I must warn everyone that there will be a hurricane in Puerto Rico. It was in my dream. It feels like it is going to be very soon. As a watchman, I have to warn!
Another dream I received was when Kelley was out and working, so I wanted to go to him – but not immediately. It was dark. I was traveling, and I made a stop. I was at a Jewish family’s home. I was there for 8 hours. I talked to them about how I knew they were treating the female at school. She was about 9-10 years old. The parents asked me if I would agree to tutor the girl. I agreed. I left and tried to find Kelley, but couldn’t.
I feel like I wanted to be with m)y husband. I’m not the insecure type, but very rarely do I travel in the dark. I am at home alone many nights, because he works the midnight to eight shift. Then, all of a sudden, here I am stopping at a house I do not recognize. Why? I do not know. I stopped. At the door, I knocked. The Jewish family let me in. It was dark outside and they let me in. I commenced to let the mother know about the child who had a learning disability. The mother was young and had blonde hair. We agreed for me to tutor her young child.
This can be a transformation dream, believe it or not! Kelley and myself are gone in opposite directions when we change. That would explain stopping at the Jewish family’s house. It could also be taken as we Americans can do very little to help the Jews at this time. I agreed to tutor her, but it would take getting the school to realize that she was just a student and not that she was Jewish. There is currently a hatred for the Jews except America. There are some countries that do not care one way or the other – abstained from the vote.
Zechariah 12:2 Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.
We are their strongest ally! We are that way because we know Jesus loves his chosen people.
Zechariah 12:9 And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
In a strange way of thinking, I could have been the one who saved the young child (with the power of the Most High). That could be why I would tutor her. It’s a thought.
As with all things I say, take everything to the Lord Yeshua and ask Him about the truth! He will tell you!
If you do not know Yeshua intimately, go and kneel down and cry out to Him! Forgive, repent, and ask the LORD to come into your heart! This is serious, so serious! Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. John 3:15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. Ephesians 4:4-7 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
Yeshua wants everyone to know that seeing this from my servant means that you are accountable for the things that you do and say! I love each and every one of you, but don’t make the mistake and cause me to cry! I dare not see you in the Great Tribulation; When, I am wanting you to come just as you are and give me your all! Love, your Yeshua Ha’Mashiach. (Wow! That was Yeshua wanting to talk to you.) It is simply amazing! But, the warning is very clear! It is the final countdown – are you ready to go right now, just as you are. You have to be willing to let everything go and go with the angel that will meet you on earth. I hope this message gets passed around, causing a lot of people to be saved! The time is short! He loves you more than any love can be imagined! He hopes to see you in Heaven soon!
✞ soon rapture ✞
Jesus is coming to rapture his bride
I had a vision, which I was asking God to show me what we will be looking for as warning time is here. God showed me ISRAEL and a couple of HUGE BOMBS. And then, we would know it was within days. This is what I saw:
I saw the HUGE BOMBS were coming from ISRAEL, which I believe was in retaliation for something that happened to her. These bombs, like I said, can take out a small city.
Right after these bombs, is when I believe the Middle East peace will be talked again, and the PEACE TREATY signed or talked about signing……….
That is when I see a HUGE IMPACT in the SKY, which I believe is SOMETHING HITTING THE SUN. There will be a delay of hours, but that impact will cause the EARTH to SHAKE VIOLENTLY. Once the earth starts shaking, the DARKNESS WILL HIT.
At the onset of the 3 DAYS OF DARKNESS, the Bride of Christ will be translated and gathered for instructions and grouped.
Those that are lukewarm and those that are unbelievers will endure some very difficult days with much hell going on outside. At that point, their sins will be shown to them. Most of the lukewarm will repent and come back fully to Jesus. There will all be new converts at this time.
At the end of the 3 days, the Bride of Christ will go out and do her part in the harvesting for 40 days. She will be healing, teaching, protecting and providing for those that come to her.
The ones in Christ will know the Bride and be drawn and run towards her LIGHT (Christ will radiate us!!). Those that did not accept Christ will run away from the Bride in fear.
God will protect and provide for these 40 days, and at the end, ASTEROIDS will come down, and a LARGE ASTEROID will hit PUERTO RICO. It will cause a TSUNAMI.
At this point, the RAPTURE will happen, and all followers of Jesus will go up.
Many, many will die in this tsunami, which is caused by the asteroid hitting. It will go up the East Coast of AMERICA and reach far inland. I believe the earth will be shaking, VOLCANOES will go off, and there will be much horror on earth that hits right as the Bride of Christ is going up.
The tsunami doesn’t hit, until the end of the 40 days.
...............................................................................................................................................................................Jesus is coming to rapture his bride
I had a vision, which I was asking God to show me what we will be looking for as warning time is here. God showed me ISRAEL and a couple of HUGE BOMBS. And then, we would know it was within days. This is what I saw:
I saw the HUGE BOMBS were coming from ISRAEL, which I believe was in retaliation for something that happened to her. These bombs, like I said, can take out a small city.
Right after these bombs, is when I believe the Middle East peace will be talked again, and the PEACE TREATY signed or talked about signing……….
That is when I see a HUGE IMPACT in the SKY, which I believe is SOMETHING HITTING THE SUN. There will be a delay of hours, but that impact will cause the EARTH to SHAKE VIOLENTLY. Once the earth starts shaking, the DARKNESS WILL HIT.
At the onset of the 3 DAYS OF DARKNESS, the Bride of Christ will be translated and gathered for instructions and grouped.
Those that are lukewarm and those that are unbelievers will endure some very difficult days with much hell going on outside. At that point, their sins will be shown to them. Most of the lukewarm will repent and come back fully to Jesus. There will all be new converts at this time.
At the end of the 3 days, the Bride of Christ will go out and do her part in the harvesting for 40 days. She will be healing, teaching, protecting and providing for those that come to her.
The ones in Christ will know the Bride and be drawn and run towards her LIGHT (Christ will radiate us!!). Those that did not accept Christ will run away from the Bride in fear.
God will protect and provide for these 40 days, and at the end, ASTEROIDS will come down, and a LARGE ASTEROID will hit PUERTO RICO. It will cause a TSUNAMI.
At this point, the RAPTURE will happen, and all followers of Jesus will go up.
Many, many will die in this tsunami, which is caused by the asteroid hitting. It will go up the East Coast of AMERICA and reach far inland. I believe the earth will be shaking, VOLCANOES will go off, and there will be much horror on earth that hits right as the Bride of Christ is going up.
The tsunami doesn’t hit, until the end of the 40 days.
Something Amazing by Sheryl
I saw some amazing street signs and the numbers 7 and 8. It is soon! It's Chime Bell Church, then I saw Laid back Farm, American Quarter, Manor, and Holly Heaven! No lie. I have never been this way before. I had to get my husband to the med stop and we took the quickest way.
And the numbers 7 and 8. And now 9 too. Something is going to happen. Oh, and guess what happened? I woke up with my left side of my nose bloody when I blew it. My nose was instantly clear by the second blow. Then, as soon as my husband had to go to work he had to go to the doctor for blood in his urine! That was weird! I prayed for him to be healed.
Things are getting strange...I want to change and then save as many people as I can and then go to Heaven! To God be the glory! Amen! Amen! Amen!
We are going home - any day now!
Visions of my 12 year old and 16 year old during praying in SPIRIT 🔥
Pray and ask the ALMIGHTY GOD to confirm these words to you in JESUS CHRIST name and by the power of the RUACH HAKODESH (the HOLY SPIRIT). 🙏🙏🙏
We were told that Rapture is imminent, but we (the saints) are to witness first some events. Then, after witnessing some events, we will be taken into the wilderness/Goshen/place of safety for some to be trained. Meanwhile, as we were praying in Spirit and asking the LORD what would take place first, would it be the 12 magnitude earthquake? Zombie/alien invasion? Or the physical worldwide darkness? Etc. The LORD told us that the devil and his minions must have no idea when, how and which one is going to take place first so that they won’t be able to prepare. In this case, the demons will only bring with them a few souls.
My kids saw these events almost fulfilled at the same time. Meaning, as events will start to unfold, it will be a domino effect and very fast event from one to the next. We even asked if we are to witness the zombie invasion, and the LORD says “Yes”. (Deuteronomy 28:57, Deuteronomy 28:55, Ezekiel 5:10, Jeremiah 19:9, etc..)
We must prepare our garments (make sure it’s pure and untainted and washed with the Holy Blood of JESUS). Pray for a clean and pure heart. Prepare supplies especially “water”. All forms of container as much as possible stock water. Also, stock up basic needs as many as you can. All supplies that you have you need to pray it over that the LORD will replenish as you utilize those supplies, HE is our provider (Matthew 14:13-21). Secure your home windows and doors with iron grills, in and out. Pray over your house that it be covered with the Holy Blood of JESUS. So you may ask, what about those who cannot afford to secure their places with iron grills because of financial issues? GOD is a Great Provider. Some of the saints will be teleported from their present place to a place of safety (Acts 8:26-40). Nothing is impossible with GOD for those who believe and whose trust is in HIM.
Kindly also note Revelation 6:10-11: They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow servants, their brothers and sisters, were killed just as they had been.
Please understand that there are some more things revealed but the LORD doesn’t want me to put into writing so as the enemies won’t be able to prepare. The LORD is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. JESUS loves you..soooo much..
A Dream and a Vision from Yeshua (12/27/17)
I had 2 dreams I need to share. First, my grandmother was grilling. I never saw her cook. She never did have us over to the house for dinner. She always came to our house instead. That was a weird dream.
Grill means a metal framework used for cooking food over an open fire. The Nanny I knew never cooked. Come to find out, I didn’t see anything that was cooking. I just saw her and the grill she was standing beside. She appeared to be much younger, but I knew it was my Nanny. She was about to grill out for me. Does this mean we have meat in Heaven? Fish? Something to make you think about.
Next dream, I was taking a test. I said that I couldn’t keep up with the images, so I failed that part of the test. They were always random. And I couldn’t find them in time. Everything else I passed.
I was being tested. I knew the test had several portions to it, so I would pass and be okay. But, after each page of the images, I became overwhelmed with the randomness. I was timed, though I couldn’t find the images in time. I guess I did the right thing by telling the test administrator that I could not keep up with the images because they were random. For all I know, that could have been the test. To see if I would tell the truth about them being random.
I saw a vision when I woke up, it is the number “9.” Let’s play a game. Let’s pretend that we are brides and we know we are going home to see our Yeshua with on the 31st, and we have to play the date game. I got a message from Yeshua and it was 3 squirrels, they all ran across in front of my car at different intervals (3 seconds each). Now, let’s take it as 3 days have to be added to my date of September 27. In other words, it moves me to December 30. Where does the number 9 come into play?
The song Henry the VIII I am, I am plays all the time. And, I have seen the number 8. Today, was my first day seeing 9. No, wait a minute, there was a message from Yeshua that said, “she really does like 1978.” So, I ask the next day what is it about 1978? I told Yeshua I looked at the yearbook and didn’t see anything. He said, “How many chapters are in the Bible?” I found there are 1,189. Subtract the two: 1978-1189. I got 789. The 7-9 (Torah?) day to get his brides.
Now, I still have the 9 to figure out. If Yeshua is telling me that for me he is the 7/8, the I AM, then where does that 9 come into play? Is the 8-9 another translation? So, here is what I’ve got. I have the number 7 as the December 30. Okay, today is the 7th of Torah according to the computer, because there was not a moon sighted. If that number 7 is moved from Wednesday 3 times then it becomes 11 Saturday (Sabbath – Torah). That means that it is Saturday, Sunday, and Monday (7,8,9). This also makes today the 24th – “The 24th is the day” (Words spoken to me from Yeshua). I’m just saying, “Welcome to my world of dreaming, audible conversations, visions, and music of Yeshua Ha’Mashiach!” It is something to think about!
YouTube people and I believe we will be with Yeshua by the end of 2017! It is the jubilee year and He has promised us we are gone this month. Amen! Amen! Amen! To God be the glory!
As with all things I say, take everything to the Lord Yeshua and ask Him about the truth! He will tell you!
Are you ready?
If you do not know Yeshua intimately, go and kneel down and cry out to Him! Forgive, repent, and ask the LORD to come into your heart! This is serious, so serious! Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. John 3:15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. Ephesians 4:4-7 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
Yeshua wants everyone to know that seeing this from my servant means that you are accountable for the things that you do and say! I love each and every one of you, but don’t make the mistake and cause me to cry! I dare not see you in the Great Tribulation; When, I am wanting you to come just as you are and give me your all! Love, your Yeshua Ha’Mashiach. (Wow! That was Yeshua wanting to talk to you.) It is simply amazing! But, the warning is very clear! It is the final countdown – are you ready to go right now, just as you are. You have to be willing to let everything go and go with the angel that will meet you on earth. I hope this message gets passed around, causing a lot of people to be saved! The time is short! He loves you more than any love can be imagined! He hopes to see you in Heaven soon!
A Word from Yeshua ( 12/25/17)
During my prayer time, I closed the Bible and said I want read something important to give to the blog. And, when I opened the book, there was Ephesians 5:10-20. I closed the Bible and said show me something else. I opened the Bible and the book 1 John 1:5-10. I closed again and did the same thing and got Habakkuk 1:5. I was honestly tickled to see what I was showing you and you will be too when you see. Three of the the verses was a confirmation if you will from God! But, I asked one more time for one more verse and he showed me Zephaniah 3:5. I was floored!
Here they are!
Ephesians 5:10-20 Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. 11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. 12 For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. 13 But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. 14 Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. 15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, 16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. 17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. 18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; 19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; 20 Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;
1 John 1:5-10 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. 6 If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: 7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. 8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
Habakkuk 1:5 Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.
Zephaniah 3:5 The just LORD is in the midst thereof; he will not do iniquity: every morning doth he bring his judgment to light, he faileth not; but the unjust knoweth no shame.
They all have to do with transformation (changing). It was so exciting! The way I closed it and asked and then the way the pages just came to me – amazing! Only a God thing like that could happen! He says we need to be ready to prepare to transform (change). Some of us will have longer to try and get as many people as we can to believe during our change. Some of us will only have minutes to change and witness before you go to Yeshua. It is okay! It is appointed by Yeshua how long you are to witness, heal, and preach! But, you do not do anything until He tells you to do it! That is obedience!
The verses were from Yeshua and he wants us to be clear on things. In other words, we need to know that we are light. We are to change into light. I haven’t seen the image so far, but we are to change into light. Somewhere, in our bodies. Anyway, we change into light and go when we are told to go to wherever we are appointed. In Ephesians 5:10-20 Remember, if you make a change in someone, you make light! You have to know what the LORD wants you to do in that moment. You cannot just go around healing a person, if Yeshua wants a witness to a different person. You have to submit, be humble! Singing songs of praise will cause you to feel good. The reason I say this is because the world is most likely feeling bad at this moment. Always give thanks to God and Yeshua!
In 1 John 1:5-10, also remember that God is light and there is nothing dark about Him! Walking with Him in the light and fellowshipping with each other is the primary thing to do. But, again, I stress the importance of waiting on Him to give instructions to you! All we need to do is get the people to repent and call out the LORD’s name! Those who have time, you can witness if you’re called to do so. But, it is going to be real close and getting people to repent and believe in the LORD is crucial!
Habakkuk 1:5 We are going to be changed! We are going to be quiet and listen for Yeshua’s instructions. Some of us may not have all the talents, powers on high. Some of us will. It is not a thing of pride, it is a thing of beauty! We get to have His powers to do that which needs to be done. We are a willing vessel – nothing more!
Zephaniah 3:5 The LORD will bring his judgment to light. Yeshua will tell you where you need to go and what you need to do! Depend on HIM! Need HIM! The unjust will not feel what is going on around them, the unjust is unsaved and do not want any part of Yeshua. They do not care what we are saying. That is why we must listen to Yeshua, and do as He says!
I have a warning from Yeshua. He says that “11:11, things are going to happen really soon.” I think that 11:11 is a warning for the Brides. We have to be ready, prepared, and steady, because He can use us once he has caused the global quaking to happen. We must be ready at all times! I feel like we are going to be with Yeshua by the end of the week. That is just my own feeling. Everything is messed up with time, but I feel it. Do you feel it? When is the real 25 and when is the real 27? I do not know! But, things are going to happen and we must be prepared! That is all I know – be prepared!
Share this and other prophecies Paula has had on this blog. As with everything and everyone, seek Lord Yeshua to find out who is not telling the truth. To God be the glory! Amen! Amen! Amen!
If you do not know Yeshua intimately, go and kneel down and cry out to Him! Forgive, repent, and ask the LORD to come into your heart! This is serious, so serious! Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. John 3:15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. Ephesians 4:4-7 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
Yeshua wants everyone to know that seeing this from my servant means that you are accountable for the things that you do and say! I love each and every one of you, but don’t make the mistake and cause me to cry! I dare not see you in the Great Tribulation; When, I am wanting you to come just as you are and give me your all! Remember, there is not one that can get into Heaven to stand before GOD without ME! Love, your Yeshua Ha’Mashiach. (Wow! That was Yeshua wanting to talk to you. He wanted to add the "Remember" part!) He loves you more than any love can be imagined! He hopes to see you in Heaven soon!
The first dream I had about the rapture was not long after I was saved. I dreamed I was driving along in an old car when I saw someone else I knew drive up beside me. I was looking over at him and noticing his car (which was a 1957 chevy) when all of a sudden the roof was gone from the top of my car. The whole dream shifted from there.
Suddenly, I was looking up in amazement at what was taking place. I could see the sky looked very broad and deep, but seemed very close in some way too. There were many clouds in the sky, and they were a distinctive type of cloud. The clouds looked like (high cumulous?) where they look almost like uniform pattern of cotton balls hanging very high in the sky. You do not see clouds like that very often where I live.
Then I saw Jesus who seemed very large awesome and mighty, and that was the end of the dream. I knew it was the rapture without any doubt. I woke up and could remember the dream, and still do to this day.
Every time I see clouds like that it makes me remember the dream. I can't help but wonder is this it? Those clouds seemed to have great significance in the dream.
Author Unknown
NO BLOG UPDATES ON 12/25/17...Christmas Day
‘Twas the night before Jesus came and all through the house
Not a creature was praying, not one in the house.
Their Bibles were lain on the shelf without care
In hopes that Jesus would not come there.
The children were dressing to crawl into bed,
Not once ever kneeling or bowing a head.
And Mom in her rocker with baby on her lap
Was watching the Late Show while I took a nap.
When out of the East there arose such a clatter,
I sprang to my feet to see what was The matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash!

When what to my wondering eyes should appear
But angels proclaiming that Jesus was here.
With a light like the sun sending forth a bright ray
I knew in a moment this must be The Day!
The light of His face made me cover my head
It was Jesus! Returning just like He had said.
And though I possessed worldly wisdom and wealth
I cried when I saw Him in spite of myself.
In the Book of Life which He held in His Hand
Was written the name of every saved man.
He spoke not a word as He searched for my name;
When He said "It's not here" My head hung in shame!
The people whose names had been written with love
He gathered to take to His Father above.
With those who were ready He rose without a sound
While all the rest were left standing around.
I fell to my knees, but it was too late;
I had waited too long and this sealed my fate.
I stood and I cried as they rose out of sight;
Oh, if only I had been ready tonight.
In the words of this poem the meaning is clear;
The coming of Jesus is drawing near.
There's only one life and when comes the last call
We'll find that the Bible was true after ALL!
Not a creature was praying, not one in the house.
Their Bibles were lain on the shelf without care
In hopes that Jesus would not come there.
The children were dressing to crawl into bed,
Not once ever kneeling or bowing a head.
And Mom in her rocker with baby on her lap
Was watching the Late Show while I took a nap.
When out of the East there arose such a clatter,
I sprang to my feet to see what was The matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash!

When what to my wondering eyes should appear
But angels proclaiming that Jesus was here.
With a light like the sun sending forth a bright ray
I knew in a moment this must be The Day!
The light of His face made me cover my head
It was Jesus! Returning just like He had said.
And though I possessed worldly wisdom and wealth
I cried when I saw Him in spite of myself.
In the Book of Life which He held in His Hand
Was written the name of every saved man.
He spoke not a word as He searched for my name;
When He said "It's not here" My head hung in shame!
The people whose names had been written with love
He gathered to take to His Father above.
With those who were ready He rose without a sound
While all the rest were left standing around.
I fell to my knees, but it was too late;
I had waited too long and this sealed my fate.
I stood and I cried as they rose out of sight;
Oh, if only I had been ready tonight.
In the words of this poem the meaning is clear;
The coming of Jesus is drawing near.
There's only one life and when comes the last call
We'll find that the Bible was true after ALL!
Author unknown
A Dream from Yeshua (12/23/17)
I had a dream and it was to where we believers were pinned before escaping. It was a metal pin that had “believe” on the third pin. So, it was like a safety pin but had three instead of two bars of metal.
The pins were used to let the angels see who we are! If we believed we had the sign on, if we didn’t believe we didn’t have the sign on. We true believers believe and watch for Him!
We want to have the sign on showing we believe in Yeshua! When those angels come and get us, we want to be ready! Be awake, be prepared, be ready, and be steady! We are going to be gone in an instant!
Here’s what I know to date:
My mom goes on the 25th and I go on the 27th (That will be September 27, 2017). The LORD said that she goes first. There must be an escape that happens on the 25th. What I know, is the “24th is the day,” Yeshua said. Something bad is gonna happen, which in turn helps us to change. O’Bama said he is going to “win the war on Christmas.” He is up to something. I feel it in my bones. Don’t you feel it? This Christmas is not going to be a Happy Holiday Season. My mom is going to escape on the 25th. We are going to be at her home on the 24th and spend the night; then, we are leaving on the 25th at noon. What I really feel is going to happen, is the LORD will change us either tonight or tomorrow morning/afternoon. I may be changed at my mom’s house. Unless the good Lord tells me otherwise, me and my husband are going to be at my mom’s house with all the family. Anyway, it is so close! He is coming! We have to wear our “pin” with love! Amen! Amen! Amen!
We have to be changed between tonight or tomorrow by midnight, according to the Haggai 2:18-19 Consider now from this day and upward, from the four and twentieth day of the ninth month, even from the day that the foundation of the LORD'S temple was laid, consider it. Is the seed yet in the barn? yea, as yet the vine, and the fig tree, and the pomegranate, and the olive tree, hath not brought forth: from this day will I bless you. The time to change will allow us to have Yeshua’s Power on High for as many days as He shares with us. Then, we go to Yeshua to live with Him!
YouTube people and I believe we will be with Yeshua by the end of 2017! It is the jubilee year and He has promised us we are gone this month. Amen! Amen! Amen! To God be the glory!
I am not saying anything, but would you look at the type of ink: it is red! I was typing my name on this letter. The name was red, the next line it was green, then it was red, and finally a light blue. I erased all of the colors and made it black ink.
This is just something to look at and wonder, Yeshua, you are here! (This by the way is green ink.) All praise goes to the One Most High! Hallelujah! He is with us!
As with all thing I say, take everything to the Lord Yeshua and ask Him about the truth! He will tell you!
If you do not know Yeshua intimately, go and kneel down and cry out to Him! Forgive, repent, and ask the LORD to come into your heart! This is serious, so serious! Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. John 3:15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. Ephesians 4:4-7 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
Yeshua wants everyone to know that seeing this from my servant means that you are accountable for the things that you do and say! I love each and every one of you, but don’t make the mistake and cause me to cry! I dare not see you in the Great Tribulation; When, I am wanting you to come just as you are and give me your all! Love, your Yeshua Ha’Mashiach. (Wow! That was Yeshua wanting to talk to you.) It is simply amazing! But, the warning is very clear! It is the final countdown – are you ready to go right now, just as you are. You have to be willing to let everything go and go with the angel that will meet you on earth. I hope this message gets passed around, causing a lot of people to be saved! The time is short! He loves you more than any love can be imagined! He hopes to see you in Heaven soon!
Preparation Dream by Wendy
well i was at this big house kind of like my Moms,I think it was supposed to be her house but very nice.My son had friends over and i felt this great need to keep the house in order.I was kind of anxious about it.
well,then these two girl came in the kitchen wanting to clean and make preparations and to help me.They had on the black and white aprons,very nicely their hair pulled back.
So first I opened the dishwasher and there were these crystal glasses that were just sparkling,the whole dishwasher was shiny and radiant the glasses were white and some an amber color.I never seen dishes so clean,so i told the girls these are done.
Then I saw that they were already baking the pies and cakes my Mom had prepared,and I said no,you know and took them out of the oven....because i felt the celebration or holiday was in days....when i took them out they told me they had been in an hour,and when i looked at them they were already risen and very browned.....and I said its okay they are already done maybe just a little bit of time left if they were to cook.So I set them out on the stove and wrapped them.
I find myself during the day among a group that I might call a tourist, and we are gathered together, grouped together. We are maybe about 20-30 people. I believe that among this group were other true Christians or at least people who do not accept the new world order system that is coming. At this moment a woman arrives and speaks to the whole group. She takes out of her bag a little blue box lying, like a box of medicines, with several aligned rectangular cylinders, glued next to each other, each one about 1cm by 1 cm by 4 cm. She says that now everyone must come to her. I am the first to pass, and I understand that in the box is the micro chips required. She says this is now mandatory. I am very annoyed and very uncomfortable. At this moment while the woman is talking to me, a man from the group arrives quietly and without being a blue box in the bag of the woman who speaks to me. I think that it may be fake microchips ... The woman no longer has her real blue box from the beginning and now has the second box ... Despite that, I tell this woman that I refuse to take this RFID chip, and while she answers me, I run away by running alone, and she shouts: you refuse this chip, you are now a delinquent, this is illegal! I hurry off and run off into the deep forest, realizing that the weather is becoming very dangerous and that I must save my skin. I am a small path that goes towards a forest. While I am the path, I suddenly find myself in a small elevator and directly, in less than a second I climb a floor. I just very briefly see what I think is a digital level indicator (like in the elevators) and when I get inside the elevator, I see the number "53" and less than a second after I am on the floor above and see the number "54" on the indicator. At that moment I wake up from this nocturnal dream. Reflecting on these received words, I thought of this following interpretation, I thought especially about the meaning of the end of the dream, that of the group at the beginning ... [... After reflection, I have decided that the number "53" can mean 5 + 3 which represents 8 days from today counting from September 16, 2017 as day 1 for counting. That brings us to September 23, 2017. Then the number "54" means 5 + 4 which is 9 days. From today, September 16, which brings us to September 24, 2017. I believe the Lord wants to tell me that between 8 and 9 days from today (like day 1 to count) [ ... could ...] take place the abduction ...] [... The time I had the dream could represent the possible time for the abduction, at the time between when I had this vision but not in the morning, but in the evening between 5 and 7 pm . It will happen in less than a second, in the blink of an eye, during the twilight, between the moment when the sun has set and it will dark night ...] I do not know what to say about the blue box that I saw with the microchips ... but that could represent among others the beginning of the tribulations that start very soon. Complements (08.11.20017): 16.09.2017 + 53 days = 08.11.2017 But even more: 31.12.2017 - 53 days = 08.11.2017 November 8, 2017 is actually located in the middle between November 16 and December 31, 2017. It's like a pivot point. Since in the dream I saw 53 then 54, 53 + 54 = 107 days So September 16, 2017 is 107 days from the end of the year. On September 16, 2017, I did not know that there would be a lag of 1 month on the autumn holidays. So this shift of 53 days brings me directly in the middle of the feast of tabernacles on November 8-9, 2017 (with the lag of 1 month). 5 + 3 = 8 hours,
9 + 4 = 9 hours, Total 8 + 9 = 17 hours could be the time of the abduction in the twilight period in Jerusalem.
Here is just a supplement that I received last night on the dream that I had on September 16, 2017 at the level of interpretation ... possible.
- On September 16th, I saw the numbers 53 and 54, this day this positioning to 107 days from the end of the year 2017.
- Since September 16, adding 5 + 3 = 8, do the 16 + 8 days, brings us to September 23, 2017, date of alignment in the constellation of the virgin ...
And I only thought last night, if I deduce the second n ° 54 in 5 + 4 = 9, and takes the 31.12.2017-9 days = December 23, 2017 (could start the 22 at sunset ).
I know a lot of people agree that this end of the year could lead to kidnappings ... I think December 23 or the last 9 days of this year could be the moment we're all waiting for.
2 Dreams and a Word from Yeshua ( 12/21/17 )
My dreams are very easy to comprehend. God’s Handmaiden wants to fill her husband with the Holy Ghost. She does it like a piece of pie. She fights with it for a while, and then it comes to life. Amen! Then, a song played “Cracklin Rosie.” “Get on board” was playing. Then, “Build me up, Buttercup” played, “Don’t break my heart!”
I never ever dream about people on YouTube. But, I dreamt about God’s Handmaiden and I know that he husband does sermons every now and again. But, I didn’t know that she was actually stronger in faith than he was. She is. In the dream, she gets her husband to come to life. Amazing! Yeshua wants everyone to know you have very limited time and you need to “Get on board” NOW, because if you don’t you’re going to “break [his] heart!”
Next dream, I could see I was in full gear of God to fight. It was amazing! I thought I was changing, but I wasn’t changing!
Ephesians 6:14-18 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
Then, this afternoon I was driving and talking to the Holy Trinity. All-of-a-sudden someone said, “6 days,” which takes me to my date: 12/27/17. “The Final Countdown” started playing in my mind. I knew exactly what He was saying to me. We are going home! I would like to pretend to blow the shofar and let everyone know that we are going home, very soon! Amen! Amen! Amen!
128 nations have spoken against Israel’s plan to move Jerusalem. This is a profound day! We had like 9 states to vote against it. The 21st is probably shaking a little, very little, and I feel the 144K is going to go to Heaven in the Spirit realm. The 24th is the day He makes a global shaking! I still believe that we change on that day!
If you do not know Yeshua intimately, go and kneel down and cry out to Him! Forgive, repent, and ask the LORD to come into your heart! This is serious, so serious! Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. John 3:15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. Ephesians 4:4-7 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
Yeshua wants everyone to know that seeing this from my servant means that you are accountable for the things that you do and say! I love each and every one of you, but don’t make the mistake and cause me to cry! I dare not see you in the Great Tribulation; When, I am wanting you to come just as you are and give me your all! Love, your Yeshua Ha’Mashiach. (Wow! That was Yeshua wanting to talk to you.) It is simply amazing! But, the warning is very clear! It is the final countdown – are you ready to go right now, just as you are. You have to be willing to let everything go and go with the angel that will meet you on earth. I hope this message gets passed around, causing a lot of people to be saved! The time is short! He loves you more than any love can be imagined! He hopes to see you in Heaven soon!
Eagle Dream From El laine
I had a dream, but I don't know exactly what it means when it comes to the vision. It was a normal type of a dream then all of a sudden in the dream I remember seeing an eagle sitting on top of my head. I could see my face and my eyes were closed but there was a very large eagle sitting there on my head
I don't know if it meant protection, if I was going to be carried away someplace as in the rapture but there I was in the talons of an eagle.
Rapture Dream
I had a dream a few months ago that still bothers me. Wanted to see if you had any thoughts about it.
I was dreaming something, in color, when suddenly I heard a "boom", and everything went black, like turning off the TV. I thought, is it Jesus? Is this the Rapture? I cried out, "JESUS!" Suddenly I felt my spirit being pulled out of my body. A really weird feeling! Then it stopped, and my original dream came back on. It happened again exactly the same, later the same night, except I told myself, "This happened earlier, and it was OK, and it will be OK this time too.
It was very real. While the dream was turned off, I felt awake, having my internal dialogue, but I know I was still asleep.
Any help would be appreciated.
Author Unknown
A Whole Bunch of Thoughts from the LORD YESHUA
Sheryl (12/20/17)
Last night, I asked Yeshua to give me a dream if he wanted to say something. Instead, he gives me a matter of thoughts. I asked Him last night if it was going to happen on the final feast of Hanukkah. Someone said it would happen on the 21st of December. The only thing that I could believe in my heart was the 144K are going to Heaven in spirit form, leaving their bodies in safe keeping.
Two things I needed to ask Yeshua: Were we leaving on the 21st or are we leaving by the end of the month?
Yeshua’s answer was very clear. He said, “Child, don’t you know, you have known all along what day it will be for you.” I kept thinking that it couldn’t have been the 17th, although He said, “but it will change you forever!” I said, “I will sleep on it!”
Around 4-5 PM I finally got what I needed to know. I have been given a date by Yeshua himself. I didn’t know the month. But, I have been given a date for me and the parts of my family to go on this escape. My date is September 27, 2017. I don’t care how it looks, it is real. The thing is it is December 27, 2017 (My time, not Israel’s time)! The 7th day was on the September 27, 2017 Hebrew calendar. So, I really do think that I will be gone next week, on December 27 (my time) which is the 10th month of 7th day (Torah).
They still have not seen the moon (! So, it falls to tomorrow being the 1st. That is exactly 7 days from the moon showing. Just like God said, “The moon was sighted at the 20-21st and 7 days would take it to the 27th.” And, I am going on the 7th/8th day of the month (Torah)! Just like the song! He plays that song all the time! Henry the VIII I am, I am.
Okay, here is what I have so far:
21 The 144K goes to Heaven in spirit/the UN has meeting to overthrow Trump in declaring Jerusalem is Israel’s capital – something is signed: A Peace Accord to divide the Holy Land (Gwendolen Song)/The global shaking begins. Here is the SCOREBOARD I’ve been talking about from Amanda Christian (the 21st).
But, “Saints, you will receive my Glory before the days of darkness” (Wendi, prophetic). It is the “Power on high.” I do believe this is correct, because Yeshua said, “Someday really soon, you are going to change!” He has said the transformation is going to happen!
22 We will be harmed by the earth shaking. We will pray! We will pray! We will pray! We want any lukewarm and lost to repent and call the name of the LORD!
23 We have something to behold – pink galaxy (God’s Gift)!
24 We change! I believe it is either the 23rd or the 24th. It is my own belief!
As with everything you do, take this information to the LORD! Amen! Amen! Amen!
It is so unbelievably close! Read the Bible and Pray, Brides! Get close to Yeshua! Very close!
For everyone else, pray the following prayer! Do it now! You have to wake-up & believe in Yeshua (Jesus).
***If you have not prayed the prayer for salvation, all you have to do really is just pray for forgiveness of sin and repent the sins (turn away from doing the sins). Then, you need to tell Jesus you believe in Him! Tell Him how He suffered on a tree and then rose again! Tell Him how you need Him. It is really that easy! But, you must mean every word! And you must do it before it is too late!***
Congratulations! You are now a Sister or Brother in Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha'Mashiach! Read the Bible, Love everyone, Obey when he tells you to do or not to do something, Walk with Him (daily) and Talk with Him (after a pause), and Tell Jesus you love him in the morning and evening prayers! He loves you so much!
To God be the Glory! Hallelujah! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Rapture Confirmation by Linda Paterson-Ruck
I let my dogs out and as I was watching on the deck I asked if the rapture was this year. I asked to see a streak of light in the sky, anything that would make a streak of light across the sky. I was inside, I had said to God, it could be I see it in the sky as I look out, in a dream, anything. I am watching a program on TV. At the close in the credits, all of a sudden it goes to the sky and I see a streak going across the sky. God can talk to us in any way. It is so exciting to be going home! Glory to God Almighty!
Word Received by Paula Marie on 9/19/17: A Change is Coming!
I received this word yesterday: "A Change is Coming!"
There will be a big changing coming to all of our lives beginning the year 2018. It will be very dramatic and it will change our way of living forever. I know the rapture is coming...but is it just the rapture or is there something more to this? Will we see some hardships before we go? If we will only be for a short time. Seek the Lord and He will give you more revelation about it.
Interesting Youtube video title by Vincent Wienard posted on 12/19/17...Boarding gate 19 represent the 19th which was yesterday. He says its the final boarding call to get into the Ark.
Birthday Cake Gazebo Vision by Paula Marie
I had this vision some time ago...that I was standing on this beach and it was dark outside with a full moon. As I looked down the beach I saw Jesus standing there, looking up at the full moon. He pick a head of wheat and was examining it in his hands. Rolling it between his thumb and forefinger to see if it was ripe. Then He started walking back up the beach toward me.
As He approached me...I asked Him the most obvious question of all..."When will the rapture take place?"
He just smiled at me and motioned for me to walk up this hill toward a gazebo that was sitting there. So I walked to the gazebo with Jesus behind me. When I got there, I look inside and saw a stone picnic table with a white cake sitting on it. I sat on one side of the cake and He sat on the other. He than took a knife and cut two pieces from the cake. Setting them on plates and placing them in front of us.
As we were about to eat the cake, He grabbed my hands from across the table and started to pray. While He was doing this, the clothes I was wearing turned into a wedding dress with a veil.
Then when Jesus was done praying...I said to Him "Why am I wearing this wedding dress?"
He stood up...looked at me and said; "I have to go now and get my bride."
He went then went out of the gazebo and down the hill to the beach below. I was watching him from the balcony in the gazebo. He got on a white horse that was waiting for Him on the beach and swiftly rode away!
-end of vision-
Since I had the vision, I knew it had to do with the rapture....but I always wondered about the cake. Was it someone's birthday, a wedding perhaps? Was it my birthday, Larry's birthday? These dates have come and gone many times. But there is one thought that recently came upon me. What if the cake represented HIS birthday on the earth? Which would be Christmas Day! What a wonderful thought that would be! Amen!
Economic Collapse Vision
I remember this vision several years ago that a woman put on Youtube...I can't remember her name now but I feel like the Lord is bringing this to my mind to share.
It was a vision of a Christmas tree...only the tree was bare and had no ornaments on it. And from behind the tree came this black horse.
My interpretation of this vision is that Christmas time was just over with because there were no ornaments on the tree and the horse represents an economic collapse. So I'm thinking this economic collapse will happen right after Christmas.
I saw a video with an economic expert saying he believes the collapse will happen at the end of January. Because there are three rates hikes scheduled for next year, the first one being in January. He says we won't survive the first hike. Also the stock market has been down and lots of retailers are already filing bankruptcy. So the idea isn't too far fetched for it to happen in January....lots of evidence is mounting. He is predicting a Venezuelan style collapse so we must be leaving soon!
Some very high Rapture DATES ARE:
December 19-20, 2017 – If you add 120 days from the solar eclipse of August 21st 2017 (The sign of Jonah), you come to December 19-20, 2017. This date is the new moon and the 7th day of Hanukkah on the Jewish calendar. (SEE: THIS) Psalm 81:3 “Blow the trumpet in the new moon, in the appointed time.”
December 21, 2017 – This date is 5 Years from the Mayan Calendar date of “The Apocalypse” on December 21, 2012. (SEE: THIS) This is the TRUE date of the Mayan Apocalypse also called The Galactic Cross Alignment. (SEE: THIS)
This is the time when California drops off in the ocean? (SEE: THIS) & (SEE: THIS) & (SEE: THIS) & (SEE: THIS)!
This date: December 21, 2017 – Is when Jupiter enters the Libra Constellation and there is a conjunction of Saturn and the Sun on this date. (SEE: THIS)
This date is when the government shuts down! (SEE: THIS)
This date is 4 months from the August 21st eclipse (August 21steclipse + December 21st = 4 months exactly!!!). John 4:35: Do you not say, “There are yet four months, then comes the harvest”? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest.
This lady was told that the Rapture would be on December 21st2017 (SEE: THIS).
This lady had a vision that the Rapture would take place on the 21st day of the month (SEE: THIS). This man had a dream and was told by The Lord that the Rapture would take place on a Thursday (SEE: THIS). December 21st is both on a Thursday and the 21st day of the month!
December 21st is on the TRUE 7th Day of Hanukkah (SEE: THIS) and it is the day before the Winter Solstice (SEE: THIS “View the 10thMonth”). Matthew 24:20- Pray that your flight may not be in winter or on a Sabbath.
December 13-22, 2017 – This is the date span of Hanukkah - ending with the Winter Solstice on December 22, 2017.
In summary, we have an extremely high Rapture watch all during the month of December 2017! In closing (given all the signs) we feel 100% certain that the Rapture will occur no later than January 1st 2018! Don’t forget, we have a 4 quad-trillion to 1 - odds in favor that the Rapture will happen in December 2017(SEE: THIS)!!!
The dream I had about two(2)years ago, in that revelation, i saw myself with one of the leader in my church, we were inside a bus,going somewhere, but I didn't know were we where going,after some time I now remembered that the bus that we were into was my bus, and I started telling the driver,this is my bus, i bought this bus Some time ago, the driver was argue with me that the bus was not mine,but after some time he agreed with me that bus was mine .
then I started to use my mind to calculate how much money this bus has fetched me all this years,then we went to the office of the driver,so that they can calculate how much they are going to balanced me,my mindset was in the money,as I was sitting down with the leader in my church, and as they wanted to tell me about the bus or the money, as I was looking outside immediately I saw someone in the sky,in my mind I said this must be Jesus, the next thing i saw was a big mountain outside,all of a sudden the heavy mountain now burst and scattered with a heavy noise,when I saw all this, i now turned to my left wanted to tell that leader that was sitting by my side.
immediately I turned to talk to him,i didn't see him again, then I started asking the other man,where was the man, the leader in my church that came with me,then I started shouting, this is rapture,after some time I saw people that miss the rapture,they were on queue , immediately I saw some strange people were coming in to where we were ,very fearful people,i knew they were anti Christ.
as I saw them coming,i started telling the people that were with me,i was telling them don't receive the mark,if they ask you to received the mark please don't agreed with them,as they came in,i was the first person they called, they said to me “you come here”., they hold me and start telling me I should repeat after them,but I didn't understand what they telling me to say after them,in my heart I knew it was something about accepting the mark of the beast,then I said no,i refused to say it,they now told me,so you want to prove stubbornness,then they hold me and sit me down on the floor,and started shaving my hair, then I woke up
,immediately I remember what is still in my life that the Lord wants me to do away with, i started praying for mercy.
12/16/17 A Dream from Yeshua
Yesterday morning I received a crazy dream. In the dream, I was getting a review of my chocolate cake. We first stopped off at a gas station. We were in a large vehicle and we hit a wall at the gas station. The main woman got out of the vehicle. Dream ended and shifted.
All of a sudden, she wanted me to have simpler instructions. “Use simple sentences,” she said. Dream shifted again.
There was a tree that was filled with black crows flying in and out. I said be gone and they flew away. A little girl asked me how I did that and I told her I did it with my animation – animated hand movements. That dream was crazy! I started to write it down, and I could not find a way to tell you all.
So last night, I was praying for Yeshua to explain more about the dream. I asked me to have another dream where I could compare the two. But, the Bible verse John 3:16 came into play. He said that the dream would work for the verse. So, here goes.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Cake – reviewed – use simple sentences
Gas station – no gas – hit the wall
Crows in the trees – teacher – lesson about doing animated hand motions – crows left the trees
This is saying that God so loved the world (chocolate cake) that he gave his only begotten Son (to review the chocolate cake), that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life (the woman gave the review and said, “Use simple sentences.”).
The other two things I had in my dreams were the same.
God (gas station) and he gave his Son (no gas), but we have everlasting life (hit the wall softly).
God (trees) and he gave his Son (teacher), but we have everlasting life (the teacher taught how to make crows in the trees to leave – animated hand movement).
I was just thinking and this could be about the transformation (change). I will have to use my voice – it will be clear and concise. He wants us to know that because our bodies change that our voices may also change. Does that make sense? Anyway, we will have to use our patience with those new bodies.
We may be able to hit a wall and not feel it at all! In my dream, we hit a concrete wall, but we didn’t feel it.
We may be able to do things with our hands. Teaching crows in a tree to go away is nothing. I want to teach people and have them to go away and do good works!
This is all I’ve got! If you don’t know who Jesus is please repent and then call His name.
***If you have not prayed the prayer for salvation, all you have to do really is just pray for forgiveness of sin and repent the sins (turn away from doing the sins). Then, you need to tell Jesus you believe in Him! Tell Him how He suffered on a tree and then rose again! Tell Him how you need Him. It is really that easy! But, you must mean every word! And you must do it before it is too late!***
Congratulations! You are now a Sister or Brother in Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha'Mashiach! Read the Bible, Love everyone, Obey when he tells you to do or not to do something, Walk with Him (daily) and Talk with Him (after a pause), and Tell Jesus you love him in the morning and evening prayers! He loves you so much!
To God be the Glory! Hallelujah! Amen! Amen! Amen!
In the dream I saw that myself and two people were going somewhere, in our discussion I said something that shocked them, so they said they are no more going with me, so a spirit spoke to my heart that I should go and tell them “I am just playing “ whereas what I said is true. So I obeyed the spirit and told him that I was just joking and within my heart I wasn't joking.
Immediately I told him “I am just playing” I discovered that the sky changed and I saw boldly the name of church that is preaching the truth on the sky as if I can touched it very close to me.
So I call the attention of the two men to look up to heaven, immediately there was a lightning everywhere and people were disappearing. The Lightning is beyond my explanation, everywhere around the Sky. So I was shouting rapture has taken place, so ran and left those people crying that upon all my preaching and holiness I missed the rapture, that God should have mercy on me and come to take me.
So I was rushing home to see my people if they have gone with the Lord, but I discovered that in the area that I was when rapture take places , i discovered that only one person went with the rapture. Everybody was running around and searching for those people that has gone with the rapture, I was crying as I was going home, I was hiding from demons not to see before I got home, and I was seeing different types of scarring things. I woke up with fear.
I lied in a minute to the rapture.
confess your sin before the Lord, repent of every single sin committed , never go back to it again, tell God to uphold you till the end, pray for the sanctification of your heart, and for the baptism of the holy ghost for this will enable you to live a victorious christian life, and as you are doing that the Lord will help you .
Father God, we come to you in the name, the only name who is worthy, and that's the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, your perfect son father, our Lord, Savior, King and great high priest. Lord Jesus, we just come to you Father with a contrite and heavy heart for all that's going on in the lives of so many people right now. Lord Jesus, please...please intercede for us on their behalf won't you? Won't you dispatch your mighty angels to them just to keep them safe and to preserve their lives and to heal their wounds, physically, mentally, emotionally? Some of these people Lord have lost family members, they've lost homes, businesses. Some of them have lost hope because they don't know you, and we know that our only hope is with you. And so that's what we pray for for them Lord. That you would help them to understand that you are their hope. That you are their everything and ours. You meet every need that we will ever have. You yourself are the one who meets those needs. You might use someone else to meet them, but you meet them nonetheless. Every blessing we have comes from your precious hand and Lord every discipline that we need comes from your hand too. That's not always pleasant, but it always brings good results in our life. Lord we just love you. We just pray with all of our hearts and our souls that you would be merciful O Lord to your children and to those around the country and around the world who are suffering and dying and being persecuted beyond belief. Kidnapped, raped, beheaded or imprisoned or swept away in a flood, tornado or these awful hurricanes, wildfires or earthquakes. There are so many things that are hitting us all at one time. You said Lord, you said, "My peace I give unto you, not as the world gives, give I unto you." We seek that peace right now Lord not just for ourselves, but especially for those who are enduring so much. O Lord Jesus. Please dispatch your mighty angels to our brothers and sisters around the world and to those who need to know you and have futile soil in their hearts for your Holy Spirit. O God rescue the innocent whether man or beast Lord, it doesn't matter, they are all precious. We just believe you Lord to do this. You see we sometimes feel like we can't do a thing. We feel so totally helpless when something like this is going on because we can't do anything to correct it, but we don't have to. All we have to do is to come to you and to remember that just like when it was that you stood up in the boat with the disciples and they were in such an awful storm and you held out your hand and said "Peace be still" and the water was instantly like glass. We know that you won't always make our circumstances go away immediately and maybe not at all. But we do know that you will always be there. You said "I will never leave you, I will never forsake you, I'll be there for you, I'll see you through" and you never broke a promise, ever. And we know you won't now Lord Jesus. We want you to know we love you and we thank you and we just desperately want to make it home. But right now we pray more than anything that you will meet the needs of these people Father. Won't you do this? Please hear our prayers. We pray to you as your bride as your children. And in the name...the only name who is worthy Jesus Christ and his precious, perfect blood we pray...AMEN!
12/15/17 A Word from Yeshua
First off, I wanted to apologize for my saying yesterday’s dream was in my head. It was in my head, but it also was typed in the cell phone. I really didn’t use it for nothing except I wanted to be sure at the end if I was missing anything. I wasn’t missing anything. It was really quite amazing that I didn’t have to use it. But, I wanted to tell you it was on the cell.
Okay, Yeshua is sending me two Bible verses to give to you. There is at least one of you who needs this message! In Luke 3:16-17 it says John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire: Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and will gather the wheat into his garner; but the chaff he will burn with fire unquenchable.
In this, Yeshua is going to baptize you with the Holy Ghost (#G40 “morally blameless” #G4151 “spirit”) and with fire (#G4442 “lightning”). Whose fan (#G4425 “a winnowing fork”) is in his hand, and he will throughly purge (#G1245 “to winnow,” “to cleanse perfectly”) his floor (#G257 “threshing floor”), and will gather (#G4863 “collect”) the wheat (this is the saved) into his garner (#G596 “barn”); but the chaff (this is the unsaved) he will burn with fire unquenchable (#G762 “not to be quenched”).
He wants us all to know that that is how it is done! Once you believe in Him and repent from your sins, He starts the process within you. You are now His! He is yours! And there is nothing more important than pleasing Him! He wants to have you love Him, no matter what may come your way. He is the great shepherd. Luke 15:6-9 And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbors, saying unto them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost. I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.
Are you ready? Are you ready to give up the things of the world and go with Him? That’s exactly what we are asked to do. He is coming back! Just give up and go, when he says to do it. The transformation is going to happen first, but the thing is to do it now – for salvation is always available while the Lord is present. He will hear you, He knows you, He wants you to know Him better! Are you ready?
As with everything in life, take this to the Lord in prayer!
***If you have not prayed the prayer for salvation, all you have to do really is just pray for forgiveness of sin and repent the sins (turn away from doing the sins). Then, you need to tell Jesus you believe in Him! Tell Him how He suffered on a tree and then rose again! Tell Him how you need Him. It is really that easy! But, you must mean every word! And you must do it before it is too late!***
Congratulations! You are now a Sister or Brother in Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha'Mashiach! Read the Bible, Love everyone, Obey when he tells you to do or not to do something, Walk with Him (daily) and Talk with Him (after a pause), and Tell Jesus you love him in the morning and evening prayers! He loves you so much!
To God be the Glory! Hallelujah! Amen! Amen! Amen!
It was their anniversary, and Aisha was waiting for her husband Rajiv to show up. Things had changed since their marriage, the once cute couple couldn’t-live-without-each-
Fighting over every little things, both didn’t like the way things had changed. Aisha was waiting to see if Rajiv remembered it was their anniversary!
Just as the door bell rang she ran to find her husband wet and smiling with a bunch of flowers in his hand. The two started re-living the old days. Making up for fights, then was d plan for champagne, light music And it was raining outside! It was perfect.
But the moment paused when the phone in the bedroom rang.
Aisha went to pick it up and it was a man. “Hello ma’am I’m calling from the police station. Is this Mr Rajiv Mehra’s number?”
“Yes it is!”
“I’m sorry ma’am; but there was an accident and a man died. We got this number from his wallet; we need you to come and identify his body.”
Aisha’s heart sank.!!! She was shocked! But my husband is here with me?”
“Sorry ma’am, but the incident took place at 2 pm, when he was boarding the train.”
Aisha was about to lose her conscience. How could this happen?!
She had heard about the soul of the person coming to meet a loved one before it leaves!
She ran into the other room. He was not there. It was true! had left her for good!!
Oh God she would have died for another chance to mend every little fight! She rolled on the floor in pain. She lost her chance! Forever!
Suddenly there was a noise from the bathroom, the door opened and Rajiv came out and said “Darling, I forgot to tell you my wallet got stolen today”.
Let’s start making amends.
To parents
To siblings
To friends
And many more.
No one has a promised tomorrow. Have a wonderful Life with no regrets!
Author Unknown
Lord Yeshua, I asked to have a dream, one that I would not forget! It isn’t even written down. It is in my head! That is a miracle! Thank you, Lord Yeshua for the dream! Well, here goes.
We were at a convenient store. I was with a guy named Shawn. A young child, maybe about 7-10 years old, was going in the store. I never saw him exit! We had a problem and we needed to ask for help. It was something dumb and it should have never been purchased in the first place. That’s why we were there, to ask the man and woman if we could have some money. We needed 363 dollars as a loan.
I stayed in the car while he went inside. I saw a lady who could help me, but she wanted to take my tonsils out for the money. I had given permission and the lady was closing shop. She was going to get in the car and we were to follow her to the house. I was waiting for her. She was just about ready to close, when a gentleman came out and smiled really wide. I smiled back at him. He was a thin man that was handsome, about 20 years older than me. He got into his transportation and went to the right to turn. Then, I noticed that where we had gone in to the convenient store there was yellow and black tape all around the street where the convenient store was located.
Shawn came running outside and gave me a $383.33 printed on the dollar. I said that would be enough to pay the bill. Dream over.
Shawn never did ask for the money! I was going to get the lady to take out my tonsils, so I could have the bill paid in full. The gentleman paid Shawn the money and it was exactly 383.33 dollars. You could tell it was 383.33 on the actual bill itself. He gave the money freely to Shawn.
The dollar bill was 383.33. The Strong’s Concordance of 383 is “to be” in Hebrew. In the book of Daniel 3:25 it states that He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they “have” no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God. The .33 in Strong’s Concordance means “Come Now, go to” in Greek. In James 4:13 it says, “Go to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain:”
The name Shawn in Hebrew means “God is gracious; a gift from God.” Shawn was given the dollar bill from the gentleman. So, if we were to take the “gift” of the dollar to be symbolic, then we were to be with God and He was saying, “Come now.” He was also saying that we didn’t need to pay the bill, because His Son paid the bill for us. Once we got the gift of the dollar, we knew we could only go one way – Jesus! The other way was blocked off with yellow and black tape. The lady that was going to take away my tonsils for money was on the bad side, and if we would’ve given in to her, we might be dead! I sincerely know that if I would have done it “my way” we would have been in trouble. The gentleman saved us from the bad stuff that was going to happen.
Is this a dream about escape? I feel it is. Yeshua wants us to know that if you do things your way, you will end up in the bad world, being left behind. You must cling to Yeshua before it is too late! You must be underneath His wings to provide shelter from whatever comes our way! He wants all of us to surrender, to repent from sins, and to call on His name! Know Him before it is too late! Time is seriously counting down! Put it like this, had that yellow and black tape not appeared, which direction do you think I (the lady in the dream) would’ve gone? Things to think about!
Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Revelation 3:11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
As with everything in life, take this to the Lord in prayer!
***If you have not prayed the prayer for salvation, all you have to do really is just pray for forgiveness of sin and repent the sins (turn away from doing the sins). Then, you need to tell Jesus you believe in Him! Tell Him how He suffered on a tree and then rose again! Tell Him how you need Him. It is really that easy! But, you must mean every word! And you must do it before it is too late!***
Congratulations! You are now a Sister or Brother in Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha'Mashiach! Read the Bible, Love everyone, Obey when he tells you to do or not to do something, Walk with Him (daily) and Talk with Him (after a pause), and Tell Jesus you love him in the morning and evening prayers! He loves you so much!
To God be the Glory! Hallelujah! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Last night, the worst group of demons attacked me during the night, then I woke up. They wanted to see me die. I had to fight, to rebuke to get them away. My King Yeshua has promised me that I am going to escape with the children. That is what I am going to do! I rebuked demons a long time last night. I am sure I rebuked them when I slept as well. Spiritual warfare is real! My King Yeshua wants to see me be victorious and last night, he certainly heard a lot of rebuking. I rebuked and sang a song about Jesus. Instantly, they were fleeing! It’s all in the name of the LORD! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Matthew 4:10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan, for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
Today, I was told to go to Sam’s and to tell someone that “Jesus loves you!” I went to Sam’s and I had a few opportunities to say it, but did not do it. I prayed when I got back, and The Holy Spirit said, “I know. Yeshua knows. He knew before you even went there that you weren’t going to do it.” I said, “Why? Was it because I am an aphasia victim? Sure, my words get mixed up at times, but that couldn’t be it.”
I mean months ago, I walked up to a man who was driving an electric scooter and I gave him money. It was the last I had, but I gave it to him. I asked him if he believed in Jesus, and he said, “Yes.” I said, “This is from Jesus” and then I left.
But, yet, I could not say, “Jesus loves you! Why?” He said, “It doesn’t matter. What does matter to me is that you will cry out in need for my forgiveness.” This was so true! I prayed for forgiveness and repentance, my tears were falling down my cheeks. I felt so bad, I mean, if I couldn’t say those 3 words out loud, then would I be changed and help people get saved. He said, “Yes, Hoverintha. You will be okay. I promise you will be just fine!” I asked if I was still a Prayer Warrior, and he said, “Yes. You are the best when you’re doing prayer and the blog. You are obedient in that you send messages from me to the billions of people. You will never know how much that helps people to get saved!” I smiled and dried my eyes. Then, I said a Prayer Warrior prayer (by Gwendolen Song from Jesus).
Matthew 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
For those of you who want it, here is the Prayer Warrior for Yeshua: (I changed the word “Jesus” to “Yeshua.” I pray this prayer twice a day.)
Dear Heavenly Father, I am coming before you on my bended knees asking you to use me as an agent of force. As an agent of change in the supernatural realm, I believe you are the one true Messiah and I am on the winning side for the glory of my God and King. Please, Father, bind all agents of darkness. Bind all demonic paranormal activity and neutralize it ineffective. Bind it, cover it with your blood Heavenly Father, and seal it for eternity. I rebuke all demonic activity that is being released from the pits of hell. I rebuke all of it in its entirety. I humbly come before your mighty throne, Lord Yeshua Ha’Mashiach, and ask you to free all of the lost from captivity and give them eternal life with you. I pray against premature death. I pray against unborn babies losing life. I pray against the dictator’s lies to the masses of peoples across the globe. Allow your truth to be delivered in dreams and visions to all the children of the globe. I ask you to perform this mighty miracle in the name of Yeshua Ha’Mashiach, the one who died for the sins of the world. It is my heart’s desire to serve you as a mighty prayer warrior for the angelic forces who need me at this time. You are forever in my heart Lord Yeshua. Your name reigns on high, in the highest heavens. With all my heart I send this perfumed prayer to your feet and to your Father’s feet. A child of the King. Amen! Amen! Amen!
As with everything in life, take this to the Lord in prayer!
***If you have not prayed the prayer for salvation, all you have to do really is just pray for forgiveness of sin and repent the sins (turn away from doing the sins). Then, you need to tell Jesus you believe in Him! Tell Him how He suffered on a tree and then rose again! Tell Him how you need Him. It is really that easy! But, you must mean every word! And you must do it before it is too late!***
Congratulations! You are now a Sister or Brother in Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha'Mashiach! Read the Bible, Love everyone, Obey when he tells you to do or not to do something, Walk with Him (daily) and Talk with Him (after a pause), and Tell Jesus you love him in the morning and evening prayers! He loves you so much!
To God be the Glory! Hallelujah! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Two Visions and a Word from the LORD, Yeshua (12/11-12/17 )
SherylA lot of visions have gone on since I stopped praying with my eyes closed. Yesterday, I received an overwhelming power to pray, so I got up and went to my bedroom and assumed the position for prayer. I figured it was about praying for the world, but boy was I wrong. Yeshua can get me to listen to Him immediately, and one way he accomplishes that is through song.
So, Yeshua, as loudly as my ears could take, played the song “In a World of Pure Imagination” the Willy Wonka song. And I went through a door and saw my beloved people waiting for me. It was everyone including my dad on earth and the three children who I had miscarried and had stillborn. It was beautiful! I had tears streaming down my cheeks, but I knew I wanted to save as many as I could for the glory of the LORD. After that, I would be there also! I said goodbye, but not forever! I will be there soon! That was so awesome! I always pray with my eyes open and my knees are on the ground! I will pray with my eyes shut only when praying The Lord’s Prayer!
I was doing Bible study and had the incredible notion to go to McDonald’s. I didn’t want to go to McDonald’s. It was dark and my husband was at work. I was alone. I didn’t even feel that hungry to begin with. But, I do as Yeshua tells me. And, he was telling me, “Go to McDonald’s.” So, I went.
I was telling Yeshua that I am not going to get out of the car. Is that okay? He said, “You don’t have to get out of the car.” Okay. I don’t normally go around putting the numbers of licenses on the phone. But, this was the second time I did just that. The car was in front of me, and I had the most amazing thing happen. He wanted me to look at the license plate and write it down. So, I did. I found it looked odd. NYY 450. The only thing I could think about was NY was New York.
Evening prayers were with husband at home. Playing very loud was the song “New York, New York” by Frank Sinatra. I saw an immediate vision of the Statue of Liberty and she had bombs that were going in all directions. They flew over her to the city of New York, New York. Then, I saw the capital being blown up. He said, “Soon. It is going to happen.” Then, I knew what the NYY 450 was about! I think it is New York, New York and it is going to happen at 4:50. I do not know if it’s AM or PM. Ponder it, but it is going to happen!
King Yeshua wanted me to look up Lucerne Pastries. I found two possibilities. One is Lucerne in Switzerland and the other is Lucerne Bakery from Miami, FL. I would have to go with Miami because I have received the Miami flash dream. I dreamed that they were in a blackout – no electricity. That is all I know! If you have anything to offer me about Miami, I would greatly appreciate it.
Also, the 23rd is not today. Last night, Yeshua said it is for Wednesday. Then, today, I was looking at Steve Fletcher’s video (the new one) and sure enough, he said that it is tomorrow. The moon was not spotted until the next day, the 20th. So, our little world of dates is Hanukkah is actually on December 14 (our calendar). So, it puts us being ready to change on the 13-16 (our time). And, it puts our date and the Torah’s date 10 days between. For example: We have 13, they have 23 Kislev. That, incidentally, puts the 17 our time to 27 their time. The 24th Kislev is going to have shaking the world and we are going to be blessed. Something to ponder!
Haggai 2:18 Consider now from this day and upward, from the four and twentieth day of the ninth month, even from the day that the foundation of the LORD'S temple was laid, consider it.
Haggai 2:19 Is the seed yet in the barn? yea, as yet the vine, and the fig tree, and the pomegranate, and the olive tree, hath not brought forth: from this day will I bless you.
Haggai 2:20 And again the word of the LORD came unto Haggai in the four and twentieth day of the month, saying,
Haggai 2:21 Speak to Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, saying, I will shake the heavens and the earth;
Are we going to go home? He tells me 17. A lot is going to happen over the next two days. Just be ready! Always be ready! Yeshua wants us to be ready! We have our last tasks to do, don’t forget it brides! Then, we are going home! Yeshua said, “First we change, then we go.” Amen! Amen! Amen!
The alert bride everywhere says, “Come Lord Jesus, Come!”
***If you have not prayed the prayer for salvation, all you have to do really is just pray for forgiveness of sin and repent the sins (turn away from doing the sins). Then, you need to tell Jesus you believe in Him! Tell Him how He suffered on a tree and then rose again! Tell Him how you need Him. It is really that easy! But, you must mean every word! And you must do it before it is too late!***
Congratulations! You are now a Sister or Brother in Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha'Mashiach! Read the Bible, Love everyone, Obey when he tells you to do or not to do something, Walk with Him (daily) and Talk with Him (after a pause), and Tell Jesus you love him in the morning and evening prayers! He loves you so much!
To God be the Glory! Hallelujah! Amen! Amen! Amen!
As with everything you take in, ask the Lord Yeshua if He trusts that person. He will tell you!
Some time ago I had a Dream of a lion.....
A Dream of A Lion by Paula Marie
Some time ago I had a Dream of a lion.....
In the dream I was upstairs in an apartment when I heard someone knocking on the door. I looked outside the window and looking down to where the door was I could see who was knocking. I noticed there was a lion outside the door pacing back and forth waiting for me to answer it.
I went down stairs and not being scared whatsoever of this lion....I opened the door and let him in. He was walking around in my little tiny apartment and tearing up everything where ever he walked. He seemed very angry. I sat in my chair and was watching him. I was not afraid of him....just wondering what this was all about.
The the lion came over to the chair where I was sitting. He sat down in front of me and reached out his paw as if he wanted to say something. Then I heard a voice as if it were the voice of the Lord say.
"Judgment is coming!"
That was the end of the dream.
Lion in my living room Vision by El laine
I had this Vision back in January I thought I had saved it and wrote it out. I was sitting in my chair knowing that I should have got up to lay down but I didn't so I stayed where I was and had this dream or vision.
I was looking towards the door and I actually saw a lion walking in the foyer into the living room he was a stately proud Royal looking lion. He had yellow piercing eyes and he walked up to me after taking a good look of my living room
I was not scared but I knew that this must be the lion of Judah with all the royalty all the power and all the magnitude of Jesus Christ himself. I was tempted to touch the mane on his head but I hesitated and as I looked at the lion it looked at me like it was looking right through me.
As I said before he was a stately Majestic looking lion and I knew that as long as he was with me there was nothing in this world that could harm me
12/11/17 A word from the Lord Yeshua
I received verses from the Lord Yeshua. He really wants to share this, so I am going to share the verses I felt I needed to share.
Ephesians 3:11 According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord:
Ephesians 3:12 In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him.
He wants us to be confident in Him. He doesn’t like it if we are disobedient, in the least. He wants us to reach out when the Holy Spirit says it is time.
Philippians 3:13-14 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
You cannot worry about things that have passed you by. Your only concern is things that deal with Christ Jesus. We are to reach forward to those who may not even know who the Lord Jesus is.
Philippians 3:21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.
Our body is going to be changed for the better! We will be made like Him! I believe we are going to have the transformation (change) happen within 3 days. I just honestly think that we are going to change, any day now. He said to me, “The 24th is the day.” Well, I looked at the calendar for the Torah, and I (like Steve Fletcher) looked at September (November) with him, and I noticed the 24th is on Wednesday (Torah). This could mean, that Tuesday to Wednesday we could be transformed. The shaking worldwide would happen also. It is the bad with the good on the same day! By the way, the month of November isn’t over until the 30th day (Torah), that is the 19th day on our calendar. Just something to watch!
Hanukkah begins the 12th of December (our calendar), but according to Torah it begins the 14th of December. That is why dates are messy! I vote for the Torah calendar. Anyway, watch the 11th to the 14th. Remember, the Luciferians all preach about the 23rd, that is between the 11th -13th also. The time is so unbelievably short! We are watching for the “shaking, breaking, quaking, and taking” of our Yeshua Ha’Mashiach! Come Lord Jesus, Come!
***If you have not prayed the prayer for salvation, all you have to do really is just pray for forgiveness of sin and repent the sins (turn away from doing the sins). Then, you need to tell Jesus you believe in Him! Tell Him how He suffered on a tree and then rose again! Tell Him how you need Him. It is really that easy! But, you must mean every word! And you must do it before it is too late!***
Congratulations! You are now a Sister or Brother in Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha'Mashiach! Read the Bible, Love everyone, Obey when he tells you to do or not to do something, Walk with Him (daily) and Talk with Him (after a pause), and Tell Jesus you love him in the morning and evening prayers! He loves you so much!
To God be the Glory! Hallelujah! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Wide Spread Panic December 29th by Rick Wiles
It was taken at the Fox Theater on Peachtree as I exited a taxicab at a hotel. The theater marquee sign said, “Widespread Panic December 29-31.” Coincidentally, an ambulance pulled up and stopped in front of the theater as the photo was snapped.
I know that Widespread Panic is a popular Southern blues band, but I couldn’t ignore the possible prophetic warning. Several family members and close friends have received prophetic dreams over the past 7 or 8 years about sudden panic terrorizing America. The dreams always included scenes that indicated it would happen during the Christmas season. Every year I brace for sudden judgment to strike America in November or December.
I forgot to mention the marquee also said “corporate events.” Is the widespread panic a corporate event?
Clearly, I believe that God has given ample clues that great woe will grip America in the latter part of some year. Is it 2015, 2016 or 2017? Therefore, tonight’s “Widespread Panic December 29-31” and the emergency vehicle serves, in my opinion, as another reminder from God that a consuming fire is coming to the USA.
Submitted by El laine
A dream from Yeshua (12/08)
The dream I had had to do with choosing. One woman had a little girl (5-6 years old) and she loved what I made (some type of food dish). Really strange. But, it gets stranger. The next thing I saw there was a man, who was more bite than I’m used to. After being told that both the woman and the man were Atheist, Yeshua wanted to know which one I should save? I woke up. All day long, I pondered what I would do exactly. And here’s my decision.
This is a hard one for me to decide. I certainly wouldn’t want to decide, like Yeshua. But, I must, so here goes. The woman could have the love for the child, and she could become saved after seeing the child go up. She could want to be with the child so much, and when the child is getting taken she might just possibly repent and say she believes in the name of the Lord, Jesus! I mean, I could easily decide to take them together.
Then, there’s this man who looks like he’s mad because of his wife dying. He wasn’t always like that. He probably was saved by Jesus before his wife died. Then, he became upset with God. Saying, “A God wouldn’t do such a thing as to take my wife from me. He is a God of love.” If people started to leave, going up, I wonder if he would want to also go up. I wonder if his heart would break, causing him to repent and call on the name of the Lord, Jesus. He is a broken man. He wants to be with his wife. I would take him.
I would take both of them. Yeshua never did ask me which one I needed to save. Yeshua asked me which one I should save. He is asking because he wants to know who I would save? I would save both. I would take the time to save both! They both would go up in the escape. They would be a brand-new believer, but that would not stop me.
Yeshua would probably like the answer I gave. Yeshua wants us to know that “all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” Romans 3:23. “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all” Isaiah 53:6. John 3:15 says “That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.” I think Yeshua would be more than pleased at my answer to Him!
The things I saw while driving were cars and billboards. I saw a car that was in front of me and the license plate read “Minimum.” Then, I saw the billboard, “Let US transfer your prescriptions.” The last thing I saw was a billboard the read “Maximize your recovery.” On the usual, I would not have even seen anything. But, since Yeshua was riding in the car with me, He pointed things out. He told me to not put the cell phone away, because I was going to be writing what I saw next.
The first thing was a car’s license plate: Minimum. When I looked it up, I saw the “Least” or “Smallest” definition. In Matthew 25:40 Yeshua says, “And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these brethren, ye have done it unto me.” It can be something as small as opening a door for someone to enter or to exit. It can also be something large like a $50 bill that you left for an anonymous tip. It doesn’t matter what is done, it matters that the LORD sees everything you do and do not do! That is a big part about obeying. What he says for us to do, we should do it! If He says to not do something, that is also obeying!
The second thing I saw was the first billboard, “Let US transfer your prescriptions.” The “US” is the holy trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The “transfer” was “to move from one place to another.” The “prescriptions” is “a recommendation that is authoritatively put forward.” So, it is “Let the holy trinity move from one place to another your recommendation that is authoritatively put forward.” To me, that is saying the changing (transformation) is going to happen! He will let us save as many as can be saved before taking us home! Amen! Amen! Amen!
The last thing I saw was the second billboard, “Maximize your recovery.” The meaning of “maximize” is “make the best use of.” “Recovery” means “a return to a normal state of health, mind, and strength.” So, “Make that best use of your returning to a normal state of health, mind, and strength.” In other words, we all want that young feeling, when there weren’t body problems. We will maximize our recovery one day soon!
***If you have not prayed the prayer for salvation, all you have to do really is just pray for forgiveness of sin and repent the sins (turn away from doing the sins). Then, you need to tell Jesus you believe in Him! Tell Him how He suffered on a tree and then rose again! Tell Him how you need Him. It is really that easy! But, you must mean every word! And you must do it before it is too late!***
Congratulations! You are now a Sister or Brother in Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha'Mashiach! Read the Bible, Love everyone, Obey when he tells you to do or not to do something, Walk with Him (daily) and Talk with Him (after a pause), and Tell Jesus you love him in the morning and evening prayers! He loves you so much!
To God be the Glory! Hallelujah! Amen! Amen! Amen!
I saw true Visions in my dream last night.
The first one was that I remembered a dream I had that I had to get something repaired at a jewelry shop which one of them items is a watch that my dad gave my mom. When I was in this jewelry store the Rapture had happened and the store owner was very surprised as to all the commotion that was going on in the street as he was looking out the window. As a man was looking out the window at the cars the Rapture had happened and he couldn't see me but I still could see him and he was wondering where his customer had gone to. Outside was a commotion people hollering ,running,screaming, and virtual bedlam. The reason why I had to go to the jewelry store was to pick up a watch that I had repaired. Incidentally I do have to drop off the watch that I need repaired next Thursday. I was just letting you know that the two events May coincide.
The next part of my vision had to do with a lamp that I have. I don't use the shade as that will give off the most light. In my vision I was looking at the white light bulb and it then reminded me of the characters in the movie Cocoon. The characters glow but you could still see the person inside just glowing body. I just thought I mentioned it.
I remember the Holy Spirit ask me a question such as are you ready for your new existence and that was this year around January I guess. So perhaps during the Christmas season we will be raptured or transformed.
12/6/17 An audible list while awake and asleep
Jeremiah 20:5-6
5 Moreover I will deliver all the strength of this city, and all the labours thereof, and all the precious things thereof, and all the treasures of the kings of Judah will I give into the hand of their enemies, which shall spoil them, and take them, and carry them to Babylon.
6 And thou, Pashur, and all that dwell in thine house shall go into captivity: and thou shalt come to Babylon, and there thou shalt die, and shalt be buried there, thou, and all thy friends, to whom thou hast prophesied lies.
This is about Israel and her enemies. Jeremiah tells Pashur about his prophecy for him. They will be captive if they dwell in the house. And Pashur is going to die and he has a growing batch of friends that he has been prophesying lies to. That would have me serving God as long as I had to live!
Speaking of that, anytime I see people on YouTube I ask God who is the absolute best to listen to. It helps to discern all people, even me, because it is important to know if you can trust them.
Dates are a whole other ballgame. He says one thing will happen, and then you don’t know who or what date to get the information. Dates are a mess! Discern if you want to. All I know is the “date of 17” is prominent. A school bus was numbered 17, and I just so happened to see it as I was driving by today. And, I have seen that number come up an awful lot! There is no telling what the date truly is according to Hebrew, because they have also skipped days. The one calendar I have has our dates on them, and that calendar has been confirmed (3 times) by Yeshua. But, dates are a mess! But, one thing we do know, as true believers in Yeshua, we are very close to going home! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Isaiah 11:9
They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.
The enemies are not going to hurt or destroy Jerusalem! They are going to bomb places, but never destroy it. That will drive them crazy!
Isaiah 9:1
Nevertheless the dimness shall not be such as was in her vexation, when at the first he lightly afflicted the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, and afterward did more grievously afflict her by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, in Galilee of the nations.
“There will be no darkness for those in trouble” (Bible Gateway). For he will be the light of the world! All anyone has to do is repent and believe in Him! Bare minimum! He was outside Galilee; He traveled. It was very important for Him to travel, to preach, to teach, and to heal. He had to reach as many people as He could in such a short time. Today, the Bible still touches us, and we love Him because He first loved us! Without those disciples walking and riding on a boat, we would not have the Bible we have today. We would only have the Old Testament. We give Him thanks for after the Holy Spirit entered the hearts of the disciples, they traveled and preached the good news to everyone!
Isaiah 19:1
The burden of Egypt. Behold, the LORD rideth upon a swift cloud, and shall come into Egypt: and the idols of Egypt shall be moved at his presence, and the heart of Egypt shall melt in the midst of it.
The LORD is going to destroy Egypt. He is going to destroy Babylon, Palestines, Moab, Damascus, Ethiopia, Elam & Media, Tyre, and Universal Sin. Some is beginning to happen as we speak.
Matthew 19:1
And it came to pass, that when Jesus had finished these sayings, he departed from Galilee, and came into the coasts of Judaea beyond Jordan;
He was always on the go! Jesus had just finished saying the parable of the unforgiving servant and then He was off to Judaea. People wanted to be healed, so he healed them. As long as people could use Him, they loved Him. But, how many turned on Jesus when He was accused of being an imposter? That is really what I want to know. How many people who were healed by Jesus or touched by Jesus didn’t speak up or try to defend Him? And, if they didn’t then, would we do it now? Something to think about!
Zachariah 9:1
The burden of the word of the LORD in the land of Hadrach, and Damascus shall be the rest thereof: when the eyes of man, as of all the tribes of Israel, shall be toward the LORD.
The people will see the LORD and they will be sorry for what they’ve done. Only the enemies of Israel will look at the LORD. Some of them will not be sorry. The LORD will deal with that kind (fire and water).
Matthew 20:3 (I added this verse. I asked God in the morning what I should do and he said Matthew 20:3.)
And he went out about the third hour, and saw others standing idle in the marketplace,
The third hour is that 3:00 PM? When he saw the others standing idle in the marketplace, he was able to get them to work for a penny a day. He went out a sixth and ninth hour - that’s 6:00 and 9:00 PM right?
Matthew 20:9 (I added this, too.) And when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny.
Then, he goes out at the eleventh hour and does the same thing. So, he goes at 3:00, 6:00, 9:00, and 11:00 PM hiring people. He pays every man their penny on the Twelfth hour! It does not matter how many hours they worked (getting people saved), they all received the same amount of pay (rewards). Matthew 20:16 So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen (true believers). Could this be when we are leaving – this 12:00 PM? We are from around the world, different time frames. It could very well be. Something to think about!
***If you have not prayed the prayer for salvation, all you have to do really is just pray for forgiveness of sin and repent the sins (turn away from doing the sins). Then, you need to tell Jesus you believe in Him! Tell Him how He suffered on a tree and then rose again! Tell Him how you need Him. It is really that easy! But, you must mean every word! And you must do it before it is too late!***
Congratulations! You are now a Sister or Brother in Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha'Mashiach! Read the Bible, Love everyone, Obey when he tells you to do or not to do something, Walk with Him (daily) and Talk with Him (after a pause), and Tell Jesus you love him in the morning and evening prayers! He loves you so much!
To God be the Glory! Amen! Amen! Amen!
I asked the Lord this morning if the rapture is upon us and if so then what will be the sign that it is here. And He said to me "Antichrist"
The Antichrist is going to rise now and put a stop to all this mess happening in the middle east. My impression was that we will see him come on the world stage very soon....I'm thinking within maybe the next day or two and before 10 days is up. That is how I feel it will take place in the Spirit.
He will want to move quickly to bring peace to the region before it gets out of hand.
When he comes on the scene, everyone will be in agreement with him. They will all be happy and say what a good plan he has that will work for everyone. Now is the time!
Dream by Wendi
i had a dream and i dont know because i wonder if its what is running through my mind or really a message form the Lord...but i hear again "time is over",and i remembered two dates,December 9 and December 12,but i hope its today!
The Chanukah lasts from the 12th until the 20th. I had to clear that up!
Last night I received 1 John 4:4-21. After reading the verses, Yeshua said that it would be really helpful to say that He is love. So, I wanted to talk about how much our Yeshua loves us in the following verses.
4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. 6 We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.
7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. 13 Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit. 15 Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God.
16 And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. 18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear; because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
19 We love him, because he first loved us. 21 And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.
Then, Yeshua, said for me to do John 3:16-21 for the lukewarm or lost.
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
Today was different. I went to Wal-Mart where I bought only what I needed. I did not get one thing that was not on my list. I was doing the Self-Serve station. The total was $6.66. I kid you not. I was floored, and I asked the LORD what to do. He said to keep it, and just go on. But I said to the LORD once in my car, that I had never received that amount on a receipt. He said that it is no worse than telling people that you went to Hell and that you didn’t want to have anyone go to that place! I said that it is true. But, just the numbers on paper were enough to make me feel sick. I do not like that number!
Strong’s Concordance has 666 meaning “a being away or absence” in Greek. I wanted to be far away from that receipt! “A covering or bandage, a turban” in Hebrew is the number. I don’t know what either of the two meanings are talking about. In my thoughts, 666 represents Satan. Pure and simple!
Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred three score and six.
***If you have not prayed the prayer for salvation, all you have to do really is just pray for forgiveness of sin and repent the sins (turn away from doing the sins). Then, you need to tell Jesus you believe in Him! Tell Him how He suffered on a tree and then rose again! Tell Him how you need Him. It is really that easy! But, you must mean every word! And you must do it before it is too late!***
Congratulations! You are now a Sister or Brother in Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha'Mashiach! Read the Bible, Love everyone, Obey when he tells you to do or not to do something, Walk with Him (daily) and Talk with Him (after a pause), and Tell Jesus you love him in the morning and evening prayers! He loves you so much!
To God be the Glory! Amen! Amen! Amen!
1. The vision begins here, Joe sees Noah's person.
2. Joe sees Jesus and evil on the other side, he sees a battle going on between them.
3. Joe then sees 2 angels on each side that sounds the last trumpet, and then comes the kidnapping. In the middle (# 3) "we" including Joe and our family, we ascend to heaven at this time. Jesus stands for him right next to (maybe up, because he sometimes reverses the top of the bottom) ...
Point 2 is detailed here in this part of the drawing. This is the fight between Jesus and evil.
Down on the red task is the earth of Jesus (which is above, but drawn below), the fire (red) of Jesus is there.
Jesus stands just above (drawn man).
Above on the drawing is the earth of evil, with in the middle above evil (the devil). Around him and the earth of evil are angels of evil, he says.
The characters drawn in red ascend to the earth of evil (which is actually below) and a battle takes place.
The angels of Jesus hold burning swords in one of their hands.
3. The third point is here, Joe sees the sun become all gray, dark, black, because of an explosion that occurs (red task) and connections are then made between the sun and the earth (drawn in blue , green and black). The black pieces on the ground then stand out after this event and go into space, red, black, dark, and even destroy themselves in space.

Joe then sees the gray, red and a little black sun, the earth is also gray, red and a little black. He sees another sun as red, and a little black too.
All around, everywhere, he drew like smoke, but he mentions being like black, gray, very dirty water.
6. Here is detailed more precisely the continuation, in point 6.
First he sees Jesus (drawn in red on the left) and Joé is surprised because he sees Jesus rising at full speed, and going to what he calls the earth of Jesus (drawn in red at the top).
At a certain moment, Joe sees from above the little earth down, and sees it all damaged.
Then Joé goes back to sleep and the vision is over.
His mother went to pray for him during the night, because he was crying and afraid of what he saw. He tries a little to explain (difficult for him to express himself) what he saw. Joé tries to tell us for more than two months what he saw, and with some progress in his language and drawing, he was able to explain in chronological order the events he saw in his vision.
Since that day, he is sure that Jesus will come back soon and wait for him.
He explains to us by brides or during discussion in the family of the parties what he saw. We did not see that he was mixing in his explanation, but it's still the same things he shares with us.
This morning, this is the first time that I asked him to explain in chronological order what he saw, and he was able to explain it to me as well.
The drawings are very simple, and are superimposed on each other, but it is his way of expressing what he has seen, with his means to him now.
Tribulation Dream: Maurice Sklar - March 13, 2014
This week I had a dream. It was a terribly frightening dream. In it, I saw a huge angel standing suspended in the air over New York harbor. It looked so large that it covered the night sky. His body was clad in golden armor as if he was going to war. His face and entire being were so bright that I could not gaze up at him for long. White beams of light seemed to radiate outward from him in all directions. He was standing over the Statue of Liberty. It was night, but I could hardly see the lights around him coming from New York City as he blazed so brightly with divine light.
He reached for his belt that was covered with a red sash around his mid section, and drew out his sword. It was so massive! It blazed with light and fire all around it. It looked at least 100 feet long! I have never felt such fear when I saw an angel before. I just knew this mighty warring spirit had authority from the very throne of God. He had a grim expression as he held this mighty sword over his head with both hands. I could see that he was poised to hit the Statue of Liberty and cleave it in two! I trembled and tried to hide, but the angel was looking directly at me, and I knew there was nowhere to go that he would not see me.
Then he spoke! His voice was like thunder and echoed throughout the whole harbor.
He said, “How long will you refuse to humble yourself, O America! You have been weighed in the balances of God and found wanting. Your beginning was great and noble, but your end shall be disgrace and destruction!
Thus saith the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, the LORD of Hosts,
‘Time is running out. The bowls of My wrath are full of My fury and judgment. They shall be poured out upon you. You shall drink them down…to the dregs…every drop! I have come to you day and night pleading with you to return to Me for over one hundred years. I am merciful and long suffering. It brings Me no joy to judge you. But, you have hardened your hearts, scoffed at My warnings through My prophets, and my holy servants. I brought you from nothing and exalted you, O America, higher than any other nation! But now you have fallen lower than Sodom. You have sinned greater than Egypt. You have become prouder than Babylon and Persia. You have become more selfish than Rome. You have exalted yourself in your own wisdom higher than Greece. You have more idols and high places of idolatry and luxury than any Gentile kingdom in history. Your beginning was pure and great, but now the stench of your sin and filth fills My nostrils! I shall cut you in pieces and you shall reap the harvests of wrath from what you have sown! You shall no longer be the Queen of nations. Now you shall bear your shame and become the lowest of the heathen nations! Now, as Agag, you shall be hacked in pieces! O EARTH, EARTH, EARTH, HEAR YE THE WORD OF THE LORD!”
Then, to my horror, that massive sword came smashing down on Lady Liberty. When it hit the top of her head, there was a blinding flash of light and that sword split her in two – right down the middle! Then the sword came again and again against her. It divided her in pieces. As the sword would finish each strike, fires would burst forth. I heard terrible explosions. The vision of the Statue ended with an earthquake as it was hacked into pieces and sunk into the harbor.
I was weeping and crying out to God for mercy. Never had I seen this side of God before. I had only really known the love and goodness of Him, never had I seen the Wrath of the Almighty!
Then, as if I was watching from a zoomed-in close up…the dream shifted and I started to zoom outward from New York harbor and started traveling in the air over America. What I saw was horror beyond anything I have ever seen! I saw the United States seem to crack in two with a giant earthquake – right down the middle! I saw the Southeastern United States covered with a giant wave of water from the ocean. I saw a massive earthquake that just seemed to crack off the coast of California. It reminded me of a Saltine cracker that just cracked in two! The great cities along the West coast just fell into the ocean, all the way from Mexico up to Alaska and giant waves flooded inland until much of the West Coast just wasn’t there! It had disappeared into the Pacific Ocean.
Then I saw three giant rocket missiles that took off into the air. Two came from out of the ocean waters, and one came from land and traveled a great distance. All of them blew up in the air one, two, and THREE in the upper atmosphere within five minutes of each other. It was out near space. They were terrible nuclear bombs. But the last one was the biggest and it created a huge mushroom cloud over the Midwest part of America. Then the ground shook and everything just went black. There wasn’t any electric light coming out of any homes. Then candles began to be lit and fires, and a little light was seen. There were other nuclear explosions, and many people perished throughout the nation. There was just twisted metal and charred debris in cities that once were tall and majestic.
There was widespread looting and gangs roaming about everywhere with guns, stealing whatever food and supplies they could find. Then I saw what looked like elite riot police by the thousands go into communities and even cities, force the people out of their homes, and brought into what looked like concentration camps. Some, but not all of these “police armies” had light blue helmets on. Hundreds of thousands of people were arrested in this way. Many would not “cooperate” and were just shot and left dead in their homes.
But, there were millions of hidden groups that escaped the first wave of these terrible disasters. Revival broke out, and great evangelists and prophets and apostles rose up and began to preach to thousands out doors, and many were saved and were born again. Miracles of provision, multiplication of food and water, and astonishing healing occurred. Millions of people cried out to God and he heard and answered.
I knew that this was not just happening in America, but the Great Tribulation was upon them, and all over the world these calamities were also taking place.
I saw multitudes of Tribulation saints refusing to renounce Jesus as LORD. They were starving, many of them, but still refused to take the stamp on their bodies so they could eat and live. There was what looked like kiosks that were in every little town. They advertised food and water, only if you went inside them and took the electronic mark. Some went in, bowed down to a holographic movie images of the Antichrist and were branded in their hands and foreheads with a electronic tattoo-like stamp. When they came out, if they came out, they had a zombie-like look. Their minds and souls were gone. It looked like they had a spiritual lobotomy. Then these immediately joined the armies of those police units, and were given weapons after they were fed and drank and rested in the kiosk. They were like robots doing the Antichrist’s bidding. I knew that they were lost forever. But, quite a few did not make it out. They were tortured mentally and physically inside the kiosk thing, but, if they still refused the mark of the beast, there was a laser that shot through their brain and heart, and sliced their heads off. Then they were immediately incinerated. Nothing but ashes remained. This was the most horrifying of all. It made the Nazi death camps look like a picnic, it that is possible. Millions of people were executed in this way via computer systems automatically with such precision and efficiency that I marveled that something like this was even possible and could take place on such a large scale. The technology was more advanced than I had ever seen.
Then, I was back looking at that terrible angel of the LORD, and he said,
“Warn everyone! Flee from the wrath to come. Repent and turn to Jesus while you still can. Pray that you may escape these things that are shortly to happen, and to stand in the Presence of the LORD. These things are about to take place! Turn to God and cry out for mercy. Come into the ark of Salvation before the doors of grace close and it is too late!”
Maurice Sklar
I told Yeshua to tell me something to read. I was told to read 1 Kings 3. When I turned it to Chapter 3, I was immediately locked on Solomon's Wise Decision. It was 1 Kings 3:16-28. We all know the story. There are 2 women who live together and have babies together. Well, "it came to pass the 3rd day after that I was delivered and that this woman was delivered also." The one woman's child died because she had slept on it. She arose at midnight, and then goes and does a swap with the babies. When I rose in the morning, I found the child dead, but it was not my son. The living is my son. The king says, "Divide the living child in two, and give half to the one mother and the other half to the other mother." The real mother said, "O my lord, give her the living child, and in no wise slay it." The other mother wanted to divide it. This gave the king knowledge of the true mother!
And all Israel heard of the judgement which the king had judged; and they feared the king: for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him, to do judgment.
There had to be a reason for Yeshua to show me this part of the chapter. This is about Jesus, Yeshua! He died on the cross and was buried, but on the 3rd day he was delivered! We are gonna go in the morning between the midnight hour and the morning. The world is not going to know how to act. They'll say that we are dead, but we are the ones who are alive! The living is to know Jesus, Yeshua! To be with Him will be great! We are waiting for one important thing to happen, and it is Israel. The men in opposition to Israel are going to say they want to divide the country and they're going to bomb the rock of the dome! Then, we begin to be changed!
We are going to be gone in a matter of days! It is Israel that will deal with judgment - Jacob's trouble. America is going to have so much happen to her, because Yeshua wants to make the people fall to their knees and pray and worship Him. What happens to Israel happens to America.
Yeshua wants to be clear when he says that the bomb with Israel is going to happen. He gave me 3 confirmations for the calendar, and it says that the 16th is the last day (Gregorian). I gave the link on earlier postings. Here's what I think about everything.
My predictions: Donald Trump is going to say that Israel has a capitol, Jerusalem. The newfound alliance is going to bomb Israel. We can't come to help, because we have our own problems to deal with in America. Chanukah begins on December 12 and goes until the 18th. A lot of events are going to go down. We are going up soon! Have faith true believers! Our Yeshua is coming to get us very soon!
Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Revelation 3:10-11 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
An Encouraging Dream
Yeshua came in the clouds and took his people in stages. There are translations or escaping. He took the first group. Then, we would be going 2 days later. Which is actually 3 days, if you include the day therein. The next thing we were in line, waiting to walk up a ramp (we were walking up a hill), and then we would go into the door. We could not see the door until we were there in front of the door. There were two doors, two lines, two ramps. Then, we were given the instructions to know where to go and when to go. When we were done, we would walk down the ramp, glowing! It was going as quickly as possible. It was a really good dream!
***If you have not prayed the prayer for salvation, all you have to do really is just pray for forgiveness of sin and repent the sins (turn away from doing the sins). Then, you need to tell Jesus you believe in Him! Tell Him how He suffered on a tree and then rose again! Tell Him how you need Him. It is really that easy! But, you must mean every word! And you must do it before it is too late!***
Congratulations! You are now a Sister or Brother in Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha'Mashiach! Read the Bible, Love everyone, Obey when he tells you to do or not to do something, Walk with Him (daily) and Talk with Him (after a pause), and Tell Jesus you love him in the morning and evening prayers! He loves you so much!
To God be the Glory! Amen! Amen! Amen!
When placed on your shoulders, I'm closer to Heaven. When placed in your heart, I'm closer to God. -- Sheryl Rogers
Vision from El laine
I was looking at some Christmas cards and I saw a car that had a picture of a star on it and I looked at some other ones but I like this one with the star so when I went to bed I seem to have a vision even though it was supposed to be a star I saw that the vision of the star was in broad daylight but I still could see the outline of the star. It might have been Jesus coming to the Earth but I couldn't quite make out what it was. Division was done in broad daylight when the Sun was shining and you know you can't see a star when the sun shines
I felt that the reason I saw a star in my dream / vision was because I was looking at the Christmas card with stars in it you know the one bright star. But in my vision I saw not the usual Christmas day but one star that was outlined specifically with the top point a clear middle, and a bottom point just like you see on Christmas cards but it was more of an outline of the star and I saw this outline on a blue sky background that was similar into a sunny day with blue skies. But you can't see a star on the sunny day so I took it that maybe instead of it being a star that Jesus Christ was returning since this is the last month of the year and everybody is looking at a Christmas rapture.
12/1/17 A dream from Yeshua
Last night I prayed for Jesus, Yeshua, to give me a solid difference between translation and rapture. I received a long list by Jesus that was the translation and rapture (My confirmation). There were many translations. There are at least 2-3 raptures. There are even more translations! Translations occur when we change or transform. We get to save as many as we can before we go home! There definitely is a difference in rapture. They are not changed like we are going to be! Call it “escape” or call it “translate” but we are going to change and then we are going to go home!
***If you have not prayed the prayer for salvation, all you have to do really is just pray for forgiveness of sin and repent the sins (turn away from doing the sins). Then, you need to tell Jesus you believe in Him! Tell Him how He suffered on a tree and then rose again! Tell Him how you need Him. It is really that easy! But, you must mean every word! And you must do it before it is too late!***
Congratulations! You are now a Sister or Brother in Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha'Mashiac! Read the Bible, Love everyone, Obey when he tells you to do or not to do something, Walk with Him (daily) and Talk with Him (after a pause), and Tell Jesus you love him in the morning and evening prayers! He loves you so much!
To God be the Glory! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Word Received by Marty Breeden
Desiring to move where I serve as a Deputy
Everything is on track and we are moving today. When I looked out at all that was happening a month ago with world tensions at a fever pitch, I sought the Lord concerning this move and us closing on the other house. I asked the Lord for grace for us to close on the house, I asked for time to get moved.
I believe there are 2 key words that I feel I heard from the Lord concerning this.
I felt as though the Lord granted it and spoke this to me..."SHORTLY THEREAFTER!"
I believe that the world stage will steadily but surely digress and that tomorrow many doors,will begin TO CLOSE AS WE CLOSE!!
I think things are about to dramatically change anytime. It could be a digression as I said, but it could also be instantaneous! Prepare for either!
The Lord preparing us about what heaven will be like and that's in a very near future. When I had the dream I saw people that I know that I didn't care for but I didn't have to involve myself with them but it was good for celebration.
Celebrations and reunions was the name of the day, everyday. What I think it means is that we have to expect that when we get into heaven food friends and celebrations and happiness because we made it
Hello, I send you this dream that I just blessed!
Dream of the night of Yvan from 29 to 30 November 2017 - just before 3 o'clock in the morning
Having taken 2-3 papers in my hand, I decide to leave I do not know where, and passes like a subway lock, to go away.
I then find myself going in a direction where other people go, I find a little scenery that I see a little dark, and find myself in a kind of meadow in nature. Other people are there too, and all of a sudden, several nefilim are there and people (inhabited by them) start to behave very oddly. At this moment I understand that it is too dangerous to stay there, and run off at full speed. I begin to run over the trees, the firs, and begin to float in the air. I see coming down, like falling drops of light that begins to fall on me, and at that moment I start to climb to the sky, I perceive the color of the sky which is at that time a blue color. These drops look like drops of water, but I'm not water because I do not feel wet at all.
The higher I go up in the air, and the more drops of light are important, and the drop of drops narrows the more I go up, and the drops are also transformed like numbers, and the fall begins to flow either only on me, but to enter my mouth and go down in my bowels, it flows, it flows hard and the drops do not pass by me, but all now through my mouth.
At this moment I arrive at an accelerated speed at the top of the fall, I think in the sky. At this moment, I look, and I see a sort of throne in light gray stone, very well cut, shaped like a bench and I see on my left in front of me, sitting on the bench, my wife and I note that she wears a beautiful crown on her head. I'm surprised, because I thought I was going to see the Lord. I am then even more surprised, because on my right and in front of me, next to my wife, I find myself, also with a crown on my head.
At that moment, I wake up.
11/29 & 11/30 A prayer from Yeshua and 2 Dreams
SherylLast night, I said the evening prayer and the Lord Yeshua talked a little bit, but then he put the visions into my head. Bam! It is like they were downloaded, but were not. Yeshua told me about my niece, that she was going to go when I go. I said, “Thank you, Lord. Thank you, thank you for having her to go with me.” And, my husband and son are going to go with me, too. I was floored, because my husband is not the "children" type. Surely, he would be with the brides (the 3rd translation). But, Yeshua said very clearly, “It is not just for the children. That is man that is speaking. You, your husband, your child, and your niece will be going with the children.” I was literally so excited! I’ve got pictures of us all hanging on the mirror in the bathroom. It is scrunched up, but it works!
Then, Yeshua did not stop! He showed me the crown of the ring, the crown at the Wedding of the Lamb. It was a beautiful place where we were all to be married and the vows. I held something that looked like November-December flowers. Then, he showed me the place I really wanted to go and never been there before: Montana. Anyway, I have requested at His presence of where I would like to live. He shows me a Montana and a log cabin. Of course, he is extravagant. But, it is mine! Then, he asks me to swing. I love to be swung by my Lord! He says that “we will be together soon.” We all must be ready to go. We will get to save as many as can be saved at that time. But, when he says it is time to go, there are no excuses…we go! The Holy Spirit played Henry VIII I am, I am & Blessed be the Name of the Lord. The first song has something to do with 7/8. So, I finished my prayer and got ready for bed. I put up my niece’s picture immediately! It was a great night! I fell asleep with thoughts of “thank you” on my mind.
I spent the night in Hell. I was extremely hot and was stuck in a cage. Then, I awoke from the dream and heard Jesus audibly say, “There is going to be so many here.” I was quick to say, “May the Lukewarm and the Lost repent and call your name before it is too late.” Right at that moment, I started to cool off. I fell asleep. By the way, I haven't gotten natural hot flashes, in case you were wondering. So, it couldn't be that!
It is not hard to see where I was at, being in Hell felt so wrong! I was stuck in a real iron cage. Before I talked to the Lord Yeshua I was hot: I could feel the back of my hair and the pajamas. They were soaked! Instantly, my hair was cool and my pajamas were cool after I said, “May the Lukewarm and the Lost repent and call your name before it is too late.” I do not want anyone to go to Hell! It is real – oh, is it ever real! And, I just got a small version of it last night. A teeny-tiny version!
Revelation 3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
Rev 3:17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
Rev 3:18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
Revelation 3:19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
Then, another dream happened. A lady was doing a cooking show on television. She was making Yamyork Forest. She had the sweet potato and ingredients and was stirring them with a spoon. All of a sudden, it did not exist anymore. It was a bowl full of nothing.
We are getting along fine, going about our business. Getting ready for Christmas (If you believe in that). Then, all of a sudden – poof -- we are gone. We no longer are in the bowl, getting mixed up. We are gone, ladies and gentlemen! It also can have a message for Christmas. I believe, since my family always makes sweet potato pies it has to do with Christmas. We aren’t going to be here this Christmas! But, what does the title of her recipe mean?
Yam – a sweet potato (We love the sweet potato pies during Christmas)
York – to vomit or the northeastern cities of New England (NY, MA, etc.)
Forest – wood or honeycomb or advice (Hebrew meanings)
Could it have been a woman was from New York (perhaps) and she wanted to give us advice on how to make the yam recipe? Her advice was going to be “We’ve stirred them up until they are smooth. Now, see, the believers are gone.”
It is going to be too late for some of you, but I don’t want that to happen! You cannot go to Hell! You should choose to go to Heaven with Yeshua! He loves you so much! It doesn’t matter where you have been or what you’ve seen. He loves you so much more than anything that could have hurt you! He is the Alpha and Omega & He is the I AM! More importantly, Yeshua is the way, truth, and the life – no man cometh to the father, but by HIM (John 14:6).
***If you have not prayed the prayer for salvation, all you have to do really is just pray for forgiveness of sin and repent the sins (turn away from doing the sins). Then, you need to tell Jesus you believe in Him! Tell Him how He suffered on a tree and then rose again! Tell Him how you need Him. It is really that easy! But, you must mean every word! And you must do it before it is too late!***
Congratulations! You are now a Sister or Brother in Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha'Mashiac! Read the Bible, Love everyone, Obey when he tells you to do or not to do something, Walk with Him (daily) and Talk with Him (after a pause), and Tell Jesus you love him in the morning and evening prayers! He loves you so much!
To God be the Glory! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Dream by El laine
A dream that I had this morning on Tuesday November 28th 2017. I had a dream that I was watching people in the Earth with the daily living daily activities that they do. Most of them do not give thanks to God for the day that he has blessed them with. But they were talking about the Rapture they were talking about the transformation they were talking about good things they were talking about evil things in general they saw each day no different than the other.
And it seems as if the Lord was pointing out to me the reason why there is a delay in the transformation is that people do not abide by his rules, laws, regulations. The things on the television are hideous. They dress like sluts and don't care who sees it. I was watching the CMA program that was celebrating Christmas. One of the presenters Reba McEntire on the show had a beautiful emerald green dress that has sparkles in it and it was very pretty but it was just a tad indecent. You can't find any programs that are going to speak decent language anymore unless it's a rerun.
The things that God requires doesn't change. You keep your language decent you put him before everything you do and you don't let your good be evily spoken of. When we do the things that doesn't please God it slows down our transformation time especially for the Christian and for the non-Christian and the lukewarm.
That's what the Lord was showing me and I believe it to be true
Dream by Wendy Daley
I dreamt that Mr trump was taken out of the white house ,he wasn't the president anymore right after they take him out there was a war in American. I see helicopter many of them it s seems like the army helicopter they was flying all over even over my the dream the voice said that I was too late in preparing because I didn't listen,in the dream I had nothing prepare for me and the kids.
11/29/17 An interesting thought by Ministry Revealed (YouTube)
I was doing my usual thing, and something made me go on the Ministry Revealed channel. What I found was astonishing to say the least! Take it to the Lord Yeshua!
It is called: 70 YEARS is coming Nov 29th and if it be 80 years LABOR and SORROW. Very amazing! He said that there are 3 different messages that were unique, because they were for three different groups! It was Matthew, Mark, and Luke! Okay, the saying is about the fig tree! The fig tree symbolizes Israel. Here are their discourses.
Matthew 24:32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:
Mark 13:28 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near:
Luke 21:29-30 And he spake to them a parable; Behold the fig tree, and all the trees; When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of our own selves that summer is now nigh at hand.
Here is what I want you to know. There are three different versions. One is his and the other is her branch. Luke is speaking to “them” from Christ. Here is what is so amazing! There are 3 groups. One is the people who escape the tribulation, one is the people who are left behind (Christians who are Lukewarm and the Lost), and one is the people who are the Hebrews. Now, what he says is amazing! Here it is in a nutshell.
Luke talks to the true believers – he is for the escape group!
Mark talks to the people left behind – he is for the Church group (Lukewarm/Lost)!
Matthew talks to the Hebrews – he is for those who denied Jesus.
There is something to this! We are looking for a Messiah to come and get us. It is not a rapture. It is a translation (process of moving from one place to another) of changed (transformed) human beings. There will be many translations! There will be at least 2 raptures. My understanding is that the translations will involve being changed first, just like Yeshua told me, and then “we go.” Raptures do not get to have the “change” that we are going to experience. They are snatched! We are not! If you think about it, translation is more an act of changing to be able to save as many people as we can, and then move to Heaven.
There are at least 4 translations. I’ve been told by Jesus, Yeshua, that there are 4 translations that will happen. One group is the incompetent (mentally disturbed) and the few brides. Yeshua told me that my mom goes with the first group on the 25th. The second group occurs 2 days after the incompetent leaves, it is the children and a few of the brides. I am going with the second group on the 27th (Confirmed by the Lord Yeshua).
Remember, I do not know if it is Hebrew or Gregorian! I have been told time and time again, that I know! All I know is the 27th of September which is the same as November. It’s crazy! The date drives me crazy, because I don’t want to do dates in the first place. He said I will know when it is close! Well, it must be close, because Jesus asked me if I’m ready to go. I said, when are we going to change? He said it is really, really soon!
I know that the third group occurs within 1-3 days, it is the few of the brides. I know that the fourth group occurs within the 7 days, it includes the few of the brides and the guests. They are the ones with the 3 days of darkness. So, the first rapture happens with the remainder of the brides and guests 40 days into the tribulation. Then, we get to celebrate our wedding! We do not celebrate without the brides! It is a wedding celebration, it is for the brides!
I don’t know how 144,000 fit in, but I do know they fit in!
So, watch the video. It is wonderful! He says, we die and have our bodies to lie around. I don’t believe that. I believe what I have been shown. But, when we leave from being translated, we could leave our bodies behind. Maybe, that is what he’s talking about.
Food for thought…
***If you have not prayed the prayer for salvation, all you have to do really is just pray for forgiveness of sin and repent the sins (turn away from doing the sins). Then, you need to tell Jesus you believe in Him! Tell Him how He suffered on a tree and then rose again! Tell Him how you need Him. It is really that easy! But, you must mean every word! And you must do it before it is too late!***
11/28/17 A Word from Jesus
Early this morning I was awakened by Jesus's voice. Audibly, He wanted to know if I would go with Him? Oh my goodness, they are about to change us. So, I woke up my husband. He was real groggy, and he said what do you want? I said something like "it's me and you." Then, he went back to sleep.
I was wide awake. Again, He asked, "Do you want to be changed?" "I do Lord! When are you going to change us?" He said, "Really, really soon!" I said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
And then I fell asleep. Just like that, going from not sleepy to sleepy. Flocks of demons came all around me! It was like hordes of demons. I was not scared! I was woken up to pray and rebuke the demons. There is no telling how many I actually fought in spirit when I finally got to sleep!
I woke up with a very bad charlie horse. The demons are real. I prayed to Jesus this morning and He told me, "They are getting worse because they know you're mine and I am yours! Soon, it won't matter. We'll be changed!" To that, I said, "Amen, Amen, Amen!"
Spiritual warfare happens every day and night! Have the whole armor of God on at all times!
Ephesians 6:14-18 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.
If you haven't said a prayer, but you want to say a prayer, here's your chance! Tell Jesus, Yeshua, that you want to forgive yourself and others, repent, and you need to believe in him by calling out his name! He was crucified, descended, ressurected, and ascended into Heaven! All for you!
He did it all for us - and He is coming back to get his little children and the few brides that believe in Him. Many more brides and guests are going very soon after. Some have to wait 40 days. They know already. It is all good in the Lord! There are several things we do not know. There's translation and there's rapture. Anyway, it is all good!
We are going to change (Transform) and Jesus, Yeshua, will be the navigator and tell us what to do and when to do it. It's gonna be the most amazing thing I have ever done! You do not want to miss it! Time is so unbelievably close! I love you all very much! To God be the glory! Amen! Amen! Amen!
In the middle of the night I woke up around 3:00 AM and God told me to listen and write. I know this might sound crazy I was skeptical at first but I wrote what He was wanting me to write. So at 3:22 AM this is what I was instructed to write "North Korea will fall to the U.S. regime" I don't know what He meant by regime but I still wrote it. Then He said "South Carolina will be hit, Hawaii will be struck, Judgement will fall upon America" that was America He wanted me to write about. Next He addressed the world "Italy will be bombed, France will be moved, Russia the bear, My wrath will come upon this Earth all countries will not prevail against Me." "I'm Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last, Destruction will come." I don't know what He meant by that I was simply instructed to listen and write. Now at 3:30 AM I was told to write this "Demons will harass you and attack you like never before, but fear not My children I AM the Most High God, you will not be tested beyond what you can bare." As we get closer to the last days there will be more attacks and I have also gone through these attacks and I think I will continue to go go through them until the day of the Rapture. Finally at 3:38 AM I was told to write once more and this is what I got "Write for these words are faithful and true, at the time when you all least expect it, then I will come, the pre-trib rapture is the only true rapture any other doctrine than this is a lie preparing you for the Great Deception that lies ahead in your futures. Be not deceived My children and fret not about tomorrow, for I AM with you always.I love you more than you can imagine and I wish none to perish but all to come to repentance." -YHWH
That was the message He wanted me to share and I made sure not to put any of my theologies or beliefs in the message I made sure of it. I also asked for confirmation on this message to make sure it was Him and He had given me a dream to be sure of it. Now in this dream I was sitting under a tree and there was this girl who had demonic activity going on in her house and she needed a Christian to help her out. I already knew in a way that Christians are being persecuted more and more in the sense of being made fun of and that's why I was sitting alone. I think it also meant that during the Great Tribulation that Christians will be few and out-casted in society during the first year or so and then martyrdom will come. Anyways in the dream I went to this girl's house and she had plates dropping all on their own from the demon which could reference that demons would have way more power than they do now during the Great Tribulation. Afterwards I was cut into another scene in the dream where I was waking up from the dream and I looked out my window and I saw this missile from North Korea (I just somehow knew it was from NK) bout to hit where I lived,which is Hawaii, and in slow motion I saw the mushroom cloud but then there was this thick yellow-orange dust that formed another mushroom cloud and it covered my window that I couldn't see outside anymore. I heard my mom tell my dad "We can't go anywhere it's too late." After that I returned to my room crawling for some reason and I saw UFO's flying away as the fake rapture of the church and in my spirit I heard "the great deception." I woke up after that as a confirmation of the message I wrote about earlier. One more thing was in a different dream I realize now that I was in a camp in Walmart you know those FEMA camps they're secretly building, and there were many people in there and there was some people in there who were trying to kidnap me which I find rather odd but it could mean something. Wow! I know that was a lot to read sorry but it was really important to share. I asked for confirmation about this by praying about it and I got, but don't take my word for it ask God himself, pray about it and seek confirmation, anyways much love and God bless.
I do not know when November truly ends, but I feel his presence and he is coming! What if Kislev met up with the Gregorian calendar (that is, it would be 1 week off). I don't know, this day count is messing with me. He still tells me that I know in the Spirit. I tell him that doesn't do much good to tell me I know in the Spirit. He laughs at me and says, "You will know when it gets close." All I say is Hallelujah! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Between you and me, the 27th is the 4th of December (our calendar). It is also, the 27th day of Kislev, but also the 17th day of Cheshvan. I say, out of respect, that the following days will be watched very carefully! 21 Hebrew Kislev (which is the 28th, but actually the 21st) - scoreboard, 22-23 Kislev (Something is gonna happen on that day! It feels like the transformation might take place), 24 Kislev, 14 Cheshvan - Israel is bombed, 26 Kislev - Super moon, and 27 Kislev, 17 Cheshvan - few brides going with the children, and the 11th (our calendar) day of December will be another rapture. It is just me and my thoughts, not directed from God.
So, anyway, I received 8 flash dreams from Lord Yeshua! They were fast, very fast, and they were to the point! This happened one after the other, I was barely asleep! I had dozed off and had to write the information down before I fell asleep.
Buamhas - an island. It is not an island from here! I looked up the island, and it didn't exist. I tried to decipher it, but really couldn't make anything out of it. I don't know if it is where we're going or what have you. I do not know! This is the only thing where I did not have a clue! But, it is an island! I will ask the Lord about what the word means!
Glass of milk and honey - we are waiting patiently for Jesus, Yeshua, to come back and get us believers! We want to escape, but more importantly, we want to leave this awful world behind. Christmas trees (I do not believe in them) are sold hanging upside down, the Reborn babies are very expensive life-like dolls with the genitalia (a pedophile's dream), and the people are dancing a style of 'Walk on Water' making fun of Jesus Christ (A Call for An Uprising 2). It is turning very bad, Lord. They are making the good bad and the bad good! Yes, Come Lord Jesus, Come!
Going places - It was like experiencing the change (transformation) that happened and we were busy! We saved as many people as we could. So many will not want Christ! So many will want Christ and make it known to everyone afterward! This is a life and death situation! Listen very closely to Jesus, and He will direct our paths and tell us what to do!
Acts 13:41 Behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and perish: for I work in your days, a work which ye shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you.
Yeshua said, "First we change, then we go." - We are going to change (transform). We are going to be a part of the great revival! We are going to be the vessels of the voice of our Lord Jesus! Again, I say, Come Lord Jesus, Come!
Habakkuk 1:5 Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvelously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.
He (Yeshua) offered me a piece of cake from the reception, and said, "While we are celebrating, our people on earth are getting killed." - This really got to me. I can see how he is smiling on the outside but so disappointed on the inside. I can see that he has a heart that is torn! Sure, we get to have the wedding and the reception, but his chosen people are down on the earth, having to be killed just to come see Him! They would not listen to the Lord Jesus. He tried to get them to listen. It is very sad to watch His Israel being treated the way they are treated now. If only, they would have listened!
Matthew 23:37-39 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till you shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.
A spaceship flew by - Aliens (Demon Angels who fell from grace) are going to fly over our world. They are going to try to trick all the people into believing they were made in THEIR image. This is not true! Humans are made in GOD'S (The Jehovah) image. They will make marvelous wonders and signs that will cause people to look. It is wrong! Do not look! You may be left behind, but your GOD is still the one that breathed life into you!
I fought the law by The Bobby Fuller Four (this song was what I was waking up to) - People who are left behind are eventually going to refuse the mark of the beast. This is where they will do whatever needs to be done to get away from the mark. But, this is a world now that will have the family turn on their loved one. It will not be good!
Revelation 7:14 And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
Then, I received this. It was The Crew Cuts by Sh-Boom (Life could be a dream) - This is the feel good tune which we all want to hear one day soon! This song reminds me of our Lord and Savior and how much he loves us all! I sing that song now and think of Him. Come Lord Jesus, Come!
Revelation 22:7,12, & 20
7 Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book. 12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. 20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely, I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
If you have never prayed before and you are feeling like this might be the last chance for you to get right with Jesus before he returns and takes the believers, then it is really important that you say something like this.
***If you have not prayed the prayer for salvation, all you have to do really is just pray for forgiveness of sin and repent the sins (turn away from doing the sins). Then, you need to tell Jesus you believe in Him! Tell Him how He suffered on a tree and then rose again! Tell Him how you need Him. It is really that easy! But, you must mean every word! And you must do it before it is too late!***
Congratulations! You are now a Sister or Brother in Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha'Mashiac! Read the Bible, Love everyone, Obey when he tells you to do or not to do something, Walk with Him (daily) and Talk with Him (after a pause), and Tell Jesus you love him in the morning and evening prayers! He loves you so much!
FYI: Our store is about to be closed due to lack of donations/sales! We can't afford to keep it open. When that goes then so does this ministry! PLEASE PRAY THAT IT STAYS OPEN...THANK YOU!
Revelation of Heaven by Paula Marie
The Lord gave me this revelation of heaven that I would like to share because I feel it will be a blessing to you.
The other day I was sitting here thinking about heaven and I had the funniest thought. I was thinking....wouldn't it be nice to have a surf shack in heaven where people could go and get surf boards, but in my heart, I didn't believe it and just laughed it off.
Then the Lord spoke to me and said, "You will have this in heaven"... because in heaven we can build new things everyday. Whatever our heart desires.
After hearing this I was filled with great joy because it never occurred to me that we would be building new things all the time for all eternity as a joy to share with others. I just thought we would get what we get and that would be it. How awesome is that? Money is never an it could be a surf shack one day...a roller rink the next! What glories we have awaiting us in heaven!
FYI: Our store is about to be closed due to lack of donations/sales! We can't afford to keep it open. When that goes then so does this ministry! PLEASE PRAY THAT IT STAYS OPEN...THANK YOU!
Revelation of Heaven by Paula Marie
The Lord gave me this revelation of heaven that I would like to share because I feel it will be a blessing to you.
The other day I was sitting here thinking about heaven and I had the funniest thought. I was thinking....wouldn't it be nice to have a surf shack in heaven where people could go and get surf boards, but in my heart, I didn't believe it and just laughed it off.
Then the Lord spoke to me and said, "You will have this in heaven"... because in heaven we can build new things everyday. Whatever our heart desires.
After hearing this I was filled with great joy because it never occurred to me that we would be building new things all the time for all eternity as a joy to share with others. I just thought we would get what we get and that would be it. How awesome is that? Money is never an it could be a surf shack one day...a roller rink the next! What glories we have awaiting us in heaven!
There is a roller coaster in heaven called the RUSH... it dips so deep it say that Angels holding onto the cars in the roller coaster have to flap their wings in order to maintain balance. Even though I know we can't hurt or get her or have accidents there I think I'm going to steer away from this particular roller coaster
Submitted by El aine
I had this vision a few years back...
In this vision I saw a family sitting around a table getting ready to eat. There was food on the table. A Turkey and all the fixings. The family grabbed hands and started to pray a prayer of thanks. Then I saw Jesus standing among them and He said. I want families to be together.
Then I had another visions of planes at an airport, they were all sitting there, none were flying and immediately I knew that they were being grounded for some reason.
I had this dream which I believe is about heaven.
In this dream I was driving down the road in a car in a place that I didn't recognize but I knew it was my home. Snow was falling everywhere. It was piled up on the ground, but did not affect my driving in any way. I saw a lady who needed a ride. She was very nice and friendly and smiled all the time. And when I dropped her off at her home, she smiled and waved at me.
Next I went into this was something like a Wal-mart. I notice how the workers were so laid back and took the time to talk with their customers. I went down this isle in the food section and saw a white cat drinking milk from a saucer in the middle of the isle. No one was on the isle and as I looked one seemed to care that the cat was there.
I went over to the clothing rack and was looking at all the clothes. I was thinking to myself that I could have all that I wanted free of charge. I didn't have to pay for them. It put a big smile on my face and I saw myself looking as young as a teenager. I knew that I could pick out anything I wanted and it would look just great on me. End of dream.
I had a dream last night. I had one the night before and remembered when I woke, then it was gone so can’t remember, but it was of the rapture. Last night in my dream I had a baby, but the baby was dead. It was a boy. I saw a black casket waiting for him. I was holding him and singing to him. He still felt warm and seemed to be sleeping. His name was William, but I couldn’t remember his middle name. While I was singing to him a cleaning woman came in and saw us. I started searching for his birth certificate to find his middle name. It was Anthony. William Anthony. I reached to pick him up again and a doll was in his place. I ran through the hospital searching for him and found the cleaning lady holding him. He was ALIVE! That was the end of my dream. I looked up the meaning of William and Anthony.I had this dream which I believe is about heaven.
In this dream I was driving down the road in a car in a place that I didn't recognize but I knew it was my home. Snow was falling everywhere. It was piled up on the ground, but did not affect my driving in any way. I saw a lady who needed a ride. She was very nice and friendly and smiled all the time. And when I dropped her off at her home, she smiled and waved at me.
Next I went into this was something like a Wal-mart. I notice how the workers were so laid back and took the time to talk with their customers. I went down this isle in the food section and saw a white cat drinking milk from a saucer in the middle of the isle. No one was on the isle and as I looked one seemed to care that the cat was there.
I went over to the clothing rack and was looking at all the clothes. I was thinking to myself that I could have all that I wanted free of charge. I didn't have to pay for them. It put a big smile on my face and I saw myself looking as young as a teenager. I knew that I could pick out anything I wanted and it would look just great on me. End of dream.
William is of German origin:
English Name: William
Hebrew Name: ויליאם
The meaning will be updated soon. For information in Hebrew, click here
Gematria Value: 97
Numerological Value: 7
Numerological Analysis: Represents a spiritual people, loners, need quiet. Very intelligent and capable of unconventional approach. Work by intuition. Refined, shy and polite. Like privacy, connect slowly, loyal and stable. Lovers of music and art.
with a gematria if 97 which came up this:
96 'egel eh'-ghel from an unused root (meaning to flow down or together as drops); a reservoir:--drop.
97 'Eglayim eg-lah'-yim dual of 96.; a double pond; Eglajim, a place in Moab:--Eglaim.
Anthony means this:
English Name: Anthony
Hebrew Name: אָנְטוֹנִי
The meaning will be updated soon. For information in Hebrew, click here
Gematria Value: 126
Numerological Value: 9
Numerological Analysis: Represents people with high verbal expression, understanding and intuition gifted, charismatic and kindhearted. Have a tendency to innovate, dynamic, supportive and understanding. Often they think about others and not about themselves. They are kind, sympathetic, generous, support and help, direct, with confidence. They may be too stubborn and dominance.
Gematria value:
126 'Admah ad-maw' contracted for 127; earthy; Admah, a place near the Dead Sea:--Admah.
127 'adamah ad-aw-maw' from 119; soil (from its general redness):--country, earth, ground, husband(-man) (-ry), land.
128 'Adamah ad-aw-maw' the same as 127; Adamah, a place in Palestine:--Adamah.
129 'Adamiy ad-aw-mee' from 127; earthy; Adami, a place in Palestine:--Adami.
8142 shehah shay-naw' or shena (Psa. 127:2) {shay-naw'}; from 3462; sleep:--sleep.
A word from God
I couldn't get the many dreams under control. I had them all back to back. I know one was a map that was similar to Erin Aleshire. It's nothing but bad weather coming for every part on the USA. It was tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and lots of wind. It looked really bad! We must remember that we are His no matter what happens. We do not fear! He is the way, the truth, and the life. No one can see the Father but by Him!
Our transformation is gonna happen very soon! I lean more towards Tammy Barbay, and go with the 23-24 for our changing. It is so soon!
Everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving!
If there is anyone who needs to know more about God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit all you need to do is pray! Forgive and Repent and call on his name! Read the bible, obey while you can, and pray morning and night! Amen! Amen! Amen!
I received an important word from God. He says it is important because we need to know once we are changed that it may go poorly for some. So, here is what you do if it does go bad.
Mark 6:11 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city.
Then, I and the Holy Spirit wrote down the dates and they were written in 9's. I just realized that. Wow, all of the dates are September. It is for November, but it is actually September!
Here are some of the things I've considered!
9/21 scoreboard (Amanda Christian) and 21,0 America (Blue Heaven) for what? I don't know.
9/22 event or weather
9/23 NO THANKSGIVING! (I'm having a really hard time with this one. I have to go to my mom's out of town and I have had the prayer that Jesus, Yeshua, gave me. He said to stay home!)
9/24 Bomb in Israel (I think we might "change" or "transform" on this day.)
9/25 Incompetent goes to Heaven (mentally & physically challenged). We do our assigned tasks. (some of the bride, too!)
9/26 We are doing the assigned tasks.
9/27 Children go to Heaven. Some of the brides go too!
17 is a Hebrew letter. 17 (Hey) is the Hebrew letter. It's meaning is to "look, reveal, and breath." This was God's Gift (YouTube) that had the confirmation for me to use. He is coming! Hallelujah! Our Yeshua is coming for us believers!
This is excellent news!
She said that "things will move much quicker." And that "the 23rd is something to behold." (God's Gifts).
I am excited! I know that my Yeshua is coming! Be ready! Be ready! Be ready!
***If you have not prayed the prayer for salvation, all you have to do really is just pray for forgiveness of sin and repent the sins (turn away from doing the sins). Then, you need to tell Jesus you believe in Him! Tell Him how He suffered on a tree and then rose again! Tell Him how you need Him. It is really that easy! But, you must mean every word! And you must do it before it is too late!***
Hi Brothers and Sisters, last night I had a very POWERFUL Rapture dream.
It started off with me continually waking up in the middle of the night then I asked God if he could give me a Rapture Dream or a dream about the End Of Times.
Then I went to sleep and the dream started off with me outside and an Angel telling me “The Rapture is about to happen VERY SOON” then the dream changed and then I was outside with my dad, mom, and sister. My dad just finished telling my sister something then she went inside.
Right after I heard quick rushing winds like a gust. I felt like something huge was about to happen and I quickly started Repenting and Praying. I was Praying really quickly because I knew The Rapture was happening that same moment.
Then immediately I turned my head and say a huge burst of LIGHT starting small and it grew big quickly and it was the brightest light I’ve ever seen and I knew it was JESUS.
Then I was immediately shot up into Heaven, my hands were lifted up like I was reaching towards JESUS and my Angel was with me holding my hand bringing me up and I was so happy and filled with so much Joy because I was finally going Home to Heaven!
I saw people around be bring shot up too I didn’t have to turn my head I could see them by the side of my eye! I was going up so FAST and QUICKLY I could feel the wind rushing through my whole body. I was going faster than the speed of Light!
Then I heard a male voice yell my name and said “LORDINA” but I was just still going up so I didn’t turn back.
Then I woke up. My heart was beating so fast I could hear it beat and it felt so surreal I didn’t want the dream to end and I wanted it to continue.
We’re going home to HEAVEN VERY SOON! Stay vigilant and remain in the Lord because our Redemption Draws Near!
“Behold, I come quickly. My reward is with me, to repay to each man according to his work. -Revelation 22:12.
God Bless You All.
Jesus is the ONLY person who SAVES and who will ever only LOVE you the most! I’ll see you all very soon in Heaven in JESUS name AMEN!
11/16/17 A Dream from God
First of all, I prayed to receive a dream from the 16, 17, and 18. I prayed that it be so, so that I could give some message to you. But, the only thing I could remember was the 16th. So, my Lord God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit is going to help me decipher it at the end.
It was the 16th of November, I could tell that plainly. I was at a high fashioned beauty salon. I knew I wanted to get my haircut, and I knew the one who would be cutting my hair was male. I looked at the menu for the salon and saw a mud mask that provided 7 days of moisture.
I was given gifts, but the only thing I remembered was one thing: a baby turtle. This was to appease me while I waited to get my hair cut. It was all inside a Happy Meal box.
There were 2 women there talking to one another. They both had short hair. One had a beautiful perm, and the other looked like mine (straight).
I was looking down at the turtle. It was in a container that was shaped like the uterus. It had some type of watery gel that the turtle was inside. It did not have a shell. It looked more like early stages of a baby. He would peek out of the fluid, see me, and then hide back into the watery gel. Then, the Lord said, “Wake up,” so I did just that.
The hair isn’t what I cut a lot. I let my hair grow, and then get it cut every 3 months. I am definitely not concerned with my hair. I would never be in a high fashioned hair salon! So, it had to be special to go to that salon in the first place. The two women were pleased with their hairdo. I couldn’t understand what they were saying. They were just talking, not pointing fingers at anyone.
I believe I was wanting to look my very best for Jesus, Yeshua Ha’Mashiach! That was the intention of the dream! That was why I saw two women, perfectly done, and talking to one another. It was a Man, who was going to be cutting my hair. I believe that was Jesus!
Mud is very interesting. In Strong’s Concordance #6083 it is aphar – meaning clay, earth, ground and morter. We would presume that is what mud is. But, I go further and find out #3120 & #3121 means it is hot and active mire. That feels like more a volcano. Anyway, I looked once more and found something very exciting. The #3196 Mud was effervesce – which means wine for a banquet.
Mask was next. I found #2664 mask is to seek or conceal, to change or hide. I prefer the word “seek” in this case. Seeking to find Yeshua Ha’Mashiach.
The seven days was something unbelievable. First, let me tell you what “moisture” means. It is a beverage; a refreshment. So, seven days of drinking. That puts us to the 23rd, and after that it may be that the water is poisoned. It could be anything, but that is what I got.
So, to recap, the mud mask that provided 7 days of moisture was actually the Wine for a banquet, and seeking Yeshua, and having beverage for 7 days would lead us to the 23rd of November. It may be a marker of sorts, but it is going to be amazing.
Onto the dream about the turtle! Turtle in Strong’s Concordance means #8447 a succession or turn. The #8448 says that the manner of the turn is an estate. So, the turtle was an estate (our Heavenly estate). But, the turtle didn’t have a shell. It means, that if it was a turtle without a shell would mean that it was spineless and have no ribcage. But, it isn’t a turtle. And, the spine and ribcage will not aid in the manner of the turn being an estate! In other words, nothing will stop our Heavenly estate from happening! No money problems ever! We will be free! Amen! Amen! Amen!
The estate (turtle) was in a Happy Meal Box. It was happy, first of all. That is #7965 of Strong’s Concordance, meaning welfare, rest, and safety. It has a meal second of all. That is #6256 time and #7979 a table. It has a box third of all. That is #727 which means an ark, chest, or coffin. The Heavenly estate will come by us doing the opposite: the ark is the main thing that all of us want to be inside, the time and the table is the banquet of the Marriage of the Lamb, and the citizens of Heaven feel rest when they are given the estate. Amen! Amen! Amen! To God be the glory!
Wow! Wow! Wow! This was an extraordinary dream! All I can say is that if you know of someone who needs to hear about Jesus, go ahead and tell them. On the 23rd there will be something to happen. That is Thanksgiving Day, next Thursday. It could be that there is no more communication and the water – might be poisoned. There is something I copied down from a woman (YouTube) and she said that 22,000 children on 9/23 which could mean 11/23. It is something to ponder!
The one sentence I highlighted with red is the one from the Lord! I never knew what all this meant until I researched. To God be the Glory! For we are like filthy rags without the Lord Jesus! Amen! Amen! Amen!
The Bible verses I have to relay to you all is as follows:
John 14:2-4 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Rev 22:12-13 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
Rev 19:7-9 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.
***If you have not prayed the prayer for salvation, all you have to do really is just pray for forgiveness of sin and repent the sins (turn away from doing the sins). Then, you need to tell Jesus you believe in Him! Tell Him how He suffered on a tree and then rose again! Tell Him how you need Him. It is really that easy! But, you must mean every word! And you must do it before it is too late!***
11/17/17 A Prayer Given to Sheryl from the LORD JESUS
He said he was going to take us away very quick! He said he has me right where I'm needed most - at home. It is going to be quick, Hoverintha. So very quick!
Are you ready to leave this world? Are you ready to dine with me in Heaven?
(Yes, my LORD! Are we going to change today?) Someday really soon, you are going to change!
Stay at home! Don't go anywhere! It will be very soon! So so soon! You were right about the month! I'm coming to get my believers! I want you in that group. You are gonna be with the children. You're mom goes first. Then, it is you, Kelley, William, and Billy. In that order.
It's going to be so exciting! I can't wait! 17 was said for a reason. I can't tell you what it is, but it will change you forever! Be ready, I am coming!
Tell everyone that Jesus or Yeshua Ha'Mashiach is coming! I've watched you all through the clouds. I've heard your hearts calling out to me. I know your dreams, I put them there. You are obeying me by putting them on the blog. Keep doing that a while longer.
But, Hoverintha, I'm coming! I AM COMING! Don't be discouraged, be encouraged! I AM THE I AM, AND THERE'S NONE LIKE ME!
Stay steady, keep doing what you're doing at home. Soon, worries about work will not matter. It will let everyone know that the I AM is going to be there to get his believers!
Have the message of salvation go throughout your computer! I love each person so much! Love is what I want to teach and preach! And the heart is the only thing I care about! They must love me! They must be like you and love only me! I must be the one they say a morning and evening prayer to!
I'm coming to get you, my believers! You are mine and I am yours!
Your Heavenly Father,
Yeshua Ha'Mashiach
From Pamela
Did you see the video about the girl who had the dream saying something about when all the letters in Google were gone He was coming? I looked today and there are only two letters left in Google where only one was missing yesterday.
Just pull up the old google search engine and there’s only two letters with the rest being pictures.
Vision by Diana Pulliam
One morning, the middle of October, 2017, I’d just finished making a list of errands I needed to run when, as I turned to get out of the chair, I saw the following vision:
As I turned, I was facing a large plate glass window. In the vision, I saw myself leaving in my car to run the errands. As I drove along the street, I saw several people walking. When I turned my head to look at them, I noticed they all had blank stares and their faces were a weird ashen color.
I parked my car and went into a store. There too, all I saw were people walking around with blank stares and that pale grayish skin. As I walked toward an aisle, I heard the Lord say,
“These are the walking dead among you.”
“Will you share with them the life I’ve placed within you?”
I then walked towards a woman and began interacting with her. As I smiled and began speaking words given by the Holy Spirit, I saw a tiny sparkle of light appear in her eyes. I reached out and placed my hand on her shoulder, and immediately felt the intense love of God flow from me straight into her. It was as if she came alive right before my eyes!
11/14/17 A dream from God
I had a dream this morning, and I would like to share it with you. I was at a place that had the address 37 Elsa Place. The woman was kind, and she let me in. I wanted to know how much the beautiful ornamental wood sofa was. It had blue plaid for the cushions. Beautiful! The woman said that she couldn’t give me a price, because it belonged to a man – he owned half of the property. She said that everything was split down the middle. Her stuff was on the one side and his was on the other. He wasn’t there. So, I quickly gave it up.
I was watching her little boy outside, when all of a sudden it turned dark. I went inside and said if it turned light again I would leave. I went in again and never came back out.
She showed me a book of events and it was scary! They were all coming to a close. She closed the book, so I didn’t get to really look at the events! Dream was over!
The number 37 can be seen as 777! That was my first noticeable thing! The Hebrew meaning in Genesis 37 it says that Joseph was 17 years old when they threw him into the pit but he was lifted out (saved). Elsa is from Elisheba and it means either oath of God, or God is satisfaction. We have been “saved, because of the oath of God.”
The other thing I was thinking about was how I was there to purchase the sofa, something I had not seen until I arrived. It was gorgeous! It kind of reminded me of Godshealer7 – her sofa is beautiful! I don’t know what that means, other than materialistic is not good. And, the family had split up their things. The man had all kinds of things on his side. The woman and little boy had very few things on their side.
Matthew 6:19-21 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
It turned dark and I never did leave her house. I felt that I was raptured with the woman and the boy! There was a dark storm that was coming.
Lastly, the book of events was awfully frightening! I saw enough to tell that the events are going to come into play very soon. She shut the book, meaning God didn’t want me to see the events. The events had to happen right after the storm (tornado). That would be one of the events. I felt like I would never leave that house again.
Nahum 1:3 The LORD is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked: the LORD hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.
The transformation was not seen in the dream. The rapture was a large part of the dream! Whether it is on the 17th or the 27th it is going to happen! All praise goes to God the Creator of All! Amen! Amen! Amen! I am so excited to know my Abba, Yeshua Hamashiach, and the Ruach Hokadesh - 3 in one! Amen! Amen! Amen!
***If you have not prayed the prayer for salvation, all you have to do really is just pray for forgiveness of sin and repent the sins (turn away from doing the sins). Then, you need to tell Jesus you believe in Him! Tell Him how He suffered on a tree and then rose again! Tell Him how you need Him. It is really that easy! But, you must mean every word! And you must do it before it is too late!***
Dream by Pamela
I had a dream last week, besides the earthquake and the candy and children on the Interstate. In this dream, I was looking at a piece of what looked like fruit, like a muskmelon that was three times the size of a normal melon. It was being peeled and looked like a normal melon, but I knew it was very sweet. However, the oddest thing about the dream was that this food was caught like you would catch a fish with a net or a line, from the water and was a living creature. I hadn’t told you about it because I thought it was odd, but recently saw a video of some other lady having a similar dream about huge fruit that was sweet, but she didn’t mention it being alive or anything or that it came from an ocean or river like the fruit I dreamed of. Anyway, it made me wonder if it may be significant.
I started watching your videos after I had experienced a dream one night that shook me please note I wasn't raised religious I lived a sinful life before with gangs ect. This is the dream " It was one night I fell asleep and the moon was red the sky flashed like lighting I saw Jesus in the air i heard n saw people pointing to the sky saying he's here then people started screening n running a round in fear . Then another scene happened there was demons or monster like creatures in the mountains it was scary because we were all handcuffed to each other other people to be used as food to them after the rapture who didn't receive mark of the beast God had showed me this to wake up N quit sinning n follow Jesus Christ. Please share my story on YouTube to help others thanks.
An audible vision from God
Received on 11/11/17 by Sheryl
I was coming out of Wal-Mart and I had noticed a black Charger that was beside me. It didn't have a license plate, it was new. Then, I noticed right in front of me, on the next aisle, was a black charger. Then, as I was turning to get on my street, it looked like another charger. Charger in the Strong's Concordance means a "platter" and it was all around me. It is the Wedding Supper of the lamb! That means we are getting closer to leaving! It can also mean that we are going to really go where we are needed. That Charger was a Hemi, and it can make us speed or fly down a road. If only for a short while, we can save as many as can be saved with the Power of the Lord (transformation)! Amen! Amen! Amen! To God be the glory!
Revelation 19:7-9
7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. 8 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. 9 And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.
I also received an audible vision. It said "the water is poisoned." What water? and Where? When is the water poisoned? I have a lot of questions. I think it is going to be poisoned after we leave this earth. I don't know for sure, but I feel like it is.
Revelation 8:11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became Wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.
***If you have not prayed the prayer for salvation, all you have to do really is just pray for forgiveness of sin and repent the sins (turn away from doing the sins). Then, you need to tell him you believe in Him! Tell Him how He suffered on a tree and then rose again! Tell Him how you need Him. It is really that easy! But, you must mean every word! And you must do it before it is too late!***
A Dream of the End After Asking God for Knowledge
by Steve Falukos
Last night before going to bed (November 8, 2017), I asked God for some indication of what is going to happen and some sort of timeline. It’s not that I’ve lost faith in Him, but more like I’ve just grown weary of all the “anytime now”s and “right around the corner”s. So, I asked Him to tell me something personally.
I feel like the dream took all night. It started out when I was talking to my childhood friend, but she soon became my daughter, who is an atheist. We were standing in the street down a few houses down from my childhood home. I pray so hard for my daughter every day, all day. I worry so much about her. I told her that there would be signs in the stars and in the heavens, and suddenly there were shooting stars. But then there were so many that I knew it was more of a meteor shower. Then I told her, “When these things come to pass, look up. Your redemption draws nigh.” She became ecstatic and believed, finally! She told me as she trembled with excitement that it really is true! She didn’t believe but now she does. She was covered with goose bumps and I showed her that I was as well, and that it was the Holy Spirit…we were covered with the Holy Spirit.
I told her we need to get back to the house with the rest of the family. We ran back and I had everyone look out the windows. We were upstairs first, all sitting in the dining room. We saw these UFOs in the sky and I told them that this will be the excuse for our disappearance. I told them the aliens are fallen angels, demons, and this will be the alien deception. Then a creature, an alien, came onto the back deck and tried to come in through the back door. It got in and I grabbed a cross and held in front of me and began rebuking it. After yelling for it to get out in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, it finally left and more or less flew away. Then another came in, this time we were in my parents’ bedroom and I had to force it all the way down the hallway and out the back door. Again, I did this by rebuking it in the name of Jesus. Everything we were encountering was outlined in the Bible, and in my dream, I knew all those scriptures, though I don’t know them now. But in my dream, I was able to recite all the relevant scriptures and it explained to my family exactly what was happening and why. In reality, my parents prefer not to discuss prophecy or scripture outside of church, and they definitely don’t want to hear about end times. But in my dream, they were finally receptive because they saw it all happening. And I then led everyone in a prayer of Salvation. I remember being cognizant of the timing of everything, being surprised that we were not taken before these things started. I remember thinking that the people who said we would see some of it before being raptured were correct.
We went downstairs to await the rapture. We could see out the windows and the sky was an absolute mess of lights and things falling from the sky, windstorms, demons…it was awful but I was so happy because I knew it was just a matter of time until He comes for us! I grabbed a Bible and was going to read from it, but somehow each Bible I got was wrong…like one was a Children’s Bible with just the little stories at a level for toddlers. Another was something like a historical look at Christianity as one religion among many, and other religions were also included. Finally, I found an actual Bible, but as I was about to open it, it was like a huge hole opened up above us and there was a bright light, sort of like the tunnel you hear about with near death experiences. Suddenly, we were upstairs again and we began to raise up, all of us! I kept screaming and praising God! I could not stop the praising! I was giving Him thanks and glory and honoring Him at the top of my lungs! Things around me faded out and went white. Then my dream ended, but I woke up with such a smile on my face that I began to thank and praise Him again!
11/9/17 A Word from talking and walking with GOD, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit
This is what the trinity gave to me to give to you all. They said it is important and that it is now! They want everyone to know how much they love you! They are going to come in the blink of an eye. Will you be ready to go with the angels?
Psalm 83
4 They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.
(It is also USA! There has been everything from dreams of other good quality people who have seen these events take place. Our nation is going to be having tsunamis, earthquakes, bombs, etc. It is going to happen!)
12 Who said, Let us take to ourselves that houses of God in possession.
(This is the evil that tempt God, they do not know what they are doing. The Lukewarm and the evil want us to be gone! We don’t want the world or nothing in it! They do! They want the world! We want Jesus!)
15 So persecute them with thy tempest, and make them afraid with thy storm.
(A whirlwind is said to come about the last few days before the rapture. It is going to be a very, very bad storm!)
16 Fill their faces with shame; that they may seek thy name, Oh LORD.
(If people will just repent and call on the name of the LORD, they will be saved! It will take people going through a lot – weather being extreme - giving up their homes and little children to mention a few things. But, we want them to come home. Even if it means getting their heads done with the guillotines.)
18 That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth.
(JEHOVAH is GOD! Yeshua Ha’Mashiach is Jesus! Ruach Hokadesh is the Holy Spirit! The three in one! Amen! Amen! Amen!)
Ezekiel 33
28 For I will lay the land most desolate, and the pomp of her strength shall cease; and the mountains of Israel shall be desolate, that none shall pass through.
(God is going to cause this nation to become desolate. It will be quite inhabitable. It will cease to be strong and it will be weakened according to the civil war, world war 3, pestilences, famine, nothing can be bought unless the Mark is given, weather is not going to stop, demonic powers, etc.)
29 Then shall they know that I am the LORD, when I have laid the land most desolate because of all their abominations which they have committed.
(We have so many abominations. Just to name a few: abortion, men laying with men, women laying with women, drugs, alcohol, cheating, lying, stealing, etc. There is so much bad stuff that most people say it is okay, because it isn’t hurting you. It is not okay! We need to pray to have the people to stop doing it. It might be just 1 little girl (15 yrs. of age) who does not have the abortion, because you prayed the intercessory prayer. You don’t have to know the little girl, Jesus knows. He knows all about her. Our prayers are awesome! They do make it to God!)
31 And they come unto thee as the people cometh, and they sit before thee as my people, and they hear thy words, but they will not do them: for with their mouth they shew much love, but their heart goeth after their covetousness.
(This has Lukewarm Christians all over the verse. This is for the Lukewarm. Speaking about Christianity only on a Sunday and doing whatever you want to do the rest of the week makes you a Lukewarm Christian. How can you serve a man one day, and forget Him the rest of the week? I do not understand where that thought is coming from. You do not pray or seek Jesus, you just want Him one day a week! You are using the Lord and Savior! I have news for you, He is returning and you are not ready for Him! You must change your lifestyle! You must tell the Lord that you need Him to forgive you for all the times you didn’t want Him. And by the way, you’re only seeing Him on Sunday means you do not want Him! You must repent, and I mean to totally repent! You must call on the name of the LORD JESUS! It must happen before it is too late!)
33 And when this cometh to pass, (lo, it will come,) then shall they know that a prophet hath been among them.
(You have had so many chances! Just because you said the salvation prayer and got baptized does not mean you are saved! Once saved, always saved is a lie! Salvation is when you take the cross yourself and follow Jesus! You cannot follow Him only one day a week! People that are close to Jesus have a need to want to know more about Him. They are the ones that speak to Him and hear Him! It is that simple! If you cannot hear when you talk to the Lord, it is because the environment is not still. You have to learn to talk and then pause a while. Then, you will hear from the Lord! Are you obedient to the Lord? That could be what is keeping you from the Lord. You must be obedient, and love him with all your heart, mind, and soul!)
John 3:16-19 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil."
(This is the Main Verse that the 3 in one is going to leave you with. It is spoken by Jesus, and it is so powerful! If you want to get to know Jesus, you must believe that he died, was resurrected, and ascended all for you! He is coming back to get us believers! Won’t you please, please, please choose Jesus, not Satan? Jesus loves you more than you can ever dream possible!)
Amen! Amen! Amen! To God be the glory!
Calamity coming to California! Repent!!!
Received on 4/16/2011
By Sister Hyang Mi Moon
Location: Los Angeles, CA Korean Church
After the nightly prayer services, we had a time of impartation in which we received and accumulated more fire from Pastor Kim, Yong Tae.
Pastor Kim, Yong Tae said a prayer over us for blessings and for deeper revelation. He asked that the word be revealed with more wisdom and prophecy.
Within a couple minutes, I saw a vision. I saw a yellowish golden colored street with gem stones. “It is heaven!!” I thought to myself. But in within that moment, my body flew up into the air and I was above California.
In front of my eyes, I was witnessing the scene of a horrific earthquake and tsunami. The calamity was overwhelming the state of California (But I am not sure if the initial earthquake is going to shake the whole state or parts of it). The scene included cliffs on the shore crumbling with buildings and trees being engulfed by water.
A great and fearful event was occurring right in front of my eyes. My flesh, soul, and spirit were shouting with one voice. “Noooooooo!!! Noooooooooooo!!!!” What was being shown to me was too great to bear. I could not do anything but scream. My whole being was screaming. As I screamed, my body and soul trembled in fear.
I saw people dying. They were dying in vain. I saw the empty stares of the people. They did not have time to scream. They died as they were swallowed by the tsunami. Some attempted to escape by car. Some were running to escape. I saw the horrible fearful expression on their faces and eyes. It was a melting pot of terror and pandemonium. Chaos began to reign.
The Love in His Heart emanated toward us and those who did not believe in Him. His Heart was torn into million pieces as it dripped blood. As the Lord held His blood dripping Heart, He said,
Above the horrific scene, I saw the Heart of Father God. His Heart was torn into a million pieces.
I had this dream last night:
I was walking outside and it was daytime. The path I was walking on was a sidewalk and about 20 feet ahead of me was a single, white door. No building, just a door. And I knew in the dream that Jesus was behind that door and it was about to open!!! In the dream, I became super excited and I couldn’t believe that we were this close!!!
I just heard these words:
"Yes, share this message My Love. The door is open! You will radiate as My love is poured over you in full measure
In my dream, I have my white covered wedding album. I'm in a type of mall of sorts, looking at the album. I see a picture of me, young and in white, and my siblings are surrounding me in the picture. It is my first wedding. I've been remarried one time only.
All of a sudden, they make us get in a line; they are with guns. I am in an actual line! One sweet girl gets asked a couple of things and she leaves, crying. I have another gentleman who speaks to me in a room with nothing in it. He is quite vulgar and he has no problem with seductively rubbing against me (front). I say that I have a husband, but I try to minister to him. He leaves & a woman enters the room. She says that "Nobody tells him NO." Then she leaves the room. I am standing here, holding my album, and wondering what to do. The clock strikes 11:11 and a voice tells me to run out of there. I ran so fast and I found a store with clothes done the old fashioned way. I woke up from the dream and immediately wrote it down.
It is easy to say what the dream means. First, I was holding a wedding album. I haven't seen those pictures in a long time. My siblings were in the picture - only. That is telling me something right there, because both my brother and sister are brides - and they don't know it. He tells me that my brother will recognize he is a bride at the end, but I don't know about my sister.
Second, the "gentleman" seemed to be wanting to get with me. He didn't have any gun, but he had charisma. He was the devil himself. I talked about the husband I knew. That was Jesus. I tried to tell the man that I couldn't do anything with him, because I knew Jesus. I tried to tell the man about Jesus, but he walked away from me.
Thirdly, the woman entered the room. She told me point blank that basically I needed to be very scared because I told him NO. I meant NO. She left the room, too.
Finally, I was all alone in the room. It was like a clock existed, but it didn't, it was in my mind. The clock was flashing 11:11. It was like a flashing light that screamed at me 11:11. That means something! I think it could be my time of transformation (change). Also, the number 11 was on my cell phone after my husband said goodnight at work last night (text). Confirmation from God! Tomorrow, God said November 6 is the day of birth (according to gods gifts) of the male child. So, we should be changing tomorrow. But, if the child is treated with the 7 days and then the 33 to follow then several of the YouTubers are wrong by saying "We see Thanksgiving as being cancelled." Is it cancelled or are we gone? If it is just cancelled, we can still be the lighted ones (changed) that are needed by Jesus. Jesus said that "24 is the day!" The day whatever is going to take place in Israel, maybe? It could be that we are transformed on that day! Something is going to happen on the 24th day!
It is going to be this month! Regardless, whatever man says. The days have been messed up for a reason. He can also do the unthinkable - He can change time. It is totally irrelevant to God how we use time - especially calendars! So, it is going to be the 17th day (Hebrew), whenever that will be - as in the days of NOAH!
Take the information I have sent you always to Yeshua Ha'Mashiach (Jesus) for confirmation!
***If you have not prayed the prayer or you haven't prayed in a long time for salvation, all you have to do really is just pray for forgiveness of sin and repent the sins (turn away from doing the sins). Tell Him how He suffered on a tree and then rose again! Tell Him how you need Him. It is really that easy! But, you must mean every word!***
God bless you and yours!
Here is the message from God this morning, 11/4/17.
I had a dream last night that I was with some family members at wal-mart, some I hadn't seen in a long time. We were all talking and standing by the front doors where the candy machines are. And next to them was a chip (mark of the beast) machine. As we were talking one by one, they got out their cc questions asked and put it into this machine.
I had a dream i was living in a hotel and whe i came back it was all flooded the fist and second floors and i saw dead animals and everything i had was destroyed my room number was 218
1 John 2:18New American Standard Bible (NASB)
18 Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard thatantichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared; from this we know that it is the last hour.
only i looked up 218 and saw this scripture
maybe it means tribulation/flood is coming
Prophetic Oracle of YHWH (Author Unknown)
I have warned at the beginning of this year through My True Prophets of Mine across the earth what would occur in 2016 and beyond this year. Now that we are in 5777, now that we are entering into the end of 2016, many things now come to be. Many…many…many things that I mourn about, that I know that I have to do now.
Soon I take the person in My Son (Manchild), the Woman and My Son and her family, and those that have been found worthy, who have been standing in the gap of the Earth, praying and fasting and crying out and putting on these ashes and on sackcloth for many, many, many years now.
What happens, Earth, when you don't have an Intercessor? What happens, Earth, when My Two Witnesses are taken away, who have been My Hand of Mercy in these last few years? When they come back, oh they bring My Judgments in ways you can't even imagine! Everything that is written shall come to pass! EVERYTHING!!!
MY Messages have fallen on deaf ears, on hardened hearts, on seared minds, on stiff necks! Oh you will see! YOU WILL NOW SEE!
You should have obeyed MY WORD!
You should have obeyed MY Prophets!
You now get what you deserve!
And in My Mercy, I shall have the Greatest Last Harvestings of My Beloved lost ones coming back to ME, and My SON Yahushua HaMashiach~
Jesus Christ, and Our Holy Spirit, the Ruach HaKodesh.
There is no more Time! THERE IS NO MORE TIME!
Father, I thank You for Your wonderful Justice and Judgment that is coming; for the wrath that You must pour out now. As I've stood in the gap for so many years as so many others, brothers and sisters across the world, LORD, that it's time to wrap this up now. Let us be found accounted worthy when You come oh God, let us be found accounted worthy to stand before the Son of God.
We thank You, we thank You Lord, Yahushua HaMashiach for coming,
for hearing everyone crying out across the world for their
Beloved Bridegroom to come!
We thank You, Ruach HaKodesh for infilling us even more~
for comforting us in this time of what is upon us.
Let it all be according to Thy Word, oh Father God Almighty YAHUWAH…
On this day, on this night of October 31st, 2016 (Tishrei 29, 5777).
In the Blessed Yahushua HaMashiach~
our Beloved Coming's Name,
North Korea and Kim Jong-un
Coup Against President Trump
Christian Believers will disappear.
Author Unknown
“For the day of the LORD of hosts shall come upon everyone that is proud and lofty, and upon everyone that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low.”
Isaiah 2:12
“The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD comes.”
Joel 2:31
“The great day of the LORD is near, it is near, and hastens quickly, even the voice of the day of the LORD: there the mighty man shall cry out bitterly.”
Zephaniah 1:14
“Wail you; for the day of the LORD is at hand; it shall come as destruction from the Almighty”
Isaiah 13:6
“Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the LORD'S wrath; but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of his jealousy: for he shall make even a speedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land.”
Zephaniah 1:18
“Behold, the day of the LORD comes, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy its sinners out of it.”
Isaiah 13:9
“For the day is near, even the day of the LORD is near, a cloudy day; it shall be the time of the heathen.”
Ezekiel 30:3
“For the stars of heaven and its constellations shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in its going forth, and the moon shall not cause its light to shine.”
Isaiah 13:10
“Alas for the day! For the day of the LORD is at hand.
“But who may endure the day of his coming? And who shall stand when he appears? For he is like a refiner's fire, and like
Skies Turn Red by Augusto Perez
"I was laying on my bed in the middle of the night when I was awakened. As I sat up in my bed and looked to the right, I had an open vision and I saw the skies and noticed that they had turned into a deep red and became very menacing." As I changed my focus, the vision vanished and I had an uneasy feeling in my spirit that I had just received a warning from the LORD.
I believe that the red skies vision forecasts that terrible judgments and disasters are about to befall this nation. I also believe this has something to do with a coming war. Things are about to turn real bad in the very near future with riots in the streets, killing, bloodshed and martial law. This could be both a symbolic warning that things are about to go south in this nation, but it could also be a true representation of what may happen in the not too distant future as a large celestial object makes its close approach to planet earth.
I live in Illinois, and I'm a long time listener of yours and have emailed you before. I am a teacher at a school on the grounds of a military base, I need to be vague so I'm not found out. Yesterday our principal informed the staff that the entire base, which borders two different communities, would be having a mass readiness drill, with increased activities beyond the usual monthly siren tests. Law enforcement/first responders for both towns have been notified, and we were told to make sure our kids are immediately brought inside if at recess when sirens go off, otherwise business as usual. With all of the chatter concerned ng the NK situation, I thought this was relevant.God Bless You and keep you,
The information below was gathered from ANTIFA flyers posted in cities across America advertising their plan to riot on Nov. 4, 2017. Citizens avoid these locations at the times indicated. Share to friends or family if they live in these cities or anyone will be traveling there.
Time: 12 PM Location: 4th Ave. & James St.
Seattle City Hall Plaza
Time: 2 PM Location: Salmon St. Fountain
Time: 3 PM Location: Union Square
Time: 1 PM Location: Pershing Square
Time: 2 PM Location: Thomas Paine Plaza
1401 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
Time: 9:30 AM Location: Ala Moana Park (EWA Side)
Time: 1 PM Location: Public Square
Time: 1 PM Location: 219 S. Dearborn, Federal Plaza
Time: 4 PM Location: 1 Franklin St., Shoppers Plaza
Time: 1 PM Location: 422 Guadalupe St., Republic Square Park
Time: 4 PM Location: Euclid & Moreland Ave. NE
Little 5 Points / Findlay Plaza
10/30/17 Given by God
I had a dream last night regarding the transformation and Heaven and our departure from this Earth.
I found out that we have been missing days. This is crazy! But, here is what we know. We don't know when the day of October 27 (actually September) really is going to be. Please post this to all of the readers on this channel. It could be anywhere between now and the 6th of November. It is crazy! But, it can give your bloggers a lot of information to ponder! That is for sure!
This is so very messed up! Now, the Gregorian calendar is off by 10-12 days. So, we could be leaving on 11/6 – 11/10 as planned, because, that day was 10-12 days off. It’s November 6 (Really October 27th the way we do the Gregorian calendar now AND September for the way Hebrews do their calendar – a leap year). The October 27th was the old way of doing things (October 27, 2106 b.c.e.) Then, we had to go and mess it up. To get to October 27, we have to add 11 days which will get us to November 6, 2017 (Hebrew days/nights). And that day is the 17th day of the second month which is in certainty October 27, 2017 ( This is so messed up! When is the real October 27, 2017? Here is the research below.
If you were living in England or one of the American colonies 260 years ago, this date—September 13, 1752—didn’t exist. Neither did the 10 days preceding it. Instead, you would have gone to bed on the evening of September 2 and woken up on the morning of September 14. Eleven days had been effectively skipped over as part of the parliamentary measure that implemented the Gregorian calendar, aligning Britain and its overseas possessions with the rest of Western Europe. In most of the world today, people continue to track their days, months and years using the centuries-old system, so chances are you’re intimately familiar with its workings. Still, there are a few things about the Gregorian calendar that might come as a surprise.
5. Britain’s adoption of the Gregorian calendar sparked riots and protest—maybe.
According to some accounts, English citizens did not react kindly after an act of Parliament advanced the calendar overnight from September 2 to September 14, 1752. Rioters supposedly took to the streets, demanding that the government “give us our 11 days.” However, most historians now believe that these protests never occurred or were greatly exaggerated. On the other side of the Atlantic, meanwhile, Benjamin Franklin welcomed the change, writing, “It is pleasant for an old man to be able to go to bed on September 2, and not have to get up until September 14.”
Or is it on October 30th? That could be October 27-28 (really September). It has been shared of “10 days that will pass from the new moon” (It is Finished Youtube). Mine was talking about the moon, too! There is something between the 10/26 and October 30. No matter what, the October 27, 2017 (actually September because of a leap year) is the 17th day of the second month, Marcheshvan.
The last new moon was Rosh Hashana and 10 days later would be October 31st (It is Finished). This makes sense. But, that would mean the 31st would be October 27, 2017 (17th day of the second month) and it would be on a Tuesday. I don’t like that for some reason.
This is all to say that Transformation could be anywhere from 10/26 to 10/29. That isn’t bad, when you think about it. Barack O’Bama is having an inaugural speech on 10/31. It makes sense that it would be around the 29th for us to get changed moreso than today. Someone said that it is for 1 day 1 hour – the transformation. I do believe that is correct, a very slim chance to get our loved ones and friends to believe in the LORD! Also, I think Rhonda Empson (Youtube) is correct when she says that she is going on a Monday (That is now time, not to include time to be changed). And that Monday, well it is the 30th. So, realistically speaking, we could be looking for the change/transformation to take place on the 29th. If that is the case, then our day to go with the LORD will be the 30th – 31st.
What do you all think? We will never know what day the exact October 27 is on, but we do know that it is on the 17th day of that month (According to Noah’s ark.) I will stand on the date, because me LORD gave it to me! Either way, we are to rejoice and give God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit praise, worship, obedience, and love! To God be the glory! He is coming!
If you are not saved, here’s your chance!
***If you have not prayed the prayer for salvation, all you have to do really is just pray for forgiveness of sin and repent the sins (turn away from doing the sins). Then, you need to invite him into your heart! Tell Him how He suffered on a tree and then rose again! Tell Him how you need Him. It is really that easy! But, you must mean every word!***
It was about the Millennium era where Christ comes to rule for a thousand years on the Earth. At that time he will be supreme judge. Sort of like what our Supreme Court consists of except for He would be the only judge.
As you know the only people that will be living in the Millennium Kingdom are the ones who do not take the mark of the beast and get through the tribulation. They will be in the Millennium era and the setting was like old west setting like Little House on the Prairie. The bride of Christ has been translated and rapture and living with Jesus and Heaven until he comes to reign on Earth. The bride of Christ being translated will be able to fly be able is Minister healing and working for the good of the people. In my dream the Earth was the Bride's/wife of Jesus Christ's workplace. The angels are long with us supplied the necessary needs for the people living in the Millennium Kingdom. Life for the people in this time was a horse and buggy type transportation. No radios no phones or modern conveniences although there were refrigerators and gas stoves that we are accustomed to. But no TV, video games, cell phones or other electronic distractions. Deborah books to be read and of course the Bible. The people living in this time was still get married and have children I guess something on the order of the way Adam and Eve were supposed to live. Are 10 commandments that we have were strictly adhere to, no exception. If a person was caught breaking any one of those Commandments was brought up before a tribunal Court of their their community. There was no such thing as States or statehood it was just Community Living. You respected your neighbors you didn't try to covet anything that they had and as I said the Ten Commandments will strictly adhere to
Those people that did not want to follow the rules of the community were asked to leave and they were given areas of land where they had to farm and grow their own food. Much like Adam had to do with the thorns and thistles. People that have been caught in fornification or adultery also were asked to leave the community, if there was a genuine Full Repair entrance for the Honda that they had committed they could be bought back into the community. There were no guns, no weapons no swords oh, and there was no killing because death had been abolished, because Jesus had died on the cross and eradicated it. The other people that did not catch themselves in trouble all their possessions are food to clothing where's Supernaturaly provided for. However those living without the community had to provide their own clothing and their own food. The angels also assisted the wife of Christ to help to maintain the peace. The wife of Christ found herself not only teaching but healing those that needed it. But basically it was a time to grow to learn how to put the human nature aside and let Godly nature prevail, much like now and how we are learning now when we fast and pray. The human nature was at war with our spiritual nature and they had to learn how to grow and exist at this level. Even though satan was bound for a thousand years and I don't know if demons were too but the human nature had the genes and DNA from a sinful generation of Adam that decided to follow Christ instead of satan. These people had to put off the old nature and had to be transformed by the renewing of their minds in order to be fit to live as the saints in God's heaven.
El aine J. Hawkins
Let’s analyze this for a moment. Larry feels he needs his hairbrush. He is wondering where the hairbrush has gone, because he all of a sudden he can’t find the hairbrush. Then, he was heard by Pa Grape that it is back there. He’s a little more excited, because he can possibly see the hairbrush again. Then, Junior Asparagus comes in and says that Larry doesn’t need the hairbrush because he doesn’t have any hair. Now, he is wondering if he needs the hairbrush for himself because he doesn’t have any hair. Bob the Tomato comes on the scene and tells him that the hairbrush was given to the Peach. Larry is saying that it is not fair. It should have never been given away, now it is “poor” and “little”. After the Peach comes and exits Larry’s home, Larry has to learn that his hairbrush now belongs to someone else. Larry smiles and then calls out for the Peach to take care of his hairbrush.
A friend of mine sent me a copy of a text he received from a friend in the
"Just had a brief conversation with a friend. His son works at AG which is
In the dream, I started out at my grandparent’s farm. They have been with the Lord for over ten years; therefore, I knew our family no longer owned the farm. I went from room to room utterly confused because nothing looked the same. I saw my uncle who had worked on the ranch for many years prior. I asked him why the farm had changed so much and he said, “It is because the new owners have changed the foundation.”
I was shocked by his response because I vaguely understood what was truly meant by his words. My shoulder began to ache so I went to my medicine bag to take something for the pain. My sister’s nurse friend walked into the saying, “Sean, do not take the medicine! It is poison! Nothing is safe to take anymore.”
I continued trying to take the medicine, but kept spitting it out because of the bitter taste. I decided to leave the room because I was annoyed. I walked through the door and was automatically in my mom’s car at a grand banquet hall parking lot.
I had to put my arm sling back on to maintain the shoulder pain. As I was putting on the sling, I saw two girls that I attended school with for many years with their college basketball teammates. They smiled and pointed towards the banquet hall doors.
I followed my mom into the elaborate banquet hall having no idea where I was. In this hall were two buffet lines with gourmet food. I went to the buffet line at the back end of the hall. To my dismay, all the plates were gone. I felt so angry because I was the only one in that line who did not receive any food. There was a rule that only those with plates could obtain food.
In a state of irritability, I hurried over to the second buffet line towards the front of the hall. The situation remained the same. I could not receive any food because there were no more plates. This time, more people were around who could not acquire any food either. All of us threw a temper tantrum and sat down at the same table. My mom was as angry as I was.
As I looked around at everyone who were eating, their mouths began to foam and many began falling out of their seats unconscious. A great panic swept over everyone in the room. From what I could see, the people who had already ate their food were dead. Besides those with no food to eat, there were only a few survivors. Two of them were the girls I went to school with.
As panic spread, we all turned our heads upon hearing the sounds of explosions off in the distance. I could not see the location of these bombs. Albeit, I kept on repeating that the bombs were a bioterror or chemical attack and that we needed to get to a safer area.
I told the survivors to follow me because God would guide us and I had the answers as to what was going on. We ended up in a small room with 12 people including my mother and me. I told everyone that the only way to be protected was to repent and give their full faith and devotion to Him.
Five people repented and five did not. The girls I saw earlier both repented. Those who did not repent started mocking God by saying the usual mockery that we hear today. They were blaming Him for the attack. As the mockers went towards the windows, I saw red dots appear on their heads. We watched as they were all shot dead in that moment. I woke up directly after.
Being at our family farm was a representation to a safe place that I have always treasured in my heart. Unfortunately, that safe place was completely changed from what I originally knew. This represents America and the world today.
The poisoned pain medication is a way of the Lord warning of poisons we so readily ingest daily without truly following the Lord for healing and guidance. Many who know about the New World Order and government organizations who distribute our food and pain medications, can understand this in a clear concise manner. We readily take the quick fix rather than facing correction of what lead us to the problem in the first place.
When the scene changed to a grand banquet hall, I believe this was a way of showing that I was attending a festival or big event. There was a substantial amount of food, but not enough plates. Later we find the food was poisoned. This is a direct warning. There will be food that looks pleasing to the eye but a poison to the body. We will have to take great caution concerning this at some point, especially with all the GMO foods we consume. In many ways, I believe this symbolism to be a literal warning of the poisoning of our food supply and we will not know until it is too late.
Having those that mocked be killed, and those that repented be spared, has many applications that we see throughout scripture. God will not be mocked, but to those who call upon Him during our time of distress He will save from wrath and a spiritual death.
Famine and death are not the will of God for America. He has a much better plan. However, His will is not always done on earth. If it was, Jesus would not have taught us to pray, “thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10).
God’s voice has been almost totally silenced in our schools, our government, our news media, our public lands, our shopping malls, and even in our churches. He has not rejected us, but we have rejected Him. So we should not be surprised when His hand of protection and provision is removed from our land.
Jesus warned us the end times would be marked by specific events that would be signs letting us know the great day of the Lord is drawing near. He said these events would come upon the earth like birth pangs, meaning they would come with great intensity for a season then they would go away only to return again with greater intensity. One of those events is famine (Matthew 24:7).
Severe famines have already come in many parts of the earth, but not in America. For that reason, many Americans don’t believe it could ever happen here. However, many of God’s people are now seeing and hearing warnings from the Lord regarding a great famine coming to America, followed by death for many people. As bad as that sounds, it is better to hear it now than to get blind-sided by it later. At least we have time now to repent and get right with God. That is our best hope for this life and the next.
The following are several warnings about famine and death coming to America. The first one is a vision I received about two months ago.
During my prayer time, I saw a vision of a man standing in front of me. I saw his bare back. He was so thin I could see all of his ribs. As I watched he turned into a skeleton. I believe the interpretation is a warning of famine coming, which will be followed by death for many people.
In April 2011, prophetic minister Terry Bennett had the following vision encounter.
I was also warned, by the appearing of the black horse and its rider, about famine. The angel said, “There will be a famine of food in your nation!” Not only this, but also the prices of food, particularly grains, will dramatically rise. We will see not only shortages and high prices, but I was shown significant starvation occurring during this time. Death followed this black horse!
Prophetic minister John Paul Jackson was shown many different news headlines from the future. Among them he saw the following headlines:
Drought Continues to Cause Prayer to Rise
Record High Temps Accompany Record Drought-Swept South
Demand for Classic Seeds Skyrockets
Food Prices Lead Nation’s Escalating Inflation Woes
Sysco and Kraft Consider Guards on Delivery Trucks as Food Nears 40% of the Family Budget
Although the situation sounds bleak, it is not hopeless because we have a solution available. We can turn to the Lord concerning the problems facing our country. That is the only solution that will work. We must return to the Lord by repenting of everything that has come between Him and us. I believe our problems will continue to get worse until we repent. However, those who repent will receive His loving presence and His promises of protection and provision.
Believers do not have to be victims of the failed systems of this world. God’s plan is for His people to be over-comers in this life.
In all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. (Romans 8:37)
Oct.19th, 2017
I was at something like a multi-story parking garage. There were stores inside it, like a mall. Everybody knew that nuclear war was coming. I don't know who was bombing us but the U.S. was bombing them as well. So, people were running around like crazy, running down theses ramps, past the stores, trying to get outside. I don't know if they thought they would escape or what, but they were running and frantic. At one point, I grabbed a bike from a store I was passing because I was trying to find my family. There was no seat on this bike although it was supposed to be new. I left it.
Many of you are not ready to greet Me. I see your heart, I hear what's on your lips from Barb (Godshealer7)
1 PETER 4:12-13 KJV
Daughter, speak these words... Why do you look around as
though something strange is happening? I am a consuming fire.
The waves bow before Me. Many of you are not ready to greet Me.
I see your heart, I hear what's on your lips. I am saddened to hear
you say My called children hear from devils and from satan, when
it is the Holy Spirit speaking through them. You claim you have
discerning in the Holy Spirit, but you do not. You continue in
blasphemy, causing strife and discord. My wrath is kindled
against you for speaking such lies with arrogance. I have given
instruction and poured out My Spirit. You have mocked Me. God
is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. The fire rages, the
wind and waves howl and roar. My breath scorches the land. Are
you ready to meet Me and see Me as I am?
Transformation dream by El laine
As we walked around, not knowing exactly what was happening or where we were going, I suddenly noticed that Chinese people began appearing everywhere. I did not recognize any Americans, only Chinese people.
I felt like we stood out because we were the only Americans I could see. I looked around at them, as it seemed like they were all now living here. We continued walking, and in doing so, the feeling of us not belonging there anymore was intensifying. There was even a sense of feeling afraid that had me thinking, “Where are we going? What are we going to do?” We clung to one another like lost little children.
As we walked on a sidewalk, we soaked in the beauty of our surroundings where we lived. Suddenly, we knew we were getting a last look at our area we loved so much. Ahead of us was a small hill. At the top was what looked like a little building. I said to my husband Jon, “Hey look, before we leave, let’s go up there and get a bite to eat”. Then I realized we did not have enough money to spend on food as I stuck my hand in my pocket and pulled out only a small amount enough for coffee.
I said, “Jon, we do not have enough for food, but we can at least purchase a cup of coffee and rest a little while”.
We walked up to the building and went in. It looked like some kind of lounge area. I saw only Chinese people inside. One man was reading a newspaper and drinking coffee, while another woman was on her laptop, and others were quietly talking.
I felt that we did not even belong there and though many were drinking coffee, there was nowhere for us, as Americans, to get coffee. We did not even bother sitting down because there was really no reason for us to be there. It was as if we were not welcome there, and that as Americans, we were phased out. The longer the dream went on, the more and more our knowledge increased that we were forced to leave – not because we wanted to.
At that moment, a Chinese woman walked in and introduced herself. She was friendly, but we knew she was not there just to be considerate, but that she was sent to us. She spoke to us in the same friendly manner, yet it was business. I cannot remember her exact words, but it was clear that she was sent to “help us”. She was unmistakably sent as an escort to transition us out of our home and state. She motioned to us that we had to leave the little building.
All three of us walked back down the hill to a small park near the ocean. My husband and I sat at a picnic bench on one side, and the Chinese woman sat on the other. She was letting us know there was no rush, to take our time before we had to go; so, we turned to look out to the ocean and watched surfers surfing and a few people walking on the seashore.
We both sat and took it all in, knowing we were looking at our sea for the very last time before we would be escorted out of our state.
It is clear this dream shows a land invasion; a Chinese take-over with us losing our rights as American citizens. The fact that we had almost no money left (the total amount that would add to a cup of coffee), shows our financial demise and our phase out. It was clear what was on the horizon having seen all the Chinese people living where we once did, as well as being forced and escorted out of our home and state.
Conclusion by Brook Ardoin:
The takeover seemed to come suddenly and without warning as Joanie and Jon were “perplexed” and “without direction”. They had no inclination of where they were headed or how this was possible due to financial lack. Whether the United States was already in a bad place monetarily or the Chinese just did not allow them to take saved money along, we do not know. Will the citizens be allowed to choose their destination or will the Chinese specify relocation?
On March 8, 2016, AMTM posted an interview with Joanie Stahl titled, “The Gathering Global Storm and God’s Guidance” (Episode 027). I posted the link at end of this article. In this interview, Joanie discusses a dream she had in January 2016. It is a short, but a jam-packed dream of a Chinese takeover of the nation.
I highly recommend both the show interview and the article, both found below to tie into this dream along with any other sources you may have heard who discuss a Chinese invasion upon our land. As I always say, do not take the word of just AMTM, but be willing to take the time and look into all three sources (this one included); take it all before the Lord in prayer and ask His direction and revelation of this material. No doubt the warnings/messages are ripe involving China – what will we do with the information is the question?
One noteworthy incident from the May 2016 dream, as compared to this latest one, is how the Chinese took everything from their home that Joanie deemed “of our American culture and lives”. They were then able to return to their homes later, only to find that nothing belonged to them any longer – the Chinese took complete ownership. In this recent dream, it is evident they would never be returning to their homes as the Chinese took over and began a process of “helping” them through it in order to remove them from their state. So, we see first a temporary removal from their home, and now a permanent removal and the uncertainty of where they will go/live.
In either case, the main point to take away from these dreams is that one of the greatest agendas of the Chinese is the complete takeover of real estate and land in the USA. Most of us are already aware, but for those who are not, the Chinese already own a huge portion of land and real estate in America. They have acquired more and more over the last several years. Many have reported they have done so as collateral against the US.
In this regard, once the Chinese invade the USA (as seen in dreams and visions of many prominent men and women of God), they will already have a solid position in owning much within the United States as far as large corporations (such as energy plants), National Parks, etc.
Once inside our borders, their focus will turn to forcing American citizens out of our homes and property. Will we first be allowed to return under their ownership for a brief time (as can be read about in full in below link to article), or will they immediately force us out? Will they play a role in FEMA camps? If so, what would happen to US citizens in these camps? These different scenarios are solely my own questions/thoughts in relation to the content of the dreams as real possibilities.
Regardless of what all will transpire, or if we are here when it does, all we must do as God’s children is remain faithful in prayer and communion with Him – in Him lies the fullness of our safety and protection. God always has a remnant, but we must do our part and continue to reside under the shadow of the Almighty. The victory belongs to the Lord!
Brook Ardoin
The dream that I had of the nuclear annihilation of Miami and the message and the promise that came with this just a few days afterward. I dreamt that I was on a white, sandy beach on a subtropical ocean and a fishing dory was nearby with fishing nets and primitive looking implements. It was obvious to me I was not in America. It was a sunny day, perhaps midmorning or early afternoon and I was occupied cleaning a fishing net when I turned and looked behind me, over my right shoulder across the ocean, and saw a first sized cloud on the distant horizon. It quickly began to swell, getting bigger and bigger and I realized that a city in the distance, though I could not see it, had just been struck with an atomic bomb. I cried out, "Oh, my God!" and awoke from the dream. Immediately, I knew the dream had been from Holy Spirit. All I could do was pray for mercy. Later I looked for the location of the city and determined that it was either Houston viewed from the eastern coast of the Baha, or Miami viewed from a Cuban beach. I'm pretty sure now, looking back on it, that I was looking northward, so it would have been Miami. "Lord, I want to know more about what's going to happen in the world and what I can do to help. You know I did not want to pry into things that are far beyond me." At that point, this was during my prayer, before me was a beautiful white and sandy beach, edged with aquamarine waters. There's something strange, though. All the way down the beach, as far as the eye can see, large grey masses have been thrown up along the shoreline. As I looked more closely, I realized they were human bodies. It was so gruesome I dared not look any more closely. I turned to the Lord and asked solemnly, "Where are we?" He answered, "Nassau in the Bahamas. "There will be carnage such as has never been seen. Do you remember the message you were given many years ago? 'Do not fear death, O' righteous inhabitants of Earth."' And I do, I remember that, and I will share it with you at the end of this message. We were now suspended above Earth between the Bahamas and Miami. Jesus was weeping and I was in shock. It was one blackened mass. At once we could see up close and there was not a survivor stirring. "Are you listening to Me?" Jesus asked. 1 / 4 Numbness engulfed my entire being and I simply could not comprehend what I was seeing. He began again. "You will still be on the Earth when this happens, but very quickly afterwards I will whisk you both away in the Rapture." I asked, "How soon after this happens will You take us, Lord?" He answered, "Within a week." "Seven days?" "At maximum. There's no reason for you to be here past that point." "Lord, I don't know what to say." "Such carnage as this has never before fallen upon the Earth. Never was it possible for a man to inflict this kind of damage on My Creation. Were not the End soon approaching, I would intervene - but it must happen this way for the fulfillment of Scripture. Because you are leaving so quickly, you will finally understand: there's no need to store up anything. Nothing to worry about, no shortage or lack." I think it's worth noting here that there's been a lot of confusion over when the Rapture would happen: before the Tribulation, after the Tribulation, mid-Tribulation. I think that it is noteworthy the Lord said about the coming of the Son of Man in the 29th verse of Matthew 24. Matthew 24:29-31 But immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he will send out his angels with a trumpet blast, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. The point I'd like to make here is this series of events that fits this particular outlining here that the Lord gave is that, if you were to see the Earth from above and there was an exchange of nuclear missiles back and forth between the Middle East and US and Europe, it would be unprecedented chaos. And of course, from all of the release of pollutants from these bombs, the sun would be darkened and the moon wouldn't give it's light. That all fits that profile. And that the Lord sends out his angels to the four directions to gather His elect - that makes sense. And the trumpet blast - that makes sense that that would be the Rapture. So, it does indeed make sense that this atomic war would begin before the Rapture. That's not to say this is the Tribulation, this is something different. This is a war, a nuclear exchange that will wreak havoc on the planet and perhaps throw things off course in the heavens and certainly obscure the sun and the Moon. I take this prophecy, this word from the Lord very seriously and it explains a lot to me as to how all this could come about and still be a pre-Tribulation Rapture. And as an aside here, this is very interesting to me. I was starting to, well you know we have a food bank, I was ordering extra food to store up and the Lord rebuked me for doing that. 2 / 4 He said, "No, I don't want you to do that." and so I gave all that food away and stopped doing it. I couldn't understand why, but He explained it to me here. I'd like to leave food for other people, but out of obedience I'm not going to do it. One thing is certain - the Scriptures must be fulfilled. Mercy leaves boundless room for God to intervene but certain things must take place. It is in His hands and in the prayers of our hearts to see to it that the greatest mercy possible could be shed on the world and the souls of those involved in these events. Especially the grace of conversion to these souls that don't know him. Another thing in this message, in the timing of the Rapture being right after nuclear war on our soil that caught my attention, is that there will be a tremendous amount of grieving and repentance that will take place amongst the Christians in this country and in the world. A tremendous amount of looking at their lives and repenting. And I think this is probably going to be the finishing touch on the Bride's garment - the things that have just been hanging there, and hanging and hanging for so long. And the enormity of the situation things are going to just fall right off, just gonna be blasted right off of the garment because the real priorities of life - loving God, loving our neighbor, eternity and the last things - these are going to come up and they're going to be very strongly in our minds at this time. And I believe that that's going to be one of the forces that will help to prepare the Bride. I still think there's great possibility in this message and great merit that He's coming for His Bride in a time of unbelievable turmoil and agony in society. Later on in this vision He continues: "Tell them for Me, those who are destined for the sword, if you are caught in the midst of these events and are innocent of the sins of this culture, are repentant and reformed in Me, you will wear a martyr's crown and great glory will be yours in Heaven, because you survived with your soul intact, and remained faithful to Me in a wanton, reckless ungodly, generation. You have suffered for your faith, everything from ridicule to exclusion. I have been present with you each time you suffered reproach for My Name's sake and your recompense is on the way. "Understand that once this time of unparalleled suffering begins, the living will envy the dead. For at that time, there will be great Tribulation such has not been since the beginning of the world until now nor ever will there be. There's great Joy awaiting you and your reception into Heaven will be the occasion of feasting and merriment. Your time of exile is almost at an end." So, several years ago, (going into the message that He gave me) several years ago I was on a mission trip in South America and I beheld the vault of the deep blue sky as if from a space shuttle. The Earth was clearly before me and there were missiles being launched from one continent to another. They seemed to originate in the Middle East and land in America. When they hit, smoky gray clouds hovered over the area and spontaneously something like fourth of July fireworks shot up into the heavens all the way to the Throne of God. The fireworks ascending to the Throne of God were the souls of the just. I heard this: "Do not fear death, O righteous inhabitants of the Earth." 3 / 4 Then the Lord began to speak. "See, I will bring devastation on this Earth, not by My design but by your own, O wicked men among mankind. You who have perverted the truth and robbed the poor: you, too, shall lament and wail; for what you have engineered to destroy others shall be your own undoing. "Truly it is written of you: "Those who have dug the pit shall be the ones who fall into it. And those who set the snare shall themselves be caught in it." Proverbs 26:27 "Woe, Woe, Woe to you wicked amongst mankind. For the hour of your great undoing is upon you, but my righteous shall shine like the stars in the firmament. Fear not the hour of your death, for that day you shall be with Me in Paradise, and inherit your eternal reward - for to you I have given a crown of Victory." "For those who have had a hand in planning the demise of the poor and helpless of the world, while making arrangements to save themselves, it is written: Isaiah 28:15-18 Because you say, "We have made a covenant with death, and with the nether world are we have made a pact; when the overwhelming scourge passes, it will not reach to us; for we have made lies our refuge, and in falsehood we have found a hiding place." 16 therefore thus says the Lord God, "See, I am laying a stone in Zion, a stone that has been tested, a precious corner-stone as a sure foundation: he who puts his faith in it shall not be shaken.17 I will make a right measuring line of justice: a level. Hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, waters shall flood the hiding-place.18 Your covenant with death shall be cancelled, and your pact with the netherworld shall not stand; when the overwhelming scourge passes, you shall be trampled down by it." And that was the end of His message. So, it's an encouragement to believers and a warning to those who've planned all these things. Without going into the details, it's all over the Internet - the kind of intrigue and plots and planning that have happened in order to prepare us for this time, prepare themselves for this time and to wipe out and annihilate so much of America and so much of the world population. But the Lord shall take those who are righteous and they mount up into Heaven like stars ascending to the Throne.
Prophetic Warning of Another 9/11 Scale Attack Planned
By Cindy Jacobs
A few months ago, The Lord had me issue a warning called ‘Shields Up‘ to pray for the protection of our nation. Tonight, while reading my Bible, the following passage leapt off the page:
“And He has confirmed His words which He spoke us and against our judges, and judged us, by bringing upon us a great disaster, for under the whole heaven such has never been done as was done in Jerusalem” Daniel 9:12.
It does not take a prophet to realize that America is in trouble! We know there are many radical extremists who hate us — this is not new. However, as I read the verse this evening I was shaken by it. This is what I am hearing: “There is an another attack on the scale of 9/11 being planned!”
As I prayed to pinpoint how to intercede, I immediately heard these words: “Close the gates! All borders must be closed to terrorists and those who would aid them.”
This includes all airport customs checkpoints as well as border crossings. We must pray for our customs and border agents to have eagle eyes to “see” any potential persons trying to make their way into the United States. We must also pray for all points of public transport.
The good news is that prayer works! This is a call upon every praying person everywhere to stand in the gap and pray for the protection of the nation.
Thank you for praying!
Oct. 9th, 2017
Some time ago--in 2008 or 2009, I think--I had a dream about the rapture
In mine, I was observing a large group of people at a huge oil drilling operation. I assumed in my dream that I was in Texas, but I really don't know for sure. The people in the dream were Americans. A woman who was a supervisor was giving a speech in front of the workers, and it appeared there was some kind of trouble. A possible disaster might happen there. I knew they were afraid, but some kind of job had to be done to try to thwart a disaster. Despite their fear, the workers were preparing to put their lives on the line to try to stop the disaster from occurring. I was watching them at the sidelines and knew things were not going to turn out good. I began to run away from the site, and as I did, an explosion occurred and flames shot into the air. I was running, and as I ran, I looked up into the sky and saw a huge, brilliantly shining cross with a square, jeweled plaque hanging from it. It was coming closer, flying through the sky, and I knew Jesus was coming to take me and my fellow believers up into the air. I started running toward the cross, and I shouted out Jesus' name, and then I felt my body becoming like liquid, as if I were passing through into a time warp. My shout of Jesus' name started out normal, then ended sounding like a tape on slow motion speed--really drawn out, perhaps even like a voice sounds when under water, distorted. I knew that I had started to be lifted into the heavens. The rapture was happening.
I woke up at that point, quite giddy with joy.
Oct. 8th, 2017
I wanted to share some dreams that I had, just the ones with what I believe was God's spirit imbued. As they were good.
Now, I believe there is a people known as spiritual Israel, who are the peculiars who belong to God, because all belong to God, I say this. But these ones tend to walk with fruits of the holy spirit. And more predisposed to the love of God in fellowship.
That being said,
I had a dream where I saw rapture in August 2016 at the end of the month.
It was joy.
I beheld one who looked like the son of man, in the sky, and in great glory.
Coming in the clouds.
It was majestic.
His field and spirit was that of the same field that is supported by your videos. So that is how I know there is some spiritual agreement.
I also had a dream where the Lord used me to shepherd spiritual Israel during a dark time.
I had a dream where I sung a song of harps, with Jesus' name.
Those are the 3 prophetic dreams that I have had this past year and some.
Hope that inspires you all.
And the song that I sung, was on a cliff, disconnected from nature. But in a spiritual realm it was presented to me.
I saw ones like my big brother, and others in the midst. But I knoweth not their fate.
The song that I sang went by the words, "only Jesus really cares."
It was like a lullaby. But definitely, not ignorant of God Almighty's wrath.
When I sang Jesus' name, it was harp sounds, :D
Hope you enjoyed, and God bless you.
- Robinson L.
I had a dream from Jesus where there was a loud noise in the sky.
Rapture Dream by Paula Marie
In my first dream...I was with this young man in a house and we were waiting for a school bus to come and pick us up to take us to the amusement park. When we got there, we went on some rides and that is all I can remember about that dream. But the part that seemed significant to me was that we were waiting on school buses to come and get us and they were late and we were going to the amusement park. School buses always symbolized the rapture to me, and the amusement park may symbolize heaven. I had many dreams before about school buses and amusement parks.
In the next dream I was in a house again waiting with this boy for a bus to come and pick us up to take us to the amusement park. This time though as I was waiting, I started playing the old arcade game called "Asteroids". In the game I was shooting asteroids on the screen and blowing them up and the little pieces were flying everywhere. We knew that the kids were already at the amusement park, but we weren't allowed to go until later when there was a bus available to pick us up.
Here is some signifigance about this second dream: First of all, I had a similar dream a few years ago that my daughter was having a birthday party and she invited some girls to go to the amusement park with us. They were supposed to meet us at the house and we would all go together to the park. But none of them showed up, so we went anyway.
As we were at the park, it was getting late and the park was about to close, the girls suddenly showed up. I said to them....the park is going to close in 45 closes at midnight, why are you here now? They said because it was cheaper to get in. Later I took this to mean that maybe there would be an economic collapse around the time of my daughter's birthday. Her birthday is Oct. 20th.
In another dream I was at the amusement park and it was midnight, the park was closing so we went home and the angel of destruction was looking at us through a 30 story window, getting ready to destroy the city. I saw this huge angel before in another vision about a wave that was coming up on the land destroying an entire city. The angel was walking among the sky scrapers, as big as they were and this wave washed out an entire city on the coast. Judging by the location of the coast line, I would assume it was west coast.
And in yet another dream, I was a teenager at the amusement park on a ride that went up in the air like a chair lift. I could see the park down below as I was moving along high in the air. And I heard a radio say the park is being evacuated because of a terror attack and that there was pepper gas on a train that derailed. As everyone was running out of the park, the ride stopped with me up in the air and I was stuck there. I could see the train below off in the distance derailed with orange gas coming out of it. I tried to cover my face with my shirt before the gas would reach me.
Just then I looked up and a ball of light was falling out of the got bigger and bigger until I couldn't see and it covered me. I knew it was the rapture and I had escaped. back to my current dream.....I was playing this game called asteroid while waiting for the bus that seemed to be late. After I woke up I thought about how there is going to be an asteroid flying by the earth at one of the closets approaches ever recorded on Oct. 12th. So could the dream be implying that we will attempt to shoot it into pieces like I did in my dream playing the game asteroids? Also the bus arriving after that, may indicate that the rapture will occur sometime after this asteroid threat on the 12th.
Also This dream I had last night will be 7 days from the 12th.
I'm not sure if anything will happen or not, but be watchful and vigilant...for He is returning very very soon! He is surely at the door!
Oct 4th, 2017
"Do not lose hope My children as you see the feast days come
and go wandering in your head if I'm ever gonna come. Thinking
to yourself if I'm just sitting on My throne just watching everything
and doing nothing about it.
Let me tell you that I am very busy as you have witnessed the blood
moons, the solar eclipse, and the sign of the woman in the heavens.
Everything I do has perfect timing, and your taking up will be no
different. As My servants you should be steadfast, running the race
all the way to the finish line....not stumbling before you cross the line
or throwing in the towel as some do in your sporting events. These
are the ones who fell on rocky soil, sprouting for a short time and
simply fading away by not staying rooted in My word.
But you, My precious bride, never lost sight of the Blessed Hope that
your Redeemer will rescue you in perfect time. So put all your trust in
Me now knowing that I have crossed every "T" and dotted every "I."
Then you'll say to yourself, "Wow I was just on earth five minutes ago
and now I am transformed and standing at the gates of Heaven in a
flash, and I can't seem to get rid of the smile off my face because it
actually happened." As you begin to let it sink in, the love of heaven
will permeate you and you will finally get to meet your King as I crown
each and every one of you in front of My Father.
It will be My honor to say "Well done good and faithful servant, enter
into your rest."
You will shout with joy at all that I have prepared for you.
I love you,
Yeshua HaMashiac"
Being Caught Up -A Revelation about the transformation
!!!" (Jesus Rules Channel)
"This is a word from the Lord. The time has come my
children. Prepare your hearts, for your King is about to
enter. Now is the time you have waited for and anticipated.
Listen for the sound of the trumpet beloved, for only those
who are ready shall hear. If
you're not sure if I will call on you, come before me
on your knees in true repentance and lay everything before
me, putting your pride behind you. Just as in the days of
Noah, people were mocking and laughing at him until the ark
doors were sealed, so shall
it be when I come for my people. These very ones will be
running to and fro as fear strikes their hearts and they see
your transformation and realize just how foolish they have
been. Do not fear though, my children, for many that
experience your transformation
will instantly believe and finally surrender their hearts
to me. For some this conversion will take time as anger,
disbelief will creep in as they shake their fists at me,
finally giving way to what has taken place and truly
realizing that I AM the truth,
the way, and the life. I have everything in control as I
prepare my army for battle to thwart the plans of the evil
one. For those whom discover this message after my children
have been raptured, you must surrender your hearts to ME,
letting go of this world
and what it has to offer. I REPEAT, do not accept the mark
of the beast. Forsake your fleshly desire, and give way for
your soul to step forth, and I shall deliver you up to MY
FATHER. Jesus."
Word Received by Virginia
I received a short message earlier today from the Lord Jesus Christ as follows, "Almost There"...another words, our departure is at the door. Keep looking up for He is coming at an hour when you think not. However He also says we are to watch. If we do not watch you will not know the hour of His coming.
Stay close for we are being tested now as He told me and also Barbra and Dan of Godshealer7 received a message today...we are now in the season of silencing.
In the last few days, I've had series of dreams on the rapture.
I was shown an image of the entire earth and centers of activity and conflict and the underlying understanding that the Islamic radicals were at the root of the major world conflicts. Missiles with white smoke streaked from east to west across the skies all over the world at once. People were going nuts and running everywhere and screaming, confused and having nowhere to hide.
Then an announcement came from the sky that Jesus had come and it was time to get in line. I ran
around to find my cat and grabbed him and when I got outside there were lines miles long of people waiting to be taken up. I ran past them because I didn't wanna wait to see Jesus LOL and I was drawn up into the sky and landed at a kind of pit stop where angels were doing various things and talking to people before they got to see Him. One angel who addressed me was a black lady with lots of braids and she asked me if I'd seen His face yet (because that's what i always think about!) I told her I hadn't. She had very dark skin and bright yellow eyes. She led me to some sort of a vehicle and told me to climb into the cab. In the driver's seat there was a man with light blue eyes who was really nice and he told me to cli
11/10/17 A Dream from God
After a night of nightmares in the real sense (the demons saying what they wanted to say to try to have me be the one to say Satan is better than Jesus)! I didn’t do it! I rebuked all the demons! Jesus is my hope, my love, my all! Amen! Amen! Amen! Finally, the demons left me alone, but then I had God to let me dream the following dream.
We were in South Carolina and I had a library book (specifically a New York book) that was due. There were 3 of us girls (we were younger) and 2 boys. One of the girls was tan and told us that she had a third eye. She flexed her eye and the third eye popped out. It was another eye, that was located on the middle of the two eyes but on the next step up. They acted like it was not a big deal. I was definitely unsure about it.
There was another young group that was headed to New York City. They were going for the pleasure of it all. We said that we were going so we could return the books. We had a reason to go. They were upset at us because they didn’t want us to go with them. I said that we would go separately. They were okay with what I said.
Everyone was sleepy and chose to take a nap, except for me. After a while, 2 hours, I realized I needed to tell the young group that we had to go. I told them it’s going to take a long time to get there (I had counted on my watch). We left there immediately.
It turned out that the girls had the same library book to return. Creepy! So, we all got in the car and headed to New York City. Finally, we got to the library. It was just a small house. We couldn’t go in. It was way too late!
Everyone knows you wouldn’t return a library book from South Carolina to New York. So, I did some digging (Maps). There is a Statue of Liberty Road in Lugoff, SC. I couldn’t see how I was counting on the watch, so I knew I had to count to find out the total trip. So, I found Statue of Liberty National Monument. It counts 11 hours 24 minutes. Could it be that something on the 11th – 12th of November is going to happen to New York City? If we counted according to time, it’s the 11th day and almost ½ of the 12th day. Interesting notion!
Why were the 3 girls with the SAME book? The number 3 of course is the number for the trinity. It is the number of crosses that were on the day Jesus was crucified, too. But, in the opposite of the Holy Trinity, it would be the Unholy Trinity known as Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet. I’m sure Obama would love to get his hands-on New York City and other major cities. What do you think will happen when the phoenix rises on the 11th of November (It is Finished, YouTube)? Something to think about!
The part that makes me leery is we were driving with a girl wearing a third eye. Maybe her religion taught her to have a third eye. But it was a real third eye, once she flexed the muscles around it! I do not know why the third eye was a part of the New York City dream.
Also, why did the group I was in want to go to sleep? It was a nap, but it still didn’t fit in. Unless, it could have been that the other group needed to leave immediately, and our group would rest for 2 hours. So, we wouldn’t be in the middle of what was going to happen to New York City. Maybe, that is what it is.
The library was just a small house. Small is “unimportant” and house is “dwelling” in Strong’s Concordance. Unimportant dwelling - the library was destroyed. It was way too late! We couldn’t go inside the library! It had to be somewhat demolished by a bomb nearby.
I don’t know why I dreamt it, but I did! I wanted to share it with everyone. God does things to try to get people to come to Him! It must have been the devil that bombed New York City! He does not care about us as humans. It is going to tear God to pieces to allow the Antichrist to do such things. But, we are at the close of grace. I don’t know if New York City is going to have tsunami or not right away. I can only feel bombs are headed to New York City. It feels like it is our bombs. Just exactly like the Twin Towers in New York City.
God be with everyone! God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit wants you to come to Heaven! You've been gone for too long, and it is time to repent, you who are lukewarm! For the unsaved, just do what is printed below and something extra special will happen! You will be saved!
***If you have not prayed the prayer for salvation, all you have to do really is just pray for forgiveness of sin and repent the sins (turn away from doing the sins). Then, you need to tell him you believe in Him! Tell Him how He suffered on a tree and then rose again! Tell Him how you need Him. It is really that easy! But, you must mean every word! And you must do it before it is too late!***
Rapture Dream by anonymous
Okay so I have been watching your videos for months now and I strongly believe in the pre-tribulation rapture and last night I was hit with a rapture dream I found very interesting and I think I have to share. It was a pretty quick dream and I understand if you guys might not post this I get it....but here's my dream.
So I was at school going to my class, I couldn't hear or say anything but I knew what was being heard and I could hear my own thoughts--it was like a movie without sound but you're living it out if that makes sense. I was in class and we have these chrome books and some of the keys were missing and not many keys were left on the board for the keyboards which could stand for people not being in the rapture. There was a loud, like extremely loud trumpet noise in the sky ( I knew it sounded but I couldn't hear it) then people were running around screaming and freaking out while I was waiting for the rapture to happen like I was ready and I wanted to go, but while we were running around we passed a McDonalds(btw there isn't one by my school) which could mean nothing but the M in McDonalds could stand for 666, I don't know it was just weird. Like I said it was pretty quick and before I could be rapture up I woke up. So that's it really and I appreciate that you took the time to read this. If there's a way I could stay anonymous I'll also appreciate that, much love and God bless.
Thanksgiving Vision by Paula Marie
I had this vision around this time last year but I thought I would mention it again as we are getting close to Thanksgiving
In this vision I saw some people sitting around a thanksgiving table holding hands and giving thanks to God for all that they had. And I saw Jesus standing there in the midst of them. And He said I want families to be together.
Then immediately after the scene switched. I saw an airport with all the planes sitting on the were going into the air. I heard in my spirit that all the airports have been flights were going anywhere because of a terrorist attack. .
I'm thinking that these two visions go together and there could possibly be a terror attack or threat around the time of the Thanksgiving holiday.
Anyway take this to the Lord...Jesus is coming soon! God bless you all!
When the Flowers Are in Full Bloom..Visions from the Lord by Paula Marie
Several years ago I had asked the Lord when the rapture would be...He told me "WHEN THE FLOWERS ARE IN FULL BLOOM"
So since that time, I had been wondering what that could possibly mean and naturally I thought it meant when the flowers are blooming the spring.
But also since that time, it had recently occurred to me that I had had several visions of flowers being in bloom, but it wasn't just any flower it was the white daisy.
I had visions of seeing daisies in fields blooming, and even one with Jesus on a white house giving daisies to these little girls. It looked like a wedding scene. So the Holy Spirit told me later on that the flowers Jesus was referring to were in fact WHITE DAISIES.
Not thinking about any of this at all....the year before last..... I bought some white daisies in a was around Mothers Day. They did well for a while, but around mid summer they started to die. In fact there wasn't much left to them and as a last ditch effort I planted them in the ground to save them. It was my last resort. We'll that fall they really grew and blossomed like I had never seen. A big bush appeared out of a barely living little plant.
Looking at this beautiful bush full of blooms, the Holy Spirit spoke and said to me again..."WHEN THE FLOWERS ARE IN FULL BLOOM"
I couldn't believe I bought those flowers, planted them in the ground without knowing that I may have been fulfilling the prophecy, the Lord told me about. The sign He had given me.
So this year I had been watching patiently for them to bloom. All summer there has not been anything on them only green until now. Yes today....all kinds of little white blooms are popping out all over the plant! Last year the bloomed until sometime in January before they died away again.
My heart is leaping for joy because I now this is the time of year, the Lord had spoke of....and they are just now coming into bloom!
Take this message with much encouragement and let it fill you heart with joy because He is giving me His sign! JESUS IS COMING SOON!
When the Flowers Are in Full Bloom..Visions from the Lord by Paula Marie
Several years ago I had asked the Lord when the rapture would be...He told me "WHEN THE FLOWERS ARE IN FULL BLOOM"
So since that time, I had been wondering what that could possibly mean and naturally I thought it meant when the flowers are blooming the spring.
But also since that time, it had recently occurred to me that I had had several visions of flowers being in bloom, but it wasn't just any flower it was the white daisy.
I had visions of seeing daisies in fields blooming, and even one with Jesus on a white house giving daisies to these little girls. It looked like a wedding scene. So the Holy Spirit told me later on that the flowers Jesus was referring to were in fact WHITE DAISIES.
Not thinking about any of this at all....the year before last..... I bought some white daisies in a was around Mothers Day. They did well for a while, but around mid summer they started to die. In fact there wasn't much left to them and as a last ditch effort I planted them in the ground to save them. It was my last resort. We'll that fall they really grew and blossomed like I had never seen. A big bush appeared out of a barely living little plant.
Looking at this beautiful bush full of blooms, the Holy Spirit spoke and said to me again..."WHEN THE FLOWERS ARE IN FULL BLOOM"
I couldn't believe I bought those flowers, planted them in the ground without knowing that I may have been fulfilling the prophecy, the Lord told me about. The sign He had given me.
So this year I had been watching patiently for them to bloom. All summer there has not been anything on them only green until now. Yes today....all kinds of little white blooms are popping out all over the plant! Last year the bloomed until sometime in January before they died away again.
My heart is leaping for joy because I now this is the time of year, the Lord had spoke of....and they are just now coming into bloom!
Take this message with much encouragement and let it fill you heart with joy because He is giving me His sign! JESUS IS COMING SOON!
Dream by Sheryl 11/7/17
A dream, a vision, and a talk from GOD, Yeshua Ha'Mashiach, & the Holy Spirit
Sheryl (Watchman)
I was given a dream about being a watchman. I was on an island and the man I was with was smiling at me. When I said that I want to stay, not go back to America, he looked at me and spoke to me. I said, "Why are you saying Ezekiel 33:3." I woke up and found what 33:3 was about. It is about being a watchman. So, I read further and it was about the responsibilities about being a watchman.
But, before I found it in the Bible, I saw the number 17 (vision). With my own eyes! I was waking up and saw it on the ceiling. It was number 17. What I know is that the King is near, so very near! Here's what I think is going to happen! They can change, because it is just supposition at this point! But, it is what I believe will happen. There are more things that are going to happen, but I don't know the dates.
11th A bomb is going to hit America when or before the fireworks go off & OBAMA becomes the antichrist (That would make sense how in my dream I got away to a store where I was hiding.)
12th Some kind of chaos begins
13th A bomb is going to hit Israel (13-15) Confirmed by GOD through a vision
14th Some unsuspecting weather or some event
15th New York City - bomb/tsunami
16th We are changed; Cascadia Subduction Zone causes California to have Earthquake (The Big One) and tsunami
17th Children go with few of the bride with God Confirmed by GOD today
Then, I prayed about everything, and I heard the song, Hey there Delilah. I asked why they were singing the song. I said I'd research the lyrics. Then, I asked about Ezekiel 33:3 verse and that part about being a watchman. He said that "Yes, I am a watchman!"
I checked the lyrics, and the lines that got me were:
What's it like in New York city? New York City is about to be bombed or destroyed by tsunami or both! They have been warned by prophets/prophetess.
Times Square can't shine as bright as you We are going to change and be light. We are going to carry the light to people who need the light (Jesus). We are going to know what to say, where to go, and what to do because of Jesus! Amen! Amen! Amen! This won't happen until the thing with New York city happens.
Don't you worry about the distance It can be quite a distance you are gonna go. It may be that some people will come to you. But, I think most people are going to go some distance and people are going to flock to them. They want the light!
I'm by your side No matter where you are, the Holy Spirit is right beside you! You can talk to him and he will talk to you. Jesus is right by your side, wanting to get as many people saved as possible.
We'll have the life we knew we would, My word is good This is talking to you whom may not be going with the first group. I believe that you know if you're going on the first group. It may be that you are supposed to stay for the guests or it may be that you are supposed to stay for the 40 days to help those left behind.
I'd walk to you if I had no other way It is said that the power when we change, we will walk or fly to get to the destination.
That by the time we get through, the world will never ever be the same This is speaking about the world being different when we are gone. We have tried our very best to get as many people to Heaven. When that last group is gone (40 day group), the world is going to be different. It is when the Mark is instituted to everyone. If they don't accept the Mark, they are beheaded. It is better to not accept the Mark and be beheaded for Jesus than to live for Satan, that will kill you without thinking about it. Love is Jesus only!
Speaking of songs, the famous one from Elvis was playing in my mind last night, "Glory, glory hallelujah." Read those lyrics for yourself - it is about the curtain call for America and war and rapture!
The Cascadia Subduction Zone was a quick dream I had on 7/4/17. It started out that we (in California) were walking in the sun and then it became ice. The weather is going to turn at an instant.
I saw a flash dream that had given me that Miami, FL had lost all the power. This was at March 4, 2017. I don't know if this is the hurricane they had or something that is about to happen.
People everywhere, listen to me! I want you to make it to Heaven! You are his only reason why he died, why he was resurrected, why he descended/ascended, and why he is coming to get us! He thought of YOU when he died! He has done everything - done it all - for YOU and ME! Won't you at least say a prayer of repentance and call out his name! It is all you have to do, he has done everything for you! Just forgive and repent (never do the sin again) and call his name! It is that simple! He loves YOU so much! How can you not love him back? The only sin that is unpardonable is the rejection of the Holy Spirit! If you're heart isn't hardened, then you can do this. It is a matter of life or death! Choose Jesus, Yeshua Ha'Mashiach.
Amen! Amen! Amen! To GOD be the glory! Come Lord Jesus, Come! Come Yeshua Ha'Mashiach, come! A dream, a vision, and a talk from GOD, Yeshua Ha'Mashiach, & the Holy Spirit
Sheryl (Watchman)
Received on 4/16/2011
By Sister Hyang Mi Moon
Location: Los Angeles, CA Korean Church
After the nightly prayer services, we had a time of impartation in which we received and accumulated more fire from Pastor Kim, Yong Tae.
Pastor Kim, Yong Tae said a prayer over us for blessings and for deeper revelation. He asked that the word be revealed with more wisdom and prophecy.
Within a couple minutes, I saw a vision. I saw a yellowish golden colored street with gem stones. “It is heaven!!” I thought to myself. But in within that moment, my body flew up into the air and I was above California.
In front of my eyes, I was witnessing the scene of a horrific earthquake and tsunami. The calamity was overwhelming the state of California (But I am not sure if the initial earthquake is going to shake the whole state or parts of it). The scene included cliffs on the shore crumbling with buildings and trees being engulfed by water.
A great and fearful event was occurring right in front of my eyes. My flesh, soul, and spirit were shouting with one voice. “Noooooooo!!! Noooooooooooo!!!!” What was being shown to me was too great to bear. I could not do anything but scream. My whole being was screaming. As I screamed, my body and soul trembled in fear.
I saw people dying. They were dying in vain. I saw the empty stares of the people. They did not have time to scream. They died as they were swallowed by the tsunami. Some attempted to escape by car. Some were running to escape. I saw the horrible fearful expression on their faces and eyes. It was a melting pot of terror and pandemonium. Chaos began to reign.
The Love in His Heart emanated toward us and those who did not believe in Him. His Heart was torn into million pieces as it dripped blood. As the Lord held His blood dripping Heart, He said,
Above the horrific scene, I saw the Heart of Father God. His Heart was torn into a million pieces.
Dream 11/2/17 Author Unknown
I was walking outside and it was daytime. The path I was walking on was a sidewalk and about 20 feet ahead of me was a single, white door. No building, just a door. And I knew in the dream that Jesus was behind that door and it was about to open!!! In the dream, I became super excited and I couldn’t believe that we were this close!!!
I just heard these words:
"Yes, share this message My Love. The door is open! You will radiate as My love is poured over you in full measure
11/5/17 A Dream from GODSheryl
In my dream, I have my white covered wedding album. I'm in a type of mall of sorts, looking at the album. I see a picture of me, young and in white, and my siblings are surrounding me in the picture. It is my first wedding. I've been remarried one time only.
All of a sudden, they make us get in a line; they are with guns. I am in an actual line! One sweet girl gets asked a couple of things and she leaves, crying. I have another gentleman who speaks to me in a room with nothing in it. He is quite vulgar and he has no problem with seductively rubbing against me (front). I say that I have a husband, but I try to minister to him. He leaves & a woman enters the room. She says that "Nobody tells him NO." Then she leaves the room. I am standing here, holding my album, and wondering what to do. The clock strikes 11:11 and a voice tells me to run out of there. I ran so fast and I found a store with clothes done the old fashioned way. I woke up from the dream and immediately wrote it down.
It is easy to say what the dream means. First, I was holding a wedding album. I haven't seen those pictures in a long time. My siblings were in the picture - only. That is telling me something right there, because both my brother and sister are brides - and they don't know it. He tells me that my brother will recognize he is a bride at the end, but I don't know about my sister.
Second, the "gentleman" seemed to be wanting to get with me. He didn't have any gun, but he had charisma. He was the devil himself. I talked about the husband I knew. That was Jesus. I tried to tell the man that I couldn't do anything with him, because I knew Jesus. I tried to tell the man about Jesus, but he walked away from me.
Thirdly, the woman entered the room. She told me point blank that basically I needed to be very scared because I told him NO. I meant NO. She left the room, too.
Finally, I was all alone in the room. It was like a clock existed, but it didn't, it was in my mind. The clock was flashing 11:11. It was like a flashing light that screamed at me 11:11. That means something! I think it could be my time of transformation (change). Also, the number 11 was on my cell phone after my husband said goodnight at work last night (text). Confirmation from God! Tomorrow, God said November 6 is the day of birth (according to gods gifts) of the male child. So, we should be changing tomorrow. But, if the child is treated with the 7 days and then the 33 to follow then several of the YouTubers are wrong by saying "We see Thanksgiving as being cancelled." Is it cancelled or are we gone? If it is just cancelled, we can still be the lighted ones (changed) that are needed by Jesus. Jesus said that "24 is the day!" The day whatever is going to take place in Israel, maybe? It could be that we are transformed on that day! Something is going to happen on the 24th day!
It is going to be this month! Regardless, whatever man says. The days have been messed up for a reason. He can also do the unthinkable - He can change time. It is totally irrelevant to God how we use time - especially calendars! So, it is going to be the 17th day (Hebrew), whenever that will be - as in the days of NOAH!
Take the information I have sent you always to Yeshua Ha'Mashiach (Jesus) for confirmation!
***If you have not prayed the prayer or you haven't prayed in a long time for salvation, all you have to do really is just pray for forgiveness of sin and repent the sins (turn away from doing the sins). Tell Him how He suffered on a tree and then rose again! Tell Him how you need Him. It is really that easy! But, you must mean every word!***
Gods Gifts said the baby will be born Sunday 5 at 3:30 AM (EST). I don't know if he's talking about this Sunday. She makes it sound like it is so. But it could be next Sunday. Or it could be November 24 because that it actually the 6th day of Kislev. Anyway, the date had to be changed!
Isaiah 25:11 And he shall spread forth his hands in the midst of them, as he that swimmeth spreadeth forth his hands to swim: and he shall bring down their pride together with the spoils of their hands. (This was a very important verse, because he later said the same thing again!)
God does not like pride! It is a sin! He is going to bring them down each time they try to build back up again. Look up Books of Jasher, where Nimrod was held down by God when the tower of Babel was being built.
God does not like pride! It is a sin! He is going to bring them down each time they try to build back up again. Look up Books of Jasher, where Nimrod was held down by God when the tower of Babel was being built.
Matthew 25:16 "And he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents."
It is easy to see that the people who made five talents out of five talents were greatly impressed. The Lord wants us to share his talents he gives us. He gives us certain gifts of the Spirit. We are to make the most of the gifts. When he sees that we are wanting to keep it to ourselves, to not share the great gospel according to your gifts, he is upset and casts you out into the "outer darkness" (Matthew 25:30).
Mark 6:11 "And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city."
This is one of the main verses He gives me! I say a little bit and I am bound to be called a nut. They (members of the family) do not believe the aliens are going to show up and they will be the actual fallen angels. I had to shake off my feet, because I know they are going to meet up with them. Everyone gets so use to what is on the television, that they cannot or will not comprehend what is actually getting ready to happen to them. Tell them and then shake it off!
Ephesians 6:10-18 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
The whole armour of God has to be worn every day! It is important, because it is vital to the Christian way of life. It is our warfare against spiritual demons. All parts of the armour of God has to be worn and lived so everyone can see that we are different!
Matthew 5:7 "Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy."
It is a good thing to be merciful! We have to have mercy on everybody. We especially need mercy on the unsaved that want to get rid of the Christians. We need to pray for the sinners and the saints!
Jeremiah 11:22-23 Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts, Behold, I will punish them: the young men shall die by the sword; their sons and their daughters shall die by famine: And there shall be no remnant of them: for I will bring evil upon the men of Anathoth, even the year of their visitation.
This is a very strong verse! God does not want anyone to perish. He wants to have as many people as he can to go to Heaven. But, this particular people he doesn't want them to be a "remnant." The men die with the sword and the sons and daughters have to go through a famine. There isn't any mention of "wife." That is what God did to Anathoth because they were seeking to kill Jeremiah. How mighty the Lord is!
John 3:16-19 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil."
It is always John 3:16 that I was taught and memorized. But, I was never taught 17-19. Why? It is one of the most beautiful verses in the Bible. It says that all we are to do is believe in Him, which means to pick up your cross and walk where he wants you to walk. And talk with him! It is that simple! Yet, we have lukewarm Christians who want to leave the cross behind and hope that it is still there when they need it the most! Awful! That is the problem - when they need it the most! When they are all of a sudden in a world of trouble, then they want to call on Jesus. It is like a game, they want to have Jesus when all worldly answers are not enough. Otherwise, they sweep 'em under the carpet, and believe me some people have no problem hiding Jesus. It is wrong! It is the worst thing you can do to your Lord! Lukewarm/backslidden Christians have this little light (Jesus) that shines, but they have the love for darkness (world) too.
I'm going to say that we need to include John 3:20-21 in this also.
"For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God."
It is time for the lukewarm Christians to step out of the darkness, and let the Lord see who you have become. Shame is good when standing in the light! It leads to forgiveness and a repentant heart! There is only two roads to take - one is made of light and the other is made of darkness. It is your choice, but choose wisely! Choose God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit!
2 (When) In the day of trouble evil shall be heaped up upon sinners; but the righteous shall triumph (How) in the name of the Lord of spirits.
Always be strong in the LORD! Never fear man, fear God!
***If you have not prayed the prayer or you haven't prayed in a long time for salvation, all you have to do really is just pray for forgiveness of sin and repent the sins (turn away from doing the sins). Tell Him how He suffered on a tree and then rose again! Tell Him how you need Him. It is really that easy! But, you must mean every word!***
I had a dream of fire raining on me Sitting on a black horse and later sitting on a very big white horse with wings holding a Bible and showing it to the entire world A light in a room becoming so bright that I couldn't withstand it To see aeroplanes all White from the sky and one carrying a very big atomic bomb and was directed at me... Thanks.
A Word of EncouragementIt is easy to see that the people who made five talents out of five talents were greatly impressed. The Lord wants us to share his talents he gives us. He gives us certain gifts of the Spirit. We are to make the most of the gifts. When he sees that we are wanting to keep it to ourselves, to not share the great gospel according to your gifts, he is upset and casts you out into the "outer darkness" (Matthew 25:30).
Mark 6:11 "And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city."
This is one of the main verses He gives me! I say a little bit and I am bound to be called a nut. They (members of the family) do not believe the aliens are going to show up and they will be the actual fallen angels. I had to shake off my feet, because I know they are going to meet up with them. Everyone gets so use to what is on the television, that they cannot or will not comprehend what is actually getting ready to happen to them. Tell them and then shake it off!
Ephesians 6:10-18 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
The whole armour of God has to be worn every day! It is important, because it is vital to the Christian way of life. It is our warfare against spiritual demons. All parts of the armour of God has to be worn and lived so everyone can see that we are different!
Matthew 5:7 "Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy."
It is a good thing to be merciful! We have to have mercy on everybody. We especially need mercy on the unsaved that want to get rid of the Christians. We need to pray for the sinners and the saints!
Jeremiah 11:22-23 Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts, Behold, I will punish them: the young men shall die by the sword; their sons and their daughters shall die by famine: And there shall be no remnant of them: for I will bring evil upon the men of Anathoth, even the year of their visitation.
This is a very strong verse! God does not want anyone to perish. He wants to have as many people as he can to go to Heaven. But, this particular people he doesn't want them to be a "remnant." The men die with the sword and the sons and daughters have to go through a famine. There isn't any mention of "wife." That is what God did to Anathoth because they were seeking to kill Jeremiah. How mighty the Lord is!
John 3:16-19 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil."
It is always John 3:16 that I was taught and memorized. But, I was never taught 17-19. Why? It is one of the most beautiful verses in the Bible. It says that all we are to do is believe in Him, which means to pick up your cross and walk where he wants you to walk. And talk with him! It is that simple! Yet, we have lukewarm Christians who want to leave the cross behind and hope that it is still there when they need it the most! Awful! That is the problem - when they need it the most! When they are all of a sudden in a world of trouble, then they want to call on Jesus. It is like a game, they want to have Jesus when all worldly answers are not enough. Otherwise, they sweep 'em under the carpet, and believe me some people have no problem hiding Jesus. It is wrong! It is the worst thing you can do to your Lord! Lukewarm/backslidden Christians have this little light (Jesus) that shines, but they have the love for darkness (world) too.
I'm going to say that we need to include John 3:20-21 in this also.
"For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God."
It is time for the lukewarm Christians to step out of the darkness, and let the Lord see who you have become. Shame is good when standing in the light! It leads to forgiveness and a repentant heart! There is only two roads to take - one is made of light and the other is made of darkness. It is your choice, but choose wisely! Choose God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit!
2 (When) In the day of trouble evil shall be heaped up upon sinners; but the righteous shall triumph (How) in the name of the Lord of spirits.
Always be strong in the LORD! Never fear man, fear God!
***If you have not prayed the prayer or you haven't prayed in a long time for salvation, all you have to do really is just pray for forgiveness of sin and repent the sins (turn away from doing the sins). Tell Him how He suffered on a tree and then rose again! Tell Him how you need Him. It is really that easy! But, you must mean every word!***
11/3/17 My research is done and confirmation has once again been received!
That was so awesome! Thank you for sharing! He is ready for us! Amen! Amen! Amen!
I put up the website for the calendar: Here it is. It explains a lot! I also found Amanda Christian and Chad Crawford's videos to show proof that the dates are wrong: They are 2 months behind! What is 11/3 is actually 9/3. It's crazy, but the time to go is this November, which is where we are at. Just remember, I was told by God that we leave with the children on September 27, 2017 (Monday - it will be in November). With the final say, I've received proof that it can be September 27, 2017 on November 27-28, 2017. That means that it is this month! That would be exactly 7 days (when Noah, family and animals went in the ark) prior to the ark leaving for the rain to begin. Then, the Monday is the 4-5 of December, when it rains. He gave me confirmation for the calendar above. There are 3 sets on the tabs in windows, I only did one! It's confirmation! I looked up and bam they were sitting as quietly to SHOUT OUT HIS PRESENCE. I am so excited to be going home!
He said in prayer for me to "batten down the hatches!" It is going to get crazy! According to TimFoster105's use of Wendi's excerpt (YouTube), we are leaving "during and after the climax!" It is going to be exciting, but we are going to see some things very soon that we wouldn't want to see! I do not know when the change is going to happen. I only know for sure that it will happen! As the sin gets dark, so the brides do shine! We mustn't forget about Antifa the 4th and 6th of November. Pray for those who do not know any better! And, on the10th or 11th we are going to keep our eyes on alert as they can do a lot on that day. Remember, that it is 911! That is the true day! Then, I believe that Jesus was saying the 24th is the day, because it is Monday, November 13 (our time). A bomb was planned for Israel on the 13-15 day of September. It may be the day that Israel has something to happen (Dome of the Rock, maybe). Oh yeah, Amanda Christian (YouTube) believes that the 21st is the scoreboard. A scoreboard for what? Look towards Israel!
Well, America is getting really bad! It's gonna get worse before we see the LORD Yeshua Ha'Mashiach, but we have been warned of the day! We should get as many people saved as possible! Look up TimFoster405 if you haven't done so already. It is very good to know about what is actually going to come. We are not given everything! But we are given quite a lot! Amen! Amen! Amen!
If you want to make sure your name is in the Book of Life, then please know all you have to do is Repent/Forgive and Pray. He said it is really that simple! He wants to know that you want Him enough to lay down your everything and follow Him even to death! He was crucified, resurrected, and ascended into Heaven. It is real! Both, Heaven and Hell are real! He wants to have people in His heaven, everyone can get to Heaven through the faith and belief in Yeshua Ha'Mashiac (Jesus). You must mean every word - for he sees your heart!
Every day you must put on the whole armour of God (Ephesians 6:11-18). You must spend time with Him (Praise, Worship, Talk, Listen, and Read the Bible). You must reach as many people as you can! Ask the Lord what the divine plan is for you. It may be to wait until you are changed (transformed). Ask and you will receive from Him!
If you said that prayer with deep meaning, congratulations! You are a brother or a sister in the Kingdom of God! Amen! Amen! Amen! To God be the glory!
Jesus said, "I want to make sure that everyone is in my kingdom. Do you have to try to be in my kingdom? Yes, you have to try. Someone just asked me that question, so I answered it. If you don't want me then you don't need me. You must need me! If you need me you will do as I say when the power of transformation is there upon you. You have to get rid of all your personal belongings (This is hobbies and stuff that you don't want). You are not ready to go with the others if you have to cling to the world. You won't be transformed if the world is in you. You must see that I AM the I AM! You must know how to get rid of the world and choose me. Many people in my groups are going to get the power I promised them, and they are going to be amazed! They will probably be changed in a blink of an eye. Some people will be changed in the night time, others will be changed in the day time. It does matter where they live."
Your Yeshua Ha'Mashiach
Wow! Jesus just had me to add what he was saying just now! That was amazing! Amen! Amen! Amen! He is our King! We are to serve Him always! If he hasn't been talking to you, you have got to make more time with Him. Example: Folding your clothes can wait in the place of your LORD, one hour is what he commands! That's also what he means by personal belongings. Give God what is God's! It is loving and important for the brides to do things with the Husband (Jesus)! Remember, you (church) are the bride! And, you must act like the bride! Batten down the hatches, everyone! It is going to get intense!
Dream by Kwabena
I had a dream of fire raining on me Sitting on a black horse and later sitting on a very big white horse with wings holding a Bible and showing it to the entire world A light in a room becoming so bright that I couldn't withstand it To see aeroplanes all White from the sky and one carrying a very big atomic bomb and was directed at me... Thanks.
I feel better whenever I can take my mind off me and my problems and recognize, the even greater plight of others. Sometimes we look at the storm rather then keep a steadfast view of Christ. Like, when Peter was walking on the water and took his eyes off Christ for a moment and looked at the storm! He sank! The same happens to us, we are not exempt. The storms of life can be quite tumultuous. Regardless, we must ask that our eyes be set like flint towards Him, knowing that at any moment He will say, peace be still. What we seem to forget is that not only can He speak to a storm, we have been given the same authority and even to do greater things. Before He returns for us, we must learn at all times to stay connected and to take authority over the enemy and resist him until Jesus comes for us. He sits back and waits for us to become lax in our relationship with the Father. He never tires or sleeps in his vigilance to watch us carefully and make his attack. When we fail in prayer or communication and wander spiritually away from our Father, the opportunity presents itself for satan to attack us. His purpose if nothing else, is to weaken us to the point to cause our demise. Even though we may enter heaven, we are no longer a threat on earth. Many lives rest upon us. We must and we will prevail in their behalf. We were not created to lose. But, like our Savior who has already won, so have we. We must not forget this. Spirit must maintain it's position over flesh. Otherwise, all I mentioned will occur. Author Unknown |
His Kingdom Prophecy
“Today is a day of the supernatural. Many are looking to counterfeits as though they were the original of My creation. They call demons “extraterrestrials” as if they have human virtue even.
Little do they know what they are entertaining! Just as the pagans worship demons, so they give worship to these “beings” they give honor to, and fantasize about how they might give some supernatural power to them.
But I tell you they are demonized in the pursuit of evil. And thus the world continues to spiral towards fulfillment of all sorts of perversion as I said would happen in these times.
Can you see it My children? Can you see the deception that is set up for the end time play out of events? There is a shaking coming because of the increase in evil of every kind. I have called you as PRIESTS OF THE LORD MOST HIGH to speak the truth and teach the difference between good and evil.
“But the priests, the Levites, the sons of Zadok, who kept charge of My sanctuary when the children of Israel went astray from Me, they shall come near Me to minister to Me; and they shall stand before Me to offer to Me the fat and the blood,” says the Lord GOD.
“They shall enter My sanctuary, and they shall come near My table to minister to Me, and they shall keep My charge. And it shall be, whenever they enter the gates of the inner court, that they shall put on linen garments; no wool shall come upon them while they minister within the gates of the inner court or within the house.
They shall have linen turbans on their heads and linen trousers on their bodies; they shall not clothe themselves with anything that causes sweat. When they go out to the outer court, to the outer court to the people, they shall take off their garments in which they have ministered, leave them in the holy chambers, and put on other garments; and in their holy garments they shall not sanctify the people.
They shall neither shave their heads, nor let their hair grow long, but they shall keep their hair well trimmed.
No priest shall drink wine when he enters the inner court.
They shall not take as wife a widow or a divorced woman, but take virgins of the descendants of the house of Israel, or widows of priests.
And they shall teach My people the difference between the holy and the unholy, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean.
In controversy they shall stand as judges, and judge it according to My judgments. They shall keep My laws and My statutes in all My appointed meetings, and they shall hallow My Sabbaths,” Ezekiel 44:15-24 NKJV.
The wicked now claim to be able to create human life, and steal from ME the honor and glory due My name! They think they have the keys to life and death.
Their arrogance has arisen to the heavens and it will be met with humbling and judgment! I will show great displays of my power so that all the earth will know that I alone am God and there is no other!
I have My own extraterrestrials and they are angels of GLORY and they are awesome to behold and they are coming to your home, and to your neighborhood, and greater are they who are for you, than they who are against you!
The wicked surround My beloved Israel and do harlotry in her midst, and no one is outraged enough to boldness to proclaim My truth publicly! Where is the Lord God of Elijah they cry out.
But I cry and I weep, and I say, “Where is the one who will weep with me?” Where is the priest who will cry between the porch and the altar. Where is faith? Where is the one who will stand up against the evildoers?
Where there is injustice, when will MY people who are called by My name stand up for righteousness and justice? There are merely a few who would declare My word to this generation.
So I will do a mighty work in your time among the young and the remnant of My people who choose MY ways to their own! I will pour out MY GLORY; the fire of MY LOVE and I will empower them in a most unusual way that they will be LIFE to those in darkness and LIGHT to the blind.
I will RESTORE all that the enemy has stolen. I will come with POWER and MIGHT to declare My works to this generation and they will be raised up as a mighty army and will be made MY SHEWBREAD!
I will STRIKE at the heart of IDOLATRY in the lands of the earth and I will show signs in the heavens and earth below. I will not let their words fall to the ground, like Samuel. I will give them BOLDNESS like Elijah, I will give them HUMILITY like Moses, and a heart like DAVID!
I will give them the BEST of ALL of the heroes of the faith! They will be MIGHTY and nothing will withstand the blade of righteousness that I put in your hands! I will destroy the ramparts of the enemy!
I will bring down false religions and false ideologies, I will SLAY the dragon of Buddhism! I will destroy the WALL of the spirit of ISLAM! I will destroy all that lifts itself up against ME and MY people!
I will make utter chaos in the kingdom of darkness! I will slay the wicked with the sword of judgment, who will not turn to ME.
If you do not weep for the LOST, how can you understand MY LOVE AND COMPASSION for them? You cannot even love each other, so how can you love the lost with MY LOVE?
BRANDISH your hearts ! GIVE them to ME for restoration My beloveds for I AM coming with a terrible swift sword in My hands! Ask for the FIRE and I will bring it! ASK for deliverance and I will bring it! Ask for healing and I will bring it! Ask for salvation for friends and loved ones, and I will bring it. Encourage yourselves in FAITH, for you will have much need for it in the ensuing days! RECOGNIZE the signs of the times.
Which of you are willing to see the souls of the perishing as I see them? Which of you are willing to GO when I ask you to GO for US? WHEN will you understand MY PRIORITIES are NOT your priorities? My ways are NOT your ways! I AM concerned with souls. I AM concerned with healing and deliverance.
While you meet in committees to decide how to make more money for your ministry, I AM WEEPING for the souls I see perishing every day! While you sit comfortably in your homes, I AM WEEPING for the homeless!
When will you practice true religion even with those who sit in your own churches? Do you have single mothers who are barely making it? Do you care that they are worn out and too embarrassed to ask for your help? Who of you will give heed to the WORDS I have spoken and seek MY OPINION on that one who sits next to you in church who has no friend, or no place to lay his head?
Who has no car, or no conveniences in his life? The one who earns minimum wage and eats rice and beans everyday while you gorge yourselves on more and more! SELF will be destroyed when I COME!
The flesh will be burned. Why not ask for it now, that you may have MY EYES to see with, My ears to hear with, and My heart to weep with? Come and I will show you things you have not been able to see! I will show you pain and sorrow, I will show you beauty realms and the wonders of heaven, if you will but come and gain MY HEART and MY COMPASSION!
Come MY beloveds, for I long to show you the best of all things and the worst of all things that you may be TRANSFORMED to MY LIKENESS and image, and ways. I AM the LOVER of your souls, and NOTHING is too hard for ME.
Come and let me change the strings of your heart. Come and let me take you HIGHER into realms of GLORY.
Author Unknown
His Kingdom Prophecy
“Today is a day of the supernatural. Many are looking to counterfeits as though they were the original of My creation. They call demons “extraterrestrials” as if they have human virtue even.
Little do they know what they are entertaining! Just as the pagans worship demons, so they give worship to these “beings” they give honor to, and fantasize about how they might give some supernatural power to them.
But I tell you they are demonized in the pursuit of evil. And thus the world continues to spiral towards fulfillment of all sorts of perversion as I said would happen in these times.
Can you see it My children? Can you see the deception that is set up for the end time play out of events? There is a shaking coming because of the increase in evil of every kind. I have called you as PRIESTS OF THE LORD MOST HIGH to speak the truth and teach the difference between good and evil.
“But the priests, the Levites, the sons of Zadok, who kept charge of My sanctuary when the children of Israel went astray from Me, they shall come near Me to minister to Me; and they shall stand before Me to offer to Me the fat and the blood,” says the Lord GOD.
“They shall enter My sanctuary, and they shall come near My table to minister to Me, and they shall keep My charge. And it shall be, whenever they enter the gates of the inner court, that they shall put on linen garments; no wool shall come upon them while they minister within the gates of the inner court or within the house.
They shall have linen turbans on their heads and linen trousers on their bodies; they shall not clothe themselves with anything that causes sweat. When they go out to the outer court, to the outer court to the people, they shall take off their garments in which they have ministered, leave them in the holy chambers, and put on other garments; and in their holy garments they shall not sanctify the people.
They shall neither shave their heads, nor let their hair grow long, but they shall keep their hair well trimmed.
No priest shall drink wine when he enters the inner court.
They shall not take as wife a widow or a divorced woman, but take virgins of the descendants of the house of Israel, or widows of priests.
And they shall teach My people the difference between the holy and the unholy, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean.
In controversy they shall stand as judges, and judge it according to My judgments. They shall keep My laws and My statutes in all My appointed meetings, and they shall hallow My Sabbaths,” Ezekiel 44:15-24 NKJV.
The wicked now claim to be able to create human life, and steal from ME the honor and glory due My name! They think they have the keys to life and death.
Their arrogance has arisen to the heavens and it will be met with humbling and judgment! I will show great displays of my power so that all the earth will know that I alone am God and there is no other!
I have My own extraterrestrials and they are angels of GLORY and they are awesome to behold and they are coming to your home, and to your neighborhood, and greater are they who are for you, than they who are against you!
The wicked surround My beloved Israel and do harlotry in her midst, and no one is outraged enough to boldness to proclaim My truth publicly! Where is the Lord God of Elijah they cry out.
But I cry and I weep, and I say, “Where is the one who will weep with me?” Where is the priest who will cry between the porch and the altar. Where is faith? Where is the one who will stand up against the evildoers?
Where there is injustice, when will MY people who are called by My name stand up for righteousness and justice? There are merely a few who would declare My word to this generation.
So I will do a mighty work in your time among the young and the remnant of My people who choose MY ways to their own! I will pour out MY GLORY; the fire of MY LOVE and I will empower them in a most unusual way that they will be LIFE to those in darkness and LIGHT to the blind.
I will RESTORE all that the enemy has stolen. I will come with POWER and MIGHT to declare My works to this generation and they will be raised up as a mighty army and will be made MY SHEWBREAD!
I will STRIKE at the heart of IDOLATRY in the lands of the earth and I will show signs in the heavens and earth below. I will not let their words fall to the ground, like Samuel. I will give them BOLDNESS like Elijah, I will give them HUMILITY like Moses, and a heart like DAVID!
I will give them the BEST of ALL of the heroes of the faith! They will be MIGHTY and nothing will withstand the blade of righteousness that I put in your hands! I will destroy the ramparts of the enemy!
I will bring down false religions and false ideologies, I will SLAY the dragon of Buddhism! I will destroy the WALL of the spirit of ISLAM! I will destroy all that lifts itself up against ME and MY people!
I will make utter chaos in the kingdom of darkness! I will slay the wicked with the sword of judgment, who will not turn to ME.
If you do not weep for the LOST, how can you understand MY LOVE AND COMPASSION for them? You cannot even love each other, so how can you love the lost with MY LOVE?
BRANDISH your hearts ! GIVE them to ME for restoration My beloveds for I AM coming with a terrible swift sword in My hands! Ask for the FIRE and I will bring it! ASK for deliverance and I will bring it! Ask for healing and I will bring it! Ask for salvation for friends and loved ones, and I will bring it. Encourage yourselves in FAITH, for you will have much need for it in the ensuing days! RECOGNIZE the signs of the times.
Which of you are willing to see the souls of the perishing as I see them? Which of you are willing to GO when I ask you to GO for US? WHEN will you understand MY PRIORITIES are NOT your priorities? My ways are NOT your ways! I AM concerned with souls. I AM concerned with healing and deliverance.
While you meet in committees to decide how to make more money for your ministry, I AM WEEPING for the souls I see perishing every day! While you sit comfortably in your homes, I AM WEEPING for the homeless!
When will you practice true religion even with those who sit in your own churches? Do you have single mothers who are barely making it? Do you care that they are worn out and too embarrassed to ask for your help? Who of you will give heed to the WORDS I have spoken and seek MY OPINION on that one who sits next to you in church who has no friend, or no place to lay his head?
Who has no car, or no conveniences in his life? The one who earns minimum wage and eats rice and beans everyday while you gorge yourselves on more and more! SELF will be destroyed when I COME!
The flesh will be burned. Why not ask for it now, that you may have MY EYES to see with, My ears to hear with, and My heart to weep with? Come and I will show you things you have not been able to see! I will show you pain and sorrow, I will show you beauty realms and the wonders of heaven, if you will but come and gain MY HEART and MY COMPASSION!
Come MY beloveds, for I long to show you the best of all things and the worst of all things that you may be TRANSFORMED to MY LIKENESS and image, and ways. I AM the LOVER of your souls, and NOTHING is too hard for ME.
Come and let me change the strings of your heart. Come and let me take you HIGHER into realms of GLORY.
Author Unknown
Dream by Paula Marie
I had a dream last night that I was with some family members at wal-mart, some I hadn't seen in a long time. We were all talking and standing by the front doors where the candy machines are. And next to them was a chip (mark of the beast) machine. As we were talking one by one, they got out their cc questions asked and put it into this machine.
The machine gave them the tools needed to insert the chip. They did this as they were still talking about worldly things as if you were buying a soda from a vending machine. I watched them one by one get the chip. And I asked why they were doing it and they said it was no big deal...just something they've been wanting to do, so just getting it over with. I was the only one that didn't get the chip.
I was thinking to myself....I wonder how long it will be before they make me do this? End of dream.
Dream by El laine
Well I had an interesting dream last night. I dreamed that the Lord told me that he was going to straighten out for once and for all all the false Doctrines, truth, misconceptions, where people are bending the truth, and where the devil has sown his lies and deception regarding the rapture, and transformation. We are going to no TRUTH from the lies that satan has put out, in deceiving the bride of Christ. Very soon we will start getting positive feedback which will make satan look like the liar that he is. It's either going to be very shortly,, or immediate and we won't mistake it.
Dream by Wendi
Dream by Wendi
1 John 2:18New American Standard Bible (NASB)
18 Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard thatantichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared; from this we know that it is the last hour.
only i looked up 218 and saw this scripture
maybe it means tribulation/flood is coming
11/1/17 Dream from Jesus by Sheryl
There were two flash words: catapult and washed out. I looked up the word catapult and received "hurl." There was a whole lot more about catapult but "hurl" is what I used.
I was thinking about the way they are going to "hurl" fire to a specific place (NYC and Washington DC). Then, a thought got me interested in a tail. In Revelation 12:4 it mentions that "And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to earth..." That would definitely be catapulting the stars to earth. This was the Bible verse that the Holy Spirit wanted to use. I wasn't even thinking about the dragon. It was His idea. I haven't heard the word catapult in a long time. But he said catapult in my dream.
The words "washed out" could mean everything. It could have some meaning for the woman feeling "washed out" from all the travailing she had with the child. It could also mean that there is a river (Mississippi River) that could be washed out. It is going down with the water level. I heard that it is going down the Madrid Fault Line. Who knows. But it has to be going somewhere.
Then, I had a dream where I was driving a small group of girls. We were headed to the beach. I know I said the name of the beach, but I didn't know the name when I woke up. We drove beside a road, I felt that it might have been the road for the beach. Instead, we kept going straight. Somehow we made it to the beach. Then, I woke up.
In my dream, I know I wasn't anywhere near where I live. The beach is 2 hours away. I had like 4 or 5 girls with me. They were all high school aged. I've never done that before. So, I wonder is that my group (transformed) that I'm going to meet and I'll drive? My husband called and so that dream ended. I really wanted to know what happened. I guess I could TRY to remember the dream and see if I can go for a second time.
The time is NOW! You have to decide if you want the devil or Jesus! I beg of you to choose Jesus. He loves you!
Say a prayer, you do have time! The short version: Repent and call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Then, you need to get your hands on anything that says the 3 days of darkness. Better to be safe and equipped than to not be!
We're going home! We're gonna see some things first. But, the destination is HOME!
Prophetic Oracle of YHWH (Author Unknown)
I have warned at the beginning of this year through My True Prophets of Mine across the earth what would occur in 2016 and beyond this year. Now that we are in 5777, now that we are entering into the end of 2016, many things now come to be. Many…many…many things that I mourn about, that I know that I have to do now.
Soon I take the person in My Son (Manchild), the Woman and My Son and her family, and those that have been found worthy, who have been standing in the gap of the Earth, praying and fasting and crying out and putting on these ashes and on sackcloth for many, many, many years now.
What happens, Earth, when you don't have an Intercessor? What happens, Earth, when My Two Witnesses are taken away, who have been My Hand of Mercy in these last few years? When they come back, oh they bring My Judgments in ways you can't even imagine! Everything that is written shall come to pass! EVERYTHING!!!
MY Messages have fallen on deaf ears, on hardened hearts, on seared minds, on stiff necks! Oh you will see! YOU WILL NOW SEE!
You should have obeyed MY WORD!
You should have obeyed MY Prophets!
You now get what you deserve!
And in My Mercy, I shall have the Greatest Last Harvestings of My Beloved lost ones coming back to ME, and My SON Yahushua HaMashiach~
Jesus Christ, and Our Holy Spirit, the Ruach HaKodesh.
There is no more Time! THERE IS NO MORE TIME!
Father, I thank You for Your wonderful Justice and Judgment that is coming; for the wrath that You must pour out now. As I've stood in the gap for so many years as so many others, brothers and sisters across the world, LORD, that it's time to wrap this up now. Let us be found accounted worthy when You come oh God, let us be found accounted worthy to stand before the Son of God.
We thank You, we thank You Lord, Yahushua HaMashiach for coming,
for hearing everyone crying out across the world for their
Beloved Bridegroom to come!
We thank You, Ruach HaKodesh for infilling us even more~
for comforting us in this time of what is upon us.
Let it all be according to Thy Word, oh Father God Almighty YAHUWAH…
On this day, on this night of October 31st, 2016 (Tishrei 29, 5777).
In the Blessed Yahushua HaMashiach~
our Beloved Coming's Name,
North Korea and Kim Jong-un
Coup Against President Trump
Christian Believers will disappear.
Author Unknown
“For the day of the LORD of hosts shall come upon everyone that is proud and lofty, and upon everyone that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low.”
Isaiah 2:12
“The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD comes.”
Joel 2:31
“The great day of the LORD is near, it is near, and hastens quickly, even the voice of the day of the LORD: there the mighty man shall cry out bitterly.”
Zephaniah 1:14
“Wail you; for the day of the LORD is at hand; it shall come as destruction from the Almighty”
Isaiah 13:6
“Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the LORD'S wrath; but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of his jealousy: for he shall make even a speedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land.”
Zephaniah 1:18
“Behold, the day of the LORD comes, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy its sinners out of it.”
Isaiah 13:9
“For the day is near, even the day of the LORD is near, a cloudy day; it shall be the time of the heathen.”
Ezekiel 30:3
“For the stars of heaven and its constellations shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in its going forth, and the moon shall not cause its light to shine.”
Isaiah 13:10
“Alas for the day! For the day of the LORD is at hand.
“But who may endure the day of his coming? And who shall stand when he appears? For he is like a refiner's fire, and like
Skies Turn Red by Augusto Perez
"I was laying on my bed in the middle of the night when I was awakened. As I sat up in my bed and looked to the right, I had an open vision and I saw the skies and noticed that they had turned into a deep red and became very menacing." As I changed my focus, the vision vanished and I had an uneasy feeling in my spirit that I had just received a warning from the LORD.
I believe that the red skies vision forecasts that terrible judgments and disasters are about to befall this nation. I also believe this has something to do with a coming war. Things are about to turn real bad in the very near future with riots in the streets, killing, bloodshed and martial law. This could be both a symbolic warning that things are about to go south in this nation, but it could also be a true representation of what may happen in the not too distant future as a large celestial object makes its close approach to planet earth.
Transformation Dream by Paula Marie
In this dream I was in what looked like a school for some reason. There were lots of people there. All of a sudden I looked down at myself and my body had been transformed. I went to the gym and started jumping and leaping around....dancing as if I were a ballerina. There was a man who didn't get transformed. Movie screens were playing for everyone to see and it showed the mans sins...the reason why he didn't get his transformed body.
Then I went into a cafeteria where there were many long tables....people were sitting around and talking. Then this lady came in to talk to me and I knew immediately who she was. She was the person in charge of distributing the monetary awards.
She sat down across from me and said....Now you are not going to give this money to those teenagers over there are you? And I said no I wasn't... and that was all she said. End of dream.
Vision of Hillary Clinton by Paula Marie
I have known about this vision for some time....but had yet to talk about it. But today seems like an appropriate time.
In my vision I saw Hillary Clinton and a lot of other high ranking public figures in Washington. They looked like they were at this gathering, some king of party...Obama was there too.
All of a sudden the scene had changed, the people started praying...only it wasn't praying, it was chanting and they were doing some weird ritualistic stuff which looked very much like witchcraft.
I knew that what they were doing was very powerful and that it was meant to bring down Trump and the Christians that were supporting him.
They were calling on the principalities of the fire, wind, earth and water to seek, kill and destroy and to cause people to turn against President Trump and the people supporting him.
As they gathered, more and more people came and I could sense their power going out and becoming stronger and stronger.
I live in Illinois, and I'm a long time listener of yours and have emailed you before. I am a teacher at a school on the grounds of a military base, I need to be vague so I'm not found out. Yesterday our principal informed the staff that the entire base, which borders two different communities, would be having a mass readiness drill, with increased activities beyond the usual monthly siren tests. Law enforcement/first responders for both towns have been notified, and we were told to make sure our kids are immediately brought inside if at recess when sirens go off, otherwise business as usual. With all of the chatter concerned ng the NK situation, I thought this was relevant.God Bless You and keep you,
The information below was gathered from ANTIFA flyers posted in cities across America advertising their plan to riot on Nov. 4, 2017. Citizens avoid these locations at the times indicated. Share to friends or family if they live in these cities or anyone will be traveling there.
Time: 12 PM Location: 4th Ave. & James St.
Seattle City Hall Plaza
Time: 2 PM Location: Salmon St. Fountain
Time: 3 PM Location: Union Square
Time: 1 PM Location: Pershing Square
Time: 2 PM Location: Thomas Paine Plaza
1401 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
Time: 9:30 AM Location: Ala Moana Park (EWA Side)
Time: 1 PM Location: Public Square
Time: 1 PM Location: 219 S. Dearborn, Federal Plaza
Time: 4 PM Location: 1 Franklin St., Shoppers Plaza
Time: 1 PM Location: 422 Guadalupe St., Republic Square Park
Time: 4 PM Location: Euclid & Moreland Ave. NE
Little 5 Points / Findlay Plaza
10/30/17 Given by God
Today, I was given Bible verses from God to give to you all. We never know when it will be our final message! We are going home! A lot of bad things will happen. When we hear of a bomb going off in Israel, get ready! Somewhere after that point we go! To God be the glory! All of this is from GOD. He wants you to know that if you are not 100% sure of where you’re going – Heaven or Hell – he wants you to say the prayer below! (The next paragraph happened to me while I was typing, it was Jesus!)
“Do not miss the rapture because you loved the world (luxuries) more than ME! You must give up the world and carry your cross, like I did for everyone! Then, and only then, will you be ready for what it coming! There is a lot that is going to happen that is very bad, but Bride, there is a lot of good that’s going to happen too! You’ll see. Make your stand today which side you want to cling to. There may not be time to waste. Your salvation is what matters, and your heart will tell me if it is good or not. Don’t stop loving me, it hurts when you do. Always love me! Let me answer your question, just ask. Just talk to me! Before it is too late! I want to see many of my children in Heaven!” (That was from Jesus himself! Wow! A very strong message!)
Matthew 12:25 And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand”
John 3:16-19 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, the whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.”
Leviticus 20:26 And ye shall be holy unto me: for I the LORD am holy, and have severed you from other people, that ye should be mine. (I put this one in there to remind us of how he is HOLY.)
Acts 6:10 And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spake.
Matthew 6:15 (And verse 14 was mine) “For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: but if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”
Isaiah 4:6 And there shall be a tabernacle for a shadow in the daytime from the heat, and for a place of refuge, and for a covert from storm and from rain.
Mark 3:11 And unclean spirits, when they saw him, fell down before him, and cried, saying, Thou art the Son of God.
If you do not know Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus) as your LORD, Savior and King, here’s your chance!
***If you have not prayed the prayer for salvation, all you have to do really is just pray for forgiveness of sin and repent the sins (turn away from doing the sins). Then, you need to invite him into your heart! Tell Him how He suffered on a tree and then rose again! Tell Him how you need Him. It is really that easy! But, you must mean every word!***
TRANSFORMATION DREAM BY EL LAINE“Do not miss the rapture because you loved the world (luxuries) more than ME! You must give up the world and carry your cross, like I did for everyone! Then, and only then, will you be ready for what it coming! There is a lot that is going to happen that is very bad, but Bride, there is a lot of good that’s going to happen too! You’ll see. Make your stand today which side you want to cling to. There may not be time to waste. Your salvation is what matters, and your heart will tell me if it is good or not. Don’t stop loving me, it hurts when you do. Always love me! Let me answer your question, just ask. Just talk to me! Before it is too late! I want to see many of my children in Heaven!” (That was from Jesus himself! Wow! A very strong message!)
Matthew 12:25 And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand”
John 3:16-19 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, the whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.”
Leviticus 20:26 And ye shall be holy unto me: for I the LORD am holy, and have severed you from other people, that ye should be mine. (I put this one in there to remind us of how he is HOLY.)
Acts 6:10 And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spake.
Matthew 6:15 (And verse 14 was mine) “For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: but if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”
Isaiah 4:6 And there shall be a tabernacle for a shadow in the daytime from the heat, and for a place of refuge, and for a covert from storm and from rain.
Mark 3:11 And unclean spirits, when they saw him, fell down before him, and cried, saying, Thou art the Son of God.
If you do not know Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus) as your LORD, Savior and King, here’s your chance!
***If you have not prayed the prayer for salvation, all you have to do really is just pray for forgiveness of sin and repent the sins (turn away from doing the sins). Then, you need to invite him into your heart! Tell Him how He suffered on a tree and then rose again! Tell Him how you need Him. It is really that easy! But, you must mean every word!***
I had a dream last night regarding the transformation and Heaven and our departure from this Earth.
I included in an article from Hope I'll call as a bride. I am using her article as confirmation to my dream that I had
The dream consisted of me living in Heaven and or in the Millennium Kingdom I had besides for employment to a number of firms and I finally got an interview with this one firm. The interviewer thought that I was a very hard worker until I was assigned the task along with three other ladies to design a directory, all the citizens living in my community.
It was a simple directory of names addresses and a phone number. It was my job to alphabetize the names and write down the permanent street address and phone number.
I remember that the clothes were super fashionable but comfortable in order for us to do our task. I also remember hitting my position because I was a hard worker and I didn't slight my job responsibilities. There were men as well as women working in my office and the Lord oversaw everyone. Now the important part of my dream. As people come together they like to know your history and where you come from. And they asked me how old I was. I told them my age.
Chronologically I am not a spring chicken. My birthday is in January the 1st month of the year and it's in the latter part of the month. In the dream when they asked me how old I was because you really couldn't tell I told them that I am 68 years old and they were surprised. Next to the angels and Jesus I was a senior worker, in that office setting.
It appeared that I never got a year older before we were translated and transformed. Whatever age you were when you got transformed was the age you would be for all eternity. Your appearance was very youthful did not indicate your real age. So this article by Hope from Call of the Bride gives confirmation to my dream. Even though we were not out of here right now I can look forward to not see my next birthday.
Dear Paula,I found out that we have been missing days. This is crazy! But, here is what we know. We don't know when the day of October 27 (actually September) really is going to be. Please post this to all of the readers on this channel. It could be anywhere between now and the 6th of November. It is crazy! But, it can give your bloggers a lot of information to ponder! That is for sure!
This is so very messed up! Now, the Gregorian calendar is off by 10-12 days. So, we could be leaving on 11/6 – 11/10 as planned, because, that day was 10-12 days off. It’s November 6 (Really October 27th the way we do the Gregorian calendar now AND September for the way Hebrews do their calendar – a leap year). The October 27th was the old way of doing things (October 27, 2106 b.c.e.) Then, we had to go and mess it up. To get to October 27, we have to add 11 days which will get us to November 6, 2017 (Hebrew days/nights). And that day is the 17th day of the second month which is in certainty October 27, 2017 ( This is so messed up! When is the real October 27, 2017? Here is the research below.
If you were living in England or one of the American colonies 260 years ago, this date—September 13, 1752—didn’t exist. Neither did the 10 days preceding it. Instead, you would have gone to bed on the evening of September 2 and woken up on the morning of September 14. Eleven days had been effectively skipped over as part of the parliamentary measure that implemented the Gregorian calendar, aligning Britain and its overseas possessions with the rest of Western Europe. In most of the world today, people continue to track their days, months and years using the centuries-old system, so chances are you’re intimately familiar with its workings. Still, there are a few things about the Gregorian calendar that might come as a surprise.
5. Britain’s adoption of the Gregorian calendar sparked riots and protest—maybe.
According to some accounts, English citizens did not react kindly after an act of Parliament advanced the calendar overnight from September 2 to September 14, 1752. Rioters supposedly took to the streets, demanding that the government “give us our 11 days.” However, most historians now believe that these protests never occurred or were greatly exaggerated. On the other side of the Atlantic, meanwhile, Benjamin Franklin welcomed the change, writing, “It is pleasant for an old man to be able to go to bed on September 2, and not have to get up until September 14.”
Or is it on October 30th? That could be October 27-28 (really September). It has been shared of “10 days that will pass from the new moon” (It is Finished Youtube). Mine was talking about the moon, too! There is something between the 10/26 and October 30. No matter what, the October 27, 2017 (actually September because of a leap year) is the 17th day of the second month, Marcheshvan.
The last new moon was Rosh Hashana and 10 days later would be October 31st (It is Finished). This makes sense. But, that would mean the 31st would be October 27, 2017 (17th day of the second month) and it would be on a Tuesday. I don’t like that for some reason.
This is all to say that Transformation could be anywhere from 10/26 to 10/29. That isn’t bad, when you think about it. Barack O’Bama is having an inaugural speech on 10/31. It makes sense that it would be around the 29th for us to get changed moreso than today. Someone said that it is for 1 day 1 hour – the transformation. I do believe that is correct, a very slim chance to get our loved ones and friends to believe in the LORD! Also, I think Rhonda Empson (Youtube) is correct when she says that she is going on a Monday (That is now time, not to include time to be changed). And that Monday, well it is the 30th. So, realistically speaking, we could be looking for the change/transformation to take place on the 29th. If that is the case, then our day to go with the LORD will be the 30th – 31st.
What do you all think? We will never know what day the exact October 27 is on, but we do know that it is on the 17th day of that month (According to Noah’s ark.) I will stand on the date, because me LORD gave it to me! Either way, we are to rejoice and give God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit praise, worship, obedience, and love! To God be the glory! He is coming!
If you are not saved, here’s your chance!
***If you have not prayed the prayer for salvation, all you have to do really is just pray for forgiveness of sin and repent the sins (turn away from doing the sins). Then, you need to invite him into your heart! Tell Him how He suffered on a tree and then rose again! Tell Him how you need Him. It is really that easy! But, you must mean every word!***
Dream by El laine
It was about the Millennium era where Christ comes to rule for a thousand years on the Earth. At that time he will be supreme judge. Sort of like what our Supreme Court consists of except for He would be the only judge.
As you know the only people that will be living in the Millennium Kingdom are the ones who do not take the mark of the beast and get through the tribulation. They will be in the Millennium era and the setting was like old west setting like Little House on the Prairie. The bride of Christ has been translated and rapture and living with Jesus and Heaven until he comes to reign on Earth. The bride of Christ being translated will be able to fly be able is Minister healing and working for the good of the people. In my dream the Earth was the Bride's/wife of Jesus Christ's workplace. The angels are long with us supplied the necessary needs for the people living in the Millennium Kingdom. Life for the people in this time was a horse and buggy type transportation. No radios no phones or modern conveniences although there were refrigerators and gas stoves that we are accustomed to. But no TV, video games, cell phones or other electronic distractions. Deborah books to be read and of course the Bible. The people living in this time was still get married and have children I guess something on the order of the way Adam and Eve were supposed to live. Are 10 commandments that we have were strictly adhere to, no exception. If a person was caught breaking any one of those Commandments was brought up before a tribunal Court of their their community. There was no such thing as States or statehood it was just Community Living. You respected your neighbors you didn't try to covet anything that they had and as I said the Ten Commandments will strictly adhere to
Those people that did not want to follow the rules of the community were asked to leave and they were given areas of land where they had to farm and grow their own food. Much like Adam had to do with the thorns and thistles. People that have been caught in fornification or adultery also were asked to leave the community, if there was a genuine Full Repair entrance for the Honda that they had committed they could be bought back into the community. There were no guns, no weapons no swords oh, and there was no killing because death had been abolished, because Jesus had died on the cross and eradicated it. The other people that did not catch themselves in trouble all their possessions are food to clothing where's Supernaturaly provided for. However those living without the community had to provide their own clothing and their own food. The angels also assisted the wife of Christ to help to maintain the peace. The wife of Christ found herself not only teaching but healing those that needed it. But basically it was a time to grow to learn how to put the human nature aside and let Godly nature prevail, much like now and how we are learning now when we fast and pray. The human nature was at war with our spiritual nature and they had to learn how to grow and exist at this level. Even though satan was bound for a thousand years and I don't know if demons were too but the human nature had the genes and DNA from a sinful generation of Adam that decided to follow Christ instead of satan. These people had to put off the old nature and had to be transformed by the renewing of their minds in order to be fit to live as the saints in God's heaven.
El aine J. Hawkins
Research with God (YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THIS!)
Last night, I was looking very hard at Noah’s life. It has to be in Noah’s life. So, I found out that Noah had the ark built and ready to launch on the second month of the 17th day. So, I thought well that must be the 17th day of the month of November, which gives me Monday, November 6, 2017 (Hebrew calendar/ Well, I was feeling good and fell asleep. As I slept, I did not feel like it was right. So, I decided to research further. Until then, I had used the Bible and Erin Aleshire’s last writing. Now, I was going to dig deeper – me and the Holy Spirit.
I told God that I know that He is coming and that I feel glad and sad at the same time. He told me he knows how I’m feeling, but He wants me to know that He is coming! Anyway, we sat down at the computer together this morning, and we began to find the information I needed to find about October 27, 2017 (actually September according to the Israelites). He led me to some really neat information. I was flabbergasted by the date being October 27. In Hebrew years, if one is a leap year then it is repeated again. That is why we have two Months that are September-October in Hebrew this year. I was told September 27th would be time for children and some of the brides to go home. It is so exciting!
First thing we did was look up the information on the Torah site.
7:11 It was in the 600th year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the 17th of the month. On that day all the wellsprings of the great deep burst forth and the floodgates of the heavens were opened. |
second month
In the Talmud, there is a dispute as to whether the months are counted from Tishrei, and the second month is Marcheshvan, or from Nissan (cf. Exodus 12:2), and the second month is Iyyar (Rosh HaShanah 11a). Other ancient sources state unequivocally that this was Marcheshvan (Targum Yonathan; Josephus, Antiquities 1:3:1). According to tradition, 17 Marcheshvan, 1656 would have fallen on October 27, 2106 b.c.e. (
In the Talmud, there is a dispute as to whether the months are counted from Tishrei, and the second month is Marcheshvan, or from Nissan (cf. Exodus 12:2), and the second month is Iyyar (Rosh HaShanah 11a). Other ancient sources state unequivocally that this was Marcheshvan (Targum Yonathan; Josephus, Antiquities 1:3:1). According to tradition, 17 Marcheshvan, 1656 would have fallen on October 27, 2106 b.c.e. (
That was amazing! It is the September 27 all over again. The October 27 is going on right now, our Gregorian calendar. Which means that September 27, 2017 is being repeated. So, November 6 is actually October 27 (actually September).
Then, we went and looked at the moon phases. We could tell that October (our time) is actually on the 19th. The same thing God showed me. He said, “the moon was sighted at the 20-21st and exactly 7 days would take it to the 27th…” I saw in the vision the number “7.” I’ve seen the numbers 7/8 and I have heard the voice of God singing “Henry the 8th I am, I am” when I walk and talk with the trinity. If I take the 7th day in Cheshvan and the 17th day in Cheshvan and swap it out; then October 27 (actually September) becomes the 17th day. That is what God is trying to say!
Okay, then I went to two sources, because I was going to show this incredible stuff to you all. The October 27, 2017 is the first quarter of the moon and the UTC date and time is 22:22. ( and The doubles always get me. It was the only one that had doubles.
We go on the ark the 17th day of the second month, according to the Torah. It is very nail-biting to even consider that I could be gone on October 27 (it is actually September 27 due to leap year). That means that we will be transformed tomorrow – don’t know what time! But, I do know that I am ready. I want to heal and preach, but mostly I really want to heal others.
We just want to be watching for HIM, it is going to be from 10/27 (17th day according to Torah) to 11/6 (17th day according to Hebrew calendar) at the latest. The reason for Hebrew calendar showing 11/6 is to include the 10 days too soon. This may be true. It doesn’t matter, because He is coming! Amen! Glory be to God Most High and the Creator of everything! Come Lord Jesus, Come!!!
We have to listen, really listen to Him. He is going to talk to you and you must listen! No distractions! Further, you must do what he says to do - obey. He is coming! Can’t you feel it? If you can’t then say a prayer!
***If you have not prayed the prayer for salvation, all you have to do really is just pray for forgiveness of sin and repent the sins (turn away from doing the sins). Then, you need to invite him into your heart! Tell Him how He suffered on a tree and then rose again! Tell Him how you need Him. It is really that easy! But, you must mean every word!***
Dream from Jesus on 10/24/17
Humor me and watch the song first!
Let’s analyze this for a moment. Larry feels he needs his hairbrush. He is wondering where the hairbrush has gone, because he all of a sudden he can’t find the hairbrush. Then, he was heard by Pa Grape that it is back there. He’s a little more excited, because he can possibly see the hairbrush again. Then, Junior Asparagus comes in and says that Larry doesn’t need the hairbrush because he doesn’t have any hair. Now, he is wondering if he needs the hairbrush for himself because he doesn’t have any hair. Bob the Tomato comes on the scene and tells him that the hairbrush was given to the Peach. Larry is saying that it is not fair. It should have never been given away, now it is “poor” and “little”. After the Peach comes and exits Larry’s home, Larry has to learn that his hairbrush now belongs to someone else. Larry smiles and then calls out for the Peach to take care of his hairbrush.
This is a very good example of what it means to have something really good and to not share with anyone else. I see now why the Holy Spirit put this song in my head for you all to read – really read! Pa Grape wanted to let Larry know that the hairbrush was okay. Junior Asparagus wanted to let Larry know that it needed to be shared with others. Bob the Tomato said it was given away, when Larry least knew about it. The Peach was very thankful to Larry!
While I slept, He made me play the song over and over again! This is how the transformation will happen. One minute we will be our old selves and the next minute we are wrapped in His Holy Spirit, changed. We won't need to look for the hairbrush. It won't matter, our hair won't be the same and it will not require a hairbrush. We won’t know the exact time, but we know it is before the rapture.
It is going to be a giving gift that we will give others (Just like Bob the Tomato gave the hairbrush away to someone who needed it)! It is only for the brides! It is for the wonderful, loving brides for Jesus! I have a feeling that we are going to be changed or transformed once the 144,000 have been sealed by GOD. God gave me 3 things that point to the transformation. I believe it will happen very soon! Actually, He gave me 4 things, to include this video!
Trump is traveling to Dallas, Texas to have a fund-raiser. It is going to be on Wednesday of this week (October 25, 2017). He said that it was “the calm before the storm.” And then he said, “You’ll see” at a press conference. What are we going to see? Is he going to be shot like JFK? That is tomorrow! We need to keep praying for our president, whether we like him or not. Because without Trump we have Barack O’Bama back again. I don’t know how he will do it, but the condition of this nation is NOT GOOD.
I keep going back to the message from Jesus that said, “24 is the day.” Is it something that is going to happen to the USA, or is it going to happen in Israel? I keep seeing Israel with the dome of the rock. It is going to happen. We have had way too many dreams and visions that pin point that Israel will be first. We just wait and see. If the 24 is November instead of October, which I seriously doubt, we will see.
Between you and me, I believe that something is going to happen – soon! I feel it is very, very soon - 26th we change, maybe the 25th. We won’t be here much longer. Until then, let us just continue to do the work of the LORD JESUS! We repent, pray, spend time with HIM, and obey! We don’t do a thing without HIM unless He is saying that he wants us to do something – obey! Right now, I am waiting for HIM to tell me what to do. All I know is HE wants me to get the message out. So, I have done that.
Habakkuk 1:5 Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.
Acts 13:41 Behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and perish: for I work a work in your days, a work which ye shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you.
And the whole thing in Isaiah 42!
Let us rejoice! For our kingdom is at hand! And the leader of the Most High is coming to get us! HE IS JESUS, REDEEMER, BRIDEGROOM, AND KING OF ALL KINGS AND LORD OF ALL LORDS! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Our curtain opens as Larry, having just finished his morning
Bath, is searching for his hairbrush. Having no success, Larry cries out"
Bath, is searching for his hairbrush. Having no success, Larry cries out"
Larry: "Oh, where is my hairbrush? Oh where is my hairbrush? Oh, where
Oh, where, oh, where, oh, where, oh, where, oh, where, oh, where, oh
Where oh, where is my hairbrush?"
Oh, where, oh, where, oh, where, oh, where, oh, where, oh, where, oh
Where oh, where is my hairbrush?"
Narrator: "Having heard his cry, Pa Grape enters the scene. Shocked and
Slightly embarrassed at the sight of Larry in a towel, Pa regains his
Composure and reports "
Slightly embarrassed at the sight of Larry in a towel, Pa regains his
Composure and reports "
Pa: "I think I saw a hairbrush back there!"
Larry: "Back there is my hairbrush. Back there is my hairbrush. Back
There, back there, oh, where, back there, oh, where, oh, where, back
There, back there, back there is my hairbrush!"
There, back there, oh, where, back there, oh, where, oh, where, back
There, back there, back there is my hairbrush!"
Narrator: "Having heard his joyous proclamation, Junior Asparagus enters
The scene. Shocked and slightly embarrassed at the sight of Larry in a
Towel, Junior regains his composure and comments"
The scene. Shocked and slightly embarrassed at the sight of Larry in a
Towel, Junior regains his composure and comments"
Junior: "Why do you need a hairbrush? You don't have any hair!"
Narrator: "Larry is taken aback. The thought had never occured to him
No hair? What would this mean? What will become of him? What will become
Of his hairbrush? Larry wonders"
No hair? What would this mean? What will become of him? What will become
Of his hairbrush? Larry wonders"
Larry: "No hair for my hairbrush. No hair for my hairbrush. No hair, no
Hair, no where, no hair, no hair, no hair, no where, back there, no hair
For my hairbrush!"
Hair, no where, no hair, no hair, no hair, no where, back there, no hair
For my hairbrush!"
Narrator: "Having heard his wonderings, Bob the Tomato enters the scene
Shocked and slightly embarrassed at the sight of Larry in a towel, Bob
Regains his composure and confesses"
Shocked and slightly embarrassed at the sight of Larry in a towel, Bob
Regains his composure and confesses"
Bob: "Larry, that old hairbrush of yours Well, you never use it, you
Don't really need it. So, well, I'm sorry I didn't know. But I gave
It to the Peach - 'cause he's got hair!"
Don't really need it. So, well, I'm sorry I didn't know. But I gave
It to the Peach - 'cause he's got hair!"
Narrator: "Feeling a deep sense of loss, Larry stumbles back and laments"
Larry: "Not fair for my hairbrush. Not fair! My poor hairbrush. Not
Fair, not fair, no hair, not fair, no where, no hair, not fair, not
Fair, not fair! My little hairbrush!"
Fair, not fair, no hair, not fair, no where, no hair, not fair, not
Fair, not fair! My little hairbrush!"
Narrator: "Having heard his lament, the Peach enters the scene. Himself
In a towel, both Larry and the Peach are shocked and slightly
Embarrassed at the sight of each other. But recognizing Larry's
Generosity, the Peach is thankful"
In a towel, both Larry and the Peach are shocked and slightly
Embarrassed at the sight of each other. But recognizing Larry's
Generosity, the Peach is thankful"
Peach: "Thanks for the hairbrush."
Narrator: "Yes, good has been done here. The Peach exits the scene
Larry smiles, but, still feeling an emotional attachment for the
Hairbrush, calls out "
Larry smiles, but, still feeling an emotional attachment for the
Hairbrush, calls out "
Larry: "Take care of my hairbrush. Take care, oh my hairbrush. Take
Care, take care, don't dare not care, take care, nice hair, no fair, take care, take care of my hairbrush."
Narrator: "The end!"
Care, take care, don't dare not care, take care, nice hair, no fair, take care, take care of my hairbrush."
Narrator: "The end!"
***If you have not prayed the prayer for salvation, all you have to do really is just pray for forgiveness of sin and repent the sins (turn away from doing the sins). Then, you need to invite him into your heart! It is really that easy! But, you must mean every word!***
A friend of mine sent me a copy of a text he received from a friend in the
Grocery Supply Industry in the Springfield, MO area. Here is a copy of that
"Just had a brief conversation with a friend. His son works at AG which is
a grocery supply warehousing company. His boss said the government called
them Friday afternoon and told them to stock up on water and canned goods.
Did not give a reason. They said in the next two weeks, to stock supplies
of water and canned goods."
For all that is going on right now it is hard to say what might happen but
as we all know whether it be civil unrest, economical collapse, natural
disaster, Korea, Isis, etc something is coming.
Pray and prepare!
I just came back from applying for a job position. And in my wake. I could not help noticing that we are indeed living in the bible times.
Everyone im starting to notice has a spiritual identity.
Its just that some are written in the Lambs book of life.
Kind of sad.
But i couldnt keep this all in, for myself.
I had to write about it.
No crazy dreams or revelations.
Just moments in God's love that tend to take my breath away.
I wish you the best dear sister, and please do not hesitate to write back.
The saints are my motivation.
As too is the retinance of the gospel in my hopeful service.
With love, in Christ.
A word from Lord GOD, Lord JESUS, and the HOLY SPIRIT by Sheryl
At first, I was listening to JesusGirl and she was telling how we are going to be transformed. I know we are gonna be transformed, but it is immediate and a word of encouragement! Next, I was sitting and reading the 2nd and 3rd chapter of Habakkuk. God had me to go and read the 1st chapter of Habakkuk. Habakkuk 1:5 says, "Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvelously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you." I was floored by the words I had said out loud! We are going to be transformed!
I had conversations with the LORD JESUS. It was really eventful. I am so excited we will do things we never have done before. My biggest thing is healing! I want to heal so many people, but it is very little time that we will have! Jesus is LORD! He is salvation! Amen! Amen! Amen!
If you have not prayed the prayer for salvation, all you have to do really is just pray for forgiveness of sin and repent the sins (turn away from doing the sins). Then, you need to invite him into your heart! It is really that easy! But, you must mean every word!
Rapture Dream by Sean H.
I was shocked by his response because I vaguely understood what was truly meant by his words. My shoulder began to ache so I went to my medicine bag to take something for the pain. My sister’s nurse friend walked into the saying, “Sean, do not take the medicine! It is poison! Nothing is safe to take anymore.”
I continued trying to take the medicine, but kept spitting it out because of the bitter taste. I decided to leave the room because I was annoyed. I walked through the door and was automatically in my mom’s car at a grand banquet hall parking lot.
I had to put my arm sling back on to maintain the shoulder pain. As I was putting on the sling, I saw two girls that I attended school with for many years with their college basketball teammates. They smiled and pointed towards the banquet hall doors.
I followed my mom into the elaborate banquet hall having no idea where I was. In this hall were two buffet lines with gourmet food. I went to the buffet line at the back end of the hall. To my dismay, all the plates were gone. I felt so angry because I was the only one in that line who did not receive any food. There was a rule that only those with plates could obtain food.
In a state of irritability, I hurried over to the second buffet line towards the front of the hall. The situation remained the same. I could not receive any food because there were no more plates. This time, more people were around who could not acquire any food either. All of us threw a temper tantrum and sat down at the same table. My mom was as angry as I was.
As I looked around at everyone who were eating, their mouths began to foam and many began falling out of their seats unconscious. A great panic swept over everyone in the room. From what I could see, the people who had already ate their food were dead. Besides those with no food to eat, there were only a few survivors. Two of them were the girls I went to school with.
As panic spread, we all turned our heads upon hearing the sounds of explosions off in the distance. I could not see the location of these bombs. Albeit, I kept on repeating that the bombs were a bioterror or chemical attack and that we needed to get to a safer area.
I told the survivors to follow me because God would guide us and I had the answers as to what was going on. We ended up in a small room with 12 people including my mother and me. I told everyone that the only way to be protected was to repent and give their full faith and devotion to Him.
Five people repented and five did not. The girls I saw earlier both repented. Those who did not repent started mocking God by saying the usual mockery that we hear today. They were blaming Him for the attack. As the mockers went towards the windows, I saw red dots appear on their heads. We watched as they were all shot dead in that moment. I woke up directly after.
Being at our family farm was a representation to a safe place that I have always treasured in my heart. Unfortunately, that safe place was completely changed from what I originally knew. This represents America and the world today.
The poisoned pain medication is a way of the Lord warning of poisons we so readily ingest daily without truly following the Lord for healing and guidance. Many who know about the New World Order and government organizations who distribute our food and pain medications, can understand this in a clear concise manner. We readily take the quick fix rather than facing correction of what lead us to the problem in the first place.
When the scene changed to a grand banquet hall, I believe this was a way of showing that I was attending a festival or big event. There was a substantial amount of food, but not enough plates. Later we find the food was poisoned. This is a direct warning. There will be food that looks pleasing to the eye but a poison to the body. We will have to take great caution concerning this at some point, especially with all the GMO foods we consume. In many ways, I believe this symbolism to be a literal warning of the poisoning of our food supply and we will not know until it is too late.
Having those that mocked be killed, and those that repented be spared, has many applications that we see throughout scripture. God will not be mocked, but to those who call upon Him during our time of distress He will save from wrath and a spiritual death.
Famine and death are not the will of God for America. He has a much better plan. However, His will is not always done on earth. If it was, Jesus would not have taught us to pray, “thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10).
God’s voice has been almost totally silenced in our schools, our government, our news media, our public lands, our shopping malls, and even in our churches. He has not rejected us, but we have rejected Him. So we should not be surprised when His hand of protection and provision is removed from our land.
Jesus warned us the end times would be marked by specific events that would be signs letting us know the great day of the Lord is drawing near. He said these events would come upon the earth like birth pangs, meaning they would come with great intensity for a season then they would go away only to return again with greater intensity. One of those events is famine (Matthew 24:7).
Severe famines have already come in many parts of the earth, but not in America. For that reason, many Americans don’t believe it could ever happen here. However, many of God’s people are now seeing and hearing warnings from the Lord regarding a great famine coming to America, followed by death for many people. As bad as that sounds, it is better to hear it now than to get blind-sided by it later. At least we have time now to repent and get right with God. That is our best hope for this life and the next.
The following are several warnings about famine and death coming to America. The first one is a vision I received about two months ago.
During my prayer time, I saw a vision of a man standing in front of me. I saw his bare back. He was so thin I could see all of his ribs. As I watched he turned into a skeleton. I believe the interpretation is a warning of famine coming, which will be followed by death for many people.
In April 2011, prophetic minister Terry Bennett had the following vision encounter.
I was also warned, by the appearing of the black horse and its rider, about famine. The angel said, “There will be a famine of food in your nation!” Not only this, but also the prices of food, particularly grains, will dramatically rise. We will see not only shortages and high prices, but I was shown significant starvation occurring during this time. Death followed this black horse!
Prophetic minister John Paul Jackson was shown many different news headlines from the future. Among them he saw the following headlines:
Drought Continues to Cause Prayer to Rise
Record High Temps Accompany Record Drought-Swept South
Demand for Classic Seeds Skyrockets
Food Prices Lead Nation’s Escalating Inflation Woes
Sysco and Kraft Consider Guards on Delivery Trucks as Food Nears 40% of the Family Budget
Although the situation sounds bleak, it is not hopeless because we have a solution available. We can turn to the Lord concerning the problems facing our country. That is the only solution that will work. We must return to the Lord by repenting of everything that has come between Him and us. I believe our problems will continue to get worse until we repent. However, those who repent will receive His loving presence and His promises of protection and provision.
Believers do not have to be victims of the failed systems of this world. God’s plan is for His people to be over-comers in this life.
In all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. (Romans 8:37)
Oct 20th, 2017
Dream with the LORD GOD, LORD JESUS, and THE HOLY SPIRIT by Sheryl
A loud horn woke me up! It was LOUD! The song Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go was playing. Revelation 11:9 was seen. I looked up the verse and it was about the Two Witnesses dying and later their resurrection.
The loud horn was used to wake me up and it did just that! The song was weird but the lyrics main chorus made sense. He has played that song when I was walking and talking with Him. So, it was nothing new. But that horn was LOUD!
He then gave me the following verses after I looked up Revelation 11:9 (which could have been another sign of 911):
Isaiah 45:6 That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else.
(There is no other LORD JESUS like the one we choose! We pray, repent, talk, serve, and obey the LORD JESUS we choose! There is none like HIM! Miracles, healings, and visions/dreams are just a few of the wonderful gifts that the LORD JESUS gives to us! He has so much more to give you – “a heavenly treasure,” is what he said.)
Matthew 24:25-26 Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.
(The most important word in the whole verse is NOT! “Do NOT go anywhere, for I will be with you no matter where you are. I have angels that will be able to find you, do NOT go anywhere! You will be found!” The quotation marks were put around the voice of the LORD.)
Ephesians 4:9-10 (Now that he ascended what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth: He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.)
(This takes me to Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. Jesus descended into the pits of Hell when he resurrected before he was in the meeting place. He captured the keys to Hell. He also made some captives free. And he won’t give up on you, he wants to save you, but you have to do it, to scream LORD, please save me. You must repent! Then, you are on the road to Heaven. It is that easy. Amen! Amen! Amen!)
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
(“Whosoever” is anybody that believes in Jesus. The blood was shed for whosoever wanted to believe in him. The work has been done for you, now you are the one that has to tell him that you are sorry, that you want to be with him in Heaven. You “should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Repenting and calling His name will be all that needs to gain salvation. Repenting means you have to let sin go after you confess it to Jesus. He crucified his whole body on the cross. He shed his blood for you and me. He knew of your sins before you committed them. He knows everything! He resurrected and ascended. He is coming again! He loves all of us so much! He is the GREAT I AM! You are HIS and HE is Yours! Spread the gospel! Amen! Amen! Amen!)
Mark 11:6-7 And they said unto them even as Jesus had commanded: and they let them go. And they brought the colt to Jesus, and cast their garments on him; and he sat upon him.
(The colt is transportation, and it took Jesus as an entry to Jerusalem. He showed up on the colt because he wanted to let the people know that he was the King of all people. He wasn’t after materialism. He was after the people’s hearts! Even today, He still wants our hearts. He doesn’t care of how you are with your lifestyle or not, he wants your hearts! He looks at your heart and he knows everything he needs to know. If it is broken, contrite, or joyful he wants to see your heart. He looks at your heart every day, many times when you’re not watching; you’re not praying. Although, he does look at your heart when you pray. It is the heart that matters most to JESUS! If your heart is not right, you need to fix it: Salvation Prayer. OR if it is from being lukewarm, you need to repent and call his name. Jesus wants you to have a clean, pure heart, as clean as possible. Just always remember to check the heart, because it is going to be checked. It is you – your heart! Amen! Amen! Amen!)
Then, I fell asleep and awoke very abruptly. In my dream I was outside looking at the clouds, they were the usual clouds. Next thing I see is a plane and it travels over the house. Then, it stops and it makes a beeline for me! It was during my time of walking and talking with my LORD JESUS. Dream ended.
It doesn’t show whether or not the plane crashed into me. It showed that the plane crashed beside me in the yard. It seems that the plane wasn’t a plane after all. It was a type of plane, but it was alien. I could feel very strongly that it was alien. I never once felt the fear. I could have been the observer, but I don’t know. I didn’t see who was in the spacecraft, but I knew it was an alien/fallen angel.
It will be a good idea for you to take the dreams to the LORD in prayer!
Salvation Prayer:
My dear people, if you want to go to Heaven you must have a repentant heart and call on the name of the LORD to save you! GOD, JESUS, and THE HOLY SPIRIT wants you to come with them to Heaven! Believe you are a sinner, and that you are only saved by his grace. There is nothing you can do to earn a place in Heaven. He has done it for you! But, you must forgive yourself and others. Then, you must call on the name of JESUS. He has sacrificed the world, but he wants you to know that he loves you very much. And he didn’t die on that cross for nothing! He didn’t resurrect and ascend into the Father’s right hand for nothing! He wants to call you home! He wants “all” of you, not just “some” of you. He wants you to love, obey, and need him more than anything else! He loves you so much, we can’t even fathom how much he loves us! But, we can see his face and we will know how much he loves us!!!
Oct.19th, 2017
Rapture Dream by Stevi Falukos
I was at something like a multi-story parking garage. There were stores inside it, like a mall. Everybody knew that nuclear war was coming. I don't know who was bombing us but the U.S. was bombing them as well. So, people were running around like crazy, running down theses ramps, past the stores, trying to get outside. I don't know if they thought they would escape or what, but they were running and frantic. At one point, I grabbed a bike from a store I was passing because I was trying to find my family. There was no seat on this bike although it was supposed to be new. I left it.
I got outside and we could see the streaks of missiles going up toward whichever country we were bombing. People just sort of waited around out there, knowing that soon we'd see missiles coming down from the enemy. I began yelling out to the people to not worry because we weren't really going to die....we were only going to transform. I told them that it would be only like a momentary rush of wind and then we'd be with God. I kept trying to convince them that it would be so much better because it would be all the things and all the people we love about this world without all the negative things. It would be this world but perfect...perfect skies, perfect trees, perfect air to breather. No crime, no dangers, no sorrow or angers or hatred or corrupt governments would be there to destroy our lives. I asked, "How could you NOT prefer to have that?" I told them they only had to repent and seek forgiveness, to accept Jesus and know He died for us, for our sins, and to acknowledge Him as our Lord and Savior. I then led everyone into prayer, like for salvation. It was off the top of my head and not something already written down to be memorized.
Soon after, the bombs began to fall. There was no use running. My youngest child (9) was across the street in what I knew to be my house, although it didn't really look like any house I've lived in before. He was there with my high school sweetheart (whom I'e been having many dreams of lately). I was so relieved because I wanted all my children together. He came to me, along with my former boyfriend. I told everyone that nos is the time to forgive those who had hurt us. I said we must, right now, or we will not be together anymore. At that moment, we laid down, all holding one another and the nuclear explosions swept over us.
I opened my eyes and we were All in heaven with God! I cried and cried with sheer joy! I hugged and kissed all my children!
The ending of this dream seemed to repeat itself the rest of the night. The setting changed two or three times. minor details changed as well. At one point, I had a broken leg and had to be carried. But each time, all of my children were together in heaven. My joy was more intense than I've ever experienced and I cannot possibly describe it.
Oct. 18th, 2017
1 PETER 4:12-13 KJV
Daughter, speak these words... Why do you look around as
though something strange is happening? I am a consuming fire.
The waves bow before Me. Many of you are not ready to greet Me.
I see your heart, I hear what's on your lips. I am saddened to hear
you say My called children hear from devils and from satan, when
it is the Holy Spirit speaking through them. You claim you have
discerning in the Holy Spirit, but you do not. You continue in
blasphemy, causing strife and discord. My wrath is kindled
against you for speaking such lies with arrogance. I have given
instruction and poured out My Spirit. You have mocked Me. God
is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. The fire rages, the
wind and waves howl and roar. My breath scorches the land. Are
you ready to meet Me and see Me as I am?
Oct.17th, 2017
Transformation Dream by El laine
The dream considered the world and it seems like I saw the world under a huge rectangle box the bottom of the box was a regular floor but the top of the box had a glass ceiling. People were were not packed into the box like sardines, however, there was moving air currents, and people were able to have freedom of movement, expression of free speech, and no restriction of values. You were free to do whatever and however you wanted. In other words there were no rules to follow except for just recognizing the person standing next to you and not to infringe on their personal space.
The glass ceiling was there to let the sunlight in you couldn't go past the glass ceiling neither could you break it. If you wanted to get out /leave out of the box you had to go through the crowd of people to find the exit door and then you could leave. There was nothing forcing you to go you can stay there forever. However some people did not want to be confined to that particular area and so they wanted to get out. It had to weave their way through the crowd in order to leave. The world existed in adult atmosphere nothing excitable nothing pretty just blah. Everyday the same routine day in and day out.
I believe I was in my transferring body because I was looking down at the Box and I knew the way out but two people in the Box didn't care to find a way out, but they were content with the way things were going. Because there weren't any rules to follow, they didn't see the need to get out and have any freedom. They felt that life was confined to drudgery so to speak. The people that did get out recognized that they had to follow the ten commandments and recognize that Jesus was the only way to make it. So that was the dream in a nutshell. They knew that God existed but they're filled he didn't care about their existence which is a Lie from the pit. So they were living under the satanic influence of satan, and to keep them under his control he placed the air conditioner in the box so that they would feel the Cool Breeze and not complain about the temperature in the Box.
I also had another dream I don't remember what the dream was about but in the dream I had a vision of seeing the following:
In the midst of my dream I saw a lamb, a white lamb and he was sitting down as if he was sitting down on the grass except for that he was suspended in the air I can see the arrow all around the white lamb. This land was not sitting on the ground it was suspended in the air I hope that could be a confirmation for someone
I had a dream i was at a buliding it was supposed to be my girls school,
and it was by the ocean and everything started shaking and the tsunami was coming so i was in hurry to get my kids on bus,we had little time left to get out,i was getting them out of there and woke up
Oct 16th, 2017
Rapture Dream
Hello my name is Surith, i had a dream I want to share. God is coming soon like real soon, ok I dreamed that i was in a taxi going home and all of the sudden i saw a small shape light, which is hard to describe, but it was on the sky and i told the taxi driver to stop and he stopped so i looked up in the sky and the sky was cloudy but it felt like it was day time so i stared at the small light for a few seconds going up higher and higher to the sky, next thing i knew i see a big light up in the sky so big that i could see it for miles and miles, this light had a shape of a man but i wasn't able to see his face or body cuz the light was so bright i coudn't starred at it for too long, after that i saw thousands of the same small glowing lights shooting up in the sky into one spot in the sky, every time they reached that same spot in the clouds a small thunder light would blink, and all these lights made a cross shape, it was glowing and glowing and than i herd a voice in my head and asked if i was ready and i started praying and saying Jesus u r the messiah u r our Savior. Thank u God, and Lord i am ready. I woke up at 3 in the morning and my son had a fever so i stayed up and couldn't go back to sleep. Morning came and its cloudy outside right now, im not saying its gonna be today cuz no one knows but i know in my heart its a sign. Thanks for hearing me out and i pray that no one stays behind.
Oct. 15th 2017
Rapture Dream by L. Crouch
I had been praying that the Lord would give me some Rapture dreams and last night I had a dream about giving birth to a male child. In this dream there was a lot of pain and lots blood shed. In the background I remember another woman giving birth to a male child, but this birth was secluded. This is the second dream I have had in the last few months of giving birth to a male child and I am way past the age of pregnancy. I have an idea of what this dream might mean. I believe it means the Lord, the King (the church) has been born and the Lord is purifying his bride with his shed blood to be received in Heaven. The hidden woman is the antichrist that has been born and is among us. I welcome any others interpretation. Come Lord Jesus.
sister in Christ
God has given
Transformation dream by El laine
The dream considered the world and it seems like I saw the world under a huge rectangle box the bottom of the box was a regular floor but the top of the box had a glass ceiling. People were were not packed into the box like sardines, however, there was moving air currents, and people were able to have freedom of movement, expression of free speech, and no restriction of values. You were free to do whatever and however you wanted. In other words there were no rules to follow except for just recognizing the person standing next to you and not to infringe on their personal space.
The glass ceiling was there to let the sunlight in you couldn't go past the glass ceiling neither could you break it. If you wanted to get out /leave out of the box you had to go through the crowd of people to find the exit door and then you could leave. There was nothing forcing you to go you can stay there forever. However some people did not want to be confined to that particular area and so they wanted to get out. It had to weave their way through the crowd in order to leave. The world existed in adult atmosphere nothing excitable nothing pretty just blah. Everyday the same routine day in and day out.
I believe I was in my transferring body because I was looking down at the Box and I knew the way out but two people in the Box didn't care to find a way out, but they were content with the way things were going. Because there weren't any rules to follow, they didn't see the need to get out and have any freedom. They felt that life was confined to drudgery so to speak. The people that did get out recognized that they had to follow the ten commandments and recognize that Jesus was the only way to make it. So that was the dream in a nutshell. They knew that God existed but they're filled he didn't care about their existence which is a Lie from the pit. So they were living under the satanic influence of satan, and to keep them under his control he placed the air conditioner in the box so that they would feel the Cool Breeze and not complain about the temperature in the Box.
Oct 13th, 2017
Invasion Dream by Brooke
In a dream on September 14 2017, I saw my husband and I standing outside of our home. Though it did not look like our area, I knew it was. We were walking about, with a sense of knowing that we were somehow on our way out. As time passed, we slowly acknowledged that we were not going to be living there anymore, yet were perplexed and without direction.
As we walked around, not knowing exactly what was happening or where we were going, I suddenly noticed that Chinese people began appearing everywhere. I did not recognize any Americans, only Chinese people.
I felt like we stood out because we were the only Americans I could see. I looked around at them, as it seemed like they were all now living here. We continued walking, and in doing so, the feeling of us not belonging there anymore was intensifying. There was even a sense of feeling afraid that had me thinking, “Where are we going? What are we going to do?” We clung to one another like lost little children.
As we walked on a sidewalk, we soaked in the beauty of our surroundings where we lived. Suddenly, we knew we were getting a last look at our area we loved so much. Ahead of us was a small hill. At the top was what looked like a little building. I said to my husband Jon, “Hey look, before we leave, let’s go up there and get a bite to eat”. Then I realized we did not have enough money to spend on food as I stuck my hand in my pocket and pulled out only a small amount enough for coffee.
I said, “Jon, we do not have enough for food, but we can at least purchase a cup of coffee and rest a little while”.
We walked up to the building and went in. It looked like some kind of lounge area. I saw only Chinese people inside. One man was reading a newspaper and drinking coffee, while another woman was on her laptop, and others were quietly talking.
I felt that we did not even belong there and though many were drinking coffee, there was nowhere for us, as Americans, to get coffee. We did not even bother sitting down because there was really no reason for us to be there. It was as if we were not welcome there, and that as Americans, we were phased out. The longer the dream went on, the more and more our knowledge increased that we were forced to leave – not because we wanted to.
At that moment, a Chinese woman walked in and introduced herself. She was friendly, but we knew she was not there just to be considerate, but that she was sent to us. She spoke to us in the same friendly manner, yet it was business. I cannot remember her exact words, but it was clear that she was sent to “help us”. She was unmistakably sent as an escort to transition us out of our home and state. She motioned to us that we had to leave the little building.
All three of us walked back down the hill to a small park near the ocean. My husband and I sat at a picnic bench on one side, and the Chinese woman sat on the other. She was letting us know there was no rush, to take our time before we had to go; so, we turned to look out to the ocean and watched surfers surfing and a few people walking on the seashore.
We both sat and took it all in, knowing we were looking at our sea for the very last time before we would be escorted out of our state.
It is clear this dream shows a land invasion; a Chinese take-over with us losing our rights as American citizens. The fact that we had almost no money left (the total amount that would add to a cup of coffee), shows our financial demise and our phase out. It was clear what was on the horizon having seen all the Chinese people living where we once did, as well as being forced and escorted out of our home and state.
Conclusion by Brook Ardoin:
The takeover seemed to come suddenly and without warning as Joanie and Jon were “perplexed” and “without direction”. They had no inclination of where they were headed or how this was possible due to financial lack. Whether the United States was already in a bad place monetarily or the Chinese just did not allow them to take saved money along, we do not know. Will the citizens be allowed to choose their destination or will the Chinese specify relocation?
On March 8, 2016, AMTM posted an interview with Joanie Stahl titled, “The Gathering Global Storm and God’s Guidance” (Episode 027). I posted the link at end of this article. In this interview, Joanie discusses a dream she had in January 2016. It is a short, but a jam-packed dream of a Chinese takeover of the nation.
In May of 2016, Joanie had another dream concerning the Chinese takeover of the U.S., in even greater detail than this recent one. I added the link at the bottom of this post for all who would like to read it. Joanie also added a dream given to Sean H., AMTM contributing writer, in which he also speaks of events coming out of Asia.
I highly recommend both the show interview and the article, both found below to tie into this dream along with any other sources you may have heard who discuss a Chinese invasion upon our land. As I always say, do not take the word of just AMTM, but be willing to take the time and look into all three sources (this one included); take it all before the Lord in prayer and ask His direction and revelation of this material. No doubt the warnings/messages are ripe involving China – what will we do with the information is the question?
One noteworthy incident from the May 2016 dream, as compared to this latest one, is how the Chinese took everything from their home that Joanie deemed “of our American culture and lives”. They were then able to return to their homes later, only to find that nothing belonged to them any longer – the Chinese took complete ownership. In this recent dream, it is evident they would never be returning to their homes as the Chinese took over and began a process of “helping” them through it in order to remove them from their state. So, we see first a temporary removal from their home, and now a permanent removal and the uncertainty of where they will go/live.
In either case, the main point to take away from these dreams is that one of the greatest agendas of the Chinese is the complete takeover of real estate and land in the USA. Most of us are already aware, but for those who are not, the Chinese already own a huge portion of land and real estate in America. They have acquired more and more over the last several years. Many have reported they have done so as collateral against the US.
In this regard, once the Chinese invade the USA (as seen in dreams and visions of many prominent men and women of God), they will already have a solid position in owning much within the United States as far as large corporations (such as energy plants), National Parks, etc.
Once inside our borders, their focus will turn to forcing American citizens out of our homes and property. Will we first be allowed to return under their ownership for a brief time (as can be read about in full in below link to article), or will they immediately force us out? Will they play a role in FEMA camps? If so, what would happen to US citizens in these camps? These different scenarios are solely my own questions/thoughts in relation to the content of the dreams as real possibilities.
Regardless of what all will transpire, or if we are here when it does, all we must do as God’s children is remain faithful in prayer and communion with Him – in Him lies the fullness of our safety and protection. God always has a remnant, but we must do our part and continue to reside under the shadow of the Almighty. The victory belongs to the Lord!
Brook Ardoin
Oct 12th, 2017
Miami Being Nuked Dream by Clare
Oct 11th, 2017
By Cindy Jacobs
A few months ago, The Lord had me issue a warning called ‘Shields Up‘ to pray for the protection of our nation. Tonight, while reading my Bible, the following passage leapt off the page:
“And He has confirmed His words which He spoke us and against our judges, and judged us, by bringing upon us a great disaster, for under the whole heaven such has never been done as was done in Jerusalem” Daniel 9:12.
It does not take a prophet to realize that America is in trouble! We know there are many radical extremists who hate us — this is not new. However, as I read the verse this evening I was shaken by it. This is what I am hearing: “There is an another attack on the scale of 9/11 being planned!”
As I prayed to pinpoint how to intercede, I immediately heard these words: “Close the gates! All borders must be closed to terrorists and those who would aid them.”
This includes all airport customs checkpoints as well as border crossings. We must pray for our customs and border agents to have eagle eyes to “see” any potential persons trying to make their way into the United States. We must also pray for all points of public transport.
The good news is that prayer works! This is a call upon every praying person everywhere to stand in the gap and pray for the protection of the nation.
Thank you for praying!
Oct 10th, 2017
A prophetic warning from a woman in Romania who has been so far 100% accurate with her predictions.
America...toxic gases disperses the streets of America
Received Oct 7th, 2017
My darlings...tonight while I was writing on this blog, I hear a voice that says something about what is about to happen in America.
The voice asks this? America toxic gas? The answer came...a toxic gas is dispersing the streets of America.
My darlings I have wrote exactly what He told me. From where this toxic gas will come or who will be using it on the streets of America...I do not know. I do not know the city or the area where this genocide will begin. Its certain that what they have been told unfortunately will come to pass sooner or later.
Those who live in USA better get this article translated in English and make it public to the Americans. This way maybe they will save many lives or it will stop this horrible tragedy. A voice is telling me this...that maybe it could be stopped, this genocide.
I do not know the English language I can only write in my Romanian language so great danger for the US population. A toxic gas is dispersing the streets of America!
Lets pray my darlings for the USA, lets pray for us and for the whole world for the good Lord to protect our brothers from any sufferings. Amen!
With Love, Maria!
Oct. 9th, 2017
Wedding Dream by Wendy
well i had this dream....and there was a huge party was beautiful with lots of red flowers,i dont like to dream about my ex husband but he was there ready to see our kids,he hasnt seen them in 3 years or more,so it was good for my kids
Wedding Dream by El aine
well i had this dream....and there was a huge party was beautiful with lots of red flowers,i dont like to dream about my ex husband but he was there ready to see our kids,he hasnt seen them in 3 years or more,so it was good for my kids
maybe it was the wedding supper!
I had another dream cant remember but only that we are so close,it showed me time is at hand,had vivid dreams all night
My dream this morning was about my wedding and preparing for it. My groom is the King of Kings. Just as a man is not permitted to see his bride in her wedding dress before the ceremony I was not permitted to see His face nor was He allowed to see mine.
I saw my wedding dress there were Ruffles and Ruffles of lace pure pure white. The character of my groom was impeccable it definitely did not speak of the jive turkeys as some men on earth are.
Rapture Dream..Author Unknown
In mine, I was observing a large group of people at a huge oil drilling operation. I assumed in my dream that I was in Texas, but I really don't know for sure. The people in the dream were Americans. A woman who was a supervisor was giving a speech in front of the workers, and it appeared there was some kind of trouble. A possible disaster might happen there. I knew they were afraid, but some kind of job had to be done to try to thwart a disaster. Despite their fear, the workers were preparing to put their lives on the line to try to stop the disaster from occurring. I was watching them at the sidelines and knew things were not going to turn out good. I began to run away from the site, and as I did, an explosion occurred and flames shot into the air. I was running, and as I ran, I looked up into the sky and saw a huge, brilliantly shining cross with a square, jeweled plaque hanging from it. It was coming closer, flying through the sky, and I knew Jesus was coming to take me and my fellow believers up into the air. I started running toward the cross, and I shouted out Jesus' name, and then I felt my body becoming like liquid, as if I were passing through into a time warp. My shout of Jesus' name started out normal, then ended sounding like a tape on slow motion speed--really drawn out, perhaps even like a voice sounds when under water, distorted. I knew that I had started to be lifted into the heavens. The rapture was happening.
I woke up at that point, quite giddy with joy.
Oct. 8th, 2017
Now, I believe there is a people known as spiritual Israel, who are the peculiars who belong to God, because all belong to God, I say this. But these ones tend to walk with fruits of the holy spirit. And more predisposed to the love of God in fellowship.
That being said,
I had a dream where I saw rapture in August 2016 at the end of the month.
It was joy.
I beheld one who looked like the son of man, in the sky, and in great glory.
Coming in the clouds.
It was majestic.
His field and spirit was that of the same field that is supported by your videos. So that is how I know there is some spiritual agreement.
I also had a dream where the Lord used me to shepherd spiritual Israel during a dark time.
I had a dream where I sung a song of harps, with Jesus' name.
Those are the 3 prophetic dreams that I have had this past year and some.
Hope that inspires you all.
And the song that I sung, was on a cliff, disconnected from nature. But in a spiritual realm it was presented to me.
I saw ones like my big brother, and others in the midst. But I knoweth not their fate.
The song that I sang went by the words, "only Jesus really cares."
It was like a lullaby. But definitely, not ignorant of God Almighty's wrath.
When I sang Jesus' name, it was harp sounds, :D
Hope you enjoyed, and God bless you.
- Robinson L.
Oct 6th, 2017
I have these Bible verses I was given yesterday, and I was told to share them with everybody. It is very important that I get this out as soon as possible. Amen!
Romans 7:13-14 Was then that which is good made death unto me? God forbid. But sin, that is might appear sin, working death in me by that which is good; that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful. For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin.
(This means that what you think is not sin is actuality sin. If we cannot say if something is a sin or if it’s pure, then it is a sin. If you cannot walk with the Lord and mention it, then it is a sin. This verse is talking about that sin that people cannot do without and forgive about it all the time. He is “carnal, sold under sin,” until the day he dies. Even though we know not to sin, and try very hard to not sin, we sin. We are all sinners saved by grace. Repentance is key! We must wake up, repent, and call out his name! Repentance means to tell Jesus the sin and move forward, never looking backward.)
Galatians 3:16-19 Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect. For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of promise: but God gave it to Abraham by promise. Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator.
(What I immediately saw was Christ is the seed! We plant the seed when we witness for His Glory. The seed is the gospel of Christ! The law, which is spiritual, cannot be canceled. I asked God if it was for Israel and he said NO, it is for everyone who believes in his Son! So, the problem of transgressions was added to the law until the seed (Christ) came to make the promise (heaven). I don’t know about you all, but I am so happy for the seed that planted me! We are to plant the seed everywhere. See the verses of Matthew 1-23 for further learning.)
John 3:17-19 For GOD sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.”
(This is one of my favorites, but it says a lot. God didn’t want Jesus to condemn anyone, he wanted them to agree to be saved! But after watching Jesus’ crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, He was adamant that we love Jesus. Jesus is light, and we are to come to Him! He is to know us, the inner and outer us. But especially the heart! Our hearts mean so much to Him! Jesus sees everything and loves us unconditionally! The men of the world love darkness. They are terrified to be in His presence. They know that Jesus is real and that he can see everything. They choose dark over light. The true conversion is when the unsaved become saved, then the dark becomes light! That is why the angels rejoice, because a new conversion has been made! Amen!)
Ephesians 5:18-20 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God the Father in the name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
(This is a verse for encouragement! Instead of being in matters of “excess” (having too much) of drinking, be “filled” (becoming full) with the Spirit. Our Lord Jesus want us to speak, sing and dance. It makes our heart feel really, really good. If we do not do those things, we are depressed and may become lukewarm. It doesn’t take much time at all to praise God! It is worth every minute we can spend with Him in praise! We always, always, always humble ourselves before the LORD GOD, LORD JESUS, and the HOLY SPIRIT! We remember to give thanks for everything. We especially remember to pray for those people that made it alive after natural or shooting disasters. To God be the glory!)
Leviticus 6:11-13 And he shall put off his garments, and put on other garments, and carry forth the ashes without the camp unto a clean place. And the fire upon the altar shall be burning in it…it shall never go out.
(Although this is a burnt offering, it was said to me that it was also a transformation. You put off your old garment and put on the glorious garment that Christ wants you to have (light). This was a transformation, not the heavenly transformation. We are drawn to a clean place and The Holy Spirit consumes us! We save as many people as possible! Amen!)
Luke 21:27-28 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
(There have been so many dreams and visions where people have seen the rapture. One of the many raptures, still they had the experience. Some hear the shofar blowing and some don’t. Regardless, the time is short, really short. Just to see Jesus coming the cloud, it will be such a beautiful sight. We are ready! Come, Lord Jesus, Come!)
Hebrew 6:13-15 For when GOD made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he sware by himself, Saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee. And so, after had had patiently endured, he obtained the promise.
(God told me that this is for the Gentiles, as well. We have certainly done our fair share of enduring patiently. We deal with mockers and scoffers and the saddest thing of all is that they are members of our family. They love you, but they don’t understand. I endure by saying that they will come to understand everything. Then, it will be a pleasure to be around them in Heaven.)
This is a prayer that I can’t let go, so I’m going to give it to you again! (I added the part about repent!)
My dear people, if you want to go to Heaven you must have a repentant heart and call on the name of the LORD to save you! GOD, JESUS, and THE HOLY SPIRIT wants you to come with them to Heaven! Believe you are a sinner, and that you are only saved by his grace. There is nothing you can do to earn a place in Heaven. He has done it for you! But, you must forgive yourself and others. You must repent for your sins! Then, you must call on the name of JESUS. He has sacrificed the world, but he wants you to know that he loves you very much. And he didn’t die on that cross for nothing! He didn’t resurrect and ascend into the Father’s right hand for nothing! He wants to call you home! He doesn’t want the ones that are lukewarm (they are the ones that have 1 foot in Heaven and 1 foot in the world.) He wants “all” of you, not just “some” of you. He wants you to love, obey, and need him more than anything else! He loves you so much, we can’t even fathom how much he loves us! But, we can see his face and we will know how much he loves us!!!
Oct 5th 2017
Rapture Dream by Joy Naomi
I had a dream from Jesus where there was a loud noise in the sky.
There was a big boom!
The heavens shook and the earth shook!
And I heard what sounded like trumpets blaring off.
Below the people were running in panic.
But I stood there with no fear whatsoever. I completely knew I was safe with Jesus.
I feel like I have to tell you this dream because I think what Jesus is trying to tell me is
that everyone needs to get their hearts prepared and ready.
Rapture Dream by Paula Marie
I had this dream last night that may be telling of the rapture because it relates to other dreams I had before in the past and I had the dream two times in a row.
In my first dream...I was with this young man in a house and we were waiting for a school bus to come and pick us up to take us to the amusement park. When we got there, we went on some rides and that is all I can remember about that dream. But the part that seemed significant to me was that we were waiting on school buses to come and get us and they were late and we were going to the amusement park. School buses always symbolized the rapture to me, and the amusement park may symbolize heaven. I had many dreams before about school buses and amusement parks.
In the next dream I was in a house again waiting with this boy for a bus to come and pick us up to take us to the amusement park. This time though as I was waiting, I started playing the old arcade game called "Asteroids". In the game I was shooting asteroids on the screen and blowing them up and the little pieces were flying everywhere. We knew that the kids were already at the amusement park, but we weren't allowed to go until later when there was a bus available to pick us up.
Here is some signifigance about this second dream: First of all, I had a similar dream a few years ago that my daughter was having a birthday party and she invited some girls to go to the amusement park with us. They were supposed to meet us at the house and we would all go together to the park. But none of them showed up, so we went anyway.
As we were at the park, it was getting late and the park was about to close, the girls suddenly showed up. I said to them....the park is going to close in 45 closes at midnight, why are you here now? They said because it was cheaper to get in. Later I took this to mean that maybe there would be an economic collapse around the time of my daughter's birthday. Her birthday is Oct. 20th.
In another dream I was at the amusement park and it was midnight, the park was closing so we went home and the angel of destruction was looking at us through a 30 story window, getting ready to destroy the city. I saw this huge angel before in another vision about a wave that was coming up on the land destroying an entire city. The angel was walking among the sky scrapers, as big as they were and this wave washed out an entire city on the coast. Judging by the location of the coast line, I would assume it was west coast.
And in yet another dream, I was a teenager at the amusement park on a ride that went up in the air like a chair lift. I could see the park down below as I was moving along high in the air. And I heard a radio say the park is being evacuated because of a terror attack and that there was pepper gas on a train that derailed. As everyone was running out of the park, the ride stopped with me up in the air and I was stuck there. I could see the train below off in the distance derailed with orange gas coming out of it. I tried to cover my face with my shirt before the gas would reach me.
Just then I looked up and a ball of light was falling out of the got bigger and bigger until I couldn't see and it covered me. I knew it was the rapture and I had escaped. back to my current dream.....I was playing this game called asteroid while waiting for the bus that seemed to be late. After I woke up I thought about how there is going to be an asteroid flying by the earth at one of the closets approaches ever recorded on Oct. 12th. So could the dream be implying that we will attempt to shoot it into pieces like I did in my dream playing the game asteroids? Also the bus arriving after that, may indicate that the rapture will occur sometime after this asteroid threat on the 12th.
Also This dream I had last night will be 7 days from the 12th.
I'm not sure if anything will happen or not, but be watchful and vigilant...for He is returning very very soon! He is surely at the door!
Oct 4th, 2017
BE READY FOR IT WILL HAPPEN QUICKLY...Message Received by Jesusrules Oct 2, 2017
and go wandering in your head if I'm ever gonna come. Thinking
to yourself if I'm just sitting on My throne just watching everything
and doing nothing about it.
Let me tell you that I am very busy as you have witnessed the blood
moons, the solar eclipse, and the sign of the woman in the heavens.
Everything I do has perfect timing, and your taking up will be no
different. As My servants you should be steadfast, running the race
all the way to the finish line....not stumbling before you cross the line
or throwing in the towel as some do in your sporting events. These
are the ones who fell on rocky soil, sprouting for a short time and
simply fading away by not staying rooted in My word.
But you, My precious bride, never lost sight of the Blessed Hope that
your Redeemer will rescue you in perfect time. So put all your trust in
Me now knowing that I have crossed every "T" and dotted every "I."
Then you'll say to yourself, "Wow I was just on earth five minutes ago
and now I am transformed and standing at the gates of Heaven in a
flash, and I can't seem to get rid of the smile off my face because it
actually happened." As you begin to let it sink in, the love of heaven
will permeate you and you will finally get to meet your King as I crown
each and every one of you in front of My Father.
It will be My honor to say "Well done good and faithful servant, enter
into your rest."
You will shout with joy at all that I have prepared for you.
I love you,
Yeshua HaMashiac"
Oct 3rd, 2017
Possible Rapture on October 27th?
On September 22, 2017 I heard the voice from GOD, and he said that he would help me to type the correct words about the rapture. This is about the first rapture! The date is actually October 27, 2017 (Gentile). Because of the month being messed up, we go backwards one month. This makes it absolutely the 27th of September of 2017. It makes it the 7th day of Tishri. Everything is still going to happen. Amen! To GOD be the glory!!! Why me? Why do I get the honor to tell you all? I do not know! I just praise GOD, JESUS, and THE HOLY SPIRIT and I get a lot from them.
GOD would not let me go on this! He stayed on me until I could believe it to be so. I went through apologizing to GOD, JESUS, and THE HOLY SPIRIT. They said, they loved me. But, never said, HE accepted the apology. HE stayed on my mind until today. I watched the YOUTUBE (for the last time – because the Internet suddenly went off). Her date was the 23rd to leave to go to a place with her husband. She is going to go with him. The Holy Spirit tells me that the 27th is the day for the children & a few believing adults to go to Zion. I start to get excited, so I take a walk with GOD, JESUS, and THE HOLY SPIRIT.
During the walk I stop and ask about the date – Is it truly one month behind? And yes, it was, it was one month behind! I said Okay, that means that realistically we are going to be repeating the month of September again. That was correct! So, we are in October, but we are actually in September. That means, the 7th day of Tishri has not happened yet. And, it is still the seventh month. And, it is still 5777 year. Nothing has changed - Nothing! In fact, He wanted me to come here and reiterate His promise to everyone who will listen! So, I am doing what He tells me to do.
This morning, I heard from GOD that he steals (takes) from the kings’ fields. Meaning, HE is going to snatch us away! He is going to STEAL us from the kings’ fields. He is going to rapture us! Amen!
Yesterday, I went to Home Depot to buy a mailbox. The stencils that were hanging on the shelf hit the floor in front of me. It was 5-7-7-7 and 7-7-7. NO OTHER NUMBERS HIT THE FLOOR! That could not be anything but from that LORD GOD ALMIGHTY! It was amazing! Numbers I didn’t need, because they don’t include my address. But, it was those numbers!
My dear people, if you want to go to Heaven you must have a repentant heart and call on the name of the LORD to save you! GOD, JESUS, and THE HOLY SPIRIT wants you to come with them to Heaven! Believe you are a sinner, and that you are only saved by his grace. There is nothing you can do to earn a place in Heaven. He has done it for you! But, you must forgive yourself and others. Then, you must call on the name of JESUS. He has sacrificed the world, but he wants you to know that he loves you very much. And he didn’t die on that cross for nothing! He didn’t resurrect and ascend into the Father’s right hand for nothing! He wants to call you home! He doesn’t want the ones that are lukewarm (they are the ones that have 1 foot in Heaven and 1 foot in the world.) The Bible says that He would spit them out! Most likely, they will have to be beheaded for choosing Christ! He wants “all” of you, not just “some” of you. He wants you to love, obey, and need him more than anything else! He loves you so much, we can’t even fathom how much he loves us! But, we can see his face and we will know how much he loves us!!! Amen! Amen! Amen!
We are going to go home! If you have been told that you are one of the first groups that goes home, you are! If you have been told that you are going to go after the children, you are. If you have been told that you are one of the brides that goes home with the guests, you most definitely are. If you have been told that you are one of the second group (40 days), you are. You, as a believer, are told. You cannot discount the fact that you have been told. It is spiritual, but you have been told. Pray really hard to listen, and He will let you know. We serve a mighty GOD, but a loving GOD as well! Now, get your house and your heart in order! Amen! Hallelujah! Glory be to GOD, JESUS, and THE HOLY SPIRIT!
Oct 2, 2017
Author Unknown
I was doing about the most common thing I could think of when it happened. I was combing my hair in the bathroom. I was looking at my face, putting a part on the left, combing most of it to the right with a slight twist downward in the front. I suddenly heard a noise outside of the apartment to my right, through the living room to the outside, like a roaring wind. I knew, that I knew, that I knew it was the Spirit and Power of God come for me. I recall thinking it reminded me of the "white tornado" as it clipped through the far end of the living room. Then it whooshed around to the side of the apartment that the bathroom was on and as my attention reverted back to the mirror, that swirling little whirlwind of God's Spirit and Power came through the ceiling and hit me on the top of the head. The knowledge came to me that I was being changed from the corruptible into the incorruptible and that the moment the change was complete my feet would leave the ground. Like a tornado descending over my body, it stripped away the corruptible, replacing it with the glorious as it went from head to foot. I saw in the mirror, as it reached my shoulders, that where I had relatively short blonde hair a moment before, it was now pure silky white flowing hair; long enough to brush the top of my shoulders. The hair alone was full of glory and the excellence of God, and it laid just the way I thought it should. I saw a changed face in the mirror that was a thousand times more recognizable as myself than the corruptible self I had seen a moment before. Every feature of my face was 100% me and not clouded by any walls of hiding or twisted by any results of sin. It was a fully righteous 75 self as provided by the gift of Jesus Christ. I was not looking at an image of Christ painted over me or an image of Jesus replacing me. I was looking at a 100% recreated in the image of Christ, ME. The "tornado" went down my body, and surprisingly and somewhat humorous to me, stripped the clothes from my body as it went, first the shirt, then the pants, clothing me with a pure white robe as it went down. The robe had a kind of embroidery on the cuffs of thread made from pure gold in a pattern particular only to my robe. When the power reached my feet I exploded out of my shoes, shooting straight upwards leaving behind a neat pile of clothes as they would fall from a body if it were instantly vaporized. I was flying through the air at great speed. It felt, and looked from what I could see, as though I were passing through the entire universe. I knew in just another moment I would be standing face to face with Jesus. I felt a sudden decrease in speed and came right up to what seemed to be a large black velvet curtain. I knew, without seeing, that Jesus was on the other side. I was puzzled by the curtain, but then Jesus, speaking to my spirit from the other side of the curtain, related to me that this was not the actual catching away, but that it was how the catching away would be and feel. He conveyed to me that I could not come to the other side of the curtain yet because I had to return to Earth. It was the real thing to me until He had informed me otherwise. I guess it was like John who was shown things and experienced things that still have yet to occur. Then after Jesus said I had to return I felt myself plummeting backwards through space and ended up lying on my back with my eyes bugging out starring at the ceiling in amazement knowing that in the not too distant future I would experience it again on a "one way" ticket basis. For the time remaining I would be allowed a chance to tell others of some of those things that are in store for us in Heaven.
I was doing about the most common thing I could think of when it happened. I was combing my hair in the bathroom. I was looking at my face, putting a part on the left, combing most of it to the right with a slight twist downward in the front. I suddenly heard a noise outside of the apartment to my right, through the living room to the outside, like a roaring wind. I knew, that I knew, that I knew it was the Spirit and Power of God come for me. I recall thinking it reminded me of the "white tornado" as it clipped through the far end of the living room. Then it whooshed around to the side of the apartment that the bathroom was on and as my attention reverted back to the mirror, that swirling little whirlwind of God's Spirit and Power came through the ceiling and hit me on the top of the head. The knowledge came to me that I was being changed from the corruptible into the incorruptible and that the moment the change was complete my feet would leave the ground. Like a tornado descending over my body, it stripped away the corruptible, replacing it with the glorious as it went from head to foot. I saw in the mirror, as it reached my shoulders, that where I had relatively short blonde hair a moment before, it was now pure silky white flowing hair; long enough to brush the top of my shoulders. The hair alone was full of glory and the excellence of God, and it laid just the way I thought it should. I saw a changed face in the mirror that was a thousand times more recognizable as myself than the corruptible self I had seen a moment before. Every feature of my face was 100% me and not clouded by any walls of hiding or twisted by any results of sin. It was a fully righteous 75 self as provided by the gift of Jesus Christ. I was not looking at an image of Christ painted over me or an image of Jesus replacing me. I was looking at a 100% recreated in the image of Christ, ME. The "tornado" went down my body, and surprisingly and somewhat humorous to me, stripped the clothes from my body as it went, first the shirt, then the pants, clothing me with a pure white robe as it went down. The robe had a kind of embroidery on the cuffs of thread made from pure gold in a pattern particular only to my robe. When the power reached my feet I exploded out of my shoes, shooting straight upwards leaving behind a neat pile of clothes as they would fall from a body if it were instantly vaporized. I was flying through the air at great speed. It felt, and looked from what I could see, as though I were passing through the entire universe. I knew in just another moment I would be standing face to face with Jesus. I felt a sudden decrease in speed and came right up to what seemed to be a large black velvet curtain. I knew, without seeing, that Jesus was on the other side. I was puzzled by the curtain, but then Jesus, speaking to my spirit from the other side of the curtain, related to me that this was not the actual catching away, but that it was how the catching away would be and feel. He conveyed to me that I could not come to the other side of the curtain yet because I had to return to Earth. It was the real thing to me until He had informed me otherwise. I guess it was like John who was shown things and experienced things that still have yet to occur. Then after Jesus said I had to return I felt myself plummeting backwards through space and ended up lying on my back with my eyes bugging out starring at the ceiling in amazement knowing that in the not too distant future I would experience it again on a "one way" ticket basis. For the time remaining I would be allowed a chance to tell others of some of those things that are in store for us in Heaven.
Oct 1, 2017
!!!" (Jesus Rules Channel)
"This is a word from the Lord. The time has come my
children. Prepare your hearts, for your King is about to
enter. Now is the time you have waited for and anticipated.
Listen for the sound of the trumpet beloved, for only those
who are ready shall hear. If
you're not sure if I will call on you, come before me
on your knees in true repentance and lay everything before
me, putting your pride behind you. Just as in the days of
Noah, people were mocking and laughing at him until the ark
doors were sealed, so shall
it be when I come for my people. These very ones will be
running to and fro as fear strikes their hearts and they see
your transformation and realize just how foolish they have
been. Do not fear though, my children, for many that
experience your transformation
will instantly believe and finally surrender their hearts
to me. For some this conversion will take time as anger,
disbelief will creep in as they shake their fists at me,
finally giving way to what has taken place and truly
realizing that I AM the truth,
the way, and the life. I have everything in control as I
prepare my army for battle to thwart the plans of the evil
one. For those whom discover this message after my children
have been raptured, you must surrender your hearts to ME,
letting go of this world
and what it has to offer. I REPEAT, do not accept the mark
of the beast. Forsake your fleshly desire, and give way for
your soul to step forth, and I shall deliver you up to MY
FATHER. Jesus."
Word Received by Virginia
I received a short message earlier today from the Lord Jesus Christ as follows, "Almost There"...another words, our departure is at the door. Keep looking up for He is coming at an hour when you think not. However He also says we are to watch. If we do not watch you will not know the hour of His coming.
Stay close for we are being tested now as He told me and also Barbra and Dan of Godshealer7 received a message today...we are now in the season of silencing.
In the last few days, I've had series of dreams on the rapture.
I was shown an image of the entire earth and centers of activity and conflict and the underlying understanding that the Islamic radicals were at the root of the major world conflicts. Missiles with white smoke streaked from east to west across the skies all over the world at once. People were going nuts and running everywhere and screaming, confused and having nowhere to hide.
Then an announcement came from the sky that Jesus had come and it was time to get in line. I ran
around to find my cat and grabbed him and when I got outside there were lines miles long of people waiting to be taken up. I ran past them because I didn't wanna wait to see Jesus LOL and I was drawn up into the sky and landed at a kind of pit stop where angels were doing various things and talking to people before they got to see Him. One angel who addressed me was a black lady with lots of braids and she asked me if I'd seen His face yet (because that's what i always think about!) I told her I hadn't. She had very dark skin and bright yellow eyes. She led me to some sort of a vehicle and told me to climb into the cab. In the driver's seat there was a man with light blue eyes who was really nice and he told me to cli
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