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"In the dream I walked into a very large room. The walls were beautiful, and looked like white marble with gold trim. In the middle of this large room was a throne and even though I couldn’t clearly see the face of the person on the throne, it looked like the Pope. There was a red carpet leading up to the throne, with people standing around the carpet weeping.

I started to walk up the red carpet when an angel stopped me in my tracks. He was standing to the right of me, wearing brilliant white clothing. In his hand was a scroll. He handed me the scroll, and told me to open it. All of a sudden, the weeping stopped and all eyes were on me as I did as the angel directed me to do. I opened the scroll, and to my surprise, all I saw were five numbers on it:
1 1 1 9 2
That was it. Just five numbers. Puzzled, I looked at the angel and asked him, “What are these numbers?” He answered me and said, “These numbers are a date.” I asked him, “A date of what?” All of a sudden he disappeared and I woke up."

"The full moon on November 14, 2016 will be an extraordinary sight! In fact, not only will it be a Supermoon (a “perigee” moon, when the full moon rises on the same day that the moon orbits nearest earth), but it will be nearer to earth than it’s been since January 26, 1948! This Supermoon will have a dramatic effect on the tides and, for many people, November’s full moon will be the largest and brightest full moon of a lifetime."

I find it particularly interesting that the last time the moon came this close to earth was in 1948, the year Israel became a nation. Perhaps the 120th Jubilee year that began sometime in the autumn of 2015 will end around this time in 2016, according to God's calendar, instead of going by man's calendars. I'm not mentioning a specific date, because we're not intended to know these things.

The time from the 4th Super Blood Moon on 9/28/2015 to the lunar eclipse on 9/16/2016 is one lunar year, consisting of 11 months, 19 days. If we go 2 months (2 moons) past 9/16/2016, it brings us to November 2016‘s full moon on 11/14/2016, which will be the closest to earth since 1948, for the largest and brightest full moon of a lifetime.
One lunar year (11 months, 19 days) + 2 months (or 2 full moons) = 11192
"More often than not, the one day of the year that the full moon and perigee align also brings about the year’s closest perigee. Because the moon has recurring cycles, we can count on the full moon and perigee to come in concert in periods of about 1 year, and 48 days".

Note:--- 1 year, 48 days is approximately 413 days

--- 1 lunar year (11 months, 19 days) + 2 more months (or 2 moons) is 414 days

I believe that we may have finally unveiled Lisa Leenie's mysterious numerical sequence, which is 11192. To make a long story short, it is one complete perigee cycle! The dates of the closest full moons in recent and future years are:
9/28/2015 --- 4th Super Blood Moon Of 2014 - 2015 Tetrad11/14/2016 --- Moon Closest To Earth Since 1/26/19481/2/2018

5/26/2021 --- Total Lunar Eclipse

8/31/2023 --- Blue Moon

CONCLUSIONThere is only one perigee cycle that truly stands apart from the rest. 9/28/2015 - 11/14/2016. I honestly don't think we will be here on 11/25/2034, the next time the moon is very near to earth as it was in 1948 and will be in 2016, according to astronomers.

Triple Solar Storm Headed to Earth

Asteroid Passes Near Satellites

Breaking! Russia fires ICBM missile from NUKE submarine!

Alert! UN Going Door to Door in a Couple Months! They Are Getting Prepared!

Alert! Be Saved in These End Times, Saved From Any Destruction, God Will Keep You!

Message 21 Your Rewards

Putin's Ally Says a Vote for Hillary is a Vote For War!

Russia Joins China to Counter US Missile Defense

The Lion is Roaming

Prophetess Dawn O’brien:
Listen to Today’s Prophetic Word, “The California Bridge is about to go Down!” I heard the Holy Spirit speak this to me at 4:46 am I IMMEDIETELY WOKE UP AND WROTE THIS WORD! “FATHER, SPEAK TO YOUR SERVANT CLEARLY I PRAY! I AM LISTENING!”

Dream-let me tell ya sis, a song was given to me in spirit saying "overseas yea we try to stop terrorism. but we STILL GOT TERRORISTS HERE LIVIN, IN THE USA the big CIA the bloods the krips and the KKK" so this was around may or june. then last night i dreampt of 2 planes crashing into a building at the same time! i also remember going down some very narrow stairs and a guy pushed me out of his way and i had to wait on him to go down the stairs first and i barely fit through the entrance to the stairs but i went down the narrow stairs. then i remember seeing 2 sets of raffle tickets in piles. theres much more to my dream i cant remember...Rachael W.

The UN Just Approved a Depopulation Agenda to Go Into Effect Nov. 4th!

Russia Recommends Family Members to Return Home? (From the US)

Rapture Dream: Jesus is coming for a Bride without spot or wrinkle

Nibiru Planet X flying high over Australia!

Insiders Give Heads Up On the Coming Collapse of the Auto Bubble

Urgent Vision and Word From the Lord to Our 7 Year Old!

My Daughter's Dream....A Recap

Dream-The time is 5:39 a.m. Monday which is Columbus Day. So strange that it would be given to me in the dream on this Columbus Day to get ready to live in another existence.

We usually celebrate Columbus Day as the founding of America but ironically America will be no more.

I wanted to write this dream down before I forgot it this is the first for me to be riding so early in the morning about a dream that I had.

In this dream I thought I want on YouTube to look at people's comments about the second presidential debate last night. I dream that I turned them to the YouTube channel to look at what people were saying and thinking about it and reading the comments when I push the little button play(>) the little pin will appear and there was nothing but a fling scream just a dark black screen. I can't play a number of times to get the screen moving and nothing was happening it was still dark black

I was a little worried because I never seen the screen be black like that it was like the end of everything it didn't show the debate it didn't show anything was just a black screen. And I did notice the surroundings around me was black too but I could see I can see my screen which in this case is my phone and it will still black around me like early early early morning that it is not but I could see the scream but this it wouldn't play anything.

So I kept thinking about it thinking about it pondering over why the screen wouldn't play because I wanted to see what people had to say about the debate and then these words came into my spirit" Get ready to live in another exisence"

Now the word "existence" is not a normal word that I use in my everyday vocabulary

Well I'm not going to try to interpret this to dream that I had. However I have a lot of guesses. ".

El aine J.

WARNING! WARNING! Jesus says it is finished! (Done)

Large Planet in the Sky With a Hole in It?

Nibiru Filmed Over Mexico

My Dream About Obama

Dream of Obama Again

Urgent Dream Regarding Obama! War is Coming!

Prepping For War: US Air Force Just Dropped Two Fake Nuclear Bombs in Nevada

10 Dead 1,500 stranded in North Carolina Due to Flood WaterDeath Toll Reaches 1,000 in Haiti!

Syrian People Speak Out! They are targeted by US backed insurgents

Putin Meeting With Edrogan in Turkey!

Breaking: "France Not Sure to Receive Putin in Visit to Paris"

Vision of Demons, Horribles Creatures Walking in the Streets!

Dreams by Tigress

Have had a few dreams some short in description others abit longer.

The first two I'd like to share are ones that I had a few years back, can't remember all the details but know the land was split into two. Another the Lord gave the months 6 and or 7 can't remember any other details about that dream. Then comes a dream from a few months back this year, I remember My brother calling My Mother and telling Her, WW3 had just started. Then the dream preceded to a big like space ship, and everyone was dressed in like white gowns and remember helping gather people and animals were coming too. Then comes a dream from My 2nd oldest daughter that is 15, She had a dream that celebrities, all sorts of them, movie stars, music stars, athletes, were all pushing the chip of the mark of the beast and making it look cool and tons were falling for it.

My most recent happened about a month and half ago. So this will be the most detailed one.

So it started off where I felt the Holy Spirit led us to stay inside and not do anything, for this day wickedness was occuring. Was suppose to be at work on this day and I worked in a Muslim gas station. So it was hard to tell them the reason why I couldn't go into work. I don't know why but I was lerking outside one of their houses and got caught and had to make up an excuse of why I wasn't able to work. Remember having to choose My words wisely then and throughout the whole dream. Had on like a Christian tshirt and remember it being changed in their presence as to not alert them. I mentioned something about the rapture. At this time was outside in their fenced in back yard and they said, "Hope

Your GOD is true, He'll have to save You". At that moment they pressed a button and detonated a bomb of sorts remember a big blue blast as I was running away, was praying to Jesus to save us. Me My mother and My youngest daughter 10 flew through like a time line. Remember feeling like it was the other side of the Rapture time line. Travel was hard and all foreign. The Holy Spirit led in careful chosen words to people around us. Some of Muslim spirit. So had to be careful. There was one part in the dream where I had to trade rocks to this Muslim family and they gave us Gold and silver metals, and while doing this was led to bless them and they saw that God was/is Good and saw God threw and in us and gave their lives to Him. We had plenty of currency for where we were going next. Then was running with My Mother and daughter again and another time line jump occurred. Felt like it was another trial/ mission. Then awoke. Throughout the dream was witnessing and ministering. Was truly scary but knew" GOD and his grace, mercy and Holy Spirit kept us through it all.

Truck Driver Tells About the Rapture

NWO and the Antichrist is About to Emerge!

Urgent! Great Judgment is Coming!

Don't Travel Says NC Governor!

Jerusalem Divided! New Lines Drawn for the West Bank!

Obama Accused of War Crimes by the UN?

Wow! The Lord is so close right now!

Russia Warns That a Nuclear War With The US May Be Imminent!

Breaking! Russophobia! Words of War Between Russia and America!


Matthew Triggers Severe Flooding in NC; US Death Toll at 15

BREAKING: Russia warns of instant retaliation if US uses forces in Syria!

Jesus is Coming Be Ready/Dream of Eclipse

Nuclear War With Russia Has Never Been Closer!

Strange Planet Spotted Over Texas

Dream by Jacob Aaron
Last night I had a dream that I went out to see the new moon and instead I saw a very illuminated full moon and it started glowing and getting brighter towards the bottom of it and I couldn't tell if it was coming from behind it or not.

Dream This past month has been kinda crazy with what I've been seeing. About a month ago I looked up in the clouds and saw a huge full bodied white horse and about a week ago I was listening to a channel here on YT and was kinda praying for the Lord to give me another sign....a few minutes went by and I could feel and see the sun was coming out from behind the clouds, so I looked out my window,( my TV kinda blocks half the window when I'm sitting down in my recliner) and then I saw another white horse drift by my window, but all I could see was the head of this horse....these 2 horses could of not been anymore perfect, you could see every single detail on them. I also had a dream about 4 days ago, I was in my kitchen and I looked out my window and saw this huge black planet, asteroid or comet coming towards earth really super fast, it was rotating (kinda like a beach ball in the wind) and so I ran into the living room to tell my family and then all of a sudden it hit and the earth started to shake....I'd say for like 10-15 seconds, my family screamed "what was that?" I said "I told you all Jesus was coming, HE'S COMING" end of dream.

Rapture Dream Last night I had this dream. well I was just i guess in my room and all i saw was this light come from one side and started engulfing the whole room in golden bright and it filled the whole place.It was overpowering like the sun and I just knew it was time for the rapture to happen...thats all i can really tell you about it.It filled the room quickly too and there was no darkness. I think it was a dream i was asleep but instantly awoke and thought we are about to go home!

2 officers killed by a gunman in Palm Springs

ISIS Takeover! Elections Suspended!

Russia Deploys Advanced Anti Missile System to Syria for The 1st Time!

Pictures of Half the Sun Missing?

UN Security Council Holds Meeting on Aleppo

Rapture Dream! October 2nd


Wake Up!!! Alert!!! Something Big is About to Happen in America!NATO Jets Intercept Russian Nuclear Planes

Putin Orders 40 Million Citizens to Prepare for Nuclear Bombardment!

Hubble Detects Cannonballs Shooting From a Star!

Breaking: NSA files "Internment" Camps!

German Financial Chaos, Duetchse Bank Affected as 10,000 Jobs are Lost!

10/7/16 By TheMeek Cjt:

The "wiki leaks" organization is exposing the truth about Hillary Clinton, says the Lord. God says that he is using wiki leaks to expose the truth about this election and it's many secrets behind it. But Assage, the man behind the leaks of information will be killed by a government agent. They will falsify the report and they will lie, but I know who will do it, says the Lord, and I will bring judgement upon the Hillary Clinton Administration, for murdering him and many wicked things she has planned, hiding behind that smile. She is cruel and has a wicked mentality to divide and destroy. She does not love you, my children. She has very occultic ties and does occultict things such as sacrifices, and praying at satanic altars to her Father the devil, which who has twisted the truth in this election. She worships idols at Bohemian Grove (a free mason occultic worship gathering in California for the elite high class in society). Hillary has planted mind control spells on the people, so they will love her and follow her commands. Hillary Clinton is an occultic witch.


Isaiah 42:14 and 17, “I have long time holden my peace; I have been still, and refrained myself: now will I cry like a travailing woman; I will destroy and devour at once. ...They shall be turned back, they shall be greatly ashamed, that trust in graven images, that say to the molten images, Ye are our gods.”

1st Corinthians 4:5, “Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.”


The polls and the voting do not matter, says the Lord. For martial law will be declared between now and the planned election time, and the election will be cancelled, says the Lord.

Obama, the son of perdition must stay in the oval office for a season, for he is the Antichrist. He must fulfill his assignment in the Muslim nations, become the head of the Islamic State. Isis will take over the government, and take over control of the nations of Islam. Obama and Isis are in operation together, and Obama will declare a state of emergency and the UN will declare martial law and commence an executive order by the Antichrist to kill all Christians and whoever stands in their way of a new world order. Barrack Hussein Obama will take many lives. He will murder many Christians. But I will allow him to overcome the saints for a season, until I destroy him myself and the scriptures are fulfilled. Turkey will fight against Barack Obama when he leaves oval office. He will have a time with them. His headquarters will be in Iraq, and Israel soon after will be under his command. Russia will strike the US, and a nuclear war will ensue, and a new world order will be initiated. They will invade the coast through submarines. Barack has tricked the world into thinking he loves them. He has a trick up his sleeve that will change their mind, about who they thought he was. He has initiated a race war, to create riots so he can declare martial law. Obama will strategically attack New Orleans, and a bomb will be detonated in New York that will kill many, and there will also be a mass shooting, all devised by Obama so he can stay in office. There will also be a terrorist strike by Obama in Oregon, says the Lord. Obama, is creating destruction and carnage that will divide the nation racially from the shooting of black males. He is goading the Black lives matter organization into rioting more, so he can stop the election, and they have taken the bait every time. If they could see that prayer is the best weapon instead of violence, says the Lord, then they would not have to go protest and cause destruction and commit violence in the streets. They would know that I have covered them in their prayer in fasting and obedience to me. They would not fight and cause uproar, because they would know that I am their vindicator and their advocate, if they are following in the way of my word, which they are not. I will cast judgement upon the black lives matter group, for causing devastation in the streets, and their thievery. Black lives matter, but so do ALL the lives of my children, says the Lord. I have no favorites. Remember this. Faith pleases me, not the color if your skin. Don't fall into the traps of the man of perdition, laid out by his Father, the liar, the deceitful, one, Satan, the Father of all lies.


Obama can make plans, but I am in control here. Not him. He can only do what I allow him to, and he will only rule for a season. He cannot beat me. I am GOD. And besides me there is no other.

The elite have been orchaestraing a weapon of destruction. A nuclear bomb, which can destroy the earth in one strike. But i will delay the bomb's creation, so my saints will have time to preach the gospel and so others will have space given to repentance. But if they will not hear these words, they will be destroyed. I will distort their plans so the bomb will be less effective, but the impact will destroy your country so my judgement will be revealed upon the nation Babylon the great. When this bomb is detonated, power lines will be desteoyed along with electrical power grids, in certain places, and it will be radioactive and toxic to drink the water. Clean water will be hard to find in those days. Even the air you breathe will be posionus if inhaled, and even deadly. The Chinese will be at war with the American government and no one will save America. Neither will her allies come to her aid. They will avoid her for fear of destruction that they will receive. She will cry for help, buy No one will hear her.

In one hour Babylon the great will be destroyed on the day appointed by me, so others can repent and turn from their sins when they see from afar off the burning of a nation, that once followed me in truth and obedience to my word, but iniquity disrupted the communion we shared. She refuses to repent, and is proud of her iniquity, so in one hour will Babylon the great will be destroyed when i fulfill Revelation 18.

The weather harp machine, created by the eletist movement was designed to create chaos and fear so people will be easily manipulated, because those that do are not filled with my spirit within them will be easily controllable, as they lack the emotional restraint to make thought out decisions when under pressure, such as a false flag attack or a real one. They cannot tell the difference because they do not have discernment through my Holy Spirit, says the Lord, but I am warning them in advance. The harp weather machine can create weather patterns of catastrophic proportions such as tornadoes amd hurricanes, but none will compare to what i am about to bring this nation for it's unrepentance.

But my judgement will be far greater and exceed what even the elite could imagine in their wicked hearts. I am angry with them, and I will carry out my judgement on them, says the Lord. I am about to send destruction and weather so catastrophic that no man will be able to take credit for it. It will be unprecedented and there will be none like it ever recorded in history. But my spirit will guide my followers without error in all truth, correction, godliness, and stewardess, according to my word and glory. I will impart gifts unto you, says the Lord if you ask me for it, for my purposes, and I will shew you a mystery, and the secret thing will be made plain and simple. For I want my people to have knowledge. My people are destroyed for their lack of knowledge, and understanding of the truth I reveal unto them, by my prophets, my word, and my Holy Spirit

Watch the skies, for the stars of heaven are signaling to the fallen angels on the other planets that it is time to return. CERN is opening portals and gateways to other dimensions. I have allowed them to open them for a season, to fulfill scripture in my word that said "and there were giants in those days and after." Moreover, I explained in my word that giants would carry out my wrath, says the Lord


I give command, and I bring them: giants are coming to fulfil my wrath; Isaiah 3:1


The nephlim will return. The sons of God went unto the daughters of man and procreated, giving birth to hybrid, half fallen angel and half human beings, called the earthborn or Nephlim. They were giant creatures (Gen. 6). Some were 8 feet tall, some were 15, says the Lord. They were strong.

CERN wanted to open a portal to the abyss to get scientific technology and info about the stars. They will reap what they have sown. Giants will fulfill my wrath upon them. It will be like the days if Noah, as prophesied in the book of Enoch, says the Lord. The Roman Catholic church uprooted many of the words I spoke unto my prophets, but I am revealing the truth about these lost texts.

The tower of babel fell from a swift wind that I sent. So will I disrupt and destroy the New World Order, and the new world government. Mark my words, says the Lord, as the tower of Babel fell and I disrupted their languages and men were scattered abroad, a strong delusion is about to sweep through the government systems as you've never seen it. An illusion and a lie that men will hold dear to. It will destroy them if they repent not, says the Lord. Keep watch, for I know all things and I will take care of those who are obedient and submit themselves before me, humble and meek. My sheep hear my voice and they follow me. They know my voice and I know them, and they will turn away from a stranger, and they will not hear his words. I know all things. The power and authority is vested unto me by my Father in heaven. I know what is going on and what will transpire as I allow it, even before it occurs. Even before events occurs I know the very thoughts of evil men. Have no fear, I have over come the world, says the Lord. I have given you power to tread upon the adder and the scorpion. For my power is infinite, without measure, and I give freely unto my childrengifts among in my times and seasons for my purposes and my glory.

Keep an eye open and only believe. Doubt will stifle you, if you give ear to it. I am the truth and the life. Come unto me all you heavy burdened, and I will give you rest.


Yeshua Hamashiac, Jesus Christ

Dreams of the Harvest- I had a dream last night that was very strange I can see people at a hotel it look like spring break or summer break. Young people in their teens and 20s where everywhere it was like a big party at a university or huge hotel but I didn't see myself I was just observing. I noticed young males walking towards a big grey building with a pool inside. They had to walk up a tall tower of stairs. They had on swim trunks, no shoes and no shirts. There was a line of guys to get into this pool and from what I felt like it was full of lust and debauchery inside. They were all excited and couldn't wait to go in but before they walk through the door they had to promise loyalty and give up their souls. One young man did not want to go he argued and finally got into a scuffle with another man and they ended up getting out of line. Then a third male escorted the other two guys out of line and the rest of the males went inside. The three males were not observed getting out of the line and the door was closed. Two seemed upset that they didn't go inside but the one was pleased, turned and ran away. They all left down the stairs in the tower and was running through the grounds of the hotel because the weather has changed and it was very windy and stormy. They knew it was better that they did not go inside and that they were safe. I then saw all the males that went inside the pool party who gave into this lust inside the building at the pool. (I won't go Into detail but image a bath house with no rules). The males were all put on a bus with A beautiful woman with them. I am not sure if the women were truly women or demons, if I look at them closely they almost look like gargoyles gray with wings but then I looked again and they were women once again. I saw a demon sitting on the other sitting on the other side of the aisle who I think was the caretaker making sure that the men did not get off the bus, but I don't think they would because they were so fascinated with these women who were so fascinated with them. I know the bus was of the damned.


Second dream;

I had it was a large group of young people men and women at a hotel and they were all enjoying themselves but something happened and six split off from the rest of the group. I could see the rest of the group were planning a concert or maybe a lecture revival on Jesus and our salvation. It was the bleacher seats at a diving pool. I could see the diving platforms and a small pool in front of us. (Yes, I thought this was odd) I can see lots of people setting up hundreds of chairs. I was there and I broke away to find the ladies room when I discovered the six that have left us. I went to look for them. They were on the other side of the hotel that was more rundown and unkept, shabby. I could see leaves flying all around, paint was peeling off the building, and all of the white metal furniture was rusting through. I was wearing a long red cloak that blew around in the strong breeze that was also blowing the leaves. I found them sitting at a rusted table near a pool, well-dressed as though they were going to a black tie party women dressed beautifully with accents of red on their dresses, and the men were wearing black tie tuxedos looking very sad and defeated, like they were let down or deceived. (I think I saw them as well dressed because they were supposed to look out of place. They were where they shouldn't have been but forcing themselves to endure because of their sadness). I greeted them happily and ask them if they could direct me to the restroom I had gotten lost looking for one. They told me where the nearest one was but my heart wanted to stay with them. I looked around the table and they were eating poorly made food. It looked like mushy noodles microwave fried chicken and other things that you could make in the microwave that were not prepared properly. One of the males sitting on the left side of the table at the end started pushing the food on the floor complaining about being sad and said "this isn't how it's supposed to be"! I scolded him a bit and looked over my shoulder to see one of the pool attendants (he smiled and nodded at me as he swept up the leaves). I said he should not be pushing food onto the floor making a big mess and I started to clean this mess up and then I invited them all to our revival. At first they weren't very interested but I persuaded them and said if you don't want to stay within the first few minutes you're welcome to go and I knew it was going to be packed every chair would be filled. So I prayed that there would be room for them and I remembered extra chairs we're being stored off to the side and I knew that they were space for them. I knew that God would make room for them. When we arrived, there were exactly 6 chairs and my seventh chair that was reserved next to our group. We all sat down and enjoyed the revival and no one left.

This was two dreams in one night one was of damnation and the other one of salvation all happening in this one hotel. And from what I understand we all have a choice. We all choose the walk we take. I'm getting a strong feeling we are coming very close to this time where we all need to make our personal decision on our walk and I pray that even the ones who have splintered off will reconnect and choose salvation and turn away from damnation. I also pray that the three boys who I saw who turned away from damnation went to that lecture concert and receive their salvation in Jesus name amen

Take Care,🌺Aloha~Steph

Nuclear War With Russia Closer Than Ever MSN Admits!

October Surprise! WW3 Begins to Boil!

3 Events Before War with Russia!

Alert! Russia Moving Nuclear Capable Missiles to Its Border!

US planned to Attack Syria with 800 Bombers Within Days!

Putin accussed of interferring in US elections

China ready to act as N Korea prepares for its 6th Nuclear test!

Russia Warns They Will Shoot Down US Planes....

New Rapture Dream! Angels Everywhere!

Incoming star system-13 planets???

Fireball Seen Over the Great Lakes

Dracnoid Meteor Showers to Light Up the Night Skies!

Canary Islands, East Coast Mega Tsunami Threat!

Warning: 3 Side Affects of the RFID Mark of the Beast Microchip!

Get out of Jacksonville now! 11 Foot Surge Coming!

Prophetic and Important Message From the Lord 2016

Rapture and The Plan

650,000 plus people are without power in Florida!

Russia setting up Cuban base

Russia Gently Reminds Us Its Missiles Are Ready to Fire!

Dream by Terry Brown

I had a very short dream this morning (10-5-16), and I am not sure if it is from the Lord or not.

From the left I saw a bucket of red paint being poured out onto the ground, and then from the right, I saw a lion prowling. The Lion had an injury to his right eye, to where he could not see out of it. The background surrounding the lion was hellish looking, like red smoke and firey. I had no emotion when seeing all this, and idk why. End of Dream

On 9-23-16, I had a dream of fireballs coming down, but it was like I was viewing them on a big screen, and on the bottom of the screen to the left I saw a work that started with "J", then pencil eraser mark like the something was erased, and then the number 23. I had no fear or emotion in this dream either. End of dream

Dream-Buckshot/Sheep (9-25-16)
I saw gray and black clouds. Some looked like vapors of smoke rising up and mixing with the clouds, like when a cigarette smoker smokes. Some clouds looked like when a volcano erupts, and all of the smoke and clouds were mixing together. Every once and a while, it looked like the sun tried to shine through, but the clouds and smoke kept blocking it. From my view, everything was grim looking, but then I saw one of my dogs (Buckshot - a yellow lab) by the edge of a small field, in a narrow trail, and the grass and bushes around him turned a bright healthy green. At this time in the dream, I somehow had a knowing that he had gotten lost, or just lagged behind, but he was here now, he made it. Then, all of a sudden, Buckshot shape-shifted into a bright white sheep, and in the dream I said "what does this mean"? Instantly, on the left side of my view, I saw a wooden or brown wall and black fancy writing flashed on the wall (like when someone burns words into a piece of wood), but the writing was a different language that I don’t know (and it flashed to fast to read anyway). I somehow had a knowing that the handwriting was on the wall. The end of dream.

Note: I am not sure if it was in the dream, or right after I woke, that I was under the impression that my dog which turned into a sheep represented me.

Florida could be hit by hurricane Matthew twice!

Florida Coast Could be Devastated!

Mandatory Evacuations in SC! Martial law drill?

Russia and China combining forces in Syria

Obama declares national emergency in Florida! Florida Governor warns "Matthew" will kill you!

Haiti in ruins! 136 dead! Death toll expected to climb!

Top Brass Warns Hillary's "No Fly Zone" Strategy Would Require War With Russia

Tell them they must choose NOW!

WW3 fears, Russian Nuke Bombers Mysterious Manuever off Scottland

Threatening body bags: Is all out war between Russia and the US on its way?

Dream by El laine J.

I had a dream last night / this morning. A dream that all the children 12 and under had disappeared or vanished. There were a lot of children 12 and up that were not evil but somehow the government got hold of them and chipped them, and got hold of their parents and offered to give the children back if the parents will get shipped also. However they did not tell the parents it's their children had been chipped. It was awful , you couldn't trust anyone they will put the chip in the vaccine and give you a shot and tell you it was to ward off some pestilence. They were able to eventually get the best seen into food. The Antichrist was desperate to get everybody chipped no matter what or how or by any means necessary. It was really scary people knew they weren't supposed to take the chip and the devil is working overtime to make sure that they did take it.

You know thinking about all this takes me back to the days of Noah. satan and his Fallen Angels really think this Earth belongs to them. And that man or human beings are the intruders.

Vision-I had a vision a few months ago. I was outside in a driveway with a friend of mine and I looked to the South and all of a sudden clouds started to form very rapidly. Then the clouds started to form into a colorful spiral staircase or latter. I tried to speak to say its the Rapture and Jesus but had a hard time speaking. The next thing I know the cloud formation was above me high in the air and so I dropped to my knees and lifted up my hands to the sky and woke up. I was so excited but also upset cuz I wanted to know if I was getting left behind or not...Raymond Lopez


Time is short, in fact it is expired, and we are living only moment by moment now.

It should be of no surprise the scriptures are clear and the word has been shouted loud.

The lies are uncovered on a daily basis yet there are too many who choose to ignore

The truth that is staring them in their faces that evil has passed through our doors.

Many question what is evil and how did it enter in

The blind eye does not recognize and the doorway is our sin.

The sin of tolerance has given way to the enemy’s eternal plan

Any moment hell will be unleashed when God removes his hand.

We have not sold, but freely given, our children to the system of education

But we first gave up the education system to the enemy through our cessation

Removing ourselves and any values that might have saved our children

And we wonder why by lies they have become imprisoned.

We sit and absorb all the refuse that comes through the television set

Believing the lies on the evening news and then we sit and fret

Wondering when the government will rescue us and leaving our responsibility up to others

We have given up our government and want instead a mother.

We kill the babies in the womb and justify our actions

Sacrificing to Molech who accepts their blood with passion

Child sacrifice is uncovered everywhere even in the halls of leadership

And we think leaders are protecting the children because they want them micro chipped.

We are a world dependent upon drugs we want every pain and emotion medicated

And in a blind stupor we stumble not seeing our freedoms have been eradicated.

We accept the darkness because someone told us it was really light

And claim homosexuality is normal and not a perverted sexual vice

We scoff at those who expose false flags calling their words but theory

While people die because of what is an ancient, true and real conspiracy.

So we ignore the truth that would set us free holding tightly to the comfort of the lies

And continue ever closer to the precipice of time while God’s patience we have tried.

The economy is destroyed but there are few who know the severity

They believe all is well mistaking welfare for prosperity

Christianity is under attack and the persecution has been implemented

We have been manipulated by the enemy and are positioned as he intended.

We think food is plentiful and we will never suffer hunger

How many will die because disbelief has been their blunder?

How many children will be forced to cry themselves to sleep,

Because the cupboards are bare and they have naught to eat?

Do you believe that ritual abuse only exists on the movie screen?

Do you refuse to hear the cries of the children as they scream?

Do you believe that all wars are fought only for our protection?

Or do you know as soldiers die it is for monetary collection.

Blood moons and high Holy days that seem to be aligned

Asteroids and planets in the heavens as a sign

An alien agenda to hybridize mankind

And the evening news says watch the Oscars for everything is fine.

Archeology is covered up and the truth it reveals is quickly swept away

Science is searching for immortality so the elite may hold death at bay

Transhumans are sought the same as they were in Hitler’s day

The lines of what is moral are now blurred and seen in shades of grey.

Earthquakes are ravaging the ground beneath our feet

Volcanoe’s boiling magma is moving underneath

The weather is now manipulated by those with malevolent plans

And fools still think that there is no force greater than a man.

We are a people dumbed down, manipulated and confused

Our economy is broken and operates only as a ruse

We are poisoned with our air, with our water and with our food

Vaccinations are no longer medicine but another poisonous brew.

The sun is constantly erupting spewing violently into space

What events are needed to awaken the human race?

The pope wants to baptize aliens, and the church thinks that’s just fine

I tend to think that reveals the branch is separated from the vine.

Nuclear war has become a constant and ever increasing threat

I wonder when an EMP will be delivered by a hostile enemy jet.

And I think the time is limited to keep an uncensored internet.

Of the many signs that reveal our time is gone, I haven’t scratched the surface yet.

We removed the guard rails of our society that kept us all protected

The warning signs we used to post have now all been rejected

And we and our children are now in danger of falling off this cliff

Yet untold numbers still deny that we are on a precipice.

We have all become the victims of our own failures,

Our failure to stand for Truth while the taste of sin we savored

We have opened our doors to destruction and freely let it in

Yet one stands at the door knocking and we open not for Him.

The Great and Fearful Day of the Lord is now at hand and our time has all expired

You must choose not today, but this moment, to accept the Truth or believe the liar.

There is a way that seems right to a man but the end leads only to destruction

There is only One Way of escape from the wrath ahead; listen to God’s instruction.

Russia officially announces preparations for WW3

Two N. Korean Satelites Orbiting Over the US May be Armed With EMP

Look up Jesus is coming soon!/WW3 is About to Take Place!

This dream is prophetic/ war east coast...

Hurricane Matthew doing a U turn?

Rapture Dream! Loud Trumpet Sound! Rapture Alert!

Eerie sight as Matthew makes landfall!

Obama sends FEMA to Florida, Georga, South Carolina and North Carolina

Putin's Urgent Warning: "WW3 is About to Start"!

Rapture Dream! It is soon!

Nibiru getting larger and strange metalic objects in sky?

10/4/16- by Anthony Foley

Hi its Tony from the U.K. On the evening of 16/09/2016, U.K. time, at 22.00 hours, the LORD put on my mind to go outside into the garden, there I could see a full moon, in a clear sky, very bright and the moon appeared white, I have never taken a full moon as serious as I did this one. He also put on my mind to share an experience I had with others. On the 20/09/1999, I was admitted into the WALTON CENTRE LIVERPOOL with a 7 centimetre cerebellar haemangioma, which was life threatening. On the 21/09/99 I had 7 hour brain surgery to remove it. On the evening of 21/09/99 I had an outer body experience, I was in a 24 hour independency unit. with the side curtains closed, but not the ones that were at the foot of the bed. The nurse came to check on me and seen I was ok and went away, at the time I was on the ceiling, I seen the nurse do this, I also could see thick dust on top of the tall wardrobe. I also felt no pain, immortal, happy and mighty, I then traveled through what I can only describe as, a beautiful universe, before returning back into my body. it was at least 7 days before I could stand onto the bed to see the thick dust, I wouldn’t have known about the dust, without the experience being real. A person would have to go through this experience to know its real. I have shared this experience many times, with different people. Hope it helps xxx

Dream...I just had a dream about a big big bomb landed!

1.1 Million ordered to evacuate Florida and East Coast

PROPHETIC DREAM:"23 degrees north" Departure is at hand!

Gas readings off the charts and harmonic tremors reported at Yellowstone!

Jesus is coming soon/the Ark is about to leave/pray for the youth

Dream of Packing Up and War!

Obama Administration Plans to Strike Damascus!

Dr. Oz Show Promotes RFID Chip!

Obama Wants to Pardon Hillary from Any Potential Charges

Its time to go!!! Rapture Dream!

Messiah is on the doorstep! It is written, say end of days Rabbi!

Warning Dream! Repent! Before Its Too Late! ISIS is already here!

Rapture Dream! I was taken up!

Pope Francis says transsexuals and homosexuals should be welcomed

Polio spreading across the country

Dream of darkness all around the world

Vision of Jesus coming in the clouds

Russian army set to draft over 150,000 new servicemen

Russian Embassy Targeted in Damascus

10/2/16- By Watchman Peter:


In my vision i saw the cloud covered with blackeness and with heavy cloud, then i felt a mighty wind blowing and i was waiting for the rain to strike down but what i saw falling was beyond my understanding, i saw many demons coming two by two like couples , they were naked female and male holding each other, they were millions of demonic creatures falling like rain, then i heard the voice inside me saying" those are demonic spirit of immorality being released like wind they will spread to all the nations. I became angry and i started fighting them two by two i was destroying them and they were breaking like ice. It was a battle to fight and it took much faith and power. I have seen many evil spirit coming like wind of immorality blowing away many peoples in this our, i see many demons of adultery coming, demons of masturbations, demons of sexoul sin caming like waves , i see spirits of pervetion coming like wind at street and on internet.

You will see the demonic pollution at streets , those demons will cause people to walk naked , will break families ,will release immoral fashions , immoral movies and programs promoting immorality, fornication and adultery. Servants and saints of God be carefull of those who you walk with in this race, the enemy is using some of your people to spread demons of immorality. Be carefull of internet because many demons are sent out to bring down many Christians and posses them with spirits of masturbation and homosexoulity.

This is what the Apostle saw in the last days , the deceiving spirits of immorality and people listening to demonic teachings, people listening to those worldly musics and others watching those worldly movies. Arise and wake up and fight the good fight of end times. It is time to fast and kill the flesh which opens the door to those demons. Pray against those demons of lusting, pray against demons of fornication, against masturbation, adultery and prostituition.

We are in dangerous hour when Lot's wife looked back and she was deceived by those deceiving spirits. Be carefull that you will also not be deceived in this last hour and backslide in this moment! Pray more and fast and fight those wind of demons.


Ephesians 6:10-13 Finally, build up your strength in union with the Lord and by means of his mighty power. Put on all the armor that God gives you, so that you will be able to stand up against the Devil's evil tricks. For we are not fighting against human beings but against the wicked spiritual forces in the heavenly world, the rulers, authorities, and cosmic powers of this dark age. So put on God's armor now! Then when the evil day comes, you will be able to resist the enemy's attacks; and after fighting to the end, you will still hold your ground.


Ephesians 6:14-18 So stand ready, with truth as a belt tight around your waist, with righteousness as your breastplate, and as your shoes the readiness to announce the Good News of peace. At all times carry faith as a shield; for with it you will be able to put out all the burning arrows shot by the Evil One. And accept salvation as a helmet, and the word of God as the sword which the Spirit gives you. Do all this in prayer, asking for God's help. Pray on every occasion, as the Spirit leads. For this reason keep alert and never give up; pray always for all God's people.


1 Peter 5:8-9 Be alert, be on watch! Your enemy, the Devil, roams around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Be firm in your faith and resist him, because you know that other believers in all the world are going through the same kind of sufferings.

Mark your calendars! Highly anointed Prophet Steve Fletcher has now announced the date of the rapture. November 17 2016!!!!!! Watch the video and be blessed!

Dream by Marek N
I found myself with partner and child in a blue black room, and a few other people at that time in asylums, all with scales on the right side of the jaw.

The enemy was the nephillim among us, to try to steal our rapture. As I prayed to thwart this obvious evil, my partner and child pointed out a window as I heard 9 trumpets. We prayed and as I was praying I saw stars, in the room gather like a stairway portal. I realised they were for our catching away. Concentrating on them, I called out to the brethren and my child, and I, began to rise..

Of many rapture dreams between May and October, it seems there have been 9 main levels of rapture or catching up, and numbers, at church, have dwindled after each as far as I noticed, though new faces appeared thereafter.

Jesus says;" doubt not My man. He speak true as an arrow and have the quanta to know it is physically manifested, the breaking of each wave of My Ocean of rapture dreams before the final harpazo. Time is small, yet days long."

Vision...I had a vision this morning with in my dream. I dream that I saw a vision of the Earth getting smaller and smaller and smaller. I seem to be traveling through space and I've decided to look back and I could see the Earth on one side and I could see the Sun and both of them were getting smaller and smaller smaller is I kept going up up up...El aine J.

Heads up! Saudi's could pull millions from US economy collapsing markets world wide!

It's Time, Get Ready, Going Home!!!

(Another Message)Time is Up!

Urgent Message: The shofar is about to sounds says the Lord! (repost)

Urgent rapture warning to our 4 year old! I am coming says the Lord!

US Halts All Communications With Russia!

Pakistan Declares it Will Nuke India WHEN THE WAR STARTS!

War After The Rapture

40 Million Russians Going to Underground Bunkers

Destroyer Planet Coming Around the Sun


Time is up!

10/2/16-by Andreea Andre :)
So,the Rapture dream was short. A while ago I saw a lot of videos from people who dreamed or had visions about the Rapture, The Coming of the Lord,etc. And I really wanted to have one too. So I prayed for it. And a few weeks later ( as I remember that was the time I got the dream) God gave me a dream about the Rapture. In my dream I saw Jesus and His angels on a cloud.And I saw people being taken in clouds .And I was in a room and i was stretching my hands to a small window but I couldn't reach.(I don't know why I was doing that.I was stretching my hands to the Rapture happening in front of my eyes).Unfortunately, I don't remember if the window had bars or not .I can't remember. So this is the dream. i was wondering why I wasn't into the Rapture because I read the Bible everyday,I pray everyday,my thoughts are always to God,I have turned my back on my sins,I hate sin.I trust Jesus from all my heart,I praied for others too. But someone told me something like "You asked God to give you a dream,He gave you. "and that she told me that maybe God was showing me how will that happen. Because she had one when she wasn't part of the Rapture and asked her pastor "why?does God left me?" and he told her it was just a dream,and God loves her,etc. So yeah, I think He was showing me the Rapture because i wanted to see it so hard.

The other dream was so powerful. I don't know how to begin. 2-3 weeks ago I was listening to a song Banks-Drowning and I liked it very very much. But I've noticed that the singer was making the illuminati sign,the one with one eye in darkness.(I made a collage from Adele-Hello and that song I told you about) Well, I thought at that time that there was nothing wrong, i kept denying that the singer was from illumianti. However,I stopped listening to that . And a week later i found this song on youtube again and I clicked it. And I couldn't stop listening to it. And I don't know why,it made me feel proudful. :( So , I was confuse. Was this really an illuminati song?And that night I had a dream.That dream wasn't very detalied. I saw Jesus having some kind of red blanket on Him. And i don't remember anything else about His look.And suddenly there is a man who tells me "Don't listen to that song anymore". and i didn't know which one of the two songs i had listened he meant ( That evening I was listening to Dollhouse too,not only Drawning) .And imeditely i woke up and in my mind it came that song Drowning by banks (btw,her videos are strange). And then I knew there was something really strange about that song. many songs are controlled by illuminati and containe curses. Even my english teacher told me that.

Dream-I laid down a while ago and didn't even expect to fall asleep but did. Boy oh boy - it must have been so deep. Almost like I have never ever slept this deep! I will tell you last one first because I didn't even remember first one until after the last one.

In last one I was sitting on a couch somewhere in a room I couldn't even see. The only thing I saw was the couch I was sitting on which had a very deep cushion, maybe more than 1 foot deep - and a tall ceramic floor lamp standing next to couch. I looked at the lamp and it started trembling violently - but not swaying side to side. In my dream I thought "that is an eq - I will just sit here and wait to feel it". A second later, instead of feeling the trembling or shaking I felt something in deep cushion push me straight up! In dream that alarmed me because I knew an eq would not do that.

Then apparently was starting to wake up from this when I remembered that sometime earlier I had had another dream or vision. I remember being in my bed when in someway I knew it was the Rapture. I either turned onto my back in dream or maybe in real life. I spread out my arms to sides and felt every cell and atom in my body vibrating somehow. I was so happy, but that one must have ended fast.

That's all I have - but seeing that reference to eq being possible Rapture well I just want to throw it out there.

TD Bank Cards Declined...Bank Collapse?

Major earthquake within the next 24 hours

Scary Trends Building on Jubilee Weekend!


New Moon Spotted in Israel

OMG! The Rapture is Starting! Rapture is in 2016!

Nibiru causing red skies

Category 5 Hurricane Heading for Florida! Manditory Evacuations Issued!

Dream of Asteroid Impact and Nibiru

An event will happen before the elections

10/1/16- by Micheal Francis Christian

Here is a partial prophetic word, that the Lord encourage me to write After when he Personally spke to me... The Great Act Of God! A Message of Warning. | 2016 – Day-Date, Unknown To all that read this... There is going to be such a day, like never before; that is to come upon our planet earth. It has been often spoken about over the centuries... but has never come about. For that time, was not the appointed day, as such it will be 'any day' This Year! Now, that is to change, as I prophesy, that the Great and Terrible Day, is at the door, ready to start. It will be such a day, that Many lives will be lost. This will only start, when that you hear a “Shout” from the Heavens of the Lord, and “Trumpet” to blast, that the whole world will hear it. And will look up!! There shall appear a 'Figure, in the Clouds', as you will all look up, and see, to recognise the 'Risen Christ' the Messiah, that was Crucified, ('Now the King',) and did rise again, and did ascended back into the Kingdom of God. He is now showing himself to the world, that he is Alive, and those that did accept, by believing on his name, and receiving his forgiveness, that were saved by his precious blood; he has come back for those very elect (The Church Of God) Jesus Christ The Light Of The World. On that day, Many people from all walks of life will either be taken up before many peoples eyes as they look up, or that they will disappear... even Children, and the schools will lay empty. This will trigger of such worldwide disasters, such as finding that cars being empty engines still running... that crashed into other cars, or centre reservation. This will happen on all roads throughout the world. Planes taking of will crash, killing and injuring people; they will take a dive from 35,000 feet and crash either in the ocean, of the land. This will happen, due to pilots that had taken on the name of Christ as their Lord, and were saved in the blood of the Lamb. If one pilot was not saved, then that plane would be spared. With so much Disasters happening, and happened. it will bring in the 7 years of Tribulation. The elect of God will be 100% completely safe out of the equation. But those that have been left behind, will suffer much. With the Church gone, the holy spirit will of ascended back into heaven also. There will be a Great money crash, that the world has never known such as before, as what Will happen. There will be no money that will be at any value at all. The Cashless Society will begin, Food will run out to a minimum. Then a man will appear on the world stage to bring in the 'New World Order'. Marshall Law will come about. He will be the President over the New world Order, what he says people will have to do. He will be the Antichrist who will rule. He will make peace with Israel for 7 years. He will break the peace treaty, and will set him self up in the new Temple as God. He will enforce the Mark (the Micro Chip) as compulsory. People will not be able to buy or sell with out the Mark of the Antichrist. People who do not accept the mark, will be executed by guillotine. Those people who will still have the chance to going to heaven, providing they accept that Jesus Christ is Lord, and they repent of their sins. They will be safe from entering hell. All that accept the 'Mark Of The Beast', have become the child of Satan. They will perish in the Lake of Fire, after the Great White Thrown Judgement.. The option will be to those that can get food will be through a Mark in the hand, or the forehead. That will be voluntary. for 3.5 years. This time of tribulation will come to an end, when the 7 years has elapsed. At the close of that time. Christ will appear a second time, with all the elect at the rapture 7 years previous. He will stand on the Mount of Olives, to Show that he is King over all the world, and has to come for a Thousand years to reign with in Jerusalem. Satan will be put into the Bottomless pit. There will be an order set up, that all the saints that went to heaven, will be given places of authority by the King. That all people on earth do dwell, will live in compete peace and harmony with each other, that they will be able to lay down with the Lions, and all former wild beast of the filled. Let me ask you... would you like to avoid the Catastrophic events that is going to spill out upon this earth - Yes, or No? Yes, being the answer, you have chosen wisely. This is all you have to do...Just repent (Turn about) from you sinful life and ask the Lord Jesus to take you as you are; tell him that you are truly sorry - and change your heart, by inviting his spirit within you. The moment you confess the sinners prayer, you are born again into the Kingdom Of God. That means, that you will be taken away from the above events, that I have laid down. For those who say No, or scoff at this message, I really feel sorry for you, in taking the wrong road. Your fate is with Satan, and the fallen angels; as they and you will be Judged accordingly. These events “WILL HAPPEN!!” Mark my words on that as it is the truth in God. Read the book of Revelations. The last book in the Bible. I cannot see that this will be delayed any further than it has, into 2017. THE KING IS REALLY EXPECTED. Judgements will follow Michael in Christ my Lord. This letter is for all people, as far as I can reach...before his coming. Please share it with friends, The Return of the Lord Read the book of Revelations. The last book in the Bible. I cannot see that this will be delayed any further than it has, into 2017. THE KING IS REALLY EXPECTED Michael in Christ my Lord. This letter is for all people, as far as I can reach...before his coming. Please share it with friends, The Return of the Lord KJV Bible:1 Thessalonians 4: 13. But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. 14. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. 15. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. 16. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 18. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

Dream: I had a dream that I was pulled out of my house to the deck area, it was dark with the moon very bright. I then saw Jesus peeking out of the clouds (Like ready or not here I come feeling) I then found myself in this machine ( Like the ones at the drive up teller at the bank where you put your stuff into and it shoots to the teller) Best way I can describe it : ) I was going really super fast and then I found myself in a mall (which I never go to malls EVER) and I was warning people with urgency that Jesus was coming and everyone was laughing at me saying "really" and "where is he" I did this to almost everyone in my dream-no one believed me- end of dream. This month I have seen 2 big horses in the clouds, they couldn't of been more perfect, the first one was about a month ago, the last one was about a week ago- Thought I'd share!!

Dream: I had a dream a week ago where I was in a shelter/bunker staring at a wall map of the world. I took a black pen in my hand and wrote across the map in large letters, FEAST OF TRUMPETS ... it felt like a warning and makes me think of the saying 'the writings on the wall', whatever day he is coming, it shall be soon lets look up! Jesus is coming! Love to you all

Bank Runs Begin! Deutsche Bank!

Unprecidented Gathering of World Leaders at Peres Funeral Fulfills Messiah Prophecy Before Rosh Hashanah!

Deutsche Bank Collapse May Lead to Global Meltdown For Jubilee

Earthquake Warning October 1st!

USGS ISSUES EARTHQUAKE ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA!....A High Chance for 7 or Greater Earthquake within Next 7 Days!

9/30/16-By Eliseo Canono:
I am a prophet of the end times and this is my prophecy for this vile and wicked generation. I, Eliseo Canono, apostle and prophet, prophesy that Bill Clinton will succumb to an illness right before the November presidential elections. Rumors will abound that Bill Clinton succumbed to the HIV/AIDS virus thus causing an already very frail-looking Hillary Clinton (people will conclude that she also has the same disease) to lose her bid for the White House. And I wish it ends there, but unfortunately it does not. Not too long after Donald Trump's victory speech the unthinkable happens: the entire stock market collapses plunging the entire United States in widespread panic and economic turmoil. Looting and rioting will infest the streets and all businesses will be forced to shut down. Countless people will also be robbed and murdered left and right thus forcing President Barack Obama to declare Martial Law. After the announcement the military will start to take over the streets rounding up and killing anyone who resists arrest (not without opposition but the armed civilians will be no match for the well-armed and trained military.)

In my vision I see a huge number of people in different military outposts, confined in huge tents and guarded 24/7 by armed military personal. It will be total government control with habeas corpus only being a thing of the past. The government will claim that they are detaining people until they figure out what to do with the broken economy. However there is good news for us. A fews days after (sometime in November but I do not know the exact date) the supernatural takes place. Millions of people in the US and around the world will suddenly disappear without a trace. I cannot say what happens after as I see in my vision that I will be one of those who vanish. But I believe that this event signals the beginning of the end of the world. So I urge everyone not to take this prophetic warning lightly. You have a decision to make, either scoff or take this warning seriously. Your future is in your own hands. Please share this warning with everyone you know. It is your responsibility to inform them of what's about to happen.

Dream...Last night I had 3 dreams of Nibiru that it was very large and red and visible in the sky! In all the dreams, people were talking about, it, pointing to it as if it were some spectacular sight. In one dream, I was on a class field trip and the person who was an expert on Nibiru was telling the class all about it and we were looking at it in the sky! But it seemed like this expert was hiding something because I went away from the group for a while, so he came and found me and demanded to go through all of my things. End of Dream!

Increased Earthquake Alert! California!

October 2nd Warning!

Dream of Martial law and Obama's 3rd Term

Oct 1st-9th Hour Alert!- Final Warning!

Solar Storm Threatening to Knock Out Power Grids!

Shofar is about to sound!

Rapture, darkness, black moon

9/29/16- This is the message I received on the 9/26/16. Rapture, or the desolations and abominations spoken of by the prophet Daniel in the prophetic book of Daniel? Today 9/26/16 @ about 11 am,I took a nap and was visited by a messenger of God. I was in my work place with my two little boys when suddenly someone called for my attention that my son was messing with electricity. They were already blaming me for negligence, so I angrily went and picked up the baby. Suddenly a man came up to me, he asked "how's Jesus? " It was a bizarre question, so after staring at the fellow, I answered : Jesus is fine, but He's very angry at us (the world). Then he said, On the 2 8 - 30th something is going to happen . Now I really don't know what to expect, whether rapture or desolation and abominations spoken of by the prophet Daniel. God's grace, love and blessings to us all...Elizabeth Oden

Dream: The scenery was like the old west, like Little House on the Prairie. There were no cars during this period of time but there were horses for travel. In this particular dream I rode on horseback and I had my guardian angel accompany me on his horse. We stopped at the General Store, because there were very many of those during this time.

I got off my horse to go into the store and then noticed 10 foot tall man standing outside getting water for the horses. He nodded at my presence hello and I went into the store. This 10 foot man was acting as a guìde and protector to the store owner. The store owner was bragging how strong and powerful this 10-foot guy was and that nobody bothered him because all he had to do was get this 10-foot guide to settle any differences that he had with people. Being the height that he was he was always intimidating people. After hearing about all the boasting of what this man could do, I reluctantly went into the store I did not have to get much, just a few supplies , and I was out of the store within about 10 minutes. When I came out of the store I noticed that the 10-foot man was looking at me in a very menacing way. As I tried to pass him he took on an attitude. I had tried to get on my horse but he had become agitated and wanted to fight and brought out his knife to attack me. I just couldn't understand why he wanted to fight with a lady. I had a sword hidden beneath my clothing and as I attempted to get on the horse he started to verbally attacked me. I turned around and I could see that it was going to be a fight. So I reluctantly pulled out my sword and the fight was on. While I was swinging my sword, that I had, I was praying and using the word of God. I cut that man's legs to two toothpicks and now he was standing to My 5 foot 6 rather than 10 feet. When the battle was over I walked over to my guardian angel and ask him why he did not help me and he said to me all you needed was the word of God... El aine J.

...I received a message in a dream last night. I heard the words "2 weeks until disaster!"

All hell is about to break loose!

Rapture Before 2016 Elections?

7 Year Old Says Jesus is About to Descend!

NASA Finally Admits Planet X is Real!

Nibiru is getting closer!!!

Warning Make Peace With Jesus!

Girl Standing in the Air September 30th!

9/28/16- "There was given me a thorn in my flesh.

2 corinthians 12:7

Whatever the thorn that causes my pain, let me count it not loss, but my spirit's gain...For as long as the Lord leaves the brier in place, let me see it as blessing...a thorn of his grace.

Dream of October
by Paula Marie

I had this dream some time ago. But in this dream I saw what looked like a 6 month calendar laying on a desk. All 6 months were visible at once! Next to each month appeared to be what looked like a 3 digit number next to it. July, August and September all had good numbers next to them which reminded me of the stock market numbers. But I noticed that October, November and December all had a big black 0 next them them. This led me to believe that the stock market will crash in October, but the year was not given. Could it be due to an the rapture of the Church and or a disaster of some sort? All I know as that the time is fast approaching! So get ready for what is to come! Jesus is coming soon!

Mike From Around the World Update
Mike From Around the World has confirmed that there is another system coming into our solar system with its own sun and planets, one of them being Nibiru! He says as this other sun approaches, it will cause problems with our sun. It will such the energy out of it, causing it to cool, turn red and eventually go dark. The sun will turn red, then go dark while this other sun in the sky will continue to look small in comparison, it will still have this power and affect on our sun. As he has said previously, when this system approaches, it will cause tidal waves, earthquakes and volcanoes to erupt. And now with the sun cooling, turning red, then going dark, it will definitely cause the end time biblical prophecy to come to pass and it won't be long! The second sun is already being spotted and is causing our sun to wobble. So it won't be long before we see all these signs that he spoke of. In fact other experts who have been tracking this system for some time are saying that it will be here in mid to late October. Make sure you are ready because Jesus is coming soon! These things to come are for the tribulation hour. But God promised to save all those who believe in Him and give their hearts over to Him. We are not appointed to wrath and there is no fear in the Lord. Revelation 3:10. The salvation prayer is listed on the website, just follow the link below. Say that prayer and you too shall be saved from all that is to come! Call on Jesus today!

9/27/16- U.S. Is Terminally Ill!
GOD has promised that if a people, country or land would repent, HE would heal and forgive them ( 2 Chronicles 7:14..."If my people will humble themselves and pray, and search for me, and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear them from Heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land." But our country refuses to repent and many if not most of it's people have been given over to a reprobate mind and spirit! Evil is accelerating at record speeds! What should we do? Repent, repent, repent, and focus our attention on JESUS and commit ourselves as never before! WE ARE GOING HOME!

A lady was driving along with her father. They came upon a storm, and the young lady asked her father, What should I do? He said "keep driving". Cars began to pull over to the side, the storm was getting worse. "What should I do." The young lady asked? "Keep driving," her father replied. On up a few feet, she noticed that eighteen wheelers were also pulling over. She told her dad, "I must pull over, I can barely see ahead. It is terrible, and everyone is pulling over!" Her father told her, "Don't give up, just keep driving!" Now the storm was terrible, but she never stopped driving, and soon she could see a little more clearly. After a couple of miles she was again on dry land, and the sun came out. Her father said, "Now you can pull over and get out." She said "But why now?" He said "When you get out, look back at all the people that gave up and are still in the storm, because you never gave up, your storm is now over. This is a testimony for anyone who is going through "hard times". Just because everyone else, even the strongest, gives up. You don't have to... if you keep going, soon your storm will be over and the sun will shine again. God Bless.

DREAM FROM AN 8 YEAR OLD This is the dream of my son and he is 8 years old.
June 14, 2015
He saw himself in Hawaii and he was looking at the sky ( we don't live in Hawaii). He saw the sun getting dark but before it was going to be dark a fire came out of the sun ( solar flair) and came to the earth. In America when the solar flair hit it knock out the electricity ( power grid).
It was dark with no lights the people began to run and scream and ran to their houses. My son was the only one in the street looking at the sky. Then he saw the moon and it was like blood color. ( Blood Moon) when he see the blood moon he saw the stars falling down to earth. My mother ( his grandmother) was calling him with a flashlight to come inside of the house. Then He saw himself dressed in white garments and he was taking to Israel. When he was in Israel he was looking at mount olives. He saw the sky and saw faces in the sky. Then he saw a bright light and saw Jesus in a cloud. Then he heard like a combination of trumpets and shoffar very loud and the tombs began to break like explotions. The rocks were breaking in the air and one rock hit him in his head but he was not hurt. He saw the dead in Christ rise and going to the cloud with Jesus. Then my son saw himself get Raptured with other saints. Once everyone was there they all went to heaven. IN heaven he saw a big tv and in the tv had a heavenly news channel. He begin to watch and they were showing what was happening in the earth. The people running and screaming and chaos and darkness happening at the same time. Then he saw a angel and the angel had a calendar and it was the month of September. The angel had a antique looking pen with ink and the angel did a mark ( like a check mark) to the first day of September and at the same time the day 30th was erased from the calendar. When my son saw the angel do that he said it was so fast how the angel erased the day 30th. Then he got a message from Jesus. Jesus said they my children to prepare. End dream.

Black moon to appear on Friday night!

Black Moon Video Link

9/26/16- The powerful Psalm 23!

The Lord is my shephard, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake.Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of he Lord forever!

9/25/16- Javez prayer of blessing...

People who pray this daily say they get results! 1 Chronicles 4:10

Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me.