubre’s house. We were through with Septiembre (world), we were ready for Octubre’s house (God’s house). I looked up the amount on Strong’s Concordance and I found out what we were doing with the 855. The number 855 was a plowshare, a cutting instrument (855). We could have defended ourselves with plowshares. The only other thing it could be was time: 8:55, AM or PM I don’t know. It seems like I had the 855 right when I chose plowshare. Don’t really know.
I have only studied Spanish once a long time ago. Why I had to get the dream in the Spanish version, is beyond me. But there is something going on with February and March. Also, this is my third time dreaming with Shawn. He seems to be an angel that I am doing things with. It did seem very real!
“It’s Magic” by Pilot was playing in my mind and “God is on the Move” by 7eventh Time Down was playing in my mind next.
As with everything you read, give it to the Lord! He will never lead you wrong! Ask for confirmation! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Say a prayer that includes you forgiving yourself, forgiving others, repenting of your sins, and calling his name. Believe in Him! He was crucified for you! He was resurrected for you! He ascended for you! And he is coming back for you! Make no doubt about it – He is coming for his church (we are the church – His temple is inside – in the heart).
John 3:15-21, Ephesians 6:10-18, and Romans 8.
As with everything you read, take it to the LORD YESHUA/JESUS! He will lead you!
To God be the glory! He is holy, true, and righteous!
Amen! Amen! Amen!
Tsunami Vision
by Sharlene
I had been worshiping Jesus as king in the Throne Room. My perspective of the vision room- it’s what I’m calling it now- was changing as I was noticing more details of the room. It is huge and I can’t see the ceiling. I saw pillars a head of me in the distance and the staircase was stately, bright white and wide but not steep. The Believer/saint that I have been encountering remained veiled but stood up to welcome me. I went there. I greeted the saint and we both turned to the giant screen. The vision opened up to me standing on a beach in front of an ocean. I looked at the horizon and a giant wave appeared. It didn’t take long to see that it was the biggest wave I’ve ever seen! It was like out of a movie and may have been 100’. I looked to my right and my perspective changed to mid-air and I was looking north. I saw a mountain range at my 1 or 2 o’clock. There were a few people on the beach walking in a daze. I saw a few buildings that looked like they had previously collapsed. There was destruction that already had occurred. The wave was fast approaching, was about to hit and I heard screaming and saw people running but there was no place to go. The wave poured over the area and and covered everything. I looked east to see the surge travel inward for miles and miles. It was so devastating. I also saw that this wave affects Vancouver BC but I didn’t see any destruction or what occurs as a result. I understood then that the area was the NW subduction zone and the tsunami wave was the result of a massive earthquake that had hit this zone. I asked Jesus when this was to happen and He replied “Very Soon.” Lord have mercy.
Two Dreams from Yeshua and a Very Important Message
Sheryl (2/20/18)
This is something I didn't want to do. It is uncomfortable! But, the Lord Yeshua said it needs to be seen by all true believers. Please read the entire message! I am not a Satanist. I am not into witchcraft! You will understand once you've read the whole message! I am a 100% true believer in the Lord Yeshua, and I get some of the strangest dreams that he wants me to deliver! Just keep that in mind as you read the message. I am a willing vessel!
I must have spent the night in Heaven. The first dream I had was of me and Kelley repairing the roof of Nanny's place. It was like our hands moved and then Wham it was done. It could've been a test, perhaps. But, we did it with magic.
I moved onto another dream I was in a subdivision I didn't know of. I was roller skating in the road and I was young again. I saw this girl who had a yellow puppy and a pink puppy. She asked me to come inside. I did. (That isn't like me at all.) The dream immediately got me to the bathroom. There was no toilet, I couldn't see any anyway. But there was a huge stand-in shower. I remember standing in that shower to go out the front door (That made no sense). Where I saw a man and woman. Whether they drove up I don't know. I don't recall the vehicle. I was feeling all panicky. I mean this was my first time I was in the house. Surely, they are going to get onto me or the girl. But no, they came up to me and acted like they knew me. It was weird! A strange sort of weird.
I woke up to the song, Those Magic Changes - the one on the original Grease. It has been such a long time since I have heard that song. The change or transformation is gonna be purely magical. There's no other word for it. God Almighty Jehovah Elohim has created everything! The fallen angels taught magic, but it was wrong! They were not to teach us at all, but they did teach to some. We were not to know about magic while we live on earth.
I said you know that means witches and stuff like that - It is a bad, bad thing. But the Lord Yeshua told me that it is okay. You are doing those things in Heaven. Remember, you repaired a house with your hands! You thought about it and then it was done. It is not considered a bad thing in Heaven. It is a very bad thing on earth!
The only thing I heard was Those Magic Changes. The reason I am going to wait is to find confirmation for it. Because this is getting way too deep without confirmation.
I got it almost as soon as I wrote the last sentence down. Lord Yeshua sang one line. It is Strange magic by ELO. I had to call my husband to get the title of the song. I told him I only had one line. He told me the answer, so I'm so, so happy! That was confirmation for the first dream. Then, Lord Yeshua sent me Do you believe in magic? by The Luvin' Spoonfuls. Just to make sure!
And I said Lord Yeshua how do I tell the blogspot about this? I started to see things in my mind. I said I mean we do fly, which is something magical. We talk to each other by using the mind. That is magical too. Walking through walls is also magical. He said It will be fine. There's so much that he wants to teach us when we get there. We will have to be patient. Hallelujah! I am patient!
Yeshua gave me one last thought about magic. He said that when we go home we will be flying with the Holy Spirit leading us all the way through the universe! He gave me Fly like an Eagle by Steve Miller Band. Yes, there is magic in Heaven...only pure magic! We can think of it as supernatural, but it means magic! God Almighty, Lord Yeshua, and the Holy Spirit's magic! Pure magic in Heaven! I've had things to happen to me that I definitely can believe in pure magic. The Holy Spirit pure magic. When the door has a knocking sound, but there is no one there, it is pure magic. Incidentally, I received those 3 songs afterward for confirmation! Why me? I do not know, but all of it is true! Amen! Amen! Amen!
It is going to be a wonderful place! I saw just a little teensy weensy place and it was excellent! The closer we get to Heaven (date-wise) we feel the Holy Spirit coming to change us! It sounds to me, like the Holy Spirit is trying to get the true believers to believe that things are about to start changing. We are about to get changed (transformed). We lift our eyes to Heaven above, and say Come, Lord Yeshua/Jesus, Come!
If you haven't been saved then do something like this:
Say a prayer that includes you forgiving yourself, forgiving others, repenting of your sins, and calling his name. Believe in Him! He was crucified for you! He was resurrected for you! He ascended for you! And he is coming back for you! Make no doubt about it – He is coming for his church (we are the church – His temple is inside – in the heart).
John 3:15-21, Ephesians 6:10-18, and Romans 8.
As with everything you read, take it to the LORD YESHUA/JESUS! He will lead you!
To God be the glory! He is holy, true, and righteous! He is pure and magical (He made me do that)!
Amen! Amen! Amen!
What the Lord Yeshua wanted me to see
Sheryl (2/18/18)
The Lord said, when I was in the shower, to go and watch Back from the Future 3. I had recorded it on a couple of days ago. So, I did what he told me to do. I watched and he said that I would need to research it and then give it to the blog. I obey!
Back from the Future 3:
$80 for shoe and the horse that was no more. Being that the figures were separate 5 and 75, I looked up that to start with. Of course, we know that 5 is grace, but what does 75 mean? The Strong’s Concordance (75) is fatted; stalled. The whole of 80 in Hebrew Strong’s Concordance means dust; powder (80). Some of us are going to turn to dust before going to Heaven! That’s all I could get from the total 80.
“Where did you learn to shoot?” Marty says, "7-Eleven." Could it be the store or could it be the date 7-11 which is the 7th of Hebrew date, the 22nd (Gregorian)? This is the first time we see a date. The 7th of the Torah is on a Saturday and it is the 24th in Gregorian calendar. If it was the store that was raided on January 10, 2018 then that would be one thing. But, if it is just another thing to get us off of the main thing and into the minor thing, then the 7-11 is the 7th day. You can ponder about it!
Frisbies Pies - It was in Connecticut and Yale University. It was a Yale student that came up with the idea of throwing the pie shaped trajectory. The Yale student was a "skilled person" if they could catch the frisbie being thrown. There is something more to catching the frisbie. But I do not know what it could be.
The photograph said Died September 7, 1885. In Hebrew, it's the 7th of 711. This is the second time it has been spoken. Also, 1885 is 22 when you add the numbers up. That would make it the 7th (Hebrew) of the month and it would be the 22nd Gregorian calendar. But, again, the 7th of Torah would be the 24th (this Saturday).
The train was 131. The only thing I instantly thought was the Holy Spirit said it is in “rearranged order.” It is 311. It is the third date. March the 11th of 2018. Many YouTubers have said there is something about 311 and 711. They are correct!
Central pacific 7 was the type of train. It went from Sacramento, CA to Summit, Utah. The number 7 means completeness and perfection in biblical terms. Could it be an earthquake in the CA region - San Andreas Fault? Or it could be the Wasatch Fault in Utah? I am just led to the earthquake. I don’t know which one it is, but it is an earthquake.
October 27, 1995 was the year he went home. In this fourth date, 1995 added together is 24 (Gregorian). The October 27 is one month past the September 27 (Hebrew and Torah). Is this just blowing your mind or what? What is this about?
Bulletin board: “If you lived here you'd be home by now.” It was hill valley's newest homes called Hilldale. It has a father, mother, girl, and boy looking at the house, 2 story, driveway, and trees. Hill means mountain. Dale means pillar. Could it be Mount Zion and the Lord Yeshua/Jesus that has feet as pillars of fire (Revelation 10:1)?
The speeding train (modern-day) got in the way of the DeLorean. Smashed! “It was destroyed, just like you wanted.” Marty McFly escaped without injury. That is an example of self-fulfilling prophecy. According to Wikipedia it means A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true, by the very terms of the prophecy itself, due to positive feedback between belief and behavior. This is what God Almighty Jehovah Elohim is going to do to Satan! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Live in Lyon Estates with 2 markers with name on it and 1 lion each on top. The left has a lion that guards to the left. The right goes to the right. According to Ancestry.com site it is a fierce or brave warrior. (739) is heroic; a lion like man in Strong’s Concordance.
Marty got a souvenir. It was the picture frame around the clock tower. It said September 6, 1885. This is the fifth time we do the date on something totally different. The September 6th is Hebrew and it is the 21st of Gregorian calendar. The 6th of September (Torah) is the 23rd of the Gregorian calendar. And, we add up the numbers again and they get 22 (Gregorian calendar). The clock reads 8:08. PM, because it was late at the festival. Something is going to happen!
Whatever is going to happen, it will be the 21, 22, 23, and 24 (Gregorian calendar). I do not believe the Lord Yeshua/Jesus would tell me in the shower to really watch the Back from the Future 3 if He did not see a need in it! He is wanting to warn people! I have done my job! Also, there are only 5 times that we have to prepare for. He is giving us grace by telling you all that it is going to happen before it actually does happen!
“Shaking, breaking, quaking, and taking” must take place first! We have 5 separate events that it looks like we are going to see before we go home. Remember, do not fear! He is in control! (I received the song, “We won’t be shaken” by Building 429.)
This is so long, but it puts things into perspective. We, the true believers, the bride, know that things are going to get started and they don’t stop until all has been done to reach the unreachable! The first few things we are going to experience is not from God, but from man. Batten down the hatches, we are in for a bumpy ride!
When we leave, most of the people that are left behind, are going to know where we are at! They will say that they should’ve listened, to really know the Lord Yeshua/Jesus! They will want to find him again, and they will. But, at what cost? Come to the Lord Yeshua/Jesus now, while you still have time!
Say a prayer that includes you forgiving yourself, forgiving others, repenting of your sins, and calling his name. Believe in Him! He was crucified for you! He was resurrected for you! He ascended for you! And he is coming back for you! Make no doubt about it – He is coming for his church (we are the church – His temple is inside – in the heart).
John 3:15-21, Ephesians 6:10-18, and Romans 8.
As with everything you read, take it to the LORD YESHUA/JESUS! He will lead you! Also, try to record or find your copy of Back to the Future 3. There could be something that I missed along the way! I'm only human!
To God be the glory! He is holy, true, and righteous!
Amen! Amen! Amen!
A Dream, a Message, and a Word from Yeshua
Sheryl (2/18/18)
I was in total charge of this dream. I had two groups of different ethnicities that I had put together, and it equaled 15. Dream over.
Now, I appeared to have more than 15 students. So, I decided to look up 15 in Strong’s Concordance and this is what I got from it. 15 means longing (15) or to teach – an archer (3384). I think, because I was in charge of the two groups, that I must have been teaching. I guess I was given a dream about the future. It is going to be so exciting when we get there! I chose archer, because I have been told that I will be in archery among the many positions I will take. It is so cool when you know what kind of occupation you are going to have in Heaven.
Message from Yeshua:
1 John 2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.
Job 24:13-14 They are of those that rebel against the light; they know not the ways thereof, nor abide in the paths thereof. 14 The murderer rising with the light killeth poor and needy, and in the night is as a thief.
When we leave, most of the people that are left behind, are going to know where we are at! They will say that they should’ve listened, to really know the Lord Yeshua/Jesus! They will want to find him again, and they will. But, at what cost? Come to the Lord now, while you still have time!
Say a prayer that includes you forgiving yourself, forgiving others, repenting of your sins, and calling his name. Believe in Him! He was crucified for you! He was resurrected for you! He ascended for you! And he is coming back for you! Make no doubt about it – He is coming for his church (we are the church – His temple is inside – in the heart).
(Yeshua wanted to speak!)
Please tell them I am a longsuffering God, but not very soon. (I wanted to change the last part of the sentence, but he said “No.”) I will be the one who comes and gets you all, my brides. I know that it is not far from my home in heaven (I don’t know why, unless he is talking about how we go to get there). We are going to go together like “a thief in the night” and “a twinkling of an eye.” We are going to be in a hurry, because they are going to plan to do some bad things to the world. Oh, sons and daughters, listen to me. If you do not go during the first phase, you will go by the 40 days, as Sheryl calls it. So, do not be fearful. For I am with you always. I AM the great I AM, and there is no one who can snatch you out of my hand. Your loving Father, Yeshua Ha’Mashiach
Amen! Amen! Amen! My own thoughts were in parenthesis. Remember, ask Yeshua/Jesus if you do not know what kind of escape you are going to go through! He will tell you what all you need to know!
As with everything you read, take it to the Lord Yeshua/Jesus! He will lead you!
To God be the glory! There is nothing, nothing, nothing I do, it is all God Jehovah Elohim, Yeshua/Jesus, and The Holy Spirit – 3 in one that gives me dreams and visions and messages and audibles. And, when he says he needs to speak, I let Him! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Come, Lord Yeshua/Jesus, come!
Important Information from the Lord Yeshua
Sheryl (2/17/18)
The Lord Yeshua was doing mighty things last night! I do not remember anything except that the 29th of February is important. He flashed it on the calendar. I went to the calendar and changed the 7th of Torah which had 29/9 to 27/7. That means that the 24th is on the 4th (Torah). Naturally, we don’t know whether it is the 1st of March or whatever day the Torah is on, if we were to go another week. For instance, I’ve got the 7th of Torah as the 24th of February Gregorian. The calendars are so wrong! But, when I get a dream of the 29th I act on it. Whether it is the right or wrong thing. But, it goes with the next thing that happened, that I can remember anyway.
When things start to happen then we know! He told me when I was waking up, “Next week” and “Something good.” If this is actually for “next week,” then it is good – it is great! Our clock is not God’s clock. By the way, he was singing! And he hummed the words until he got to “next week” and “something good.” I know it is from the song “I’m into something good” by Herman’s Hermits. I’m just saying, if it is this week, then Hallelujah! Thank you Lord Yeshua!
Anyway, it looks like He is coming to get us true believers “next week.” If you have been told by the Lord Yeshua that you are going to go soon and quick, then you will. There are 4 escapes at least – that I believe. The escapes end with the 40 days. Whenever that comes! Pray about it! If you want to know more, asketh and you shall receiveth!
This is a letter of encouragement! Don’t be discouraged, be encouraged! I told the Lord last night in prayer that it is hard for us to be encouraged with everything that is going on. I cry when I pray, I feel like I’m going into depression. Then, he sent me those two things to get my spirits up. And, it has gotten my spirits up! They are way up in the Heavens! Sing to the Lord, make a joyful noise, for he is Holy and True! Sing to the Lord, for he is on his way! Amen! Amen! Amen!
As with everything you read, give it to the Lord! He will never lead you wrong! Ask for confirmation! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Right now, forgive, repent of your sins, and call His name “Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus” and he will save you! You do not have a lot of time left to make the escapes! This is very, very important! Do not miss out on seeing the Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus. He loves you more than you could ever imagine! Cling to him and you will be safe in his arms. “Come to me, my love,” Said by Yeshua himself. There is but one God, one Yeshua, and one Spirit.
Be careful and read (Ephesians 4:4-7) 4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; 5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. 7 But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
And read (John 3:15-21) 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
Oh, and read (Ephesians 6:10-18) for the whole armour of God! 10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: 18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
Start looking up – our redemption draws nigh!
To God be the glory! We are going to be changed and then we do our last tasks on earth and then go HOME! All the brides shout that the LORD is near and that we are ready, Lord! Come, Lord Jesus, Come!
Amen! Amen! Amen!
A Dream from Yeshua
Sheryl 2/16/18
I don't know what is going on, but I am seeing wheat. It is one bundle of wheat and we had to go get it. Could it be the people I am meant to save...my last tasks. It was very exciting! And I'm getting excited just talking about it. We, that means more than one person, are collecting the wheat! The wheat was the first thing I saw at Salsa's. It's close, I can feel the Lord Yeshua, waiting to come through the clouds!
Luke 3:17 Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and will gather the wheat into his garner; but the chaff he will burn with fire unquenchable.
Have you been saved? Do you want to know how? Just forgive everything you've done and everything others have done to you. Then, repent of your sins! And you must call on the Lord Yeshua/Jesus name. You must believe that He is the only one that was crucified, ressurected, and ascended into Heaven! He wants to save you, but you have to ask Him into your heart! It will be a marvelous thing!
John 14:6 I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Luke 11:9-10 And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; Seek, and ye shall find; Knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
Revelation 22:20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
Take the dream to the Lord. He is getting ready to come! He wants his true believers to stay steady and watch! Never be afraid!
To God be the glory!
Amen! Amen! Amen!
“All Hell Will Come Against You!”
Saturday, February 10, 2018 posted by Diana Pulliam
The last two weeks of January, 2018, I’d been studying almost exclusively in the book of Ephesians. Several times during this period, in the wee hours of the morning, I’d awakened to hear the Lord say,
“Rise up and sit with Me, My Beloved!”
Every time I heard this, my heart filled with excitement and anticipation at the thought of taking my seat in Christ at the right hand of the Father! As Ephesians chapters 1 & 2 (along with other verses) make clear, Jesus has been given all power and authority and now sits at the right hand of the Father. He is far above every principality, power, might, and dominion, and every name that is named.
And the Father has made us alive together with Christ, and raised us up to sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:4-6). Jesus said He has given His power and authority to the Church. But the Church has yet to take that seat in the heavenly realm, and has failed to exercise the very power and authority given Her.
On January 31st, after again hearing the Lord tell me to rise and sit with Him, I began praying and enquiring about the various trials and spiritual battles of late that I and other brothers and sisters are experiencing. The intensity has been at a level I’ve never experienced, and I knew I wasn’t walking fully in the power and authority given by Jesus. As I cried before Him, suddenly the Lord said loudly,
This was said with such urgency, it shook me to my core. I was then shown why the battles some of the saints are experiencing are of a totally different nature and intensity.
The Lord showed that, just as the resurrection of Jesus was opposed by Satan and every principality, power, and dominion of darkness, so will the rise of the Bride of Christ be opposed!
The opposition to the resurrection of our Lord was of such magnitude that it was only by the “exceeding greatness of His power…according to the working of His Mighty Power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand…” that Jesus was not only raised from the dead, but completely defeated and triumphed over ALL dominion, principalities, and powers of that age – and in the ages to come!
Saints, that same mighty power is “toward us who believe,” those who will rise up and sit with our Beloved at the right hand of the Father (Romans 8:11).
Those who take their seat in Christ Jesus will only do so by Faith, as it will require the total submission of our will to that of the Father, allowing Him to finish the work He has begun in us. Everything in our life that isn’t of Him, the high places and idols, will have to be destroyed and brought down. The things of the flesh will be burned up as we learn to live and worship Him in the Spirit.
The Lord is warning in advance that “All Hell Will Come Against You” as one rises to sit with Him. Just as the resurrection of Jesus was opposed by Satan, so will the rise of the Bride of Christ be opposed!
As we enter the spiritual realm currently ruled over by the kingdom of darkness, the battle will be like nothing we’ve experienced. Satan is absolutely terrified of a Saint who begins to walk in the Spirit and will do whatever he can to stop them. He knows when the flesh no longer rules over a Saint, he’ll have nothing left to attack him with.
Jesus is calling His Body to rise and sit with Him. Those who heed this call will become His Bride, and the two (Head and Body) will become one flesh. When we take our seat in Him at the right hand of the Father, we will then walk in the power and authority of Jesus!
It will be at that time that the manifold wisdom of God will be made know by the Church to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places (Eph. 3:9-11). Once Her obedience is fulfilled, she will be used as His Instruments of Righteousness to punish all disobedience (2 Cor. 10:5-6).
This, dear Saint, is why “All Hell Will Come Against You” once you decide to heed the call to “Rise up and sit with Me, My Beloved.”
Scripture References:
Ephesians 1:18-23 and 2:4-6, “…that you may know…what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named…and He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body……But God…made us alive together with Christ, and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus…”
Ephesians 3:9-11, “And to make all see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the ages has been hidden in God who created all things through Christ Jesus, to the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places…”
1 Peter 4:12, “Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you.”
Romans 8:11, “But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.”
Romans 6:12, “Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts…”
2 Cor. 10:5-6, “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.
John 4:23, “But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship
Saturday, February 10, 2018 posted by Diana Pulliam
The last two weeks of January, 2018, I’d been studying almost exclusively in the book of Ephesians. Several times during this period, in the wee hours of the morning, I’d awakened to hear the Lord say,
“Rise up and sit with Me, My Beloved!”
Every time I heard this, my heart filled with excitement and anticipation at the thought of taking my seat in Christ at the right hand of the Father! As Ephesians chapters 1 & 2 (along with other verses) make clear, Jesus has been given all power and authority and now sits at the right hand of the Father. He is far above every principality, power, might, and dominion, and every name that is named.
And the Father has made us alive together with Christ, and raised us up to sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:4-6). Jesus said He has given His power and authority to the Church. But the Church has yet to take that seat in the heavenly realm, and has failed to exercise the very power and authority given Her.
On January 31st, after again hearing the Lord tell me to rise and sit with Him, I began praying and enquiring about the various trials and spiritual battles of late that I and other brothers and sisters are experiencing. The intensity has been at a level I’ve never experienced, and I knew I wasn’t walking fully in the power and authority given by Jesus. As I cried before Him, suddenly the Lord said loudly,
This was said with such urgency, it shook me to my core. I was then shown why the battles some of the saints are experiencing are of a totally different nature and intensity.
The Lord showed that, just as the resurrection of Jesus was opposed by Satan and every principality, power, and dominion of darkness, so will the rise of the Bride of Christ be opposed!
The opposition to the resurrection of our Lord was of such magnitude that it was only by the “exceeding greatness of His power…according to the working of His Mighty Power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand…” that Jesus was not only raised from the dead, but completely defeated and triumphed over ALL dominion, principalities, and powers of that age – and in the ages to come!
Saints, that same mighty power is “toward us who believe,” those who will rise up and sit with our Beloved at the right hand of the Father (Romans 8:11).
Those who take their seat in Christ Jesus will only do so by Faith, as it will require the total submission of our will to that of the Father, allowing Him to finish the work He has begun in us. Everything in our life that isn’t of Him, the high places and idols, will have to be destroyed and brought down. The things of the flesh will be burned up as we learn to live and worship Him in the Spirit.
The Lord is warning in advance that “All Hell Will Come Against You” as one rises to sit with Him. Just as the resurrection of Jesus was opposed by Satan, so will the rise of the Bride of Christ be opposed!
As we enter the spiritual realm currently ruled over by the kingdom of darkness, the battle will be like nothing we’ve experienced. Satan is absolutely terrified of a Saint who begins to walk in the Spirit and will do whatever he can to stop them. He knows when the flesh no longer rules over a Saint, he’ll have nothing left to attack him with.
Jesus is calling His Body to rise and sit with Him. Those who heed this call will become His Bride, and the two (Head and Body) will become one flesh. When we take our seat in Him at the right hand of the Father, we will then walk in the power and authority of Jesus!
It will be at that time that the manifold wisdom of God will be made know by the Church to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places (Eph. 3:9-11). Once Her obedience is fulfilled, she will be used as His Instruments of Righteousness to punish all disobedience (2 Cor. 10:5-6).
This, dear Saint, is why “All Hell Will Come Against You” once you decide to heed the call to “Rise up and sit with Me, My Beloved.”
Scripture References:
Ephesians 1:18-23 and 2:4-6, “…that you may know…what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named…and He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body……But God…made us alive together with Christ, and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus…”
Ephesians 3:9-11, “And to make all see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the ages has been hidden in God who created all things through Christ Jesus, to the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places…”
1 Peter 4:12, “Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you.”
Romans 8:11, “But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.”
Romans 6:12, “Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts…”
2 Cor. 10:5-6, “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.
John 4:23, “But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship
Hints from Yeshua
Sheryl (2/15/18)
We were travelling to go to eat at lunch, and I wanted to ask Yeshua where we should eat. He said Mexico. So, I asked Kelley if he wanted Chinese or Mexican. He said Mexican. So, we went to Salsa’s.
While we were at the reception desk, I saw a bundle of wheat that was being used as a center piece. I have been there before and do not recall seeing wheat in the restaurant. We sat in a totally different place. On the left is where we always go. On the right side is where we went. We were eating at the booth, and I noticed two things. One was the picture of the moon – sculpture, actually (on the left side of the wall). And the other, a picture of an eagle (on the right side of the wall). I was beaming! I could not tell anyone! But, I was beaming! I asked the Lord Yeshua if that was for me and he said something like “Surely, I tell you. I’m right around the corner.” I cried a little, because it was so exciting! I quickly checked myself and went over to Kelley and kissed him on the lips. He had received bad news of a job that wasn’t supposed to be. He tells me that Kelley wants everything for me, and so it is hard for him to believe that it is time. But soon, he will know!
The wheat, moon, and eagle – but then wait a minute. Do I see bells? I saw a pair of huge bells that are red and draped across the reception desk. It is so amazing, because I wanted to know if there was anything else for me to see. And then there were the bells! Bride of Christ, we are going to go home soon – really soon! Amen! Amen! Amen!
To research the 4 things, I got online and looked up each word. The wheat is (1305) in the sense of winnowing; a grain of any kind; increase (1711). Also, this ties into the Bible verse I gave yesterday when the Israelites were happy to see the ark of the covenant back where it belonged (1 Samuel 6:13). It is a harvest – one of the types of harvests.
The moon is (539) established and (2318) the new moon. We are having a new moon tonight. Makes you wonder and ponder… In the book of Genesis 37:9 And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me. In (7812) it says “obeisance” means to worship or bow down.
The eagle is a large bird of prey (5404). Obadiah 1:4 Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the LORD. Also, there is Revelation 12:14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.
The bell is a bell (4698) that tinkles (6750). Zechariah 14:20 In that day shall there be upon the bells of the horses, HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD; and the pots in the LORD'S house shall be like the bowls before the altar.
I cannot believe I saw the wheat, moon, eagle, and bells in the restaurant! The Lord Yeshua/Jesus is good! The Lord Yeshua/Jesus is holy! The Lord Yeshua/Jesus is about to come, so people if you don’t have Yeshua/Jesus in your heart, you had better do it right away! Something is going to happen and I do not want anyone to fall. Rise up! Rise up! Rise up! See the Lord Yeshua/Jesus! He is coming for His believers! God’s Gifts (YouTube) says that He is going to show us something tomorrow in the clouds – a wonder. It’s getting very, very close! Make your decision today, for you do not know if you are going to be around tomorrow! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Right now, forgive, repent of your sins, and call His name “Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus” and he will save you! You do not have a lot of time left to make the escapes! This is very, very important! Do not miss out on seeing the Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus. He loves you more than you could ever imagine! Cling to him and you will be safe in his arms. “Come to me, my love,” Said by Yeshua himself. There is but one God, one Yeshua, and one Spirit.
Read (Ephesians 4:4-7) 4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; 5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. 7 But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
And read (John 3:15-21) 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
Oh, and read (Ephesians 6:10-18) for the whole armour of God! 10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: 18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
Start looking up – our redemption draws nigh!
Come Lord Jesus/Yeshua, Come! Come Lord Jesus/Yeshua, Come! Come Lord Jesus/Yeshua, Come!
To God be the glory! To God be the gory! To God be the glory!
Amen! Amen! Amen!
A Dream and a Message from Yeshua
Sheryl (2/14/18)
There were 3 types of people on a mountain of snow. One group was the homosexuals. I don’t remember the other two. Sorry! We were told to give each group a quarter. Then, the bells could be heard. Dream over.
We gave 25 cents to each group. That means we gave 75 cents in total. If that is percentages, and I feel that it is, we, the true believers only make up 1/4 of the total. In other words, I feel there is only 25% of true believers going when the escape happens. Not much at all! Considering, there was a time when it would have been far greater the percentage, now it is lesser! Yeshua shakes his head at knowing that people would rather choose Satan than Him. Tears fall down his face for it is the not knowing that will be their downfall! They think that they want to be with Yeshua/Jesus, but they continue to enjoy the world and their sin is just too much. They must be born again to be able to enter in Heaven’s gates and before the Lord God Almighty! For He is holy!
And, look what was around me – snow! A mountain of snow! It is going to be snowing when we go home! The dream didn’t say whether it was day or night. It was a mountain of snow. The weather didn’t seem right, and then it snowed. I asked him about that, watching the weather, and he said that I will know. So, I will know when we are about to leave.
The Lord during prayer had me to read 1 Samuel 5:4, so I am going to include it in the writing. It is His last message to the world and He wants you to know it.
1 Samuel 5:4 And when they arose early on the morrow morning, behold, Dagon was fallen upon his face to the ground before the ark of the LORD; and the head of Dagon and both the palms of his hands were cut off upon the threshold; only the stump of Dagon was left to him.
This is when the ark of the covenant was stolen by the Philistines. The man laid his head upon the floor and his head and both hands were cut off his body. In other words, he died instantly. The Philistines didn’t want the ark to be around anymore. They were being killed left and right. They tried to take it back, but Gath and Ekron was not the place. After 7 months, they took it back to Israel. But, the Lord God had to smite “fifty thousand and three score and ten men because the Beth-shemesh had looked into the ark.” (1 Samuel 6:19)
When Israel saw the ark they were happy! But, what would the people of Palestine, Iran, Russia, and Turkey actually do if they touched the apple of his eye (Israel)? Would they return whatever they did wrong to Israel so that the Lord God would not be upset? They know the Lord God is totally for Israel. It says so in the Bible. Why would they go through with bombing an F-16 after their drone was taken out? The drone was a way of secretly getting in to Israel. The drone had to have instructions. Were they looking for ammunition? I think that they were doing that, because they want to bomb Israel. One of the last events that we True Believers see is the bombing of Israel. A large explosion. It is the Rock of the Dome! And Lord God is going to be extremely mad with whoever bombs Israel! It is a fact! But, the people do not care, and they will not quit! It’s like they are thumbing their noses to the Lord God and saying “You don’t scare me. We want a war, and we are going to have it.” Oh, the people that don’t see the Lord God Almighty, Jehovah Elohim for the I AM, does not know what they do.
Isaiah 17:1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.
Look, you notice the people in Israel were reaping the wheat harvest and they looked up and rejoiced! We are going to do just that! We see our Lord God and Lord Yeshua in the clouds and we are going to go up to Heaven to be with them forever! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Revelation 22:12-13 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. 13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
Watch dates:
2/15/18 It feels like Israel is going to do something on this day. What? I don’t know. Just watch!
2/16/18 Chinese New Year (Watch the jkbugout and julian t - YouTube videos of I Pet Goat II)
2/17/18 I know I’m crazy, but this is the day that He said that I would “be changed forever.” I look forward to the 17th of each and every month! I do believe that I am going to change (Transform) on that day!
Brother Todd (It is Finished – You Tube) has 4 new words from the Lord. His previous words are just as important, and I will tell you what they are. Previous: Discovery, Winter, Calendar, and Heaven. Now: War within a Breath, Infinity, Destroyer, and Fast Break. I thoroughly believe in Brother Todd’s prophecy. It is from the Lord.
Take all things to the Lord! No matter how small and how big they may be, He will tell you what to do!
Right now, forgive, repent of your sins, and call His name “Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus” and he will save you! You do not have a lot of time left to make the escapes! This is very, very important! Do not miss out on seeing the Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus. He loves you more than you could ever imagine! Cling to him and you will be safe in his arms. “Come to me, my love,” Said by Yeshua himself. There is but one God, one Yeshua, and one Spirit.
Read (Ephesians 4:4-7) 4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; 5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. 7 But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
And read (John 3:15-21) 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
Oh, and read (Ephesians 6:10-18) for the whole armour of God! 10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: 18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
Start looking up – our redemption draws nigh!
Come Lord Jesus/Yeshua, Come! Come Lord Jesus/Yeshua, Come! Come Lord Jesus/Yeshua, Come!
To God be the glory!
Amen! Amen! Amen!
THE MILLENNIUM….(Lisa - 05/24/14)
God has been showing me a ranch house for a couple of years now…I know it is NOT Heaven…and He has made it clear now these are visions of the Millennium He is showing me. I will share what I have seen during this time (after the tribulation, when Jesus rules with us on earth for 1000 years)
I see a large ranch house, the time seems to be hundreds of years ago with VERY little that we are used to…no TV, no car, no technology as we know it…(think of Little house on the prairie days) there is a ranch house with beautiful grounds (reminds me of a retreat center) there are children running around a large pond area..there are MANY horses (and I think this will be the transportation mode for those that have made it through the tribulation period and still in their human bodies. The rest of us will have just spent years in Heaven and will have our glorified bodies when we come back to earth for that time period. Those of us with glorified bodies will not need transportation. There will be people still having babies and having the need to eat and so on as they are in their human body still. There are many people working together to make this huge ranch working…this is what I see as a province, a community that works together. There are these small type communities all over. More along the lines of large families back in Bible days…maybe a few hundred people. This ranch is where the people in that community would come for anything they need. There is music playing and people singing around the clock there. People are ministering to others and praising and worshipping God there. People that are in their glorified bodies can go from one community to another just by thinking. Others still in the human bodies would need to go by horse it appears (as I see NO TYPE OF TRANSPORTATION!!) The enemy is bound for these 1000 years and won’t be released until the end (for a short period) There will be peace, safety and prosperity and righteousness throughout the earth. The Nations during this reign are obligated to continue in faith in Christ and obedient to His rule. However some will choose the way of rebellion and disobedience and will be punished. At the end of the thousand years, the Kingdom will be handed over by Jesus to the Father. Then will begin the final and everlasting Kingdom of God and the Lamb. This is when the new Heaven and new earth will be..and new Jerusalem will come down from Heaven.
05/24/14 - In the link to the right is a video of Howard Storm's NDE where he is describing future earth during the Millenium and says there is very little if any technology. I have ALWAYS wanted to know more about this 1,000 yr time period, and God is allowing me to learn it through Lisa, What a blessing!)
Howard Storm NDE - "Future of the World"
05/23/14 - (Hope here - Lisa sent me this email, then sent another. Since we are trusting the Lord to let us know what is posted, I am going to post her emails as is...folks, stay tuned because this is very exciting! )
- (from Lisa) Last night God was showing me ways He wants things put out..He showed me headings..and then a series of visions put together..so I will try and get atleast one put down tonight..maybe a couple……
- Eating and working in Heaven….Eating is not something we need to do in Heaven, but will still enjoy…Many people who enjoying baking and cooking can do so and give to others. Some will go down to a bakery and prepare wonderful pastries and bread and people walking by will stroll in for a taste of the aroma coming from the bakery. That is how most of our jobs will be. If you enjoy making flower arrangements, you may just find your self in a floral shop creating beautiful centerpieces for people..or if you enjoy handcrafting jewelry then maybe you will enjoy creating pieces of art for people to wear. Since there is no money or payment system in Heaven these things will be done as enjoyment…and you share with others what you like to do!! I have also seen cooking at a family gathering at my mansion…but that is by choice, for those who never did LIKE to cook or bake there is no need to.

Transportation….I have not seen any personal vehicles in Heaven…you can just think and then be somewhere. Some people who prefer to travel or see where they are going can choose to do that. I have seen a monorail system in Heaven, which is one way to travel. There are boats and ships in the water as well. We will not need any type of transportation, so these will all be for pleasure. The only vehicle type thing that I have seen on the ground though would be a monorail. We will not even need to walk as in moving our legs and carrying our weight. We will be able to glide along or a type of floating when moving.
Intro - (Lisa) I have had many visions or what I call 'trips' to Heaven, sometimes I see my mansion and what is around it, a couple of times I have seen my sister who died when I was 8 and spent time with her, I have been in the throne room a few times in front of Jesus (at His feet weeping) God was a brilliant light behind Him which I could not even look at, I have seen the crystal sea and a space needle (like in Seattle) in the water, it over looks the city area if you go up in it, and shops along the water...God has shown me some of how things work and one example would be there is an inner area, which only certain people can go into (that is where the throne of God is) then an outlying area where some people will be. There are MILLIONS of babies, children there - aborted, miscarried and deaths. If you want more kids you may (adopt for lack of better words) them. I have 3 of my own children but God showed me I will have many more that I will raise.
A correction of a recent dream
Sheryl (2/12/18)
It isn't easy talking to the Lord when you get things totally wrong! Like early in the morning. He said to expect to leave this week. He is just keeping me on my toes! His time isn't like ours! He IS coming soon! But, dreams can be tricky also. Sometimes we see things, but we don't know the correct path to go down. That's what I did with this recent dream. Forgive me, my fellow true believers!
I had the dream that said Cancune is the largest company. I took it as if we needed to pray about it. But, I saw two YouTubers that were dreaming about vacationing there. I was definitely going to go to Cancune, because I had the Cancune ad to show up out of the clear blue sky. I don't know what it means. Maybe we are going to meet at Cancune before going up. I don't know. It could be an island that we go to before going up.
Have any of you ever dreamed of going to Cancune?
Isn't Yeshua excellent? Wow!
Take it to the Lord! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Forgive others for the things they've done and forgive yourself for the wrong you may have caused. Repent of your sins. Call on the name of Lord Yeshua. He promises to save you!
Read John 3:15-21 and then read Ephesians the 4th chapter through the 6th chapter.
To God be the glory!
Dream by El aine
I had a dream this morning that concerned me living in heaven. Satan's evil influence was completely wiped out and that was good, very good.
We were learning how to live in heaven without using our selfish ways to do things. When we did it the wrong way we couldn't blame it on no one but ourself, and we had to decide whether do things the corrected way or continue living in error. We had the free choice to live in the correct way, or our way of doing things. God's way and his will still was going to be done regardless. But there was no one forcing you to do anything it was your conscience that ruled the Day....... I hope you can understand that. I think we still will have the help of the Holy Spirit but the love that we had for Jesus determined what kind of person you were going to be. And I remember in this dream that not everybody wanted to do the right thing. It wasn't necessarily evil but it was a detriment to your personality.
For instance , if someone did something wrong you didn't go out and try to find a gun to blow his brains out but trying not to get even was difficult for some people. I don't know if you can understand that I mean there's a time and a season for everything in heaven and under heaven. Just because we rule with Christ doesn't mean that our free will disappears. It seemed to me that we still had to exercise our free will in the most positive experience we could create. I don't think I'm off my rocker with this but I was surprised to see that the Lord was showing me we still have to stand here, and to make between right and wrong
Word from the Lord
Feb 2, 2018 By Di Olivieri
Personal note: I had great blockage receiving this message. I had to go the Lord 4 different times to get what I am sharing. I waited to share this message to ensure I had all that He wanted to be put forth.
Daughter speak forth the words that I say unto you this day: things are coming about My children. Things are coming about. Things that you do not know. Things that you are not aware of. My loves listen, it is time for Me to carry you home. [Father I need to come back and verify that is what you are saying.] My loves listen, it is time for me to come unto you and carry you home. [I rebuke a spirit that is hindering this message coming through. In the name of Jesus] My child listen, it is time for Me to come and gather you unto Myself. It is time for hindrances to be put aside and let go. Buried beneath the sea. My words to you this day are truth and they are these: My loves listen for the world shall be coming to naught. [Father I am not hearing clearly… can we start this message over?] Daughter speak forth these words… many are sleeping but I say unto you this day, you shall be awakened. There is a mighty force forthcoming that will shake the earth with great force. Shattering all that you see about you. My loves listen, it is time to come forth within Me and enable yourself to see from a protected stance. [Lord, I am still having problems hearing this message continued. Part 1]
There is a great shaking coming upon your land. Prepare for it My doves for it shall surely come. I say this unto to you so that you can prepare. Prepare your hearts. Prepare your homes. Prepare your stance in me for I am forever and eternity. Don’t you know that I have been calling out unto you for some time now? Haven’t you heard My call upon the wind? Are you not ready to return home unto Me?
Forecasters shout out about the weather changes. My people have been warning about My coming, yet no one heeds the warning. No one desires to hear that change must come. Yet it must come My children.
Watch for me in the coming days, for I will be calling out to those who have ears to hear. Come upon the wind My children and wash yourselves in the waters for it is time My love to come unto Me. Search your hearts My loves. Search your hearts My children of the world. Seek deeply, look deeply into your hearts. [End of part 2]
Falter not in the coming days for it will be me strengthening you to get through. I shall carry you My doves unto the other side for I am able to do so. [End of part 3.]
Speak these words My love with ears to hear: times are coming my children. Quickly they are coming. Be prepared for such. A great shaking is occurring and will come unto the land. My ways upon those, chosen before time began, will be seen. [there is that block again Lord. I feel it is there. I rebuke any spirit that is trying to hinder this message from the Lord. I rebuke it now in the name of Jesus. I cast you away. You have no foothold here.]
My dove listen, there are times coming upon the land that will cause a great shaking. In these times, many will falter as it will cause great distress. My child, listen to the words that I say unto you this day: Walk forth boldly My children and know that My hand is upon your lives. You shall see this and know it to be true in the days ahead. My glory upon some. My ways seen upon them. You will know them by their fruit. You will see great amasses of glory. End of last part.
I hope you are encouraged by the Lord. This morning, in a time with the Lord, I was led to read Luc 1 also following a video watched last night.
It was Thomas who sent me the last video of Joel Nadon. I was stopped on the part that starts at 10min.40s.
He talks about several women in the Bible who have been warned 1 year before or 9 months or so.
So I reread Luke 1 who shares the arrival of John the Baptist and the arrival of Jesus, with the announcement of Gabriel, and the quotations of time, where Mary went to join Elizabeth in the sixth month of her pregnancy ( from Elizabeth) and Marie stayed for about 3 months and then returned home just before Jean's birth.
It is therefore resumed that Marie was about 3 months pregnant (probably a little less for a few days) when she returned home.
What came to me in my heart this morning, that I had never thought in this sense ... is the sign of Revelation 12 could represent, not the birth of Jesus and gifts for the removal of the church, but rather the 9 months elapsed until September 23, 2017 (Jupiter in the constellation of the Virgin for 9 months) and the 23.09.2017 would be fulfilled rather the birth of "John the Baptist" as a preparation for the coming of the Savior (ministry of John the Baptist, to prepare the way of the Lord).
So 23.09.2017 Birth of Jean-Baptiste.
So then we would add the 6 months more to arrive at the period "close (a few days)" of the birth of Jesus which would correspond this time to the kidnapping.
So with a date calculator on the internet, adding from 23.09.2017, 180 days (30 biblical days x 6 months) = 22.03.2018
This could happen at a possible 10 days around this expected birth ...
I hope you are encouraged by the Lord. This morning, in a time with the Lord, I was led to read Luc 1 also following a video watched last night.
It was Thomas who sent me the last video of Joel Nadon. I was stopped on the part that starts at 10min.40s.
He talks about several women in the Bible who have been warned 1 year before or 9 months or so.
So I reread Luke 1 who shares the arrival of John the Baptist and the arrival of Jesus, with the announcement of Gabriel, and the quotations of time, where Mary went to join Elizabeth in the sixth month of her pregnancy ( from Elizabeth) and Marie stayed for about 3 months and then returned home just before Jean's birth.
It is therefore resumed that Marie was about 3 months pregnant (probably a little less for a few days) when she returned home.
What came to me in my heart this morning, that I had never thought in this sense ... is the sign of Revelation 12 could represent, not the birth of Jesus and gifts for the removal of the church, but rather the 9 months elapsed until September 23, 2017 (Jupiter in the constellation of the Virgin for 9 months) and the 23.09.2017 would be fulfilled rather the birth of "John the Baptist" as a preparation for the coming of the Savior (ministry of John the Baptist, to prepare the way of the Lord).
So 23.09.2017 Birth of Jean-Baptiste.
So then we would add the 6 months more to arrive at the period "close (a few days)" of the birth of Jesus which would correspond this time to the kidnapping.
So with a date calculator on the internet, adding from 23.09.2017, 180 days (30 biblical days x 6 months) = 22.03.2018
This could happen at a possible 10 days around this expected birth ...
That brings us to March 22, 2018.
That would bring us close to the dates that Claude Ignerski is preparing to share soon I think. Could this be another sign of the season of departure this time?
There are still alerts for a possible departure around March 31 or April 1 (Passover) and it is possible that March 22-23 is between 7-10 days of departure.
But this is only a thought on my heart this morning, feeling that it comes from the Holy Spirit.
What do you think ?
Be blessed and led by the Lord.
Visions of my 12 year old and 16 year old during praying in SPIRIT 🔥
By Belle Buerano:
December 28, 2017
Pray and ask the ALMIGHTY GOD to confirm these words to you in JESUS CHRIST name and by the power of the RUACH HAKODESH (the HOLY SPIRIT). 🙏🙏🙏
We were told that Rapture is imminent, but we (the saints) are to witness first some events. Then, after witnessing some events, we will be taken into the wilderness/Goshen/place of safety for some to be trained. Meanwhile, as we were praying in Spirit and asking the LORD what would take place first, would it be the 12 magnitude earthquake? Zombie/alien invasion? Or the physical worldwide darkness? Etc. The LORD told us that the devil and his minions must have no idea when, how and which one is going to take place first so that they won’t be able to prepare. In this case, the demons will only bring with them a few souls.
My kids saw these events almost fulfilled at the same time. Meaning, as events will start to unfold, it will be a domino effect and very fast event from one to the next. We even asked if we are to witness the zombie invasion, and the LORD says “Yes”. (Deuteronomy 28:57, Deuteronomy 28:55, Ezekiel 5:10, Jeremiah 19:9, etc..)
We must prepare our garments (make sure it’s pure and untainted and washed with the Holy Blood of JESUS). Pray for a clean and pure heart. Prepare supplies especially “water”. All forms of container as much as possible stock water. Also, stock up basic needs as many as you can. All supplies that you have you need to pray it over that the LORD will replenish as you utilize those supplies, HE is our provider (Matthew 14:13-21). Secure your home windows and doors with iron grills, in and out. Pray over your house that it be covered with the Holy Blood of JESUS. So you may ask, what about those who cannot afford to secure their places with iron grills because of financial issues? GOD is a Great Provider. Some of the saints will be teleported from their present place to a place of safety (Acts 8:26-40). Nothing is impossible with GOD for those who believe and whose trust is in HIM.
Kindly also note Revelation 6:10-11: They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow servants, their brothers and sisters, were killed just as they had been.
Please understand that there are some more things revealed but the LORD doesn’t want me to put into writing so as the enemies won’t be able to prepare. The LORD is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. JESUS loves you..soooo much..
NASA is calling it The Gates of Heaven A photograph taken by Hubble Telescope
Submitted by El aine
A Dream from Yeshua
Sheryl (2/10/18)The dream was given to me this morning. Kelley was right beside us, asleep. Mom was looking for something in my room. She looked through all of the Christmas stuff, but saw nothing of value. Finally, she found it. It was an ostrich egg necklace. It was made by draining the yolk out of the eggs. It also had very little coins and one small candy wrapper that was red inside. It was made by bolts and wire. She got all excited and said that the necklace was worth 4,000 dollars. The whole time she is talking through a large speaker. I was trying to cover the speaker up. It didn’t work.
All of the words you see were mentioned in the Bible in the Strong's Concordance. Kelley “slumbered from drowsiness” (5123), so we couldn’t wake him up. Mom tried hard to be a “wedge” (3956). She did not care if she was loud. I tried to cover the speaker but was unable to do so. She was so glad to finally find the necklace. The word for necklace (6059) is “to choke; to fit out with supplies.” She said that it would get her 4,000 dollars. The number 4000 from 995 means “instructing or taught.” So, she would be instructed on something. The ostrich egg necklace had 2 or 3 ostrich eggs. Each egg weighs about 3 lbs. and they mean “to gather or sit” (1716). The ostrich (4754) which means “to rebel” and “greediness” in Hebrew.
I remember shaking the necklace. I saw very few coins and a wrapper. The coins were like we use them for “money” (7192). It was the candy wrapper (8509) that was red (554) and “it was a strong color.” Another thing it could have been was “rebellion” (4777). Also, the wrapper means “to encompass; a robe or garment." The necklace was put together by bolts (2671) which is “the shaft of a spear plus the arrow.” The wire (6616) was “bound” together to hold the weight of the eggs and the bolts. It was not like the light-weight necklaces we have today. It was heavy and awkward.
Further Interpretation:
After finding the necklace - whoever “gets the necklace” or trades with them, will get the instructions. (Instructions for WWW 3?)
The necklace – It was bound together to fit out with supplies: the body of a spear plus the arrow and money. They would have rebellion and a flag that was red would be its sign. (This is often talked about in various YouTube channels. They call it the tip of the spear. If this is about the tip of the spear, it has Donald Trump written all over it. Even the money, it isn’t hard to understand. When you go to war, you wave the red flag. A red flag (garment) is waved and it “stands for power, revolution, vibrancy and war (symbolic of bloodshed). Other meanings include courage and domination, while it can also be viewed as an alert of danger.” (http://www.allstarflags.com/facts/color-meanings-in-flags/).
This went on while he was asleep in the same room. In spite of the way it was practically yelled, he was asleep. (This feels like it is the USA. We are asleep, not knowing that our country can be invaded!)
The idea that my dream means war is real. It is of great concern that my Lord Yeshua puts an ostrich egg necklace to be found in my dream. Netanyahu is supposedly stepping down from the position of PM of Israel. If that one thing happens to be true, he will tell Trump that we all should be very concerned with WWW 3. He passes it on to Trump. Trump will get the “necklace” and will commence to being the Tip of the Spear. Rebellion is going to occur. We are asleep and do not know what is going to happen. I think this really does make sense, because of the drone that was sent on the 8th or 9th to Israel, and then Israel fought back in Syria. But, Syria caused the F-16 to blow up. Pilots were okay and back to Israel. But, it is now on.
We are living in bad times, but it is going to get worse! Batten down the hatches – it is going to be a very bumpy ride!
As with everything you read, give it to the Lord! He will never lead you wrong! Ask for confirmation! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Right now, forgive, repent of your sins, and call His name “Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus” and he will save you! You do not have a lot of time left to make the escapes! This is very, very important! Do not miss out on seeing the Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus. He loves you more than you could ever imagine! Cling to him and you will be safe in his arms. “Come to me, my love,” Said by Yeshua himself. There is but one God, one Yeshua, and one Spirit!
Read (Ephesians 4:4-7) 4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; 5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. 7 But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
And read (John 3:15-21) 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
Oh, and read (Ephesians 6:10-18) for the whole armour of God! 10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: 18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
Start looking up – our redemption draws nigh!
Come Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus, Come!
To God be the glory!
Amen! Amen! Amen!
A vision from Yeshua
Sheryl (2/9/18)
I was getting tingly while watching Amanda Christian's video of someone else, then it ended and I felt the need to stop the videos. I looked up and I saw Crosses (big ones in plain sight) on the wall from the left side to the right side of the wall! Immediately I had the urge to sing out loud, At the cross, at the cross, and it was beautiful! He is with me, the Holy Spirit was announcing he is so close!
(I used the Holy Spirit for this part). He wanted me to tell you that it does not matter where you've been or what you've done, he wants to save you! He wants to tell you that he loves you, regardless of your past. He is ready to take some of the children - are you ready? He uses people like Sheryl to reach you and preach to you in some cases.
Yeshua said this:
"To tell the difference between good and evil, we must use certain people. She is telling the truth! Won't you please accept my plea to join us in heaven.
For the true believers in Yeshua, I want you to make copies of this and pass it around the communities! Give them to people you know that need me. It isn't hard to do. Just pass it around the people and leave it at that. I will take care of the rest. You are forever in my heart! Yeshua Ha'Mashiach"
Take this to Yeshua in prayer, he won't lead you wrong!
Just forgive others and yourself, repent of all sins, and call on the name of the Lord - it is really that simple! They love you so very much! They want to see you in heaven!
For the brides, you have to finish your tasks when he calls you. Then, we get to go home! And the brides say, Come Lord Yeshua, Come! Amen! Amen! Amen! To God be the glory!
By Richard Antwi:
He is a member of Heaven Seeker’s Ministry located in Kumasi, Ghana behind the Great Luck Hotel. On Monday, the 17th day of February 2014 at midnight I was praying in tongues, worshipping and praising the Lord in tongues, but all of a sudden, I saw that it was daybreak. Then a strange thing happened, there was very thick darkness in my room. I said- what is happening? I fumbled toward the window, and saw that outside was also dark, everyplace was dark. But when I peeked through the window, I saw some bright angels in the sky. They were bright so I could see them, even in the darkness. They were holding their trumpets and they started blowing their trumpets. When they blew it, I saw children, and babies all flying into the sky with some few adults. They were all in white and I could see them; they were like light. I could see them even in the darkness; very bright and going into the air. After some time it ceased. Nobody was flying any longer and the trumpet had also stopped. The darkness went away and it was back to daylight again. I saw myself, that I was wearing my heavenly robe, but my body remained normal (human), it was not heavenly body. The Lord told me earlier on, “Richard, you are left with one minute”. I went outside my room, people were shouting, there was commotion everywhere. I saw many people rushing up and down. Many people were saying, “Ah, my child was sucking my breast and all of a sudden, he or she has disappeared. My child went to school and came back and while I gave him food and he was eating, he disappeared. My brother or my sister, I was with him, he has disappeared”. I went to the nearby suburb, but it was the same thing. When I went to the town itself, I saw many people in that same situation complaining about disappeared persons. So I had a thought in mind: Is it only this nation that we are seeing this? So I said, what about the European countries, the Asian countries and the other continents. Immediately, I said that because of the robe that I was putting on, I was quickly taken to that place and when I got there I saw that things were the same over there as well. I then decided return to my country. When I said that, right away I was back to my nation, Ghana. I met a lady who was searching for her six months old baby. The Lord made me to follow this lady into a house and the lady was saying I left my child here. I gave this child a sleeping tablet so that it would enable me to go and have an affair with my boyfriend while my husband has traveled, but I came back and can’t find my child. What am I going to do? What am I going to tell my husband when he comes back? She was crying weeping, going up and down, searching everywhere. I saw many men and women, changing their dresses and erasing all the makeup on their faces, taking their bibles and rushing to various churches. They went into the various chapels, filled to capacity and prayed. They were saying, “Ah, what the people said has happened! The rapture they were talking about has taken place”. I went to one church, I saw many people, and they were weeping because they couldn’t make the rapture. They were crying that they could get help. From there, I was taken to another church where I met a multitude of people praying, & bowing to a statue (virgin Mary). But the statue could not help them. I decided to go to my pastor’s house to inform him about what is happening. On the street, I saw that there was no movement of any vehicle. No electricity, no radio, no TV, there was nothing. People were just moving from one place to another without any vehicle. I had to trek to my pastor’s house. When I got to the main gates, I pressed the door bell, nobody responded so I forced the gates to open and I entered. When I entered I did the same thing at the main gate to the hall. I opened that one too and started calling out names, “Pastor! Momma! Philippa!” I went into the various rooms, I saw that nobody was in the house. “Ah, pastor and the family are gone and they have left me here”. So I said weeping. I just threw myself into the sofa in the hall and started weeping. While going back to town I met a group of people coming. Some pastors, apostles, and members, all heading to my pastor’s house. They were saying- We want to get to his house because he has been preaching about this end time message, holiness and righteousness. Then we will hear such messages that will enable us to make it to Heaven. I was standing by the farm looking at them. When they came, they also realized that pastor and the family were not here, they all started weeping and said, “Oh, the man is gone, he is not here”! We were all going back to the town. Then I heard somebody laughing. I turned around and saw a very tall thin person looking like Jesus. But his behavior was not like Jesus. I heard him saying, “Ah, now the whole world belongs to me! Whatever I like I can do. Anyone that really wants to have deliverance you are free to come to me”. The way he was talking, I realized that he was not Jesus. He added, “If you bow to me, you will be free”. Many of those people bowed to him. Immediately, they bowed to him and raised their head, I saw the figure 666, the mark of the beast on their foreheads. I decided to run for my life, to avoid receiving the mark. I went home and saw that my TV was on, without electricity. I saw the newscasters, with 666 on their foreheads. They were happy and showed a picture of the man that I saw earlier, satan himself. All the money I kept at home changed and now has the man’s picture and mark. First church: that I entered, I saw brethren, well dressed. Everybody had covered their bodies, very nice. They have removed all the evil things, the jewelries. The women have covered their hair and removed all the attachments [wigs, fake-artificial hair, weave] but it was too late for them. They ignored all the warnings the Lord gave before Rapture. Everybody was busy [praying] that the Lord would have mercy on him or her. All of a sudden, I saw satan, he said, “Have you seen how your Jesus has deceived you? Have you seen how He has been selective? He has acted partially by taking a few people and leaving all of you here? You have served Him all these years, but look at how He has rewarded you? But if you will bow to me, I will never treat you like that”. They thought it was good advice and many bowed to him. When they lifted up their heads, they had the mark of the beast on their foreheads. Just a few refused to bow to him. satan's agents, whose faces are like animals, and they have tails, came in. Immediately, those who refused to bow to satan, became frightened and bowed and received the mark. Second church: Many people, they were neatly dressed. They were weeping for deliverance from God. satan came here also. The pastor started rebuking satan. The devil started laughing at him, “Look, why are you wasting your energy? All these years you have served me faithfully. You were protecting my property, the adulterous life that you were living. Now I have come to reward you. Soon the pastor and the congregation bowed to satan. At this time, death will run away from people. Men will be looking for death, but they will never see Mr. Death. When I went outside, I saw many people on top of a very tall storey building. They throw themselves down, but they did not die. They got injured and were in serious pain, but they did not die. Some fell on top of fence wall that has dangerous metals, which injured them seriously, then the devil agents came and asked them, “Will you receive the mark or not”? Because they were in serious pains, they had no choice, but to say that “Yes we will receive it”. Stadium: Later, I got to a stadium-like field, a big ground. Many people were praying with their pastor, who was leading them. The devil again came there. They all turned towards the direction of the enemy, satan. The pastor pointed to satan and said, “Ah, this is my master! This is the one that has been helping me all alone, even before the Rapture. He is the one that has been giving me the powers to do whatever I’ve been doing in the church for you people; all the miracles came from him. So let us all bow down to him and give him the necessary honor. When he said this they bowed to satan and got his mark. Few people refused, the agents of satan were signaled as usual. I do not know where they got a hot iron from. The first person who refused, they used this hot iron on the forehead, and removed the skin from that place. He started weeping and they asked him, “Will you receive it now”? He said, “Yes”. They placed a sticker on the hand and when they removed the sticker, the figure 666 was written there. The next person who refused, when they brought the metal to his throat, he shouted, “I will receive it”. Mountain: By God’s grace, again, I had the chance of running out of that place. I went to a mountainous place. I saw many people on a very tall mountain. As usual the enemy, satan appeared there. When the people saw him, the way he looked, they thought that it was Jesus. He said, “All of you should bow to me”. They quickly bowed to satan, all of them and received the mark instantly. I had to run quickly from the mountain’s top down. Brethren, what I’m trying to say is that on that day, you can run to the mountain top to go and pray, there will not be deliverance. Revelation 6:12 Third church: I entered a big church, I saw some were wearing black dresses and some had ashes on them, they were praying before the statue of Mary. The devil turned himself into the statue; he behaved like statue of Mary and started speaking to the congregation- “I am Mary, the one who gave birth to the Savior. I have heard your cry and my son has sent me to come and help you. But, before you will be saved, you all have to receive this mark.” They placed stickers on their foreheads and when they removed it the number 666 appeared there; they just used their hand to rub it and it will brighten up. That is what they did. The people made a queue and they started receiving this sticker. I decided to make a journey to my home town. By the roadside there was a car coming and the driver was saying, “all people who want to travel to any place you can come, whether you have the mark or not I will take you”. While we were going, the driver was speeding and later crashed into a truck. Because I was having the heavenly garment on me, I was taken out of the truck and stood by the roadside. All the other people got injured seriously. The agents of satan came and asked if they would receive the mark or not. They said, “We will receive it”. I had to run for my life. When I ran and I got to my hometown, one of my uncles had received the mark. He threatened other members that he will stop to supply their needs. So they decided to take the mark. They accepted the stickers…. I ran from my house in my hometown and got to a house in the outskirt of town. When I went in, I saw a man, the wife, and the children hiding. I joined them. satan came there & said, “Why are you hiding? Why don’t you want to receive the mark so that you will have peace”? But the man of the house said, “We are not going to receive the mark today or tomorrow.” satan gave a signal. his agents came around. They used a big blade to cut the forehead and removed the skin. I could see the skull of the man with blood oozing out of this place. The wife was afraid and decided with the children to receive the mark. The man still insisted that he would never receive the mark and the agents began dragging him to a certain place. I had a chance to run away. satan shouted at me! “This is the man who has been filming, who has been videoing me! Arrest him for me”! They were pursuing me, they ran after me. I met a young man and he said, “Oh, come, come. This is the way, I can help you”. We were running until I got to a place, he held me and asked me to stop that “You cannot go any longer. You cannot leave”. I was struggling to get myself out of his grips. The agents of satan were coming, trying to arrest me. This man who was holding my hand changed into the same animal like the agents. Then a strong wind blew me from their grips and blew me into the air. I saw that I was moving into the air. Then I heard a voice, “Richard, I told you that you were left with one minute. Now that is the one minute I told you and it’s now up”.
A prophetic and important warning dream from the LORD given to young servant of Yeshua Hamasiach Jesus Christ
By Tess Ann Macallister:
Received February 7th 2018 at approximately 4 AM
This is a very intense dream and is not for the faint of heart so brace yourself as you read
At approximately 4 AM I had an out body experience and or dream where I left my body that turned into a warning from the LORD. In the first part of the dream I was in heaven being shown things of the kingdom of heaven such as angels gathered ,saints gathered , mansions unlike anything on earth not made of any earthly materials , flowers singing, beautiful colors and perfumes , fruits of different kinds I have not seen here on earth I also saw Mosses grasses many different kinds of plants and rivers streams lakes and ponds but they were completely clean they smelled and looked so clean . I was shown alot of different things that are awaiting the bride it was perfect peace and happiness there was no sickness crying death mourning pain or sadness just overwhelming joy peace love and happiness I did not want to leave I felt right at home here it was just too wonderful!!!! . Everything was made of many gemstones and there were animals here too but they were not killing each other or anything they seemed to be at perfect peace with one another .
In the next part of other dream I was in the pit of hell. There were many demons all around. The stench was absolutely nauseating and disgusting it smelled like rotting flesh and human excrement . I could hear people screaming because they were in severe torment it was almost deafening . It was very hot and uncomfortable I felt pain fear stress anger and sadness to an extreme level . From what I Could see I was wearing nothing but a thin white dress . Demons came up to me put me in chains and started drilling into my body all over all of the body parts were impaled by these giant drills with large Spikes and Metal hooks. I was screaming in complete agony It was indescribable the pain I felt from the top of my head to the bottom of my toes . I have never felt this kind of pain before and it reminded me of when Jesus was whipped crushed beaten kicked slapped scourged punched humiliated crucified naked with a crown of thorns placed on his head and had giant nails pummeled through his hands and feet this is the only way I can compare the pain I felt . I was bleeding heavily from the damage that was done .
In the next part of the dream I was dressed In a sky Blue robe I was standing with an African woman we had our hands together and we were praying in tongues I felt she was much more mature and older In her spirit than I was . I believe that she represents a Mature believer . When I was with the woman my hands went over her head. It was like the lord was using us as vessels together, and I believe that the Lord was trying to tell me something.
In the last part of the dream I found myself in the throne room and it was judgement day . I saw all kinds of people there many were believers pastors church leaders and others. They were all on their knees pleading and begging the Lord not to send them to hell . They were saying Lord open unto us please have mercy on us they were crying we are supposed to enter the kingdom of heaven not hell !!!!. I felt bad because I could not do anything for them and I knew it was too late for these lost souls . The Lord gave me a word on this Dream through my sister in christ and friend Susan. After I woke up I was feeling pain and I felt like I left my body while sleeping. I learned alot from this experience.
Please take this to the lord in prayer and ask him if this is from him but rest assured this is Is warning from him to the people. Shalom
I am just a vessel all glory goes to the lord alone .
Revelation 20:6
A message from the Lord
from Sheryl 2/8/18
This morning I was waking up, halfway asleep, and the Lord showed me something. He showed me a grandpa in the far back, a dad, a mom, and a young teenager. He would tell me each person that filled it up. They were inside FEMA's black casket liner. The Lord said he wants me to get some of the research done and then let me read it and then send it to the blogspot! So, I have literally sat down with my phone and my tablet and have done research for you! This is what I have found. They are YouTubes and 1 is an online source.
On CDC's Casket Stockpile, Alex Jones had said that the casket liners could fit 4 people. The other man said he believed that him and his buddies could fit in one of those. All together, that is 3 confirmations! The Lord, Alex, and the other man in the video gave the dimensions without measurement needed! They are really big!
FEMA wants us to think it is because of nuclear war or a pandemic happening. It could be. It could also be from Pastor Dave's Channel that had a Soldier X that said that it is from a catastrophic event with our people dying. He mentioned another country might be doing something. It sounds like it is going to war with another country. With that case in mind, it is believable.
The black plastic coffins could also be for decapitation and storage of bodies in a stackable manner. Why stackable? It is easier to send the bodies through an incinerator than to bury them. It is my belief that the FEMA train comes to take away the bodies and go to the incinerator - wherever that may be located. It isn't out of the picture that the trains are also used to transport people who may be alive. Think of the Holocaust. That's what it will be like, I thoroughly believe!
Walmart is joined with the Homeland Security. Look into the video clip for further information.
It doesn't matter to the true believers, but it does matter to the left behind! You have a choice while Yeshua/Jesus is near - forgive others and yourself, repent from your sins, and call on the name of the Lord and you will be saved! It is that simple! You must not go back to the world, you are a true believer (bride)! Amen! Amen! Amen!
As you are to take everything you look at to the Lord, he will tell you the right way to go! Hallelujah! We are going home once He calls us!
The videos I watched were:
CDC'S Casket Stockpile
FEMA Coffins! Proof of FEMA Camp Plans!
FEMA Trains are for FEMA Coffins
Soldier tells truth. Dont let FEMA GET YOU!
Urgent! Make Viral! Catastrophic Event? FEMA! Black Coffins! Soldier X
Walmart's Future Plans - How BIG is This? This Fall at Distribution Centers?
This is the online source I found:
(Pay special attention to the Red/Blue /Yellow part).
We humble ourselves, Lord Yeshua, and we ask that you come, Lord Yeshua/Jesus, come! We want nothing more than to be with you. We love you! For whatever comes our way, we will have no fear because we know that you are in control! It is well with our souls! But, come Lord Yeshua/Jesus, come!
A Powerful Dream from Yeshua
Sheryl (2/7/18)
This all started with a sound in my ear, like the sound you get for the emergency broadcast system. Then, all of a sudden there was a demon (had horns on it) placed on a card to my left. Then, the dream happened or it already was happening. Don’t know which! But, there is not a card on my nightstand!
I had saved and healed many souls with the power from Yeshua, since I was changed. Then, I got to one place, a home. I went there because I had seen there was a need to be saved. But, when I got there, demons, horrible demons, were surrounding the home. A gruesome fight with demons. The fight did not involve swords on my part. Only words. I had to say, “I rebuke you in the name of Yeshua.” The swords came from the angels I was with. I did the rebuke and I got in the house.
Once I was in the house, I saved many people. It was like the home was a safe house. Or it could’ve been an orphanage or something. Still, many people were saved.
In the end, I had to save the sweetest looking little girl. While I was saving the people, I looked at her and I was thinking that she is light, because it shone on her face. After I had changed many people in the house, I went to her. I knew I could save her.
She came over to me, and then, only then I saw the light become reddish-black. I said to her, “I can’t. You have changed! I rebuke you in the name of Yeshua!” I left by walking through walls. I got to another one’s house where I knew they needed my help. Dream ended.
People, I went to Yeshua because that dream was something I will never forget! Yeshua wants you to know there are those that will be scared enough to run away from you and there are those who are brave enough to do anything to you once you have transformed (changed). You must rebuke to get away from the demons!
He gave me this horrible dream because He needed me to share with you how it is going to be! For some, it may be as easy as witnessing and healing, but for others it is going to be difficult to witness and heal. There are demons everywhere, but you have to be on alert at all times! Assume nothing!
The smallest and sweetest looking little girl was about ten to twelve years old, but she was a demon! I didn’t see that she was a demon. I saw a precious child who needed to be saved. She had to be wearing a light around her neck. That is the only logical thing I can think of. It was creepy!
I walked through the walls. That must mean that I can walk through the walls when I change. That’s kind of neat! But, then again, it is a dream. But, I do remember one person wrote or said that she could walk through the walls when she was changed. So, maybe we can!
We have the power of God, Yeshua and the Holy Spirit once we are changed! But we can do the following now and then!
Full armor of God: Ephesians 6:10-18 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
Rebuke: Matthew 4:10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
As with everything you read, give it to the Lord! He will never lead you wrong! Ask for confirmation! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Right now, forgive, repent of your sins, and call His name “Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus” and he will save you! You do not have a lot of time left to make the escapes! This is very, very important! Do not miss out on seeing the Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus. He loves you more than you could ever imagine! Cling to him and you will be safe in his arms. “Come to me, my love,” Said by Yeshua himself. There is but one God, one Yeshua, and one Spirit.
Read (Ephesians 4:4-7) 4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; 5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. 7 But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
And read (John 3:15-21) 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
Start looking up – our redemption draws nigh!
To God be the glory! We are going to be changed and then we do our last tasks on earth and then go HOME! Assume nothing! Know WHO (person) you are talking to, and not WHAT (demons) you are talking to! All the brides shout that the LORD is near and that we are ready, Lord! Come, Lord Jesus, Come!
Amen! Amen! Amen!
When placed on your shoulders, I'm closer to Heaven. When placed in your heart, I'm closer to God. -- Sheryl Rogers
This is a testimony written by a doctor who worked in Africa....
One night I had worked hard to help a mother in the labor ward; but in spite of all we could do, she died, leaving us with a tiny, premature baby and a crying two-year-old daughter. We would have difficulty keeping the baby alive; as we had no incubator (we had no electricity to run an incubator). We also had no special feeding facilities.
Although we lived on the equator, nights were often chilly with treacherous drafts. One student midwife went for the box we had for such babies and the cotton wool that the baby would be wrapped in.
Another went to stoke up the fire and fill a hot water bottle. She came back shortly in distress to tell me that in filling the bottle, it had burst (rubber perishes easily in tropical climates). “And it is our last hot water bottle!” she exclaimed. As in the West, it is no good crying over spilled milk, so in Central Africa it might be considered no good crying over burst water bottles. They do not grow on trees, and there are no drugstores down forest pathways.
“All right,” I said, “put the baby as near the fire as you safely can, and sleep between the baby and the door to keep it free from drafts. Your job is to keep the baby warm.”
The following noon, as I did most days, I went to have prayers with any of the orphanage children who chose to gather with me. I gave the youngsters various suggestions of things to pray about and told them about the tiny baby. I explained our problem about keeping the baby warm enough, mentioning the hot water bottle, and that the baby could so easily die if it got chills. I also told them of the two-year-old sister, crying because her mother had died.
During prayer time, one ten -year-old girl, Ruth, prayed with the usual blunt conciseness of our African children. “Please, God” she prayed, “Send us a hot water bottle today. It'll be no good tomorrow, God, as the baby will be dead, so please send it this afternoon.”
While I gasped inwardly at the audacity of the prayer, she added, “And while You are about it, would You please send a dolly for the little girl so she'll know You really love her?”
As often with children's prayers, I was put on the spot. Could I honestly say “Amen?” I just did not believe that God could do this.
Halfway through the afternoon, while I was teaching in the nurses' training school, a message was sent that there was a car at my front door. By the time I reached home, the car had gone, but there on the verandah was a large 22-pound parcel. I felt tears pricking my eyes. I could not open the parcel alone, so I sent for the orphanage children. Together we pulled off the string, carefully undoing each knot. We folded the paper, taking care not to tear it unduly. Excitement was mounting. Some thirty or forty pairs of eyes were focused on the large cardboard box. From the top, I lifted out brightly-colored, knitted jerseys. Eyes sparkled as I gave them out. Then there were the knitted bandages for the leprosy patients, and the children looked a little bored. Then came a box of mixed raisins and sultanas - that would make a batch of buns for the weekend.
Then, as I put my hand in again, I felt the.....could it really be?
I grasped it and pulled it out. Yes, a brand new, rubber hot water bottle. I cried. I had not asked God to send it; I had not truly believed that He could.
Ruth was in the front row of the children. She rushed forward, crying out, “If God has sent the bottle, He must have sent the dolly, too!”
Rummaging down to the bottom of the box, she pulled out the small, beautifully-dressed dolly. Her eyes shone! She had never doubted! Looking up at me, she asked, “Can I go over with you and give this dolly to that little girl, so she'll know that God really loves her?”
“Of course,” I replied!
That parcel had been on the way for five whole months, packed up by my former Sunday school class, whose leader had heard and obeyed God's prompting to send a hot water bottle, even to the equator.
And one of the girls had put in a dolly for an African child - five months before, in answer to the believing prayer of a ten-year-old to bring it “that afternoon.”
by J McAteer
I dreamed last night after praying in the spirit that I was in Russia. I was doing door to door evangelism with Christians. Some of the Christians spoke English but I was trying to use Russian. Then I met Putin and we became friends. I then became like a body guard for him. We went into a railway station and Putin went to use the rest room. Word went around that Putin was there and people became very excited. He the came from the rest room and left through a side door. I went to find him by walking across a railway line and climbing a high ridge. There I saw people below with Putin so excited like he was a king. One man put him a back carriage on his motor cycle. He then began driving wildly around in circles donut style. I then heard "It is occultic".
I am not sure what this dreams and would welcome any feedback. I do sense however that the power and influence of Putin in Russia has an occultic root.
Bible Studying with God
Sheryl 2/5/18
Today, I asked God to show me where I needed to go in the Bible. It was Zechariah 1: 2-17. I focused on the verse that has the red horse and myrtle trees. 1:8-11. Then, I wanted to know more about it, so the Lord led me to Fanny Beerepoot. She had the most amazing strong's concordance, bible verses, and interpretations I had ever seen.
She said Zechariah 1:8 I saw by night, and behold a man riding upon a red horse, and he stood among the myrtle trees that were in the bottom; and behind him were there red horses, speckled and white was really about Esther. I was floored! No way, this is something I just finished reading (again). But, I couldn't have read it the same way, not after she was through! Neither will you!
You see Esther's last name was Hadassah. Strong's 1919 Hadaccah means myrtle. And myrtle means "Behold the door" or "To reveal the pathway to enter." Hadassah means the "open pathway to enter, as she Beholds the open Door." Esther is a blueprint for our own walk. It illustrates to us the open pathway to enter, not by glorifying the flesh, but rather by being humbled. It is our carnal flesh life that is consumed and assimilated (lily) that we too may enter in at the gate (myrtle).
The meaning of myrtle is "love" and in Hebrew it means "marriage" as well.
To draw near to God we must enter Yeshua's Door (like Esther); it is there we enter into the inner room or the Holy of Holies were God dwells. A carnal mind cannot understand and therefore fights against. This is the reason the Lost cannot understand why our salvation is so very precious!
The man in the verse has a red horse, and it means war. He takes peace from the earth. It is spiritual. After the war caused by the "carnal flesh nature" is completed, that the earth will be at rest. It is saying that we are consumed and assimilated, and then only then we may enter into the peace of the Spirit.
Get this! Esther was derived from the Persian word "star." Thus Esther is the "first to support the revealing/beholding of the Highest." The Myrtle has a star-like appearance: five petals that are white and look like a star. The number 5 is of Grace and the color white is that of purity, righteousness, light, etc.
Revelation 19:7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready."
I just thought this was interesting reading about the Esther and the Myrtle connection. I never knew that about Esther, I only thought it was just a name. Now, we all know about Beholding the open Door! Amazing stuff that Yeshua leads me to find so that I may send it out to all of you! Rejoice!
The website which I found on Google by looking for myrtle was www.returning-home.net (I put the exact wording for those who cannot go to the computers.)
As with everything you read, give it to the Lord! He will never lead you wrong! Ask for confirmation! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Right now, forgive, repent of your sins, and call His name “Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus” and he will save you! You do not have a lot of time left to make the escapes! This is very, very important! Do not miss out on seeing the Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus. He loves you more than you could ever imagine! Cling to him and you will be safe in his arms. “Come to me, my love,” Said by Yeshua himself. There is but one God, one Yeshua, and one Spirit.
Read (Ephesians 4:4-7) 4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; 5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. 7 But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
And read (John 3:15-21) 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
Oh, and read (Ephesians 6:10-18) for the whole armour of God! 10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: 18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
Start looking up – our redemption draws nigh!
To God be the glory! We are going to be changed and then we do our last tasks on earth and then go HOME! All the brides shout that the LORD is near and that we are ready, Lord! Come, Lord Jesus, Come!
Amen! Amen! Amen!
Vision of Heaven by Paula Marie
I had a vision that I was in heaven and I was walking around in this huge structure that looked like a greenhouse because of all the flowers and plants that were all around in pots. This place looked exactly like what Home Depot looks like inside, same size and layout, except that it was filled with only plants and garden decorations from one end to the other.
I didn't see the Lord but I asked Him what all this was and He answered me and said "This is to beautify my Kingdom."
Jesus wanted everyone in heaven to go in there and get plants and garden decorations to beautify His kingdom wherever and however they see fit.
And there were people working in there who were specialists in plant care. I guess that was their knowledge on the earth and their job now in heaven.
How amazing it will be to take part in such a venture...I look forward to that day when it comes! I hope this blesses you! See ya soon!
I found confirmation of a mini-vision I was given in the summer of 2012 while in prayer for America and it’s leaders.
Here is the description of this vision: I saw soldiers, they were dressed with gas masks and eyes covered. They were, and I stress, not friendly, but very cold in their manner and approach. These soldiers had guns, and they were big ones. They were each holding their guns toward people, not away from. They appeared to be aggressively marching or herding the people. I was greatly shaken at what I was seeing. I knew something horrible had happened in America, but I wasn’t sure what.
What puzzled me the most was that these soldiers did not appear to be American. Their dress was different, and their behavior colder and more aggressive. Something about uniforms differed, and although I’ve experienced martial law in a time of natural disaster (volcanic eruption), their behavior toward and treatment of the people was not like what I experienced.
I asked the Lord what this all meant, but that’s all He revealed, so I’ve left it at that, but the vision is as vivid as it was the day I received it. I haven’t forgotten, and I never will. Now, this year, I am seeing others are speaking forth words about this same thing and not only that, but the fact that there have been 7,000 RUSSIAN soldiers brought in to the US to work together with FEMA, who has been storing up for a “natural” disaster, and many, many people have witnessed these preparations taking place, the vision I was given is confirmed.
And now? What does the Lord tell me to do (especially on the heels of a prophecy He has given about America besides)? He instructs me, “Pray for America, for I’m pouring out my wrath upon her. Her sins have are great and have come up before My eyes.” So I say to all who are listening, pray for the harvest of America! Pray for the believers! Pray as you’ve never prayed before!
Hey there thanks for wanting to know about our rapture experiences!
I can keep it short.. just i had been practicing celibacy.. i was entering ecstasy every now and then.. everyday i practiced it..
Then oneday it was very difficult but i still kept my vow of celibacy... then all of a sudden at the last moment i entered rapture.. i was feeling deeply profound
I looked up the word ‘rapture’ online to see what it means.. i knew about it but i wanted to see like an actual definition.. i looked at the example text for Jesus’ rapture & it said “people will be raptured out of their auto-mobiles and into the sky”
Straight away this reminded me of plenty of visions i was having one night when i went out for a walk i was surrounded by trees in this area where i started seeing people being pulled out of their cars & into the sky.. they were really spooked and didn’t know what was going on.. but it wasn’t until i actually entered rapture from celibacy that i was brought to see this example text of the word ‘rapture’ then seen it linked to the Jesus’ rapture where he takes people into the clouds or into heaven^^
But yeah people were floating up into the air from their cars.. just exactly what the example text said.. & exactly the same as my visions i was having that one night
I practice alot of meditation.. eating a certain way etc.. for the third eye.. i actually went out that night into the trees seeking visions.. as the place was very damp and full of water from the rain.. i thought it would be a beautiful place to have a vision as it would bring health to my pineal gland etc with it being in nature & surrounded by water in the air.. it was beautiful..
Thanks for wanting to hear my experience!
Two Dreams from Yeshua
Sheryl 2/2/18
On 2/2/18 it said in a dream "Cancune has the largest company." I don't know why the company is the largest. Today, February 3, I was on the phone and an ad came up. The ad was for Cancune. Maybe, tourism is the largest company in Mexico. Something is going to happen to Mexico, the region where Cancune is located. It means "a nest of snakes." Please pray that the damage won't be as bad as if we didn't pray!
Another dream, we were patient when the worker was fixing a water pipe during the day - he was repairing a street.
My sister and I wanted to see mom, so we went to her home. From there we saw the man doing the farming. It was night and farming.
Then, I got 600 (a 500 dollar bill and a 100 dollar bill) and 700 (a 500 dollar bill and 2-100 dollar bills) was for margarett - was given after the ceo did the farming.
13 was the date for the moon! The dream was 13 (money-600+700=1300) and the same blood red moon that had 3 parts to it. It was the 3 of us girls. And the farmer was farming in the night. The ceo was farming - that sounds more like Yeshua/Jesus! The ceo is coming to get His believers!
The part about repairing the water in the street is us being patient. No matter what, we need to be patient. Yeshua /Jesus is going to do what He promised! Praise be to Him!
Forgive, repent, and believe in the one person who can save you Yeshua/Jesus! He wants you to come on bended knee and ask Him for salvation! He loves you more than you can believe! Won't you join us in heaven?
To God be the glory! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Oh, and please pray that the Lord will not let the demonic forces do what they want to do to the Superbowl. It is man made and if enough believers pray it down, maybe the Lord will hear and do something less! Amen! Amen! Amen!
An Audible from Lord Yeshua
Sheryl 2/2/18
Yeshua spoke to me in the early hours. He woke me up and audibly said that He has to get us earlier than He wanted because our nation is going to go ballistic on us and He wants to get us before it does. (Go Ballistic means to become very angry. Ballistic means motion of projectiles in flight. In other words, they're going to bomb us...our own nation! I believe it will be an atomic-type bomb.)
He said for me to expect to go next week. Especially this Sunday! (The 4th is the 24th and it is spoken in Haggai. Haggai 2:18-21. This Sunday, as in two days from now. I think we are going to be changed. It is the 17 on the Torah calendar. The Superbowl has something to do with it.) He said and showed me "I have sent so many hints for you and there is one that is right. I told you the 4th is the 24th. You changed it on the calendar. But, you changed it for February and March. I said the most important thing, I sent it to you, was the 16 day countdown! You changed it on the calendar. You put the 6th day, it is the 7th day of your calendar. It says 6th day to the 7th day. Then, I sent you 13, and that was the moon that happened in your Torah calendar. You wanted to change it to late February and March so you did, but that was the wrong date! I am coming for my true believers!
I am thrilled to know that very soon, very soon Hoverintha we will be reunited! We will dance!
You have felt it for some time, but never has it been felt like it is now. Yes, it is going to snow! Watch the weather. Write down 1/7/1942 and research it."
Lord Yeshua
Later today, I told him I wanted 1 confirmation before I tell the blog. I mean this is really important. And I'm not going to go tell everyone at the blog if it isn't so. He showed me, on the way getting chores for the day, my confirmations. He had me see Sunny Valley. Then, He had express twice; then he had expression once. What pulled up beside me was a truck titled Precision Total Home. He then had me notice the business Jewelry Doctor. On the way leaving I saw on a church bulletin with the words Look up.
He really wanted me to know that I was needing a Sunny Valley. He wants to tell us that we're going to be leaving in an express manner whether we are ready or not. Quick! Remember, I had an audible that warned nine milliseconds until the launch! Then, he told me about how my home is heaven, precisely. Then, he wanted me to know He is the doctor of jewelry. He gives crowns to all his own. Last, He said Look up, for our redemption is drawing nigh. I would say that is more than enough confirmations! I only asked for 1 confirmation. He gave 7 confirmations!
I was reminded about God's Gifts (YouTube) when I saw her new video clip. He told her that Sunday, the 4th, the male child is born at 3:00 AM. Now, this is Gregorian calendar. That means that we should be changed by that time. The 3rd or the 4th. This was interesting to know!
I don't know about you, but I am ready to see the Lord Yeshua! If you are ready to see the Lord Yeshua/Jesus, but don't know how to go about getting saved, then say a prayer that is something like this.
Lord, I know I am a sinner! I want to forgive everyone that I have done wrong and forgive those who have done me wrong. I will do my best to repent (turn away) from my sins. I know that you died for the sins of the world, of everyone from the past, present, and future! And you resurrected and ascended to heaven. I come to you today, broken, and ask you to come into my heart! Amen!
This, all of this, has been from Yeshua! He wants you to be ready and remain in His love until you are called!
I almost forgot about the date 1/7/1942. It had one thing to show up - WWW II The battle of the siege of Bataan. They thought the Japanese couldn't possibly take over the island, but they were wrong. It was from 1/7/1942 - 4/9/1942. I think the same train of thought goes through the minds of most Americans. The March of Bataan thinks otherwise! Thousands of our people died in that battle. Read about HOW they died.
I had another dream. It will have to be done in another page. My MS Office is still not working. So, I use the phone. It works!
Take the whole audible to the Lord Yeshua. He won't tell you wrong.
Love to all! To God be the glory! Amen! Amen! Amen! And to all you Brides say, Come Lord Jesus, Come!
Just to let you know I put my thoughts inside the parentheses.
A Dream from Yeshua (2/1/18)
I had a strange dream, but I was told to share it. So, I am sharing it. I went up the floors in an escalator. I hopped over each bad thing that came my way. Then, I saw 13. I saw Heaven not long after that.
Hopping over bad or evil things is common for the true believer. We are attacked by the demonic forces in the daytime as well as at night. But, the fact that I was able to hop over every bad thing was very good! That tells me that I am on the right path!
The number 13 could be a day. On the Torah calendar, I have the 4th that is 24th (If it goes by Torah). If it goes by our calendar the 20th is actually the 13th. Well, anyway, I am so full of dates! LOL! Now, the Lord gives me the 13th. This is because I asked Yeshua last night to show me a dream to tell me if it is the Torah or the Gregorian calendar. I still can't tell what I am dealing with. Anyway, the end is Heaven! That is what I want most of all! My sweet Yeshua!
Revelation 22:12 12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. 13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
Later in the day, we decided we were going to get a full load of groceries. Well, I thought the license place ANGELLA was weird. I told my husband that it is probably the Angels in LA. I didn't think anything of it. Until, we were eating and the song of the City of Angels was playing. It is too much to not think about it now! He was confirming that it is about to happen! I don't know when it will happen, but it is going to happen!
Job 33:14 For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not.
He always knows how to speak to me, he delivers a lot to my musical side. He told me through the song that it is important! It is apparent that LA is gonna go through something very bad! That is also where Hollywood is located. I do not know, but God, Jehovah Elohim, Abba, and Yahweh feels the need for me to share with you. It is very, very important!
As with everything you read, give it to the Lord! He will never lead you wrong! Ask for confirmation! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Right now, forgive, repent of your sins, and call His name “Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus” and he will save you! You do not have a lot of time left to make the escapes! This is very, very important! Do not miss out on seeing the Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus. He loves you more than you could ever imagine! Cling to him and you will be safe in his arms. “Come to me, my love,” Said by Yeshua himself. There is but one God, one Yeshua, and one Spirit.
Read (Ephesians 4:4-7) 4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; 5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. 7 But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
And read (John 3:15-21) 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
Oh, and read (Ephesians 6:10-18) for the whole armour of God! 10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: 18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
Start looking up – our redemption draws nigh!
To God be the glory! We are going to be changed and then we do our last tasks on earth and then go HOME! All the brides shout that the LORD is near and that we are ready, Lord! Come, Lord Jesus, Come!
Amen! Amen! Amen!
I had a humorous Rapture nightmare the week of December 2nd, 2017. This isn't the first time for such a dream, but my strong inclination for curiosity is wondering why now. First, I will give a short recap of the prior two dreams that connect with this latest for those who may not know about them.
Dream One - 2003
I dreamt I saw Jesus standing on a cloud in the heavens looking out over the vast expanse. Angels, near a doorway to His right, were making hasty preparations for some event about to occur.
I quickly surmised it was the Rapture and was dismayed that there appeared to be a delay in being "caught up," for it seemed to be taking too long. So, I cried out to Jesus, "Don't leave me behind. I want to go too!"
After I woke up I realized that the delay was due to the "dead in Christ' being resurrected first, as the Bible says will occur, which logically meant I would be "caught up" shortly thereafter.
Dream Two - 2007
I dreamt Jesus appeared to me. I was kneeling on the floor before Him, observing only His feet and the lower half of His robe. He asked, "Do you want to stay behind for the Great Tribulation?" I was horrified at the thought and said, "No, Lord Jesus, please, I want to be with you!"
When I woke up, I was so troubled that God would even ask me such a horrible question, that I asked Him not to give me any more bad dreams like it. So, this time, ten years later, He added a little humor to it.
Dream Three - 2017 (December)
I dreamt I was in a building with cabinets. Suddenly a large white cloud started to drift my way. Just like the first dream I quickly surmised it was the Rapture occurring. I was so excited I yelled, "It's the Rapture! Jesus, I love you!"
When the cloud receded, to my horror -- I was still here. I became so mad at being left behind that I picked up a broom and started whacking some cabinets to vent my wrath (not something I am inclined to do - hah!).
To my complete surprise, my arms and hands went right through the solid objects effortlessly without any sensation of pain, as if I was a ghost. I was puzzled since I knew I was still alive. So I tried several more times, with the same unusual results.
My husband -- awakened by my muffled cries -- became alarmed and gently shook me to wake me up, hoping to end my nightmare. So I don't know how the dream would have ended.
It wasn't until I thought about it afterwards that it dawned on me: In the dream I wasn't a ghost; I was alive - not dead. Therefore, I had actually been "transformed" when the cloud passed over and I would have been "caught up" in the Rapture shortly thereafter -- but was waiting -- as in the first dream -- for those who had been resurrected to go first.
So, why was I given this dream now, ten years later?
It did not escape my notice that the dream - signalling the soon Rapture - occurred during the month of December when we celebrate Christ's first coming.
It also occurred shortly after Trump had just acknowledged to the world that Jerusalem is -- and always has been -- Israel's capitol (equivalent to waving a red flag in front of a raging bull and yelling "El Toro!"). I applaud him for having the strength of character to do what was right.
This also occurred while the 'winds of war' are blowing throughout the middle east.
It was also followed by the Jews' top Rabbi passing away at age 104, while a Gentile equivalent, Dr. Billy Graham, who will be 100 years old on 11-07-18, is approaching his home-going. All are events that have prophetic significance in these final days before Jesus comes. The Age of Grace is coming to a close and God will soon deal primarily through the Jewish nation of Israel for the climax of the ages.
The Connecting Thread
I see the connecting threads in the three dreams above as being:
1) The heart-pounding reminder from the Lord that the Rapture is even more so about to occur "at any moment" than it was when He gave the warning to Dr. Owuor a few years ago; and
2) His caution to one individual that we "don't have [many] years until the Rapture" -- as some mistakenly believe -- is even more relevant now;
3) plus, we shouldn't fear when the Resurrection occurs if we ("those who are alive and remain") are seemingly delayed in going up because "in the twinkling of an eye . .
I had a humorous Rapture nightmare the week of December 2nd, 2017. This isn't the first time for such a dream, but my strong inclination for curiosity is wondering why now. First, I will give a short recap of the prior two dreams that connect with this latest for those who may not know about them.
Dream One - 2003
I dreamt I saw Jesus standing on a cloud in the heavens looking out over the vast expanse. Angels, near a doorway to His right, were making hasty preparations for some event about to occur.
I quickly surmised it was the Rapture and was dismayed that there appeared to be a delay in being "caught up," for it seemed to be taking too long. So, I cried out to Jesus, "Don't leave me behind. I want to go too!"
After I woke up I realized that the delay was due to the "dead in Christ' being resurrected first, as the Bible says will occur, which logically meant I would be "caught up" shortly thereafter.
Dream Two - 2007
I dreamt Jesus appeared to me. I was kneeling on the floor before Him, observing only His feet and the lower half of His robe. He asked, "Do you want to stay behind for the Great Tribulation?" I was horrified at the thought and said, "No, Lord Jesus, please, I want to be with you!"
When I woke up, I was so troubled that God would even ask me such a horrible question, that I asked Him not to give me any more bad dreams like it. So, this time, ten years later, He added a little humor to it.
Dream Three - 2017 (December)
I dreamt I was in a building with cabinets. Suddenly a large white cloud started to drift my way. Just like the first dream I quickly surmised it was the Rapture occurring. I was so excited I yelled, "It's the Rapture! Jesus, I love you!"
When the cloud receded, to my horror -- I was still here. I became so mad at being left behind that I picked up a broom and started whacking some cabinets to vent my wrath (not something I am inclined to do - hah!).
To my complete surprise, my arms and hands went right through the solid objects effortlessly without any sensation of pain, as if I was a ghost. I was puzzled since I knew I was still alive. So I tried several more times, with the same unusual results.
My husband -- awakened by my muffled cries -- became alarmed and gently shook me to wake me up, hoping to end my nightmare. So I don't know how the dream would have ended.
It wasn't until I thought about it afterwards that it dawned on me: In the dream I wasn't a ghost; I was alive - not dead. Therefore, I had actually been "transformed" when the cloud passed over and I would have been "caught up" in the Rapture shortly thereafter -- but was waiting -- as in the first dream -- for those who had been resurrected to go first.
So, why was I given this dream now, ten years later?
It did not escape my notice that the dream - signalling the soon Rapture - occurred during the month of December when we celebrate Christ's first coming.
It also occurred shortly after Trump had just acknowledged to the world that Jerusalem is -- and always has been -- Israel's capitol (equivalent to waving a red flag in front of a raging bull and yelling "El Toro!"). I applaud him for having the strength of character to do what was right.
This also occurred while the 'winds of war' are blowing throughout the middle east.
It was also followed by the Jews' top Rabbi passing away at age 104, while a Gentile equivalent, Dr. Billy Graham, who will be 100 years old on 11-07-18, is approaching his home-going. All are events that have prophetic significance in these final days before Jesus comes. The Age of Grace is coming to a close and God will soon deal primarily through the Jewish nation of Israel for the climax of the ages.
The Connecting Thread
I see the connecting threads in the three dreams above as being:
1) The heart-pounding reminder from the Lord that the Rapture is even more so about to occur "at any moment" than it was when He gave the warning to Dr. Owuor a few years ago; and
2) His caution to one individual that we "don't have [many] years until the Rapture" -- as some mistakenly believe -- is even more relevant now;
3) plus, we shouldn't fear when the Resurrection occurs if we ("those who are alive and remain") are seemingly delayed in going up because "in the twinkling of an eye . .
we will be 'caught up' to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord;"
4) and finally, I was experiencing how scared and furious many people will be when reality sets in that they truly have been left behind. Some people have had dreams that congregations will turn against their ministers and physically beat them up or kill them when they find they were left behind, because their minister never told them about the Rapture so they could get ready, or told them there was no such thing as a Rapture.
I personally believe we still have a few more years, but admit I could be wrong. We just don't know the brevity of time insinuated by the words "shortly thereafter," in the Billy Graham Rapture-related prophecy, but the signs are everywhere He's due to arrive "at any moment." As a matter of fact, what stands out to me the most from the dream is this: My husband's urgent admonition: 'Wake up, Nancy," and the realization afterwards because I was transformed that the Rapture was about to occur "at any moment." Said another way, "Wake up Nancy, going up (Rapture) at any moment!"
To Sum It Up . .
It is imperative we be 'on our toes,' so to speak, now more than ever and keep looking up, because God's word says "to those who LOOK for Him will He appear the second time without sin unto salvation." Get and stay ready, my friends.
by Anonymous
A list from Yeshua (1/30/18)
EU Peace Treaty for Palestine and Israel to decide on the two state solution. Brother Todd (YouTube) has seen that it is in Brussels, Belgium. And we have Barry Scarbrough (YouTube) that had a dream about the EU Peace Treaty and in his dream he saw the windows explode. Could it be the Peace Treaty we've all been waiting for? In Daniel 9:27 the Bible reads And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
The super snow moon (that is also a blue blood moon) is spotted. I did have a moon in one of my dreams. It was raining and then it was snowing and then it was ice. I was told to watch the weather for a reason! Though I do not believe we are going to escape on the night of the snow moon.
2/1/18 to 2/2/18
Tu B'Shvat - The New Year for Trees. In Pastor Sandy Armstrong's (YouTube) video, he said that it is about the almond tree. The almond tree blooms first (usually February). It is so important to the LORD GOD, that it is a part of the candelabra. In Exodus 25:33 Three bowls made like unto almonds, with a knop and a flower in one branch; and three bowls made like almonds in the other branch, with a knop and a flower: so in the six branches that come out of the candlestick. 34 And in the candlestick shall be four bowls made like unto almonds, with their knops and their flowers. 35 And there shall be a knop under two branches of the same, and a knop under two branches of the same, and a knop under two branches of the same, according to the six branches that proceed out of the candlestick.
Obama dinner - the dinner has been changed this year from Jefferson and Jackson steak dinner to Obama steak dinner at Denver, Colorado (Rapture Time Awareness, YouTube).
The Ventusky had snow coverage and thunderstorms for the 3rd of February. The funny thing is they don't allow more than on thing to be chosen. And, when I went to Ventusky, I saw snow coverage and thunderstorms. Nothing in SC, only the northern side. But, the Lord Yeshua just told me that it will be a surprise!
Super Bowl - New England Patriots vs Philadelphia Eagles. In Brother Todd's video clip, it shows the super bowl of 2018 does not happen. He shows a clip of Oblivion. Weather? Missiles? Asteroid? I don't know. But, I do feel that something is possibly going to happen on the 3rd or the 4th of February!
The Ventusky had snow coverage and thunderstorms for the 4th of February. That's really odd. Only the 3rd and the 4th were showing two things.
John 4:35 Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.
We are going to escape during the winter months. I heard "Time won't let me wait that long." It is by the Outsiders. I just heard it. Wow! Amen! Amen! Amen! It is soon, so very soon! Make sure you are ready to go when he calls your name! If you are not sure if you're ready to escape, you need to be sure! Jesus/Yeshua needs to have you come home! Heaven or Hell, it is your decision. I pray you are going to go to Heaven!
As with everything you read, give it to the Lord! He will never lead you wrong! Ask for confirmation! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Right now, forgive, repent of your sins, and call His name “Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus” and he will save you! You do not have a lot of time left to make the escapes! This is very, very important! Do not miss out on seeing the Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus. He loves you more than you could ever imagine! Cling to him and you will be safe in his arms. “Come to me, my love,” Said by Yeshua himself. There is but one God, one Yeshua, and one Spirit.
Read (Ephesians 4:4-7) 4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; 5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. 7 But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
And read (John 3:15-21) 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
Oh, and read (Ephesians 6:10-18) for the whole armour of God! 10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: 18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
Start looking up – our redemption draws nigh!
To God be the glory! We are going to be changed and then we do our last tasks on earth and then go HOME! All the brides shout that the LORD is near and that we are ready, Lord! Come, Lord Jesus, Come!
Amen! Amen! Amen!
Kevin Mirasi
In the morning of 21st August 2013 at about 3am, The LORD God Almighty, The LORD Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit communicated to me through a prophetic supernatural dream.
And in this Communication of The LORD, I found myself in an Olympic games. And I was made to understand that it is the next Olympic Games. And The LORD gave me an understanding that this next Olympic Games will be held at a time when the mark of the beast will be fully entrenched.
And I was shown a tremendous movement of activities and people from North America to South America, and I was made to understand that the Olympics Games was headed to South America.
While still observing the scene in the dream of The LORD, I was shown the nation of Russia threatening to boycott the Olympic Games because of the requirement for the athletes to have the Mark of the Beast: Radio Frequency Identification Micro-Chip (The RFID Microchip).
I was then taken to a place where I saw swimmers, many of whom I was made to understand to be from The United States of America.And these swimmers had all taken the mark of the beast. When I looked at them I had pity on them because their souls were all damned (lost).
I then woke up from the dream of The LORD and wrote what I had seen.
When I went back to sleep, I had yet another dream of The LORD. And in this second dream, I saw someone sleeping, and I was made to understand that The LORD was communicating to him in a dream i.e. this was a dream within a dream. And when this person woke up, I asked him what he had dreamt and he told me that he dreamt that South America was going to move further away from North America due to tectonic movements of the continental plates.
I then told him that his dream is from The LORD and it is a confirmation of what The LORD had revealed to me concerning the events coming to North America and South America.
I was then shown that there is a confrontation and a controversy coming to the earth between The United States of America and Russia. And probably The United States of America is going to lose this confrontation.
The LORD also made me understand that water is going to be so contaminated such that any usage of this contaminated water will lead to the pealing off of the skin, leading to a reddish layer on the body. I actually was shown a hand of a person who had washed using this water; and the skin had pealed off leaving a reddish layer on the hand. For some reasons not made known to me I was made to understand that this water was in the Russian territory.
I then woke up from the second dream of The LORD.
The first message that was imparted in my heart from this communication of The LORD is that the next Olympic Games that will be held in South America; will be held at a time when the Mark of The Beast will be fully entrenched.
The second message that was imparted in my heart from this communication of The LORD is that there is an upcoming controversy and a possible confrontation between the nations of the United States of America and Russia.
The third message that was imparted in my heart from this communication of The LORD is that the continent of South America is going to move further away from the continent of North America due to tectonic movements of the continental plates. And so there is an upcoming shifts and movements of continental plates.
The fourth message that was imparted in my heart from this communication of The LORD is that water is very soon going to be so contaminated such that any usage of this contaminated water will lead to the pealing off of the skin, leading to a reddish layer on the body.
1-The earth has now entered into a very serious and defining moment; it is a moment full of distress. Many want to hear of good things and blessings; they say: “Don’t scare us or prophesy to us doom, why don’t you prophesy to us good things and tells us the good things coming”. Let me note here that true prophesy comes from The LORD and false prophesy comes from man (and the devil). And so what does The LORD Himself say about this particular dispensation that mankind find himself at this particular point in time? Lets hear it directly from The LORD in the book of Mathew 24:3-8 ‘“As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.All these are the beginning of birth pains.”’
And so the good prophesy is that : “The LORD Jesus Christ is imminently coming to pick his bride, and so prepare the way for the coming of The LORD in absolute Repentance, Righteousness, Holiness, Truth and Complete Surrender to The LORD Jesus Christ, because time is absolutely over.”
2-Many have gone out to proclaim that if you want to receive your blessing of a big car, a big job, Riches & wealth, healing etc, then you must send to their bank account some stated amounts of money. These are false blessings and prophesies by conmen who are false prophets. If you go for these thinking that you are running away from what some are calling: “Prophets of Doom”, then you really need to know what season the earth has now entered into. This is the season when the true blessing is: “Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” And he added, “These are the true words of God.” (Revelation 19:9).
Revelation 13:16-17 “It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.”
Revelation 8:10-11 “The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water— the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.”
Luke 21:34-36 “Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you suddenly like a trap. For it will come on all those who live on the face of the whole earth. Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.”
Precious Jesus,
I acknowledge today that you are LORD and savior of all mankind,
and today I have recognized my shortfall,
I repent and turn away from all sin.
Please cover me with your precious blood,
and establish your word in my life,
that I may be found in righteousness and holiness
and write my name in your book of life
and baptize me with the power of the Holy Spirit
in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Shalom!!! Shalom!!! Shalom!!!
Scripture verse regarding Renee Moses, & Steve Fletcher...Matthew 15:13-14
But Jesus replied, “Every plant that My Heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by its roots. 14Disregard them! They are blindguides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.”
Dream from Sheryl (1/28/18)
But Jesus replied, “Every plant that My Heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by its roots. 14Disregard them! They are blindguides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.”
Dream from Sheryl (1/28/18)
I had a dream. I was talking with someone and I said, “You say it 3 times. And in a prayer you say it 3 times.” I do say important things 3 times. I say “Thank you” and I say “Amen!” 3 times to the Lord Yeshua and to my Brothers and Sisters in Christ. But this was me teaching it to someone. It is something to ponder.
The song that played in my mind was Something Good by Herman’s Hermits.
I knew I had to research a coat of arms for my dad; Nettles. It is like the Holy Spirit wanted me to do it, so I did. It was another confirmation for the Tu B’Shvat. It has a tree that is on the coat of arms. Pretty amazing!
As with everything you read, give it to the Lord! He will never lead you wrong! Ask for confirmation! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Right now, forgive, repent of your sins, and call His name “Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus” and he will save you! You do not have a lot of time left to make the escapes! This is very, very important! Do not miss out on seeing the Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus. He loves you more than you could ever imagine! Cling to him and you will be safe in his arms. “Come to me, my love,” Said by Yeshua himself. There is but one God, one Yeshua, and one Spirit.
Read (Ephesians 4:4-7) 4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; 5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. 7 But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
And read (John 3:15-21) 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
Oh, and read (Ephesians 6:10-18) for the whole armour of God! 10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: 18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
Start looking up – our redemption draws nigh!
To God be the glory! We are going to be changed and then we do our last tasks on earth and then go HOME! All the brides shout that the LORD is near and that we are ready, Lord! Come, Lord Jesus, Come!
Amen! Amen! Amen!
by Warren Han
My name is Warren, and I am from South Korea.
I am now 21 years of age and I joined this site just recently to share
my experience of rapture in a dream which I had it this dawn.
I went to sleep at 12 midnight and had the thought in my mind that I should read some Bible when I would wake up, because I haven't read Bible for so long.
After many hours of sleeping, dawn has reached and I felt into a dream.
(My point of view in the dream was in first-person.)
I found myself standing in the middle of a crowded city with many tall metallic buildings. (Perhaps like a street in New York?)
And there were many people(which I didn't knew) walking around the city like any other ordinary days.
Suddenly, I saw the sky to the north-east of my position that there was a huge appearance of dark clouds growing it's size and covering up the sunlight coming towards the city.
Then many people started to scream, running around the city and they were at panic. I was afraid because everyone were screaming and it was like the "Doomsday", or so-called "Rapture"
I was thinking while looking at the dark clouds coming, 'Ah.. the rapture, it has come!'
There was a fair-skinned, thin young lady with long black hair(wearing a warm coat) in front of me, and I saw her praying seriously with her two hands held together. And then suddenly a blink of light had shown up upon her and it brought her up to the air and disappeared. And I knew that I had to pray.
I prayed so sincerely and begged for forgiveness of my mistakes and sins,
then amazingly, a blink of light has blind my sight and when I open my eyes, I was at a place where it is so very wide that I can't see the end, and there were people standing who were the 'chosen ones'.
Then I found the lady that I saw awhile ago, and also a man who was wearing a huge white gown and was really big. The lady hugged the Man and she was crying with over-joy. Then the Man saw me, and I saw His face. His face was clear and he had a curly long beard.(Like Dumbledore in Harry Potter?)
I knew He was Jesus Christ although He did not tell me His name.
I hugged Him with joy and I felt so relaxed and was sooooooo happy.
Then I asked Him, "Where is my Father?"
He replied with losing voice, "He did not reach here".
I felt sad for my dad.
And then I woke up from sleep and it was still dawn.
I was really sleepy so I went back to sleep and had another dream
which is unnecessary to be told.
I don't know if it's JUST A DREAM,
or if it's a MESSAGE.
It was so almost-realistic experience.
It has been released and change has come forth by the Spirit of God. That which has hindering has been removed by the eruption of the Spirit.
Holy Spirit lava has been released to remove those things that hindered and replaced them with a new road and path to walk on.
God has made a roadway today where there was no road for those who are being released in this hour in kingdom power and authority.
It is a new way for your feet to travel on, a highway of holiness of the Lord. It is a holy road, a holy way, led by a Holy Spirit that is now going to cause you to walk from victory to victory.
Where there was much failure and stumbling in the past now there is a pathway of victory prepared for the Lord himself for you to walk on.
It is not going to be the same. So get rid of the old mindsets of failure and defeat and walk on the road that releases us from glory to glory. From greater glory to greater glory does this roadway reveal.
This spiritual eruption is about to change your life, your families, your work, and your work for the Lord to bring forth a greater and deeper alignment with the plans and purposes of God.
As there are rumblings now at Mt. Saint Helen, the shofar blast released there has come forth first in the spirit and the volcano from the Mountain of the Lord has erupted to bring great change to your life for the good and great disruption to the enemy.
The enemy can never walk on the highway of holiness for that road is made up of the very flame of the Lord. Now that flame is being released as spiritual lava that will form a roadway in the wilderness and pathways into the depths of the cities in our nation.
This spiritual eruption is the fulfillment of God’s promise to us. I will make a way in the wilderness. Our nation has become a spiritual wilderness, the majority of the church has lived and settled with defeated wilderness life and do not posses the glory of God’s victory, but that is about to change.
An overcoming people, a people who have learned to hear and obey the Lord instantly are now able to walk on this new roadway of the fire of his holiness.
They will bring the holiness of the Lord to a people God is making holy. The lame, blind, and the deaf will find this highway as God unfolds it before them and his servants bring them on this roadway.
God is going to change the heart mentality of his people from seeking to see signs and wonders to making them a sign and wonder and a true witness of the glory of God’s glorious Kingdom on earth.
All those he is forming in their hearts as his royal priesthood will now be able to walk on this new roadway God has made today by that spiritual eruption. They will pray and release the glory everywhere God sends them.
Each one will see it differently. Each one will see it differently for the road is unique and one size fits all doesn’t work in the kingdom. Each road is designed by the Lord for us to connect together, join together in his holy love to do only His will.
Each road formed today is unique and specific to the task God has released to be completed in them. There are some that will walk on the same road to do the same work together as a holy regiment in God’s army.
Some will form platoons, and companies on that roadway as it widens before us to transform regions and nations.
They are being formed into a unshakable and immovable army of the Lord.
But this new roadway will bring about the transformation of the city’s, neighborhoods, states, regions and nations and the peoples who will walk on it into the true kingdom of God on the earth. The kingdoms of this earth surely are becoming the kingdoms of our God in Christ.
This roadway is the roadway of fire and holiness. It is the roadway saved for last. John the Baptist declared this way when he said, “God was going to make the crooked places straight.”
For today that spiritual eruption has been released and the highway of holiness, the highway of the baptism of fire has been released in a new and fuller measure.
“For he that comes after me is mightier than I and he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with Fire. Today a news release of fire has come. Mos Fuego, Senior! More Fire Lord!
This spiritual eruption is transforming and so powerful that things will never be the same. This eruption is releasing a new strengthening, a new enabling to walk and go where you have never gone before.
You will do things you have never done before, and to bring about the things God has shown you in dreams and vision and spoken to you from the past into reality NOW!
Many of the promises that you may have let go of or forgotten or just gave up on could have only been fulfilled on this highway that is now unfolding before us. They were for a specific time and place you could not see when God showed you these thing.
This spiritual eruption has made a way for them to come into being because the roadway is now made for them to happen. So rejoice beloved of the Lord, that which you thought was lost has been found. That which you thought was dead is alive.
Take a leap of faith today and say, “lord today I put my feet on this highway and trust you now to bring the greatest change in my life and family now. As I walk on this newly formed highway of holiness, my life, my family, the work you have given me are now fully coming in alignment with your will alone. Father, let your kingdom come and your will be don on earth as it is heaven.
In this spiritual eruption divine release of provision has come to do all God has given you to do, the wealth of the wicked is now, is now, is now starting to be transferred to the just.
Just as you see in the earthly realm companies giving out financial bonuses and increasing pay to their employees even more is God doing that for his elect.
What you seen happening with these companies is a sign and wonder of the divine transfer of wealth of the wicked to the just.
What was stolen from us is now going to be restored with the glory of God and everything we need is on this roadway. We will walk in it and now truly become blessings to those in need as Jesus was when he walked the earth.
The spiritual eruption today from Mount Zion has released the lava of the Lord to make the new roadways we are now going to walk on from glory to glory and from victory to victory. To God be all the glory!
Henry Falcone
By Grace Elizabeth Joy Anderson:
The dream that I had of the nuclear annihilation of Miami and the message and the promise that came with this just a few days afterward.
I dreamt that I was on a white, sandy beach on a sub-tropical ocean and a fishing dory was nearby with fishing nets and primitive looking implements. It was obvious to me I was not in America. It was a sunny day, perhaps midmorning or early afternoon and I was occupied cleaning a fishing net when I turned and looked behind me, over my right shoulder across the ocean, and saw a first sized cloud on the distant horizon. It quickly began to swell, getting bigger and bigger and I realized that a city in the distance, though I could not see it, had just been struck with an atomic bomb.
I cried out, "Oh, my God!" and awoke from the dream.
Immediately, I knew the dream had been from Holy Spirit. All I could do was pray for mercy. Later I looked for the location of the city and determined that it was either Houston viewed from the eastern coast of the Baha, or Miami viewed from a Cuban beach. I'm pretty sure now, looking back on it, that I was looking northward, so it would have been Miami.
"Lord, I want to know more about what's going to happen in the world and what I can do to help. You know I did not want to pry into things that are far beyond me."
At that point, this was during my prayer, before me was a beautiful white and sandy beach, edged with aquamarine waters. There's something strange, though. All the way down the beach, as far as the eye can see, large grey masses have been thrown up along the shoreline. As I looked more closely, I realized they were human bodies. It was so gruesome I dared not look any more closely.
I turned to the Lord and asked solemnly, "Where are we?"
He answered, "Nassau in the Bahamas.
"There will be carnage such as has never been seen. Do you remember the message you were given many years ago? 'Do not fear death, O' righteous inhabitants of Earth."'
And I do, I remember that, and I will share it with you at the end of this message.
We were now suspended above Earth between the Bahamas and Miami. Jesus was weeping and I was in shock. It was one blackened mass. At once we could see up close and there was not a survivor stirring.
"Are you listening to Me?" Jesus asked.
Numbness engulfed my entire being and I simply could not comprehend what I was seeing.
He began again. "You will still be on the Earth when this happens, but very quickly afterwards I will whisk you both away in the Rapture."
I asked, "How soon after this happens will You take us, Lord?"
He answered, "Within a week."
"Seven days?"
"At maximum. There's no reason for you to be here past that point."
"Lord, I don't know what to say."
"Such carnage as this has never before fallen upon the Earth. Never was it possible for a man to inflict this kind of damage on My Creation. Were not the End soon approaching, I would intervene - but it must happen this way for the fulfillment of Scripture. Because you are leaving so quickly, you will finally understand: there's no need to store up anything. Nothing to worry about, no shortage or lack."
I think it's worth noting here that there's been a lot of confusion over when the Rapture would happen: before the Tribulation, after the Tribulation, mid-Tribulation. I think that it is noteworthy the Lord said about the coming of the Son of Man in the 29th verse of Matthew 24.
Matthew 24:29-31 But immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he will send out his angels with a trumpet blast, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.
The point I'd like to make here is this series of events that fits this particular outlining here that the Lord gave is that, if you were to see the Earth from above and there was an exchange of nuclear missiles back and forth between the Middle East and US and Europe, it would be unprecedented chaos. And of course, from all of the release of pollutants from these bombs, the sun would be darkened and the moon wouldn't give it's light. That all fits that profile. And that the Lord sends out his angels to the four directions to gather His elect - that makes sense. And the trumpet blast - that makes sense that that would be the Rapture. So, it does indeed make sense that this atomic war would begin before the Rapture. That's not to say this is the Tribulation, this is something different. This is a war, a nuclear exchange that will wreak havoc on the planet and perhaps throw things off course in the heavens and certainly obscure the sun and the Moon.
I take this prophecy, this word from the Lord very seriously and it explains a lot to me as to how all this could come about and still be a pre-Tribulation Rapture.
And as an aside here, this is very interesting to me. I was starting to, well you know we have a food bank, I was ordering extra food to store up and the Lord rebuked me for doing that.
He said, "No, I don't want you to do that." and so I gave all that food away and stopped doing it. I couldn't understand why, but He explained it to me here. I'd like to leave food for other people, but out of obedience I'm not going to do it.
One thing is certain - the Scriptures must be fulfilled. Mercy leaves boundless room for God to intervene but certain things must take place. It is in His hands and in the prayers of our hearts to see to it that the greatest mercy possible could be shed on the world and the souls of those involved in these events. Especially the grace of conversion to these souls that don't know him.
Another thing in this message, in the timing of the Rapture being right after nuclear war on our soil that caught my attention, is that there will be a tremendous amount of grieving and repentance that will take place amongst the Christians in this country and in the world. A tremendous amount of looking at their lives and repenting.
And I think this is probably going to be the finishing touch on the Bride's garment - the things that have just been hanging there, and hanging and hanging for so long. And the enormity of the situation things are going to just fall right off, just gonna be blasted right off of the garment because the real priorities of life - loving God, loving our neighbor, eternity and the last things - these are going to come up and they're going to be very strongly in our minds at this time. And I believe that that's going to be one of the forces that will help to prepare the Bride.
I still think there's great possibility in this message and great merit that He's coming for His Bride in a time of unbelievable turmoil and agony in society.
Later on in this vision He continues:
"Tell them for Me, those who are destined for the sword, if you are caught in the midst of these events and are innocent of the sins of this culture, are repentant and reformed in Me, you will wear a martyr's crown and great glory will be yours in Heaven, because you survived with your soul intact, and remained faithful to Me in a wanton, reckless ungodly, generation. You have suffered for your faith, everything from ridicule to exclusion. I have been present with you each time you suffered reproach for My Name's sake and your recompense is on the way.
"Understand that once this time of unparalleled suffering begins, the living will envy the dead. For at that time, there will be great Tribulation such has not been since the beginning of the world until now nor ever will there be. There's great Joy awaiting you and your reception into Heaven will be the occasion of feasting and merriment. Your time of exile is almost at an end."
So, several years ago, (going into the message that He gave me) several years ago I was on a mission trip in South America and I beheld the vault of the deep blue sky as if from a space shuttle. The Earth was clearly before me and there were missiles being launched from one continent to another. They seemed to originate in the Middle East and land in America. When they hit, smoky gray clouds hovered over the area and spontaneously something like fourth of July fireworks shot up into the heavens all the way to the Throne of God. The fireworks ascending to the Throne of God were the souls of the just.
I heard this: "Do not fear death, O righteous inhabitants of the Earth."
Then the Lord began to speak. "See, I will bring devastation on this Earth, not by My design but by your own, O wicked men among mankind. You who have perverted the truth and robbed the poor: you, too, shall lament and wail; for what you have engineered to destroy others shall be your own undoing.
"Truly it is written of you: "Those who have dug the pit shall be the ones who fall into it. And those who set the snare shall themselves be caught in it." Proverbs 26:27
"Woe, Woe, Woe to you wicked amongst mankind. For the hour of your great undoing is upon you, but my righteous shall shine like the stars in the firmament. Fear not the hour of your death, for that day you shall be with Me in Paradise, and inherit your eternal reward - for to you I have given a crown of Victory."
"For those who have had a hand in planning the demise of the poor and helpless of the world, while making arrangements to save themselves, it is written:
Isaiah 28:15-18 Because you say, "We have made a covenant with death, and with the nether world are we have made a pact; when the overwhelming scourge passes, it will not reach to us; for we have made lies our refuge, and in falsehood we have found a hiding place." 16 therefore thus says the Lord God, "See, I am laying a stone in Zion, a stone that has been tested, a precious corner-stone as a sure foundation: he who puts his faith in it shall not be shaken.17 I will make a right measuring line of justice: a level. Hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, waters shall flood the hiding-place.18 Your covenant with death shall be cancelled, and your pact with the netherworld shall not stand; when the overwhelming scourge passes, you shall be trampled down by it."
And that was the end of His message.
So, it's an encouragement to believers and a warning to those who've planned all these things. Without going into the details, it's all over the Internet - the kind of intrigue and plots and planning that have happened in order to prepare us for this time, prepare themselves for this time and to wipe out and annihilate so much of America and so much of the world population.
But the Lord shall take those who are righteous and they mount up into Heaven like stars ascending to the Throne.
An Episode with the Holy Spirit (1/23/18)
I am at the hospital for the 4th day with my mom. Her blood pressure shot up to 233/110. So, I got in the car and drove 3 1/2 hours. About to go home! Yesterday, I had the Holy Spirit talk to me.
He said that I needed to say a message to the woman who sat 2 tables down (at the cafeteria). I told him I didn't want to. She sat alone and I felt like she was broken. I put the lunch containers in the round hole. I started to keep going, then, I heard him loud and clear. Walk to the woman and tell her the message I want her to know!
Yes sir! I walked to the woman and I said, "excuse me, but I listen to the Holy Spirit and he says it's okay, it's okay, it's okay!" I touched her arm like I knew her, and I (Holy Spirit) said the message to her.
The woman said, "Oh thank you, Lord! Thank you!" Then, I walked away. I went to the bathroom and I shook and cried Thank you, thank you, thank you to the Lord! And thank you for the woman receiving me! It was amazing! It was my first time doing that. The Holy Spirit said that I had done good!
This is a time where we need each other. We can reach out to certain people that the Lord deems and commands you to go to and give them a special message. If you are in a situation like I was, do not run from it! Embrace it! As long as the Holy Spirit needs you to talk to someone, do it!
As with everything you read, give it to the Lord! He will never lead you wrong! Ask for confirmation! Amen! Amen! A men!
Right now, forgive, repent of your sins, and call His name “Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus” and he will save you! You do not have a lot of time left to make the escapes! This is very, very important! Do not miss out on seeing the Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus. He loves you more than you could ever imagine! Cling to him and you will be safe in his arms. “Come to me, my love,” Said by Yeshua himself. There is but one God, one Yeshua, and one spirit. Be careful and read Ephesians 4:4-7. And read John 3:15-21. Oh, and read Ephesians 6:10-18 for the whole armour of God! We are going home soon!
To God be the glory!.................................................................................................................................................................
Ken Dewey: January 24, 2018
Last night about 1 to 2 am, I was praying seeking God and asking Him about any words concerning California. Please understand that the reason I was praying is I have heard so many words about California and about a terrible Earthquake that is coming [all the way back to 2008] that I have been aware of much Warning for that State.
I have watched the news daily, and checked with USGS almost every day for years. I do this because of the severe warning I did receive. You must know the night the Lord told me about the California Quake which was coming, it did scare me. I heard him say, YOU BETTER SIT DOWN BECAUSE I AM FIXING TO TELL YOU SOMETHING VERY HARD TO HEAR. The Lord went on to tell me there was coming a Quake like none others in California that would literally destroy much of the State and MANY LIVES would be lost. Much destruction.
The Lord has given me Words for San Francisco area which could cause one to not be able to sleep. He said large sections of San Fransisco would go down under and IN FLAMES. He said he would have to literally PULL PEOPLE TO SAFETY like he did in Sodom.
"The California Earthquake is in the Ground Forming EVEN AS I SPEAK. It is growing in intensity the longer it is prolonged [plates kept from shifting or do not shift].
It is NOT a question of WILL IT HAPPEN? but, IT IS ... WHEN WILL IT HAPPEN.
The Lord did explain to me something important about the Earthquake coming. He said to me I AM NOT DIRECTLY SENDING IT TO CALIFORNIA. He further said the reason. I cannot stop what Men do and their choices, I can only see them making choices. The fact that Men are Causing the Earthquakes to come upon them themselves because of their Choices. Explaining further He said: Men GIVE THE dEVIL RIGHT TO HURT THEM when they deliberately turn to Sin. Sin is a terrible choice!
The Lord spoke about the Scripture Warnings: "The soul that sins shall die." and "The wages of sin is Death".... "Whatsoever a man sows that shall he reap." The fact is He said, MEN SIN DELIBERATELY. Like for instance they Sin and REJECT THE TRUTH OF GOD which is clearly given to them, even written in their minds [a created knowledge or conscience of right and wrong]. Yet knowing that Sin is terrible and has penalty, they do it anyway, turning away from reality and continue on deliberately as if there was no penalty!
The Tongue is a Fire of Iniquity, according to James 3 and we see what great fires happen because of mans words. Even WARS begin because of LOOSE TALK AND REPEATED JARGON.
Fact is, The Lord said, MEN IN CALIFORNIA ARE REALLY SPEAKING BOLDLY AND STANDING UP IN FAVOR OF EVIL AT THIS MOMENT. We hear it in the News. We see the results of their Talk in the News as well....
We all have watched how California has been ravished by Fire, mudslides, drought, and earthquakes. We have all watched as California is in the News almost daily as some more tragic event takes place.
As one who Speaks what I hear the Lord say... and One who does Warn men everywhere to repent, I WRITE THIS WORD OF WARNING...
God is HOLY. God has created man, never intending that men would live such despicable lives of sin, impacted by a total rejection of God himself, and even his knowledge.
WHAT ALSO I AM HEARING is that California could lead out in DISASTER in front of all the Nation, because of their blatant sin, and rejection of the truth of God, and God himself. Many innocent men are NOT INNOCENT as long as they GIVE MOUTH TO AND THEIR ACCEPTANCE [personally or politically] to SIN.
The Lord has spoken to me about the sin of Sodomy, and I have been in his presence when he demonstrated to me personally his deep anger toward this sin. Of all the things I have heard about California, I hear about the sin of Sodomy, and how that sin is practiced and approved in the State.
I have heard as well about their harboring of evil wishing to protect evil and even make it a sanctuary. I hear of their Defiance of the Laws to protect evil.
I have heard about the awful and open cancer of sin coming up out of Hollywood, and how they portray sex as acceptable, along with violent crimes and evil acts of men, depicting them on the screen for all men to behold.
The last I will mention, [not last in order of significance ] is the sin of ABORTION, which murders the unborn.
I have written this Word in obedience to my Lord. Lord remember Mercy, and extend Grace, yet, and move to convict of sin and to bring men to true repentance. Lord STEP IN AND MOVE EXPOSING THE SINS and causing Men to be AWAKENED TO THEIR CHOICES AND HOW IT EFFECT THEM AND THEIR FUTURE.
Desert Prophet
The dream that I had of the nuclear annihilation of Miami and the message and the promise that came with this just a few days afterward.
I dreamt that I was on a white, sandy beach on a sub-tropical ocean and a fishing dory was nearby with fishing nets and primitive looking implements. It was obvious to me I was not in America. It was a sunny day, perhaps midmorning or early afternoon and I was occupied cleaning a fishing net when I turned and looked behind me, over my right shoulder across the ocean, and saw a first sized cloud on the distant horizon. It quickly began to swell, getting bigger and bigger and I realized that a city in the distance, though I could not see it, had just been struck with an atomic bomb.
I cried out, "Oh, my God!" and awoke from the dream.
Immediately, I knew the dream had been from Holy Spirit. All I could do was pray for mercy. Later I looked for the location of the city and determined that it was either Houston viewed from the eastern coast of the Baha, or Miami viewed from a Cuban beach. I'm pretty sure now, looking back on it, that I was looking northward, so it would have been Miami.
"Lord, I want to know more about what's going to happen in the world and what I can do to help. You know I did not want to pry into things that are far beyond me."
At that point, this was during my prayer, before me was a beautiful white and sandy beach, edged with aquamarine waters. There's something strange, though. All the way down the beach, as far as the eye can see, large grey masses have been thrown up along the shoreline. As I looked more closely, I realized they were human bodies. It was so gruesome I dared not look any more closely.
I turned to the Lord and asked solemnly, "Where are we?"
He answered, "Nassau in the Bahamas.
"There will be carnage such as has never been seen. Do you remember the message you were given many years ago? 'Do not fear death, O' righteous inhabitants of Earth."'
And I do, I remember that, and I will share it with you at the end of this message.
We were now suspended above Earth between the Bahamas and Miami. Jesus was weeping and I was in shock. It was one blackened mass. At once we could see up close and there was not a survivor stirring.
"Are you listening to Me?" Jesus asked.
Numbness engulfed my entire being and I simply could not comprehend what I was seeing.
He began again. "You will still be on the Earth when this happens, but very quickly afterwards I will whisk you both away in the Rapture."
I asked, "How soon after this happens will You take us, Lord?"
He answered, "Within a week."
"Seven days?"
"At maximum. There's no reason for you to be here past that point."
"Lord, I don't know what to say."
"Such carnage as this has never before fallen upon the Earth. Never was it possible for a man to inflict this kind of damage on My Creation. Were not the End soon approaching, I would intervene - but it must happen this way for the fulfillment of Scripture. Because you are leaving so quickly, you will finally understand: there's no need to store up anything. Nothing to worry about, no shortage or lack."
I think it's worth noting here that there's been a lot of confusion over when the Rapture would happen: before the Tribulation, after the Tribulation, mid-Tribulation. I think that it is noteworthy the Lord said about the coming of the Son of Man in the 29th verse of Matthew 24.
Matthew 24:29-31 But immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he will send out his angels with a trumpet blast, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.
The point I'd like to make here is this series of events that fits this particular outlining here that the Lord gave is that, if you were to see the Earth from above and there was an exchange of nuclear missiles back and forth between the Middle East and US and Europe, it would be unprecedented chaos. And of course, from all of the release of pollutants from these bombs, the sun would be darkened and the moon wouldn't give it's light. That all fits that profile. And that the Lord sends out his angels to the four directions to gather His elect - that makes sense. And the trumpet blast - that makes sense that that would be the Rapture. So, it does indeed make sense that this atomic war would begin before the Rapture. That's not to say this is the Tribulation, this is something different. This is a war, a nuclear exchange that will wreak havoc on the planet and perhaps throw things off course in the heavens and certainly obscure the sun and the Moon.
I take this prophecy, this word from the Lord very seriously and it explains a lot to me as to how all this could come about and still be a pre-Tribulation Rapture.
And as an aside here, this is very interesting to me. I was starting to, well you know we have a food bank, I was ordering extra food to store up and the Lord rebuked me for doing that.
He said, "No, I don't want you to do that." and so I gave all that food away and stopped doing it. I couldn't understand why, but He explained it to me here. I'd like to leave food for other people, but out of obedience I'm not going to do it.
One thing is certain - the Scriptures must be fulfilled. Mercy leaves boundless room for God to intervene but certain things must take place. It is in His hands and in the prayers of our hearts to see to it that the greatest mercy possible could be shed on the world and the souls of those involved in these events. Especially the grace of conversion to these souls that don't know him.
Another thing in this message, in the timing of the Rapture being right after nuclear war on our soil that caught my attention, is that there will be a tremendous amount of grieving and repentance that will take place amongst the Christians in this country and in the world. A tremendous amount of looking at their lives and repenting.
And I think this is probably going to be the finishing touch on the Bride's garment - the things that have just been hanging there, and hanging and hanging for so long. And the enormity of the situation things are going to just fall right off, just gonna be blasted right off of the garment because the real priorities of life - loving God, loving our neighbor, eternity and the last things - these are going to come up and they're going to be very strongly in our minds at this time. And I believe that that's going to be one of the forces that will help to prepare the Bride.
I still think there's great possibility in this message and great merit that He's coming for His Bride in a time of unbelievable turmoil and agony in society.
Later on in this vision He continues:
"Tell them for Me, those who are destined for the sword, if you are caught in the midst of these events and are innocent of the sins of this culture, are repentant and reformed in Me, you will wear a martyr's crown and great glory will be yours in Heaven, because you survived with your soul intact, and remained faithful to Me in a wanton, reckless ungodly, generation. You have suffered for your faith, everything from ridicule to exclusion. I have been present with you each time you suffered reproach for My Name's sake and your recompense is on the way.
"Understand that once this time of unparalleled suffering begins, the living will envy the dead. For at that time, there will be great Tribulation such has not been since the beginning of the world until now nor ever will there be. There's great Joy awaiting you and your reception into Heaven will be the occasion of feasting and merriment. Your time of exile is almost at an end."
So, several years ago, (going into the message that He gave me) several years ago I was on a mission trip in South America and I beheld the vault of the deep blue sky as if from a space shuttle. The Earth was clearly before me and there were missiles being launched from one continent to another. They seemed to originate in the Middle East and land in America. When they hit, smoky gray clouds hovered over the area and spontaneously something like fourth of July fireworks shot up into the heavens all the way to the Throne of God. The fireworks ascending to the Throne of God were the souls of the just.
I heard this: "Do not fear death, O righteous inhabitants of the Earth."
Then the Lord began to speak. "See, I will bring devastation on this Earth, not by My design but by your own, O wicked men among mankind. You who have perverted the truth and robbed the poor: you, too, shall lament and wail; for what you have engineered to destroy others shall be your own undoing.
"Truly it is written of you: "Those who have dug the pit shall be the ones who fall into it. And those who set the snare shall themselves be caught in it." Proverbs 26:27
"Woe, Woe, Woe to you wicked amongst mankind. For the hour of your great undoing is upon you, but my righteous shall shine like the stars in the firmament. Fear not the hour of your death, for that day you shall be with Me in Paradise, and inherit your eternal reward - for to you I have given a crown of Victory."
"For those who have had a hand in planning the demise of the poor and helpless of the world, while making arrangements to save themselves, it is written:
Isaiah 28:15-18 Because you say, "We have made a covenant with death, and with the nether world are we have made a pact; when the overwhelming scourge passes, it will not reach to us; for we have made lies our refuge, and in falsehood we have found a hiding place." 16 therefore thus says the Lord God, "See, I am laying a stone in Zion, a stone that has been tested, a precious corner-stone as a sure foundation: he who puts his faith in it shall not be shaken.17 I will make a right measuring line of justice: a level. Hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, waters shall flood the hiding-place.18 Your covenant with death shall be cancelled, and your pact with the netherworld shall not stand; when the overwhelming scourge passes, you shall be trampled down by it."
And that was the end of His message.
So, it's an encouragement to believers and a warning to those who've planned all these things. Without going into the details, it's all over the Internet - the kind of intrigue and plots and planning that have happened in order to prepare us for this time, prepare themselves for this time and to wipe out and annihilate so much of America and so much of the world population.
But the Lord shall take those who are righteous and they mount up into Heaven like stars ascending to the Throne.
Author Unkown
I believe this rapture dream I had last night is indicating that we must be very close!
First of all, before you can understand what this dream means I have to tell you about a dream I had a few years back.
In that dream I was walking down the hallway in my house when this demon jumped on my back. I kept walking. But the more I walked, the more it was dragging me down until finally it had me all the way down on the floor and it was on my back. I couldn't get it off...it was chocking me trying to kill me. But before it could succeed I turned into a vapor and escaped through the ceiling. End of Dream.
I knew that dream meant that we would be experiencing the worst spiritual battle of our life just before the rapture would take place.
Now last night's dream was very similar....
In this dream, I had my bag packed as if I were getting ready to go on a trip. It was sitting on the floor ready to go. As I went to pick up my bag to leave, a demon jumped on my back and wouldn't let go. He knew I was leaving and didn't want me to go. I screamed get off me and it was so strong I was struggling to get out of its grasp. Then I woke up!
This second dream seems to go along with the first dream, only this time, my bag was packed and I was about to leave. I believe that means the time frame could be now. We are getting close!
Hang in there, its going to be rough with these demons knowing their time is short! But just remember Jesus is with us and He is coming soon! God bless!
Word from the Lord; "You Will See a Heartache, Then a Miracle!"
by Jordan Christopher
Write these words that I say unto thee son. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. There is no other god before my Holy throne. My children, this is the time in which you all have been waiting for. Patiently and at times impatiently. For this is ok, this is part of the process. I will soon stand on the clouds and receive all who have made Me first in their lives. I am a just God, I am a fair God. No one who receives Me yet blasphemes My Name or My Holy Spirit will go at this time. You must come to the end of yourselves. You must lay down your egos and will so that I can reveal my plans to you. It is then that you can come to Me and receive My love for you. Time as you know it is wrapping up quickly. Things are coming together fast. You will see a heartache and then a miracle, the miracle of My return. Things are poised to take place right away, not later down the road. For if I am for you, who can be against you? I am God Almighty and there is none before me. I love you. Jesus Christ of Nazareth
A Flash Dream From Yeshua (1/19/18)
by Jordan Christopher
Write these words that I say unto thee son. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. There is no other god before my Holy throne. My children, this is the time in which you all have been waiting for. Patiently and at times impatiently. For this is ok, this is part of the process. I will soon stand on the clouds and receive all who have made Me first in their lives. I am a just God, I am a fair God. No one who receives Me yet blasphemes My Name or My Holy Spirit will go at this time. You must come to the end of yourselves. You must lay down your egos and will so that I can reveal my plans to you. It is then that you can come to Me and receive My love for you. Time as you know it is wrapping up quickly. Things are coming together fast. You will see a heartache and then a miracle, the miracle of My return. Things are poised to take place right away, not later down the road. For if I am for you, who can be against you? I am God Almighty and there is none before me. I love you. Jesus Christ of Nazareth
A Flash Dream From Yeshua (1/19/18)
This morning before I woke up, I saw a Solar Eclipse. It has not been planned. It is a surprise Solar Eclipse. It feels like it’s around the 26th - 27th of this month (which is actually the 17th of January). I also feel like we are going to change (transform) at that time! Yeshua said, “17 was said for a reason. I can’t tell you what it is, but it will change you forever! Be ready, I am coming!” That sure sounds like we are going to change on the 17th of January! That means that something really bad is going to happen. As evil arises so does the saints! We are ready LORD! Amen! Amen! Amen!
This morning in prayer, it is very apparent that he is coming to get us believers! Just a little while longer! We can and will obey! We love him with our hearts and we will stay that way until we are called home! This is meant to encourage those of you who may have doubt that he is coming. Yeshua said, “I AM COMING! Don’t be discouraged, be encouraged! I AM THE I AM, AND THERE’S NONE LIKE ME!” So, he is coming! Stay steady, ready, and prepared for the LORD! Do not fear! There can be no one or thing against you, if you have the LORD YESHUA!
As with everything you read, give it to the Lord! He will never lead you wrong! Ask for confirmation! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Right now, forgive, repent of your sins, and call His name “Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus” and he will save you! You do not have a lot of time left to make the escapes! This is very, very important! Do not miss out on seeing the Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus. He loves you more than you could ever imagine! Cling to him and you will be safe in his arms. “Come to me, my love,” Said by Yeshua himself. There is but one God, one Yeshua, and one Spirit. Be careful and read Ephesians 4:4-7. And read John 3:15-21. Oh, and read Ephesians 6:10-18 for the whole armour of God! Start looking up – our redemption draws nigh!
To God be the glory! We are going to be changed and then we do our last tasks on earth and then go HOME! All the brides shout that the LORD is near and that we are ready, Lord! Come, Lord Jesus, Come!
Amen! Amen! Amen!
Brother Todd from it is finished - youtube says that last year was the last super bowl. He let us see a clip of Oblivion that the Holy Spirit wanted him to see. Super Bowl is on the 4th day of February. Something is going to happen that day maybe. Could be a bomb? Who knows what is going to happen. Pray for protection for all the audience members!
A demon tried to get me, but I rebuked him and he had to flee.
I sang Jesus, Jesus, Jesus to the Lord to ward off evil. We have to really make sure our whole armour of God is on!
As with everything you read, give it to the Lord! He will never lead you wrong! Ask for confirmation! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Right now, forgive, repent of your sins, and call His name “Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus” and he will save you! You do not have a lot of time left to make the escapes! This is very, very important! Do not miss out on seeing the Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus. He loves you more than you could ever imagine! Cling to him and you will be safe in his arms. “Come to me, my love,” Said by Yeshua himself. There is but one God, one Yeshua, and one spirit. Be careful and read Ephesians 4:4-7. And read John 3:15-21. Oh, and read Ephesians 6:10-18 for the whole armour of God! We are going home soon!
To God be the glory!
An Audible from an Angel or the Holy Spirit
Sheryl (1/21/18)
"It is a 16 day countdown." The angels or the Holy Spirit said it. That means the end of the countdown is February 6 (our time). But, in actual time it is 1/27. I don't know if that means we are going to be able to escape or does it mean that everything falls apart on that day? It feels like the second choice is gonna happen. Well, it's exciting days that we live in! That's for sure!Brother Todd from it is finished - youtube says that last year was the last super bowl. He let us see a clip of Oblivion that the Holy Spirit wanted him to see. Super Bowl is on the 4th day of February. Something is going to happen that day maybe. Could be a bomb? Who knows what is going to happen. Pray for protection for all the audience members!
A demon tried to get me, but I rebuked him and he had to flee.
I sang Jesus, Jesus, Jesus to the Lord to ward off evil. We have to really make sure our whole armour of God is on!
As with everything you read, give it to the Lord! He will never lead you wrong! Ask for confirmation! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Right now, forgive, repent of your sins, and call His name “Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus” and he will save you! You do not have a lot of time left to make the escapes! This is very, very important! Do not miss out on seeing the Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus. He loves you more than you could ever imagine! Cling to him and you will be safe in his arms. “Come to me, my love,” Said by Yeshua himself. There is but one God, one Yeshua, and one spirit. Be careful and read Ephesians 4:4-7. And read John 3:15-21. Oh, and read Ephesians 6:10-18 for the whole armour of God! We are going home soon!
To God be the glory!
A Dream and Weird Stuff from Yeshua
Sheryl (1/20/18)I cannot wait to tell you all the weird things that has happened to me! It is the Lord, the Lord, and the Lord! Amen! Amen! Amen! If we are patient and quiet we will hear from the Lord! Ok, here goes!
We (me, Kelley, and Taylor) were at a type of bay. We were at the ocean front – apartment. I kept thinking why are we paying $650 for the apartment when we actually own a house in SC? We were either in Florida or California. I’m told it was California – the San Francisco area. At the bay, which was directly in front of our apartment, there were boats parked neatly everywhere we looked. We heard the horn sound! When we looked out the ocean was beautiful and expansive.
Me and Kelley went looking around for cheaper apartments. We went through a museum (I saw the word museum). But, when we went through the museum we thought “this is more of a souvenir shop.” We came out at a mowed lawn with trees on the side, and it looked very nice. Too nice, we knew we weren’t going to get anything else. So, we went through the museum and saw Taylor looking distraught. “Where did y’all go?” We told her that we went looking for a cheaper place of property and that it wasn’t going to happen.
We were hungry. We went to go through the museum, but it turned out to be a restaurant too. We were sitting down holding our menus and I said, “We should go for this one.” I pointed to the word and it said “Heaven.” Dream ended.
We were definitely in San Francisco. Something with California. Then, we went to the museum 3 times. That was where the menu selection came in to go to Heaven! Beautiful dream! Hallelujah!
After praying, I took the phone and it was in the 70's so I didn't charge it. This morning I looked at the phone and it was at 6%. The moment I plugged it up, it was 1% and had an exclamation point. After trying to use three chargers, nothing worked. I am still able to use the phone. I looked and listened to youtube. I asked Kelley about it and he said to restart the phone. I fast charged it after restarting it. It immediately started at 34%. That's just very strange. The 1% could be 1 more month. I'm just saying!
I looked at the cookies. I was told last night to get cookies - I was to get the Oreos. I said, "Okay, Lord." I haven't bought any cookies that I didn't bake myself in a long time. I reached for the Golden Oreos with thin wafers. On the ONLY one that was there (I looked) was $1.00 off if you buy two. Then, the coupon screamed at me that the cookies expires 2-28-2018. I think we are changing the 17th of February. The actual date is the 24th of February. Amen! Amen! Amen!
As with everything you read, give it to the Lord! He will never lead you wrong! Ask for confirmation! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Right now, forgive, repent of your sins, and call His name “Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus” and he will save you! You do not have a lot of time left to make the escapes! This is very, very important! Do not miss out on seeing the Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus. He loves you more than you could ever imagine! Cling to him and you will be safe in his arms. “Come to me, my love,” Said by Yeshua himself. There is but one God, one Yeshua, and one spirit. Be careful and read Ephesians 4:4-7. And read John 3:15-21. Oh, and read Ephesians 6:10-18 for the whole armour of God! We are going home soon!
To God be the glory!
Ken Peters: “I Have Seen the Tribulation”
In 1980, Ken Peters had a long, detailed dream about the coming tribulation period. This article provides the transcript and video of his amazing testimony. I took the liberty of moving a few of his comments to organize them by topic so the transcript is not exactly the same as the video.
Today, Ken Peters and his wife Tonya are Senior Elders at the The Gathering @ Corona, which is an Apostolic Prophetic Reformation church.
There have been rumors circulating that Ken Peters no longer believes his own dream. However, I received an email from him stating, “Dear brother please post for me that I stand behind the dream completely, never have recanted.” The IP address for the email matched the area where his church is located. I also spoke with Stan Johnson, founder of The Prophecy Club, which is where Ken Peters shared this testimony. Stan told me to his knowledge Ken never shared this testimony publicly before or after this recording. Even the day he shared it Ken was not sure if he would be able to do it because the memories were so disturbing. Stan said Ken never told him he had recanted his testimony. He is just reluctant to talk about it, which is understandable. So the rumors were not true.
At the time I received this dream I was not even a believer in Jesus Christ. I was raised in the Catholic Church but had never personally invited the Lord Jesus to come into my heart to be my Lord. As a practicing Catholic, I had no knowledge of what the Bible said about the tribulation period or any of the events of the last days.
When the dream began, I heard what sounded like a loud car horn. Then I saw people coming up out of their graves all over the world. People were not coming up out of every cemetery plot, just some of them. Even in the same cemetery there were other plots with nobody resurrected from them.
These resurrections were very violent. It was like the earth was receiving a small explosion and breaking open. I literally saw dirt flying. This was happening all over the globe. Those who were resurrected were clothed in white robes. It looked like they were wearing choir robes. The light glimmered off of their clothing. Their clothes and their bodies appear brighter than the sun. Their clothes made the men look very masculine and the women look very feminine. They looked mature but they did not look old. Those who had lost their hair had all of their hair back again. Young people who were resurrected were still young but yet had maturity about them.
All those who came out of the graves just disappeared. I never saw them go up into the clouds. They just vanished.
I did not see one single living person changed into a new body. I did not see any changes coming to any living person.
As soon as the resurrected people disappeared from the earth mass hysteria spread across all the people left on the earth. People had the appearance of absolute despair. There was pandemonium everywhere. There was mass chaos, lawlessness, and fear everywhere. I was able to see in many quadrants of the earth and this was not just happening in one nation but it was all over the globe. The hysteria brought perplexity to just about everyone. Everyone had a look of hopelessness on their face. Nobody seemed to be happy about living. Lawlessness and fear permeated society completely.
No one was isolated from the despair that was hitting the world. No one was hidden from it. It was engulfing the whole globe. I was able to see into different regions and different continents and everyone was experiencing this. It was almost as though the whole world had become like a third world nation, completely behind the times.
It was like every person on earth had just left their mothers funeral. That’s how people appeared. They were very grieving and despondent.
At that point, all electronic devices including televisions, telephones, radios, and computers all over the world were shut down for two weeks. I don’t know what caused them to shut down. The shutdown caused people everywhere to be alarmed. It was very disruptive to businesses everywhere.
After about two weeks electronic devices started working again. However, everything had changed. The content of what was being broadcasted was completely different. The message being broadcast was depicting a coming new world government and leadership. They announced that a man to lead the new world government would soon appear.
The new world leader then appeared on television. He spoke with great eloquence and charisma. He was soothing and promised answers to all current issues. He was smooth and extremely convincing. He was able to solve nearly all problems. He was a consummate communicator. He explained how this removal of people was God’s judgment upon them.
When Adolf Hitler spoke to the masses he had a demonic charisma that would draw people into his message. But that was nothing compared to this new world leader.
Since I was not a born-again Christian at the time that I had this dream, when I heard this man speak he began to convince me. This man was rallying the globe. It was very frightening.
Almost immediately he began to communicate through large-screen televisions that were strategically placed everywhere people met. All televisions were broadcasting the same message. When I had this dream in 1980, big screen televisions were not found everywhere. Neither were 24-hour news channels.
This man’s messages were about new times that had come upon us as human beings. He gave new directives for global peace. He talked about the need for giving up national citizenship for world citizenship. Even though these things disturbed me, I was also being pulled into it in my dream. I began to really think about relinquishing my citizenship and this alarmed me greatly. Even though the message pulled strongly upon me I somehow was not convinced about this new order.
I constantly heard the term new order and world order and new times but I never heard him use the term new world order. I don’t know why.
At staggering rates people were buying right into this plan that this man was releasing through the airwaves. There was no resistance. No one was fighting it. No one was saying anything publicly against it.
The man that I saw on the television, the man that could do signs and wonders and fix all the problems, I will never forget his face. As long as I live I will never forget his face. His face was almost supernatural in appearance. He was almost too perfect. For lack of better terms, he was the most handsome man I had ever seen. This man had everything going together for him, everything. He had kind of a chiseled look about his face. And everything about his appearance was almost perfect. When he spoke, there was a very strange quality about him.
Many years later, I read a scripture about the Lord Jesus Christ written by Isaiah the prophet saying Jesus had no comeliness or features that we would desire to behold him. In other words, Jesus was not some handsome specimen of a male. He was an average, rugged, probably different looking person. He was not the kind of guy that would be voted most likely to succeed on the GQ charts. But this guy that I saw was. He fulfilled that perfectly. Isn’t it amazing that the antichrist would be the antithesis to Jesus? That he would be just the opposite of Jesus Christ?
Although this man did not act necessarily prideful he was very brash. He still carried the ability and the charisma about him to levy people into his situations.
This new leader was not resisted on the implementation of any of his policies, not one. No one stood up to challenge him. No one in America started a revolution. There was no resistance whatsoever, not on a grassroots level, not on a national level, no one.
Television continually, almost daily, explained to us that if we would align ourselves with this new order we would be saved from all of life’s troubles. This is what this man said nearly every time he came on television. The new order was said to have all the answers to our problems and the leadership necessary to bring the change, causing the world to finally become the envisioned globe of peace. This is what we heard over and over.
I began to go into a serious depression. I began to ask myself if this was the end of the world.
I ran into an elderly gentleman. He was the first person in the dream that actually appeared to be friendly. You look like maybe he had some hope or might know what was going on. So I stopped him and asked him a few questions. I asked him, “Do you know what is happening in the world?”
He told me that the end was coming upon us and that he had not prepared for the times of the Lord. At this statement, sadness filled this man’s countenance. He went from being joyful to being very sad. He said to me that he had not been right with the Lord. Then he began immediately to tell me God’s plan for man’s salvation. He carefully reached around in his back pocket and looked around over both of his shoulders to see if somebody was watching him. He pulled out a little pocket book, a little Bible, and he began to flip the pages to Scriptures showing me different things in the word of God about my need for Jesus to be my savior. He told me that I had to ask Jesus to forgive me of my sinfulness and my sinful nature. He told me if I would do this I would be given eternal life and that God’s power would lead me during this life. He told me God would give me a victorious life.
I said, “Well, that sounds pretty good.” I was convinced and so I prayed. I accepted Christ into my heart in my dream. This is a very strange occurrence to be a Catholic person, not knowing how to find Christ by the born again experience through the repentance of sins and receiving this in a dream. What’s even more interesting is when I woke up from the dream I could not comprehend it. It took two weeks after the dream for me to become a Christian.
So I prayed the prayer with him. He put his hands on me and prayed some different prayers. As soon as this happened joy began to fill me. I did just as he said. I asked Jesus to forgive me for my sinful ways and to fill my heart with his presence.
There was something unusual about this man because he had a small following with him. These were people that had accepted his message that he was telling them about Jesus Christ.
A very unusual thing was occurring at this time in the earth. Babies were being abandoned just about everywhere. Almost on every street corner were babies being abandoned left in their little baby seats or baby baskets. This was very strange because they were anywhere from infancy to 16 or 18 months old. I could tell there were not any babies over the age of two.
We begin to pick up children everywhere and we began taking care of these children. I kind of joined up with this group of people because they were the only ones that seem to have any peace at this time anywhere in the whole earth that I had experienced.
Some very unusual things were happening with this group of people. It was amazing to me how they could meet people’s physical needs. They would always run into people that were in need and they would meet their needs and then somehow lead them to Christ. No I didn’t know how to do any of this yet because I had just hooked up with them.
In the dream my wife had also become a Christian, a believer in Jesus Christ. We were both hooked up with this man, helping him out.
At this point my wife and I began to really connect with this man and his followers. Some other things that were very strange to me was that things just somehow seemed to work out for this man and this group of people in the most unusual ways.
During the dream I didn’t know what was going on. I did not know that God got involved in the affairs of men. As I grew up religiously I did not see God in that aspect. But I saw very unusual events happening with this band of followers. Food would multiply. Very unusual things would happen. They would pray for people and people would be healed.
These so-called Christians were coming to the old man and his team of people and they were explaining how they once had a relationship with Jesus but had become cold in their faith and fell away from interest in a life of holy passionate pursuit of God. For a short period of time people were coming to Jesus in total surrender. I was able again to see above the globe and what I saw was very unusual. I got to see certain regions of the earth where light rays were just coming out high into the atmosphere. It almost looked like those big searchlights with the flame on the inside of them except that these were very brilliant, almost supernatural in appearance. After I saw these shooting out from the globe in many different directions I was given the ability to go down into these regions and actually see firsthand what was happening. Let me tell you, it was the most exciting thing I have ever seen. It is the very thing that gives me the determination to continue doing what I’m doing right now. If it were not for this part of the vision I would not minister in America anymore. I would move away completely.
Here is what happened. I began to see 12 regions in the United States of America and all over the globe where these beams of light would just come out and begin to shine into the atmosphere. When I got down close, what I saw was mass revival hitting the earth. I did not see any Ken peters. I did not see any big-name evangelist or prophets or apostles for famous television personalities, Not one. All I saw was every day normal children of God ministering in the power like Jesus described in the Bible with the disciples. This was happening on a wholesale basis, everywhere! People were praying for sick people and they would be healed instantly. They would pray for blind eyes and they would be opened. They would pray for dead people and they would be resurrected. They were praying for the lost to come in. What I saw was the greatest thing I have ever witnessed since I have been alive. Nothing I have ever witnessed on earth could compare to what I was allowed to see. This period of time lasted about three or four months, maybe six months max. Maybe that long. It was so incredible! Regions were totally won For Jesus Christ.
What I saw was so incredible that it was almost unbelievable. Jesus said in John the works that I do you will do and greater works you will do. I did not see any greater works but I saw a greater quantity. I didn’t see anything greater than raising a dead person, but I did see a greater quantity. It was almost like everybody was like Jesus walking around doing these works. You did not have to have a pulpit to stand behind to do this in this part of the dream. As a matter of fact I never saw anyone standing behind a pulpit. I think they finally understood the purpose of the ministry is equipping and releasing you to go out and be God’s superstars.
This outpouring lasted for a short period of time and literally in regions there was complete light and right next door, which would almost be like a city next to it, would be complete darkness. There began to be an agitation in the spirit realm that was incredible.
While I was on my way to make a business transaction a very unusual thing happened. There was an earthquake while I was on my way to the bank. I was just entering the bank. Across the street from my bank there was a large seven-story building. This was a triangle looking building. It was all glass in its appearance. In this dream, an earthquake hit and began shaking this glass building. It fell over and killed about 200 people. This earthquake was massive. I know from what I saw with the globe shaking at this point that it was a worldwide earthquake.
The earthquake hit and there were multiple, millions of lives lost. The world was completely stunned. The devastation to property and loss of life was beyond comprehension. It could not be measured. Some regions were so destroyed that they never bothered to send rescue teams in. That’s how devastated they were. This destruction was global. It reached the whole globe.
The earthquake caused a massive change in weather patterns. The normal weather patterns completely changed. The patterns for winter became summer and summer became winter. You might have a day of snow and a day of heat. The world was in total chaos in this weather patterns. Predicting the weather became totally impossible. It was just useless to try to forecast weather. Predictions did not work.
Some very unusual things began to happen almost immediately. Crops began to perish due to droughts. I was able to see all over the glow the most fertile areas, the most fertile farming areas. I live at the time of this dream in the most fertile farming area in the whole world, the San Joaquin Valley of California. These areas were totally destroyed with drought and famine. Places that were once fertile were now arid deserts. It was almost hard to comprehend what I was seeing. It was almost immediate. It was like somebody just took things and twisted the whole order.
The thing that was strange to me was that weather seemed to have its own mind. The earth being shaken from its axis manipulated the weather. I was above the earth and I saw it shaking. I saw the earth rocking around like it was a drunken person trying to walk. It was very frightening to me.
I can’t tell you how hopeless or empty I felt after seeing these things happening. Many times I wished I could have just woken up and pretended these things were not really happening.
Right about at the time that this earthquake hit, very unusual things began happening with the laws. I began to see local municipalities and no longer were the police departments the enforcers of the laws. But military police driving very unusual looking vehicles that I now know are called Humvees.
The vehicles I saw were black and were on just about every corner of every main thoroughfare. The back cans were campus and there were men standing in the back of them wearing black uniforms and blue ball caps or blue helmets. The man standing in the back was wearing a blue helmet.
I did some checking and learned that in 1980 there were no blue helmets or blue ball caps worn by any military on earth.
There was a big radio antenna or some sort of a device in the back of the Humvee. On the other side in the back there was a flag. It looked like the guy standing in the back had some sort of big gun. I was able to look inside and on the inside there was what I know now to be a laptop type of computer sitting on the dash. It had a computer screen that looked much like the airplane that I rode in today. They could look into this computer and it gave him all sorts of information.
What was unusual was that they were fairly peaceful. They were not rude. They were not mean to people. They were not obnoxious. I did not see any looters or anybody getting shot or anything like that. They seemed to be peaceful.
One thing that was happening was you could not cross state lines at this time without papers. Current papers were required to cross state lines. That was very strange to me.
At the same time I saw streetlight stands with little oval shaped cameras on top of them. In this dream it was revealed to me that these cameras new the whereabouts of everybody’s vehicles.
The changes took place almost instantly and with complete ease. There was peaceful martial law. Military vehicles were everywhere. They knew everyone’s whereabouts. I found out how they began to know this. I did not understand this at first until it was revealed to me.
All of the nations of the world became as one. There were no longer any sovereign individual nations. Continents were no longer divided into countries but were divided into regions.
As time progressed in the dream, I was given the ability by being in homes that television sets not only broadcast and transmitted programming but they now had the capacity to actually send signals about what you are doing in your living room. I was able to see the television sets were actually watching people in their homes, monitoring their movements, monitoring their conversations. I was shown in the dream that the television did not even need to be on. It just needed to be plugged in. Later, I found out that televisions made after 1992 can in fact watch you.
The awareness of God being on the global scene was nearly impossible to detect. The global order had no presence of God in it whatsoever. Evil began to pervade every aspect of society. Darkness was everywhere. There was a clear line between who was God’s people and who was not. You could walk down the street and you would know instantly who was who. It was not like it is right now when we sometimes wonder who is saved and who is not. This was so evident. There was a clear line of delineation. Spiritual demarcation was clearly seen.
At this point when all these miracles begin to happen this world order became very angry because what was happening was beyond their control. They were not able to manipulate it or stop it from happening. This makes the devil very mad. He gets very mad when we start functioning in the real power of the living God. That’s when he really starts pulling all the stops out to try to do anything he can to stop the work of God. This was about to begin to happen.
I began to see persecution on unprecedented scales.
At this point another unusual things happen. This outpouring of blessing and this outpouring of persecution began to be really stepped up and people were taken. I saw many penitentiaries all over the United States, especially concentrated in California. In the dream I saw many state prisons. In 1983 the Holy Spirit Told me he was allowing the devil to build prisons in the state of California that would eventually become detention centers for Christians. These prisons were being built in rural areas that were normally 15 to 25 miles off of any main highway. I asked him why would that be the case and he said, “So that those people can be taken during the night hours.”
Something spoke to me on the inside and said get out of here as fast as you can. I began to think to myself, “Oh my goodness, it is the end of the world now.”
I began to run to my house as fast as I could. While I was running I heard in my spirit, the following scripture passage.
“It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.” (Revelation 13:16-17).
Now I am running back to my house as fast as I can because I am realizing my wife is there and she is alone. I reach for the doorknob and began to pull the door open. Another scripture came into my spirit at that time from Matthew 24, which says do not go back into your house.
So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’ spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand, then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. Let no one on the housetop go down to take anything out of the house. Let no one in the field go back to get their cloak. (Matthew 24:15-18)
I opened the door to see the most demonic presence I have ever seen. This presence that I encountered at the front door as I opened the door was very dark with a shroud of black around him. It was not his skin that was dark. It was a shroud of darkness around and over this being. This being was very sinister looking. Just his presence gripped my heart with great fear. At this point I began to scream as loud as I could.
Then I woke up from the dream. At that point the dream had been going for several hours. Later, I fell asleep again and instantly the dream started exactly where it left off.
I was facing this very sinister creature. It was very intense and it gripped my heart. I slammed the door and ran off. I realized that my wife was not in my home and that she was gone. I knew this by this presence.
It is hard to tell you how afraid I was. I have since learned how to combat demons so I am not afraid of that anymore. They don’t usually go with me anymore because I know how to pray now. But at this time I had no comprehension about how to deal with this evil being.
So I began to run and I ran and I ran. In the dream I ran a couple of miles. I got caught by one of these strange looking police trucks. They knew my name even though I didn’t tell them my name.
They took me to this government building. It was a large building. They took me into a room and there was my wife and this older gentleman that I began to call you evangelist. They had already been captured. These people knew exactly where to take me. That was very astounding to me because I wondered how do they know all of these things about people.
They began to politely interrogate us. They began asking us to be cooperative and to come into agreement with this new government and everything will be fine for you. Well, my wife is one of the boldest Christians I have ever met. She is also one of the kindest and most gentle believers I have ever met. But she will get in the devil’s face. She and this older man began to preach to these people that were trying to convince us of this new alignment of this government.
So they took us out of that room and let us in another room. Now there was a lot of mind control interrogation. I could feel my mind being pulled into this new order. I began thinking if we just don’t cause any trouble it will be okay. That is how my mind began to function. But the older gentleman and my wife began to fight this with all of their spiritual strength and they challenged it with scriptures.
It was amazing to me because our capture was almost as though they had planned it out.
When we were being interrogated the mind control was phenomenal. It was not like any human being could do in an interrogation. My mind began to really be slept with anxiety and fear. Because my wife and this older gentleman kept being very bold and in your face with them they took us out of that room and into this very long corridor. In this corridor there were thousands of people lined up. The corridor seemed to be at least 100 yards long. It was probably longer than that. Every five or six minutes the people in this long line would take a step forward.
We had been in this line for a long time when people would barge in through the doors on the sides of the corridor and began to grill people and tell them to renounce their faith. They would never use the name Jesus. They would never use the name Jesus Christ. They would never use the name God. They would say you should renounce your faith in him while you can still live. They would say your faith is empty. It was a blasphemous challenge that these people were bringing against the people in the line. Every so often, someone in the line would crack. They would just collapse and these people would drag them away. They would renounce their faith in Christ.
It made me very uneasy to be in this line because I was not sure what they were going to do to us. I wondered if they were going to put us in prison or maybe beat us up.
Eventually we made it through a battery of three double doors. After going through the last double doors we were put into a holding cell. There was the old man in the front of the line and then my wife and then myself. They took this older gentleman into the room and closed the doors very quickly. I do not know what happened to him.
About six minutes or so later they opened the doors wide open and what I saw made me experience the emptiest feeling I have ever experienced in my whole life. I saw this man that was very big. He was tall like a professional basketball player but was very big like a professional football player. He had a big satin hood over his head with eyeholes to see out.
My wife was in front of me and they began telling her she should renounce her faith and live. Now I realized what was happening because this man was standing there with a huge sword. It was a very frightening looking sword. I saw this table that was a little longer than the average human being and a little bit wider. My wife said she was not going to renounce her faith in Jesus. She began to preach to them powerfully. She began to rebuke the devil. They got angry and strapped her down on this table with her face up. This man was standing behind her with this sword. So he took the sword and chopped her head right off, right in my presence, I saw it.
This sword left an indelible mark in my life. Later I saw the same sword on the red cap worn by the Shriners. Their caps are called the Fez. They are red because they have promised to dip them in the blood of Christians. The sword is called the sword of scimitar.
I was more afraid of what was going to happen to me next than the fact that my wife had just died. I was more concerned about my life then with her dying. I was very afraid. I knew that I was going to die now. In my mind I knew that I was not going to make it. I was paralyzed. My mind began to torment me so much I almost literally blanked out. My stomach began to shout almost out loud asking Jesus to help me. The message could not get out because my mind was paralyzed. It was like I had the flu. My teeth were chattering and I was shaking with chills. I could not process my thoughts whatsoever. It was as though I had totally lost all faculties of my mind, my ability to cognitively be aware of what was going on. It was terrible. Although it only lasted for five or six minutes, it seemed like hours because of the extreme weight of this attack on me.
I began to really try to cry out to God from my stomach. Today I know it was my spirit crying out but in the dream it seems like a war in my stomach. Finally it was like something penetrated out of my stomach into my mind and I was able to spiritually call on Jesus and say, “I am afraid Jesus. Please save me. Help me.”
At the very instant that communication happened, I felt a hand grip my shoulder. For a brief period of time I was actually more interested in the hand gripping me then I was in what was happening to me. As soon as this hand gripped me I got very warm and the chills left me. It was as though my mind could now see and I could comprehend clearly what was going on.
I will never forget the hand. It was a very rugged looking hand. It looked as though it had been through a great deal of work. It was almost like a man that is a blue-collar worker who uses his hands like a mechanic for a builder or a plumber. It was a very thick hand. It was a very solid hand. After a few moments I turned back and there was the Lord Jesus Christ standing behind me. All of a sudden he looked me in the eyes. He looked at me very sternly. It was not like a reproof or a conviction. It was more like he was just looking and peering into my life.
At the very moment I looked at him, his eyes were not brown or green or blue or anything like that. They appeared to be red like fire. They were looking clearly through my whole life. Somehow at that moment I was able to realize that him looking at me was actually looking through me. He knew everything about me. He knew my strengths. He knew my weaknesses. He knew every lie deep down inside of me. He knew every deception. He knew every place that I was afraid and that I had compartmentalized. By him looking into me, my whole being was exposed to me. It was very frightening. It was a very intense moment. I wish I could say that seeing Jesus at that moment made me very happy. It did not. It made me very fearful. I understand now what the fear of the Lord is because of that experience.
A few moments after realizing my own depravity, He spoke to me. He looked sternly into my eyes and said, “Fear not my son for death will never hold you.”
Instantly it was like courage flooded through me. I wish I could tell you that I got very bold and preached a great sermon and got everybody saved. But I didn’t. It was just courage to go through what was before me.
I knew that he had saved me because of the prayer I prayed with the older man. When I looked at Him I knew He was the Lord of all and the king of every king. When I saw him I knew there was not one me that would not bow to him. There was not one tongue that would not confess him as Lord regardless of what side of the coin they are on when he reveals himself to them as Lord. Every knee will bow. This presents that he stood in was so powerful and so awesome and so anointed and so terrible that you knew there was no power on earth that could challenge Him.
Then these men strapped me down and they said, “You can renounce Him.” I said, “No, I cannot renounce Him for He is the Lord of all and he should be your Lord.”
That was my great sermon. I wish it could have been a lot longer but probably if I had got going with it I would have messed it up like I had messed up everything else.
When this man cut my head off I saw that as soon as it touched my neck, the moment the blade touched my neck, I was gone. I felt no death whatsoever. I was standing their holding a person’s hand and I was looking down upon the scene. It was very grotesque. My head was cut off and I was bleeding profusely. Even though this hand was holding me up in the air I was actually more interested in seeing me dead then I was interested in the fact I had been delivered from death.
All of a sudden, I looked down and realized it was another one of these rugged hands holding my hand. I looked up and it was the Lord again. It was the Lord Jesus Christ.
At this point now it went from a stern, powerful, all-knowing God to a God who was holding my hand that gave me the understanding that now I was his son. I was his brother. He was not a shame to call me his brethren. All of a sudden, I had an understanding that I was equal with him. Not as God the deity or is Jesus the son of God, but as a son of God. I was not THE son of God as in the only begotten son of God, but I was a son of God. There was equality in the sense that we were brothers now. It was no longer a fearful thing for me to stand in his presence. There was immense acceptance. There was immense understanding. I had a clear understanding of things that I can preach now with great fire.
The Scripture says, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.” I know that when His children are coming to Him, it is precious to God.
When his children are coming through death it is precious to him. When he gathered me to himself in death, He showed me the scripture says it does not appear what we shall be but we know that when he appears we shall be like him. At that moment, I was like Jesus. I was like him in image, in faculty, in understanding. I could no longer see any of my weaknesses. None of my frailties were known to me any longer. I was completely delivered out of all of that. Truly to be in the presence of the Lord is to be like him.
All of a sudden, the man with the hood pulled off his hat and threw it down and said, “I will not kill another one of these people.” With that the dream was over.
Not only was Ken Peters not a believer at the time he received this dream, but he also did not know what the Bible says about the coming events of the last days. His ignorance of the scriptures makes him the ideal candidate to receive this dream because he had no agenda and no bias for or against any church doctrine. The church has been divided over questions about the timing of end-time events like the rapture of the church. But Ken Peters was wide open and simply reported what he saw in the dream exactly as it happened.
All prophetic words must be judged by the word. By that standard, I am not aware of any scriptures contradicted by this dream. Personally, I believe the dream is from the Lord and that it provides us insights that can help us gain a better understanding of the scriptures than we would otherwise have. I gained the following insights from this dream:
1. The Rapture:
Christians are divided regarding the timing of the rapture. Some believe it happens before the tribulation (pre-trib). Others believe it happens in the middle of the tribulation (mid-trib). Still others believe it happens at the end of the tribulation period (post-trib). Ken Peters only saw the resurrection of believers who were already in the grave. He did not see the rapture of any living person. However, just because he did not see that event does not mean the living believers were not also taken at the same time. A careful reading of 1 Thessalonians 4:18 reveals that the living believers will be caught up together with the dead in Christ in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.
But we do not want you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus. For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words. (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 NASB)
Since the living are “caught up together with them” we can conclude both groups must be taken during the same rapture. Otherwise, they would not be able to meet together in the clouds. The Lord brought with Him those believers who had already died because their spirits had gone to heaven without their bodies. They have been living in heavenly bodies while their earthly bodies are still in the grave. At the rapture, their bodies will come up out of their graves all over the world. Their spirits will then move back into their earthly bodies, which will be re-created by God at that time. So then both groups, the living and the dead, will finally be together, both living in heaven in their earthly bodies, which will be changed by God at the rapture to make them immortal and imperishable (1 Corinthians 15:51-57). Their bodies will no longer be decaying day by day (2 Corinthians 4:16). It is also interesting that Ken Peters described them in their new bodies as being brighter than the sun.
2. Those Who Are Left Behind:
Among those who are left behind, many will realize what happened and they will repent and get saved. That is exactly what Ken Peters saw when he encountered the older gentleman. Those believers will be rounded up and taken to detention centers where they will be told they must accept the mark of the beast or be killed by the antichrist. Many will refuse the mark and will be martyred, just as he saw in the dream. It will be very unpleasant for those who are left behind, but they can still be saved by turning to the Lord. In fact, in the dream Ken Peters himself was one of those people who was saved after the rapture and was beheaded for his faith. We see in Revelation 20 these people are part of the first resurrection and they will reign with Christ for a thousand years on the earth.
I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. (Revelation 20:4-5)
Those who are left behind will endure great trials, but God gives special blessings to those who endure to the end.
Blessed and holy is the one who has a part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with Him for a thousand years. (Revelation 20:6)
They will live on the earth during the thousand year reign of Christ. There will continue to be mortal human beings living on earth with them during that time, but those who overcame the onslaught of the antichrist will be ruling and reigning with Christ and living in immortal, imperishable bodies.
3. The Trumpet Blast:
The car horn that Ken Peters heard at the start of the dream was the trumpet blast that coincides with the resurrection of the dead in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
4. Famines and Earthquakes:The famines and earthquakes described in the dream are scriptural. Matthew 24:7 specifically tells us there will be famines and earthquakes in various places.
5. The Executions:
The gruesome execution method described in the dream is very much in line with scripture. Revelation 4:20 specifically tells us there will be many believers beheaded during the tribulation because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God.
I did not find anything contrary to scripture in any part of this dream. In summary, it helped me to see the sequence of events and the nature of the events more clearly. I thank God for this revelation and I hope it has helped you also!
A Dream from Yeshua 1/18/18
I saw NY again! The thing was I was on a ski lift, but it wasn’t snowing. I was trying to keep the rider with me less scared. I noticed the trees were in good shape. Before long I was able to get off the ski lift. We were in New York. It’s like I had to go to New York, so I took the ski lift. Dream ended.
The funniest thing is that I have never even gone to a ski resort. I wouldn’t know how to get on and off and I sure would be scared of heights. But, in the dream, I wasn’t afraid. It was the quickest mode of transportation to get from SC to NY. This was definitely during a time in the future. It was about NY. It was so real. I felt it. Everything felt real! I knew there were no cars or trucks – they were out of the picture. No more. They must have put the ski lift up in the years to follow the EMP. NY was still there, amazingly! I mean, I was going to visit it for some unknown reason. It didn’t say New York City, only New York.
Weird dream!
Later – “Can’t you hear my heartbeat” by Herman’s Hermits was playing in my mind!
I said, Okay. Lord, I want confirmation. We went out to get groceries and I received my confirmations. First, I saw the most beautiful blue birds. There were 3 of them and their wings were pretty and bright. I usually see brown birds not any blue birds. When I got home, I looked up the state bird for New York; it is eastern blue birds! Then, the last thing I saw was a really nice yellow car that had a New York Yankees emblem on the back. Where I of course could see it! Confirmations received by Yeshua!
I believe I am going to be around long enough to see whatever is going to happen with New York! I’ve had way too many dreams about New York. It is gonna involve bombs and a tsunami. Check out the IT IS FINISHED video – the one that has shoe nami. He has his own thing about 3-1-1! 9-1-1 is tomorrow on the Gregorian calendar. On the corrected Gregorian calendar (given to me by God himself) the 29th of January is the 9-1-1. So, I mean if it is going to happen (9-1-1), then it will probably be one of the two days. Just saying something is going to go down with New York City someday really soon!
I do not know why I am dreaming about New York again! I just know that Yeshua wants the people to be warned in New York City! (And Manhattan, New Jersey, and Boston Massachusetts.) If you are told by the Lord God to leave and do not obey, may the Lord God, Jehovah Elohim be with you!
As with everything you read, give it to the Lord! He will never lead you wrong! Ask for confirmation! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Right now, forgive, repent of your sins, and call His name “Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus” and he will save you! You do not have a lot of time left to make the escapes! This is very, very important! Do not miss out on seeing the Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus. He loves you more than you could ever imagine! Cling to him and you will be safe in his arms. “Come to me, my love,” Said by Yeshua himself. There is but one God, one Yeshua, and one spirit. Be careful and read Ephesians 4:4-7. And read John 3:15-21. Oh, and read Ephesians 6:10-18 for the whole armour of God! We are going home soon!
To God be the glory!
Following images received among others from Thomas, I send you this short reflection.
This morning, it made me dizzy to look for the diagram attached from 2014 to 2019 where we can see all the series of tetrads, because there is 3 blood moon until January 2019, since 31.01 .2018.
I thought I'd look for the number of days separating them ... and no wonder, it's like the number of days between the 2014-2015 blood moons ... and the earthquakes (2016-2018)
177 days each time !!! to a day, because it seems that there are once 177 days and then 178 days. But perhaps we must not take into account one day? in short, it's special again.
This brings us to the space of 177 days in 2014-2015, then in 2016-2018 for earthquakes of more than 7, then 2018-2019 with 3 moons of blood, spaced 177 days.
Could we dare to say that the kidnapping will arrive at the latest during this 3rd series of 177 days which takes place at most until January 2019 !!! good possible, is not it?
So much for my reflection ...
My son dreamed that night from 17 to 18 January 2018 that he was at his scouting activity on Saturday afternoon (Swiss time) and he heard the trumpet ring, and he went up with his brother who also participates in the scout . And when he got to heaven, he found us there. End of the dream. Would it be possible for this to happen this Saturday, January 20, 2018? We will see it well.
Be blessed.
Traveling Dream by El aine
While this doesn’t seem like a dream about nothing particular; it was awesome when I figured it out. I believe I was waiting with a young man (Jesus). We had been working (giving the message of Jesus). Then, all of a sudden the “work” hours changed. We had 3 hours to do nothing. Could that be “days” instead of “hours?” Maybe we were to spend the 3 days of doing nothing but witnessing to get as many people as we can be saved and healed? Then, we were told to return to the same spot after 3 hours.
What if it was “hours” we were referring to? We didn’t want to go anywhere for 3 hours. So, we stayed. This would mean that we were already changed (transformed) and had gotten all of our “work” done. We were waiting for the 3 hours to arrive. It was a feeling of anticipation!
This reminds me of an audible I recently had where I was given a message by Yeshua. He said that we are to go to the 24th skip over 3 days and then it will be the escape. How are we going to skip through 3 days? My way of thinking is the 4th of January (Torah) is the 24th day. Some thoughts to think about!
There isn’t a work place that takes 3-hour breaks or 3-day breaks. So, this has to mean something else entirely. And, Yeshua wanted me to decipher the dream and give it to you. Well, based on the Word of Yeshua, it is days not hours for his audible message. It is hours for the dream. In essence, it is correct!
He had “Georgy girl” by the seekers was playing in the mind. Which I find that kind of odd. But, it is about a young girl who is in need of showing her love. She window shops and doesn’t buy a thing. She would rather run away from the world, and not take it on. The word is from Greek and it means “farmer” for either boys or girls. It makes sense when you hear about how the young lady acts. She is a farmer because she deals with her own and doesn’t deal with their own. I can see how I could be the farmer. If I had land and animals I wouldn’t mind trying to farm. But, I wouldn’t be able to talk to people, strangers at Wal-Mart. I think that song is trying to say that “We are not of the world, but we are in the world.” John 17:16 Jesus says, “They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.” But, he still preached, and taught, and healed! He went into the world, but was never a part of the world! That is what we need to practice!
As with everything you read, give it to the Lord! He will never lead you wrong! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Right now, forgive, repent of your sins, and call His name “Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus” and he will save you! You do not have a lot of time left to make the escapes! This is very, very important! Do not miss out on seeing Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus. He loves you more than you could ever imagine! Cling to him and you will be safe in his arms. “Come to me, my love,” Said by Yeshua himself. There is but one God, one Yeshua, and one spirit. Be careful and read Ephesians 4:4-7. And read John 3:15-21. Oh, and read Ephesians 6:10-18 for the whole armour of God! We are going home soon!
To God be the glory!
An Answer from Yeshua. (1/15/18)
The coming events are
1) The fall of the asteroid.
2) The impact of the asteroid will stop the earth 3 days of darkness that are not under the light of the sun at that time.
3) A 12 point earthquake will be felt around the world.
4) The shockwave that will travel the world. It will produce winds that are 300 mph.
5) The tsunami or tidal wave (may take from seconds to hours to arrive in our country) will produce all rivers overflowing due to coastal flooding.
6) Plagues of pestilence due to the bodies decomposed in the water and land. People will not be able to get to them, because they will be in darkness.
7) Scarcity – water, food, medication, & resources. Make sure you have enough. The video says 15 months, but I was told that what I bought was enough: I only needed to buy water and breakfast bars and peanut butter to do a short time. Martial law will be established!
This is God’s wake up call! Look to Yeshua for everything! There should be no fear if you are bound to the Master! Ask Lord Yeshua what he wants you and your loved ones to do to be prepared for the asteroid! He will tell you! Unless you are directed by the Holy Spirit, DO NOT RELOCATE! There will be protection from where you are as long as you cling to Him! 2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Revelation 3:10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. There are angels around our homes! We will need Yeshua’s refuge to get us through! God will take care of our families if we are bound to Christ! We all are given instructions as to where to go at different appointed times. Wait for the instructions of the LORD! Obey! If the authorities ask you to evacuate your area, do so. The Lord can use the authorities to protect you.
Your only means of salvation and protection: Repent and Call on Yeshua/Jesus! You must believe! Pray for your neighbors and relatives to protect them. Anoint your home with oil: Your heart is your possessions and all that you are to him. You can pray over the oil (Psalms 91) and put it on the doorframe. (I do not believe it helps to do this. But, if you want to do it, by all means, do it. I went from believing it was true to just believing in Him.) Bind our souls, conduct, and heart to Yeshua/Jesus!
There have been others to dream about Puerto Rico. I had a dream where it was a hurricane that hit Puerto Rico. It all hinges on the Puerto Rico! Many people have had the dreams of Puerto Rico – it is going to happen! Very soon!
There have also been several dreams of people who have had the tsunami. It has been in video with U2. It has been in the I, Pet Goat 2. That is going to happen! This month is what JKBugout says.
There has been way too many dreams and visions about the coming events! I would say to print this out and watch for it to happen! It is a warning, I am warning you now! Come to Christ, before it is too late! This is a feeling I am feeling deep inside my bones! I know that he is coming! I KNOW! We will not have the information to let us know about the asteroid. It will just happen. Are you really and truly saved by Yeshua/Jesus? Be absolutely 100% sure! It might be the last thing you do right! It might be the last thing you do wrong! Heaven and Hell…there is only 2 choices to make! I pray that you will choose heaven!
As with everything you read, give it to the Lord! He will never lead you wrong! Ask for confirmation! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Right now, forgive, repent of your sins, and call His name “Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus” and he will save you! You do not have a lot of time left to make the escapes! This is very, very important! Do not miss out on seeing the Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus. He loves you more than you could ever imagine! Cling to him and you will be safe in his arms. “Come to me, my love,” Said by Yeshua himself. There is but one God, one Yeshua, and one spirit. Be careful and read Ephesians 4:4-7. And read John 3:15-21. Oh, and read Ephesians 6:10-18 for the whole armour of God! We are going home soon!
To God be the glory!
For those of you who want to view the Lyn Leahz (YouTube) is Prophet Efrain Rodriquez - the asteroid prophecy-an urgent call from the Lord
Word Received on 1/14/18 "Paradise Awaits"
by Jordan Christopher
Write these words that I say unto thee son. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. There is no other god before my Holy throne. My children, My warnings have gone out repeatedly. I have warned and warned for years now, to come to Me and allow Me to transform your lives. Many of you have done this, and for those that have received Me, paradise awaits. For those that continue to reject Me and My truths, you will go down another road. For you, this road will be arduous, but this is the choice that you have made. I am coming in the clouds full of glory and all will know what has taken place. There will be no mistaking it. It will be that powerful. It will be that sudden. For I am a God of wrath against those that reject Me and mock Me, and I have had My fill of it. The cup of My wrath is filled to overflowing. My messengers have been mocked and made fun of, and I have had enough. Those that love me will soon see Me and be with Me in My kingdom. For you, your life is just beginning. I love you. Yeshua Hamashiach
Visions by Tracy Sorrell
I had a vision of bombs dropping all around me and my nephew here in San Francisco CA. As the bombs dropped I was immediately placed on a plane headed out of the United States with Michelle Obama and while on the plane she was crying and screaming saying what is happening? When it was found out that I was a Christian I was pushed from the plane to my death, I was immediately transported to heaven. When I got there it was judgement day I think because people were being lined up. But while in line baby's began to appear from the earth at an alarming rate and amount and I said to the LORD they are killing babies down there. That's all of the vision I remember.
Face to Face with Jesus
Posted on January 12, 2018 by Elaine Tavolacci
Every one of us is able to recall a time when we had experienced a life transforming encounter with Jesus.
We could never forget that place of the overwhelming presence of His glory.
I believe that 2018 is going to be a year of “face to face” encounters with Jesus.
Several years ago I had a dream. In this dream I began walking down a long corridor. There were doors on each side of the hallway.
I opened one door to the room on my right and it was a hospital room. I then continued walking and opened a door on my left that appeared to be a guest room.
As I continued walking I heard singing that sounded like a choir but I knew that it was angels.
At this point I knew that I was dreaming and I thought to myself, “If I listen, I will be able to hear the angels singing!”
I walked to the next door and sat down on the floor listening to the angelic voices singing “Worthy is the Lamb.”
The presence of God was so intense. I looked up and saw Jesus. There was a line of people waiting to go up to Him to give Him a hug and a kiss.
I watched as each one had their turn. After the last person walked away, Jesus began to walk in my direction.
I jumped up and said to him, “Wait a minute, you have to give me a hug and a kiss”.
As He hugged me, and then gave me a kiss, His anointing flowed into my body.
I wouldn’t let Him go and I kept saying: “Oh my God, I don’t believe it!”
He just laughed as the fire of His presence radiated through me.
As I woke up from that dream, that same anointing was upon me.
Within the next few weeks, every time I shared that dream, that same anointing was present.
I then heard several confirmations of the Shulamite woman in Song of Solomon chapter three. She was in great distress as she searched for her love and couldn’t find him.
She got up from her bed, and went out into the streets looking for him. She went up to the watchman asking “Have you seen the one that my heart loves?”
When she found her love, she held him and would not let him go.
The Holy Spirit is confirming this dream once again. Many of you are going to have visitations from Jesus in the next few months as you search for him with all your heart.
The LORD is going to speak to you in dreams as well as face to face encounters.
Many unbelievers will also come to know Jesus through personal encounters.
Be encouraged and stay in expectation.
“By night on my bed I sought the one I love; I sought him, but I did not find him. “I will rise now,” I said, “And go about the city; in the streets and in the squares I will seek the one I love.”
I sought him, but I did not find him. The watchmen who go about the city found me; I said, “Have you seen the one I love?”
Scarcely had I passed by them, when I found the one I love. I held him and would not let him go, until I had brought him to the house of my mother, and into the chamber of her who conceived me,” Song of Solomon 3:1-4.
An Audible from the Lord Yeshua
by Sheryl (1/10/18)
Well I've been with Mom for the past three days and haven't been able to give the message. I'm back to give the new messages. Here goes.
Go to the 24th skip over 3 days and then it will be the escape. By Yeshua. His face was stamped in my memory. Why skip over 3 days unless it is a day for changing. Anyway, this is an encouragement to the brides everywhere!
Cracklin Rosie was playing by Neil Diamond. That was at 6:20 AM and it had battery usage that was 62% on the cell phone.
During the normal waking hours, he played sh-boom life could be a dream and Henry viii I AM.
As with all of the stuff you read, take it to the Lord in prayer! He will give you truth!
It is so late and we must reach as many people as we can! So, if you have made a choice and want the Yeshua/Jesus as your life, say a prayer or something like the following.
Right now, forgive, repent of your sins, and call His name "Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus" and he will save you! You do not have a lot of time left to make the escapes! This is very, very important! Do not miss out on seeing Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus. He loves you more than you could ever imagine! Cling to him and you will be safe in his arms. "Come to me, my love," Said by Yeshua himself. There is but one God, one Yeshua, and one spirit. Be careful and read Ephesians 4:47. And read John 3:15-21. Oh, and read Ephesians 6:10-18 for the whole armour of God! We are going home
Word From The Lord: "I am waiting for My Father's call."
by Jordan Christopher
"Write these words that I say unto thee son. I am the Alpha and the
Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. There is
no other god before my Holy throne. My children, many say that
My return is not at hand. This is so far off from the truth. Because
they do not understand what I have revealed to them, they think
this is so. My timing is now. I have told you this. There is but a
window of time left. Do not go about your lives with blinders on
thinking that My return is not at hand. Realize that I am coming
for those that have been washed by My blood and have made
themselves ready. I am coming for My very special bride, the
ones that have made Me number one in their lives. This you can
be certain of. This you can count on. There is no precedence for
this to happen as the rapture of the church has never happened
before. But I assure you, I am at the door. I am waiting for My
Father's call. Many are still lost and sadly this must be, but I am
a God of miracles and miracles they will see. This lost generation
will see My hand over them lead them to eternal life with Me. Do
not worry for them. For I love them more than you do. For I created
each one of them. In Me they will find peace and rest. I love you.
Prophetic dream reveals false churches burned with fire
by Deborah Hartvikson
In a dream, I was a passenger in a vehicle. We crested a hill and began our descent into the southern Denver metro area.
Instead of seeing the communities and businesses that are actually there, all we saw were dozens and dozens of smoke stacks, belching out thick, black, noxious smoke.
As we drove into the area, the only structures seen were partially constructed, most being multifamily buildings (think apartments), which were all aflame, burning with violent intensity. Most were so early in the construction stage that they were comprised only of wooden framing and partially enclosed with OSB (plywood) board.
Here and there, we saw large machines “tipping over” the few buildings that were more complete in their construction. These structures were not under demolition, i.e. being pulled down, rather the building was tipped over as a complete unit (as a child might tip over a toy building), then these buildings too were set aflame.
Also aflame were three church buildings, identifiable as such by denominational logos affixed to the outside wall. These too were merely wood framing and some plywood.
Of significant note: the fires were raging unchallenged and unchecked, with no one even attempting to fight the flames.
Through the thick smoke, we saw a few small groups of people walking amidst the destruction. They were completely untouched (unfazed) by but were fully aware of the destruction all around them. Indeed, it didn’t seem they were merely observers, but that they had been instrumental in orchestrating the raging destruction.
While these figures were “in shadow” and as such could not be identified, I sensed they were well dressed, wearing expensive suits. The group closest to us was comprised of four men, and a feeling of pure evil emanated from them.
As these men were coming towards us, we decided to leave. We found the car doors would not fully close or lock, which could have allowed the men to reach us, so we held the doors closed as we drove away.
As we left the area of active destruction, we came to a neighborhood of mostly finished duplexes. We saw a man unlocking the front door of one where there were lights on inside the home. These were the only lights seen in the entire dream, other than light from the fires.
While it was daytime, the smoke emanating from the smokestacks and the burning structures blocked the sun until it appeared nearly dark, like a smokescreen.
The man preparing to enter the home seemed completely unaware of the coming fires, not even noticing that there were small flames licking at the base of the unit adjoining his.
The driver went on and we came to a stop sign, but he did not notice a pedestrian coming across the street, so he continued on, nearly striking the man. The pedestrian slapped the trunk of the car as we drove by him and screamed, “That’s right, nearly mow me down and then don’t even stop to make sure I’m OK…”
Even then, the driver did not notice the pedestrian and continued driving, so I told him, “You nearly hit someone!”
He became very angry, believing I was accusing him of running over someone on purpose. I explained that I knew it was an accident, that he just hadn’t seen the person walking across the street, but told him we absolutely had to go back to check on him.
End of dream.
I believe the location of this dream being in the Denver area is indicative of the current ecumenical push to unite all religions into one because the New World Order is said to be set to be headquartered out of Denver. All aspects of the NWO and the single “united” religion will ultimately come under the leadership/rule of the antichrist.
What emanates from the majority of “Churchianity” today is the spiritual equivalent of a dark, noxious smokescreen, making sick the soul and blocking the life of God and His light from emanating from His people as He intends. In stark contrast, the worship (lifestyle) of God’s people should rise to Him as a sweet aroma, an offering that is pleasurable, anticipated and joyfully accepted by our magnificent Lord. The teaching should be His and His alone, always reflecting His light and revealing His requirements.
Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. (Matthew 5:14-16)
The partially constructed structures being set aflame represent the destruction of those souls who in “investigating” Christianity, they hear, but then they choose to buy the easy/free and highly saleable message taught in nearly all Churchianity congregations today.
The buildings that were tipped over intact, then destroyed in the inferno, represent those who started off wanting to be a Christian, but allowed themselves to be diverted and ultimately knocked over and out of the will of God. These are deceived by false teaching, rather than diligently studying the Bible for themselves and joining themselves to Jesus in a true relationship. They read what they are told to believe, rather than believing what is actually written.
The three partially constructed churches with denominational logos indicated that although a building may be intended to be used for furthering the Kingdom of God, most will end up with their work going up in smoke when it is revealed by fire.
For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is. (1 Corinthians 3:11-13)
While most who truly follow Jesus know of the apostate condition of the vast majority of churches in our nation today, it is an entirely different and difficult thing to know what to do about it. Few pastors even realize there is a problem, for they work hard to draw attendance of their services and programs and carefully make sure that “all are made to feel welcome, loved and above all, comfortable”.
There was not even a squirt gun fighting these fires! Meanwhile, Satan and his faithful followers are working feverishly, igniting soul fires, with the intent that the burn will engulf these people for eternity, that as he and his minions are suffering, so will the people that they have successfully taken with them to hell.
The men in suits represent the men (and women) who claim the title of pastor, but in fact they are using their charisma to gain a platform(s) whereby they fleece the flock on a massive scale. They view their job as being the head honcho of a big business within the “religion industry” and are as effective at their work as are their CEO peers in the “secular market”. They care nothing for the souls of those who have trusted them to teach the truth. Woe to them, as scripture is clear, they will not escape judgment and punishment for their actions! Their hearts are so hardened, they remain blissfully spiritually unfazed by the fiery destruction left in their wake. Fame and fortune are their gods; perhaps some are unaware that satan is leading them to a place they and their followers will eternally regret having gone.
The Churchianity message promises a customized heavenly mansion and blessings untold if a person merely makes the “sacrifice” of muttering the words of the “sinner’s prayer”. Seldom are the topics of sin or hell broached, while the idea of repentance is carefully avoided, rather than risk offending anyone. Compromise and fitting in with society are the modus operandi and adherence is required of all. Yet, scripture explicitly tells us to distance ourselves from the things of the world, not see how closely we can make our religion compatible with it!
Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: (Hebrews 12:14)
Because it is written, “Be ye holy; for I am holy”. (1 Peter 1:16)
Churchianity, as opposed to true Christianity, is a fool’s religion, wherein a person must staunchly avoid the use of reason, critical thinking or even a cursory study of the Bible, or they would surely know better. They believe they’re somehow entitled to the promises, even as they trample upon the precepts of the Promisor…
But unto the wicked God saith, What hast thou to do to declare my statutes, or that thou shouldest take my covenant in thy mouth? Seeing thou hatest instruction, and casteth my words behind thee. (Psalm 50:16-17)
No other recognized religion on earth teaches that obedience to their chosen deity is a “nicety rather than a necessity”! Even an employer requires obedience and adherence to his or her requirements and policies if we are to retain our job and our paycheck – it is only by the successful work of satan that any person could possibly believe that less would be due to and required by the Creator of the Universe!
The car doors not being able to be secured and our straining to hold them shut reflect our attempts to make our way by our own power. As we go deeper and deeper into the trials and tribulations, which are fast closing in on us, we must be in such close relationship with Jesus that we truly look for our help and hope ONLY in Him, for only His supernatural intervention will save us when things really hit the fan. There is not a person on earth, even those in the NWO or “deep state”, who can survive what is coming solely by their own actions, all will need supernatural help. Theirs will come from satan and his demons.
Scripture is clear that many believers will lose their lives in the coming turmoil and tumult. Yet, so the lost may have the opportunity to hear and to see the power of the Gospel in action, some will be supernaturally protected and provided for so they may remain, completing their work for the Kingdom! This will continue through the tribulation until the time when we are gathered to Jesus in what people term the rapture.
The man entering into the house with the light on represents Christians who are for whatever reason, oblivious to the times we’re now in. In a recent survey, only 17% of the “professing Christians” polled said they take the Bible literally. These will be blindsided by the fulfillment of prophecy. Many do not notice the flames that are even now figuratively licking at the corner of their home. Multitudes will fall away from Jesus when things don’t work out the way they’re expecting.
The driver not seeing the pedestrian is indicative of our inattention to what is going on around us, a lack of spiritual “situational awareness”. God will put others in our path and then give us the unction to speak HIS words to them, as He will provide the dialogue. If we fail to see and act upon these opportunities, those who have been put in our path may never hear the Gospel, the amazing good news that we can have peace and a personal relationship with God!
What We Must Do:
We must each diligently seek God as to what He wants us to do. Most surely, we must each always speak the full truth of the Gospel to those whom God puts within our reach, as He gives us the words to speak. Beyond that, the direction He gives to each of us on a more corporate scale may vary, but we must earnestly seek Him on this matter.
We must hone our hearing skills, understanding and fully obeying God. We must be willing and obedient when He brings us people whom He has been making ready to hear the Gospel. It is not easy, but nothing of value comes easy. Doing what Jesus needs us to do will most certainly exact a price, but nothing can compare to the riches of knowing and being with Him forever, hearing Him say, “well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Lord!
The battle for souls is real and beyond vicious, for our adversaries are the most heinous creatures in the universe. Yet, our amazing God has provided us with far superior weaponry for use in this battle. Indeed, we too have all of Heaven fighting with us. Yet, it is imperative that we understand that our armor and weaponry is all designed for frontal engagement, none covers our backside, and therefore retreat is not a viable option… Further, each piece works in conjunction with the other so none may be left off or found to be askew!
We do not have the luxury of stopping at “we wrestle not”, if we hope to make it through these times, to be welcomed home for eternity by our magnificent Lord Jesus!
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace (good news that we may have peace with and a relationship with God); above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; (Ephesians 6:11-18)(addition the authors)
Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. (2 Timothy 2:3-4)
Traveling Dream by El aine
I had a very unusual dream I was not frightened by it but I was amazed by it. Sometimes I wonder if we are in our transformed bodies and not aware of it because I was transported to the country of Uganda last night. My mission was to talk to her mother with some young children I think she had three.
She told me that people in Uganda did not like the American or Western people coming over trying to civilize Uganda. Her conversation with me was how can you civilize my country when you' butcher' up babies in your country? He was absolutely correct it's like pulling the sliver out of one person's eye and leaving the plank in your own. She also told me is very difficult for westerners to get into Uganda, as most people cannot get up under the wire because they don't have the proper credentials.
She was very surprised to see me, as I explained to her that when you serve God you are able to get into all the areas that He wants you to be in. The reason I was there was to help her overcome her dependency on her husband because he had so much control over her and she needed to breathe. I was letting her know to prayer when she depended on Jesus to help her in any situation that she had to face that she would have his grace and the Holy Spirit with answer her and provide her with a means to escape the situation. So another words by praying with her and letting her know that she had Divine help at all times and that she was operating against a demonic spirit that her husband had she could be set free. I didn't go much into detail about the transformation just letting her know that the blood of Jesus could set her free.
Then before I could realize it, I was back home in my bed and I woke up
A Dream From Yeshua- Sheryl (1/15/18)
I was given a dream this morning that was simplistic but necessary. In the dream, I am with a young man. We are at work. We are told to come back after 3 hours. We stay and wait for the time to come. Dream ended.While this doesn’t seem like a dream about nothing particular; it was awesome when I figured it out. I believe I was waiting with a young man (Jesus). We had been working (giving the message of Jesus). Then, all of a sudden the “work” hours changed. We had 3 hours to do nothing. Could that be “days” instead of “hours?” Maybe we were to spend the 3 days of doing nothing but witnessing to get as many people as we can be saved and healed? Then, we were told to return to the same spot after 3 hours.
What if it was “hours” we were referring to? We didn’t want to go anywhere for 3 hours. So, we stayed. This would mean that we were already changed (transformed) and had gotten all of our “work” done. We were waiting for the 3 hours to arrive. It was a feeling of anticipation!
This reminds me of an audible I recently had where I was given a message by Yeshua. He said that we are to go to the 24th skip over 3 days and then it will be the escape. How are we going to skip through 3 days? My way of thinking is the 4th of January (Torah) is the 24th day. Some thoughts to think about!
There isn’t a work place that takes 3-hour breaks or 3-day breaks. So, this has to mean something else entirely. And, Yeshua wanted me to decipher the dream and give it to you. Well, based on the Word of Yeshua, it is days not hours for his audible message. It is hours for the dream. In essence, it is correct!
He had “Georgy girl” by the seekers was playing in the mind. Which I find that kind of odd. But, it is about a young girl who is in need of showing her love. She window shops and doesn’t buy a thing. She would rather run away from the world, and not take it on. The word is from Greek and it means “farmer” for either boys or girls. It makes sense when you hear about how the young lady acts. She is a farmer because she deals with her own and doesn’t deal with their own. I can see how I could be the farmer. If I had land and animals I wouldn’t mind trying to farm. But, I wouldn’t be able to talk to people, strangers at Wal-Mart. I think that song is trying to say that “We are not of the world, but we are in the world.” John 17:16 Jesus says, “They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.” But, he still preached, and taught, and healed! He went into the world, but was never a part of the world! That is what we need to practice!
As with everything you read, give it to the Lord! He will never lead you wrong! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Right now, forgive, repent of your sins, and call His name “Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus” and he will save you! You do not have a lot of time left to make the escapes! This is very, very important! Do not miss out on seeing Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus. He loves you more than you could ever imagine! Cling to him and you will be safe in his arms. “Come to me, my love,” Said by Yeshua himself. There is but one God, one Yeshua, and one spirit. Be careful and read Ephesians 4:4-7. And read John 3:15-21. Oh, and read Ephesians 6:10-18 for the whole armour of God! We are going home soon!
To God be the glory!
An Answer from Yeshua. (1/15/18)
An Answer to Yeshua’s Question (1/15/18)
I am sounding the alarm! I asked Yeshua what the 3 days was for. He led me to read Lyn Leahz. I am going to paraphrase and state some of the things verbatim. I do not want anyone to miss the most important events. She had Efrain Rodriguez, a prophet, that said that the asteroid will be impacted at 2 in the morning at sea in the area west by Puerto Rico and it will affect the Caribbean, South America, USA and Canada (cataclysmic event). It will cause a large tsunami. The impact will cause to stop the rotation of the earth for 3 days. (Well, here are the 3 Days and/or 3 Hours that I am suppose to “skip over 3 days and then it will be the escape.” Now, I know that the 3 Days will be no rotation.)The coming events are
1) The fall of the asteroid.
2) The impact of the asteroid will stop the earth 3 days of darkness that are not under the light of the sun at that time.
3) A 12 point earthquake will be felt around the world.
4) The shockwave that will travel the world. It will produce winds that are 300 mph.
5) The tsunami or tidal wave (may take from seconds to hours to arrive in our country) will produce all rivers overflowing due to coastal flooding.
6) Plagues of pestilence due to the bodies decomposed in the water and land. People will not be able to get to them, because they will be in darkness.
7) Scarcity – water, food, medication, & resources. Make sure you have enough. The video says 15 months, but I was told that what I bought was enough: I only needed to buy water and breakfast bars and peanut butter to do a short time. Martial law will be established!
This is God’s wake up call! Look to Yeshua for everything! There should be no fear if you are bound to the Master! Ask Lord Yeshua what he wants you and your loved ones to do to be prepared for the asteroid! He will tell you! Unless you are directed by the Holy Spirit, DO NOT RELOCATE! There will be protection from where you are as long as you cling to Him! 2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Revelation 3:10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. There are angels around our homes! We will need Yeshua’s refuge to get us through! God will take care of our families if we are bound to Christ! We all are given instructions as to where to go at different appointed times. Wait for the instructions of the LORD! Obey! If the authorities ask you to evacuate your area, do so. The Lord can use the authorities to protect you.
Your only means of salvation and protection: Repent and Call on Yeshua/Jesus! You must believe! Pray for your neighbors and relatives to protect them. Anoint your home with oil: Your heart is your possessions and all that you are to him. You can pray over the oil (Psalms 91) and put it on the doorframe. (I do not believe it helps to do this. But, if you want to do it, by all means, do it. I went from believing it was true to just believing in Him.) Bind our souls, conduct, and heart to Yeshua/Jesus!
There have been others to dream about Puerto Rico. I had a dream where it was a hurricane that hit Puerto Rico. It all hinges on the Puerto Rico! Many people have had the dreams of Puerto Rico – it is going to happen! Very soon!
There have also been several dreams of people who have had the tsunami. It has been in video with U2. It has been in the I, Pet Goat 2. That is going to happen! This month is what JKBugout says.
There has been way too many dreams and visions about the coming events! I would say to print this out and watch for it to happen! It is a warning, I am warning you now! Come to Christ, before it is too late! This is a feeling I am feeling deep inside my bones! I know that he is coming! I KNOW! We will not have the information to let us know about the asteroid. It will just happen. Are you really and truly saved by Yeshua/Jesus? Be absolutely 100% sure! It might be the last thing you do right! It might be the last thing you do wrong! Heaven and Hell…there is only 2 choices to make! I pray that you will choose heaven!
As with everything you read, give it to the Lord! He will never lead you wrong! Ask for confirmation! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Right now, forgive, repent of your sins, and call His name “Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus” and he will save you! You do not have a lot of time left to make the escapes! This is very, very important! Do not miss out on seeing the Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus. He loves you more than you could ever imagine! Cling to him and you will be safe in his arms. “Come to me, my love,” Said by Yeshua himself. There is but one God, one Yeshua, and one spirit. Be careful and read Ephesians 4:4-7. And read John 3:15-21. Oh, and read Ephesians 6:10-18 for the whole armour of God! We are going home soon!
To God be the glory!
For those of you who want to view the Lyn Leahz (YouTube) is Prophet Efrain Rodriquez - the asteroid prophecy-an urgent call from the Lord
Word Received on 1/14/18 "Paradise Awaits"
by Jordan Christopher
Write these words that I say unto thee son. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. There is no other god before my Holy throne. My children, My warnings have gone out repeatedly. I have warned and warned for years now, to come to Me and allow Me to transform your lives. Many of you have done this, and for those that have received Me, paradise awaits. For those that continue to reject Me and My truths, you will go down another road. For you, this road will be arduous, but this is the choice that you have made. I am coming in the clouds full of glory and all will know what has taken place. There will be no mistaking it. It will be that powerful. It will be that sudden. For I am a God of wrath against those that reject Me and mock Me, and I have had My fill of it. The cup of My wrath is filled to overflowing. My messengers have been mocked and made fun of, and I have had enough. Those that love me will soon see Me and be with Me in My kingdom. For you, your life is just beginning. I love you. Yeshua Hamashiach
Visions by Tracy Sorrell
I had a vision of bombs dropping all around me and my nephew here in San Francisco CA. As the bombs dropped I was immediately placed on a plane headed out of the United States with Michelle Obama and while on the plane she was crying and screaming saying what is happening? When it was found out that I was a Christian I was pushed from the plane to my death, I was immediately transported to heaven. When I got there it was judgement day I think because people were being lined up. But while in line baby's began to appear from the earth at an alarming rate and amount and I said to the LORD they are killing babies down there. That's all of the vision I remember.
I had a vision that I standing in front of the LORD and he gave me instructions to be ready by 7:00 or be left behind so I said ok but when I came back it was 7:15 but he said you are a little late but it's ok and the dream ended
A Message from the Holy Spirit
Sheryl (1/13/18)
Please watch this video! It is for everyone to see! It is highly memorable! I couldn't move away from it, the Holy Spirit wanted me to watch it. It is somewhat short, but powerful! I watched the video and then I tried to sit down on the couch, but the Holy Spirit said for me to pass the video along. So I am doing just that!
Do whatever the Lord tells you to do with the video. Share the address to as many people as you can reach! God is love! He will bring you to your knees, he loves you that much!
May Lord God, Yeshua/Jesus, and the Holy Spirit shine upon you and your family!
Amen! Amen! Amen!
Face to Face with Jesus
Posted on January 12, 2018 by Elaine Tavolacci
Every one of us is able to recall a time when we had experienced a life transforming encounter with Jesus.
We could never forget that place of the overwhelming presence of His glory.
I believe that 2018 is going to be a year of “face to face” encounters with Jesus.
Several years ago I had a dream. In this dream I began walking down a long corridor. There were doors on each side of the hallway.
I opened one door to the room on my right and it was a hospital room. I then continued walking and opened a door on my left that appeared to be a guest room.
As I continued walking I heard singing that sounded like a choir but I knew that it was angels.
At this point I knew that I was dreaming and I thought to myself, “If I listen, I will be able to hear the angels singing!”
I walked to the next door and sat down on the floor listening to the angelic voices singing “Worthy is the Lamb.”
The presence of God was so intense. I looked up and saw Jesus. There was a line of people waiting to go up to Him to give Him a hug and a kiss.
I watched as each one had their turn. After the last person walked away, Jesus began to walk in my direction.
I jumped up and said to him, “Wait a minute, you have to give me a hug and a kiss”.
As He hugged me, and then gave me a kiss, His anointing flowed into my body.
I wouldn’t let Him go and I kept saying: “Oh my God, I don’t believe it!”
He just laughed as the fire of His presence radiated through me.
As I woke up from that dream, that same anointing was upon me.
Within the next few weeks, every time I shared that dream, that same anointing was present.
I then heard several confirmations of the Shulamite woman in Song of Solomon chapter three. She was in great distress as she searched for her love and couldn’t find him.
She got up from her bed, and went out into the streets looking for him. She went up to the watchman asking “Have you seen the one that my heart loves?”
When she found her love, she held him and would not let him go.
The Holy Spirit is confirming this dream once again. Many of you are going to have visitations from Jesus in the next few months as you search for him with all your heart.
The LORD is going to speak to you in dreams as well as face to face encounters.
Many unbelievers will also come to know Jesus through personal encounters.
Be encouraged and stay in expectation.
“By night on my bed I sought the one I love; I sought him, but I did not find him. “I will rise now,” I said, “And go about the city; in the streets and in the squares I will seek the one I love.”
I sought him, but I did not find him. The watchmen who go about the city found me; I said, “Have you seen the one I love?”
Scarcely had I passed by them, when I found the one I love. I held him and would not let him go, until I had brought him to the house of my mother, and into the chamber of her who conceived me,” Song of Solomon 3:1-4.
An Audible from the Lord Yeshua
by Sheryl (1/10/18)
Well I've been with Mom for the past three days and haven't been able to give the message. I'm back to give the new messages. Here goes.
Go to the 24th skip over 3 days and then it will be the escape. By Yeshua. His face was stamped in my memory. Why skip over 3 days unless it is a day for changing. Anyway, this is an encouragement to the brides everywhere!
Cracklin Rosie was playing by Neil Diamond. That was at 6:20 AM and it had battery usage that was 62% on the cell phone.
During the normal waking hours, he played sh-boom life could be a dream and Henry viii I AM.
As with all of the stuff you read, take it to the Lord in prayer! He will give you truth!
It is so late and we must reach as many people as we can! So, if you have made a choice and want the Yeshua/Jesus as your life, say a prayer or something like the following.
Right now, forgive, repent of your sins, and call His name "Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus" and he will save you! You do not have a lot of time left to make the escapes! This is very, very important! Do not miss out on seeing Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus. He loves you more than you could ever imagine! Cling to him and you will be safe in his arms. "Come to me, my love," Said by Yeshua himself. There is but one God, one Yeshua, and one spirit. Be careful and read Ephesians 4:47. And read John 3:15-21. Oh, and read Ephesians 6:10-18 for the whole armour of God! We are going home
Word From The Lord: "I am waiting for My Father's call."
by Jordan Christopher
"Write these words that I say unto thee son. I am the Alpha and the
Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. There is
no other god before my Holy throne. My children, many say that
My return is not at hand. This is so far off from the truth. Because
they do not understand what I have revealed to them, they think
this is so. My timing is now. I have told you this. There is but a
window of time left. Do not go about your lives with blinders on
thinking that My return is not at hand. Realize that I am coming
for those that have been washed by My blood and have made
themselves ready. I am coming for My very special bride, the
ones that have made Me number one in their lives. This you can
be certain of. This you can count on. There is no precedence for
this to happen as the rapture of the church has never happened
before. But I assure you, I am at the door. I am waiting for My
Father's call. Many are still lost and sadly this must be, but I am
a God of miracles and miracles they will see. This lost generation
will see My hand over them lead them to eternal life with Me. Do
not worry for them. For I love them more than you do. For I created
each one of them. In Me they will find peace and rest. I love you.
Prophetic dream reveals false churches burned with fire
by Deborah Hartvikson
In a dream, I was a passenger in a vehicle. We crested a hill and began our descent into the southern Denver metro area.
Instead of seeing the communities and businesses that are actually there, all we saw were dozens and dozens of smoke stacks, belching out thick, black, noxious smoke.
As we drove into the area, the only structures seen were partially constructed, most being multifamily buildings (think apartments), which were all aflame, burning with violent intensity. Most were so early in the construction stage that they were comprised only of wooden framing and partially enclosed with OSB (plywood) board.
Here and there, we saw large machines “tipping over” the few buildings that were more complete in their construction. These structures were not under demolition, i.e. being pulled down, rather the building was tipped over as a complete unit (as a child might tip over a toy building), then these buildings too were set aflame.
Also aflame were three church buildings, identifiable as such by denominational logos affixed to the outside wall. These too were merely wood framing and some plywood.
Of significant note: the fires were raging unchallenged and unchecked, with no one even attempting to fight the flames.
Through the thick smoke, we saw a few small groups of people walking amidst the destruction. They were completely untouched (unfazed) by but were fully aware of the destruction all around them. Indeed, it didn’t seem they were merely observers, but that they had been instrumental in orchestrating the raging destruction.
While these figures were “in shadow” and as such could not be identified, I sensed they were well dressed, wearing expensive suits. The group closest to us was comprised of four men, and a feeling of pure evil emanated from them.
As these men were coming towards us, we decided to leave. We found the car doors would not fully close or lock, which could have allowed the men to reach us, so we held the doors closed as we drove away.
As we left the area of active destruction, we came to a neighborhood of mostly finished duplexes. We saw a man unlocking the front door of one where there were lights on inside the home. These were the only lights seen in the entire dream, other than light from the fires.
While it was daytime, the smoke emanating from the smokestacks and the burning structures blocked the sun until it appeared nearly dark, like a smokescreen.
The man preparing to enter the home seemed completely unaware of the coming fires, not even noticing that there were small flames licking at the base of the unit adjoining his.
The driver went on and we came to a stop sign, but he did not notice a pedestrian coming across the street, so he continued on, nearly striking the man. The pedestrian slapped the trunk of the car as we drove by him and screamed, “That’s right, nearly mow me down and then don’t even stop to make sure I’m OK…”
Even then, the driver did not notice the pedestrian and continued driving, so I told him, “You nearly hit someone!”
He became very angry, believing I was accusing him of running over someone on purpose. I explained that I knew it was an accident, that he just hadn’t seen the person walking across the street, but told him we absolutely had to go back to check on him.
End of dream.
I believe the location of this dream being in the Denver area is indicative of the current ecumenical push to unite all religions into one because the New World Order is said to be set to be headquartered out of Denver. All aspects of the NWO and the single “united” religion will ultimately come under the leadership/rule of the antichrist.
What emanates from the majority of “Churchianity” today is the spiritual equivalent of a dark, noxious smokescreen, making sick the soul and blocking the life of God and His light from emanating from His people as He intends. In stark contrast, the worship (lifestyle) of God’s people should rise to Him as a sweet aroma, an offering that is pleasurable, anticipated and joyfully accepted by our magnificent Lord. The teaching should be His and His alone, always reflecting His light and revealing His requirements.
Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. (Matthew 5:14-16)
The partially constructed structures being set aflame represent the destruction of those souls who in “investigating” Christianity, they hear, but then they choose to buy the easy/free and highly saleable message taught in nearly all Churchianity congregations today.
The buildings that were tipped over intact, then destroyed in the inferno, represent those who started off wanting to be a Christian, but allowed themselves to be diverted and ultimately knocked over and out of the will of God. These are deceived by false teaching, rather than diligently studying the Bible for themselves and joining themselves to Jesus in a true relationship. They read what they are told to believe, rather than believing what is actually written.
The three partially constructed churches with denominational logos indicated that although a building may be intended to be used for furthering the Kingdom of God, most will end up with their work going up in smoke when it is revealed by fire.
For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is. (1 Corinthians 3:11-13)
While most who truly follow Jesus know of the apostate condition of the vast majority of churches in our nation today, it is an entirely different and difficult thing to know what to do about it. Few pastors even realize there is a problem, for they work hard to draw attendance of their services and programs and carefully make sure that “all are made to feel welcome, loved and above all, comfortable”.
There was not even a squirt gun fighting these fires! Meanwhile, Satan and his faithful followers are working feverishly, igniting soul fires, with the intent that the burn will engulf these people for eternity, that as he and his minions are suffering, so will the people that they have successfully taken with them to hell.
The men in suits represent the men (and women) who claim the title of pastor, but in fact they are using their charisma to gain a platform(s) whereby they fleece the flock on a massive scale. They view their job as being the head honcho of a big business within the “religion industry” and are as effective at their work as are their CEO peers in the “secular market”. They care nothing for the souls of those who have trusted them to teach the truth. Woe to them, as scripture is clear, they will not escape judgment and punishment for their actions! Their hearts are so hardened, they remain blissfully spiritually unfazed by the fiery destruction left in their wake. Fame and fortune are their gods; perhaps some are unaware that satan is leading them to a place they and their followers will eternally regret having gone.
The Churchianity message promises a customized heavenly mansion and blessings untold if a person merely makes the “sacrifice” of muttering the words of the “sinner’s prayer”. Seldom are the topics of sin or hell broached, while the idea of repentance is carefully avoided, rather than risk offending anyone. Compromise and fitting in with society are the modus operandi and adherence is required of all. Yet, scripture explicitly tells us to distance ourselves from the things of the world, not see how closely we can make our religion compatible with it!
Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: (Hebrews 12:14)
Because it is written, “Be ye holy; for I am holy”. (1 Peter 1:16)
Churchianity, as opposed to true Christianity, is a fool’s religion, wherein a person must staunchly avoid the use of reason, critical thinking or even a cursory study of the Bible, or they would surely know better. They believe they’re somehow entitled to the promises, even as they trample upon the precepts of the Promisor…
But unto the wicked God saith, What hast thou to do to declare my statutes, or that thou shouldest take my covenant in thy mouth? Seeing thou hatest instruction, and casteth my words behind thee. (Psalm 50:16-17)
No other recognized religion on earth teaches that obedience to their chosen deity is a “nicety rather than a necessity”! Even an employer requires obedience and adherence to his or her requirements and policies if we are to retain our job and our paycheck – it is only by the successful work of satan that any person could possibly believe that less would be due to and required by the Creator of the Universe!
The car doors not being able to be secured and our straining to hold them shut reflect our attempts to make our way by our own power. As we go deeper and deeper into the trials and tribulations, which are fast closing in on us, we must be in such close relationship with Jesus that we truly look for our help and hope ONLY in Him, for only His supernatural intervention will save us when things really hit the fan. There is not a person on earth, even those in the NWO or “deep state”, who can survive what is coming solely by their own actions, all will need supernatural help. Theirs will come from satan and his demons.
Scripture is clear that many believers will lose their lives in the coming turmoil and tumult. Yet, so the lost may have the opportunity to hear and to see the power of the Gospel in action, some will be supernaturally protected and provided for so they may remain, completing their work for the Kingdom! This will continue through the tribulation until the time when we are gathered to Jesus in what people term the rapture.
The man entering into the house with the light on represents Christians who are for whatever reason, oblivious to the times we’re now in. In a recent survey, only 17% of the “professing Christians” polled said they take the Bible literally. These will be blindsided by the fulfillment of prophecy. Many do not notice the flames that are even now figuratively licking at the corner of their home. Multitudes will fall away from Jesus when things don’t work out the way they’re expecting.
The driver not seeing the pedestrian is indicative of our inattention to what is going on around us, a lack of spiritual “situational awareness”. God will put others in our path and then give us the unction to speak HIS words to them, as He will provide the dialogue. If we fail to see and act upon these opportunities, those who have been put in our path may never hear the Gospel, the amazing good news that we can have peace and a personal relationship with God!
What We Must Do:
We must each diligently seek God as to what He wants us to do. Most surely, we must each always speak the full truth of the Gospel to those whom God puts within our reach, as He gives us the words to speak. Beyond that, the direction He gives to each of us on a more corporate scale may vary, but we must earnestly seek Him on this matter.
We must hone our hearing skills, understanding and fully obeying God. We must be willing and obedient when He brings us people whom He has been making ready to hear the Gospel. It is not easy, but nothing of value comes easy. Doing what Jesus needs us to do will most certainly exact a price, but nothing can compare to the riches of knowing and being with Him forever, hearing Him say, “well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Lord!
The battle for souls is real and beyond vicious, for our adversaries are the most heinous creatures in the universe. Yet, our amazing God has provided us with far superior weaponry for use in this battle. Indeed, we too have all of Heaven fighting with us. Yet, it is imperative that we understand that our armor and weaponry is all designed for frontal engagement, none covers our backside, and therefore retreat is not a viable option… Further, each piece works in conjunction with the other so none may be left off or found to be askew!
We do not have the luxury of stopping at “we wrestle not”, if we hope to make it through these times, to be welcomed home for eternity by our magnificent Lord Jesus!
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace (good news that we may have peace with and a relationship with God); above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; (Ephesians 6:11-18)(addition the authors)
Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. (2 Timothy 2:3-4)
NO UPDATES TODAY! Please pray for Larry and I. Larry is having severe health issues. Thank you all and God bless! THANKS FOR ALL YOUR PRAYERS!
Sheryl 1/6/18
To my dearest family, some things I'd like to say,
But first of all to let you know that I arrived okay.
I'm writing this from Heaven, where I dwell with God above,
Where there are no tears or sadness, there is just eternal Love.
Please do not be unhappy, just because I'm out of sight,
Remember that I'm with you, every morning, noon and night.
That day I had to leave you, when my life on earth was through,
God picked me up and hugged me, and said, "I welcome you".
"It's good to have you back again.
You were missed while you were gone.
As for your dearest family, they'll be here later on.
I need you here so badly as part of my big plan.
There's so much that we have to do, to help our mortal man".
Then God gave me a list of things he wished for me to do.
And foremost on that list of mine, is to watch and care for you.
I will be beside you, every day of the week and year,
And when you're sad I'm standing there, to wipe away the tear.
And when you lie in bed at night, the day's chores put to flight,
God and I are closest to you in the middle of the night.
When you think of my life on Earth, and all those loving years,
Because you're only human, there's bound to be some tears.
One thing is for certain, though my life on Earth is over,
I am closer to you now than I ever was before.
And to my many friends, trust God knows what is best.
I am not far away from you, I'm just beyond the crest.
There are rocky roads ahead for you and many hills to climb,
Together we can do it, taking one day at a time.
It was my philosophy and please I'd like for you,
To give unto the world, so the world will give to you.
If you can help someone who's in sorrow or in pain,
Then you can say to God at night, my day was not in vain.
And now I am contented that my life it was worthwhile,
Knowing as I passed along the way, I made somebody smile.
When you're walking down the street and I am on your mind,
I'm walking in your footsteps, only half a step behind.
And when you feel a gentle breeze of wind upon your face,
That's me giving you a great big hug, or just a soft embrace.
When it's time for you to go from that body to be free,
Remember you are not going, you are coming home to me.
I will always love you, from that place way up above,
I will be in touch again soon.
P.S. God sends his love.
Author Unknown
NO UPDATES TODAY! Please pray for Larry and I. Larry is having severe health issues. Thank you all and God bless! THANKS FOR ALL YOUR PRAYERS!
Sheryl 1/6/18
The 4th wasn't the 4th, not our Gregorian calendar. It is the 24th on the 4th on God's calendar. Anyway, we will know when the earth shakes. I did research, and I found out that the prophet that is on Jesus is Lord radio (Imminent Rapture Repent - YouTube) said that the shaking of the heavens and universe must come first. I had done research and the guy (don't remember his name) had said that the Lord said, "Shaking, Breaking, Quaking, and Taking would occur, in that order." So, the shaking is about to happen. Maybe it will be on the 24th day (Torah) and that will equal our 4th day (Gregorian). Well, anyway, we won't know until we are there on the 24th day (Torah).
The number 37 keeps popping in my head. That means war is going to take place soon. I did nothing but dream about the war in America. I cannot recall one of those dreams - not one. But, it was world war 3. I don't believe we will be here during that time.
One thing for certain, we are going home! It doesn't matter if the Gregorian and the Torah is incomplete, we rely on God and that is all we need! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Revelation 22:12-13 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
As with all of the stuff you read, take it to the Lord in prayer! He will give you truth!
Could it have been the bomb cyclone? Could that have been what was so important on the 4th of January from It is Finished? And who (man/woman) exactly names the storms? The Lord Yeshua told me two days ago to watch the weather. It is like it is going to be in the weather where we make our escape. Was the 4th the actual 4th? If not, then when is it on which calendar? Anyway, this is wild!
I just dreamed about cotton candy and caramel. It was from Yeshua. Life is going to go from smoothly spun to sticky in a heartbeat. After the dream, I had "Sparrows" playing in my mind by Jason Gray. And, of course, I had "Henry VIII, I AM" playing after that!
I took a nap with my husband and dreamt that we had soldiers to come into the homes of families & shot up everyone! Very disturbing dream! The soldiers looked like our soldiers. That is what was so weird about it. The music playing in my mind when I woke up was "Cheek to Cheek" by Fred Astaire. That just means that we are to concentrate on going home! We are to do what He wants us to do for the kingdom. We are to love, love, love those that do us wrong, because they do not know what they are doing!
Luke 23:34 Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.
1 Thessalonians 5:6 Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.
As with all of the stuff you read, take it to the Lord in prayer! He will give you truth!
Right now, forgive, repent of your sins, and call His name “Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus” and he will save you! You do not have a lot of time left to make the escapes! This is very, very important! Do not miss out on seeing Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus. He loves you more than you could ever imagine! Cling to him and you will be safe in his arms. “Come to me, my love,” Said by Yeshua himself. There is but one God, one Yeshua, and one spirit. Be careful and read Ephesians 4:4-7. And read John 3:15-21. Oh, and read Ephesians 6:10-18 for the whole armour of God! We are going home!
by Stacey Penney (1/5/18)
As soon as my granddaughter told me this dream i knew i needed to post right away. My granddaughter is 8 yrs old and has had many dreams of the times that we are about to enter. That being the rapture and the tribulation. I never ever prompt her to tell me anything and i just let the dreams come out of her mouth. I also never ever talk to her about the trib or anything scary. She goes to a private Christian school and they don't teach about the trib. Just wanted to give a little background so you could understand her dreams in full. I want to give you two of her dreams that i feel go together. I will start with the most recent. She said she had this dream two nights ago. She said that this dream took place about a week into the future. She also said it felt real, like she was really there. She said that she was in school and it was just another normal day. She said that all of the sudden everyhting went dark. She could not see anything. She was not scared at all. She said she knew that Jesus was there to take her and the other children to safety. She did not see Jesus, but she felt his presence and his peace that he gave to her and all of the children. This is so similar to another dream that she had last year of being in school and it went dark and then she saw angels coming down to rescue her and the other children. A week from her dream will be the 22 or 23rd. She was not sure about exact date, but said it was about a week. She will be on spring break during this time and will not be in school. Just thought this was interesting considering the timing she said she was in the dream and that it was not that far into the future. Please as always pray about this and get your own confirming message. I never date set and am very much against it. Just really wanted to share this dream. I have felt the Lord is wanting me to share some of my many dreams as well. I have saved them all on my computer and will pray as to the ones the Lord wants me to post. I will be posting very soon...
by El aine
It is indeed very sad to see that sentence. There is no more time it's not even 3 Minutes to Midnight. I just got bombs are going to be coming Bombs are going to be coming.
I have not really been getting anything prophetic or any transformation dreams lately but I've been getting dreams to pray for certain people among them was Melania Trump and some of my close friends and some of my friends that I haven't seen in years. I've been praying for my current friends too that I have tried to witness to and it's just like blah blah blah one ear and out the other
posted by Molly on 1/4/18
"And to all those who dwell in the churches of men, I say this: Pray, and open not your mouths; pray and be quiet, and open not your mouths; pray and give heed, for the mouth of The Living God has spoken. Discern the spirit of those I am sending, and listen to those I have sent already. Speak not one word against them, not in open, nor in secret. Speak not one word against them, for you speak against Me; I have sent them! Behold, they carry nothing of their own, they have taken nothing with them. For I have put My words in their mouths, My trumpet has been placed in their hands, and by the power of My own spirit shall I establish them; it is I who overshadows them.
These are they who are not defiled by the corrupt doctrines and filthy traditions of the churches of men. Indeed, they stand apart from every religion, and remain spiritually undefiled, men of valor bought for a price, set apart for My purpose. Thus they shall take of Mine, and through the power of My spirit show it to you. For that which is Mine is The Son’s also. And that which is His He shall share with those who walk in union with Him, that I may be glorified in Him and He in them."
~ Says The Lord
"And to all those who dwell in the churches of men, I say this: Pray, and open not your mouths; pray and be quiet, and open not your mouths; pray and give heed, for the mouth of The Living God has spoken. Discern the spirit of those I am sending, and listen to those I have sent already. Speak not one word against them, not in open, nor in secret. Speak not one word against them, for you speak against Me; I have sent them! Behold, they carry nothing of their own, they have taken nothing with them. For I have put My words in their mouths, My trumpet has been placed in their hands, and by the power of My own spirit shall I establish them; it is I who overshadows them.
These are they who are not defiled by the corrupt doctrines and filthy traditions of the churches of men. Indeed, they stand apart from every religion, and remain spiritually undefiled, men of valor bought for a price, set apart for My purpose. Thus they shall take of Mine, and through the power of My spirit show it to you. For that which is Mine is The Son’s also. And that which is His He shall share with those who walk in union with Him, that I may be glorified in Him and He in them."
~ Says The Lord
An Urgent Dream & a Prayer that wasn’t (1/4/18)
Really fascinating dream. The number 7 was used for getting ready for the trip. The number 9 was used for the brides to go out together. I was with Kelley. To know what date the 7 and 9 were on, I had to pray, but not the way we had expected.
During prayer, I was told not to do the Prayer Warrior, but to go to the calendar because I would see something there that was not there before. So, I did not do the Prayer Warrior and I did get the calendar and saw the 4th, today’s date. Then, I was told 24. I said, “What is the 24th about, Holy Spirit?” And the Holy Spirit told me the 4th is the 24th of the month. Well, I was excited, because I have been told that “24th is the day.” I don’t know what for, for the change, for a small part of California done with an earthquake, for the Israel's bombing, for the NYC getting bombed, for what I do not know. But today is the 24th regardless what we have been told.
Then, I received a vision telling me to look at the bird feeder. Now, I have to say that I haven't paid much attention to the bird feeder. The birds don't come around like they use to because of the cold. But, I could see it from the back porch. The little house was swinging wildly. I got my husband’s jacket on and went outside with the bird feeder stuff. It stopped as soon as I was there. I could just feel Yeshua wanting to tell me something. So, I said, “Lord, is the 24th actually the 4th of January?” He started to make the feeder go crazy and he said, “Yes. The 24th is the 4th.” I said my thank you and came into the house. While I was going in the house, Cracklin’ Rosie was playing in my mind, and it was “Get on board.”
Now, I was really excited! That is 2 confirmations. I wanted 3 confirmations. I told him I wanted 1 more confirmation so I can tell the world and he said, “Okay. Go to the kitchen.” I thought it was going to be on the clock. It was not on the clock. It was on the menu that stays put with a magnet. It was on a restaurant that I had visited 2 times. It said 224 for the street number! That was awesome!
Fix my eyes (King and Country) was playing in my mind. It was so unbelievable!
Then, we left to get Subway and some stuff at Wal-Mart. While we were at Wal-Mart I used the self-checkout and I had used the card. A penny came out. Kelley said that it wanted my thoughts. Funny how these things keep happening to me!
I had left the Bible open on the bed to Haggai 18-19. When we got back, I wanted to read some more about the 24th. So we got home, and Habakkuk 1:5 was staring at me! That is the transformation! You could not make this stuff up! We are going home! Amen! Amen! Amen! To God be the glory! This means my mom should go on the 25th/26th and I will go on the 27th/28th! Or should I say the 5/6 for mom and the 7/8 for me! I am Henry the VIII I AM, I AM He plays that song every day!
As with all of the stuff you read, take it to the Lord in prayer! He will give you truth!
Right now, forgive, repent of your sins, and call His name “Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus” and he will save you! You do not have a lot of time left to make the escapes! This is very, very important! Do not miss out on seeing Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus. He loves you more than you could ever imagine! Cling to him and you will be safe in his arms. “Come to me, my love,” Said by Yeshua himself. There is but one God, one Yeshua, and one spirit. Be careful and read Ephesians 4:4-7. And read John 3:15-21. Oh, and read Ephesians 6:10-18 for the whole armour of God! We are going home!
Really fascinating dream. The number 7 was used for getting ready for the trip. The number 9 was used for the brides to go out together. I was with Kelley. To know what date the 7 and 9 were on, I had to pray, but not the way we had expected.
During prayer, I was told not to do the Prayer Warrior, but to go to the calendar because I would see something there that was not there before. So, I did not do the Prayer Warrior and I did get the calendar and saw the 4th, today’s date. Then, I was told 24. I said, “What is the 24th about, Holy Spirit?” And the Holy Spirit told me the 4th is the 24th of the month. Well, I was excited, because I have been told that “24th is the day.” I don’t know what for, for the change, for a small part of California done with an earthquake, for the Israel's bombing, for the NYC getting bombed, for what I do not know. But today is the 24th regardless what we have been told.
Then, I received a vision telling me to look at the bird feeder. Now, I have to say that I haven't paid much attention to the bird feeder. The birds don't come around like they use to because of the cold. But, I could see it from the back porch. The little house was swinging wildly. I got my husband’s jacket on and went outside with the bird feeder stuff. It stopped as soon as I was there. I could just feel Yeshua wanting to tell me something. So, I said, “Lord, is the 24th actually the 4th of January?” He started to make the feeder go crazy and he said, “Yes. The 24th is the 4th.” I said my thank you and came into the house. While I was going in the house, Cracklin’ Rosie was playing in my mind, and it was “Get on board.”
Now, I was really excited! That is 2 confirmations. I wanted 3 confirmations. I told him I wanted 1 more confirmation so I can tell the world and he said, “Okay. Go to the kitchen.” I thought it was going to be on the clock. It was not on the clock. It was on the menu that stays put with a magnet. It was on a restaurant that I had visited 2 times. It said 224 for the street number! That was awesome!
Fix my eyes (King and Country) was playing in my mind. It was so unbelievable!
Then, we left to get Subway and some stuff at Wal-Mart. While we were at Wal-Mart I used the self-checkout and I had used the card. A penny came out. Kelley said that it wanted my thoughts. Funny how these things keep happening to me!
I had left the Bible open on the bed to Haggai 18-19. When we got back, I wanted to read some more about the 24th. So we got home, and Habakkuk 1:5 was staring at me! That is the transformation! You could not make this stuff up! We are going home! Amen! Amen! Amen! To God be the glory! This means my mom should go on the 25th/26th and I will go on the 27th/28th! Or should I say the 5/6 for mom and the 7/8 for me! I am Henry the VIII I AM, I AM He plays that song every day!
As with all of the stuff you read, take it to the Lord in prayer! He will give you truth!
Right now, forgive, repent of your sins, and call His name “Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus” and he will save you! You do not have a lot of time left to make the escapes! This is very, very important! Do not miss out on seeing Lord Yeshua/Lord Jesus. He loves you more than you could ever imagine! Cling to him and you will be safe in his arms. “Come to me, my love,” Said by Yeshua himself. There is but one God, one Yeshua, and one spirit. Be careful and read Ephesians 4:4-7. And read John 3:15-21. Oh, and read Ephesians 6:10-18 for the whole armour of God! We are going home!
by Charles
In 1997, I had the following dream. I have to say that the effects of this dream left me permanently changed. I will never be the same again, thank God.I was walking around at an outdoor marketplace. The sky was overcast, and threatening rain. As we rounded the end of a row of tables, I heard something. There was no audible sound, but somehow I heard it. I looked up to the sky, and saw an area of cloud, now the pink color of clouds at sunset, beginning to swirl around, as if a tornado was forming. I knew immediately that it was the rapture. I said the only audible word that was said during the whole dream, As the funnel cloud dropped out of the sky, I barely noticed the crowd, but I did notice that almost all of the people around me were frozen & as if time had stopped.
I began first walking, then running towards the tower of cloud. There were a few people doing the same. When I got to within three feet of the cloud, I leapt into it as hard as I could jump.
I found myself rotating in the light, slowly ascending, my arms outstretched, my head thrown back. The light was indescribable. It was brighter than the sun, a brilliant color & the closest I can say is yellow, but it was deeper than that. It was more than light. It was a physical substance. The light was what was lifting us. I somehow knew that I could concentrate on a single cell in my body, and feel the gentle pressure of the light lifting me. My heart was so full of this light, I couldn't breath, and I could tell my heart was almost bursting with it, but there was no discomfort. With my face turned skyward, I closed my eyes, thrilling in the feeling of the love of Christ, which I instinctively knew was the light. Even with my eyes closed, the light was so bright that I could see the shadows of others being lifted, too.
When I opened my eyes, we were standing together before a barely-visible stand or podium. It was barely visible because there was a gentle fog covering everything. I heard something, not audible, but in my heart. It made my heart leap, and I knew that whatever was just said was me. Not Susan, not sister, daughter, wife, mother. The real me, who I am inside. Somehow, that word encompassed everything about me that was important, real. But for some reason, there is a blankness there in my memory & I have no idea what it sounded like. I held out my hand, and was given a small white stone with writing on it. I can almost see that writing, but it's as if it is just on the edge of my memory. What was written on that stone was the same word that was spoken, my name.
As dreams will do, I found myself suddenly somewhere else. I was in a small room, sitting on the end of a bed. It was almost like a small hotel room. There was a door and window with closed blinds on my left. Around this door and window, the light that brought me here was shining brightly. I wanted desperately to run through that door, but something held me back.
I found myself rotating in the light, slowly ascending, my arms outstretched, my head thrown back. The light was indescribable. It was brighter than the sun, a brilliant color & the closest I can say is yellow, but it was deeper than that. It was more than light. It was a physical substance. The light was what was lifting us. I somehow knew that I could concentrate on a single cell in my body, and feel the gentle pressure of the light lifting me. My heart was so full of this light, I couldn't breath, and I could tell my heart was almost bursting with it, but there was no discomfort. With my face turned skyward, I closed my eyes, thrilling in the feeling of the love of Christ, which I instinctively knew was the light. Even with my eyes closed, the light was so bright that I could see the shadows of others being lifted, too.
When I opened my eyes, we were standing together before a barely-visible stand or podium. It was barely visible because there was a gentle fog covering everything. I heard something, not audible, but in my heart. It made my heart leap, and I knew that whatever was just said was me. Not Susan, not sister, daughter, wife, mother. The real me, who I am inside. Somehow, that word encompassed everything about me that was important, real. But for some reason, there is a blankness there in my memory & I have no idea what it sounded like. I held out my hand, and was given a small white stone with writing on it. I can almost see that writing, but it's as if it is just on the edge of my memory. What was written on that stone was the same word that was spoken, my name.
As dreams will do, I found myself suddenly somewhere else. I was in a small room, sitting on the end of a bed. It was almost like a small hotel room. There was a door and window with closed blinds on my left. Around this door and window, the light that brought me here was shining brightly. I wanted desperately to run through that door, but something held me back.
On the right was another door with no light around it. I walked to the lit door, then knew that I couldn't go through it, not yet. I turned and walked through the other door.
I was on a long balcony, one with no railing. About two feet below the floor of the balcony was cloud. Someone came up to me. It was an older man, maybe in his 60's, wearing khaki pants and a plaid flannel shirt. He had a sweet, peaceful face under the fishing hat he was wearing. He smiled at me, and we sat down to talk, our legs kicking up poufs of clouds occasionally. No words were said, just thoughts and feelings from heart to heart. I don't remember a lot of the conversation. I remember being sad, knowing it was time to go. The man smiled, and I heard a promise that I would be back and never have to leave again. (Again, none of this was audible.) I sighed, and nodded. He bowed his head to pray, putting his hand on my forehead to bless me. I closed my eyes, then slowly opened them in my own bedroom.
I was on a long balcony, one with no railing. About two feet below the floor of the balcony was cloud. Someone came up to me. It was an older man, maybe in his 60's, wearing khaki pants and a plaid flannel shirt. He had a sweet, peaceful face under the fishing hat he was wearing. He smiled at me, and we sat down to talk, our legs kicking up poufs of clouds occasionally. No words were said, just thoughts and feelings from heart to heart. I don't remember a lot of the conversation. I remember being sad, knowing it was time to go. The man smiled, and I heard a promise that I would be back and never have to leave again. (Again, none of this was audible.) I sighed, and nodded. He bowed his head to pray, putting his hand on my forehead to bless me. I closed my eyes, then slowly opened them in my own bedroom.
What convinces me that it was more than a dream was my reaction. I immediately thought, NO!, I closed my eyes, hoping I could return. I was in shock. It felt like this world was the dream. Everything looked bland, muted, as if I were looking through a dirty window. The colors were almost gray-scale, they lacked any depth. My house, the whole world, looked two-dimensional, as if my sense of perspective had been skewed. I remember running into the door or wall more than once. This lasted for almost a week.
My heart was full of love and joy, but also full of sadness at having to leave. My emotions were numb. I literally walked around in a daze for three or four days. I didn't hear people when they spoke to me, and when they got my attention, I had to make an effort to understand them. I looked at my husband and children and felt nothing. The love that I had been shown was so overpowering that my family might as well have been blades of grass. It’s not that I didn't care about them; but all I wanted was to go back to where I had been. For months, as soon as I turned the car on, I checked the digital compass to see which way east was. I almost had several wrecks, trying to drive and search the eastern sky at the same time. The effects of this dream are still with me, years later.
I have also met one person, and know of at least one more, who, during times of great distress, have seen the same man that I saw. Finally, the first time I was slain in the Spirit, the light I saw was the same light that was in the dream.
I have also met one person, and know of at least one more, who, during times of great distress, have seen the same man that I saw. Finally, the first time I was slain in the Spirit, the light I saw was the same light that was in the dream.
Author Unknown
A community effort to gather God's words given to us in
Looking for that MOON!
Posted on September 14, 2015
My daughter, write My words for those with ears to hear. I see the excitement of My children that are aware of the time we are in. Expect to be hearing Me loud and clear, My loves. Be still and listen, and I will give you wisdom and knowledge. I assure you that, as evil is poured out upon your Earth, My Holy Spirit will be increasing, and there will be a major increase in the anointing of My saints. My Holy Spirit will be coming upon many now, and they will for the first time be fully awakened in their Spirits to My love and supernatural perfection. I cannot explain the jubilation occurring in the heavens as My angels have been eagerly preparing for the arrival of their earthly family. There will be several harvests, My children, and some of My warrior saints shall be changed in order that they are able to undertake the task that I lay before them of harvesting the winter wheat. The governments of your world will try to explain away the Harpazo of the innocents. Do not fall for their deception, as they will come up with many outrages explanations. Do not trust your news media, for they are on the side of the enemy. This is not a time to do anything other than focus on Me. When you remove Me from your view, you will create openings for the enemy, and there is much more evil on your Earth now. You must keep your lamps full. Stay in prayer. Stay in My Word. Do not allow the frustrations of this world to keep you from spending time with Me. Pray in the Holy Spirit constantly. Allow yourself to be purged of any repetitive sin, and let Me shine My face upon you. If you keep yourself in guilt and shame, you are living in darkness, and My light cannot penetrate a heart that won’t receive it. Recognize your need for My light. Recognize your need to have every last drop of sin purged from your being. See that you cannot cleanse yourself and that you need Me to do the cleansing. I alone can sanctify you. You cannot sanctify yourself. I am engulfing My children now. Ask for Me to surround you with a cloak of joy, love, peace and protection. You will see your world becoming increasingly dark, and more and more people will be taken by the lies of the enemy. You will see things that are unthinkable to you and make no sense. It will be the fall of humanity unfolding before your very eyes. You will see some things, as you have been for some time now. It is very important that you stay filled with My Holy Spirit, Ruach Ha’Kodesh, at all times now, for He is your only true refuge. Do not ever become frightened, and if even for one moment you feel fear, call out My name
Author Unknown
12/31/17 Audible Words from Yeshua
13079, after-shock, 333 the end, New York City, New Jersey, Boston Massachusetts, Manhattan, everybody can get saved
Don’t speak was playing in the background.
My interpretations:
The number 13079 equals 20 (4+16=20). 20 is the number of a complete or perfect waiting period. We could be going on the 20th. But, there is a lot that is going to happen before the 20th. My mom could go to Heaven on the 19-20 and I could go to Heaven the 21-22 (7/8). Rapture Puzzle (YouTube) is saying that “January 1st represents the Gentile Feast of Trumpets.” “The 21st day of the Trumpets would be the 7th day. There is 9 days total.” 7-8-9 that would be the 21, 22, and 23. Something to ponder!
Aftershock means it is a smaller earthquake following the main shock of a large earthquake. Which one is He talking about? Every time Yeshua has an earthquake, he does it to draw people in to the kingdom.
333 the end could mean maimed; Ater, the name of three Israelites:--Ater. This could mean the Tuesday (14) and Wednesday (15) next week could have the Israelites “maimed” when they are hit with a bomb (Torah). It feels like it could be the bomb that hits the rock of the dome. It could also mean next Monday (14) and Tuesday (15) (Hebrew). It would be “the end” of a year and “the beginning” of a new one (bad one). 2018 is not going to be a good year, and we want to leave as soon as Lord Yeshua can allow it. Come Lord Jesus, Come!
I have had several dreams and visions about NYC. I’ve mentioned every one of them on the blog, so check out the Archives (I just started around August of 2017, I think that is right!). Gods gifts (YouTube) says that it might include the ball being bombed. It has crystal shards in her dream, and they do go downward. In jkbugout’s Pet Goat II version on YouTube, he interprets that a tsunami is going to hit NYC at 3:00 on 1/1/18. The apple is NYC, and the apple is falling. The apple was used as a time indicator for New Year’s Eve in NYC in the 80’s. The apple is NYC and it does have the waves coming and a missile, but he feels like it won’t be until the 7th of January 2018, said Julian T on YouTube.
The ones that Yeshua felt I needed to say were New York City, New Jersey, Boston Massachusetts, and Manhattan was the order. He immediately said that “Everybody can get saved!” I feel it is going to happen, and it is going to be an event that many people can be saved. Hallelujah! God is so good he wants people to be saved in spite of the aftermath! He still wants to save people!
I looked up the lyrics to Don’t Speak and this is some of what I found. It is from No Doubt.
You and me
We used to be together
Everyday together always (Yeshua used to be a part of you.)
I really feel
That I'm losing my best friend (Now, you won’t listen to him.)
I can't believe
This could be the end (The end, Yeshua wants you to come back to him.)
It looks as though you're letting go (You don’t want him anymore, but you do need him, He says.)
And if it's real
Well I don't want to know
Don't speak
I know just what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't tell me 'cause it hurts
Don't speak
I know what you're thinking
I don't need your reasons
Don't tell me 'cause it hurts (You are killing him all over again! You need to say you’re sorry. He will take you back gladly! Repent and ask for him to come into your heart! I will do it, he says with tears in his eyes. Come away with me! I love you! King Yeshua)
I don’t know what day it really and truly is on God’s Calendar! But, I know that the 13th to the 15th is going to be the bomb for the dome of the rock (Israel), and before that we have things happening where we cannot help out. This could be weather related incidents or government incidents (i.e., bomb being dropped in NYC). Yeshua told me that “17 was said for a reason. I can’t tell you what it is, but it will change you forever!” Now, that makes me think that I’m going to change on that day or told when I would change. I don’t know, again, what the true day is, but I would like very much to change on that day. The “24th is the day” is what Yeshua said to me. I believe Him! My mom goes on the 25th. I go on the 27th. I believe my God, and what he says to me! I just get so confused as to what day it is, but I will be in the knowing the more things happen! Amen! Amen! Amen!
“I’m coming! I AM COMING! Don’t be discouraged, be encouraged! I AM THE I AM, AND THERE’S NONE LIKE ME! I’m coming to get you, my believers! You are mine and I am yours!” Yeshua Ha’Mashiach
As with all things I say, take everything to the Lord Yeshua and ask Him about the truth! He will tell you!
If you do not know Yeshua intimately, go and kneel down and cry out to Him! Forgive, repent, and ask the LORD to come into your heart! This is serious, so serious! Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. John 3:15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. Ephesians 4:4-7 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
Yeshua wants everyone to know that seeing this from my servant means that you are accountable for the things that you do and say! I love each and every one of you, but don’t make the mistake and cause me to cry! I dare not see you in the Great Tribulation; When, I am wanting you to come just as you are and give me your all! Love, your Yeshua Ha’Mashiach. (Wow! That was Yeshua wanting to talk to you.) It is simply amazing! But, the warning is very clear! It is the final countdown – are you ready to go right now, just as you are. You have to be willing to let everything go and go with the angel that will meet you on earth. I hope this message gets passed around, causing a lot of people to be saved! The time is short! He loves you more than any love can be imagined! He hopes to see you in Heaven soon!
1/1/18 A Video Analysis from Yeshua
The video is ‘Doom or Destiny’ and it has Debbie Harry and Joan Jett (witches). I would not do this, but the Lord Yeshua, wants you to know. So, I had to do it. There are a lot of interesting things in this video. I didn’t play it for sound, I just wanted to see what kind of things they are dreaming up (Planning). I messed with the setting to have the best quality and the slowest speed. It helped drastically! Here is what I need to show you. Don’t play sound, but do what I did and it will amaze you. To God be the glory! Amen! Amen! Amen! Ok, here we go.
Alarm clock bells ringing in nations head (he is a very mad clock) at 3:42 (I set this time). The 3 in the alarm clock isn’t black, but white with gray. It totally disappears at 0:04. I think between the 8 and the 9 is where the long hand should be, if it were straightened out 0:04. I don’t know what the time is referring to. There was nothing about the tornadoes, hurricanes, or earthquakes.
The clock on the news at the bottom right is 11:59. One minute till midnight. Be ready for the midnight cry for our Yeshua is returning to get us. Matthew 25:6 it says And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. We are almost there! People everywhere they need to know. They need to keep the faith in Yeshua! We will be with him in Heaven! The middle of the month is going to be exciting! Keep the faith in Yeshua!
A bee and a round thing is on the necklace 0:05 It looks like a pumpkin 0:52
It looks like an asteroid or something that covers the moon (a black asteroid covers almost all of the moon. I say it is an asteroid because it has no definite outer shape.) 0:06
On the right side (viewing) of Debbie Harry you can see the image of a demon come to life 0:06
Ghost gets kicked out of cemetery (This could be the dead in Christ shall rise first.) 1 Thessalonians 4:16 says For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
This is important: There are 3 of the “nasty” girls who wear red high heel stilettos. Going from L to R: White, Orange, and then Red were the heel colors when they kick straight to the right. 0:08
0:10 DH raised her hand up and then down, that is exactly when the stilettos were in motion. They went from the left to kick the glass in at 0:11. DH is looking down after the shards are everywhere on the right side of screen. Gods Gift says their stilettos are bombs. I believe she is right!
Also, on 0:10 there is an evil creature that looks like a bat or a dark bird. It is located on the bottom right side, right beside the circle which is above the clock 11:59.
On 0:11 it is real tricky to see, because they do it in front of us, but they don’t really want us to see it. I do see it. The pieces of glass are used to form the word “Vanish.” How clever they think they are! This is when we have been taken or translated to Yeshua! 1 Thessalonians 4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
0:13 A demon is seen in the building at the bottom right corner of the tv
The Last Five Day Forecast: It says the 29 of December – 2 January; but my feeling is it is 29 of January – February 2, 2018. But, the only part that was highlighted (red) was the thermonuclear war. It was on the 31st of December and it was on a Sunday. The dates are mixed up. One of the nasties activated the thermonuclear war and it was a mushroom cloud; she fanned herself.
0:17 The mushroom cloud at the base consist of Kim Jong-un, Donald Trump, and Putin (From L to R).
0:20 It is very hard to see. You have to put the speed on the lowest to see it. The picture that looks like an eyeball, is actually a firing zone. It has 12-14 missiles coming in the same direction: to us. The white rectangle is a building getting blown up. The reddened sky is seen. The view looks like a bird’s eye view.
Also, on 0:20 the picture is a bumble bee upon a leaf and it says, “The End.” Because it is the end of life as everyone has known it. Can also be a reference to the locusts coming out.
0:21 In the crystal ball, I think it is either Christians that go home with Jesus or it is two witches, I cannot tell which. If anyone can see it, please let me know. Then, they go away and a bomb is dropped.
0:25 Fu is the name of the channel, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know what those two letters mean. This page has a lot on it. As Gods Gifts mentions there is a chain that is around her neck. She is a slave. The name “available” is spray painted on the “v” only. The v is on the coat, it is the coat, and the chain is around her neck. There is no price, there is only a gold-studded mask. What Gods Gifts had to point out was the Call 666, the 112,301 was significant, and the words were backwards and forwards. All of that is true! I tried to look up 112,301 and was not successful. Sorry!
0:39 fait accompli means a thing that has already happened or been decided before those affected hear about it, leaving them with no option but to accept. The picture is of a delicate hand grenade. There is always a way to accept. You accept Jesus and refuse anything else. You die!
0:41 It shows you blowing up! So be it! You are in the winter, you’ve already had a nuclear winter. Boom becomes Doom. Well, if you aren’t saved, then it is Doom. Otherwise, you are okay. There is a snake curled up on the left tree. Christians are mostly the snow man, knowing we are gonna be nuked. Tiny nukes are all around us and the world. Then, we melt.
This is not the kind of thing I appreciate doing. I was told to do it. Therefore, I am doing it. It has taken me two days, but it is done. The price you pay is nothing compared to the price you will pay dearly if you stay! Yeshua wants for the people to become broken. Get on your knees and pray! He wants all of us to repent and call His name! There is no reason, none, that you cannot get saved! If the witches of rock music can do something as vulgar as this was, then you had better pay attention! There is only one way – through Yeshua! He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” John 14:6.
John 14:1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. 2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
Revelation 22:12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. 13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
As with all things I say, take everything to the Lord Yeshua and ask Him about the truth! He will tell you!
If you do not know Yeshua intimately, go and kneel down and cry out to Him! Forgive, repent, and ask the LORD to come into your heart! This is serious, so serious! Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. John 3:15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. Ephesians 4:4-7 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
Yeshua wants everyone to know that seeing this from my servant means that you are accountable for the things that you do and say! I love each and every one of you, but don’t make the mistake and cause me to cry! I dare not see you in the Great Tribulation; When, I am wanting you to come just as you are and give me your all! Love, your Yeshua Ha’Mashiach. (Wow! That was Yeshua wanting to talk to you.) It is simply amazing! But, the warning is very clear! It is the final countdown – are you ready to go right now, just as you are. You have to be willing to let everything go and go with the angel that will meet you on earth. I hope this message gets passed around, causing a lot of people to be saved! The time is short! He loves you more than any love can be imagined! He hopes to see you in Heaven soon!
Love to all, my brothers and sisters in Christ!
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