
Revelation in a Nutshell

Revelation in a Nutshell!
by Paula Marie

If you are left behind and the rapture already took is what may happen next! Please read and heed these warnings! Here are some events that I believe are soon to come based on what is written in the book of Revelation. This explains what the Antichrist will do and how He might very well come onto the scene to become leader of the New World Empire.

When the tribulation begins, shortly after the rapture takes place, there must be an agreement of peace involving Israel. This agreement of peace is what divides up the land, bringing it back to the original accord as determined by the United Nations during the time of WW1. This peace agreement is what starts off the hour of tribulation. It is when the first seal will be broken, when the white horse rides. The act of dividing up the land however starts the tribulation hour because it brings about God's wrath.

1 Thessalonians 5:3; For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. This next verse explains why the destruction and tribulation comes. Joel 3:2; I will gather the armies of the world into the valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will judge them for harming my people, my special possession, for scattering my people among the nations, and for dividing up my land.

But the Antichrist will be more than willing to cooperate and even help make this agreement come to pass. He will come in peaceably with the interest of creating a false peace with Israel and the Muslim world for his own interest. Through the peace agreement, the Antichrist will allow the Jewish people to build the temple on the temple mount, and they will be protected for 3 1/2 years because of this agreement on peace. He will leave them alone in order that they build the temple. He desires for them to build the temple in order that he can set himself up in there as God to rule and reign over all the Kingdoms of the earth! After 3 1/2 years he breaks the 7 year covenant by going into the temple and declaring that he is God. They will once again offer sacrifices in the temple, but he causes them to cease by making the temple unclean by his presence, causing desecration. Then he causes all the world to worship him by erecting a statue and by causing all to receive his mark on the right hand or forehead. Jerusalem will become the Kingdom of the beast, Babylon in which God will destroy, make desolate, during the second half of the tribulation, but during the first half, the Jews are protected while they are doing their work on the temple for his sake.

Now as the seals are opened, and the 4 horses begin to ride, the world will see destruction of the likes that were never seen before due to God's wrath. The first 4 seals which are the four horses, come upon the world quickly as soon as the peace agreement is signed. Horses ride swiftly as in a race, so it is apparent that they will ride almost simultaneously, immediately after the agreement is signed and the rapture takes place. These seals are Peace agreement, war, economic collapse and death. This represents a period of time that the Antichrist will set up his kingdom, when world systems collapse and the New World Order is being put into place. It represents the collapse of the United States, world powers and all world monetary systems. It calls for the rise of a World leader to put an end to the chaos that was caused when the first 4 seals were opened. The Antichrist then seized the opportunity and comes on the scene as the Savior of the world.

Next after the 4th seal is opened, the NWO is set up, the temple is built in Jerusalem and everyone is required to receive his mark. Those who refuse, the Christians are martyred for their faith! The Bible says all those who accept his mark and follow the beast will be confined to hell forever! So in the time of tribulation in order to be saved, you must be martyred or die for your faith! Jesus in Mark 8:35 said; For whoever wants to save their life (earthly) will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it (eternal). There is no going back, once you receive the mark, you will no longer understand reason and your mind will be ultimately controlled by Satan.

The Antichrist will set himself up in the temple as God and runs the entire world from Jerusalem which will be through the UN and Sharia law! And he will use the United Nations as his new governmental agency, to enforce laws and monetize world currency and so forth. In the beginning he will enforce a world agreement of peace through the United Nations by getting all the Kingdoms of the world to agree to an agreement on peace through a vote. But ultimately, they will only be enforcing the original doctrine that was created back in WW1 on the division of the land, with the exception of allowing the Jews to build their temple on the Temple Mount, which the Antichrist will add. But soon these leaders of nations will realize they had been deceived.

At the battle of Armageddon, during Mid tribulation, the 144,000 Jews are sealed for protection during this time of war. The angels holding back the 4 winds which were there to protect Israel are now going to release them in preparation for this war. The Bible explains that after the Jews are sealed, Babylon falls and the tribulation saints are ascended to heaven and to his throne. Revelation chapter 7 is a depiction of the battle of Armageddon from beginning to end.

In the beginning of the tribulation, after the Peace Agreement is signed, the United Nations and the Antichrist behind the scenes will have to take control of the enforcement of the covenant, as the Muslims will not agree with the Jews building their temple on the temple mount and will start a war over it. This will be the red horse riding. But since Iran will try to attack Israel the United Nations after appointing a world leader, will go after Iran in defense of Israel and Iran will be annihilated. This will give the Antichrist full control and absolute power! The Muslim world will be at his mercy. But he will protect Israel only to see to it that his so called Temple will be built. After the 3 1/2 years, the whole world begins to turn on Israel, but this is because the Antichrist had set up his throne in Jerusalem, and they wish to rid themselves of him. Initially they gave themselves over to the beast, but soon the world leaders, will realize they had been deceived and will go after Israel for the purpose of going against the Antichrist. The Bible calls this time Armageddon and Jerusalem becomes Babylon, the great harlot, the Kingdom of the beast. This is where his world headquarters, and the United Nations headquarters will be located.

In the process of Armageddon, as the world turns against Israel, Jerusalem gets completely destroyed including the Temple! Then new Jerusalem comes down from the sky containing a new Temple with the Ark of the Covenant! And Jesus rules and reigns, takes over the earth from this new Temple, the new city that came down from heaven. The earth and all that’s in it, gets renewed as Satan, his demons and all his followers are thrown into the Lake of fire for 1,000 years! When it is all over, Jesus will rule and reign on the earth, doing away with all heartaches, sicknesses, death and disease! He shall wipe away every tear from our eyes and we shall live in paradise in His glory forever and ever! Amen!

Matthew 24:13; But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

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