Mark 13:35 Watch ye therefore:
for ye know not when the Master of the house cometh; at evening or at
midnight or at the cockcrowing or at midnight.
Matthew 24:36-41 But about that day
or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son,f but only the
Father. 37As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son
of Man. 38For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking,
marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39and they
knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all
away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 40Two men will be
in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41Two women will be
grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.
So be prepared, as you know not what day
your Lord is coming. What does this mean? It means exactly what it
says. Any minute. Any second. Could be the last chance that
anyone has to give himself/herself to Jesus before He comes for the true believers
before the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord, The Great Tribulation because
when He returns, it will happen that fast. The Bible says in the
twinkling of an eye. Millions of people will suddenly disappear.
Leave this earth to meet their Lord. And a shocked world will
discover suddenly that what the Bible said was true. This is no
joke. This is not a fairy tale. It will happen. So
Christian be alert and friend, if you haven't given your life to Jesus Christ,
do it and do it now because Christ will come for His own and the Rapture
(catching away) will happen. It says in the Bible He will come as a thief
in the night.
Salvation is free. It is a gift
from God, but you have to accept it. Jesus gave His life for us so that
we can live for eternity with Him. First you have to acknowledge that you
are a sinner and ask forgiveness. Ask Jesus to come and live in your
heart, to guide you in all that you do. You must believe that Jesus was
the only begotten Son of God, that he was born of the virgin Mary, was
crucified for our sins on the cross, was dead and buried, rose on the third day
and ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand side of God. Turn away
from sin and ask forgiveness when you mess up. Christians are not
perfect. Christians are forgiven through the blood of Jesus, the price He
paid on the cross for us so that we would not have to pay for our sins.
We mess up, but we are forgiven.
Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace are ye saved
through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9Not of
works, lest any man should boast.
Are you ready? Jesus is returning
for His children very soon. He is pouring out His Spirit on this
earth. Millions are having dreams and visions, including myself.
Things are being revealed to us so that we may know that time is short and He
is returning soon. No, this is not called the Second Coming, that is at
the end of the seven year tribulation. He is not coming to earth until
then. This time, he is coming in the clouds.
I Thessalonians 4:16-18 says: For the
Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the
archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in
the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
18Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
Condensed Version of Tribulation Map From Bible Believers' Evangelistic Association
due to millions of people suddenly and mysteriously disappearing, this will
explain WHAT has happened. The event referred to as the “RAPTURE” came AND YOU
WERE LEFT. First, let’s understand more clearly what has happened. Next,
we’ll see what will happen to YOU during the “Tribulation Judgment.” WHAT HAS
HAPPENED? The word “Rapture” means to be quickly removed or “caught up.” It was
a term used for years to identify an event promised in the Bible (John 14;2, 3;
I Cor. 15:51, 52; I Thess. 4:16, 17). Jesus Christ promised to return, in
the clouds, to quickly receive up to Himself all the dead and living “in
Christ” (saved). This is precisely what has come to pass, before the
tribulation (Rev. 3:10)!
COME. However, the multitudes which were taken were ready. They had
repented of their sins and placed 100% of their trust in Jesus Christ as
personal Savior. Their sudden removal has caused the mysterious world
crisis, confusion and panic, such as: • Driverless car, bus, truck and train
wrecks. • Airplane crashes due to missing crew members. • Mass confusion of the
radio and TV news media. • Telephone circuits overloaded, operators missing. •
Numerous and uncontrollable fires and looting. • Rampaging lawlessness, crime
and mobs, which the remaining police are not able to control. • Graves of the
saved opened and bodies resurrected. • Packed churches of liberal religions and
false cults seeking answers from their ministers. • Families TERRIFIED AND IN
SHOCK over missing saved family members (and babies—?), while the unsaved
family members are still left on the earth.
According to the
Bible, some “world leader” will rise up and appear to be the “savior” of the
remaining people. He may give some rational explanation for the missing
multitudes and restore some degree of world peace (temporarily). He may
be instrumental in establishing a covenant between Israel and the Arab nations
and allow Israel to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. These things will
officially begin the seven year “TRIBULATION JUDGMENT” (Dan. 9:27). This “world
leader” will eventually sit in that Temple and claim to be God. It will
not be demonstrated until the middle of the seven years (42 months) that he is
the “ANTI-CHRIST” (II Thess. 2:3, 4; Rev. 13:4-8). This seven year
“Tribulation” WILLBE HORRIBLE. Jesus Himself WARNED that it would be greater
than any past or future world judgment (Matt 24:21). Here are SOME (not
all) of the predicted judgment: SEAL JUDGMENTS • Peace taken, global war, great
weapons (Rev. 6:4). • Famine, a day’s food for a day’s wages (6:5, 6). • 1/4
world’s population will die, war, hunger (6:8). • Christians will be slain for
their faith (6:9-11). • Earthquakes, sun darkened, stars fall (6:12, 13). •
Mountains and islands will be moved (6:14). • PANIC AND TERROR will be
universal (6:15-17).
For many years post-tribulationists and amillenialists have claimed that the pre-tribulational viewpoint is a recent teaching (circa 1800's) in the almost 2000 year history of the Church. And many claim that this lack of teaching by the early forefathers of the Church indicates that it is not a valid teaching because it would have been carried down in the Church writings.
Well that has all changed now with the recent translations of the writings of Ephraem the Syrian, circa 373 A.D. Ephraem was a major theologian and Christian writer of the Byzantine Church. He lived from approximately 306 A.D. to 373 A.D. Until recently a large number of his writing had yet to be translated into English.
In 1994, Grant R. Jeffrey discovered some ancient manuscripts of Ephraem. Following are some key excerpts of that text. The translation was done by Professor Cameron Rhoades, of Tyndale Theological Seminary, at the request of Mr. Jeffrey. The excerpts are taken from Grant Jeffrey's recent book, Final Warning, published by Frontier Research Publications, Inc., Box 120, Station "U", Toronto, Ontario M8Z 5M4. You can find it in most Christian bookstores. I highly recommend it as there are many other items of eschatological interest, including some excerpts of Ephraem's writings on Daniel's 70 weeks prophecies.
I wish to acknowledge and thank Mr. Jeffrey for his permission to post the following information from his book for the Church to see.
Ephraem's Teaching on the Pre-Tribulation Rapture
"For all the saints and Elect of God are gathered, prior to the tribulation that is to come, and are taken to the Lord lest they see the confusion that is to overwhelm the world because of our sins" (On the Last Times, the Antichrist, and the End of the World, by Ephraem the Syrian, A.D. 373).
The early Christian writer and poet, Ephraem the Syrian, (who lived from A. D. 306 to 373) was a major theologian of the early Byzantine Eastern Church. He was born near Nisbis, in the Roman province of Syria, near present day Edessa, Turkey. Ephraem displayed a profound love of the Scriptures in his writings as illustrated by several of his written comments quoted in the Works of Nathaniel Lardner, Vol. 4, 1788). "I esteem no man more happy than him, who diligently reads the Scriptures delivered to us by the Spirit of God, and thinks how he may order his conversation by the precepts of them." To this day, his hymns and homilies are used in the liturgy of the Greek Orthodox and Middle Eastern Nestorian Church. While the sixteen-volume Post-Nicene Library includes a number of homilies and psalms by Ephraem the Syrian, the editors noted that he also wrote a large number of commentaries that have never been translated into English.
Ephraem's fascinating teaching on the Antichrist has never been published in English until now. This critically important prophecy manuscript from the fourth century of the Church era reveals a literal method of interpretation and a teaching of the pre-millennial return of Christ. More importantly, Ephraem's text revealed a very clear statement about the pretribulational return of Christ to take His elect saints home to heaven to escape the coming Tribulation. In addition, Ephraem declares his belief in a personal, Jewish Antichrist, who will rule the Roman Empire during the last days, a rebuilt Temple, the two witnesses and a literal Great Tribulation lasting 1,260 days. It is also fascinating to note that he taught that the War of Gog and Magog would precede the tribulation period. I discovered another text by Ephraem, called The Book of the Cave of Treasure, that revealed he taught that Daniel's Seventieth Week will be fulfilled in the final seven years at the end of this age that will conclude with Christ's return at the Battle of Armageddon to establish His kingdom.
The following section includes key passages from Ephraem's important text, written about A.D. 373, and translated by Professor Cameron Rhoades, of Tyndale Theological Seminary, at my request.
On the Last Times, the Antichrist, and the End of the World
"1. Most dearly beloved brothers, believe the Holy Spirit who speaks in us. Now we have spoken before, because the end of the world is very near, and the consummation remains. Has not the first faith withered away in men? ...
"2. We ought to understand thoroughly therefore, my brothers what is imminent or overhanging. Already there have been hunger and plagues, violent movements of nations and signs, which have been predicted by the Lord, they have already been fulfilled, and there is not other which remains, except the advent of the wicked one in the completion of the Roman kingdom. Why therefore are we occupied with worldly business, and why is our mind held fixed on the lusts of the world or the anxieties of the ages? Why therefore do we not reject every care of earthly actions and prepare ourselves for the meeting of the Lord Christ, so that He may draw us from the confusion, which overwhelms the world? Believe you me, dearest brothers, because the coming of the Lord is nigh, believe you me, because the end of the world is at hand, believe me, because it is the very last time.... Because all saints and the Elect of the Lord are gathered together before the tribulation which is to about to come and are taken to the Lord, in order that they may not see at any time the confusion which overwhelms the world because of our sins (italics added). And so, brothers, most dear to me, it is the eleventh hour, and the end of this world comes to the harvest, and angels, armed and prepared, hold sickles in their hands, awaiting the empire of the Lord ....
"3. When therefore the end of the world comes, there arise diverse wars, commotions on all sides, horrible earthquakes, perturbations of nations, tempests throughout the lands, plagues, famine, drought throughout the thoroughfares, great danger throughout the sea and dry land, constant persecutions, slaughters and massacres everywhere ....
"6. When therefore the end of the world comes, that abominable, lying and murderous one is born from the tribe of Dan. He is conceived from the seed of a man and from a most vile virgin, mixed with an evil or worthless spirit ....
"7. But when the time of the abomination of his desolation begins to approach, having been made legal, he takes the empire.... Therefore, when he receives the kingdom, he orders the temple of God to be rebuilt for himself, which is in Jerusalem; who, after coming into it, he shall sit as God and order that he be adored by all nations ... then all people from everywhere shall flock together to him at the city of Jerusalem, and the holy city shall be trampled on by the nations for forty-two months just as the holy apostle says in the Apocalypse, which become three and a half years, 1260 days. "8. In these three years and a half the heaven shall suspend its dew; because there will be no rain upon the earth and there will be a great tribulation, as there has not been, since people began to be upon the earth and no one is able to sell or to buy of the grain of the fall harvest, unless he is one who has the serpentine sign on the forehead or the hand
"10. And when the three and a half years have been completed, the time of the Antichrist, through which he will have seduced the world, after the resurrection of the two prophets, in the hour which the world does not know, and on the day which the enemy or son of perdition does not know, will come the sign of the Son of Man, and coming forward the Lord shall appear with great power and much majesty, with the sign of the word of salvation going before him, and also even with all the powers of the heavens with the whole chorus of the saints.... Then Christ shall come and the enemy shall be thrown into confusion, and the Lord shall destroy him by the Spirit of his mouth. And he shall be bound and shall be plunged into the abyss of everlasting fire alive with his father Satan; and all people, who do his wishes, shall perish with him forever; but the righteous ones shall inherit everlasting life with the Lord for ever and ever."
To summarize the key points in Ephraem's text on the last days:
1. Ephraem's manuscript lays out the events of the last days in chronological sequence. Significantly he began with the Rapture using the word "imminent," then, he described the Great Tribulation of three and a half years duration under the Antichrist's tyranny, followed by the second coming of Christ to earth with his saints to defeat the Antichrist.
2. Significantly, at the beginning of his treatise in Section 2, Ephraem used the word "imminent" to describe the Rapture occurring before the tribulation and the coming of the Antichrist. "We ought to understand thoroughly therefore, my brothers what is imminent or overhanging."
3. He clearly described the pre-tribulation rapture: "Because all saints and the Elect of the Lord are gathered together before the tribulation which is to about to come and are taken to the Lord, in order that they may not see at any time the confusion which overwhelms the world because of our sins."
4. He then gives the purpose of God rapturing the Church "before the tribulation" so that "they may not see at any time the confusion which overwhelms the world because of our sins." Ephraem used the word "confusion" as a synonym for the tribulation period.
5. Ephraem described the duration of the "great tribulation" (the last half of the seven year tribulation period) in sections 7, 8 and 10 as follows: "forty-two months" and "three and a half years" and "1260 days."
6. He summarized: "There will be a great tribulation, as there has not been since people began to be upon the earth" and described the Mark of the Beast system.
7. He declared that Christ will come to the earth after the "three and a half years" tribulation period in Section 10: "And when the three and a half years have been completed, the time of the Antichrist, through which he will have seduced the world, after the resurrection of the two prophets... will come the sign of the Son of Man, and coming forward the Lord shall appear with great power and much majesty"
Dr. Paul Alexander, perhaps the most authoritative scholar on the writings of the early Byzantine Church, concluded that Ephraem's text on The Antichrist taught that the Lord would supernaturally remove the saints of the Church from the earth is prior to the tribulations that is to come." Ephraem wrote that the saints will be "taken to the Lord lest they see the confusion that is to overwhelm the world because of our sins." Dr. Alexander believed this text was written by some unknown writer in the sixth century but he concluded that it was derived from an original Ephraem manuscript (A.D. 373). other scholars, including the German editor Professor Caspari who wrote a German commentary on this Latin manuscript in 1890, believed that Ephraem's manuscript was written by the genuine Ephraem in A.D. 373. Professor Cameron Rhoades, professor of Latin at Tyndale Theological Seminary, translated Ephraem's Latin text into English at the request of my friend Dr. Tommy Ice and myself.
Copyright Information:
The following is excerpted from © 1995 Grant R. Jeffrey, Final Warning, published by Frontier Research Publications, Inc., Box 120, Station "U", Toronto, Ontario M8Z 5M4
To cite this page:
Ephraem the Syrian, JoshuaNet, 27 Jun. 2017. <http://joshuanet.org/articles/ephraem1.htm>
Below, I am going to show you a few of these evidences.
Perhaps the strongest argument for the Pre-Trib Rapture is the last item below!
"Imminency and the Any-Moment Rapture"
To fully and easily understand the Pre-Trib Rapture
position, I highly recommend a great book by Dr Thomas Ice, "Charting
the End Times" with Tim LaHaye. It is a short and simple book with
lots of Charts to explain the End Times! If you have other
questions go to "www.pre-trib.org" First I need to
respond to your video comments about the Pre-Trib Rapture. Then I will
present several articles about the End Times:
# 1. Tribulation vs Wrath: Jesus promised Christians would experience trouble, trials, tribulations and persecution! But there is a huge difference between trials and tribulation from the world and Satan, and what comes on the world in the Tribulation period which is GOD himself pouring out His WRATH on the world! What is known as "The Tribulation" , the "time of Jacob's Trouble" is for God's WRATH. Jesus already took God's wrath for believers- his bride, church, body, chosen; on the Cross! Why would we be in the Tribulation? Jesus took ALL of God's Wrath for the believers! The church is ”saved from the WRATH to come” (1 Thessalonians 5:9). The purpose of the tribulation, the 70th week of Daniel's 70 Weeks, is when God will finish His discipline of Israel (bringing 1/3 to faith in Christ just before his 2nd coming,) and finalize his judgment of the unbelieving world.
The church is not appointed to wrath (1 Thessalonians 1:9-10, 5:9), and believers will not be overtaken by the Day of the Lord (1 Thessalonians 5:1-9). The church of Philadelphia was promised to be kept from “the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world” (Revelation 3:10). Note that the promise is not preservation through the trial but deliverance FROM the hour, that is, from the time period of the trial!
# 3. God is always in the business of saving people!
Clearly a great number of people during the tribulation will place their faith in Jesus Christ, and many will be martyred by the Antichrist. These are known as "Tribulation Saints". They are similar to Old Testament believers. Having seen a billion Christians Raptured, literally “Caught up” to heaven will have a big effect! The Tribulation Saints who live until the end of the Tribulation will be a part of the surviving people who will populate the 1000- year Millennium Kingdom of Christ along with the Old Testament Saints. Those who are martyred will be resurrected and given a glorious heavenly body. (1 Corinthians 15:51-53) . Even as God is meting out His just punishment on an unbelieving world, He will be restoring Israel to faith and extending grace to all who believe in Christ, both Jew and Gentile. Once you realize the Pre-Trib Rapture is true, this presents no problem. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=
VIDEOS: This is an excellent short VIDEO by Andy Woods
presenting 7 of the top evidences:
“7 Reasons to trust the Pre-trib Rapture” (very short)
(Each of the seven points are expounded upon during this short video.)
(Each of the seven points are expounded upon during this short video.)
1. The Tribulation concerns the nation of Israel, not the
Church. Jeremiah 30:7 which says, “It is the time of Jacob’s trouble”. It
is also Daniel’s 70th week. https://www.gotquestions.org/seventy-weeks.html
2. There is no biblical reference to the church on earth
during the tribulation period. Revelations 4:22
3. The church is promised exemption from Divine Wrath
because Christ already bore of the wrath of God on the cross for His Bride, His
children. Though the church has experienced persecution, natural disasters,
etc. for 2000 years, the tribulation is explicitly a time for God's wrath. In
5:9, (an End Times passage) Paul reemphasizes the absence of the Church from
this time period by saying, "For God has not destined us for wrath, but
for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ." The wrath spoken
of here is God's judgment on the unbelieving world and His discipline of Israel
during the Tribulation.1 Thess 1:10, Romans 5:9, Revelations 3:10 and 6:17
4. The rapture is IMMINENT, which means it can
happen at any moment. This is a well-established doctrine in Scripture. The
Pre-trip position is the only one that can say: “Christ may come today”. The
moment you place the rapture during the tribulation, you destroy the doctrine
of Imminence because certain events must take place before the rapture. (1
Corinthians 15:51, 1 Thess 4:15)
5. The rapture is a COMFORT for Christians 1 Thess
4:18, John 14:1-3. Once you know the horror and death and destruction during
the tribulation you would in no way consider it to be a comforting time for
Christians to look forward to. Matthew 24:21 The Church is told often in
the New Testament to look for Jesus, not the antichrist! John 12:1-3 is a
Rapture verse! Jesus says, "Let not your heart be troubled. I am coming
back to take you to be with me" Would Jesus say that if we were going to
have to go through the Tribulation, the most horrific time in human history? Of
course not!
6. The antichrist cannot come to power until the
restrainer (Holy Spirit within Christians) is removed 2 Thess 2:67
7. Symbolic parallels: Like Noah and his
family being removed before the flood and Lot being rescued before
Sodom’s destruction. “The Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials” 2
Peter 2:5-9
A Few More Short Awesome Videos!!
1. Dr. Thomas Ice - Pre Tribulation Rapture (Six 10
minute videos)
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=DcMhSnBTdbE&list=PLANlv__iL13jyOnN_l3zW2lVgqCVgW4uV&index=1
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=DcMhSnBTdbE&list=PLANlv__iL13jyOnN_l3zW2lVgqCVgW4uV&index=1
2. Mark Hitchcock - The Rapture of the Church
3. Pre-Trib Rapture - John MacArthur https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOsikYB0Vns
4.Dr. Thomas Ice- Differences Between the Rapture and
Second Coming - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NTWbk5yv9E&t=14s
For more evidence of a Pre-Trib Rapture go to 1. http://www.raptureready.com/rr-pretribulation-rapture.html
2. https://www.raptureready.com/rr-pre-trib-rapture.html
3. www.pre-trib.org (Articles by THE LEADING
AUTHORITIES on the Pre-trib rapture like Dr. Thomas Ice (co-author of
"Charting the End Times" with Tim LaHaye- a must buy!)
4. For a Biblical TIMELINE of the End Time Events: https://www.gotquestions.org/end-times-timeline.html.
5 For what the Bible declares will happen in the end
times: https://www.gotquestions.org/end-times.html
Mark Hitchcock - The Rapture of the Church - Aloha Bible
Dr. Thomas Ice Differences Between the Rapture and Second
Coming -
Pre Tribulation Rapture is Biblical - Outline of Events
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjN40kzBBx4 A few more arguments for the Pre-trib Rapture: 1. Pre-tribulationism also finds support in what is not found in Scripture. The word “church” appears nineteen times in the first three chapters of Revelation, but, significantly, the word is not used again until chapter 22. In other words, in the entire lengthy description of the Tribulation in Revelation, the word church is noticeably absent. In fact, the Bible never uses the word "church" in a passage relating to the Tribulation.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjN40kzBBx4 A few more arguments for the Pre-trib Rapture: 1. Pre-tribulationism also finds support in what is not found in Scripture. The word “church” appears nineteen times in the first three chapters of Revelation, but, significantly, the word is not used again until chapter 22. In other words, in the entire lengthy description of the Tribulation in Revelation, the word church is noticeably absent. In fact, the Bible never uses the word "church" in a passage relating to the Tribulation.
2. Pre-tribulationism is the only theory which clearly
maintains the distinction between Israel and the church and God’s separate
plans for each. The seventy “sevens” of Daniel 9:24 are decreed upon Daniel’s
people (the Jews) and Daniel’s holy city (Jerusalem). This prophecy makes it
plain that the seventieth week (the Tribulation) is a time of purging and
restoration for Israel and Jerusalem, not for the church.
3. Also, pre-tribulationism has historical support. From
John 21:22-23, it would seem that the early church viewed Christ’s return as
imminent, that He could return at any moment. Otherwise, the rumor would not
have persisted that Jesus would return within John’s lifetime. Imminence, which
is incompatible with the other two Rapture theories, is a key tenet of
4. And the preribulational view seems to be the most in
keeping with God’s character and His desire to deliver the righteous from the
judgment of the world. Biblical examples of God’s salvation include Noah, who
was delivered from the worldwide flood; Lot, who was delivered from Sodom; and
Rahab, who was delivered from Jericho (2 Peter 2:6-9).
5. Would Jesus tell us not to worry or be troubled if he knew we were going through the Tribulation? Of course NOT! He says this to us because we are going to Heaven to be with him when he comes in the air! John 14:1-3 Jesus Comforts His Disciples
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and "take" you to be "with me" (in Heaven) that you also may be where I am. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# 5. CONTRASTING the Rapture and the 2nd Coming:
It is critical to know that the Bible teaches two, totally different comings of Christ! What is the difference between the Rapture and the Second Coming? These "contrasts should make it evident that the translation, (Rapture) of the church is an event quite different in character and time from the return of the Lord to establish His kingdom, and confirms the conclusion that the Rapture takes place before the tribulation."
At The Rapture: At The 2nd Coming:
1. Christ comes to the air, above earth,1Thes 4:13-18; 2 Th 2:1 Christ and Church returns to the Earth.
(We are “caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.”) Rev 19:11-21, Jude 14-15; Zech. 14:1-5; Acts1:11
2. Christ comes for His own, John 14:3;1Th 4:13-18 -Christ returns with His own to Earth. Rev 19:14
3. He claims His bride ----------------- He comes with His bride (Rev. 19:6-14, and Zech 14:5b)
4. Rapture of all Christians ----------------- No one is raptured then
5. Christian are taken to Father's House John 14:3 --- Resurrected saints stay on Earth
6. He is seen only by believers 1Co 15:52 ----- Every eye will see Him, Mat 24:30
7. No Judgment on Earth -------- Christ judges inhabitants of earth (Mal. 4:1-2).
8. Church is taken to Heaven -------- Christ sets up his Kingdom on Earth
9. Earth not judged ---------------- Earth judged, Rev 20:4-5
10. A Mystery - 1 Co 15:51 (no mention of in OT) --------- Foretold in OT, Zech 12:10;
11. Imminent- could happen any moment-------- Happens 7 yrs after beginning of Tribulation
12. No signs or event prior to -------- Follows definite predicted signs including 7-yr Tribulation
13. Christians taken first (1Th 4:13-18 3 Mat 13:28-30) --- Wicked are taken first Mat 25:1-13; Rev 3:8-10; Rev 4:1,
14. Time of Joy ------- Time of Mourning13.
15. The Judgment Seat of Christ in Heaven- No Time or Place for Judgment of Church
16. He comes to present the Church to Himself 2 Co 11:2 ---Comes with His Church for judgment and to set up his Kingdom Rev 19:6-9, Zec 14:3-4; Jud 1:14-15; Rev 19:11-21
17. No mention of Satan ------------- Satan bound for a thousand years Rev 20
18. Marriage of the Lamb ------------------- His Bride descends with Jesus
19. Occurs in the twinkling of an eye 1 Co 15:52---------Comes to earth to do battle at specific locations Isa 63:1-3, Rev 16:16, Zec 12:9-10
20. Jesus descends with a shout. 1Th 4:16 8 ------------ No shout Rev 19:11-21
21. Saved are delivered from wrath, (1 Thess. 1:10; 5-9) …Experience the wrath of God in Tribulation and at his return. (Rev. 6:12-17).
22. Tribulation begins after Rapture. -------------- Millennial Kingdom begins.
23. Focus: Lord and Church, 1 Thess. 4:13-18). Focus: Israel and Kingdom, (Matt 24:14).
24. After rapture, the World is deceived by Satan. Satan is bound (2 Thess. 2:3-12, Rev. 20:1-2).
25. Translation(rapture) of all believers ------- No translation at all. Go into Millennium
26. Church saints go to heaven ….. Church saints return with Jesus to earth
27. Earth not judged --------- Earth judged & righteousness established
28. Not in the Old Testament …. Predicted often in Old Testament
29. For Believers only ----------- Affects all men
30. Before the day of wrath Concluding the day of wrath
31. He claims His bride He comes with His bride
5. Would Jesus tell us not to worry or be troubled if he knew we were going through the Tribulation? Of course NOT! He says this to us because we are going to Heaven to be with him when he comes in the air! John 14:1-3 Jesus Comforts His Disciples
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and "take" you to be "with me" (in Heaven) that you also may be where I am. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# 5. CONTRASTING the Rapture and the 2nd Coming:
It is critical to know that the Bible teaches two, totally different comings of Christ! What is the difference between the Rapture and the Second Coming? These "contrasts should make it evident that the translation, (Rapture) of the church is an event quite different in character and time from the return of the Lord to establish His kingdom, and confirms the conclusion that the Rapture takes place before the tribulation."
At The Rapture: At The 2nd Coming:
1. Christ comes to the air, above earth,1Thes 4:13-18; 2 Th 2:1 Christ and Church returns to the Earth.
(We are “caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.”) Rev 19:11-21, Jude 14-15; Zech. 14:1-5; Acts1:11
2. Christ comes for His own, John 14:3;1Th 4:13-18 -Christ returns with His own to Earth. Rev 19:14
3. He claims His bride ----------------- He comes with His bride (Rev. 19:6-14, and Zech 14:5b)
4. Rapture of all Christians ----------------- No one is raptured then
5. Christian are taken to Father's House John 14:3 --- Resurrected saints stay on Earth
6. He is seen only by believers 1Co 15:52 ----- Every eye will see Him, Mat 24:30
7. No Judgment on Earth -------- Christ judges inhabitants of earth (Mal. 4:1-2).
8. Church is taken to Heaven -------- Christ sets up his Kingdom on Earth
9. Earth not judged ---------------- Earth judged, Rev 20:4-5
10. A Mystery - 1 Co 15:51 (no mention of in OT) --------- Foretold in OT, Zech 12:10;
11. Imminent- could happen any moment-------- Happens 7 yrs after beginning of Tribulation
12. No signs or event prior to -------- Follows definite predicted signs including 7-yr Tribulation
13. Christians taken first (1Th 4:13-18 3 Mat 13:28-30) --- Wicked are taken first Mat 25:1-13; Rev 3:8-10; Rev 4:1,
14. Time of Joy ------- Time of Mourning13.
15. The Judgment Seat of Christ in Heaven- No Time or Place for Judgment of Church
16. He comes to present the Church to Himself 2 Co 11:2 ---Comes with His Church for judgment and to set up his Kingdom Rev 19:6-9, Zec 14:3-4; Jud 1:14-15; Rev 19:11-21
17. No mention of Satan ------------- Satan bound for a thousand years Rev 20
18. Marriage of the Lamb ------------------- His Bride descends with Jesus
19. Occurs in the twinkling of an eye 1 Co 15:52---------Comes to earth to do battle at specific locations Isa 63:1-3, Rev 16:16, Zec 12:9-10
20. Jesus descends with a shout. 1Th 4:16 8 ------------ No shout Rev 19:11-21
21. Saved are delivered from wrath, (1 Thess. 1:10; 5-9) …Experience the wrath of God in Tribulation and at his return. (Rev. 6:12-17).
22. Tribulation begins after Rapture. -------------- Millennial Kingdom begins.
23. Focus: Lord and Church, 1 Thess. 4:13-18). Focus: Israel and Kingdom, (Matt 24:14).
24. After rapture, the World is deceived by Satan. Satan is bound (2 Thess. 2:3-12, Rev. 20:1-2).
25. Translation(rapture) of all believers ------- No translation at all. Go into Millennium
26. Church saints go to heaven ….. Church saints return with Jesus to earth
27. Earth not judged --------- Earth judged & righteousness established
28. Not in the Old Testament …. Predicted often in Old Testament
29. For Believers only ----------- Affects all men
30. Before the day of wrath Concluding the day of wrath
31. He claims His bride He comes with His bride
Paul speaks of the rapture as a “mystery” (1 Cor. 15:51-54), that is a truth not revealed until its disclosure by the apostles (Col. 1:26), making it a separate event, while the second coming was predicted in the Old Testament (Dan. 12:1-3; Zech. 12:10; 14:4). The movement for the believer at the rapture is from earth to heaven, while it is from heaven to earth at the second advent. At the rapture, the Lord comes for his saints (1 Thess. 4:16), while at the second coming the Lord comes with His saints (1 Thess. 3:13). At the rapture, the Lord comes only for believers, but His return to the earth will impact all people. The rapture is a translation/resurrection event where the Lord takes believers “to the Father’s house” in heaven (John 14:3), while at the second coming believers return from heaven to the earth (Matt. 24:30). Hindson says, "The different aspects of our Lord’s return are clearly delineated in the scriptures themselves. The only real issue in the eschatological debate is the time interval between them." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # 6 A SUMMARY AND CHRONOLOGY OF THE END TIMES TIMELINE !
Paul speaks of the rapture as a “mystery” (1 Cor. 15:51-54), that is a truth not revealed until its disclosure by the apostles (Col. 1:26), making it a separate event, while the second coming was predicted in the Old Testament (Dan. 12:1-3; Zech. 12:10; 14:4). The movement for the believer at the rapture is from earth to heaven, while it is from heaven to earth at the second advent. At the rapture, the Lord comes for his saints (1 Thess. 4:16), while at the second coming the Lord comes with His saints (1 Thess. 3:13). At the rapture, the Lord comes only for believers, but His return to the earth will impact all people. The rapture is a translation/resurrection event where the Lord takes believers “to the Father’s house” in heaven (John 14:3), while at the second coming believers return from heaven to the earth (Matt. 24:30). Hindson says, "The different aspects of our Lord’s return are clearly delineated in the scriptures themselves. The only real issue in the eschatological debate is the time interval between them." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # 6 A SUMMARY AND CHRONOLOGY OF THE END TIMES TIMELINE !
1. The rapture
of the church. Christ comes in the clouds to “snatch away” all those who trust
in Him (1 Corinthians 15:52). At this same time, the “dead in Christ” will be
resurrected and taken to heaven, too. From our perspective today, this is the
next event in the eschatological timeline. The rapture is imminent; no other
biblical prophecy needs to be fulfilled before the rapture happens. 1Thess
4:15-18, “ For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud
command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and
the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive
and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the
Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever”.
2. The rise of the Antichrist. After the church is taken
out of the way (2 Thessalonians 2:7–8), a satanically empowered man will gain
worldwide control with promises of peace (Revelation 13:1; Daniel 9:27). He
will be aided by another man, called the false prophet, who heads up a
religious system that requires worship of the Antichrist (Revelation 19:20).
3. The tribulation. A period of seven years in which
God’s judgment is poured out on sinful humanity (Revelation 6–16). The
Antichrist’s rise to power is associated with this time period. During the
tribulation on earth, the Church will be in heaven. It is thought that at this
time the Judgment Seat of Christ and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb will occur
in heaven (2 Corinthians 5:10; Revelation 19:6–10). Untold loss of life and
destruction of the earth will occur during the Tribulation. Also, large numbers
will come to faith in Christ, yet many will do so at cost of their lives. The
Antichrist will kill Christians who refuse to take his mark. When a person
accepts Christ, God actually puts His own mark on their forehead! Of course,
this makes them easy to identify.
4. The Battle of Gog and Magog. In the first part of the
tribulation, a great army from the north, in alliance with several other
countries from the Middle East and Africa, attacks Israel and is defeated by
God’s supernatural intervention (Ezekiel 38–39). (Some commentators place this
battle just before the start of the tribulation.)
5. The abomination of desolation. At the midway point of
the seven-year tribulation, the Antichrist breaks his covenant with Israel and
shows his true colors. The Jews are scattered, and many of them turn to the
Lord, realizing that Jesus is their Savior. A great persecution breaks out
against all those who believe in Christ (Daniel 12:11; Mark 13:14; Revelation
6. The Battle of Armageddon. At the end of the
tribulation, Jesus returns with the armies of heaven (Mark 14:62). He saves
Jerusalem from annihilation and defeats the armies of the nations fighting
under the banner of the Antichrist (Revelation 19:11–21). The Antichrist and
the false prophet are captured and thrown alive into the lake of fire
(Revelation 19:20).
7. The judgment of the nations. Christ will judge the
survivors of the tribulation, separating the righteous from the wicked as
“sheep” and “goats” (Matthew 25:31–46). (It is thought that at this time the
Old Testament saints will be raised from the dead.) The righteous will enter
the Millennial Kingdom; the wicked will be cast into hell.
8. The binding of Satan. Satan will be bound and held in
a bottomless pit for the next 1,000 years (Revelation 20:1–3).
9. The Millennial Kingdom. Jesus Himself will rule the
world, and Jerusalem will be the capital. This will be a 1,000-year period of
peace and prosperity on earth (Revelation 20; Isaiah 60–62). Memorial
sacrifices will be offered in a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem (Ezekiel 40–48).
The earth is renovated and will provide a world that has no earthquakes, tornadoes, famines, etc. and even the animals will all be peaceful. He will put the antichrist and the False Prophet into the into the Lake of Fire. Only surviving believers will populate the 1000-year Kingdom. Mankind will still have a sin nature but won’t have to deal with Demons! Revelation saints and Tribulation saints will be resurrected (Rev 20:4, Matt24:31). And we will see (be with) Jesus who lives and rules Earth from His Temple in Jerusalem. Some people will live up to 1000 years. But at the end God lets Satan lose to once again to deceive 1/3 of mankind and lead them in a revolt against Jesus!! People will still have a fallen sin nature. After that we have the final New Heavens and Earth!
The earth is renovated and will provide a world that has no earthquakes, tornadoes, famines, etc. and even the animals will all be peaceful. He will put the antichrist and the False Prophet into the into the Lake of Fire. Only surviving believers will populate the 1000-year Kingdom. Mankind will still have a sin nature but won’t have to deal with Demons! Revelation saints and Tribulation saints will be resurrected (Rev 20:4, Matt24:31). And we will see (be with) Jesus who lives and rules Earth from His Temple in Jerusalem. Some people will live up to 1000 years. But at the end God lets Satan lose to once again to deceive 1/3 of mankind and lead them in a revolt against Jesus!! People will still have a fallen sin nature. After that we have the final New Heavens and Earth!
10. The last battle. At the end of the 1,000 years, Satan
will be released from his prison for a short time. He will deceive the nations
once again, and there will be a rebellion against the Lord that will be quickly
defeated (Revelation 20:7–10). Satan will be cast into the lake of fire, never
to reappear.
11. The Great White Throne Judgment. All those in hell
will be brought forth, and all the wicked from all eras of history will be
resurrected to stand before God in a final judgment (Revelation 20:11–15). The
verdicts are read, and all of sinful humanity is cast into the lake of fire.
12. The new creation. God completely remakes the heavens
and the earth. It is at this time that God wipes away all tears and there will
be no more pain, death, or sorrow. The New Jerusalem descends from heaven, and
the children of God will enjoy eternity with Him (Revelation 21–22).
Articles about The End Times
Summary of Daniel 70 weeks: https://www.gotquestions.org/seventy-weeks.html
Summary of Daniel 70 weeks: https://www.gotquestions.org/seventy-weeks.html
Evidence of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture:
1 http://www.pre-trib.org/articles/view/why-i-believe-bible-teaches-rapture-before-tribulation
2 http://www.raptureready.com/the-pretribulation-rapture-articles/
3 http://www.raptureready.com/rr-pretribulation-rapture.html
4 Thomas Ice: http://www.raptureready.com/featured/ice/ttcol.html
More articles about the End Times: http://www.raptureready.com/ and www.pre-trib.org provide more information about the Rapture! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++== # 7 What Is The Tribulation
1 http://www.pre-trib.org/articles/view/why-i-believe-bible-teaches-rapture-before-tribulation
2 http://www.raptureready.com/the-pretribulation-rapture-articles/
3 http://www.raptureready.com/rr-pretribulation-rapture.html
4 Thomas Ice: http://www.raptureready.com/featured/ice/ttcol.html
More articles about the End Times: http://www.raptureready.com/ and www.pre-trib.org provide more information about the Rapture! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++== # 7 What Is The Tribulation
The tribulation is a future seven-year period when God
will finish His discipline of Israel (bringing 1/3 to faith in Christ just
before his 2nd coming,) and finalize His judgment of the unbelieving world. In
summary, the Tribulation is the 7-year time period in the end times in which
humanity's decadence and depravity will reach its fullness, with God judging
accordingly. Jesus said this period would be the worst trouble the earth has
ever experience and would result in the end of humanity if does not return. The
church, made up of all who have trusted in Christ will not be present during
the tribulation. The church will be removed from the earth in an event known as
the rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15:51-53). The church is”
saved from the WRATH to come” (1 Thessalonians 5:9). There are over 50 Biblical
evidences for the Pre- Tribulation removal of the Church (Rapture). I will show
you a few major ones below. Throughout Scripture, the tribulation is referred
to by other names such as the Day of the; trouble or tribulation; the great
tribulation, which refers to the more intense second half of the seven-year
period; time or day of trouble; time of Jacob's trouble (Jeremiah 30:7).
An understanding of Daniel 9:24-27 is necessary to
understand the purpose and time of the Tribulation. This passage speaks of 70
weeks that have been declared against “your people.” Daniel's people are the
Jews, the nation of Israel, and Daniel 9:24 speaks of a period of time that God
has given “to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for
wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and
prophecy and to anoint the most holy.” God declares that “, or 490 years
(seventy sevens) will fulfill all these things. Daniel is told that “the
Messiah will be cut off” (crucified) 483 years after the decree to rebuild
Jerusalem. Biblical historians confirm that 483 years passed from the time of
the decree to rebuild Jerusalem to the time when Jesus was crucified.
With 483 years, out of the 490 years having passed; this
leaves one seven-year period to fulfilled the terms of Daniel 9:24 to finish
the 490 years of God’s plans for mankind (see previous paragraph). Clearly
these last 7 years was not completed immediately after Christ’s death. The
countdown of Daniel’s ”70 Weeks Prophecy” clearly stopped (or paused) in order
to bring in the “Church”, a new and unique group of the believers in Christ,
the Body, the Bride of Christ.
IMPORTANT: The Church clearly was NOT a part of the
70 Weeks Prophecy because God told Daniel that ALL 70 weeks, 490 years, was for
“your people!” Daniel's people are the Jews, the nation of Israel! Not the
Church! The Church was not part of the first 69 weeks (483 years) and they
won’t be a part of the 70th week, (7 years) “the time of Jacob's trouble”! This
final seven-year period is known as the tribulation period— is primarily a time
when God finishes judging Israel for its sin and “saving the nation of Israel
as Paul declared in Romans 11:25-26, “Israel has experienced a hardening in
part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in, and in this way all
Israel will be saved.” (As a nation)
Daniel 9:27 gives a few highlights of the seven-year
tribulation period:
“He will confirm a covenant with many for one 'seven.' In
the middle of the 'seven' he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on
a wing of the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation,
until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.” The person of whom this
verse speaks is the person Jesus calls the “abomination that causes desolation”
(Matthew 24:15) and is called “the beast” in Revelation 13. Daniel 9:27 says
that the beast will make a covenant for seven years, but in the middle of this
week (3 1/2 years into the tribulation), he will break the covenant, putting a
stop to sacrifice. Revelation 13 explains that the beast will place an image of
himself in the temple and require the world to worship him. Revelation 13:5
says that this will go on for 42 months, which is 3 1/2 years. Since Daniel
9:27 says that this will happen in the middle of the week, and Revelation 13:5
says that the beast will do this for a period of 42 months, it is easy to see
that the total length of time is 84 months or seven years. Also see Daniel
7:25, also refers to “great tribulation,” the last half of the seven-year
tribulation period when the beast will be in total power.
In summary, the Tribulation is the 7-year time period in
the end times in which humanity's decadence and depravity will reach its
fullness, with God judging accordingly. Please read:
Summary of Daniel 70 weeks:
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #8
Imminency and the Any-Moment Rapture Perhaps the strongest argument for
the Pre-Trib Rapture!
Four important elements contribute to a pretribulational
understanding of imminency.
First, imminency means that the rapture could take place at any moment. While other events may take place before the rapture, no event must precede it. If prior events are required before the rapture, then the rapture could not be described as imminent. Thus, if any event were required to occur before the rapture, then the concept of imminency would be destroyed.
Second, since the rapture is imminent and could happen at any moment, then it follows that one must be prepared for it to occur at any time, without sign or warning.
Third, imminency eliminates any attempt at date setting. Date setting is impossible since the rapture is signless (i.e., providing no basis for date setting) and if imminency is really true, the moment a date was fixed then Christ could not come at any moment, destroying imminency. Fourth, a person cannot legitimately say that an imminent event will happen soon. The term ' soon' implies that an event must take place within a short time. By contrast, an imminent event may take place within a short time, but it does not have to do so to be imminent. " Imminent" is not equal to ' soon.' By an imminent event we mean one which is certain to occur at some time, uncertain at as to what time."
First, imminency means that the rapture could take place at any moment. While other events may take place before the rapture, no event must precede it. If prior events are required before the rapture, then the rapture could not be described as imminent. Thus, if any event were required to occur before the rapture, then the concept of imminency would be destroyed.
Second, since the rapture is imminent and could happen at any moment, then it follows that one must be prepared for it to occur at any time, without sign or warning.
Third, imminency eliminates any attempt at date setting. Date setting is impossible since the rapture is signless (i.e., providing no basis for date setting) and if imminency is really true, the moment a date was fixed then Christ could not come at any moment, destroying imminency. Fourth, a person cannot legitimately say that an imminent event will happen soon. The term ' soon' implies that an event must take place within a short time. By contrast, an imminent event may take place within a short time, but it does not have to do so to be imminent. " Imminent" is not equal to ' soon.' By an imminent event we mean one which is certain to occur at some time, uncertain at as to what time."
IMMINENCY IN THE NEW TESTAMENT The Believers were always
looking for Christ, not the Antichrisyt!
Pretribulationism requires imminence in that Christ could
return at any moment, yet without the necessity of signs preceding His return.
What New Testament passages teach this truth? Those verses stating that Christ
could return at any moment, without warning and verses instructing believers to
wait and look for the Lord' s coming teach the doctrine of imminence.
As you see, the early Church was looking for Jesus, at
any moment! (Not the Antichrist or the Tribulation)
• 1 Corinthians 1:7- " awaiting eagerly the
revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ,"
• 1 Corinthians 16:22- " Maranatha." (Come Lord Jesus)
• Philippians 3:20- " For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ;"
• Philippians 4:5- " The Lord is near."
• 1 Thessalonians 1:10- " to wait for His Son from heaven,"
• 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18- " For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive, and remain until the coming of the Lord, shall not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of {the} archangel, and with the trumpet of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words."
• 1 Thessalonians 5:6- " so then let us not sleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober."
• 1 Timothy 6:14- " that you keep the commandment without stain or reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ,"
• Titus 2:13- " looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus;"
• Hebrews 9:28- " so Christ . . . shall appear a second time for salvation without reference to sin, to those who eagerly await Him."
• James 5:7-9- " Be patient, therefore, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. . . . for the coming of the Lord is at hand. . . . behold, the Judge is standing right at the door."
• 1 Peter 1:13 - " fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ."
• Jude 21- " waiting anxiously for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life."
• Revelation 3:11; 22:7, 12, 20- " ' I am coming quickly!' "
• Revelation 22:17, 20- " And the Spirit and the bride say, ' Come.' And let the one who hears say, ' Come.' " Blessings! Look for Jesus, not the Antichrist!
• 1 Corinthians 16:22- " Maranatha." (Come Lord Jesus)
• Philippians 3:20- " For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ;"
• Philippians 4:5- " The Lord is near."
• 1 Thessalonians 1:10- " to wait for His Son from heaven,"
• 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18- " For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive, and remain until the coming of the Lord, shall not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of {the} archangel, and with the trumpet of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words."
• 1 Thessalonians 5:6- " so then let us not sleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober."
• 1 Timothy 6:14- " that you keep the commandment without stain or reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ,"
• Titus 2:13- " looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus;"
• Hebrews 9:28- " so Christ . . . shall appear a second time for salvation without reference to sin, to those who eagerly await Him."
• James 5:7-9- " Be patient, therefore, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. . . . for the coming of the Lord is at hand. . . . behold, the Judge is standing right at the door."
• 1 Peter 1:13 - " fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ."
• Jude 21- " waiting anxiously for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life."
• Revelation 3:11; 22:7, 12, 20- " ' I am coming quickly!' "
• Revelation 22:17, 20- " And the Spirit and the bride say, ' Come.' And let the one who hears say, ' Come.' " Blessings! Look for Jesus, not the Antichrist!
Dear Larry and Paula,
enjoyed your video. In Eschatology, it is important to remember that
almost all Christians agree on these three things: 1)
there is coming a time of great tribulation such as the world has never seen, 2) after the Tribulation, Christ will return to
establish His kingdom on earth, and, 3) there
will be a Rapture—a translation from mortality to immortality—for believers (John 14:1-3;1 Corinthians 15:51-52; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). The
question is when does the Rapture occur in relation to the Tribulation and the
Second Coming of Christ?
My approach to Eschatology is based on the “Literal,
Pre-Millennial second coming of Christ, and the
Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church. Pre-tribulationism
teaches that the Rapture occurs before the
Tribulation starts. At that time, the church will meet Christ in the air, and
then sometime after that the Antichrist is revealed and the Tribulation begins.
In other words, the Rapture and Christ’s Second Coming (to set up His kingdom)
are separated by at least seven years. According to this view, the church does
not experience any of the Tribulation.
article, (and the attached documents) presents the overwhelming Biblical evidence for the Pre-tribulation
view and presents some of over 50 Biblical evidences.
Part 1 presents several videos and articles.
Part 2 lists 8 more short videos links
by some of the top teachers of Pre-tribulationism.
Part 3 presents 31 contrast or differences
between the Rapture and the Second Coming to prove that they are
two separate events!
Part 4 Five more Evidences for the Pre-Trib Rapture.
I am also
attaching a couple documents:
- “List of Evidences for the Pre-Trib Rapture”. This will provide many more evidences.
- “Summary and Chronology of
the End Times Timeline” which also contains a description of The Tribulation Period.
This is an
excellent short VIDEO by Andy Woods giving 7 of the top evidences:
“7 Reasons to trust the
Pre-trib Rapture” (very short)
(Each of the seven points
are expounded upon during this short video.)
1. The Tribulation
concerns the nation of Israel, not the Church. Jeremiah 30:7 which says,
“It is the time of Jacob’s trouble”. It is also Daniel’s 70th week. https://www.gotquestions.org/seventy-weeks.html
2. There is no
biblical reference to the church on earth during the tribulation period.
Revelations 4:22
3. The church is
promised exemption from Divine Wrath because Christ already bore of the wrath
of God on the cross for His Bride, His children. Though the church has
experienced persecution, natural disasters, etc. for 2000 years, the
tribulation is explicitly a time for God's wrath. In 5:9, (an End Times
passage) Paul reemphasizes the absence of the Church from this time period by
saying, "For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining
salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ." The wrath spoken of here is
God's judgment on the unbelieving world and His discipline of Israel during the
Tribulation.1 Thess 1:10, Romans 5:9, Revelations 3:10 and 6:17
4. The rapture is
IMMINENT, which means it can happen at any moment. This is a well-established
doctrine in Scripture. The Pre-trip position is the only one that can say:
“Christ may come today”. The moment you place the rapture during the tribulation,
you destroy the doctrine of Imminence because certain events must take place
before the rapture. (1 Corinthians 15:51, 1 Thess 4:15)
5. The rapture is a
COMFORT for Christians 1 Thess 4:18, John 14:1-3. Once you know the horror and
death and destruction during the tribulation you would in no way consider it to
be a comforting time for Christians to look forward to. Matthew 24:21 The
Church is told often in the New Testament to look for Jesus, not the
antichrist! John 12:1-3 is a Rapture verse! Jesus says, "Let not
your heart be troubled. I am coming back to take you to be with me" Would
Jesus say that if we were going to have to go through the Tribulation, the most
horrific time in human history? Of course not!
6. The antichrist
cannot come to power until the restrainer (Holy Spirit within Christians) is
removed 2 Thess 2:67
7. Symbolic
parallels: Like Noah and his family being removed before the flood
and Lot being rescued before Sodom’s destruction. “The Lord knows how to
rescue the godly from trials” 2 Peter 2:5-9
A Few More Short Awesome Videos!!
1. Dr. Thomas Ice - Pre
Tribulation Rapture (Six 10 minute videos)
2. Mark Hitchcock - The
Rapture of the Church
3. Pre-Trib Rapture - John
MacArthur https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOsikYB0Vns
4.Dr. Thomas Ice-
Differences Between the Rapture and Second Coming - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NTWbk5yv9E&t=14s
For more evidence of
a Pre-Trib Rapture go to 1. http://www.raptureready.com/rr-pretribulation-rapture.html
3. www.pre-trib.org (Articles by THE LEADING AUTHORITIES on the
Pre-trib rapture like Dr. Thomas Ice (co-author of "Charting the
End Times" with Tim LaHaye- a must buy!)
4. For a Biblical TIMELINE
of the End Time Events: https://www.gotquestions.org/end-times-timeline.html.
5 For what the Bible
declares will happen in the end times: https://www.gotquestions.org/end-times.html
More Videos from other Teachers of the
End Times!
Mark Hitchcock - The
Rapture of the Church - Aloha Bible
Dr. Thomas Ice Differences Between the Rapture and Second
Coming -
Pre Tribulation Rapture is Biblical - Outline
of Events
Chuck Missler: Pre
Tribulation Rapture Chuck Missler 1 of 2 Last Days Final Hour News
Chuck Missler The Pre Tribulation Rapture Of
Pre-trib under attack
Andy Woods 8 talks on Rapture
Pre-Trib Rapture Proof Rev 4:1-11 David
Hocking (Pt 1 of
The Rapture of Believers in
contrast to the Second Coming of Christ:
It is
critical to know that the Bible teaches two, totally different comings of
Christ! What is the difference between the Rapture and the Second
Coming? These
"contrasts should make it evident that the translation, (Rapture) of
the church is an event quite different in character and time from the
return of the Lord to establish His kingdom, and confirms the conclusion
that the Rapture takes place before the tribulation."
At The Rapture:
At The 2nd Coming:
(Enlarge font if neded)
- Christ
comes to the air, above
earth,1Thes 4:13-18; 2 Th
2:1 Christ and Church returns to the Earth.
(We are “caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in
the air.”)
19:11-21, Jude 14-15; Zech. 14:1-5; Acts1:11
- Christ
comes for His own, John 14:3;1Th 4:13-18 -Christ returns
with His own to Earth.
Rev 19:14
- He
claims His
----------------- He comes with
His bride (Rev. 19:6-14, and Zech 14:5b)
- Rapture
of all
----------------- No one is raptured
- Christian
are taken to Father's House John 14:3 --- Resurrected
saints stay on Earth
- He
is seen only by believers 1Co 15:52
eye will see Him, Mat 24:30
- No
Judgment on Earth
judges inhabitants of earth (Mal. 4:1-2).
- Church
is taken to Heaven
Christ sets up his Kingdom on Earth
- Earth
not judged
judged, Rev 20:4-5
- A
Mystery - 1 Co 15:51 (no mention of in OT) --------- Foretold in
OT, Zech 12:10;
- Imminent-
could happen any moment-------- Happens 7 yrs
after beginning of Tribulation
- No
signs or event prior to --------
definite predicted signs including 7-yr Tribulation
- Christians
taken first (1Th 4:13-18 3 Mat
13:28-30) --- Wicked are
taken first Mat 25:1-13; Rev 3:8-10; Rev 4:1,
- Time
of Joy
of Mourning13.
- The
Judgment Seat of Christ in Heaven-
No Time or Place for Judgment of Church
- He
comes to present the Church to Himself 2
Co 11:2 ---Comes with His Church for judgment and to
set up his Kingdom Rev 19:6-9, Zec 14:3-4; Jud 1:14-15;
Rev 19:11-21
- No
mention of Satan -------------
bound for a thousand years Rev 20
- Marriage
of the Lamb -------------------
His Bride descends with Jesus
- Occurs
in the twinkling of an eye 1
Co 15:52---------Comes to earth
to do battle at specific locations Isa 63:1-3,
Rev 16:16, Zec 12:9-10
- Jesus
descends with a shout. 1Th 4:16 8 ------------ No shout Rev
- Saved
are delivered from wrath, (1 Thess. 1:10; 5-9) …Experience the
wrath of God
Tribulation and at his return. (Rev.
- Tribulation
begins after Rapture.
-------------- Millennial
Kingdom begins.
- Focus:
Lord and Church, 1 Thess.
Israel and Kingdom, (Matt
- After
rapture, the World is deceived by Satan.
is bound (2 Thess. 2:3-12, Rev. 20:1-2).
- Translation(rapture) of all
------- No translation at all. Go into
- Church saints go to heaven
Church saints return with Jesus to earth
- Earth not
judged ---------
Earth judged & righteousness established
- Not in the Old Testament
often in Old Testament
- For Believers
Affects all men
- Before the day of
Concluding the day of wrath
- He claims His
He comes with His bride
Paul speaks of the rapture
as a “mystery” (1 Cor. 15:51-54), that is a truth not revealed until its
disclosure by the apostles (Col. 1:26), making it a separate event, while the
second coming was predicted in the Old Testament (Dan. 12:1-3; Zech. 12:10;
14:4). The movement for the believer at the rapture is from earth to heaven,
while it is from heaven to earth at the second advent. At the rapture,
the Lord comes for his saints (1 Thess. 4:16), while at the second coming the
Lord comes with His saints (1 Thess. 3:13). At the rapture, the Lord comes only
for believers, but His return to the earth will impact all people. The
rapture is a translation/resurrection event where the Lord takes believers “to
the Father’s house” in heaven (John 14:3), while at the second coming believers
return from heaven to the earth (Matt. 24:30). Hindson says, "The
different aspects of our Lord’s return are clearly delineated in the scriptures
themselves. The only real issue in the eschatological debate is the time
interval between them."
A few more evidences for
the Pre-Trib Rapture:
(Don’t forget the attached “List of evidences…)
- Scripturally,
the pre-tribulation view has much to commend it. For example, the church
is not appointed to wrath (1 Thessalonians 1:9-10, 5:9), and believers will not be overtaken by the Day of the
Lord (1 Thessalonians 5:1-9). The church of Philadelphia was promised to be kept
from “the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world” (Revelation 3:10). Note that the
promise is not preservation through the trial but deliverance from the
hour, that is, from the time period of the trial.
2. Pre-tribulationism also finds support in what is not found in Scripture. The word “church” appears nineteen times in the first three chapters of Revelation, but, significantly, the word is not used again until chapter 22. In other words, in the entire lengthy description of the Tribulation in Revelation, the word church is noticeably absent. In fact, the Bible never uses the word "church" in a passage relating to the Tribulation.
3. Pre-tribulationism is the only theory which clearly maintains the distinction between Israel and the church and God’s separate plans for each. The seventy “sevens” of Daniel 9:24 are decreed upon Daniel’s people (the Jews) and Daniel’s holy city (Jerusalem). This prophecy makes it plain that the seventieth week (the Tribulation) is a time of purging and restoration for Israel and Jerusalem, not for the church.
4. Also, pre-tribulationism has historical support. From John 21:22-23, it would seem that the early church viewed Christ’s return as imminent, that He could return at any moment. Otherwise, the rumor would not have persisted that Jesus would return within John’s lifetime. Imminence, which is incompatible with the other two Rapture theories, is a key tenet of pretribulationism.
5. And the preribulational view seems to be the most in keeping with God’s character and His desire to deliver the righteous from the judgment of the world. Biblical examples of God’s salvation include Noah, who was delivered from the worldwide flood; Lot, who was delivered from Sodom; and Rahab, who was delivered from Jericho (2 Peter 2:6-9).
Dale Cangelosi
Belief-The Key To
by Larry Miller
by Larry Miller
What is a miracle? The dictionary
defines miracle as an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in
human affairs. To us, who profess Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, it is
GOD doing for us in our lives what seems and most times is impossible to do for
ourselves! Jesus spoke of our day and time, as a time for miracles and wonders.
While it's true that many have experienced miracles in their lives, many,
sadly, have not! Why is this? Many, if not most times, it is because of a lack
of belief! And, belief is directly linked to faith. The Holy Bible, in the
Living Bible version, the book of Hebrews 11:1 reads, "What is
faith? It is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen.
It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we
cannot see it up ahead."
When we doubt, it
short circuits our faith. And when we lack faith, it inhibits our beliefs! In
the Holy Bible, King James version, the book of Ephesians 2:8-9 states
"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it
is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.
If God created
everything there is from NOTHING, should we doubt what HE can do for us? So,
why is it SO HARD for us to, without doubt, believe God for a miracle? It
may be that we do not feel important enough to God for HIM to perform a miracle
in our life, or in the life of others. If we believe the Holy Bible, front to
back, we must believe the miracles HE has performed in the lives of others.
Abraham and Sarah were many many years past child bearing age according to
statistics and medical science, but God gave them a son as HE promised HE
would! Moses was one hundred and twenty years old when God took him home, and
yet the Holy Bible declares that his eyesight was perfect, and that he was as
strong as a young man! Statistics and medical science would conclude this to be
impossible, but God controls the statistics and medical science, NOT the other
way around!
So, it seems the ONLY
thing keeping us from a miracle, is God's will, and our belief or lack of! What
we speak with our mouths reflects what we believe in our hearts! That even
applies to our salvation! In the Living Bible, the book of Romans 10:9-10
declares, "For if you tell others with your own mouth that Jesus Christ is
your Lord, and believe in your own heart that God has raised him from the dead,
you will be saved. For it is by believing in his heart that a man becomes right
with God; and with his mouth he tells others of his faith, confirming his
salvation. If we trust God through Jesus Christ for our eternal life and
salvation, why should we not believe HIM for ANYTHING else…miracles included!
So many
Christians doubt their worth to God! So many have expressed that they hope to
be "worthy" to be Raptured! Our worth is based ENTIRELY on our
relationship with God through Jesus Christ and what HE has done…NOT what we
have done! Are we as "worthy" as Abraham, Sarah, and Moses? If Jesus
Christ paid the same price for us as HE did them, and HE did, WE MOST CERTAINLY
ARE! Start believing God for a miracle today…HE WANTS TO MAKE ONE HAPPEN FOR
by Sherry Griffin
Blessings . . . Especially this time of year, I find myself thinking
about the amazing people I know and love. For quite some time now I’ve
been astute enough to realize that I, like many Americans, am incredibly
blessed and I am absolutely thankful to the one from whom all blessings flow –
Father God, His Son and the Holy Spirit.
Once I began the journey of stepping back from my life in an attempt
to see Blessing objectively, I found that I had recognized the obvious – faith
in Christ, family, friends, health, job and home and I am incredibly grateful
for them and for you.
Yet I began to realize there was more that I was to see and
understand. Sometimes you just sense a nudge from the Holy Spirit that
says, “There’s more, look deeper.” So, I began to search the Scriptures to see
what Blessings really are. I found ribbons of truth throughout to show us
their purpose and effect.
I have always thought of a Blessing as a benefit given by God to His
children for a job well done or to fill a need. That is true as far as it
goes, but woefully short of the true nature and purpose of Blessing as God
meant it to be understood. Once you begin to probe, think and pray you
begin to see so much more.
God gave 3 blessings during the creation – one to the living creatures
of the sea and air, a second to man and a third to the Sabbath Day itself.
Day Three
– Creatures of the sea and air were Blessed to “be
fruitful and multiply”. The Blessing
was given for a purpose – to equip them for a job they were assigned to do.
Day Six
– Living Creatures were created. Man was created “in His Image” . . . “to
rule over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air and over the
livestock, and over all the earth and over all the creeping creatures that
creep on the earth.” This Blessing was a Blessing of Dominion
and Authority to Rule over the creation.
Day Seven
– God Blessed the Seventh Day - Made it Holy (set apart) and a day of rest to
honor the work He had done, to Honor
Him and His work of Creation.
Blessings were given to Living
to Mankind
and to a Day. Clearly
these weren’t gold stars being handed out for good work since they had done
nothing. Blessing is an equipping for people and creatures. It is also an
honor given to mark an event as a remembrance.
With this altered viewpoint, you recognize the real purpose of
Blessings – to Be a Blessing – to accomplish a God-Given purpose – to be His
Image and to recognize, mark and honor what He has already done in creation.
Go back to Day Six and see that mankind was created “in our
Image”. What does that mean? An image is a representation or a
likeness. So, we are made to be a representation or likeness of our Creator
God here on this earth. We are “like” Him, but we are not Him. As
we grow in the knowledge and likeness of Him we are more able to Image Him or
to be His representative.
What was Jesus doing in His final act on this earth?
“He led the disciples out as far as Bethany, and He lifted up His
hands and blessed them. And while He blessed them, He was parted
from them and carried up into heaven.”
He never ended the blessing . . . He is our High Priest . . . He is
Blessing Us Still. His Blessing has no limitation, no expiration, no
ceasing. It is an unending Blessing! What greater legacy can there
He Blessed Us
so that we can be a Blessing! Our own culture has diminished that to mean
“If I make money, I give money to the church or to a worthy cause and that’s
how I am a Blessing”. As far as it goes, that’s okay, but it is only a
pale imitation of how we see a Blessing in Scripture.
In the first century the cultural Blessing was of utmost
importance. The Blessing of the First Born conveyed property and
spiritual authority. The first born son received twice the amount of
property as the other sons and the first born received the authority to rule
over (guide, guard and protect) the family. So, with the Blessing
(inheritance) came Responsibility. Additional property made extra wealth
available to care for the needs of other members of the family when it was
required. Remember . . . you can’t have privilege without responsibility!
The Blessing of the First Born was so important that Ishmael, born of
an Egyptian slave, Hagar, and fathered by Abraham, was not allowed to receive
the blessing. That Blessing was bestowed upon Isaac, Sarah’s son. God had
a specific purpose for Isaac, and despite the cultural norm of the First Born receiving
the Blessing, God elected Isaac. The fallout from that decision still
rages today in the Middle East. It is more clearly defined as Judaism and
ultimately Christianity versus Islam. Blessings mattered then and they
still matter today!
In the 18th and 19th centuries, a Blessing was given by the
church and a Father and Mother to children upon their marriage. The young
couple sought the blessing of the Body of Christ we think of as “the church”
and their parents on the proposed union. Once that Blessing was given it was a
“joining” of the family and spiritual community in willingness to come
alongside the couple to be available to advise, assist – someone to lean on who
has been there and been successful at it, even in their failures. They’ve
learned and they blessed the couple with that knowledge and experience.
In the 20th and 21st centuries those cultural
constructs have been pushed aside. The tradition is no longer honored and
we see unions without Blessing, without support and the aftermath it creates is
horrific. We’ve replaced it with moral relativism - “I will do whatever I
want, however I want with whomever I want and it’s none of your business”.
The focus on ‘Just Me’ has become our god. We’ve become our own
idol. We’ve culturally cast aside on the dust heap of convenience and
entitlement those things which gave us security and support within a family and
spiritual structure.
Be careful of your wishes, they could become reality. You are on
your own and your only support system is a blind and faithless government which
give you a fish, but it will never teach you to fish or to become
independent. Your dependency conveys your strength and power to the
entity upon which you depend.
Our society has arrived at this point, but we don’t have to join the
Church of Me, the Gospel of God Owes Me or the Religion of Self-Will. As
a nation and people, we have sacrificed our Blessings on the altars of I Will,
If it Feels Good Do it and Social Justice.
However, we do not, as individuals, have to agree with society’s
choice or their behavior. In fact, we must be willing to SAY NO! We
are the image of God and we must choose to reflect His values, His choices by
doing what He instructed, by living as He lived. By a willingness to
stand up in our land and say, that is not acceptable to me – that is against
the teaching of God which I hold true. No – I will not be a part of this.
We must require it of our leaders.
How do we begin to turn our life and culture back in the right
direction? We begin by Being a Blessing. We learn to heal and not to
injure with our own voices. We speak Blessings – not curses.
The Power of Life and Death is in the Tongue. How is that
possible? Take a step back and think it through – God created the Heavens
and the Earth and all that is within it by SPEAKING it into being. We are
created in His Image. We can’t create people, animals or the cosmos but
we can certainly wreak havoc in the life of another by our clever, cutting and
hateful remarks. Scripturally, those are curses – the antitheses of
How many darts are stuck in our own hearts and minds and those of our
children from careless, hateful words thrown our way as a child, a teen or an
adult? We have felt it and we have done it to others.
If you wore glasses, you were 4 eyes.
If you were afraid of something you were a chicken.
If you were a bit overweight, you were a pig.
If you were too skinny, you were a string bean.
If you raised your hand and offered to answer a question or help in
class you were a suck-up and teacher’s pet.
If you offered to do extra work at the office you were seeking brownie
If you slipped and fell, you were clumsy.
If you burned dinner, you were a horrible cook.
If you wrecked the car, you were a bad driver.
The list is never ending. Those words spoken were curses.
They damaged self-esteem and caused unnecessary harm. Many were simply
not true and said maliciously to hurt, others were said out of sheer stupidity
– but they caused harm nonetheless.
Now think back again. How many times have you said or done
things which hurt others? Whether it was intentional, thoughtless or just
to be clever or noticed by the group -- it was wrong and you spoke evil into
another person’s life.
We are beings of Free Will. We can choose to Image God and be a
Blessing or Image our Sin Nature and be a Curse. We always have a
choice. The question is WHEN WE MAKE OUR CHOICE. If our choice
directly affects only us and we are individually the only person to gain or
lose from that choice – it’s ours to make. Any time our choice tramples
someone else’s free will, coerces them or binds them to a decision in which
they had no choice – you’ve transgressed another’s Free Will.
The choice was given to us in Scripture, God said – “I have put before
you life and death, the blessing and the curse. You choose.”
This is still the choice for each of us today. I choose Blessing
and I choose to Be A Blessing, not just receive Blessings. If we have
skills, abundance of finance, clothing, food, human kindness or wisdom we
become a blessing when we share. We can choose to empower, to enable to
achieve, to assist by creating an environment where others learn, grow and
achieve. God does not enable in order to control and we must be His Image
and do the same.
What about the Blessings in our own life that aren’t so obvious?
How can we learn to recognize and be grateful for and utilize those?
Here’s a start –
Every problem, crisis, adversity, setback and sorrow will be turned to
blessing triumph and breakthrough when you have chosen to walk with God to the
best of your current ability. These are blessings in disguise waiting to
be realized. How do I know that? Hindsight! Many of the
things I believed to be a horrible disaster and unfair to the max proved to be
the things which taught me the most. More importantly, God said so -
“And we know that all works together for good to those who love God,
to those who are the called according to His purpose.”
I know I love God and I know He called me for His purpose. I
know HE CANNOT LIE. Therefore, all things work together for good.
How I react in each situation will determine when and how much
blessing I will derive from it. The first question I’m learning to ask
is, “What can I learn from this situation, trouble or problem that I could not
have realized without it?” God has allowed it for a reason, therefore, my
first response must be to attempt to discern what He wants me to learn, do, see
or experience – the things I could not grasp or have not grasped without
it. God teaches us by His Word and by our experience. We can choose
our preferred method. For me, I choose His Word as my mode of learning
since Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you wanted.
Experience is a brutal instructor.
Remember, we are created in His Image as a representation and likeness
of Him. As we grow in the knowledge of Him we should be a better, clearer
more exact likeness of Him. The mirror of Him, our life, should become
more clearly like Him. The people around us may not yet be able to
identify exactly what it is, but they should be able to see something
distinctly different about us, unlike the world and its distortions.
Imaging of God is a process, not an event and how we become more like
Him is to learn from this training session called life to respond and react as
Jesus did when He was here on earth. We are ALREADY . . . BUT NOT YET . .
. LIKE HIM. It will happen – you made that choice when you became
How do we make it happen sooner?
Recognize the difficulty as a blessing – an opportunity to grow and
Respond as we are directed in His Word, In Love.
Take control of that Tongue!
Once we learn to do these things, our time in the midst of the trouble
will be lessened. Difficulties are our classroom and once we learn the
lesson we can then be a blessing to others, pass the course and move on to
another learning experience. If you continue to have the same problem,
you didn’t pass the test and you’re repeating the course. Look back,
review and change your response. Don’t continue doing the same thing over
and over and expecting a different result. We build our experiences,
layer upon layer to become a better Image of God.
We often struggle with the questions, “Why am I here? What could God
use me for? Can I make a contribution to the lives of others?”
Oftentimes your past difficulties will define your new opportunities – the areas
in which you could be the greatest Blessing to others. What you have
overcome empowers you to assist others who experience the same struggles.
You know what to do, YOU SURVIVED – pass it along and be a Blessing.
Parents who’ve lived through the loss of a child are a Blessing to
those who are in that dark valley.
A woman who has survived rape can minister to a rape victim like no
other could possibly do.
A Father who is raising his children alone can help another Father who
is experiencing this same walk.
The grown child who suffered verbal and/or physical abuse as a child
can speak to the broken heart of a child experiencing that pain when no one
else can help.
For those who recognize the ashes of their experience contain
Blessings, their difficulties can become opportunities and they, themselves, a
blessing to others. The mountain which was my problem, has now become my
channel of blessings to fulfill my purpose by lifting someone else up.
So many references and examples in Scripture were agricultural.
The culture of Bible Times was directly connected to the land and the people
could easily grasp the point being made through these references. Think
in that cultural time and you’ll get the references and understand the lessons
much more easily. The people of God are referred to as Trees, Jesus
is a root and branch and branches are broken and grafted back in. Many
things happened in a garden so we ought to take a closer look.
Eden was the perfect place where Adam and Eve made the dreadful decision to disobey God and they were banned from that perfect place.
Jesus sweat great drops of blood and was seized in a garden as He prayed, “If it be possible, let this cup pass from me. But, not my will, but Thine be Done”.
Jesus was laid in a garden Tomb after the crucifixion and was resurrected there.
It seems fitting then, that we are pictured as a tree in this garden
of life which produces fruit. What fruit are we producing in our
life? What fruit is growing on our branches? How do we know what good
fruit looks like versus bad. It’s really easy – look in His Word.
Scripture defines the Works (fruits) of the flesh as well as the fruit
of the Spirit.
“And the works of the flesh are well-known, which are adultery,
whoring, uncleanness, indecency, idolatry, drug sorcery, hatred, quarrels,
jealousies, fits of rage, selfish ambitions, dissensions, factions, envy,
murders, drunkenness, wild parties and the like . . . “
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness, trustworthiness, gentleness, self-control.”
When we are shaken, and we will be, will the fruit that falls to the
ground or on someone’s head be the good fruit of the
Spirit or the fruit of the flesh? What will come out of our
mouth – Blessings or Curses? Out of the abundance of our heart, the mouth
speaks. What exists in our hearts? Will we project the Image of God
(the fruits of the spirit) or fallen mankind (the works of the flesh)?
It simply means do what He said - Jesus left us with 2
Commandments -
“’You shall love God with all your heart, and with all your being, and
with all your mind’. This is the first and great command. And the second
is like it. ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”
So then - What is Love from God’s viewpoint?
Love - pure, absolute divine love is uncaused and
unmerited. It exists as God exists, of its own without Cause. God
was not created, He has always existed and the love of God has always existed
with Him.
God needs no reason to love you. He loves you because He is and
because He has chosen to Love You. You can’t Cause God to love you
anymore than you can Cause (create) God Himself. Divine Love is without
cause, simply because God has made the choice to Love You with . . . no reason
or cause.
What does that mean? Since you cannot cause God to love you,
neither can you cause God to stop loving you. What a relief – my sins, my
failures, my shortcomings and my mistakes cannot separate me from the love of
God. I can choose to leave God and His Love (just because I was saved I
did not relinquish my free will), but I can never sin enough, mess up enough or
make enough mistakes to cause God to stop loving me.
Divine Love is the Greatest Blessing of All!
My Prayer for the Upcoming Year – Abba Father, I confess to you my
failures, my shortcomings and my sin. I ask for your forgiveness and a
forgiving heart for the year ahead. Lord Jesus, help me to live in
constant awareness of the blessings you’ve bestowed on me and the opportunities
for blessing others that I am being given. Holy Spirit teach me by your
Word and not by my circumstances, but when circumstances are necessary help me
to be a quick study and a fast learner. Father you’ve created me to
produce the fruit of the spirit, but when I allow the fruit of the flesh to
fall when I’m shaken – I ask you to forgive me, make me mindful and prevent me
from speaking curses to and about others. Make my tongue more quick and
sure to Bless and to forgive, not to curse. I choose to Image you
and not my fallen flesh, but without your Spirit and the Blood of Jesus that is
not possible. Help me to decrease, Jesus, so that You can increase in my
life. Let your image be made clearer in me every day.
I speak Blessings of Wisdom, Knowledge, Discernment, Health, Abundance
and the Love of Christ to each and every person that I know and come into
contact with today and every day. Father God, Bless them Indeed!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name and By His Precious Blood I pray – Amen.
Commit with me today to be purposeful as you seek and bestow the
Blessings of Almighty God upon those you love, those you meet in passing and
especially those whom you see as your enemies.
So . . . Love someone today . . . Encourage someone today . . .
Inspire someone today . . . Praise someone today . . . Protect someone today .
. . Befriend someone today . . . Share with someone today . . . Comfort
someone today and every day and . . . you will become The
Blessing you were destined to be!
Love and Blessings –
P. S.
If this was a Blessing to you . . . be a Blessing and pass it along!